They operate according to a two-pass scheme and have 8 gas-oil nozzles.

Thermal output using gas or fuel oil is 180 Gcal/hour.

Water temperature at the boiler inlet when operating at:

gas - 70 o C

fuel oil - 110 o C

boiler outlet temperature - 150 o C

Water flow through the boiler: minimum - 3700 t/hour

nominal - 4420 t/hour

Water pressure: minimum - 9 kg/cm 2

maximum - 25 kg/cm 2

Hydraulic resistance - 1.063 kg/cm 2

Fuel consumption through the burner: gas - 2860 m 3 /hour

fuel oil - 2600 kg/hour

Flue gas temperature when operating on: gas - 168 o C

fuel oil - 196 o C

Efficiency of boilers on: gas - 91.7%

fuel oil - 90%

Start-up time is 25  30 minutes.

13 hot water boilers can operate simultaneously. The boiler switching circuit is sequential.


Station number

Year of entry





Boiler layout

tower half-open.


Radiative surface

Convective surface


Water consumption

Fuel consumption

Number of burners

Kindling time

Temperature of carbon dioxide gases

V. Make-up equipment.

The water supply of the thermal power plant is carried out:

    From the Klyazma reservoir from the Cherkizovskaya coastal pumping station(BNS) with two pipelines  800 mm. The following is installed on the BNS:

3 pumps with a capacity of 5000 m 3 /hour

2 pumps with a capacity of 1000 m 3 /hour

1 pump with a capacity of 2700 m 3 /hour.

The BPS is on the balance sheet of the Production Management of Regulatory Units and Industrial Water Supply (PURUiPV).

    From the city water supply  900 mm to the “Northern” station and  600 mm to the “Eastern” station. City water is used for household needs and as an emergency reserve for technological needs.



RD 34.26.511-91


Moscow 1993

DEVELOPED by the Company for setting up, improving technology and operating power plants and networks of ORGRES


APPROVED by the Main Scientific and Technical Directorate of Energy and Electrification of the former Ministry of Energy of the USSR on December 29, 1991.

Deputy Chief A.P. BERSENEV

Expiration date set

from 01/01/93

until 01/01/98


supply gas and light one of the lower burners (see paragraphs , , , );

after the gas ignites, close the valves on the fuel oil line to the nozzle of this burner;

blow the nozzle with steam, pull it out of the burner and remove it;

close the burner safety spark plug valve.

apply fuel oil to the nozzle (one of the lower ones) and light it (see paragraphs , , - );

close the valves on the gas pipeline in front of the burner;

make sure the torch is burning steadily;

open the burner safety spark plug valve.

Carbonate index Ik * (mg-equiv/l) 2 at supply water temperature,°C

70 - 100

101 - 120

121 - 130

131 - 140

141 - 150



* And k is the limiting value of the product of total alkalinity and calcium hardness of water, above which carbonate scale formation occurs in hot water mode.

The value of the indicator for the heat supply system



Dissolved oxygen, mg/kg, no more


Free carbon dioxide, mg/kg





Suspended substances, mg/kg, no more

Oils and petroleum products, mg/kg, no more

Dissolved oxygen, mg/l

Free carbon dioxide, mg/l

Alkalinity by phenolphthalein, mg∙eq/l

pH value

Suspended substances, mg/l

Oils and heavy petroleum products, mg/l


No more than 0.02


No more than 0.1

8,3 - 9,0

No more than 0.3*

No more than 5.0

No more than 0.3

No more than the average annual permissible concentrations (AD) established current standards radiation safety


No more than 0.02


01 - 0,5**

8,3 - 9,5

No more than 0.5

No more than 5.0

No more than 1.0

* In agreement with the SES, 0.5 mg/l is possible.

** Upper limit for deep water softening.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


Rice. 4 . Hydraulic diagram of the water heating boiler KVGM-180-150(original version):

Lower manifold; upper manifold; 1 - front screen; 2 - right side and ceiling screen; 3 - left side and ceiling screen; 4 - rear screen; 5 - right intermediate screen; 6 - left intermediate screen; 7 - lower, middle, upper half-sections, rear panel and risers of the convective shaft; 8 - lower, middle, upper half-sections, front panel and risers of the convective shaft; 9 - entrance and exit chambers

Boiler lining

The boiler lining consists of insulating and reinforcing materials, asbestos part applied by spraying, reinforced mesh, sealing plaster and polymer-coated fiberglass. The thickness of the lining is 110 - 130 mm. The collectors on the side of the gas ducts are protected with chamotte concrete; the outer part is covered with asbestos insulation.

Draft installation

The boiler is equipped with one fan VDN-25- IIy . Air intake can be carried out both from the room and from the street. To heat the air to positive temperatures after the blower fan, KVV-12P water heaters are installed. The draft is provided by a smoke exhauster DN-24´ 2-0.62 GM. Recycling flue gases, taken before the last convective packet and supplied to the air duct behind the blower fan, is created by the VDN-21 recirculation smoke exhauster.

Calculation data and design characteristics of the water heating boiler KVGM-180-150

Nominal heating capacity, MW (Gcal/h)................................. 209 (180)

Water pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2):

calculated........................................................ ........................................................ .. 2.5 (25)

minimum output................................................... ........................... 1.0 (10)

Water temperature, °C:

at the entrance................................................... ........................................................ ...... 110

at the exit................................................... ........................................................ .... 150

Water consumption, t/h................................................... ........................................................ ..... 4420

Minimum hydraulic resistance of the tract, MPa (kgf/cm 2).......... 0.1 (1)

Gross boiler efficiency, %:

on gas................................................... ........................................................ ......... 91.5

on fuel oil................................................... ........................................................ .... 91

Range of heat output regulation from nominal, %... 30 - 100

Dimensions, mm:

width................................................. ........................................................ ...... 14400

depth................................................. ........................................................ ...... 7300

height................................................. ........................................................ ........ 29380

Inlet water temperature,° WITH

Outlet water temperature,° WITH

Subcooling of water to boiling, °C:

at the exit

Water consumption, t/h

Hydraulic resistance tract, MPa (kgf/cm 2)

Number of working burners, pcs.

Fuel consumption, m 3 / h


Fuel pressure behind the control valve, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Fuel pressure in front of the burners, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Air pressure behind the fan, kPa (kgf/cm2)

Air pressure in front of the burners, kPa (kgf/cm2)

Steam pressure for fuel oil spray, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Fuel oil temperature, °C

Vacuum at the top of the furnace, Pa (kgf/m2)

Flue gas temperature,° WITH

Gross boiler efficiency, %

Specific emissions of nitrogen oxides, g/m 3

Opening degree of the DRG guide vane, %

Note.The operating card was issued based on the condition of the boiler at ___________.

gas consumption - recording and indicating device;

gas pressure behind the control valve - indicating device;

gas pressure in the gas pipeline to the boiler - recording and indicating device;

fuel oil consumption to the boiler - recording and indicating device;

fuel oil pressure behind the control valve - indicating device;

fuel oil pressure in the fuel oil pipeline to the boiler - recording and indicating device;

fuel oil consumption for recirculation - recording device;

fuel oil temperature in front of the burners - indicating device;

flue gas temperature - recording device;

flue gas temperatures between convective packages (via a switch) - indicating instruments;

air pressure behind the blower fan - indicating device;

temperatures of bearings of draft machines - recording device;

oxygen meters (left and right);

methanomers (left and right);

vacuum at the top of the firebox - indicating device;

The following should be installed locally:

pressure gauges on the gas supply lines to each burner;

pressure gauges on the fuel oil supply lines to each burner;

sawing steam pressure gauges for each burner;

draft pressure meters on the central and peripheral air channels for each burner;

pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure behind the control valve;

pressure gauge for measuring fuel oil pressure downstream of the control valve;

sleeves for water thermometers at the water inlet and outlet of the boiler.

2 . System automatic regulation boiler

The system includes the following regulators:



general air;

vacuum at the top of the furnace;

flue gas recirculation;

stabilizing the air supply to the central channels of the burners;

air pressure on igniters;

recycling hot water;

stabilization of water flow through the boiler.

3 . Technological protection

The values ​​of the protection response time delays are determined by the manufacturer of the boiler equipment and the current instructions.

The equipment disabled by the protections, after eliminating the causes of the operation, is put back into operation by the personnel on duty. On boilers that use both fuels, a switch is installed to input and output protections, having separate positions for each type.

Protections that stop the boiler when:

extinguishing the torch in the firebox;

decrease or increase in gas pressure behind the control valve;

reducing the fuel oil pressure behind the control valve with a time delay of up to 20 s;

turning off the smoke exhauster;

turning off the fan;

decreasing or increasing the water pressure at the outlet with a time delay of up to 9 s;

reducing water flow through the boiler with a time delay of up to 9 s;

increasing the outlet water temperature with a time delay of up to 9 s;

violation of draft - the appearance of excess pressure at the top of the firebox with a time delay of up to 20 s.

4 . Local protections

4.1 . If the burner flame fails to ignite or fails, the fuel oil nozzle is switched off or gas burner, as well as an ignition device by closing the electrified fittings in front of the burner.

increasing the temperature of water leaving the boiler;

reduction of water pressure at the boiler outlet;

reducing water consumption through the boiler;

turning off the smoke exhauster;

turning off the blower fan;

turning off the recirculation smoke exhauster;

turning off the burners;

loss of voltage in protection circuits.


student gr. M41 ______________________ I.A. Sidorov

student signature


teacher ______________________ N.A. Murzak

teacher's signature

Grade: ______________________

Date: ______________________


Appendix 4

Diagram 1. Results of management analysis


For boiler installations


Student of group Tz-5

Khrialova S.A.


Gordeev A.V.


1. Brief description boiler unit brand KVGM-180-150 3

2. Calculation of fuel and combustion products 7

3. Heat balance of boiler 11

4. Calculation of heat transfer in heating surfaces 13

4.1. Preliminary notes on calculations 13

4.2. Calculation of heat transfer in the furnace 14

4.3. Calculation of heat transfer in a boiler bundle 18

5. Aerodynamic calculation of the combustion products path 22

5.1. Preliminary notes on calculations 22

5.2. Calculation of boiler beam resistance 24

5.3. Turning resistance before entering the smoke exhauster 25

5.4. Calculation of pipe gravity 26

5.5. Selecting the type of smoke exhauster and electric motor that provides the specified pressure and performance 26

References 28

The purpose of hot water boilers is to obtain hot water of specified parameters for heat supply to heating systems of household and technological consumers. Industry produces wide range water heating boilers standardized in design. The characteristics of their operation are heat output (power), temperature and water pressure, and the type of metal from which hot water boilers are made is also important.

Brief description of the boiler unit brand KVGM-180-150

The KVGM-180-150 water heating boiler is designed to produce hot water at a temperature of 150 °C, used in heating systems and hot water supply for industrial and domestic purposes.

The KVGM-180-150 boiler with a thermal output of 209 MW (180 Gcal/h) is used as the main source of heat supply to residential areas. The boiler is water-tube, direct-flow, made in a T-shaped closed circuit, designed to operate on gas and fuel oil. The firebox and downdraft flue have a common intermediate screen. The arrangement of heating surfaces in the lower gas ducts is symmetrical.

The combustion chamber of the boiler is prismatic in shape and has dimensions along the axes of the screen pipes of 6480x5740 mm. The front and rear screens are made of 60x4 pipes with a pitch of 64 mm. The intermediate screens separating the furnace and convective flues are made of gas-tight pipes of the same diameter, pitch - 80 mm. In the lower part of the firebox, the front and rear screens form the hearth slopes. Top combustion chamber closed ceiling panels, turning into the side screens of the lower gas ducts. The ceiling and side screens of the convection shafts are made of pipes with a diameter of 60x4 with a pitch of 42 mm. The collectors inside the boiler have a diameter of 273x14 mm; the material of the heated pipes of the heating surfaces, collectors and bypass pipelines is steel 20.

The strength of the combustion chamber is ensured by stiffening belts. The casing consists of carbon steel sheets. The firebox is suspended from the ceiling frame of the frame using special rods. This boiler mounting design provides free thermal expansion by references.

To organize the combustion process, there are 4 gas-oil burners on the side walls, placed in two tiers. The lower tier burners are pilot burners. Each burner is equipped with an oil nozzle of steam-mechanical atomization and an ignition-protective device UZOD-I-1.

Burner capacity: gas – 2863 m3/h

for fuel oil – 2638 m3/h

Convective surfaces consist of three packages located in two downdraft flues. The enclosing surfaces of gas ducts are:

Firebox side screens;

Side panels gas ducts;

Front and rear walls of gas ducts.

The front and rear walls of the convective shaft are made of pipes with a diameter of 95x5 (steel 20) with a pitch of 136 mm. To ensure tightness, a 40 mm wide fin is welded between the pipes. Pipes of the front and back walls convective shafts serve as collectors of U-shaped coils made of 32x3 mm pipes (steel 20). The arrangement of pipes in the lower gas duct is staggered with a pitch of S1 = 68 and S2 = 60 mm.

Depending on the operating modes (main and peak), there are two ways to turn on the circulation circuits.

Main mode: network water is supplied to the inlet chamber 720x12 steel20. From it, one water bypass pipe 273x8 steel 20 to the right half of the lower chamber of the front screen, one pipe 273x8 steel 20 to the right half of the lower chamber of the rear furnace screen, two pipes 273x8 steel 20 to the lower chamber of the right intermediate screen, two pipes 273x8 steel 20 into the lower chamber of the right side and ceiling screen.

Water, having passed the indicated screens from bottom to top, enters upper chambers 273x14 steel 20.

From the upper chamber of the right intermediate screen through three pipes 159x6 steel 20, from the upper chamber of the right side and ceiling screen through three pipes 159x6 steel 20 - into the upper chamber of the front and similar to the rear panel of the right lower gas duct.

From the right half of the upper chamber of the front screen - into the upper chamber of the front panel of the right lower gas duct.

From the right half of the upper chamber of the rear screen - into the upper chamber of the rear panel of the right lower gas duct. Having passed the risers and convective surfaces right lower gas duct from top to bottom, water collects in the lower chambers 273x14 mm steel 20 front and rear panels.

From the lower chamber of the front panel (rear panel) of the right lower gas duct there is one pipe 273x8 mm. steel 20, water enters the lower chamber of the intermediate screen, through one pipe 273x8 mm. steel 20 into the lower chamber of the left side and ceiling screen, and one pipe 273x8 steel 20 into the left half of the lower chamber of the front screen (similar to the rear).

From the upper chambers of the front and rear panels of the left lower gas duct, water flows through four pipes 2733x8 mm steel 20 into the boiler outlet collecting chamber 720x12 mm steel 20.

Peak Mode: water is supplied to the lower chambers of the front, rear, intermediate and side ceiling screens by pipes 273x8 mm steel 20. Having passed these screens from the bottom up, water through pipes 159x6 mm steel 20 enters the upper chambers of the panels of the right and left lower flue. Then the water passes through risers and convection bags from top to bottom and through pipes 273x8 mm steel 20. All chambers are made of pipes 273x14x mm steel 20.

The boiler's lightweight pipe lining consists of mineral wool mats covered with duralumin sheets.

The collectors on the side of the gas ducts are protected with chamotte concrete. The outer part is covered with asbestos insulation.

The boiler is equipped with one VDN-26 fan. Air intake can be carried out both from the room and from the street. To heat the air to positive temperatures after the blower fan, 12 KVB-12B-PU-3 water heaters are installed. The draft is provided by a smoke exhauster DN-24x2-0.62 GM. Recirculation of flue gases, taken before the last convective package and supplied to the air duct behind the blower fan, is created by the VGDN-17 recirculation smoke exhauster.

Table 1. – Technical characteristics of the boiler unit KVGM-180-150.

Heating capacity, Gcal/h
Working pressure water at the entrance to the boiler / at the exit from the boiler, kgf/cm 2 13 / 10
Water temperature at inlet/outlet, ˚С 70 / 150
Water consumption through the boiler, t/h
Hydraulic resistance, kgf/cm 2, no more 1,8
Estimated fuel consumption for natural gas, m3/h
Excess air coefficient behind the boiler 1,14
Flue gas temperature at the boiler outlet
Heat output control range relative to nominal, % 31,6 - 100
Boiler efficiency at natural gas, %, not less 93,5
Area of ​​heating surfaces of the boiler and VZP (m2): radiation / convective 502 / 5520
Overall dimensions, mm: - width along the axes of the columns; - depth along the axes of the columns; - height



RD 34.26.511-91


Moscow 1993

DEVELOPED by the Company for setting up, improving technology and operating power plants and networks of ORGRES


APPROVED by the Main Scientific and Technical Directorate of Energy and Electrification of the former Ministry of Energy of the USSR on December 29, 1991.

Deputy Chief A.P. BERSENEV

Expiration date set

from 01/01/93

until 01/01/98


supply gas and light one of the lower burners (see paragraphs , , , );

after the gas ignites, close the valves on the fuel oil line to the nozzle of this burner;

blow the nozzle with steam, pull it out of the burner and remove it;

close the burner safety spark plug valve.

apply fuel oil to the nozzle (one of the lower ones) and light it (see paragraphs , , - );

close the valves on the gas pipeline in front of the burner;

make sure the torch is burning steadily;

open the burner safety spark plug valve.

Carbonate index Ik * (mg-equiv/l) 2 at supply water temperature,°C

70 - 100

101 - 120

121 - 130

131 - 140

141 - 150



* And k is the limiting value of the product of total alkalinity and calcium hardness of water, above which carbonate scale formation occurs in hot water mode.

The value of the indicator for the heat supply system



Dissolved oxygen, mg/kg, no more


Free carbon dioxide, mg/kg





Suspended substances, mg/kg, no more

Oils and petroleum products, mg/kg, no more

Dissolved oxygen, mg/l

Free carbon dioxide, mg/l

Alkalinity by phenolphthalein, mg∙eq/l

pH value

Suspended substances, mg/l

Oils and heavy petroleum products, mg/l


No more than 0.02


No more than 0.1

8,3 - 9,0

No more than 0.3*

No more than 5.0

No more than 0.3

No more than the average annual permissible concentrations (AD) established by current radiation safety standards


No more than 0.02


01 - 0,5**

8,3 - 9,5

No more than 0.5

No more than 5.0

No more than 1.0

* In agreement with the SES, 0.5 mg/l is possible.

** Upper limit for deep water softening.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


Rice. 4 . Hydraulic diagram of the water heating boiler KVGM-180-150(original version):

Lower manifold; upper manifold; 1 - front screen; 2 - right side and ceiling screen; 3 - left side and ceiling screen; 4 - rear screen; 5 - right intermediate screen; 6 - left intermediate screen; 7 - lower, middle, upper half-sections, rear panel and risers of the convective shaft; 8 - lower, middle, upper half-sections, front panel and risers of the convective shaft; 9 - entrance and exit chambers

Boiler lining

The boiler lining consists of insulating and reinforcing materials, asbestos part applied by spraying, reinforced mesh, sealing plaster and polymer-coated fiberglass. The thickness of the lining is 110 - 130 mm. The collectors on the side of the gas ducts are protected with chamotte concrete; the outer part is covered with asbestos insulation.

Draft installation

The boiler is equipped with one fan VDN-25- IIy . Air intake can be carried out both from the room and from the street. To heat the air to positive temperatures after the blower fan, KVV-12P water heaters are installed. The draft is provided by a smoke exhauster DN-24´ 2-0.62 GM. Recirculation of flue gases, taken before the last convective package and supplied to the air duct behind the blower fan, is created by a VDN-21 recirculation smoke exhauster.

Calculation data and design characteristics of the water heating boiler KVGM-180-150

Nominal heating capacity, MW (Gcal/h)................................. 209 (180)

Water pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2):

calculated........................................................ ........................................................ .. 2.5 (25)

minimum output................................................... ........................... 1.0 (10)

Water temperature, °C:

at the entrance................................................... ........................................................ ...... 110

at the exit................................................... ........................................................ .... 150

Water consumption, t/h................................................... ........................................................ ..... 4420

Minimum hydraulic resistance of the tract, MPa (kgf/cm 2).......... 0.1 (1)

Gross boiler efficiency, %:

on gas................................................... ........................................................ ......... 91.5

on fuel oil................................................... ........................................................ .... 91

Range of heat output regulation from nominal, %... 30 - 100

Overall dimensions, mm:

width................................................. ........................................................ ...... 14400

depth................................................. ........................................................ ...... 7300

height................................................. ........................................................ ........ 29380

Inlet water temperature,° WITH

Outlet water temperature,° WITH

Subcooling of water to boiling, °C:

at the exit

Water consumption, t/h

Hydraulic resistance of the tract, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Number of working burners, pcs.

Fuel consumption, m 3 / h


Fuel pressure behind the control valve, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Fuel pressure in front of the burners, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Air pressure behind the fan, kPa (kgf/cm2)

Air pressure in front of the burners, kPa (kgf/cm2)

Steam pressure for fuel oil spray, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Fuel oil temperature, °C

Vacuum at the top of the furnace, Pa (kgf/m2)

Flue gas temperature,° WITH

Gross boiler efficiency, %

Specific emissions of nitrogen oxides, g/m 3

Opening degree of the DRG guide vane, %

Note.The operating card was issued based on the condition of the boiler at ___________.

gas consumption - recording and indicating device;

gas pressure behind the control valve - indicating device;

gas pressure in the gas pipeline to the boiler - recording and indicating device;

fuel oil consumption to the boiler - recording and indicating device;

fuel oil pressure behind the control valve - indicating device;

fuel oil pressure in the fuel oil pipeline to the boiler - recording and indicating device;

fuel oil consumption for recirculation - recording device;

fuel oil temperature in front of the burners - indicating device;

flue gas temperature - recording device;

flue gas temperatures between convective packages (via a switch) - indicating instruments;

air pressure behind the blower fan - indicating device;

temperatures of bearings of draft machines - recording device;

oxygen meters (left and right);

methanomers (left and right);

vacuum at the top of the firebox - indicating device;

The following should be installed locally:

pressure gauges on the gas supply lines to each burner;

pressure gauges on the fuel oil supply lines to each burner;

sawing steam pressure gauges for each burner;

draft pressure meters on the central and peripheral air channels for each burner;

pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure behind the control valve;

pressure gauge for measuring fuel oil pressure downstream of the control valve;

sleeves for water thermometers at the water inlet and outlet of the boiler.

2 . Boiler automatic control system

The system includes the following regulators:



general air;

vacuum at the top of the furnace;

flue gas recirculation;

stabilizing the air supply to the central channels of the burners;

air pressure on igniters;

hot water recirculation;

stabilization of water flow through the boiler.

3 . Technological protection

The values ​​of the protection response time delays are determined by the manufacturer of the boiler equipment and the current instructions.

The equipment disabled by the protections, after eliminating the causes of the operation, is put back into operation by the personnel on duty. On boilers that use both fuels, a switch is installed to input and output protections, having separate positions for each type.

Protections that stop the boiler when:

extinguishing the torch in the firebox;

decrease or increase in gas pressure behind the control valve;

reducing the fuel oil pressure behind the control valve with a time delay of up to 20 s;

turning off the smoke exhauster;

turning off the fan;

decreasing or increasing the water pressure at the outlet with a time delay of up to 9 s;

reducing water flow through the boiler with a time delay of up to 9 s;

increasing the outlet water temperature with a time delay of up to 9 s;

violation of draft - the appearance of excess pressure at the top of the firebox with a time delay of up to 20 s.

4 . Local protections

4.1 . If the burner flame fails to ignite or fails, the oil nozzle or gas burner is turned off, as well as the ignition device by closing the electrified fittings in front of the burner.

increasing the temperature of water leaving the boiler;

reduction of water pressure at the boiler outlet;

reducing water consumption through the boiler;

turning off the smoke exhauster;

turning off the blower fan;

turning off the recirculation smoke exhauster;

turning off the burners;

loss of voltage in protection circuits.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

  • Next

    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

      • Next

        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):