Developers from Ornate Gardens. (Great Britain) presented an interesting new product - original G-Pod gazebo houses, which are a rotating structure that can accommodate from 5 to 14 people. The design is completely made in accordance with eco-technologies. G-Pod is a great place to hang out with friends, have a family lunch outdoors, or to get some privacy and work.

Among the huge variety of various eco-structures that architects and designers have recently increasingly presented, the rotating G-POD from British developers undoubtedly stands out for its design features and self-sufficiency.

These prefabricated structures, designed in four versions and accommodating from 5 to 14 people, can be placed anywhere: in the forest, in the garden and even on the roof of the house. This is an excellent shelter even in rainy weather, and all the energy necessary for the inhabitant of such a structure is generated thanks to solar panels.

Round-shaped gazebo houses are made of sliding panels. Bent arches are made from spruce boards and translucent, slightly tinted acrylic sheets. This provides protection from wind, rain, sun and guarantees privacy. Since the structure is rotating, it can always not only be opened to admire the local landscapes, closed to protect itself from insects and noise, but also deployed in a position convenient for the inhabitants.

The developers claim that G-Pod gazebo houses can be assembled by 2 people in just 5 hours. At the same time, the interior of the structure can be very different and the person who purchases such a structure has the opportunity to order it individually. The developers offer several basic options for this structure.

Garden gazebo G-Pod Seater, which can accommodate 5-7 people. The structure is made of 6 arches rotating 360 degrees. The G-Pod Seater garden gazebo is not fixed; it can simply be installed on a hard, durable surface. There is a table in the center of the gazebo, and seats around the circumference. You can buy such a gazebo for $15 thousand.

A more comfortable option is the G-Pod Lounger, a structure consisting of 10 rotating arches. For 4-6 people there are comfortable seats with cushions and a table that can be lowered to the level of the seats, forming a surface on which you can sleep. Special blinds are designed for sun protection. The cost of G-Pod Lounger is $17 thousand.

Summerhouse/Diner is a real summer house, consisting of 16 acrylic and wood panels. It must be installed on a specially prepared foundation. The house has comfortable sofas that even an adult can sit on. If desired, a TV and refrigerator can be installed in the house, which will be powered by solar panels. This house costs $35 thousand.

Any of the G-Pod designs will provide excellent outdoor recreation, and it is also an eco-friendly home that you can carry with you if necessary. It is worth noting that G-Pod resembles in appearance and at the same time is distinguished by its ultra-modern style and futurism, fitting perfectly into the natural landscape.

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An interesting architectural solution is to build a round gazebo - in the form of a dome or rotunda. This form allows you to “dilute” the classic square and rectangular buildings that are usually found in the country.

Beautiful shape with three tiers

Round gazebos are often confused with.

They are really similar, but have different wall and roof designs.

The publication will show various examples of round gazebos that can be implemented on your site.

Some advice will also be given on building such a structure on your own, in particular the foundation, frame and design of slanted rafters for the roof.

There are really a lot of ideas with a round shape. One classification stretched to as many as 7 points, each of which will have its own examples with photographs. It won’t be difficult to come up with an idea for your own construction.

All buildings vary greatly in price. Wood was and remains the cheapest material, while brick or stone buildings are noticeably more expensive. Aesthetics with complex shapes such as round are quite expensive.

Made of wood

The classic building material - wood, is the most popular and cheapest among all types and forms of gazebos (unless we are talking about debarked logs with a diameter of 300 mm).

Such buildings look very civilized, and besides, modern impregnations and antiseptics allow the wood to stand for decades without rotting. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the reliability of such structures.

Due to the lightness of the material, the gazebo does not require a serious and capital foundation. In most cases, ordinary foundation blocks are sufficient.

Made of metal

I have seen quite a lot of both unique architectural solutions (made to order) and standard ones (ready for sale). All these gazebos are similar, but there is a huge difference in both aesthetic beauty and quality of metal.

The more massive the structure, the more expensive and better quality it is. Thick metal will last for decades if it is properly treated against corrosion and painted. Thin metal, especially profile pipes, can be seriously deformed during operation, especially if you plan to use it frequently.

The price is also affected by the presence of metal sheathing.

Any aesthetic aspects associated with metal require additional material and welder work, and therefore are expensive. But almost any metal building will look very beautiful, regardless of the project - I cannot say the same about wooden gazebos.

Made of brick

Some of the most expensive and capital buildings are brick. To lay out a round shape, you need to show some ingenuity and skill, since you cannot fasten a brick with a self-tapping screw.

Sometimes the structure is additionally reinforced with concrete lintels and metal reinforcement to withstand all the contours of the building.

Of course, such structures are expensive. In addition, owners often ask to install a stove complex, since it is somehow not civilized to cook meat nearby on a small grill.

Before deciding to build such a large gazebo, you need to allocate a site on your site.

In addition to the structure itself, it is necessary to take into account the landscape design around it, and indeed the free space in general. It makes no sense to erect such a building on a small plot.


Compared to previous photographs, polycarbonate will look simply ridiculous, but it will also cost tens or even hundreds of times less. Due to the flexibility of carbonate slabs, making a round shape at the roof or even walls will not be a serious problem.

Polycarbonate sheets must be laid out in honeycombs downwards, and not sideways - this will allow condensation to escape naturally.

It will not be possible to make a gazebo only from polycarbonate in any case, since you need a frame on which it will be attached. In most cases it is wood or metal.

You can build such structures with your own hands without any problems, and if you are interested in purchasing, then this is also not a problem - the price is quite reasonable even for high-quality slabs.

With grill (Finnish grill)

Due to its round shape, installing a barbecue inside the gazebo becomes difficult. The only ones that can boast of the ability to cook food in a round room are those that have already been discussed in detail on our website.

The price for these buildings is relatively small - from 180 to 300 thousand rubles on average.

Example of a Finnish gazebo

Thanks to its design with a smoke exhaust and a grill in the center, you can simultaneously relax and cook meat on an open fire right inside the house. Moreover, it is safe and without heavy smoke. If you are interested in this approach to the recreation area, then you can pay special attention to the option with a Finnish grill.

With dome and columns (rotunda)

Do you know the name of a gazebo with a dome and a column of 7 letters? Rotunda! This question is often asked in scanwords and crosswords. It is a massive structure with a domed roof and columns (in budget options these are wooden, metal or stone pillars).

It is rare to see such a building on a summer cottage. Usually they stand in city parks, squares or near monuments (I saw the last one near the Victory Monument in Saransk). However, some summer residents are willing to pay for such architectural masterpieces if the land and finances allow.


I am a little awestruck by gazebos with lighting, which can be both decorative and strictly practical. In any case, the issue of light in the room is very acute, especially when night suddenly falls around, and the vacation does not plan to end at all.

In my personal opinion, you need to think about lighting in any recreation area. This is a strategically important facility that must be ready to accept people at any time. And if everything around also shines with light, then this will also add an additional pleasant effect to your relaxation.

DIY construction

I would like to say a few words about the construction of round gazebos. Their design is noticeably more complex than the classic ones. If you don't want to go too deep into a domed roof or wavy horizontal railings, then we recommend that you consider building a hexagonal shape.

In most cases it looks just as beautiful, but the corners still stand out. If you are not satisfied with this option, then let's consider the option with a round shape.


If you do not plan to work with heavy building materials (brick, concrete and stone), then a block foundation is sufficient - 20 by 20 by 40 cm foundation blocks placed around them. You can easily place the lower frame on them and partially support the floor joists.

A more reliable foundation can be made from pillars. To do this, you need to dig holes for the pillars, fill them with concrete, then fix metal “sleeves” in them and install the pillars. This design will be protected from any “play” of the soil.

If you are interested in a more serious construction, then the round foundation must be made with a strip foundation. A shallow one will be enough - it is not at all necessary to dig a trench deeper than the freezing of the soil, about 60-70 cm will be quite enough.


The installation of pillars is no different from a classic gazebo. You need to secure them vertically to metal corners (if we are talking about wood). Depending on your gazebo design, you will need 6 or 8 posts.

The top trim will be covered by the roof, so it does not require any special aesthetics. The main thing is reliability.

Roof structure

To create a round roof, it will be necessary to use slanted rafters and a circular sheathing, on top of which the roof will be laid. You can see the project for this roof below. An additional level was erected in the center. There is no practical meaning to it, it is only needed for aesthetics.

Construction of a round roof with slanted rafters

Dome-shaped buildings can give any suburban area an unusual look. And in the Moscow region there are already such people. Of course, not everyone will decide to build an entire house with domes in their dacha. But spherical gazebos, greenhouses or garages would be quite appropriate. We tell you in detail how to make them.

Domes for art and life

Throughout the history of architecture, different forms of domes have been used. Vaulted roofs were already present in ancient Rome. The most famous dome from this era is the concrete roof of the Pantheon. An amazing structure, built in an original way. First, the builders created an openwork brick frame, and then cast a concrete monolith on it.

A huge onion dome crowns the Taj Mahal mausoleum in the Indian city of Agra. They say that the supporting role in it is played by stones held together with metal elements.

The domes of Orthodox churches are based on a complex rafter system. Their shape is created using curved trusses.

But since ancient times, people have created round-shaped residential buildings using a mesh frame. This is how varieties of yurts were obtained.

Since the middle of the last century, attempts have been made to use the spherical shape in the construction of cottages. The history of domed houses is associated with the name of the American inventor and philosopher Richard Fuller. He even patented several designs.

The design of houses proposed by Fuller has important advantages.
– The sphere resists wind and snow loads well.
– The mesh frame is resistant to earthquakes.

There are also economic advantages - living space is created with a minimum wall area. Theoretically, this allows you to save building materials and energy for heating.

The design popularized by Fuller was called the “geocome” or “geodome”. These terms are based on the concept of “geodesic line”. Mathematicians put many meanings into these words. For the average person, a typical example of a geodetic line is the meridian drawn on the globe. It's funny that in fact there are no geodesic lines in the outline of the "dome" houses (unlike the dome of the Pantheon). All frame ribs are simple straight beams. But the beautiful name “geodom” has caught on and is actively used by sellers and popularizers of this technology.

How to draw a “geode”?

The design of a geodome is usually based on an icosahedron, that is, a three-dimensional 20-sided structure. Each of the faces is an equilateral triangle.

The icosahedron shape is a very rough approximation of a sphere. How can I make this polyhedron more round? Increase the number of faces! We divide each edge in half and connect the central points with lines. Now we kind of “inflate” the figure from the inside. From the previous face (an equilateral triangle), four new ones appeared, but smaller ones.

Thus it happens triangulation of a sphere by the faces of an icosahedron(may mathematicians and non-mathematicians forgive us).

So that developers don’t have to rack their brains imagining a lot of triangles, kind people created on the Internet website, on which this triangulation can be carried out in a couple of clicks. For convenience, open it in a new tab in your browser.

To avoid confusion, set these settings first.

1. Select Russian language.
2. Frequency V =1. (Increasing the frequency V, we divide each edge in two, and each face into 4 parts. That is, we carry out the next stage of triangulation).
3. Fullerren = no. Fullerenes are a mesh structure for a dome, proposed by Fuller. It is not based on a triangle, but on a hexagon. Due to its complexity, it is not used in private housing construction.
4. Part of the sphere = 1/4.
5. Fin material = 50x150. This is standard lumber that is sold on any construction market.
Using the mouse you can rotate the resulting model. Place it on the “floor”.

Now you can increase the number V and bring the “part of the sphere” to 3/4.

There is no point in increasing the sphere segment to one; we are building a house, not a spaceship. And the house must have a floor. When building houses, the “glass” is usually built first, that is, vertical walls. They can have a height of 1-2 meters. And a dome is being built above them.

Thus, the most popular “part of the sphere” is the hemisphere. If you build a dome without a “glass”, then it is better to choose a “part of a sphere” 5/8. It is not on this site.

Let's take a closer look at the “connection method” item. Several options have been developed for frame elements. In serious construction, metal connectors are used (item cone). These are star-shaped parts that are made in good workshops.

But for the construction of gazebos or greenhouses from wooden slats, you can use other types of connections. Aerobatics is connection good karma.

Here the “beam” is assembled from several slats, that is, rather thin lumber can be used. Now pay attention to the “patterns” that are located on the website under the frame model. The size and number of beams for the frame and sheets for the sheathing are indicated here. In all such calculators, the same color indicates frame elements of the same length. Once you understand this simple calculator, you will be able to work in more complex programs.

How to build a geodome

From a construction point of view, a geodome has much in common with a conventional frame frame. But there are some differences. The dome uses shorter lengths of lumber. Therefore, the frame of a geohouse can actually be built from scraps left over after the construction of a conventional frame frame.

The situation with cladding materials is different. Board materials (OSB, plywood, etc.) will have to be sawn into triangles. This will leave a lot of scraps. Therefore, the size of the “sphere” segments must be adjusted at the design stage to the sheet material that will be used.

An important point when designing a geohouse is the chimneys. Pipes protruding from the dome can spoil its appearance. Therefore, combustion chambers are often made in extensions. The general work plan looks like this.

1. We build any type of foundation. Piles with a grillage, tape, and slab are also suitable. The choice will depend on the characteristics of the soil and the desire of the developer to have a basement.

2. We build a “glass” on the foundation, that is, the basement part of the building. The plinth can be built like a regular frame wall: vertical posts are installed on the bottom frame, and connected from above by the top frame.

Laying out an almost round base from a rectangular brick is not easy. It is easier to get the desired shape with permanent foam formwork. You simply cut the blocks with a knife, and the wall turns to the desired angle.

3. If a wooden frame was not used for the plinth, then we make a wooden frame on the wall. Essentially this is a Mauerlat. Only in ordinary houses is it installed on the walls, but here - on the plinth.

4. A wooden frame is assembled from pre-prepared elements. Make the boards even and calibrate them according to thickness; it is better to take planed ones. Crooked boards cannot be connected with connectors; construction will come to a dead end.

5. We erect interfloor ceilings. To cover the inside of the dome, you will have to install one or more supports. They can serve as pillars or walls. Brick walls are often built inside the dome. They will not only be a support, but also a heat accumulator. They contain ventilation ducts.

6. We carry out external cladding. In a regular frame, you can build a ventilated façade, and the power sheathing can be placed on the inside of the wall. This way you will prevent the formation of condensation inside the wall. In a domed house, it is very difficult to create a ventilated space under the roof and is usually avoided. Therefore, it is very important to design the dome “pie” in such a way that there is no condensation inside it.

OSB is usually used to cover the frame. But if the size of the segments does not fit in any way with the standard size of the slabs, then for cladding it is better to use a board calibrated in thickness.

7. Laying roofing material. There is currently no alternative to bitumen shingles for covering cottage domes. When installing it, follow the technology prescribed by the manufacturer. Be sure to use underlay carpet.

8. Sheathing and exterior finishing of the plinth.

9. Insulation. Sometimes domes are insulated with mineral wool. But you will have to cut the rectangular insulation mats into many triangles. Therefore, if possible, use not slab insulation, but so-called blown-in wool. Its most common type is cellulose wool (although it is possible to blow both mineral and synthetic wool into the wall).

Cellulose wool (“ecowool”) is good because it is not afraid of moisture. If condensation appears in the thickness of the wall, the ecowool will absorb it and then dry without losing its properties.

You can blow out the cotton using dry or wet-glue methods. To do this dry, stretch a vapor barrier over the walls and then poke holes in it. The cotton wool is blown into the resulting “bags”. Then the holes are sealed.

It is much more technologically advanced to use the wet-glue method. Cotton wool mixed with glue is blown onto the dome from the inside and sticks to it. After drying, the excess insulation is cut off and it is hermetically sealed with a vapor barrier film.

10. Interior decoration of the dome. The most practical finish is wooden lining. Because there are few scraps left and there is no chance of cracks. Sometimes board materials (gypsum fiber board or chipboard) are used. They are then puttied and wallpapered or painted.

By the way, “wet” wallpaper is much better suited for interior decoration of domes than traditional roll wallpaper.

How to build a gazebo

A gazebo is a simplified geodome. For a spacious gazebo, it is advisable to choose a height of 1/4 or even 1/6 of a sphere, that is, to make the dome more squat. A small decorative gazebo can be made in the shape of a full sphere.

It is not necessary to use connectors to fasten elements together. Serrated plates will suffice.

A good frame for a gazebo can be made from metal pipes. They are easy to bolt together.

It is not necessary to build a full-fledged dome for a gazebo. There are also 2-3 entrances to the gazebo. In general, it can be formed from several domes, as if fused with each other. The sphere can be attached to a parallelepiped or a pyramid... In general, there is a huge scope for creativity! Fabric is suitable for covering the gazebo; attach it to the frame with a stapler. A domed gazebo is also great for entwining it with climbing plants.

Features of a domed greenhouse

A dome-shaped greenhouse or greenhouse is even easier to construct. It is not necessary to use wooden slats to make the frame. You can take plastic fittings. By the way, it is flexible reinforcement, in contrast to wooden slats, that makes it possible to obtain those same geodetic lines. The design is very close in shape to a sphere.

A frame made of rebar can be made in a couple of hours. We take a piece of reinforcement and stick its two ends into the ground. It turns out an arc. The highest point of this arc will be the top point of the sphere. How to calculate the length of the first segment? It is enough to remember just one formula. The circumference of a circle is equal to the product of the diameter and the number Pi.

If we build a hemisphere, then our arc will be equal to half the circumference. But don’t forget that part of the reinforcement that sticks into the ground. To do this, we will lay 50 cm at each end.

It turns out: L=1/2πD+1= πr+1 (meters).

Magnitude r will be equal to the height of the structure if we are building a hemisphere.

In other words, if you need a greenhouse with a height of 2 meters, then we calculate the length of the first segment of the reinforcement as follows: 3.14x2+1= 7.28 (meters).

Now you need to stick a few more arcs into the ground so that they form a hemisphere. The centers of these arcs must converge at one point, that is, at the top of the structure, and the legs are stuck into the ground along its perimeter.

This is how we created the contours of the dome. Don't forget to determine where you will have the doors. To ventilate the greenhouse, it is better to leave two exits.

Now we give the frame a mesh structure. To do this, pieces of reinforcement are taken and woven between the arcs in the horizontal direction. The intersection points are reinforced with clamps.

All that remains is to cover the greenhouse with film. This is not easy to do: the film will have to be cut, adjusting its plane to the frame sphere. Only reinforced film will withstand such treatment. They secure it with the same clamps and tape.

Why is such a greenhouse needed? Exclusively for beauty. In the vegetable garden, it is better to make a greenhouse in the form of a tunnel. A spherical greenhouse will help you wonderfully decorate your garden. In the spring, plant heat-loving plants in it, and in the summer, remove the cover. Place climbing plants along the frame and decorate with colored ribbons. Night lighting in such a greenhouse looks very impressive.

Go for it - and may everything work out for you!

A gazebo is one of the most important attributes of country life, allowing you to relax in the fresh air without being tied to weather conditions. The choice of design depends on financial capabilities, personal preferences and needs, and the general style of the buildings available on the site. The gazebo should become a decoration of the yard or, at a minimum, fit organically into the surrounding space, and not create dissonance. Square, rectangular, round, oval - you won’t surprise anyone with such buildings, but domed gazebos are less common; their merits have so far been appreciated by a relatively narrow circle of summer residents. It’s all the more pleasant that the participants of the FORUMHOUSE portal already have experience in building a dome structure.


The spherical dome structure (geocupole) is based on an icosahedron - a three-dimensional twenty-sided structure consisting of equilateral triangles. Since this geometric figure only vaguely resembles a sphere, it is “rounded” by increasing the number of edges - each edge is divided in half and the resulting points are connected to each other. Instead of the original equilateral triangle, four small ones are formed, resulting in a figure closer to a sphere. Geodomes differ from each other precisely in the frequency of dividing the sphere into triangles (V), on which the parameters of the resulting structure depend. Although five types of geodomes are actively used in the construction industry (according to the frequency of division), two frequencies are relevant in the private sector:

  • 2V - a hemisphere is obtained, it is usually used in the construction of houses, installed not on a foundation, but on a “glass” - a vertical supporting wall 1-2 meters high, on which a spherical dome rests.
  • 3V - you get a part of a sphere (5/8), installed directly on the base - the most popular option for gazebos, greenhouses, and children's houses.

Geodomes are the same frames, later sheathed with any materials, depending on their purpose, be it a fabric awning or slab varieties.

Spherical structures are now, if not at the peak of popularity, then close to it, due to which it will not be difficult to order such a gazebo from a specialized company. Another thing is that the cost of such an acquisition goes beyond reasonable limits - for a gazebo with a diameter of about 6 meters they can ask for around two hundred thousand. If you roll up your sleeves and assemble the geodome yourself, there will be costs for components, but in reasonable amounts. And the pleasure of being in a cozy dome with family and friends is absolutely priceless. Portal user Good Den This is what he did, once again proving that if you wish, you can make even such an original recreation area with your own hands.

Building a domed gazebo

The design of the dome is universal - the loads are evenly distributed between the ribs, so there is no need for particularly durable materials: it can be wood, metal profiles, PVC pipes. Good Den I settled on a tree, the diameter of its sphere is 6 meters - considering that the walls practically do not take up useful space, this is quite enough for home gatherings.

I decided to build a domed gazebo with a diameter of six meters, with a dome of frequency 3. I bought an inch board for the frame. Well, almost an inch - thickness from 22 to 30 mm, width from 140 to 155 mm. As always, you need to personally select normal lumber at the sawmill, and if you hoped for chance, reap the rewards.

To connect the parts, there is a special fastener - metal connectors in the form of stars, but since their cost is also noticeable and cannot be found in a regular store, enterprising sphere lovers came up with the Good Karma technology. The triangles themselves are assembled with self-tapping screws (you can glue the joints, it won’t make things worse), and the segments are fastened together with bolts in certain places. Even taking into account the increase in the number of triangles, the sphere using this technology is cheaper, but it is necessary to strictly maintain all the dimensions and angles of the inserts - if the connectors allow some errors and adjustments, with a bolted connection this is fraught with rework.

Topikstarter chose Good Karma as the optimal method for itself - considering that one connector will cost about a thousand, it makes sense to spend more wood, time, be more attentive to details and save a decent amount.

Dobry Den Member FORUMHOUSE

In total, you need to cut 315 boards, for ribs of six standard sizes, the board is sawed at an angle in two planes - a total of 630 cuts, miter saw, protractor, keen eye. Next we twist the triangles - they took a small bucket of self-tapping screws, a total of 105 pieces.

The test assembly of the hexagon showed that the angles and dimensions of the segments are in order, everything fits together without distortions, and the time required is less than expected - the work is going smoothly. Initially, a green roof was planned, but difficulties arose with the slope - how to fix the turf and prevent sliding, and with the cost - the price of the issue exceeded the budget. Therefore, as a result, OSB boards and soft roofing were chosen as cladding.

After installing the triangles, the assembly of the dome on the ground began. Snow is not a hindrance - given the lightness of the structure, any foundation can be installed under it - a shallow strip, a pile-grillage foundation, a concrete slab, a platform lined with wild stones or paving slabs. Lots of options, Good Den So far I have done without a base at all - I placed the structure on wooden supports. But in order to extend the service life of wood, it is not only treated with protective and decorative agents - it is also worth choosing a base that is more durable and reliable.

After assembling the main frame, a “skirt” was assembled around the roofing part - it will drain water from the perimeter, protecting the wooden walls. A bonus was the increase in decorativeness of the structure - a gazebo with a “skirt” looks much more attractive.

The next stage was sawing triangles from OSB, sheathing the roof with edging and the lower part of the sphere. The middle was deliberately left without lining so that the gazebo could be blown by the breeze and not turn into a yurt.

Dobry Den Member FORUMHOUSE

Of course, I had to tinker with the skirt, but in the end it turned out quite nice, and there was a feeling of volume. There is an amazing echo right in the center, but due to the open windows it disappears if you move a meter away.

The frame is covered with impregnation in the color of soft tiles, the lower perimeter of the slabs is painted yellow - everything together looks organic and can decorate any area. In the future, the author plans to cover the walls from the inside (in the area of ​​contact with people) with clapboard, and cover the roofing system with fabric so as not to bother with padding finishing materials. The floor remained earthen, which made it possible to put a hearth table in the center, the warmth of which warms during cold weather. Despite the open perimeter, the warm air from the fire forms a curtain, and the smoke collects under the dome, without causing any inconvenience to vacationers.

Many gardeners strive to ensure that their dacha buildings are attractive, original and functional. Moreover, their construction was affordable even for a beginner, and the cost of materials was minimal. A geodesic dome fully meets these requirements.

Video presentation of country houses in the shape of a geodesic dome

A little history

Geodesic domes - architectural structures with a load-bearing mesh shell first appeared in the late 40s of the last century. American Richard Fuller received a patent for this invention. Unusual buildings were supposed to solve the problem of quickly constructing inexpensive, comfortable housing. The idea has not caught on for mass development, but is actively used for the construction of futuristic cafes, swimming pools, and stadiums.

The spheres are no less popular among landscape designers. Such buildings are quite spacious and can be used for a variety of purposes. Their unusual appearance immediately attracts attention; they become the center of a landscape composition.

A geodesic dome has a high load-bearing capacity; moreover, it can be built from simple materials in the shortest possible time without the involvement of teams of specialists and equipment. Thus, a dome 50 meters high can be built by three people without using a construction crane.

Lightweight and durable + multi-functional geodesic dome for your site

Thanks to its shape, the geodome harmonizes space and charges it with positive energy. The round room is spacious and incredibly cozy. The advantage of a geodetic structure is that it does not require a solid foundation. This greatly simplifies the work, reduces its time and the cost of consumables. Another advantage is the minimal amount of construction waste and noise. Frame-panel technology, which underlies the construction of a geodome, is very economical. It is perfect for the construction of buildings for a wide variety of purposes.

You can install a geodesic bath, a sauna, equip a swimming pool under the dome, build a house, a summer kitchen, a gazebo, a garage, a light and spacious hut for children's games. There are many options. But in our country, a spherical structure is most often used as a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Making a basic calculation of the geodome

The engineering calculations required for the construction of a permanent residential building, of course, should be entrusted to professionals. However, for construction on a summer cottage, simple calculations using ready-made tables that are easy to find on the Internet will be sufficient. They indicate the number of ribs of the same length, the ratio of the lengths of the ribs taking into account the radius of the dome, as well as the number and type of connectors - durable fasteners for connecting parts.

The tables reflect information about the designs of domes with a frequency of ribs from 1 to 6. The gardener can only decide what kind of dome he will install, what is the required area and height of the building. Then look at the table data, using the coefficients, calculate the length of the ribs taking into account the radius of the dome and prepare the required amount of building material.

We are building an original greenhouse

  1. First we need to decide how much area we want to allocate for the greenhouse, and also what its height should be. Then we determine the frequency of the ribs of the future dome.

    Dome circuit most commonly used, with fin frequency 2V

    The best option is a greenhouse with an edge frequency of 2V, an area of ​​3 m and a height of one and a half meters. Now we do the simplest calculations using a special table. We find out that we need 35 ribs 0.93 m long and 30 0.82 m long. We also need to prepare 6 five-pointed and 10 four-pointed and six-pointed connectors.

  2. We are preparing building material. You can use bars, a profile pipe, a fence board, or special double spacer posts. The main thing is to immediately take into account the width of the rib. So, the boards will have to be cut into several pieces using a jigsaw.
  3. We level the area for construction and fill it with crushed stone. Using a building level, we check that the site is perfectly level.

    A building level will help make the area for the gazebo perfectly level.

  4. We are building the base of the greenhouse. We use the simplest diagram of a polyhedron, assemble its sides, and connect them together.

  5. Let's make a dome. For convenience, edges of the same length can be marked with color, so there will be no confusion during the work process. Referring to a simple geodome diagram, we build isosceles triangles from the ribs and connect them to each other with special fasteners - connectors. For small structures - greenhouses, conservatories, gazebos - you can use regular mounting tape and self-tapping screws to assemble the dome.

    We are building a dome, the basis of the structure is isosceles triangles

  6. We cover the greenhouse with polycarbonate. To do this, we cut it into triangles and attach it to the frame using special screws. We decorate the seams with a beautiful strip.

    To cover a greenhouse with polycarbonate, it must be cut into regular triangles and the seams insulated with a wooden strip

  7. Inside the greenhouse along the perimeter we make beds; their height should be equal to the height of the base of the dome. For fencing, you can use any available material, but natural stone looks especially beautiful.

    The path in the greenhouse should be made wide, the beds should be high, level with the base of the geodome

  8. For hanging plants, we attach polypropylene pipes to the edges of the dome and hang flower pots on them.

    Hanging plants feel great under the greenhouse dome

  9. We install a water tank on the north side. This is necessary to maintain an optimal level of air humidity. In addition, during the day the water will heat up and during the night it will give off heat. Above the tank, several dome blocks can be covered with reflective film - this will enhance the greenhouse effect.

    A container of water will provide an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse

  10. We plant plants. Along the perimeter there are short ones, in the center there are tall ones.

A greenhouse or greenhouse will retain heat and create better conditions for the growth and development of plants

Geodesic gazebo

An unusual gazebo will decorate your site. It can be collected during the working day. For the frame we use a profile pipe. For a gazebo, the most optimal dome diameter is 6 meters, height 2.5 meters. On the resulting area of ​​28 sq. m. will comfortably accommodate all your friends and relatives.

We calculate the dome in the same way as described above. To build the dome we will need 120 steel ribs. 30 pieces 107.5 cm long, 40 x 124 cm, 50 x 126.7 cm. Their ends need to be flattened, drilled and bent relative to the pipe by 11 degrees. For ease of installation, each length can be marked with its own color: red, green, blue, for example.

The dome diagram will help you quickly assemble a geodesic grid

Now we assemble the frame according to the dome diagram. It shows parts of different lengths in color. We connect the metal parts using bolts, washers and nuts, and carefully tighten them.

Joining iron ribs is simple: align the parts and connect them using bolts, washers and nuts

When the dome is ready, we begin the final stage of construction. The choice of material is yours. You can cover the gazebo with sheets of plywood, colored polycarbonate, soft tiles, clapboard or other material convenient for you. You can make only the top of the dome closed, and leave the sides free, decorating them with light curtains. At this stage of work, everything depends only on your imagination and design ideas.

We close the gazebo. Decor and choice of materials is yours

The advantage of a dome with a frame made of steel pipes is that it can be assembled and disassembled several times. If you sew a cover from water-resistant fabric, you will get a spacious mobile home for lovers of active recreation in the lap of nature. You will appreciate its comfort on any trip.

Geodome can be the best alternative for a family vacation on the lakeshore

We are building a country house

A self-made geodesic dome can become a cozy home in your dacha. The construction principle is the same as for greenhouses or gazebos. However, to build a futuristic house you will need a foundation. The specifics of the structure allow the use of a conventional shallow, thermally insulated wooden foundation. All its parts should be carefully treated with special protective agents.

We attach the corner posts of the base walls and horizontal struts to the foundation.

Then we install the dome sheathing. From the outside we sew up the spherical structure with sheets of plywood 18 mm thick. We install windows and doors.

When finishing the interior, we put insulation in each opening and also cover the walls with plywood.

Sheets of plywood 18 mm thick are well suited for covering the frame.

The construction period for such a house is 2 months. The consumption of materials is significantly less than for the construction of a traditional frame dwelling. The advantages of the sphere over an ordinary house are fully manifested during operation. Thus, energy consumption here is significantly lower. There are no corners, fewer walls - as a result, heat loss is significantly reduced.

The geodome, regardless of the style of interior decoration, gives the room special comfort and harmony

The special aerodynamic properties of the dome prevent drafts from blowing away heat. A special microclimate is established in the room, so the geodesic house is comfortable at any time of the year. If over time the home has become cramped, it is easy to make a functional extension to the geodesic dome without any damage to the strength of the structure.

If you approach the design of a domed house more creatively, you can end up with a real masterpiece!

A geodesic dome is a great opportunity to quickly and inexpensively install an original structure on your site. The main thing is desire, design imagination and a little skill.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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