Here you can ask any question, including the cost of your project.
Or send your question to us by email

Dear customers. Please note that Custom-made furniture has individual sizes and your wishes.
The same set of furniture can be both cheaper and more expensive.
In addition to size, the cost is usually influenced by:

External materials. For example, facades made of wood, plastic, enamel, with or without patina, matte, glossy, with photo printing, etc.;
tabletop made of plastic or stone, presence of a wall panel: in the color of the tabletop, with photo printing or others, etc.

Internal components. For example, hinges, drawers with or without closers, the presence, types and number of mechanisms; presence and quantity of decor, etc.

The furniture sets presented on the site were manufactured by our factory at different times, during which prices changed, so we do not recalculate all the photographs presented, but count the projects created after measurements specifically for you or the projects provided by you.

Each project has individual characteristics and an individual cost depending on the types and quantities of materials and components used, sizes and design.

Together we will create the best project in terms of appearance, convenience and price!

We will be happy to answer your letter!

(Prices per linear meter as a guide to the minimum cost depending on the material of the facades are given in the corresponding section (see the top menu of the site).

For calculation of the kitchen, wardrobe, other furniture, set of facades Please describe your wishes and premises in free form, indicating:

  • Dimensions of walls and furniture
  • Presence of protrusions and pipes
  • Describe the design, material and color of the facade
  • Presence of closers in drawers, baskets, hinges
  • Availability of lighting panel, cornices, other wishes
  • Your phone number and name

For kitchen additionally indicate what appliances are planned (built-in or free-standing: refrigerator, oven, domed or cabinet hood, dishwasher 450 or 600 mm, etc.)

  • Tabletop type (plastic/stone)
  • There will be a wall panel, photo printed panel or tile on the wall

For wardrobe additionally indicate:

  • Wardrobe type: free-standing or built-in.
  • System:
    Aluminum - standard, inexpensive, strong, profile in different colors.
    Hidden - suitable for free-standing wardrobes, costs more. For hanging any furniture fronts.
  • Number of doors.

For a set of facades additionally indicate which of them:

  • Deaf (without glass): height, then width - in millimeters, quantity
  • Showcases (for glass or stained glass): height, then width - in millimeters, quantity
  • Which ones are boxes?
  • Count glass or stained glass
  • Are new hinges needed, with or without closers, quantity.

If you have a floor plan with a furniture design, a separate furniture design, a photograph for reference or a hand drawing, please attach them to your application for calculation.

It is advisable that you come to our store to get acquainted with furniture samples, materials, components, capabilities and directly participate in the creation of your project on a computer with calculations. Please call the designers in advance (see the Contacts section) to agree on the time allocated specifically for you.

You can leave a request for measurements by phone or email and after that you will receive a furniture design with a calculation. Also, after taking measurements, you can communicate with the designer via email.

Or send your request for calculation to us by email

Dear customers. Please note that we do not accept applications for the design and production of a separate bedside table, a separate facade or body, a glass cutout, a piece of a table top, a set of handles, furniture with soft parts, or restoration of old furniture. We produce cabinet furniture in one piece (kitchens, wardrobes, walls, etc.) - the range is presented on the website. Furniture components and individual furniture services are provided by other relevant companies.

For our customers of cabinet furniture, we often take on solving non-standard problems: manufacturing window sills in the color of the furniture, solid gratings for bear skins, stairs, etc. (See section Miscellaneous Furniture/Other Furniture). We also accept applications for the production of any additional order, including the smallest and non-standard ones.

If you want to add elegance to your kitchen interior; To make your kitchen space look like a photo from a design magazine, one of the best options to achieve this goal is kitchen stained glass.

They have been used for many centuries and have not become at all outdated during this time, but, on the contrary, are able to add elegance and attractiveness to the interior. This is a real classic.

Where is it used?

In photos in magazines and on websites dedicated to interior design, you can see that glazing can be used on various elements found in the kitchen. Here are some examples of its use:

  • Apron and facade. The most obvious option where stained glass glazing can be used. This is the main decoration of the kitchen, setting its overall tone. Moreover, replacing the apron and facade is not so difficult. So stained glass is most often placed on the kitchen façade.

  • Doors. Stained glass is used most often on them. It allows you to preserve the advantages of a glass door - you will clearly see what is happening inside the kitchen, but visually the interior will become more pleasant.
  • Window. This option is especially attractive because when the morning sunlight appears, the kitchen is painted in different colors, which helps create a stunning ambiance.
  • Ceilings. This is a slightly more expensive option, but it will look great, especially if you arrange proper lighting.
  • Partitions. If the kitchen is wide enough, it is often zoned using partitions. And if these partitions are made of glass, and especially if the glazing is made in the form of false stained glass, then functionality will be combined with attractiveness.

  • Lamps. Stained glass lampshades are another great example of how stained glass can be used. Such a lamp will look elegant, be inexpensive, and the kitchen in which this idea is embodied will be “painted” in bright colors in the evenings.

Types of stained glass

There are several different technologies used to produce stained glass. They can be either complex to produce, premium, or quite simple, budget-friendly, but still look quite attractive.


These stained glass windows are the most expensive and at the same time luxurious. First, the artist creates a sketch, transfers it onto tracing paper, after which a diagram of the constituent elements of different colors is created. These elements are cut out of multi-colored glass, wrapped in copper foil strips and soldered. In essence, this technology is quite close to traditional stained glass technology, and is always in fashion.


This technique allows you to achieve a relief result. A mosaic of colored glass is laid out on solid glass, then the whole thing is sent to a special oven in which the parts are sintered, forming an attractive relief material, which can then be used for glazing.

False stained glass

This is one of the most budget-friendly, but at the same time reliable and high-quality options. Such stained glass windows for the kitchen consist of two layers of high-quality and reliable glass. A lavsan film is glued onto it, which imitates more traditional techniques. A special metallized profile is glued along the contours of the design, making everything look even more like classic variations.

False stained glass windows are the best option in most situations due to the optimal balance between price and quality.

Photo stained glass windows

Stained glass windows with photos are essentially a variation of false varieties. A polymer film is applied to the glass, on which the selected photo is printed. Sometimes acrylic glass is used to reduce the weight of the structure.

Modern technologies, however, allow you to print photos directly on glass, which is an even more reliable option. Such a stained glass window installed on the kitchen facade will look fresh and interesting.

Vintage painting

This is a painting on top of glass, imitating stained glass. This will require special paints and stencils, which are sold in art salons. The advantage of this option is that you can decorate surfaces with glazing yourself.


Stained glass windows are an excellent option for decorating the kitchen, making it more pleasant, brighter and fresher. Whether it’s false stained-glass windows with photos or premium versions like Tiffany, this technique will make spending time in the kitchen much more enjoyable.

It will also be great if you not only decide to make stained glass, for example, on the kitchen facade, but also decorate some smaller elements with them, for example, dishes and kitchen accessories.

Classic stained glass facades for kitchen furniture presuppose symmetry and rigor of the design. In this case, the plot can be anything: from floral patterns and complex images of people to a simple geometric pattern. The choice of plot depends on the customer’s preferences, as well as on the role of stained glass inserts in the kitchen interior.

Blind kitchen fronts look heavy in a large volume of furniture. Transparent doors visually lighten the design, but reveal the internal contents of the cabinets for everyone to see. Kitchen facades with stained glass windows – The best option is to hide the excess without overloading the space with large furniture surfaces. If you equip stained glass inserts with lighting, the stained glass window will receive an additional advantage, playing the role of an unusual lamp during special or romantic moments.

Rice. 1. Classic kitchen facades with stained glass windows look noble and unpretentious

The color scheme of the classic style is a soft combination of light beige, pink and greenish shades with rich dark green tones, gradations of brown and burgundy. Classic welcomes natural, eco-friendly and expensive materials: high-quality wood of valuable species, marble, stucco and discreet gilding, antique items, exquisite porcelain tableware.

Choosing a classic style for kitchen design is ideal for rooms where the kitchen is a combination of a work area and a dining room (often combined with a living room). In such a room, classic stained glass elements will decorate any time spent by the owners, be it a quiet family dinner, a romantic meeting by candlelight, or a large and noisy holiday party.

Use this menu to find out more information about the options for using stained glass in the kitchen, as well as the techniques and styles in which they can be performed:

Kitchen facades with stained glass windows in classic style

Rice. 2. Classic kitchen facades with stained glass windows are distinguished by their laconicism and symmetry of design

The classic style of stained glass can be achieved using different techniques. But here, too, classics are welcome. The basic principles of the style are the symmetry of stained glass elements, uniformity of color and laconic design. All this can be achieved using the classical technique of making stained glass products. Its essence lies in combining colored glass elements into one narrative or ornamental composition. Colored glasses are cut out according to the sketch and fastened together using metal broaches. Since this stained glass window has a lot of individual segments, it is more suitable for fixed parts of kitchen furniture (for example, to cover the distance between kitchen cabinets and the ceiling with a beautiful stained glass strip with lighting).

It is worth noting that it is undesirable to use classical technology, as well as similar technologies, in movable furniture segments, for example, on cabinet doors. Frequent movement can cause the glass to become loose in the metal grooves. Our craftsmen can convey the classic style using other techniques that are more adapted to moving furniture elements. The best options are fusing, sandblasting glass, and artistic painting. These appliances are reliable from the point of view of physical impact and are resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, which is important for the kitchen.

Cost of kitchen cabinets with stained glass

From sketch to installation of the finished product, the project goes through many different stages of production. The cost of the order depends on the prices of each production stage and is calculated individually. We have the opportunity to provide a full cycle of creating kitchen cabinets with stained glass windows within our studio. This significantly reduces the cost of production, while the speed and quality of production increase in inverse proportion. The cost of kitchen cabinets with stained glass depends on their following features:

  • cabinet dimensions;
  • decoration technique;
  • number of doors;
  • detailing of the drawing;
  • combination of stained glass windows;
  • complexity of work;
  • designer visit, measurement services;
  • brand of materials used;
  • additional services (lighting, delivery, assembly).

Kitchen facades with stained glass windows in a classic style in our studio

The experience and qualifications of our designers allow us to confidently say that any kitchen, even the most complex in proportions and size, can be transformed with the help of kitchen furniture with stained glass windows in a classic style. For the best result, use the service of our designers visiting directly to the customer. ArtUltra specialists will be able to evaluate all the features of the room, highlight its advantages and correct its shortcomings in a future project.

And completely in vain. Stained glass for the kitchen complements the interior and becomes its central theme. Even a simple kitchen set will take on a sophisticated and impressive look if it is decorated with a suitable pattern. Soft light pouring through the stained glass patterns on the glass will enliven the interior and create an atmosphere of attractive comfort and coziness.

A stained glass apron will serve as an original decoration for your kitchen

Stained glass in the kitchen interior

It will add light and space to the room and become a bright accent. One of the obvious advantages of this decorative element is the variety of types, shapes and colors. The shape of glass can be not only straight, but also concave or curved. In appearance – matte, colored, acrylic, hardened. What can you decorate using this technique? There are a lot of options: windows and doors, work aprons, partitions. Tiffany technology allows you to make lamps, shades and vases. But most often, patterned glass is found on the doors of kitchen cabinets.

What kind of interiors would a decoration like stained glass fit into? and classic style come to mind first. But the pattern on glass looks not only in luxurious interiors. There are neutral patterns that can fit into literally any kitchen. Stained glass looks most advantageous in the following styles:

  • classic;
  • modern;
  • Gothic;
  • Art Deco;
  • Provence;
  • country;
  • Mediterranean.

Among the advantages of glass mosaic are resistance to humidity, which is very important for the kitchen, practicality and aesthetics. Stained glass is easy to care for, it does not fade in the sun and retains its appearance for a long time.

Stained glass is not only suitable for any design style, but also successfully emphasizes it

Among the disadvantages of this decor option is usually the high cost, however, this is not always the case. There are both expensive and budget options on the market. You can also make stained glass with your own hands, then you only need to purchase the materials. The price is affected by:

  1. The area to be decorated, that is, the size of the stained glass window itself.
  2. The complexity of the drawing.
  3. Number of colors used.
  4. Quality of materials.
  5. Mounting method.
  6. Availability of backlight.
  7. Manufacturing technology.

Methods for making stained glass

Stained glass began to be made many centuries ago. The first mention of this technology dates back to the sixth century. Making mosaics from multi-colored glass back then was a complex and painstaking job. Over time, new ways of making stained glass and their combinations appeared.

Classic technology

The classic method of making stained glass is also called typesetting. This is an ancient method that originated in the Middle Ages. You can see classic examples in ancient churches and castles. Today, the mosaic manufacturing technology itself has not changed; only modern tools and materials are used. First, a sketch is designed, according to which a metal H-shaped profile is laid out. The elements of the pattern are inserted into the grooves of the profile, after which they are secured with soldering. Thanks to its durable metal base, classic stained glass is suitable for creating large-sized structures.

Classic stained glass


Faceted stained glass is made similarly to classic stained glass, using a metal profile. The composition is usually simple, with geometric shapes. The beauty of beveled stained glass is in its radiance, which appears thanks to specially cut volumetric glass.
Tiffany style

Products in the Tiffany style are popular. This technique uses small parts, concave or convex glass. Such stained glass windows are created by highly skilled craftsmen and are expensive works of art. They are used to decorate not only kitchens, but also baths and saunas - these products are not afraid of temperature changes. The sketch, drawings for stained glass on glass, become the basis for a stencil, which will allow you to accurately process each element. Glass parts are cut and polished to the required shape. All elements are wrapped in copper tape and soldered together.

Tiffany stained glass windows are ideal for the kitchen - they are durable, not afraid of heat, and the technology allows you to create not only inserts into cabinets, but also amazingly beautiful lamps, shades, and vases.

Fusing technology

Fusing began to be widely used recently, although the technology has been known since the times of the pharaohs. It allows you to create fine glass paintings without using metal or rough seams. The elements of the design are held together by baking in a special oven. Stained glass patterns on glass turn out delicate, as if fused.

Fusing is a glass sintering technique; in such stained glass there are no metal connections between the glasses; the glass is sintered at a temperature of 800 °C and becomes homogeneous

The colored elements of the ornament are glued to a transparent glass base and covered with a second glass, after which they are sent to the oven. Fusing stained glass windows can be embossed and multi-layered.


Self-adhesive stained glass film with a pattern appeared in the seventies of the last century. False stained glass is a thin multi-colored film that is applied to smooth glass. To imitate the profile and create contours, adhesive-based lead tape is used. Stained glass photos on glass can be anything you want; the master creates or processes the image on a computer to order.

Eight-layer self-adhesive stained glass film for glass is distinguished by a rich variety of colors. The joints are closed with special metal broaches. Crystal bevels are used to decorate stained glass windows. A high-quality film stained glass window imitates glass and looks expensive and elegant. It is easy to manufacture, durable (service life up to 20 years), does not fade or lose the brightness of its colors.

Self-adhesive stained glass film is a great option for a limited budget

Sandblasting stained glass

This technique appeared in the nineteenth century. Sandblasting stained glass is created using a special apparatus that removes the top layer of glass with an abrasive, that is, matting occurs. The master creates a smooth pattern on frosted glass or a matte pattern on a smooth surface. In addition, using this technique, smooth transitions, tones and halftones are performed. Glass is processed using a stencil.


Another popular method of making pseudo-stained glass is painting with special paints. First, a life-size sketch of the drawing is created, a stencil is made, with which contours are applied to the glass. After the contour paint has dried, the elements are painted over in different colors. Some stained glass paints require baking. Bright, expressive painted glass resembles paintings.


Filled stained glass windows imitate the Tiffany style. The manufacturing method is reminiscent of painting. According to the sketch, a stencil is made and a polymer contour is applied, reminiscent of a metal broach. After drying, the elements are filled with special varnish or paints. The contour is applied using computer-controlled equipment.


Decoration in the form of a stained glass window will add individuality and some zest to the decor of your kitchen. Thanks to the variety of techniques, styles, and types of designs, it is easy to choose a product that suits you in terms of quality and price.

Your home is not only a fortress that reliably protects you from the turmoil of outside life. This is also a book from which friends and guests of your home will “read” about you as a person. And the kitchen, like the preface to the book, plays a crucial role in the impression you make on those who come to your home.

Kitchens with glass facades - a unique solution for your interior

Our company is ready to offer you many truly unique, beautiful and fashionable solutions for decorating your kitchen space. But a special effect can be achieved by using a new decoration technology - stained glass facades for kitchen furniture. Tastefully selected, in accordance with your style preferences, kitchen facades with stained glass windows will change the space beyond recognition, fill it with harmony and the atmosphere that you strive to create in your home.

However, the decorative effect is not the only advantage of facades with stained glass. The technology for making stained glass for furniture facades (developed in England, has no analogues in the world) allows the use of any material as a base: ceramics, glass, mirror, wood, metal. This means that the kitchen, while becoming beautiful thanks to stained glass facades, becomes even more practical, because the glass used as a base is easy to clean and is not subject to negative external influences (steam, moisture, grease, soot, etc.), etc. d.

Advantages of stained glass windows for the kitchen

When creating glass facades with stained glass windows, innovative technology of applying artistic compositions to the surface of the material with polymer paints is used. Having gone through several stages of processing, the paints acquire durability, bright color rendition, and are not afraid of regular wet care, sunlight, changes in temperature or humidity, which cannot be said about stained glass windows for the kitchen made using the traditional method.

Some of the most noticeable advantages of a kitchen with glass fronts include:

    Excellent aesthetic qualities that guarantee a stylish look for your kitchen.

    The originality of the glass facade, emphasizing the taste and originality of the owners.

    Easy care - for a beautiful appearance, just wipe the kitchen stained glass window regularly with a damp sponge.

    Affordable prices for glass facades.

    Many ready-made solutions for decorating stained glass windows for the kitchen, as well as the opportunity to order an exclusive glass facade design.

The catalog on our website contains a large number of stained glass samples for furniture and kitchen interiors. Appreciate the diversity and high craftsmanship of artistic compositions implemented by our specialists in glass facades. Well, affordable prices for stained glass will be a pleasant addition to its impeccable quality, guaranteed by the Center for New Technologies.


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