Plantings - trees, shrubs, flower and herbaceous plants - form the basis for the formation of a park environment. They are inextricably linked with other components of the landscape - relief and water and, taking into account the climate, determine the spatial structure and characteristic appearance of each object. In the process of historical development of landscape art, various types of parklands have emerged. In regular parks they take on geometric shapes - bosquets, alleys, groups, solitaires. Open spaces are represented by parterres - lawn, flower, water. In landscape parks, where the composition is based on an asymmetrical balance of volumes and is based on the principle of recreating the image of natural nature, these are massifs, alleys, groups, solitaires. All types of parklands (components of a park landscape) basically perform identical functions in landscapes and differ stylistically....

Recommended schemes for constructing groups of plants of various species

Types of spatial structure

Organized space- is an environment for human life and activity, subordinated to the material and spiritual needs of society. Boundless space - the “great emptiness”, as defined by Democritus - cannot be perceived by human senses. Space is comprehended by us in the presence of material bodies in it, subject to one degree or another of material limitation. Landscape architect. J. Simonds (USA) said: “The art and ability to design a terrain is comprehended by the designer when he first realizes that he is dealing not with areas, but with volumes and spaces.” The creative method of landscape art, based on the environmental properties of the object being developed, approaches its assessment from the standpoint of 3 spatial categories: space (the territory itself) and its components - plane (the surface of the earth on various forms of relief) and volume (plantings, structures, volumetrically expressed relief )....

Correlation between types of spatial structure

The areas of closed, semi-open and open spaces are related to each other in a certain way in their size and total area, as well as their location in the park structure. This ratio is determined by the requirements of the psychophysiological comfort of the environment for a person. The solution to the problems of creating a favorable microclimate of the park environment depends on the climate of the area in which the park is organized. So, in the southern regions protection from the sun and summer heat is necessary, so preference is given here closed spaces plantings that create shade and coolness. The area of ​​open spaces is insignificant. They are, as a rule, small, visitors are most attracted to their shaded part, the edge is formed loose - blown, capable of providing the necessary aeration and thus avoiding stagnation of overheated air. In the northern regions, on the contrary, areas illuminated by the sun and protected from unfavorable northern winds are preferable. Therefore, a significant part, and sometimes a large part, is occupied by open spaces of meadows, which are warmer than plantings. In the northern, as well as in the northwestern part, the clearings have a dense edge that protects from cold winds.....

Compositions of open spaces (clearings and parterres)

Open spaces are among the most important structural elements of parks. In regular parks these are primarily parterres, in landscape parks they are meadows. Parterre is decorative composition, located on a horizontal plane, made from plants, inert materials and water. Lawn, flowers, and low-crop shrubs are used as plant material. Inert materials include sand, birch charcoal, broken glass, crushed brick, tiles. The composition of the parterres includes pools, fountains, sculpture, vases, potted plants and figuratively trimmed plants (buxus, yew, cotoneaster, thuja, spruce was used in Russia)....

The process of forming landscape compositions. Combination of environmental, technological and aesthetic requirements

During the process of growth, tree plantations radically change their height, crown diameter, thickness and texture of the trunk surface, pattern and thickness skeletal branches, silhouette, i.e. all the main indicators that influence the artistic quality of the landscape composition. Depending on this, the optimal distances for the perception of tree plantations change. The patterns of development and changes in decorative and artistic forms must be gradually taken into account when forming the landscape. The growth and development of tree plantations occurs unevenly. In the first years, plant growth is usually slower. The greatest increase in most species is observed at 10...30 years. In the middle and southern zones of the European part of Russia, the period is most rapid growth oak has 10...15 years; larch has 20...30 years. The growth of old trees almost stops, dry tops appear, some of the lateral branches dry out, the crown thins out...

Landscape-spatial composition

The properties of vegetation as one of the building materials of landscape architecture play an important role in creating the overall spatial structure of gardens and parks. The nature of the landscape is determined primarily by the ratio of volumetric plant elements and planar elements formed by the surface of the earth and reservoirs. The term “landscape” should be understood as an integral part of the landscape, which can be perceived as an artistically integral space. Specific conditions of visual perception determine the large-scale limits of the landscape. Let's say, a flower parterre or a group of trees is beyond the lower threshold of the concept of "landscape", and a large array of plantings or a complex system of reservoirs is beyond its highest threshold. A mandatory feature of a landscape is the predominance or presence of natural components. View - a fragment of a landscape, an extremely limited space, the viewing angle of which does not exceed 60° (a small clearing in a dense forest, a bridge over the water with two or three groups of trees, a gazebo in a park, etc.)...

Types of landscape planning organization of green spaces

Landscape vegetation is organized in the form of forests and groves, groups of trees and shrubs, alley plantings, hedges, clipped walls, bosquets, clearings, decorative lawns and various types of flower beds. Arrays of forest-type plantings are used to recreate the natural landscape; they occupy an area of ​​1 to 4 hectares in parks and tens of hectares in forest parks. Depending on the dominant tree species, the tracts are divided into coniferous (dark and light coniferous) and deciduous (broad- and small-leaved), according to composition - into pure, composed of one species, and mixed, according to structure - single-tiered and multi-tiered (when the crown floors are located at different heights). The choice of the main species of the massif determines its appearance - spruce, fir, beech, hornbeam with dark trunks and dense foliage form gloomy shady plantings; pine, birch, larch, ash, acacia, having transparent crowns, form sunny and bright plantings. Associated species improve and enrich the forest environment, highlight decorative qualities basic breed through contrast or nuanced relationships...

Groups of trees and shrubs

A group is a combination of woody plants of one or more species, located isolated in the open space of the park. In Russian parks of the 18th-19th centuries. groups were created mainly from 7-10-17 species of birch, linden, oak, pine, spruce, larch, ash, elm, with the inclusion of rowan), bird cherry, and turf. Often the groups were bordered by lilacs, spirea, honeysuckle, and rose hips. In the early period of development of the landscape style in Russia, mainly groups of pure composition were created; at present (with the expansion of the range) preference is given to mixed groups. The most common combinations of breeds in groups in parks of the 18th-19th centuries. there were spruce and birch; spruce and rowan; birch and pine; linden, spruce, birch; larch, ash; maple, willow, ash, etc....

Forms of using water in landscape design

In landscape design, the use of water has several levels. In landscape design, water is used in utilitarian and decorative devices Oh. The most commonly used utilitarian devices include drinking fountains, wells, splash pools, fish ponds, and canals. Of the decorative devices, it should be noted decorative fountains(jet), with volumetric sculpture, wall, water mirrors, cascades, waterfalls. The possibility of using water for thermal insulation, noise protection, fencing is poorly used....

Types of flower decoration

Floral and ornamental herbaceous plants occupy an important place in the decoration of the park and, together with woody plants, water features, stones, and sculptures, form its aesthetic appearance. With the help of flower beds, the planning units of the park are designed - ground areas, entrances, rest areas, accents are created that concentrate attention, guide movement and complete the artistic design of park compositions - places near ponds, in clearings, at the edges, sculptures, etc. The following types of floral decoration are distinguished: ....

Formation of parks in disturbed areas. Geoplastics

One of characteristic features modern world park construction is associated with a large scale of work to transform waste areas. It's about about landscape reclamation, the transformation of former mine developments, garbage dumps, abandoned quarries, wastelands, etc. into recreational areas. According to our calculations, about half of the parks established in the last 10 years were created on “inconvenient” lands. Wide interest in this type of park construction is associated with the shortage of free from development and not occupied by Agriculture natural landscapes near large cities, a large distribution of disturbed areas, as well as those new creative possibilities, which opens to the landscape architect modern technology- powerful earth-moving and transporting mechanisms used for mining...

Tiered composition of the park

A typical compositional task of such parks is to identify the spatial structure of the slope, which often comes down to the formation of a system of terraces, i.e. alternating climbs and relatively flat relief steps. The decisive role is played here by the edges - clear fractures, transitions from flat elements to inclined ones. It is from here, from the edges, that views down open; here silhouette lines of limited visibility are formed when perceiving the park from below. The parallel lines of the edges, together with the steepest sections of the slope, determine the appearance of the park when viewed from the front, while the flat steps are hidden from the observer. The goal of the landscape architect is to emphasize this stepped, rhythmic structure of the relief with the help of architectural and landscape means. Another feature is that the main park structures, as well as elements such as sports grounds etc., are placed on the indicated steps in those places where they reach their greatest width.....

Parks on difficult terrain

A park located on a mountain or hill has its own compositional characteristics. The dome-shaped or cone-shaped volume of the hill connects the park with the external environment to the maximum extent; there are almost no closed spaces in it. It is difficult to identify certain view points here; in fact, the entire park is a continuous view “surface”, and the disclosure of views is multilateral or circular in nature. The park-hill composition is usually built on a network of roads that take the form of a spiral or serpentine.....

Unity and subordination in landscape art

The organization of space contains a contradictory unity of two main points: the limitation of parts and the creation of a single whole. The limitation of parts, or the division of space, in landscape art is determined by its functional purpose - division into areas with different types of activities and natural conditions that suggest the possibility of forming one or another type of spatial structure. Unity requires the identification of the main and the subordinate, the inextricable connection of form and content. It manifests itself in the identification of a volumetric-spatial dominant and the subordination of the remaining parts to it. This could be a building, clearing, pond, etc. Subordination is determined by the orientation of the remaining parts to this dominant and their visual and thematic relationship. Thus, in historical parks the dominant feature is the palace, to which the park territory is subordinated. Their unity is achieved by various methods: with the help of visual connections (a palace appears repeatedly and often unexpectedly in the alignment of clearings, roads and viewpoints); a certain division of space (smaller and carefully worked out closer to the palace and larger as we move away from it); richness of floral design and sculpture of the palace part and more modest thematic repetition in other parts of the park, etc. This connection is subtle and unobtrusive....

The relationship between landscape art and landscape painting

Landscape art is closely related to architecture, sculpture, painting, music and is based on the same principles of composition. The relationship between landscape art and landscape painting can be traced throughout the history of the existence of these different types of art. A. Kishchuk identifies four directions that characterize the peculiarities of the relationship between the creation of gardens and parks in nature and their depiction on the plane.

Composition of landscape paintings

The concepts of “park painting”, “landscape painting” and “landscape” in modern terminology of landscape art can be considered synonymous. Landscape painting - landscape - part of the park space, visually isolated from the general park space, conditionally enclosed in a “frame” that limits the field of vision, and has a certain compositional structure. Unlike paintings in landscape painting, a park landscape painting has a three-dimensional space and can be perceived from different angles. It occupies a certain space within the park landscape, limited by certain limits and visibility conditions. Often a park picture includes in its composition elements of other landscape areas and thereby is a means of organizing the unity of the park composition.....

Landscape diversity

Landscape diversity in park construction is usually understood as a change decorative effects, perceived during movement. The change in decorative effects in the park is called the dynamics of park landscapes. This is a broad concept, including both the change of landscape paintings while moving along the route, and their variability over time. The route is the main line from which the process of perceiving landscapes occurs. As J. Symonds notes, “... an object cannot be covered in its entirety from any one observation point. It is perceived rather through the flow of impressions. When we are in motion, we see a series of images merging into one vast visual awareness of some object, space or landscape."

Physiographic zoning. The concept of landscape and its relationship with landscape art

Natural areas, possessing certain hydrothermal, soil and plant resources, differing from each other in the uniqueness of morphological processes, they need the scientific development of a differentiated system of regional management activities. In landscaping and, accordingly, in landscape art, this differentiation is manifested in the differences in techniques aimed at creating comfortable sanitary and hygienic conditions for people, ensuring optimal conditions for plants, creating aesthetically valuable objects. The main ones are the ratio of types of spatial structure, normalization of planting density, selection of an assortment of plants and, which is of particular importance, taking into account the physiognomic features of the region and its appearance. The presence and significance of these features were noted by prominent geographers L. Berg, V. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and others.....

Perspective in landscape art

Perspective is the visual change in objects as they move away from the observer. There are linear and aerial perspectives. Linear perspective is associated with a visual decrease in size and change in shape, and aerial perspective is associated with a change in the brightness and clarity of objects, as well as their color, as they move away from the observation point. Spatial changes in color are also called color perspective.

Light and shadow relationships in landscape art

Illumination in landscape art is closely related to climate; it must be taken into account when creating an environmentally friendly environment for humans and plants. In this sense, illumination can be considered as an integral part of the climate, which, in turn, is part of the previously noted 5 components that form the natural landscape. Different geographical zones have their own light (and, accordingly, thermal) regime, the features of which determine the nature of the landscapes of these zones. Thus, the diffused soft light of the northern regions of the country, where cloudy days and fogs are frequent, deepens the perspectives of landscapes, softens the brightness of flower beds and the clarity of the contours of trees and shrubs. In southern latitudes, on the contrary, the midday sun sharply outlines objects and their shadows, enhances the brightness of colors, and visually reduces the depth of perspective. Illumination is one of the most important factors, forming the plasticity of the volumetric-spatial park composition. The nature of lighting directly affects a person’s mood, his choice of a place to relax, and travel routes. Visually perceived gradations of illumination are called chiaroscuro....

Color in landscape art

From the point of view of the physics of color, all bodies can be divided into two groups: 1) light sources, i.e. bodies emitting light; 2) bodies that reflect and transmit light. Our perception of color is based on this principle. Various colors We see objects because they (or their surfaces) absorb part of the light and reflect part. Color is determined by the wavelength of the light spectrum in the reflected beam. Color actively influences a person’s senses and his psychophysical state. It is perceived not only by sight, but also with the participation of all senses, including hearing, touch, smell and even taste. The therapeutic effect of color is used in medicine. According to the degree of excitement and the nature of the emotional impact, the colors are located in the same order in which they appear in the spectrum. Accordingly, they are divided into warm, or active (red, orange, yellow), which have a stimulating effect, and cold (blue, cyan, violet), which have a calming effect. Green is in the middle of the spectrum - it is the “color of physical balance.” The emotional reaction to color led to the emergence of certain associations, and with them the symbolism of color....

Water in landscape design

Water is one of the most important components of the natural landscape and occupies a significant place in the formation of the park environment. Water devices affect the microclimate of the territory, reducing air temperature and increasing its humidity, which is especially valued in southern latitudes; they are used for recreation and sports. And finally, the aesthetic value of water is important. Its physical properties are fluidity, the ability to form absolutely horizontal surface, sound, reflect objects, change color and shape - rich possibilities for creating a wide variety of water devices....

Selection of assortment and brief description of trees and shrubs used in landscape design

o Selection of assortment and brief description of trees and shrubs used in landscape design

Relationships between buildings and landscape

When determining the natural factor in the exterior of a structure, three stages of the relationship between the structure and nature can be distinguished: is the structure in balance with the surrounding natural environment or do they dominate each other; whether the individual parts of the structure with the natural elements introduced into them are in balance with each other; do the natural elements in parts of the structure correspond to a person’s idea of ​​their expediency, i.e. do they correspond to a person’s idea of ​​coziness, comfort, do they correspond to his work activity or life, the scale of a person, etc. Moreover, all three stages, of course, must correspond to the aesthetic ideas of people.

Natural components in residential buildings and residential complexes

The variety of types of modern residential buildings and residential complexes requires special consideration of them landscape design. In this aspect, it is necessary to distinguish, first of all, between low- and multi-storey dwellings. In turn, low-rise residential buildings include: one-two-story cottage houses, villas, summer houses, garden houses, rural houses and their plots. Multi-storey buildings include residential buildings and their complexes of varying capacity, hotels, hostels, dormitory buildings of sanatoriums, holiday homes, and boarding houses. Landscape design of a low-rise building is carried out simultaneously with landscape design of its individual plot (Fig. 15.5). At the same time, the issue of placing the building on the site is resolved. Three cases of such placement can be noted: in the depths of the site, on the red building line, on the corner of the site, if it is corner. In accordance with the location of the main building on the site, its zoning is carried out. The zones can be the following: entrance, central (around the house), utility zone, garden area, vegetable garden and berry garden, children's play area.....

Natural components in public buildings and ensembles

Public buildings, as well as residential buildings, have come a long way in historical development. Not only did they change architectural styles, construction equipment, Construction Materials, but also the nomenclature of public buildings and their connections with the natural environment. If castles, kremlins, monasteries, palaces, temples were built in a rich natural environment, then a modern public building arises in a dense urban, multi-story building. The high cost of urban land and existing developments do not always make it possible to organize a rich natural environment around a new public building. Therefore, in these cases, the organic inclusion of natural components into the architecture of a public structure becomes particularly important.

Natural components in industrial and engineering structures

Active, ever-increasing human production activity largely contributes to the awakening of people's conscious attitude towards environmental protection and the need for landscape design of places where labor is used. Currently, along with individual industrial enterprises, there are industrial hubs and entire industrial areas that form special industrial landscapes. Such landscapes are characterized by large construction volumes, occupying tens of hectares for development, an abundance of transport networks, engineering structures(pipes, masts, bridges, overpasses, cooling towers, galleries), depressed state of vegetation as a result of soil and atmospheric pollution, floating reservoirs - settling tanks, etc.

Restoration of works of landscape art

The work begins with collecting all kinds of initial data. Sources can be archival documents, various literature - memoirs, descriptions of trips and excursions, fiction, painting, etc., oral traditions and stories, project materials and, finally, field research. The first survey of the park aims to draw up its plan at the time of the survey. At the same time, information is collected about prospective construction in the park area and the availability hazardous areas around his territory. It is advisable to apply the character of the relief: general direction surface water flow, closed contours of lowlands and hills, general altitude characteristics of the park area relative to the surrounding area. The plan must have the outlines of tall vegetation, clearings, lawns, open slopes, parterres, groves, etc. If the park area has ponds, they must be recorded on this plan....

Landscape composition

The concept of landscape composition. Word " composition"translated from Greek as a harmonious relationship of parts. At the same time, an architectural composition, including a landscape one, unlike, for example, a musical or pictorial composition, must solve functional problems at an artistic level. That is why the landscape composition is based on recreational, demographic, sanitary, hygienic, environmental and aesthetic requirements. An artistically meaningful landscape should be created based on different levels:

  • planning, i.e. organization of the environment of vast territories;
  • creation of specific objects - from the city gardening system

to individual parks and squares;

Development of details of a landscape object.

Features of landscape composition. Distinctive feature works of landscape, including gardening, art are a harmonious combination of natural and artificial components. TO natural ingredients include terrain, bodies of water and green spaces. Artificial components- road and path network and various structures, from large buildings to covering parts and equipment.

All these elements can be divided into two groups: immutable(taken as the basis of the composition) and directionally changeable(projected). Natural conditions - climate, hydrography of the area, prevailing type of landscape. Lighting conditions are the basis of landscape composition of any scale. In addition, large landforms, vast bodies of water and forests are decisive. In cities and agglomerations, urban planning factors - the density and number of storeys of buildings, the mutual placement of residential, industrial and green areas, the population - along with natural conditions are the basis of the landscape composition. Of the artificial components, large transport highways, the existing road system and large public buildings, the design of which is beyond the scope of the activities of gardening specialists.

Other important feature landscape composition is that it is subject to continuous change depending on natural, biogenic and anthropogenic factors. The result of anthropogenic transformations changes not only the composition, but also the very conditions of landscape development. Depending on human activity, the use of the territory, recreational and environmental load on the natural basis changes. Therefore, the creation of a landscape composition should be a purposeful change in the landscape to provide a comfortable and appropriate living environment for humans.

Principles of constructing a landscape composition and its perception.

The expressiveness of a landscape composition depends not only on its own qualities, but also on the characteristics of a person’s orientation in the landscape and the possibilities of his visual perception. Isolating the main element, subordinate details and a neutral background is the basic rule for constructing a composition. Centers, main and minor dominants, local accents and background make up the architectural and spatial structure of a park or garden. The complexity of this structure depends on the purpose of the object, the features of the functional zoning of the territory, the topography and the size of the site.

Dominants themselves express a certain idea - the basis of the artistic image of a park or garden. Such a dominant can be an artificial structure in the landscape (a stadium, a concert hall in a large park), but most often it is formed on the basis of the natural forms of the local landscape - large landforms, a forest, a large reservoir. Dominants are most often located in the center of the park, organize the main route of movement, and are perceived from several vantage points.

Local accents small architectural forms become - gazebos, bridges, stairs, sculpture; they emphasize the end of the alleys, the centers of individual areas.

Background allows you to create neutral pauses in the composition, prepare the viewer to perceive the dominant or accent and at the same time maintain the effect of surprise, which makes exploring the park or garden exciting.

The combination of composition elements can be built according to the laws of contrast or nuance.

Contrast - This is a comparison of elements in which differences on a certain basis are brought to the point of opposition. This sign should be easily identifiable and understandable - for example, the shape or delicacy of the crown of plants, surface texture, color, degree of enclosure of the space, the nature of the illumination of the area.

Nuance relationship implies slight differences in one quality or another, when the similarity of elements in this quality is more pronounced than the difference. In this case, subtle transitions of color, plasticity, shape, texture, and lighting are used.

The vast space of a park or garden requires the introduction of an axis to create order. Spatial axis often becomes the main route of movement through the park, for example the central alley in regular compositions. In landscape parks and large park areas, the introduction of a straight axis turns out to be impractical; the axis acquires a smooth bend that follows the main walking route. The spatial axis may not coincide with an alley or road, but is a kind of “visual corridor” connecting the most expressive areas of the landscape. In axial compositions, the elements must be subordinated to it in one way or another; There are two fundamentally different methods of organizing space relative to an axis: symmetry and asymmetry.

Symmetry assumes the same arrangement of equal elements, parts or spaces relative to the axis: the placement of flower beds along the path, trees and sculptures along the alley, the location of front gardens along the street of the village.

Asymmetry is the opposite of symmetry and involves unequal placement of different elements relative to the axis. The beauty of asymmetrical compositions lies in the visual balance and subordination of parts. The asymmetrical plan of the park emphasizes the features of the landscape and structures in it, provides best review compositional nodes and small forms from different points, allows you to create a varied walking route.

The entire variety of spaces in a park or garden can be described using varying degrees of closure, from completely open to completely closed areas. The degree of enclosure of the space depends on the geometric configuration of the boundaries, their height and the distance of the viewer to them. IN closed spaces are dominated by volumetric large-sized elements - tall green areas, buildings and structures blocking the horizon line. In a park or garden, enclosed spaces form areas of shade. Open the spaces are formed by vast planes: a meadow or lawn, the surface of a reservoir, a paved area or a floral parterre. In an open landscape, the viewer is presented with wide vistas up to the horizon, vast sunlit areas. A special group consists of sparse spaces in which individual volumetric elements do not interfere with end-to-end viewing. An example of such a space is a birch grove.

Depending on the inspection conditions, planar, volumetric and spatial compositions are distinguished.

Planar the composition is assessed entirely from a single stationary point of view or from an axis of movement pointing directly at it. Frontal composition is a type of planar composition, it also develops in one plane - vertical; These are, for example, vertical gardening techniques, floral decoration of building facades, monuments and memorial plaques, multi-tiered mixborders along the walls of buildings.

Volumetric the composition is designed to be traversed in a circular manner; its perception from several points should be varied.

Spatial the composition presupposes an obligatory movement in depth. With this movement, various visual impressions arise, replacing each other, a system of successive contrasts is visible in the degree of enclosure, illumination, and color environment of the spaces. Details of a landscape composition - a park, garden, boulevard, square, recreation area - can be regarded as planar or volumetric. The entire ensemble is a spatial composition.

The construction of a landscape composition and its perception largely depends on the characteristics of human vision. Up close we see the texture and texture of surfaces, small details, structural features of the leaves and branches of the plant; As you move away from the object, large divisions of shape, silhouette, and pronounced color spots become decisive.

The most important role in landscape composition is played by the peculiarities of human perception of color and light, which are inseparable from each other. The connection between the phenomena of color and illumination is reflected in the concept color and light environment of the landscape: is a combination of climatic and weather conditions, terrain, color and reflective properties of coatings and buildings, color of foliage of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. Color design is based on pure - spectral - colors. For a landscape composition as a whole, not only the color of flowers, fruits and foliage of plants is important, but also the color of structures, small forms, coverings, and garden decor. Using color in a landscape composition, you can create color accents in the most significant areas, introduce a certain psychological relationship between spaces, and set a rhythm in the perception of space.

The integrity of the perception of the landscape composition is ensured by a consistent style. Style connects together various methods of transforming the relief, reservoirs and water devices, plantings, principles of tracing the road and path network, the nature of structures and small forms.

For modern objects of landscape architecture, especially objects of large area, it is difficult to introduce an unambiguous stylistic classification. One of the modern classifications a goal is set to achieve which the existing landscape is changed.

The first principle is the requirements for utilitarian use: growing crops, construction, organizing recreation for the population. This approach underlies the oldest known historical gardens; their solution was determined by the logic of the irrigation system or relief stabilization. Utilitarian requirements underlie modern recreation areas, various agricultural landscapes, and individual garden plots.

The second principle for solving a territory may be compliance with the specific existing landscape and the logic of its development, preserving its originality. In this case, the architectural and planning structure and landscape organization of the object are based on the features of the original landscape and a clear zoning of the territory according to the nature of use. Landscape-realistic parks of the 19th century, modern national parks, nature reserves and reserves were built according to this principle.

The third principle is compliance with a certain ideological or aesthetic “program”, philosophical ideas about the relationship between man and nature. Many French and Italian regular gardens of the Renaissance and Baroque, English landscape gardens of classicism, landscape-romantic parks of Russian estates, modern memorial parks and abstract gardens were built according to this principle. The concept of style is most often associated with this principle.

Styles landscape compositions. In the layout of spaces, two directions have always existed in parallel: regular-geometric and picturesque-landscape, which never completely excluded each other. Nor are they polar opposites, since they reflect the idea of ​​the beauty of nature - transformed or not transformed by man. Somewhat conventionally, regular, irregular and mixed styles are distinguished.

Regular the style assumes a rectilinear or ray-shaped tracing of the road and path network with intersections that are marked by platforms, small forms or plantings. The relief of a regular garden is flat or designed in the form of terraces with retaining walls various heights. Open surfaces of lawns and flower beds of strict geometric shape play an important role. The ponds of a regular garden have a round, square, rectangular or polygonal shape, often reflecting ponds are complemented by fountains or cascades. The plantings involve the artificial formation of crowns and are represented by green walls or geometric shapes, green bosquet cabinets, linear plantings of trees and shrubs along the alleys. The dominant feature of a regular park is often large building- palace, administrative, entertainment.

Irregular The style is based on imitation of the natural landscape, revealing its picturesqueness. The paths and paths of the irregular park have picturesque outlines, are laid in accordance with the terrain and along the most compositionally advantageous routes. The relief is preserved in its original form or enhanced by creating embankments or recesses of natural contours. The reservoirs of the landscape park are natural (lakes) or artificial, but imitate a natural prototype (pond, stream, cascade). The plantings are based on groups and arrays, selected according to the color and shape of the crown, growth dynamics; Much attention is paid to single plantings of ornamental species. The background for them is the surface of a lawn or meadow with arrays of flowers imitating natural ones. Architectural structures and small forms are actively included in the landscape, but do not dominate it.

It is also possible to combine regular and irregular techniques within one composition - mixed style. For example, the straight main alley of the park contrasts in design with the picturesque walking paths. Irregularly designed green spaces can soften the rigidity of the geometric layout of paths and ponds. Within the same object, geometric and picturesque areas may coexist, for example, a regular entrance area with picturesque clearings for walks in the park.

Disciplines: “Landscape design” (DS.07), “Integrated formation of landscape objects and systems” (DS.04.06) (only for the “Landscape design” specialization):

1. Concept and features of landscape composition. Types of composition. Rhythmic and metric patterns, symmetry and asymmetry. Make a sketch of a symmetrical and asymmetrical composition.

The word composition is from Greek. Translated as a harmonious relationship of parts. In LD, the composition should not only be beautiful, but also solve purely practical problems.

To create a landscape composition means to create not only a beautiful, but also a comfortable living environment for people.

Features of the landscape composition:

- continuous change in the garden under the influence of various natural factors and human activity. From season to season, the appearance of plants changes, reservoirs silt up, slopes crumble, ravines increase, etc.

The need to harmoniously combine natural and artificial objects, which, in turn, can be divided into 2 groups: unchangeable and changeable. Natural conditions, climate - climate, water regime of the area, type of landscape, lighting - cannot be changed, so they are taken as the basis of the composition. Among artificial objects, large buildings, the layout of a populated area, general requirements for development (the absence of blind fences along the street), the style and location of houses in neighboring areas can be considered unchangeable.

Types of compositions.

Planar composition– visible entirely from one fixed point or from the axis of movement directed towards this point. Thus, the central flowerbed of the front yard is visible from the windows of the building, from the main entrance. Such a composition can be walked around and inspected from different sides, but this will not give anything new for understanding its design and color relationships.

Frontal composition- the same planar one, only located in a vertical plane. Examples of such compositions include floral decoration of building facades and sculptures, multi-tiered mixborders along fence walls. The time required to examine planar and frontal compositions depends mainly on their complexity and diversity.

Volumetric composition It is designed for a circular walk, that is, it looks different from different points. An example of a volumetric composition is a mixborder or rock garden against the backdrop of a lawn, or a group of shrubs in the center of the garden. Several ornamental trees, differing in height, color and crown shape, are planted in a clearing so that when viewed from different parts of the garden, the appearance of the group changes. Garden sculpture can also be designed for both frontal perception (sculptural portrait, bust) and volumetric perception (multi-figure groups, abstract compositions).

Spatial composition

implies a mandatory movement deeper into it. In such a composition, various visual impressions successively replace each other: contrasts alternate in the degree of enclosure of space, illumination, and color. Individual details of the garden can be designed as planar or volumetric, but the garden as a whole will still be a spatial composition. Its concept and the most advantageous views should be revealed when moving along pre-designed routes. In this case, emotionally rich fragments should alternate with neutral ones.

Planar and frontal compositions are possible within the view or whist. Spatial involves changing viewpoints and different viewing angles.

One of important techniques landscape construction - metric and rhythmic alternation of elements. Metric consists of repeating identical elements (paths of the same type, trees of the same type or size, fragments of a flower garden) at equal intervals between them. Rhythmic involves the repetition of elements at unequal intervals, and the size of the intervals changes according to some pre-thought-out principle. Trees, shrubs, benches, and sculptures alternate rhythmically along the paths. The rhythm can be not only horizontal, but also vertical - in multi-tiered plantings, in the composition of mixborders, in vertical gardening. To enrich and diversify the rhythmic pattern, introduce new elements of repetition into it, change the direction of movement. When highlighting repeating elements (for example, in a drawing of a regular flower bed), remember that too much division or too many repetitions are tiring for the eyes.

Symmetry and asymmetry:

Another technique for organizing the landscape is the choice of the main spatial axis. When planning your site, define for yourself such an axis - a kind of “visual corridor” that will connect the most expressive places in your garden. In a large garden this could be the central alley, in a small garden it could be a walking path, a view from the veranda or from the living room window. There are two fundamentally different types of compositions: symmetrical and asymmetrical relative to the visual axis.

At symmetry objects of equal size are located at the same distance relative to the spatial axis or some central point. In a landscape composition, we most often encounter the symmetry of garden elements relative to an axis: flower beds are symmetrically located along the path, trees and benches along the alley, front gardens along the village street. The beauty of symmetrical compositions lies in the equality of parts, staticity and completeness. They are appropriate where special representation and solemnity are required (for example, in the front yard of a house). Symmetrical compositions will help achieve a feeling of solidity and reliability.

A front garden with a large rectangular dominant building is created, as a rule, on the basis of a symmetrical composition (examples of such solutions are small gardens and public gardens at official buildings).

When designing gardens, there is often some deviation from symmetry - dissymmetry. It is usually caused by practical necessity (for example, unequal use of areas on the sides of the central path) or unequal conditions (different lighting and humidity on the southern and northern sides of the site).

For small gardens adjacent to complex buildings, use asymmetry - this will allow you to most organically connect the house with the garden.

Asymmetry involves placing elements of different sizes at different distances relative to the main axis. The beauty of such compositions lies in the visual balance and subordination of the parts. For example, in a Japanese garden, groups of stones visually balance the ground plane covered with gravel. The plan and façade of asymmetrical compositions are built on the basis of an unequal triangle. The asymmetrical plan of the garden emphasizes the features of the landscape and structures, provides the best view of small forms, and allows you to create an interesting walking route.

Almost all owners of personal plots are interested in creating landscape design. With a little effort, they transform their homes, ennoble them and create an almost fabulous atmosphere.

At the same time, it is not so important whether you are the owner of a luxurious mansion or a modest one. country house. After all, you can create a masterpiece on any site, even if it does not have a large area.

In addition, we should not forget that nowadays lawns, flower beds and various color compositions are more common, rather than standard gardens and vegetable gardens. Gradually they fade into the background, and you can’t see them very often.

Just a few years ago landscape designers used flower beds and ornamental shrubs as decoration for garden area. At the same time, coniferous compositions were practically not used.

However, their popularity is increasing every year, so landscape design with coniferous compositions can be seen on almost every site.

Rules for planting coniferous trees

Due to the high cost of services of professional landscape designers, many home owners have to arrange their own garden area. Having studied enough material on correct design site design, you can be sure of success.

But at the same time, it is worth taking into account the nuance that you will be working with coniferous species.

There are some rules for planting plants related to coniferous, which are not recommended to be violated if you want to end up with a truly beautifully landscaped garden. Let's look at these rules in more detail.

The distance from the point from which the tree and shrub species will be viewed to the composition should be 2 times its height. This way your composition will look more holistic.

If you are going to use for design conifers, then it would be wiser to give preference to the lawn. It will become a wonderful background that complements the composition.

If there is a pond on your site, you should plant coniferous shrubs nearby. In combination with weeping foliage plants they will look quite original, beautiful and elegant.

According to experts, compositions of coniferous plants should be placed oriented to the east and west. This composition will look more natural and harmonious.

You should not plant flowers such as roses in close proximity to coniferous plants. And although the designers confirm that such a combination looks very impressive, it is worth remembering that any coniferous species acidify the soil. And roses, as you know, do not take root well in oxidized soils.

As you can see, these simple rules are quite easy to follow. Therefore, you should not neglect them.

Do not forget that only plants and trees planted according to all the rules will be able to please you for many years and decorate your garden.

Coniferous color combinations

Did you naively believe that all coniferous plants and trees look the same? You were wrong. In fact, there are many plants that belong to this breed and differ in color.

That is why various compositions are often used, in which there are more than two specimens of plants that differ in color.

Combining different colors gives a stunning effect that cannot leave anyone indifferent.

However, do not rush to use the first colorful plants you come across. After all, you need to achieve the creation of a unique range, and this can only be done if you follow a few tips from designers:

  • if you are going to include 3 components in the composition, you should not use more than two colors;
  • if the composition includes 5 elements, it is necessary to increase the number of colors to three;
  • more bulky compositions, which consist of 25 or more components, should be divided into small groups (approximately 3 copies each). Each group must correspond to a single color attribute.

The composition assembled in this way will look like a single ensemble. Each of the selected colors will help create a holistic and harmonious picture.

Photos of coniferous compositions

It has noticeably transformed country houses, cottages, and dachas. Territories recently allocated for vegetable gardens, today are replaced by flower beds, lawns, lawns. The landscape composition gives a unique charm to the home and creates coziness. Special place Coniferous trees have begun to occupy the modern exterior, most of which have recently appeared in our country.

Basic Design Rules

Creating an original and unique exterior is not only about decorating the site. Landscape composition is an entire art. To make your site look harmonious, you need to take into account two main aspects:

  • biological;
  • engineering.

In other words, all beds, plantings, flower beds must be skillfully combined with other buildings. Stick to a consistent style.

Creating compositions in landscape design is not difficult if you follow some recommendations:

  1. Prepare the area. Think over and draw up a plan, placing all the elements on it: house, trees, bathhouse, shrubs, flower beds.
  2. Grouped plants look more advantageous than those planted alone. But combine only those that do not interfere with each other’s growth.
  3. Try to avoid straight, strict lines in landscape design. Orderliness is wonderful. But strict adherence to symmetry will deprive the area of ​​naturalness.
  4. Think first additional components your landscape design. These can be decorative elements (fountain, pond), original artistic details (paths, lamps).

Determine the balance you have chosen as the basis for building a landscape composition. If you decide to stick to symmetry, then you need to repeat the main elements in a mirror image. These can be flowerpots with flowers on both sides of the path.

When choosing an asymmetrical balance, unity of composition is assumed in relation to one subject.

Creating a beautiful design

Schemes will greatly help to create beautiful landscape compositions. You can use ready-made proposals from designers. But some owners prefer to develop such schemes themselves.

To make your country house design magnificent and pleasing to the eye, follow these tips:

  1. The dacha plot should form a unity of space. This effect is easily achieved by repeating the basic elements in different parts of the garden. Desired result can be achieved with a single color palette.
  2. A simple landscape composition looks harmonious and natural. Excellent design will create smooth transitions from one element to another.
  3. Trees are planted taking into account their height. Start with short ones, gradually moving to tall ones. This will create the effect of depth in your area. In addition, visually your home will appear much larger.
  4. Maintain proportionality. Avoid placing objects that are too bulky small space. And over a large area, small details will look somewhat inharmonious.

Deciduous plants

Beautiful landscape compositions must include various elements.

Deciduous plants provide a variety of green colors in the summer. In addition, they will emphasize the movement of time in your garden. In winter, when the leaves fly off the trees, the dark trunk will contrast perfectly with the snow-white snow. In autumn, your garden will be enriched with scarlet and gold colors.

Coniferous trees

They keep their greenery all year round. You should definitely take advantage of this. It is landscape compositions made of coniferous trees that create wide scope for creativity. These plants look great in winter. In addition, they are very unpretentious.


This is an original way to create an exclusive design option. Deciduous evergreens - holly and boxwood - are of great polarity. They allow you to build a wide variety of hedges. They can be used to form topiaries - certain sculptures that are formed thanks to a curly haircut.

A combination of coniferous and deciduous plants in one composition

Such ready-made landscape compositions always look the most advantageous. But, unfortunately, not all plants get along well with each other. Therefore, when combining various representatives of the plant world, their biological characteristics should be taken into account.

Some people can get rust. This attack can spread to other plants. Place frequently diseased shrubs near deciduous trees also shouldn't. Because the risk of infection is high.

Placement of shrubs

Landscape composition implies not only the presence flowering plants. Shrubs and trees are very important in garden design. But they need to be positioned correctly. This will give semantic completeness to the composition.

Shrubs are often placed along the perimeter, marking the boundaries of rockeries and rock gardens. Sometimes they create landscape compositions from shrubs. In this case, they are the accents of the site. Plants and flowers are planted around them.

Types of landscape compositions

So, if you are striving to create a beautiful, well-kept garden, pay attention to coniferous plants. They have charming view, exquisite forms and allow you to embody the most daring design solutions in almost any area.

Ready-made landscape compositions, which harmoniously combine deciduous and coniferous plants, always look impeccable.

Now let's look at how to create such a design:

  1. Pines, cypresses, spruces, junipers, thujas, fir trees are evergreen plants that look great in the very center of your garden plot. In this case, they form coniferous sculptures. They can be placed on the border of the site.
  2. Coniferous plants are picturesquely combined with roses, heather, rhododendrons, and deciduous plants. Such details will add some contrast and brightness to the design. They perfectly modify the garden design seasonally. Try to avoid birch and bird cherry trees. These trees have a rather negative effect on the needles.
  3. Ready-made pyramid-shaped landscapes look great. If you have even a little creativity, you can make great ones out of them. geometric figures, tiers, columns, spirals, intricate alleys. Curly trimmed trees can be used to divide the space into certain areas. Such details perfectly decorate small ponds and stone slides. They look great on changes in relief and colorfully complement rock gardens.
  4. Don’t forget that your landscape design of coniferous vegetation should delight you with its volumetric structures and its colorful pictures at any time. Therefore, when creating a composition, combine different shapes, textures and colors of coniferous trees.
  5. Landscape design must include accent trees and shrubs. Experts advise choosing winter-hardy varieties. They will delight you with their stability all year round. Vegetation with a spreading crown is more suitable for the background. The composition should be completed with climbing, low-growing plants.
  6. When placing shrubs and trees, try to emphasize the lines of the site. Plant them in those areas where their appearance and original shape will only add sophistication to the relief. They should perfectly emphasize the contours of buildings and structures in the landscape and match the configuration of paths and other objects. Trees and shrubs look great if placed near the entrance to the house.
  7. Tall vegetation is harmoniously combined, placed near garden stairs and retaining walls. This is where trees become an excellent addition to landscape design.
  8. Bends and forks in paths are excellent places to plant vegetation. Trees are often placed near recreation areas and gazebos. In this case, not only an aesthetic goal is pursued, but also the necessary shade is created during the hot season.
  9. A great option, according to designers, is to place shrubs and trees in flower beds. You can plant them next to flower beds.


Not a single one is beautiful personal plot cannot do without decorations created by the caring hands of the owners in the form of landscape compositions. Decorative design can be composed of coniferous and deciduous plants, shrubs. But the most attractive and harmonious option is their correct combination.

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