Everyone has their own dreams of an ideal summer cottage, and often even within the same family they differ greatly. One wants to plant the entire area with beds, another wants to organize a beautiful flower garden, and for a third it is important that there is a separate place for a barbecue on the site, and if there are children in the family, then the task becomes more complicated, because children also need their own corner. What to do in this case, since the area is not rubber? At proper planning and use of some visual tricks in a small area you can place everything you need and even visually make the area larger. We reveal the secrets of professionals, with the help of which you can independently develop the ideal landscape design small area.

No. 1. Functional zoning

Planning the future design of the site, like, begins with clear planning. You need to arm yourself with a sheet of paper with a pen or a special program, clarify the size of the territory and begin creating a plan. This is necessary for the proper organization of a territory of any size, but is especially important for small areas. By the way, the border that separates a small area from a large one is very arbitrary. Small areas are usually called small area from 1 to 6 acres, which are fully visible from any point. Sometimes territories with larger area seem small, especially when there is a disproportionately large house on the site. These are precisely planning problems. Competent organization site and design tricks will not be able to expand its boundaries physically, but will allow you to change the perception beyond recognition.

When drawing up a site plan it is important:

  • define, what buildings and zones on the site are really needed. For example, this is a house outbuildings, vegetable garden, flower garden, recreation area, children's playground - whatever. Don't forget about the decor and garden paths;
  • correctly position the selected zones relative to each other. This stage requires the most attention, because a playground cannot be placed near the barbecue area, and a greenhouse in the dense shade of trees or a house will not bring the desired harvest. Designers recommend alternating buildings with green plantings, hiding them behind hedges, bushes and decorative elements. It is advisable that all buildings do not look too massive;

    The central part of the garden should not be weighed down different landings and buildings– this will create a feeling of clutter and make it seem like the area is even smaller than it is. The best option for the view part of the site is a neat lawn, on the periphery of which there will be beds. Free space will give the feeling of a large territory. Nevertheless, this recommendation does not exclude the possibility of location on the lawn beautiful flower beds or shrubs- they will become his bright decoration. Hydrangea, lilac and jasmine are excellent in this case - they are compact and variegated.

    Lawn on small area It will obviously also serve for movement, since it is impossible and unnecessary to organize an extensive network of garden paths in a tiny area. Therefore, choose grass varieties that are as resistant to trampling as possible.

    No. 6. Organization of flower beds

    We move on from tricks and tricks to competent territory planning. It’s hard to imagine a garden or summer cottage without a flower garden, especially since there is room for it even in the tiniest space. There are many options for organizing a flower bed in a small area:

    • the classic method, suitable for areas of any size, is to break flower beds or place flowerpots near the entrance to the house, and they do not have to be symmetrical;
    • cascade principle involves placing low-growing plants and flowers in the foreground, then higher, and so on until the tallest tree or shrub, which becomes the center of the composition. Such a flower garden will take up little space, but will greatly decorate the area and allow the eye to glide not only along the plane, but also upward;
    • great idea for a small summer cottage - roof landscaping, but, alas, it is used infrequently in our country. The roofs of buildings can be used for planting lawns or small plants. The practice is common in Europe, where even the roofs of large buildings are greened in this way. multi-storey buildings. It looks great, and in a small area this technique will create the desired multi-level effect;
    • flower beds do not necessarily (and sometimes are undesirable) have to be of strict, familiar forms - winding lines and irregular shapes are welcome. There are no requirements for flowerpots and flowerpots - they can be either quite familiar or non-standard. To create them, literally anything that can hold its shape and soil is suitable: barrels, basins, bathtubs, wooden boxes, logs, carts, etc. Such flower beds look interesting and unusual; with minimal investment they can decorate the area and even become its highlight;
    • flower beds and mixborders along garden paths will also be appropriate on any site.

    No. 7. Organizing a vegetable garden

    It is the most difficult to place a vegetable garden on a small summer cottage, but nothing is impossible. On a plot of 2-3 acres you can find a space of at least 3 * 4 m, which will be enough to grow the most necessary vegetables for the table, herbs or berries. On a plot of 6 acres, you can arrange a larger vegetable garden, create decent-sized vegetable beds, and there will still be room for fruit trees and berries, if, of course, there is a need for all this. Some successful examples layout of a plot of 6 acres can be seen on the plans.

    Of course, it’s not easy to fit everything you need into a small, limited space, but everything advantages of a small plot can be felt after work on its improvement. And on a plot of 2-3 acres there is always something to do, but imagine what it’s like for the owners of a territory tens of times larger than yours.

The desire to transform a summer cottage, turning it into a beautiful corner for relaxation, necessitates the need to carefully study the issue of landscape design. The popularity of competent design of the territory adjacent to housing construction is constantly growing. The essence of landscape design is the art of competently combining a harmonious environment and one’s own “I”.

Complex Harmony

To create a beautiful landscape design for your summer cottage, you don’t have to turn to professionals. Having become familiar with the key stages of design, delving into the nuances of landscaping and following the rules for designing small areas, you will be able to independently achieve harmony with all surrounding elements of the environment.

Fundamental elements of landscape design

Considering beautiful photos depicting country landscapes, it seems impossible to become the owner of such an environment in your summer cottage. However, the step-by-step implementation of a carefully designed project allows you to achieve the planned results. To get a beautiful landscape design, when developing a plan, we first take into account the existing residential building, its size, style and color design. The building represents a kind of center of the entire composition; the arrangement of the territory allows you to gracefully emphasize the beautiful features of the house and skillfully disguise shortcomings.

Harmony is achieved when the development of landscape design details was carried out in compliance with installed by specialists principles. What elements does the project include:

Advice ! A winning option for a beautiful landscape design is the use of lamps of different designs (light stands, built-in, wall-mounted, columns) and their placement at different levels.

Color and stylistic harmony

Even a low-budget design project for a summer cottage will look impressive with well-chosen color combinations. To help you navigate the selection of colors, a conditional division of all components of landscape design into four categories will help.

The first group includes plants, trees, ponds, and paths that create the illusion of a natural origin. They are characterized by a dim palette of colors, gradually changing with the advent of the new season. The second group contains decorative landscape elements that openly declare their artificial origin. Here, a landscape design specialist skillfully plays with colors, creating beautiful alleys or flower beds that are most vividly perceived at certain times of the year.

The next group includes architectural elements, headed by country house. This part pays close attention to color design facade of the building, its combination with gazebos, bridges and surrounding vegetation. To create a beautiful landscape design light color the house or its majestic size is skillfully emphasized by the dark green trees standing nearby. Bright decorative plantings will help hide the everyday perception of a grayish building.

The list is completed by decorative elements of landscape design in the form of sculptures, benches, paths, and lanterns. To create a beautiful environment, they can be used to competently mask imperfections in the surrounding landscape or focus attention on significant objects.

An integral condition for the formation of a beautiful landscape design is the stylistic combination of all objects. Based on the existing structure and size of the summer cottage, choose the shape and material for the remaining furnishings:

  • when equipping paths and lighting;
  • in the design of the recreation area;
  • during the construction of a gazebo;
  • in the selection of garden furniture;
  • when planning landscaping, etc.

Landscaping rules

Choosing the right plants to form a beautiful landscape in the future is one of the key tasks of landscape design. It will help to visually change the distance to the object smart combination warm and cold shades. Warm colors enliven the area, attract attention and create the illusion of proximity. Cool shades bring calm and tranquility; their location visually seems further than reality.

Note! The decision of floral design in landscape design necessarily takes into account the amount of time planned for caring for plants.

Options for planting shrubs and trees

It is unthinkable to organize a harmonious landscape design without taking into account the size of the summer cottage. Compositions of large woody plants are relevant over a wide area. Slow growing and dwarf species will help you get beautiful landscape on a small plot of land. There are several ways beautiful landing woody plants:

  • alleys;
  • hedges;
  • nesting plantings;
  • curbs;
  • labyrinths;
  • backstage;
  • topiary;
  • tapeworms.

Most often, they form alleys and hedges. Trees and shrubs planted along the paved paths of a summer cottage will create a romantic atmosphere of landscape design. Densely planted evergreen shrubs form a beautiful hedge, successfully used in landscape design for zoning a summer cottage. Two or three row hedges look original, the rows of which are completed with plants of different heights. The nesting method involves planting 3-5 trees in a circle at a distance of up to 1 m from each other, in the future this will allow the formation of a beautiful common crown of large sizes.

In landscape design, low-growing shrubs not exceeding 50 cm in height are used to create borders that provide beautiful frames for individual areas. An interesting option for decorating a spacious summer cottage is a labyrinth of living trees or shrubs. Trees planted in a single row, forming a kind of curtain, called a curtain, are intended to limit the view in landscape design. Beautiful green figures, trimmed from bushes and trees with small foliage, always cause admiration. The art of topiary rightfully occupies a leading position in landscape design. A tapeworm is a solitary growing tree or shrub, most often an exotic specimen of decorative value.

Application of hanging plants

Vertical gardening is a popular technique in landscape design. To make a country house design beautiful, it is often used. There are many design options:

  • an arch installed at the entrance to the garden;
  • trellises used to delimit garden plot or its fencing;
  • gazebos located in the recreation area.

Decorating the façade of a building on a summer cottage with climbing vines is another original landscaping design technique. Indoor hanging plants in hanging baskets will create a beautiful setting on the terrace, under a canopy or in a gazebo.

Use of decorative flowers

A flower garden is an integral attribute of a beautiful landscape design. When developing it, the type of plants must be taken into account: annual or perennial, remaining in the winter in open ground or requiring transplantation.

Each owner of a summer cottage has his own concept of a beautiful flower garden; landscape design may include:

  • flowerbed;
  • arabesque;
  • rose garden;
  • discount;
  • border;
  • mixborder;
  • rockery

A beautiful flower bed is the most common landscape design solution in a summer cottage; any geometric shape is suitable for it. If you want to get a pattern, flowers are selected that are the same in height and different in color. In a small flower bed, landscape design experts recommend planting tall plants in the center and shorter ones along the edges. In this case, a beautiful view of the flower garden is ensured from all sides.

The complex shape of a flower bed in the form of a butterfly or an abstract figure is called an arabesque. With this method of landscape design, preference is given to low-growing flowers. Adherents of roses will definitely want to arrange them in their landscape design beautiful rose garden. A flower garden in the form of annuals planted along the edges of a path in 3-5 rows is called a rabatka. A beautiful border of perennial flowers planted in several rows will help complement the hedge on your summer cottage. The height of the plants is selected so that the front row does not cover the background. Mixborder is a type of border where there is no order. Creative people will like the idea of ​​landscape design to plant plants in a chaotic disorder.

A rock garden, where a rocky hill created by human hands is skillfully supplemented with mountain vegetation, will help to elegantly decorate a summer cottage. A rockery, a rocky flower garden on a flat area, looks original in landscape design. In addition to alpine vegetation, low-growing coniferous plants or representatives of steppe flora are appropriate here.

Nuances of designing a small area

By wisely using landscape design techniques, a small summer cottage plot can be turned into a beautiful, well-groomed area.

Advice ! Decide on your priorities, do not oversaturate the area with unnecessary decorative elements. Simplicity and compliance with the chosen style are the key to successful site design.

The nuances of arranging a small area:

  • A high fence visually compresses a limited space. The use of climbing plants on the fence in landscape design will soften the contours. Simultaneously decorating the walls of a building with intertwining views helps to shift the emphasis in visual perception.
  • It is optimal to use a low mesh fence in small areas, providing an overview of the space outside the dacha. If the proposed method is not suitable, a combined fence made of different types of material will break up the monotony of the situation.
  • Following the principles of landscape design, the recreation area should be separated from the economic part. Vertical gardening will provide beautiful zoning of a summer cottage.
  • It is better to distribute trees throughout the area, avoiding planting in one row.
  • A small area planted with seed will help create a beautiful look in landscape design. lawn grass and decorated around the edges with ornamental plants.

Advice ! Avoid traditional rectangular beds in landscape design; round shapes can transform plantings of carrots or herbs into a beautiful place that resembles a flower bed.

More and more often, owners of garden plots are shifting their emphasis from the possibilities of growing vegetables and fruits to decorating their land and designing their garden plot. They earn money in the city, and come to the dacha to relax. Of course, fruit trees and shrubs, vegetable beds - all this may be present, but they are also subject to the rules of landscape design. Entrusting a project to a professional seems great... but professionals often end up with overly ordered, cold landscapes. Self-designed gardens, although not ideal, are much more comfortable and you feel much better in them.

Where to start: planning

It all starts from the stove: you need to correlate your desires with reality. To do this, first sit down and write down what you need on the site. Just a list of what you and your loved ones want to have. Then you take a site plan with dimensions and begin to place what you simply cannot refuse. Usually this is a playground or carport, some kind of vegetable garden - at least a few beds, if there are children - a playground.

Place the carport closer to the gate - less space will be spent on the driveways, the children's playground is in direct view from the windows, and most likely from the kitchen windows: it's not always time to sit with them, and so, both the children are under supervision and you're busy you do. You will have to be smart with the placement of the playground: it needs to be free of drafts, and some of it should be in the shade, some in the sun. To have the best conditions.

Therefore, there is no need to hide it. It will still be a decoration for your site and you will be proud of it. For this you will need a sunny piece of your site.

Now we need to find a place for technical and auxiliary premises. You will definitely need it, and also compost pit. They can be taken to the backyard, but it’s better to be closer to the garden. If you plan to heat the house, you need a place to store firewood. They do this for this purpose, and they can be attached to the barn, or they can stand separately, and some specimens can also be a decorative element. Somewhere in a secluded corner you will need to install a shower. The toilet is also a hassle: you need to take into account the distance to neighboring areas (at least 2 m), and also the prevailing wind direction - so that odors do not bother you.

Next comes the turn of what you really want. Usually this is a gazebo or fountain. A pond and a fountain can be combined, and a gazebo can be placed nearby. To the point that one of its edges can hang over the water. On the other bank, you can put a bench by placing an arch next to it or building a pergola (the same arch, but more solid). Near the gazebo, you can make a small canopy and place it, as per your choice. It is best to allocate the lowest area under the pond or where the groundwater is closest. Everything else will fit into the free space.

A pond and a gazebo nearby are a good combination

It seems that these are all the main objects. If you managed to fit them all into the site plan, great: you can plan. You need to manage and make a minimum number of paths, but they must connect all the main buildings. Paths may lead to auxiliary structures. It's even more romantic. And along the way, look for places for flower beds, flower beds, rock gardens, and decorative slides. You can even specially bend the paths to fence off the space for the flower garden. This, by the way, is one of the favorite techniques of professionals. They almost never use straight lines. Only in elongated areas to visually bring the far edge closer.

Don't forget about trees and bushes. By the way, they can serve as a screen for an unsightly fence. And you will have it all around the perimeter. It can be partly decorated with hanging flower beds, partly covered with trees and shrubs. While the trees are growing, you can put a lattice in front of the fence on which to let climbing roses, clematis, any other similar plant.

Garden plot design: choosing a style

In most cases, the style of garden design is very difficult to determine. Most often it can be described as “modern”. Used interesting solutions different “nationalities” and different style trends, and sometimes these combinations are very, very successful and interesting. The good thing about independent design is that you can intuitively create beautiful landscapes. But to register a plot in a certain style in a way it’s simpler: you know for sure whether this idea will work or not. Let's look at some design options for a garden plot in a specific style. The easiest way to work is with ethnic trends.


Chinese and Japanese cultures have significant differences, but regarding the design of a garden plot, it is difficult, almost impossible, for a non-specialist to distinguish between these two directions. For ease of perception, we will combine them into one style: oriental.

Decoration in Japanese style - an abundance of stones, interesting combinations of hardwood and softwood

Achieving maximum harmony is inherent in these cultures. What is good about garden design in Japanese or chinese style, is that they use a lot of crushed stone and pebbles. If you take the pebbles into the right amount hard or expensive, then with crushed stone there are much fewer problems. Maybe you’ll be lucky and you’ll even be able to agree on the color - the meticulous Japanese use pebbles of the same size and the same color when backfilling, or form them into different shapes.

A great idea for decorating a yard near a garden house: crushed stone and pebbles, slabs as a path - dirt will not be carried into the house

Large stones, near which boxwood bushes of traditional shape are planted small fountain chick. A very interesting idea with a border made of painted crushed stone. Only if you do something like this, make sure that the water that drains from the plant has somewhere to go: under the pebbles and crushed stone there should be dense soil with a slope towards the plantings or an exit to the drainage system - this is how the water drainage is organized.

A small fence is made extremely simply. Another good thing about bamboo is that it doesn’t rot.

To make your Japanese-style garden design truly traditional, you can use bamboo. A small fence and gate are extremely simple to make. A couple of stakes are driven into the ground, bamboo crossbars are tied to them, and thin bamboo is tied to the crossbars. It turns out to be a bamboo picket fence.

Paths are very characteristic - rounded stones at a distance of a step from each other, slabs of stone, or even concrete slabs, but they are not square, as we are used to, but long. Please note that the gaps between the stones/slabs are overgrown with grass, moss, or filled with pebbles.

Fountains are often present in Japanese gardens. But these are not pompous structures with sculptures and upward jets, but combinations of bamboo and stone, along which flows not large number water. It’s easy to make them even yourself, but read how here.

Several photos of Japanese-style garden design are collected in the photo gallery. Eat interesting ideas, which are easy to implement with your own hands. Moreover, the costs are minimal))

The right selection of plants is half the success. Japanese maple - how can you ignore it? Slabs, stones, crushed stone, plants - all this against the backdrop of a lawn

Rustic style (rural or country)

The more urbanized our cities become, the more we want something simple, natural, without clear lines and edges, which are already boring in the city. That’s why many people began to build houses from logs: they exude comfort. If your country house built from logs, a natural continuation of the idea would be to design the site in a rural or rustic style. In this case characteristic features- the use of various kinds of old utensils and their elements in the decoration of flower beds and flower beds, wattle fences, simple, often deliberately rough, made of logs.

The design of a garden in a rustic style can be easily recognized by the presence of wheels from carts, baskets, ceramic dishes, old barrels, logs and flowering stumps

On a village plot, there’s no way everything can be too smooth and orderly. The paths are overgrown with grass, with stones laid for convenience, and boardwalks thrown in. And to make the “boards” always look like new, you can use decking - this is a wood-composite material that looks and feels very similar to wood, but does not rot, does not darken, and retains its original appearance over the years.

Fences inside the site can be made from dead wood cut from the forest. Fences made of birch or okha with its light green bark look very decorative.

Wicker fences are traditional for this style. They can be made for beds, flower beds, to fence off areas inside the site, and even as the main fence, separating the garden from neighbors and from the street.

You can design a pond in the same vein - a small mill or a bridge next to a long pond wouldn't hurt. And if there is a difference in height on the site, you can make a cascade of watering cans and buckets - a very original idea.

A waterfall along the steps, only in an unusual design: a fountain made of watering cans and buckets

Even the toilet can be made in the same style. Of course, it’s unlikely that anyone will bring it to the fore, even in a stylish design, but you won’t have to worry too much about making sure the building is not visible.

This kind of toilet is a hut that you don’t have to hide very much

The design of a garden in a rustic style is not demanding on geometry or selection of plants. It is important that you feel comfortable and cozy and that the plants feel good. Then even the simplest compositions will delight the eye and heart. Several design ideas different zones look in the photo gallery.

Unusual flower bed - flower stream Carts and wooden wheels - traditional elements garden in country style A gazebo covered with reeds and sculptures from ceramic pots are interesting designer finds in garden design Wattle is a good fence, and the style supports the design of the well

Garden plot in modern or modern style

The design of a garden plot in the Art Nouveau style is international. It contains elements different cultures. The basic rule is harmonious combination shapes and shades. Most often, straight lines and rounded shapes are combined.

Is it difficult to create such a corner in your own garden? The tiles can be replaced with concrete or stone slabs or wooden flooring, as long as the geometry is maintained. Flowerbeds unusual shape- smooth edges both at ground level and high. Between two high flower beds seats are installed, and to make it really convenient and comfortable, you can make the curb higher and nail a board on the back. All this cubism is broken up by a round ceramic plant pot. Instead of a pot, you can make a small fountain in the form of a stone ball through which water flows.

This fountain is not difficult to make. The main thing is to find suitable stone and drill a hole in it

As you can see, the fountain is close in style to the Japanese style. Slightly modified, it fits perfectly into modern design garden And this is not the only stylized element. For example, wicker furniture is often used. But it has a different shape - either cubic or with curved surfaces, but only in one plane. Looking at the photo below, you will understand what we are talking about.

And again, notice how the hard straight lines are broken up by rounded ones: in the bottom photo this is pyramidal arborvitae, on the top there is a round flowerbed table (an extraordinary solution, by the way) and curved lines of armchairs.

This is where lovers of high beds find freedom when they are designed in this way: it is more convenient to create straight lines using high boxes. They are made from wood, stone, concrete. The material should be combined with the main finish or be an addition.

Approximately the same traditions are used to decorate the surrounding area and areas near the reservoir. Make a flooring from boards, plank or decking, install characteristic furniture - part of the garden is decorated.

By the way, you can make a gazebo in an unconventional manner.

There are a lot of ideas, and they are all interesting in their own way. Check out some photos in the gallery below. Maybe something will be useful for your garden.

Practical design of the pond - you can even sunbathe on the decking Smooth paths are a sign of style, but the execution is unusual

Ideas for decorating fences and walls

Whatever one may say, there is always a fence. And it is not always a decoration of the garden. More often than not, it’s quite the opposite: it’s the owner’s headache: how to disguise it or give it a more acceptable look. There are actually quite a lot of solutions, and for different tastes.

If you know how to draw, and the fence is at least relatively smooth, paint it with some scenes. It's clear what to choose suitable plot It’s not easy, but you can rely on the general design style of the site.

The funky fence and site design style are easy to guess))

You can use the fence as a space for a vertical flower bed or vegetable garden. It's beautiful and useful. This idea will especially please owners of small plots. But this can only be used if the summer in your region is cool. In all other cases, the plants on it burn.

Approximately the same idea will be useful for decorating the wall of a house. Only here flowers are planted more often, and mostly hanging ones, but nothing can stop you from planting in such baskets or boxes, say aromatic herbs or just beautiful flowers in the lower tier, and let there be hanging hanging lashes at the top.

Wall design option - metal baskets lined with jute fiber, inside - soil

Very often, simple decorations or some unusual elements distract attention from the not-so-attractive surface that the fence represents. These can be homemade flowers made of colored plastic or a whole cascade of different boxes in which you can either plant flowers or put them in pots.

Simple decorations, but they serve their purpose - they distract attention from the unsightly surface

Ideas in photo format

A person who is not professionally involved in design is quite capable of creating his own little oasis around the house. However, as in any science, in landscape design there are several rules that must be followed in order to achieve the desired result.

Maintain style

Many owners of country plots neglect the choice of style and fill the territory of the site with sculptural compositions and plants of various styles. The resulting chaotic composition, as a rule, hurts the eye. In order not to repeat the mistakes of unlucky homeowners, you need to choose a single design style for your site and stick to it.

Harmonious composition

When choosing design elements for the site, remember that they all must be harmoniously coordinated with each other. For example, a large fountain among a small flowerbed will look awkward and more repulsive than beautiful. Also remember about the compatibility of the materials used, their texture and color.

Laconic design

The annoying accumulation of various sculptures, plants, and architectural forms has long ceased to be popular. Even if each object of the composition individually can be a real work of art, in combination with a dozen other catchy designs it will lose its charm. Laconism and simplicity are in fashion now, implying a combination of a small number of objects that perfectly complement each other.

Style selection

As already mentioned, one of the main rules of landscape design is compliance with a single style. To make your choice, consider several possible options and choose the one that suits the design of your home and, of course, suits your taste.

Classic style

Classic design suburban area implies the presence on the site of a house made in a classical style, and the reign of ideal geometric shapes and symmetry around it.

Elements classic style:

  • regular, round-shaped pond (with or without a fountain);
  • solemnly executed main entrance;
  • shrubs in the form of geometric shapes and an evenly trimmed lawn;
  • massive benches, arches, columns, gazebos, flowerpots;
  • plants - blue spruce, roses, grapes, begonias, lilacs, rose hips, honeysuckle, jasmine.

Country style

Rustic design style is the complete opposite of classic. This style is characterized by light, sweet negligence and the absence of regular geometric shapes. Flowers are arranged randomly, the flower beds are full of a variety of colors, becoming like a bright kaleidoscope. The paths, as a rule, are paved with non-continuous tiles of unequal shape, and the lawns are trimmed deliberately carelessly.

English (landscape) style

The beauty of the English style lies in maintaining a well-groomed but natural environment.

Style elements:

  • arches and arbors with climbing roses and vines;
  • irregularly shaped reservoirs;
  • winding paths, alternating hills with flat areas;
  • hedge;
  • predominance of low shrubs and trees on the territory;
  • flowerbed "carpet of flowers" with scarlet sage, begonia, Indian canna and summer cypress;
  • large flowering bushes at the entrance to the house.

Provençal garden

French style It is distinguished by grace and lightness, and it can be recreated in a small area. The main thing is to capture the romanticism of the style and get rid of clear, straight lines.

Elements provencal style:

  • wooden gazebo or natural stone;
  • gravel or stone ornate paths;
  • flowers in round flower beds or in boxes, flowerpots;
  • grape vines or ivy on the gazebo, fences;
  • fruit trees with palmettes (with a fan-shaped crown) next to light stone walls.

Japanese style

This is the perfect landscape design country house, if its territory is not too large. The main element is a pond with a bridge, islands, decorative stones and lamps. Among the plants, juniper, rhododendron, and bonsai predominate, which look great among moss, stones and water. The peculiarity of the Japanese garden is minimalism, symbolism (emphasized by elements round shape) and peace.

Art Nouveau style

This landscape design of a suburban area denies negligence and lightness, and is distinguished by thoughtfulness and bold lines.

Elements of Art Nouveau style:

  1. A perfectly trimmed lawn.
  2. Neat geometry of the site, giving preference to arched, round lines.
  3. A fountain or artificial pond is required.
  4. Mainly used natural materials, possibly in combination with metal.
  5. Bright flowers(such as irises), trees and shrubs non-standard shape.
  6. It is possible to have a terrace and various kinds of retaining walls.

Country style

Country is an exaggerated rustic style. When done correctly, the landscape design of a country house of this type looks amazingly simple and romantic.

Country style elements:

  1. Slight sloppiness of paths made of tiles and natural stone.
  2. Chaotic arrangement of bushes, trees and flowers.
  3. Fruit trees, huge amount greenery, full of colors, bright flower beds and beds with sunflowers, tomatoes, strawberries, blooming pumpkins.
  4. Outdated kitchen and garden utensils as decorative elements.
  5. A pond with a bridge and a wooden gazebo nearby.

Chinese style

This style is reminiscent of the connection between nature and man; its peculiarity is the thoughtful arrangement of each element in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui. IN Chinese garden always present key element, which attracts the most attention, and the remaining elements are arranged according to the “Yin-Yang” principle (principle of contrast): for example, a combination of stone and water, shadow and light. There are usually traditional Chinese buildings on the site as well.

High-tech style

Landscape design of a country house in such style will suit for those who do not like to spend a long time working on flowers and beds.

High-tech style elements:

  • general orderliness, straight lines, clear geometrization;
  • dim flowers and plants: hostas, ferns and the like;
  • clear plant shapes;
  • predominantly artificial materials in finishing: plastic, glass, concrete;
  • a large number of original lamps.

Below in the article you can see different styles landscape design of a country house in the photo.

Path design

Garden paths form and define the landscape of the site, giving it a certain character. To design paths, you can use gravel, concrete, decorative tiles, stone, paving stones. You can combine materials: for example, the middle of the path can be occupied by slabs, and around them there can be a space filled with gravel.
Optimal width garden path– 1-1.5 meters, so that two people can easily pass on it. For practical purposes, there should be a slight slope on both sides of the path so that rainwater did not collect in puddles, but flowed onto the grass.

Flowers and greenery

There can be a great variety of solutions for filling and decorating a site. Let's look at the most common of them:


This is a classic solution that most people resort to when choosing the landscape design of a country house. The lawn can be garden (ordinary), parterre, or non-grass. With the right choice of type and careful care, the lawn will bring harmony and atmosphere to your site.

Flower garden

Choosing the shape and style of a flower bed is not as easy as it seems at first glance, but the result is definitely worth the effort. Remember that a modest house on the site will be ideally complemented by luxurious flower beds, and it is better to choose a laconic flower garden for a lush building.

Flower bed shapes:

  1. Mixborder is the most popular type of flower garden, in which flowers, shrubs and maybe even small trees are harmoniously combined. This type of flower garden allows you to choose different types of plants and any shape of a flower bed that can “flow around” paths and buildings. A combination of contrasting colors and sizes looks impressive (tall plants are located either in the center or along the edges of the flower bed).
  2. A rabatka is a ribbon of flowers that match each other in color and size. The rabatka is usually planted along paths, lawns, and can be one-sided or two-sided (for example, grow on both sides of an alley).
  3. A vertical flower bed is an excellent solution for a flower garden in a small area. Flowers are planted in a multi-tiered container, filled with flowering, climbing fruit-bearing plants, herbs or greens.

Green spaces

Another option for landscaping a site is planting shrubs and non-fruit-bearing ornamental trees. For example, boxwood with curly haircut will be able to give your site a completely unusual look. You can also grow vines along the walls of the buildings on the site.

Alpine slide

An alpine hill is a special landscape composition that consists of hills with flowers, shrubs and other decorative elements. The first layer of the hill is broken brick or gravel, which is covered with a mound of earth in the form of a mound. After the earth shrinks, stones are installed, then medium and small sized elements. The best plants for the hill - sedum, edelweiss, saxifrage, lumbago. A properly designed alpine slide looks incredibly impressive.


If the size of the plot allows you to not only decorative trees, feel free to plant trees like white acacia or horse chestnut: They make a great addition to any design. Rowan and bird cherry will add coziness to the site, and euonymus will add originality.

Different types examples of landscaping, as well as the design of a country house site - photos can be viewed in our photo gallery.


When choosing the type of pond that can become the highlight of your garden, proceed from your preferences, the style of the site and the purpose that the pond should serve. It may have an exclusively aesthetic role, but it may also have a practical role: for example, water from a reservoir can be used to irrigate a site.

Pond options:

  • fountains;
  • ponds;
  • pool;
  • waterfalls and cascades;
  • circulating rivers;
  • water mills.

Landscape design of a country house, photo examples using ponds, see below.

Selecting a fence

The fence that limits your plot from the neighboring one should stylistically match the house and garden. Choose the material carefully: brick, wood, stone, metal, green fence - and remember about compatibility. You can decorate the fence with climbing vines and vines. Fences within a site can be used to separate different areas (for example, vegetable garden, garden, recreation area). Any material will do, the only requirement is compliance general style plot.

Arrangement of a recreation area

The recreation area can be areas of various sizes, shapes and purposes.


The simplest, most unpretentious option for a relaxation area and at the same time very functional. In the gazebo you can sit alone, enjoying a book with a cup of coffee, you can meet friends and spend time exciting games and conversations. The gazebo can be made of wood, metal, brick and stone, can be open or glazed, round, square or in the shape of a polyhedron - as the owner wishes. The most important requirement to the gazebo, as to any element of landscape design - compliance with the design of the territory.


The patio is called small patio, which usually looks like a terrace or open veranda. The patio area is chosen on a flat, sunny spot in a picturesque corner of the garden, covered with tiles, wood or clinker bricks and arranged at your discretion. Patios usually have benches or sofas for sitting, street lighting, small table, flowerpots with flowers, there may also be an outdoor fireplace.

Cooking area

Many owners of a country plot want to have a place in the backyard where they can cook shish kebab or barbecue. Options for organizing a place for cooking over a fire depend on the cooking method. You can choose:

  • B-B-Q;
  • barbecue;
  • Russian stove;
  • open hearth;
  • fireplace with garden kitchen.

A separate safe area is required for a Russian stove and barbecue, while a canopy on a wooden floor is sufficient for a barbecue. A dining area with an open fireplace will decorate any yard, and a kitchen with a fireplace, although a very expensive project, makes it possible to constantly enjoy cooking and eating food on fresh air.

Additional simple option is to place an open-air dining room (you can make a special area with a canopy, a long table, sofas, or just install a small table with a few chairs) to cook food in the house and eat outside in a picturesque corner.

Decorative elements

Decorative figures in a suburban area they have long ceased to be limited garden gnomes. There is a huge variety of garden decor elements that can be chosen according to your preferences and overall composition plot. The most interesting options:


The sculptures vary in shape, size and subject matter. It could be an animal or a fairy-tale character peeking out from the shadows of the foliage - the story of this creature can be invented and told to guests. The sculpture can also be an avant-garde design composition that will become the highlight of your garden.


Vases with flowers are an alternative to flower beds, which is increasingly gaining popularity. It is easier to care for plants in a flowerpot, and this composition looks no less impressive.


Decorative lighting is an original way to diversify your garden design. The combination of lamps of different heights looks most advantageous. Light contrasts can emphasize the beauty of any element of landscape design, giving the garden mystery or romance. White (yellow) lighting emphasizes the naturalness of nature, while colored lighting creates unique visual effects.


Do not rush to get rid of stones removed from the ground. Small, smooth, perhaps colored stones can be sprinkled, for example, between a flower bed and a path, and large stones can be used to imitate an oriental style rock garden.

Decorative elements in the landscape design of a suburban area in the photo can be seen below.

Design options for areas of different sizes

On plots of various sizes it is possible to implement different ideas.

Plot of 6 acres

A low fence and winding paths will give a feeling of spaciousness to a small area. The best option design on small area is a geometric style that could often be found in Soviet dachas: it uses space as efficiently as possible. In the northern part of the site you can locate a greenhouse and technical buildings. There may also be a row of trees that will provide shelter from unpleasant winds and help organize the space of the site. Make sure that the house in a small area does not cast a shadow on light-loving plants. Can be used in decoration vertical gardening, what will be original and most the best option for decorating a small area.

Plot of 10 acres

The trees and shed on the larger plot are still located in the northern part, but there is much more scope for decorating the remaining space. In such an area you can plant a lawn, fairly large flower beds or undergrowth (low grasses and shrubs that do not need a lot of light: bells, ferns, daisies). You can install a gazebo or even a sauna - all buildings will fit perfectly into the surrounding design if they are entwined with neat vines. The size of such a plot also allows you to arrange more complex compositions: a Japanese garden with a gazebo and an artificial stream or a “wild nature corner” with forest trees.

Plot of 12 acres

A garden of this size provides enormous opportunities to express your imagination. In addition to residential buildings, you can install a pond with a waterfall on it, and the soil that is extracted to equip the reservoir can easily turn into the foundation for an alpine slide. The main path of the garden can branch into small paths and go to remote corners. On a large area you can create a safe play area for children or arrange a patio for relaxation.

Photo gallery

In our gallery you will find 19 more great ideas on how to landscape a country house.

In this article you can get acquainted with the main points of creating landscape design, as well as get acquainted with interesting examples and photographs of ready-made solutions.

Any person who wants a little warmth and tranquility dreams of owning a country house. And if you are no exception, then congratulations - your property can delight with its appearance. You can experiment by creating a design with my own hands. If you have excellent computer skills and want to work with 3D images, then there is no price for you. You can use or come up with your own. The most important thing is the process of work, which should give you pleasure.

The main options for decorating a site include the following:

  • Choosing a flower garden;
  • Organization of green spaces;
  • Buildings – gazebos, bathhouses;
  • Water;
  • Other decorative elements.

You can zoning the area of ​​your dacha. To do this, you need to visually estimate the location of the buildings. You also need to determine where the space will be allocated for the lawn, and where you need to plant a garden, create flower beds and make beds. Next, places for rest and for placing decorative elements are determined. You may want to make a pool and put sun loungers, but all this is possible.
The stages of decorating a summer cottage are as follows:

  1. Choosing a location and type for buildings;
  2. Creation of plantings;
  3. Organization of a reservoir;
  4. Construction of gazebos, decoration;
  5. Organization of flower beds.

We carry out construction

After zoning, you need to come to the second stage. This is a construction that can be done with your own hands. You can make a wonderful bathhouse, build a shower and a gazebo. If you have children/grandchildren, then excellent option There will be a playground for children. Landscape design of a summer cottage is presented on different photos people who made it with their own hands, so if you don’t have enough imagination, you can use ready-made solutions in.

When constructing buildings, you need imagination and, of course, strong male hands who took on heavy men's work. By doing construction together with your other half, this activity will become exciting and turn into a real family adventure. If you involve children and grandchildren in light work, then 100% rapprochement of your family is guaranteed! After all, in the process of such work you can get maximum pleasure.

Turn on your imagination

Before you start laying paths, you need to decide on the buildings and important elements plot. Next comes the construction of paths, and then plantings. Paths can also be made with your own hands, and imagination is your faithful assistant in this difficult task. In order to make a trail, you won’t need heavy or supernatural elements; it will be enough to include the work of your imagination.

If you had to dig a pit while working, then you will be left with a gray mound. You don't even need to think about where to put it, it can turn into a real masterpiece, you just have to want it. For example, thanks to it, you can create alpine slide, and if the terrain allows it, and there is water on the site, then you can put a slide with a pond, which will be designed at your discretion. Overall the spectacle should be very impressive. At the right approach landscape design of a summer cottage will be like in a beautiful photo, done in the most paradise planets. Therefore, it is very important to approach its design correctly.

Creation of green spaces

Landscape design involves the construction of green spaces. They sit down having decided on the main aspects that play an important role in the design. To make the area as green as possible, it is necessary to prepare a site on which the lawn will be placed. Cleaning is carried out by removing weeds, grass, stones. Next, the area needs to be dug up. The dug up soil is compacted using a special compactor. Next, the plot must stand in this form for some time, the next stage is sowing.

Instructions consistent actions when planting a lawn

If you want to make flower beds, rock gardens and microborders on your site, then we can congratulate you on the emergence of a flight of fancy. To get a beautiful picture, you just need to use your imagination; perhaps you have items in your dacha that you will no longer use, and that can turn into a real miracle. These are plastic bottles, utensils, paints and old furniture, which is located in utility rooms. Perhaps what you were going to send to the landfill will be a great help in creating a unified style for the site.

Execution of a reservoir

It is difficult to imagine a good and high-quality landscape design in a country house without a pond. This could be a pond, a swimming pool or a small attractive garden fountain. You can make such a pond yourself. To make a pond, you need to dig a hole up to 1.5 meters deep in a lowland and outline the contours of the pond using spray paint. The walls of the pond can be formed under a slope and laid with old linoleum. The edges of the pond can be decorated with stones or decorated with colored plastic bottles. The result will be a small pond, and plant along the contour original plants.
Of course, we can come up with something of our own, the main thing is to be guided by ingenuity and the characteristics of the site. A beautifully made landscape design of a summer cottage is presented in the photo, displaying all the originality and incredible beauty of your own imagination. Creating a design is not an easy task, but if you approach it correctly, we will achieve excellent results.

Choosing a flower garden

There are a variety of options for arranging flower beds. Beautiful flower garden bordered by an original border or other structure, it should look very original. If you want to plant flower beds bordered by borders, then for these purposes it is better to choose low crops, the height of which is no more than 40 cm. Floral and foliage plants are grown for such purposes. ornamental crops. These can be hostas, coleus, Byzantine chistets and others. This option is advantageous in comparison with other crops.
The main function of the border is to frame a landscape element, which must have clear contours. If this kind of flower bed is used to decorate a lawn, its boundaries can be marked with a decorative border tape, which allows you to preserve the outline and does not allow the plant to grow. If you make the right choice, the landscape design of your summer cottage will show itself as in the most beautiful photos taken abroad.


The landscape design of a summer cottage, a photo of which can reflect any ideas, must have some special features. To give it such features, a mixborder is often used - one of the popular types of country flower gardens. It is a mixture made up of a wide variety of perennial and annual plants. And it is designed so that it decorative properties persisted throughout the season. This type The flower bed can be located along the fence, the wall of the house and along the hand-made sidewalk path, but there is no uniformity and strict geometric values, which, in fact, is the main feature of the mixborder.
As a rule, the width of a mixborder is from 1.5 to 4 meters. If it contains tall plants, then they are planted at the back. The basis of this flower garden is presented perennial plants. Grouping of flowering and deciduous plants carried out taking into account the timing of flowering, as well as the color of the flowers so that it is in harmony with the color of other flowers. The entire flower garden can either be contrasting or have some colors complemented by others.

rocky gardens

This type of flower garden is quite popular, and the creation options are endless. The owner of a summer cottage can make such a structure himself, choosing the most suitable option for himself. In such a situation, you need to focus on the terrain and the style features of the garden. Of course, the personal preferences of the gardener do not go unnoticed, and it is important to pay special attention to them. If the entire plot is located on a slope, then practical solution will be the construction of retaining walls and arrangement of terraces. Sometimes you can combine these options with each other.
If you want to add something incredible and original to your rocky garden, you can make a stream or waterfall, and the combination of flower beds with such elements is common and beautiful. Running water will look very attractive against the background of boulders. For rocky garden you need to select stones wisely and carefully, otherwise it may become a pile of cobblestones. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the breeds most commonly found in your area. If you correctly combine stones with different sizes and shapes, this can make the composition more original.

Construction of a gazebo

Excellent and convenient presence of a gazebo on a summer cottage. It will be an excellent place to relax, and if you welcome guests, you can gather them at one table in the fresh air, treating them to delicious kebabs. The gazebo will be an excellent option for evening gatherings with the family. Imagine: after a difficult working day you can dine al fresco, like in the best restaurant in France. The painting will bring particular joy to the competent design of a gazebo for a summer cottage.
There are different photos, accompanied by the construction of a good gazebo. Made from wood or casting. Can have any color, depending on your preferences. You can always contact companies specializing in sales that will offer you ready-made gazebos high quality in a huge variety. The stage of constructing a gazebo is quite important and responsible, so it must be approached with caution.

The choice is yours

A bright and colorful garden with beautiful flowers, like from famous works of literature or art - now this is not a dream, but a real reality, the choice is always yours. Every owner of a summer cottage can turn his land into a nature reserve, you just have to have the desire, ingenuity and a vigorously working imagination. If you choose the right design option, you will receive high-quality work that will not leave you indifferent.
You can choose from a huge variety of options, among which are the simplest, and even more expensive ones, the most important thing is that your summer cottage not only pleases the eyes, but also the heart, and what could be even more beautiful. Do original design, as in the photo - quite simple, you just have to want it. You can build whatever you want to build gazebos, utility structures and other variants of elementary and original buildings, the most important thing is that both the process and the result bring a lot of pleasure.

Landscape design of a summer cottage - photo gallery

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