“Dacha penal servitude” is a phrase that should disappear from our vocabulary forever. And “dacha vacation” begins with preparing the place - and landscape design. Let's look at photos of the best options for landscape design of a summer cottage near a country house.

"The dacha is not about relaxation." Somehow it has become the custom since the times of the Soviet Union that the concepts of “dacha” and “garden” are closely related for us. For members of the older generation, a country house (dacha) is not a place of relaxation, but a means of survival. Are you jealous of the models in the pictures about their vacation in a cottage on the river bank? Have you always dreamed of your own small forest with a gazebo and a hammock, but do you strongly associate a dacha with beds, seasonal work on potatoes and, at best, barbecues? It's time to break the persistent stereotypes and finally arrange the dacha so that it is pleasant to spend time there.

Where to start designing a site near a country house

You should start arranging your dacha with those same “acres”, usually covered with beds with cucumbers and dill. Meanwhile, a summer cottage plot is a good opportunity to try yourself as a landscape designer.

The first step is to sketch out your site plan. When designing a garden, you need to start from the location of the house. Mark where there are already buildings (except for a country house, there is often a garage, summer kitchen or tool shed on the territory). And now it’s time to think about what you need for a good rest. with a barbecue? Goldfish pond? Beds with your favorite variety of strawberries? Write down everything that your imagination suggests and place it on the plan.

PLEASE NOTE! the height of plants on the site should decrease from north to south. The beds are where it is warmer. Trees are where the north is.

Independently designing and decorating a summer cottage will require patience, knowledge in many areas and considerable effort. In the excitement of design and a burst of inspiration, do not forget about what exactly you wanted to see on the site from the very beginning. In the process, it is very easy to get carried away and lose the main idea. As a result, instead of a cozy garden and a dream house, you risk getting the same chaos from the beds with which you started the renovation.

Don't be afraid to implement bold ideas and trust your intuition, but try not to stray too far from the core idea and style that you like.


The path layout is laid depending on which areas of the garden you need access to. Good decision - lay out an “excursion route” past those parts of the site that look most attractive. There must be an easy path to the beds and flower beds (if you have saved them).

Note! Main paths should be smooth, without sharp turns.

A walking route among trees or flowers can be made winding and complex so that guests have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of a flowerbed or garden composition from all sides.

There is not as much space on the dacha plot as we would like. But even with conditionally cramped conditions, the width of the path must be chosen taking into account the fact that two people should “diverge” freely on it. The optimal width is 1-1.5 meters.

The garden path should have a slight slope on both sides - then puddles will not form on it. In addition, rainwater from the path will additionally “water” nearby flower beds and wash away dust from the path itself.

The material for the garden path must be resistant to temperature changes, durable and aesthetically pleasing. Most often, concrete, stone or decorative tiles are used to design paths in a country yard. A more natural option is paths sprinkled with sand or gravel. Mosaic paths made of pebbles look very attractive.


Landscape design received less attention than interior design. What can we say about lighting an area if it is not always remembered in interior design? With the right lighting, an area can look more interesting in the evenings than during the day.

We use functional lighting, but forget about decorative lighting. To illuminate paths, turns and buildings on the site, diffused soft light is enough, which makes it possible to safely move around the yard, but does not distract from observing the garden.

Recessed lamps are perfect for functional lighting. They can be mounted along paths, at the edges of steps and near railings. The main purpose is to serve as “guiding lights”, without blinding or irritating the eye. You can also use lamps on posts - if you don’t mind that during the daytime a “fence” will be visible around the garden paths. Bollards come in all possible styles, so even a technical lighting element can be used to support the overall mood of the space.

Thanks to decorative lighting, you can highlight all the advantages of a site by highlighting individual trees or highlighting flower beds.

To illuminate shrubs, trees or decorative elements, ground mini-spotlights are usually used. They are able to provide not just a warm or cold tone of lighting, but also illuminate the area in any color - thanks to the filters on the glass.

Features of lighting for a summer cottage:

  • lamps need less power than in the city
  • It is better to choose energy-saving lamps
  • It is advisable to provide the possibility of separate inclusion of technical and decorative lighting
  • The power cable for the lighting should be well insulated so that you do not accidentally damage it during gardening work

Garden figurines

Garden figurines of gnomes, animals and mythical characters are very popular in the West, where each of the characters has its own story. You can install any decor on the site. The main thing is that it does not look like a “foreign body” and matches the style of the house and garden. Garden gnomes often hide in bushes, and a forest fairy should live near a tree. Come up with your own fairy tale about how the Easter bunny or dragon came into your garden.

Landscaping garden plot

Tall plants are best placed on the north side. The middle strip of the site is set aside for bushes. If you decide to save a few beds of tomatoes and peppers “for salad”, these plants feel best in sufficient light, on the south side of the garden.

All typical country gardens are planned in a regular style. Beds, greenhouses and even rows of trees are arranged in a geometric pattern.

Landscape design involves a more natural and natural arrangement of trees and flowers. Particular attention is paid to the nuances of the relief. If there is a hillock on your summer cottage, you should not level it. Try to play with the composition that nature has already created for you.

Alpine slide

Alpine slide is a small piece of real mountains, created by your own hands. A simple pile of stones with flowers somehow stuck between them is not an alpine slide. This decor is not as easy to create as it seems. Before you start implementing a composition, it’s a good idea to plan it on paper. A real mountain has peaks and cliffs, smooth plateaus and a green valley.

Construction of the slide begins in the fall. The first layer is gravel or broken brick, on top of which an earthen mixture is poured (in a heap, of course). The approximate height is about a meter (later, when the earth “settles”, the slide will become a little lower).

After shrinking, large stones are installed in the hill (they are buried halfway into the ground). Medium and small elements are placed on top. The choice of plants for a slide depends not only on their requirements for soil and light, but also on the general style of the site. But first of all, you should pay attention to flowers and herbs that do not require complex care.

Important! The basis for an alpine slide is perennial plants, while annual flowers can be replanted several times a year, updating and changing the appearance of the slide.

Popular plants for alpine hills:

  • edelweiss;
  • sedum;
  • saxifrage;
  • lumbago;
  • gubastik.

Flowerbeds in the garden plot

A flowerbed is not necessarily the usual circle or rectangle filled with even rows of flowers. Creating an elegant and thoughtful flower bed requires taste and some effort, but the beauty of the resulting composition is worth it.

Vertical flower beds

Vertical gardening is a popular type of design for urban spaces that can be adapted for a summer cottage. Who said that flowers have to live on earth? They need soil, but soil can be supplied to the height of human growth.

Advantages of vertical flower beds:

  • REQUIRE LESS SPACE than traditional flower beds;
  • THEY MAKE THE SITE ORIGINAL due to the non-standard solution.

Although flowering plants are most often used for vertical flower beds, ornamental vegetables, herbs or greens look no less attractive - and even more unusual. An interesting option for vertical flower beds is climbing fruit-bearing plants.

Classic forms of vertical flower beds:

  • pyramid- plants are planted in a multi-tiered container;
  • flower tower- similar to a pyramid, but the diameter of the “tiers” does not decrease.


Rabatki - flower stripes, usually located along paths, fences or around lawns. The planting width is from half a meter. When the plants in such a flower bed bloom, the ground is covered with a continuous bright carpet.

Types of discounts:

  • unilateral(usually located along the house or fence line);
  • bilateral(usually designed in the middle of the alley).

Plants for flower beds can be very different. The basic principle of choosing plants for gardening is that they should be low, bright, and match each other in color.


This is a flower garden where herbs, small shrubs and even small trees are organically combined. Caring for it is quite difficult, because each of the plants requires special conditions. Weeding can also add problems - dense planting is a distinctive feature of the mixborder. This type of flower bed is often found in landscape-style gardens, where plants are arranged in such a way as to create a feeling of “accident” of their appearance on the site.

Mixborder features:

  • free lines and shapes of flower beds
  • tall plants - in the background (if there is one viewpoint) or in the center (if the flower garden can be viewed from several sides)
  • Contrasting color combinations look impressive, or vice versa - different types of plants in the same range.

Design project for a summer cottage depending on the area

The style and fullness of a summer cottage directly depends on how many acres are at your disposal. Don’t try to implement everything at once if you only have 6 acres of land. The garden may not fit a swimming pool, but small flower beds and paths will be in perfect condition.

What to consider when planning:

  • Terrain and natural relief.
  • Shape of the plot. The usual “cut” of land can be square, but there are also L-shaped and triangular sections. These features can be used and played up in design.
  • Soil type. This determines how plants will feel comfortable in your garden.
  • Location relative to cardinal directions. This is important both for planting trees and for thinking through garden lighting schemes.

Plot 6 acres

For small plots, the geometric style that was so often found in Soviet vegetable gardens is best suited. It allows you to use the available space as efficiently as possible. You can add originality using non-standard moves (for example, vertical gardening).

NOTE! The house should not cast a shadow on light-loving plants.

Garden trees planted in a row on the north side will not only help organize the space, but will also “shelter” the house from cold winds. In the northern part there are technical buildings and a greenhouse.

If you are not hiding something too important, it is better to abandon the high fence. In a small area, it will only increase the feeling of cramped space. Garden paths with smooth curves (not straight) will also help to add “spaciousness”.

Plot 10 acres

The basic rules for designing a site do not depend on the area. The trees and the barn are still in the north. But you have much more room for imagination when designing the southern part. On a plot of 10 acres, you can already equip a gazebo, sow a lawn and even build a bathhouse or sauna (planted with climbing plants).

On a plot of this size, you can arrange a Japanese garden (you will have to tinker with installing a gazebo and creating an artificial stream) or a “wildlife corner”, which will be filled not with garden trees, but with forest trees. In this case, it is important to plant not only tall plants, but also undergrowth - herbs and shrubs that do not require a lot of light (daisies, bells and ferns are what you need).

Plot 12 acres

Such an area will fit not only residential buildings, but also a small pond with a waterfall. The soil extracted during the construction of a reservoir can easily be converted into the base for an alpine slide or an independent element of landscape design.

Narrower paths can run from the central path to the house, leading to secluded corners of the garden, to a gazebo or stream.

12 acres make it possible to allocate children their own space on the site and equip a play area with soft grass, where there are no sharp corners, thorny plants or tall trees.

How to do your own landscaping

To competently arrange a site with your own hands without involving a designer, you will need the following skills:

  • agronomist
  • builder and surveyor
  • and, of course, the artist

You should start by studying the features of the shape and location of your site, plotting all existing buildings on the plan and marking out functional areas. Next, armed with a directory of garden trees and plants or a seed store catalog, select those species that suit you for aesthetic reasons - and which suit your site.

The article talks about how to create landscape design on the site of a country house. Various design styles, options for decorating elements and the secrets of a cozy arrangement of the territory are considered. After reading, you will understand the intricacies of landscape design, you will be able to communicate on the same wavelength with designers and independently make useful changes to the project.

Source ochag23.ru

Basics of modern landscape design

Landscape design is the art of three directions: architecture, construction and design. The site of a country house should reflect the character of its owners, their principles and priorities. Landscape design has been around for a long time and has undergone many changes over hundreds of years: different design styles have appeared, materials and design methods have changed.

Each homeowner can find or create their own decorating style. But there are 3 main principles of landscape design:

    Simplicity. All elements should be simple for visual perception.

    Convenience. Every plant and structure should have value for the owner: bear fruit, create an inspiring atmosphere, calm or encourage action.

    beauty. All details must be harmoniously combined with each other: plants with buildings, open fire with electric lighting...

Simplicity, convenience, beauty - 3 principles of landscape design Source yandex.ru

To maintain these 3 principles, it is enough to follow 3 rules:

    Avoid massive buildings. Man has been in harmony with nature for a long time, and large buildings are associated with cities and regular stress. We recommend building the main house on 1-3 floors, and making the remaining buildings no higher than 1 floor.

    Hide fences from sight. High obstacles and walls create the impression of enclosure and limited territory. Try to hide the fence from the inside with plants, this removes psychological discomfort. To do this, a hedge of shrubs and trees is planted around the perimeter.

    Give back priority for small trees. Plantings should not look gigantic compared to other buildings. It is better to give preference to small ornamental plants.

Source gardeninga.com

The rules may change during the course of work. For example, some homeowners will want to plant an oak tree on their property or erect a large fence to protect the area. These issues should be discussed with the chief designer of the project at the interview stage; the specialist will be able to take into account the wishes of the owners and not violate the basic principles of design.

Good to know! The design planning is carried out by the “Landscape Designer”. The specialist has knowledge in engineering, biology, computer engineering and design. If you want to get the best job, turn to professionals.

Composition is the key to comfort

All design elements should look harmonious together. Composition is the ability to form a single whole from many simple parts. Each detail must match the others in color, size and location. A giant tree looks unaesthetic next to a small house; a large fountain does not go well with small flower beds.

Source actionquarterly.com

Styles for landscape design

One of the most important rules for creating comfort is maintaining the same style for all parts of the site. Landscaping has been around for a long time. The modern name appeared only 200 years ago, and the very principles of plot design changed along with humanity.

Landscape art began to actively develop in the 14th-16th centuries during the Renaissance. A lot of time has passed since those times: other styles have appeared, buildings, priorities and design principles have changed. Now there are 8 main stylistic directions:








    High tech

Let's look at the features of each of them in more detail.

Source brbel.ru


Classic style is also called French or regular. The main idea is to show the dominance of man over nature. Straight alleys, strict forms, soft shades and space. Suitable for large areas from 15 acres.

Source th.decoratex.biz

Rustic (country)

The most famous and popular style, its main features: simplicity, naturalness and ease. Here owners can show maximum creativity and give freedom to creative ideas. Homemade decorative elements made from barrels, logs, stones and other available materials are welcome.

Source painterfactory.com

English (landscape)

The complete opposite of the classic design. The surrounding atmosphere recreates the era of noble estates of the 19th century. The style implies a rejection of strict forms and the predominance of the idea of ​​“reasonable” intervention in nature. The main emphasis is on an ideal lawn and an abundance of flower beds.

Source roomester.ru

Provençal (French country)

The combination of strict classics and creative ideas led to the emergence of the Provençal movement. Broken lines, homemade decorations, vines and a chaotic arrangement of flowers in clay pots are allowed. The main condition is to create an elegant, light, romantic atmosphere.

Source pinterest.cl


The land of the “rising sun” is known for many philosophical teachings about inner harmony. The main idea of ​​the style: “simplicity with attention to detail.” Many elements are asymmetrical but fit perfectly together in the composition. The presence of water is an important element of philosophical reflection and concentration.

Source pinterest.com


Thoughtfulness of every detail, strict lines, harmony of neutral and bright colors. The main idea of ​​Art Nouveau is to combine luxurious design and modern technology.

Source champsbahrain.com


Chinese philosophers founded the “Yin-Yang” principle, in which everything is based on the contrast of two opposites. The main emphasis is on the opposition of things: stone and water; bright and dark; low and high.

Source dekoriko.ru

High tech

A young direction in design that combines minimalism and functionality. Various ideas for landscape design of a country house can be implemented in a high-tech style. The main task of high-tech is to create convenience with minimal use of resources. Plastic, glass and metal are used for finishing. Plants are small in size, mostly shrubs with sharp leaves. At night, decorative lighting is required.

Source pinterest.com
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer landscaping services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Video description

Learn more about the different styles and basics of landscape design in the video:

Zoning of the site

At the design stage, it is necessary to coordinate the placement of various zones on the site. It is important to divide the entire site into functional zones; their number and size depend on the wishes of the owners and the total area of ​​the territory.

Source genmontage.ru

There are 6 functional zones, according to their purpose:

    Rest. A place where the whole family can gather, discuss the past day and have a good time. Often equipped with fountains, fireplaces and many decorative elements.

    Accommodation. A country house was created with temporary residence in mind; in the residential area there is a house, a garage, a kitchen, a toilet and other amenities of modern life.

    Dining room. When the weather is good, you don’t want to stay at home; a great solution would be to have a picnic in the summer dining area.

    Sports. Regular exercise has a positive effect on mood and health. The sports zone is a small area with exercise equipment or a sports ground with a special coating.

    Children's. During the holidays, the kids have nothing to do, so you can build a small playground for them with a slide, swings and a sandbox.

    Garden. Many homeowners like to have a vegetable garden or orchard with fruit trees on their property. The main thing is to succinctly fit the design of the garden landscape design into the overall composition.

Source domoren.ru

Design of the main elements

Many landscape design ideas are based on non-standard design of functional and decorative elements. In classic design, everything is subject to strict rules and handmade changes lead to a violation of the composition. But if we are talking about country, modern, Provence and other creative trends, then each element can be decorated at your discretion.


One of the main conditions of landscape design is to create a cozy atmosphere: combining natural beauty and everyday amenities. The lawn is the most important element of the design of the territory; it fills the free space and does not allow weeds to grow throughout the territory.

Source jordyrockit.com

There are 3 types of lawn:

    Ordinary. Uniform coating, resistant to trampling, can be trimmed to the desired length. Used to fill free space instead of soil or asphalt.

    Sports. Used in places of active recreation and entertainment. It has maximum resistance to trampling and other mechanical damage.

    Decorative. Used as a background next to flower beds, it requires careful and regular care.

Source flipkart.com

garden path

Paths connect the zones with each other; in addition to the functional load, they play an important role in maintaining the overall composition. The material can be gravel, pebbles, tiles, bricks and others. It is important to respect the aesthetics and color combinations of the material with the rest of the environment. From a practical point of view, it makes sense to create a slight slope to drain rainwater, as well as add lighting for movement at night.

Source houzz.com

Reservoirs (ponds, fountains, pools)

Water is a vital part of the design. In the Japanese style, it plays a key aesthetic role, but in other areas it is an excellent functional addition (for drinking, washing, watering plants). There are 6 design options for reservoirs:







    Water Mill

An excellent solution is to create a small pool on the site. It can be aesthetically integrated into the design and used for entertainment in the summer. If you don’t want to spend money on building a functional reservoir, you can create a decorative fountain or pond.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey water supply and sewerage services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”

Source in.pinterest.com

Source editorial-ink.us

Source kykyryzo.ru

Video description

More details about the design of landscape design ponds in the video:


Fences on the territory are the key to safety on the site. But it is also part of the design. We recommend using wood, brick, metal or stone as cladding materials. If English, Provencal or rustic style is used, then the fence is decorated with green hedges, vines, vines or other vegetation.

Source sabdabhala.club

Source pinterest.com

Source wondergarden.ru

Flower beds

A flower garden is a limited area in which ornamental plants (flowers, shrubs, trees) grow. They have no practical use, but are pleasant to the eye. Flower beds are divided into 3 types:




Source pinterest.com

Source best.xbubs.ru

Source pinterest.com

Green spaces

In addition to flowers, it is advisable to place ornamental trees and shrubs on the territory. Plantings should not be large in size.

Important! If you want to grow fruit trees, then give preference to low-growing species. They fit harmoniously into the overall design, but in addition they bring a good harvest with proper care.

Source pinterest.ru

With the help of shrubs you can create a comfortable place to relax Source pinterest.com

Source ldacha.ru


The gazebo is an important element of the recreation area. You can read a book in the evening, spend time with your family, or sit in a cheerful group with friends. A relatively simple structure, but it brings so many benefits. A gazebo can be decorated in many different ways, the main thing is to follow the rules of the chosen style.

Source dcmdva-apld.org


In order to design dacha ideas for a dacha landscape, you need to take care of the decorations; special attention is paid to them. With the help of sculptures, lighting and decorations, home owners emphasize the characteristics of their character and thinking.

There are many decorative elements, but the most interesting are the following:

    From a functional point of view, heating structures should be installed indoors; outdoors, it is mainly used to create a cozy atmosphere.

Source decorateme.com

    Lighting. An excellent addition to the design would be decorative lighting for plants. Proper lighting creates a romantic, mysterious atmosphere and emphasizes the natural shades of nature.

Source kinfolks.info

    Sculptures reflect the character of the owners, their goals and priorities. These can be fairy-tale creatures or ancient heroes, works of art or the work of an amateur. The sculpture attracts attention and shows the “zest” of the owners of the site.

Source stroikairemont.com

    Alpine slide recreates a mountain landscape in miniature. Creating this decoration is a rather labor-intensive process, but after completion of the work, the alpine slide will be an excellent addition to the overall composition.

Source in.pinterest.com

    Stones have important aesthetic significance in the environment. You shouldn’t throw them away along with the soil; a professional designer can give them a good look and use them as part of the composition.

Source ipmsipswich.club

Video description

Learn more about different ideas for using stones in the video:

How to properly plan a design for different areas

The layout of the site directly depends on its area. On the territory of a health camp of 50 acres, you can organize much more than in a dacha with 10 acres.

Source lt.aviarydecor.com

You don’t need much for personal happiness; it’s enough to have 6 acres to create a cozy landscape in your dacha. When planning it is important to consider:

    Natural relief. Often, site owners try to correct shortcomings and achieve ideal forms, but creative designers propose to play with the relief and use its unevenness for their own purposes.

    Soil type. Landscape design presupposes the presence of green spaces; the choice of plants directly depends on the characteristics of the soil.

    Location relative to cardinal directions. Many plants depend on their location, proper planning allows you to protect yourself from cold winds, choose the best place to relax and work, protect your home from drafts, increase or decrease the amount of sunlight and much more.

    Plot size. The more free space, the more ideas you can implement. It is reckless to try to arrange all zones on 6 acres, as in hotels with 50 acres.

    Stylistic preferences. Choose the best style for yourself and communicate all your wishes to the project designer. The overall appearance must be consistent in the same style, otherwise the overall composition and external beauty will be lost.

Source eltctricon.ru

6 acres

An area of ​​600 square meters is quite enough for comfortable living in the countryside. With such a plot it is more convenient to organize landscape design in the garden. To save space, it is recommended to create multi-level terraces, vertical flower beds and avoid tall trees.

Source yandex.ru

10 acres

In the northern part there are trees and a barn. The south side leaves plenty of room for creative ideas and planning. You can install a gazebo, build a swimming pool with a sauna and arrange a cozy garden.

On a plot of 10 acres you can recreate a river or other body of water, you can plant a Japanese garden on the territory, build a gazebo or a bathhouse Source vip-1gl.ru

12 acres or more

Plot of more than 1200 sq. meters opens up vast opportunities for creativity and construction. Here you can place many zones, build several reservoirs and residential buildings.

Important! The size of the plot is not so important; what is more important is the designer’s ability to carry out the layout correctly. Professionals can arrange a plot of 6 acres with maximum comfort and amenities. Amateurs can force even 20 acres to be used for other purposes.

Source vudecy.colmoren.ru.net

How to visually expand the area of ​​the site

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a large plot of land. But designers know how to play the situation correctly; with the help of some tricks they help visually expand the free space. There are 5 main tricks:

    Well-groomed lawn. Debris and unevenness affect the visual perception.

    Winding paths. This little trick lengthens the overall path of movement, so when walking, a small area becomes slightly larger.

    Correct zoning. Dividing into zones expands the visual space; it is better to use hedges as dividers.

    Laws of linear perspective. Tall trees or shrubs are planted along the borders, and low-growing plants are located closer to the house.

    Vertical gardening. Free up horizontal space and use the vertical plane to place decorations and flowers.

Source yandex.ru

Construction stages and costs

In total there are 7 stages:


    Site layout

    Land works

    Paving paths

    Arrangement of drainage systems


    Lawn covering

The duration of the arrangement and the cost of the work directly depend on the area of ​​the site. You need to find out the exact amount from the company that will do this.

Source sad-s.ru

Video description

You can view all stages of landscape design construction in the video:

15 landscape design ideas

We invite you to look at pictures of landscape design. On them we collected various ideas and options for designing plots.

Source eltctricon.ru

Source benimmulku.com

The combination of colors, materials and plants determine the overall surrounding atmosphere and mood Source threeparkstreet.com Source threeparkstreet.com

Source pinterest.com

Source pinterest.com

Source pinterest.com

Source secretdesignstudio.com

Source eltctricon.ru

Source pinterest.com

Source aremaindonesia.com

Source liveinternet.ru

Source eltctricon.ru

Source folksland.net

Source pinterest.com
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”


There are thousands of landscape design options, and if you want to get the best result, we recommend turning to professionals. Specialists receive higher education in this field and one article cannot describe all the intricacies of their work.

Land development always begins with a plan. Rational use and artistic design of a personal plot are possible only as a result of its correct and thoughtful planning, taking into account natural, climatic, local, national and everyday features. In this article we will tell you how to decorate a garden plot with your own hands in a village using scrap materials, and we will give video and photo instructions on how to decorate it.

The smaller the area of ​​the site, the more carefully you need to plan it and think through the design details.


When placing elements of the estate and choosing plantings, it is necessary to take into account the location of the place relative to the sides of the horizon, prevailing winds, the condition of the soil and ground, as well as its topography. Natural relief does not always and fully satisfy planning requirements; in such cases, it is recommended to carry out vertical planning.

For small elevation differences (up to 5%), no excavation work is carried out, leaving the natural topography, and the house is built with a basement or ground floor, or only the site for building the house is leveled.

In areas with a steep slope (8-12%), the situation can be corrected by terracing the area across the slope, and the steeper the slope, the more terraces are needed. Stairs are installed between the terraces, and the surfaces of the terraces are connected by retaining walls. As a rule, for small slopes with clayey and sandy loam soils the steepness is 1:1.5, for sandy soils - 1:2, that is, a slope 1 m high occupies a strip of land 1.5 or 2 m.


In addition to their direct functional purpose, fences also play a decorative role, so the arrangement of a personal plot can begin with the installation of barriers. It is better to make the outer fence human height or slightly taller, and the inner fences can be installed with a height of 30 cm to 1 m. The fence consists of posts and sheathing; the materials for the fence can be different.

In addition, the fences can be made in the form of a hedge, planting it in two rows, between which a low metal mesh is stretched. After 2 years, the bushes will grow into it and make it invisible.

Various types of hawthorns, thuja, Japanese quince and others are well suited for green fencing. The bush is trimmed in the second year. Hedges are formed by side and top trimming, which is carried out 2 times a year.

We invite you to watch a video about an alternative option for constructing a hedge.

When designing a personal plot, special attention should be paid to paths. Their correct and beautiful layout plays an important role in landscaping and decoration. The general design of the paths can be geometrically strict or free. There is a direct connection between the paths, the relief and the shape of the site.

First, marking is carried out - straight sections of the paths are marked using a cord, the ends tied to pegs, and curved sections - using one peg as the center of the circle, and the other as the leg of the compass. It is easy to draw smooth curves on the ground by changing the length of the cord and the location of the center.

If you want to lay paths with artificial turf, you need to carry out preparatory work. Along the marking lines, the turf is cut to a depth of 15-20 cm and removed so that a small elevation remains along the central axis so that rainwater flows to the edges. This place prepared for covering is called a “trough”.

Paths can be made:

Ground - along the stretched cord, use a shovel to cut the edges of the path to a depth of 10 cm. This layer of earth is removed, and the cut area is rolled with a hand roller.

For such paths you only need to sow lawn or white clover. This is exactly how many people design the driveway to the garage, paved with paving slabs for the wheels.

Gravel - a layer of 7 cm of coarse gravel (4-6 cm) is placed at the bottom of the “trough”, after rolling it - another layer of 5 cm of smaller gravel (2-3 cm), and then a layer of sand mixed with clay (1:3 ) 1-2 cm thick, which is compacted well, while watering it with water for better shrinkage. Lastly, another layer of 2 cm of fine gravel is laid, which is also watered and compacted.

- perhaps the most aesthetic type of paths, because such tiles can be of any shape and color and fit perfectly into the design. A dry mixture of sifted sand and cement (4:1) is poured onto the “trough”, and then concrete tiles are laid one at a time, which are leveled and compacted using a rubber hammer. Laying paving slabs is not difficult.

Wooden end paving - effective and very economical, since wooden “rounds” can be cut yourself. To make such paths, tree trunks of various sizes are treated with an antiseptic (bitumen, drying oil), and then sawed into equal sections of 10-15 cm. Such logs are placed on a 10 cm layer of sand. Small ones are placed in the space between the large ends, and the remaining voids are filled sand.

Made from monolithic concrete - for such paths, formwork is prepared, which is filled with plastic concrete with fine gravel, prepared at the rate of: 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and 3 parts gravel.

And a few more photos of various paths for a summer cottage:

We invite you to watch this video dedicated to the arrangement of paths.

Front garden and green lawn

When doing work such as landscaping a personal plot , you can simply make it beautiful, clean and elegant by sowing the free space with lawn grass. Such lawns provide places for relaxation, picnics and sports games.

You can also sow lawn grass in the front garden in front of the house, where small trees or shrubs planted in groups look good. In this case, the tallest trees or shrubs are planted in the center of the group, and the lower ones - along the edges.

When planting flowering shrubs in the front garden, their color scheme is taken into account - plants with white, yellow, orange flowers are planted closer to the house, and at a greater distance, near the paths - with red, purple, blue and dark or red-leaved bushes.

The physiological and psychological effects of flowers and their smells on the human body have long been known. Decoration of a personal plot - color compositions are compiled according to the following design rules:

  • compliance with color ratio. Red - green, purple - yellow, blue - orange - such combinations create contrasting and emotionally effective relationships. The color combinations are soft and harmonious: red - yellow, red - blue, violet - orange, violet - green, blue - yellow. White color goes with all colors. When creating flower beds, you need to remember that in well-lit, sunny places flowers of warm, soft and harmonious tones are placed, and in shaded places - contrasting ones.
  • continuous flowering if possible. To do this, you need to select flowers with different flowering times. So, in April snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, and tulips bloom; in May - forget-me-not, lily of the valley, violet, iris, lily, peony; throughout the summer - gladiolus, phlox, purple dicentra, poppy, bell, delphinium; in September - aster, goldenrod, dahlias; in October - chrysanthemums. Roses have a long flowering period - from May to September.

Flowerbeds are arranged in the front garden, on recreation areas, rocky hills, slopes, terraces, and near a pond. The background for the flowers is a green lawn, stones, house walls, and tree trunks. When planting flowers in a flowerbed, you need to take into account that flowers of the same type, but of different colors, look very beautiful together. Variegated mixtures of tones are undesirable. A flowerbed does not become beautiful because there are many types of flowers on it. It is not the quantity that is important, but the harmony between colors. Another rule for arranging a flower garden is that the further the flowers are planted from the path, the larger the color spot can be and the higher the flowers themselves.

When choosing flowers, it is necessary to take into account their requirements for soil and light, the growing season, resistance to wind, time and period of flowering, decorativeness, plant height, etc.

Roses occupy a special place in the landscaping of the site. Almost continuous flowering and a wide variety of colors put the rose in first place in the decorative design of the site. Roses are planted in a sunny, bright place, protected from the wind. Climbing roses are planted on the south side of the house. An excellent background for these flowers is a green lawn, coniferous trees, stones of retaining walls and terraces.

Alpine slide

The design of a personal plot is often complemented by a design solution such as a rock garden or an alpine slide. This is a decorative composition made of low-growing shrubs, flowers and stones, where the latter form the basis of the slide.

It is better to select stones of the same type, the largest ones weighing about 30 kg.

A pit with a depth of 30-40 cm is dug along the intended contour. On heavy clay soils, its bottom is covered with a layer of gravel of 10-15 cm, and on waterlogged soils it is increased to 20-25 cm. After this, fertile soil is poured into the pit above the level of the surrounding soil by 40-60 cm, and then lay out and install the stones, trying to achieve maximum naturalness of their placement. Spaces of varying sizes are left between the stones for planting plants.

For an alpine hill, low-growing and creeping plants with brightly colored flowers, leaves or fruits are selected. At the same time, coniferous species should also be included (creeping juniper, dwarf thuja, Canadian spruce) - they enrich the colorful flavor in spring and autumn. The correct selection of plants ensures the decorative effect of an alpine hill not only during the growing season, but also in winter. From deciduous shrubs you can choose purple-leaved barberry, periwinkle, heather, hydrangea, honeysuckle, ivy, rhododendron, boxwood. Among the flowers, the rock garden will be decorated with pinnate carnation, creeping St. John's wort, goldenrod, iris, bellflower, crocus, and primrose.

Intensely colored flowers are planted in the center of the composition. It is better to plant flowers in groups or individually, but not scatter them all over the hill.

When arranging your garden plot yourself, you can also consider installing a small pond for decorative purposes. Such a small pool can be made from a concrete ring, which is dug 5 cm below ground level. A 20 cm layer of crushed stone is placed at the bottom, compacted while pouring water, then filled with cement mortar (1:3). Paving slabs are laid along the upper perimeter of the ring, and the joints are sealed with mortar. You can plant water lilies, irises, and reeds in it. Caring for such a reservoir involves changing the water.

A small swimming pool with communications can be made by separately concreteing its bottom and walls, which are reinforced with reinforcement. In order for water to flow out of it better, the bottom is made sloping towards the drain pipe, which, in turn, is also installed at an angle. Water from the pool is drained into a general sewer or drainage well, which is installed under drainage in the lowest place. The fill pipe should be slightly higher than the water level in the pool. If you install a spray head, you will get a fountain that looks very attractive.

These 43 landscape photo ideas will allow you to transform the design of your summer cottage with your own hands, making it truly original and unique. Every corner of your space will testify to you as a sensitive person who appreciates beauty.

The walls of the house can be decorated with climbing plants that will find a way to climb vertical fishing lines or wires mounted on holders in the wall.

Recreation areas surrounded by greenery at your dacha will create an atmosphere of bliss and serenity, allowing you to enjoy nature and reboot before a new work week.

Paved paths and paths winding through your garden will be a convenient way to get through the area without getting your shoes dirty. It is both convenient and practical. And on a budget it can be quite cheap if you use waste material.

Having a bird in your yard can significantly improve your mood, especially if you plan to live throughout the warm season. Get yourself geese, ducks or chickens. You can even do it a little, it will help you. Plus you will have an environmentally friendly homemade egg.

The design of a summer cottage will undoubtedly be improved by such inclusions of bright accents. The idea of ​​a table and chairs, with synthetic fabric, will allow you to enjoy rich color all season long. From my experience, I will say that synthetics last a long time and do not deteriorate in any way.

And of course, landscape design at the dacha is impossible without flowers! Flowerbeds can be laid out throughout the area or only in those places that are open to your eyes.

A beautiful idea - hollyhocks planted along the wall of the house will delight you for a long time.

Another great landscaping idea is to plant flowers along the fence. These can be either perennials or annuals. You can arrange your front garden in a similar way.

Now in Western countries, some homeowners are creating something like a flowering lawn instead of a lawn, planting seeds of unpretentious annuals directly on the lawn.

It always turns out unexpected and bright! By combining such lawns you can get an incredible variety of colors and shapes in your summer cottage.

Pay attention to the example of using pebbles in the design of paths. Crushed stone as the basis of paths is convenient because it protects well from dirt on the site. An excellent solution for those who have shady places where the soil does not dry out well.

A celebration of color and positivity! Just a nice photo for inspiration. And after all, someone was able to transform the space of the dacha with their own hands.

Pergola idea with a resting platform. The plant-covered area will allow you to relax during the hot afternoon hours.

By choosing flowers of a similar color scheme, you can decorate your flower beds like an artist, creating the overall mood of your space.

By decorating our dacha to suit our own tastes, we create a bright image that will personify our worldview. Outside the dacha we work, at the dacha we are filled with life.

How nice it is when you arrive in your domain and are greeted by such beauty. And right away, from the gate, you go not into the house, but to communicate with your plants and flowers...

Idea for a summer gazebo in a corner of the garden with roses. Here you can read a book or just contemplate, secluded from your family for a while.

The amazing quality of living plants is to transform space so that even a rickety gate no longer seems ancient, but seems like a pleasant addition to the garden.

An example of a path and pergola in the form of an arch with a gate. In a similar way, you can separate part of the garden, creating a logical accent.

An example of the use of small crushed stone in the design of an alpine slide.

White hydrangea caps, a brick fence and a bench for relaxing.

Shade-tolerant plants can be placed in places where regular vegetation would be stunted and lethargic. Pay attention to Hostas - I plant them in deep shade under apple trees and they feel great there.

By placing plants around the perimeter of the site you will visually expand the space. This is a regular garden design. Convenient for those who like order and control.

Place a garden bench in front of the blooming roses and relax in a cloud of pleasant aromas.

Columnar thujas will allow you to isolate yourself from your neighbors if the need arises.

Wooden trellis idea for climbing plants.

Sometimes meadow herbs are appropriate in the dacha, especially if you have a large plot. Distant territories can be presented in such a beautiful format.

A nice example of country house design - photo idea for inspiration.

A mysterious path to the garden that is always in the shade and always keeps you cool.

Potted plants may also be present in your garden. Old pots can find their final resting place in flower beds.

Don't be afraid to leave some elements as they are. Of course, if it is appropriate in your design.

A rickety fence in this photo is absolutely unacceptable! This is an example of the owners’ carelessness, and not a good decision...

But the old bowl with flowers is very cute! Of course, I would clean it and paint it with a patina.

Cute bouquet in a wooden tub.

I hope that today’s selection of summer cottage design ideas allowed you to draw some conclusions and outline plans for future ideas.

Don’t be afraid to transform your own space with your own hands, even if sometimes unsuccessfully, it’s not scary, because this is the only way to gain living experience.

And even though we have winter ahead, I will delight you with summer ideas. Share them with your friends, follow the updates, and get inspiration from the pages of my website.

Every person who has a dacha sooner or later thinks about decorating it. To do this, you can buy various elements and install them on your summer cottage. But for people who want to do everything with their own hands, it will be much more interesting to create various crafts on their own, coming up with something interesting and original or copying from already finished products. By decorating your dacha with homemade crafts, you can create a very comfortable and cozy atmosphere that brings a lot of pleasure and attracts the attention of others. And the warmth of hand-made products cannot be compared with anything!

In addition, independently designing a dacha allows you to develop and realize your creative potential. And also put to good use a number of old things that would be a pity to throw away and are no longer in demand on the household.

We have collected the latest DIY garden ideas in one place. And for your convenience, we have designed them in the form of a catalog with detailed descriptions and vivid images.

Choosing ideas for a summer cottage with your own hands - photo.

Each summer resident, if desired, can find a wide variety of ideas for giving a home with his own hands, photos that are available on the Internet. To make small architectural forms, you can use improvised objects that are found in almost every household. At any dacha you can find some unnecessary furniture, building materials and many other items that can be useful in decorating the site.

The choice of idea ultimately depends on personal preferences, skills, and the availability of the necessary tools and materials. And also readiness for additional financial investments.

Try to find yourself an inspiration and a reliable assistant, then the work will go much faster and more fun. And the “look from the outside” is certainly useful, especially for enthusiastic people who find it difficult to stop in time. And remember that your dacha is, first of all, a natural landscape, and nature loves harmony.

Do-it-yourself garden crafts from scrap materials with photos.

Various kinds of crafts (figurines, houses for birds and pets) are the most popular and affordable objects for self-construction. As a rule, they are made from what is “at hand” and require minimal time. Thus, this is the most affordable and fastest way to transform your garden area. Next, we will take a closer look at specific ideas for a summer residence.

We create funny figures.

Even simple bottles from various drinks can be used to make figurines that will look beautiful in your summer cottage. To make figures, you can use a wide variety of bottles and containers, pre-assembling them in the required quantity. From plastic bottles and other various containers you can make animals decorating the site. These can be horses, piglets, cows and much more. By making various shapes from bottles, you can reveal your talents and create more and more perfect crafts each time.

Making a birdhouse.

You can make a beautiful bird feeder from a simple piece of wood. To do this, you need to select a cut of wood of suitable thickness and cut a notch in it in the inner part, and then fasten it to a tree or any other convenient place on the site. By placing food in the feeder, the birds will be able to peck at it during their flights and thereby decorate your dacha. You can make the simplest type of feeder from a variety of objects, the same plastic bottles; similar ideas for giving your own photos can always be found on the Internet and tried to be repeated.

Let's make a scarecrow.

Decorate the vegetable beds of your garden with the help of an unusual scarecrow to scare away birds. As a result, you will get a double effect - you will save the harvest and add some zest to your garden. A garden scarecrow is useful and a great mood for a summer resident.

There are a lot of options for decorating a summer cottage with your own hands, the main thing is to have desire and imagination. You can always find a variety of photo examples on the Internet.

Using your imagination, you can use a variety of objects to decorate your summer cottage. Old tires are suitable for creating flower beds that can be painted and distributed throughout the site.

To make crafts with your own hands at your summer cottage, you can use the most common caps from plastic bottles. You will need a lot of traffic jams, but you can find them if you want. From bottle caps you can make very beautiful patterns that decorate walls, fences and many other elements in your summer cottage or drawings of animals. Figures and patterns made from bottle caps can be painted in different colors, making the display even more interesting. With their help you can create entire works of art.

Dacha outside the city They often buy it in the hope that adults and children can have a good rest from the bustle of the city. When buying a dacha, everyone plans to create a unique design on their site, decorating it with products that they will make with their own hands. Often there are dacha plots with well-kept garden beds on which stands a small house. Even a child will get bored at such a dacha. Any plot, even the smallest one, with a nondescript house, will be transformed if you are not lazy and implement the most unusual ideas for a summer residence with your own hands. Photos presented in this article. Use your imagination, put in a little effort, and passers-by will admire your garden.

Consider the plot you purchased as space for creativity for the whole family. Creative ideas for a DIY garden can be made from scrap materials. The entry will go with everything you were going to throw away. Baskets, old clay jugs, barrels, car tires, even uprooted old wood, if properly processed, can turn into a beautiful table and chairs. Find out even more creative items by reading the article about .

Ideas for a do-it-yourself dacha - landscaping.

We are laying a pond.

You can lay out a beautiful pond of various shapes from natural stone on the territory of your summer cottage. To do this, you need to decide on its size, dig a hole, seal it, fill it with water and cover it with stone at your discretion.

We are thinking over the playing area.

Having thrown all their efforts into improving the site or home, adults often forget about setting up a children's corner. The design of a summer cottage should begin with the construction of a playground; this will help create a play area for children, and they will not interfere during work.

For construction you will need:

  • a large cut of a log (the base of the swing);
  • car tire cut in half (limiter);
  • wooden beams and boards.

And here is a selection of unique ideas for a do-it-yourself garden, photos of which will help you decide on the architecture for the children’s playground. Create a simple swing for a child, all kinds of slides with houses and ropes, a sandbox with seats on the sides and a heating element overhead from the sun. If your site is too small and does not allow you to allocate an area for a play area, create it outside the site. Involve neighbors who have children and build a playground using material from dismantled barns.

We are creating a fence.

An unusual fence will add originality to your summer cottage and make it stand out from the rest. Even the most ordinary fences at first glance can be transformed with the help of our DIY garden ideas (photos prove this).

  • An ordinary chain-link mesh or garden trellis can be decorated using a stencil and paint. Looks very original.

  • Paint a round piece of wood with a sharp end in different colors, and your fence will turn into a huge set of pencils. Fun and pleasing to the eye.
  • Even an ordinary tyn will look harmonious in the overall ensemble of your garden.

Do-it-yourself dacha fence - a photo that will make your neighbors envy.

We lay garden paths.

Garden paths can transform any area. Even if you do not pay enough attention to the arrangement of flower beds and the construction of small architectural forms. A path in your dacha, paved with stone, wood or ceramics, will give you not only practicality and ease of movement around the site, but will also lay the foundation for its further design. Wooden path.

The path, paved with tree rings, looks environmentally friendly and fits well into the natural landscape. Give it a more winding path, plant coniferous trees along it and enjoy a leisurely walk “through the forest.” – An excellent idea for a DIY garden.

You can choose the diameter of the tree rings at your discretion, just like the order in which they are laid. The photos below perfectly illustrate the possibilities of using this material. And once again they prove the boundlessness of the creators’ imagination.

Despite all the obvious advantages, wood is more susceptible to moisture and various pests. Therefore, be sure to take care of its initial processing. Drying oil or drying oil is suitable for processing saw cuts.

Substrate preparation is no less important. Work begins with marking and deepening the soil. The use of geotextiles extends the service life of such a track. Wooden rings are laid on a sand base, and the gaps between them are filled with the same sand.

Stone path.

The material can be gravel, river pebbles, brick, paving slabs, ceramics.

There are also a great many variations on the theme of patterns. In order for the path to last as long as possible, devote time and effort to properly preparing the base.

The main stages include:

  • Digging a trench;
  • Forming a gravel base;
  • Sand layer;
  • Laying the border and mixing the pattern;
  • Filling vertical voids with sand.

We're planting a flower garden.

There are many ideas for creating flower beds and flower beds with your own hands. This is the favorite place to work and relax for all women. Every housewife can create an original flowerbed on her own plot.

  • Pyramidal flower beds with hanging plants made from old tires of different diameters or unnecessary containers will delight your guests and save space on the site.
  • You can organize an original flower garden using any unnecessary household item, such as a cart, an old chair, a basket or a clay tub.

We fantasize about a place to relax.

Connect the resting place and the play area with a wooden bridge rising above an artificial pond. Creating a small reservoir on a summer cottage is not difficult and anyone can do it. A beautifully designed small lake will become the central accent of the entire design of your dacha.

Create a piece of paradise with your own hands! After reading the article "", you will learn how to create beautiful decorative elements for your home and garden from scrap materials.

Country sofa.

A well-maintained dacha with your own hands (photo) gives much more positive emotions from being there. We invite you to discuss another object that has a beneficial effect on the dacha environment. This patio is a seating area, usually paved with stone or wood. It can be adjacent to the house or located away from it, but preferably in the open air. Although the choice of the final patio design will be based on the prevailing climatic conditions.

Summer residents have already appreciated the patio as a place for friendly and family gatherings over a barbecue or aromatic tea. And the main criterion for gathering a large company is the convenience of each of those present.

The central element of the patio, in addition to the table, can be a spacious sofa made of pallets. “That doesn’t sound very good,” you might think. However, take a look at the magnificent versions of it! And you won’t notice how you’re already mentally scrolling through the construction and design of a country sofa in your head.

So, let's get down to business! First, let's thoroughly clean the surface of the pallets and remove all traumatic elements (chips, nails, etc.) using woodworking tools (jigsaw, hammer, saw, plane, hacksaw, etc.). The specific list depends on the quality of the source material.

Since the sofa will primarily be used outdoors, consider impregnating the pallets with protective agents. This will increase service life and protect against mold and rot. And to assemble the structure together you will need nails, corners, foam rubber and upholstery fabric.

The main stages of implementing this idea for a dacha with your own hands boil down to the following:

  • creating a drawing;
  • assembly of structures from pallets;
  • covering the facade and sides with plywood for aesthetics of the structure;
  • production of soft covers and pillows.

By the way, such a sofa can also be placed in a gazebo or on the veranda of a country house.

Do-it-yourself dacha photo - exterior decoration of the house.

And so, if you have improved the territory, but your soul and hands require continuation - take a look at the garden house itself. Perhaps its facade should be updated or made more attractive and cheerful.

Such creativity, and this activity cannot be called otherwise, is also attractive because it allows you to escape from the routine realities of gardening (digging, weeding and watering). In addition, it does not require tireless work, because it can be performed in free time and intermittently. There is no time frame at all. Whether you will decorate the dacha façade for a week, a month, or finish it only next year depends on the level of complexity of what you have planned, the availability of available materials and your insatiable desire to create.

Of course, it will not be possible to talk about all the techniques for transforming a facade, but we will consider the most popular ones now.

Mosaic facade.

A mosaic is a picture made of small elements of different shapes and colors. The material can be glass, ceramics, small pebbles, and also plastic bottle caps. We will dwell on the last option in more detail. The advantages of a cork façade are its low cost. And the difficulties lie in collecting the required number of traffic jams.

“Which surface of the house should be subjected to this type of decor? - you ask. Absolutely any: from the ornament around a window or doorway to the entire design of the walls. Photographs of the works of real craftsmen testify to the boundlessness of their imagination and inexhaustible patience.

When decorating a large surface area, concentrate on the symmetry of the ornament. Preliminary marking will help you with this. And while installing the covers, periodically step back and evaluate the harmony of your work.

Evening garland.

Glowing garlands are a unique way to create a romantic atmosphere in the country. Yes, yes, exactly romantic! It would seem, what kind of romance can there be among beds and greenhouses? If everything is organized correctly, then it is quite possible to allocate a corner for a pleasant pastime.

A similar idea for a summer house can be easily implemented with your own hands and used as part of a friendly party in the fresh air, as well as as a festive attribute for lovers or newlyweds.

The color scheme of the garland is chosen according to the occasion. It can be an extravaganza of colorful lights or a monochromatic range. In the dark, large white light bulbs look impressive and somewhat mysterious. Decide for yourself whether you prefer a warm or cool shade of white!

Floral motifs.

Decorating the facade with ornamental plants and flowers has been used for a long time. Everyone has seen the walls of houses filled with the greenery of liana-like plants (loaches, wild grapes, etc.) But how many of you have heard about a vertical garden bed or useful landscaping at home?

The most practical gardeners live in a constant need to make the most efficient use of available fertile resources, especially in a situation with a small plot of land. And this, believe me, is not uncommon. Therefore, they decided that a number of fruit and vegetable crops could be grown in a somewhat non-standard way.

An example of this is a vertical bed - an interesting and useful way to decorate the facade of a house. There is, however, some limitation - a southern or south-eastern/western wall is suitable for such a bed.

The basis of the entire structure is a frame made of picket fence, nails and wire. It is along it that our fruitful shoots will crawl up. The stems are fixed (as they grow) with textile ropes or cellophane tapes.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini can now grow very close by and delight the eye with natural colors.

By changing the frame structure, you can create different patterns on the wall, controlling the direction and density of plant growth. And such landscaping also keeps the inside of the house cool on a hot day.

There are more affordable landscaping options. These are flowerpots at the entrance and on the windowsill. Flowers will wake you up in the morning with their fragrance and lift your spirits. And during the day they will bloom to the delight of guests and neighbors.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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