But, when good taste and desire, even such a strange room can be turned into a very cozy and harmonious one. The main thing is not to rush and plan your interior design narrow kitchen- in advance.

Where to start planning?

The first thing you should pay attention to are things that cannot be moved or moved. This is a window, a radiator, a gas water heater.

So you can dance from them, choosing a set for this location, and not vice versa. In a tight space it is difficult to find a better place for the battery than under the window. And by default, the radiator is always there.

Therefore, our advice to you is not to reinvent the wheel and try to move communications. This is not 10 sq. m., where maneuver is possible without loss of convenience. 2 by 4 meters is obligatory, so be reasonable. If you move the battery to the wall, the kitchen will become even more crowded, and you will only benefit small piece area under the window.

Why do you need it? To put a sink there? Or just extend the countertop? It will be inconvenient and not very appropriate. It will be wonderful under the window small table, A work surface can be arranged lengthwise.

The only thing that can be redesigned in a narrow kitchen is the doors. It’s better to just remove them, then the space won’t seem so cramped and resemble a trailer.

The first step is to decide on the style of the kitchen

By and large, it doesn't matter what style you choose. The main thing here is the correct arrangement of elements and arrangement of furniture. But I would like to note that the design in modern style(minimalism, for example) will not be as appropriate here as something more rustic, for example, in the Provence or Scandinavian style.

Why is that? But because if you order furniture of a strict type, you will have fewer options, successfully use some empty corners. And in rustic version- everything is possible: instead of a bulky cabinet, you can hang some kind of shelf that will serve a functional role.

As for the classics, in this case, you just need to be moderate in details. Naturally, you won’t hang luxurious curtains, but you can arrange the rest in old style- Can. Moreover, if the window is large and the ceilings are high, all this will be very appropriate.

Also, be careful with styles, such as shabby chic. Do not overload the room with decorations, otherwise the kitchen will look like a cluttered trailer.

Choosing the color of the walls and ceiling to match the set

For a narrow long kitchen, there is and will not be anything more suitable than White color. Moreover, it will be appropriate both in the color of the walls and in the color of the headset. There is no need to be afraid that the room may look boring.

All sorts of decors simply “glow” on white walls and they are the ones that will attract attention. And also fittings, appliances, dishes, textiles... All this will in no way make the kitchen look pale.

But this is our opinion, and you may think differently. Of course, if the rest of the rooms are dominated by dark and bright colors, then doing so is wrong, it will stand out from general style. But that’s not possible. Suffering from this general form apartments and renovations look artisanal.

But, in any case, no matter what tone you choose, remember the main rule for combining colors in the interior: 60% should be given to the main color, 30% to the second shade, and only 10% to the contrasting color.

In practice, it looks like this: the main tone is furniture (if there is a lot of it), the second is walls (for example, wallpaper), and the third is paintings, textiles, decor. Moreover, the brightest color should be in these 10%. No more is needed, otherwise there will be an overload. And in a small narrow kitchen any excess will be noticeable.

A few more words about the texture of the ceiling. Don't do it stretch ceiling with reflective effect. They will visually “stretch” the walls upward and the kitchen will look even narrower and longer.

We use ceiling heights as practical as possible

Since there is not much space in a rectangular narrow kitchen, you should definitely think about how to use the high ceiling. For example, to store some little-used items, it is better to use a mezzanine.

Now this type of shelf is going out of fashion, but in vain! It's comfortable. The main thing is to make the box under the ceiling comfortable and beautiful, and not like in apartments of typical buildings from the times of the USSR.

There are many ideas for this. If you look hard enough, you can make a mezzanine not only for storage. kitchen utensils, but also with a decorative slant. The box can be combined with open shelves, on which bottles, coffee grinders and other nonsense are placed, pleasing to the eye and soul.

Don't forget about the cabinets. In very narrow kitchens this is what you need. It will fit so many things that you will instantly no longer have the problem of organizing many lower drawers. And it would be worth getting rid of them, on the one hand. But more on this below, in the corresponding block.

Making the floor

The darker the color, the narrower and smaller the room appears. Therefore, we recommend bright hues. If you listened to us and made the main color of the kitchen white, then the floor here will suit a natural, woody shade.

The texture of the floor, ideally, should be non-shiny, without any reflection effect. Otherwise, the floor, like the ceiling, will “pull” the room upward. But we don’t need this at all. Our task is different - to divert attention from the “trailer” and focus it on other details.

By the way, if you are laying the floor in the form of long strips, then place them not along, but across. This little trick will help to significantly expand the floor area. Visually, of course.


The more light, the larger the room appears. Everyone probably knows this. But, if the room is 9 sq.m. Or in a private house you can slightly neglect this rule, but in a very small kitchen - not at all.

Here you need to make good overhead lighting, place ceiling lamps in two rows or sconces along one of the walls. For example, above the dining area, this would be best.

Thinking through the placement of equipment

But this is the most important thing. Don't chase beauty, think about comfort. Ideally, the most necessary kitchen elements(stove, sink, refrigerator) should be located nearby so that it is convenient to approach them. It is called work triangle.

That is, for example, the stove and refrigerator are on one side, and the sink is between them, but on the opposite side. Or, a stove with a sink, and opposite - a refrigerator.

Of course, in practice this is not so easy to achieve. But you still try. Don't move the refrigerator outside the kitchen just because the layout and design kitchen furniture"they don't let" him in. It is better, we repeat, to order a set based on how the main elements are located.

As for other technology, see for yourself. What do you have? If the dishwasher and washing machine, then remember that all this eats up the work surface, which could be used for cooking. And if dishwasher If you can’t clean it up, it would be worth organizing a place in the bathroom for the washing machine. Moreover, now there is a modern idea for tiny baths - a special washbasin that is installed above the machine.

Kitchen furniture

Well, here we come to the most important thing. As you can see, before ordering furniture, you had to do a lot of things and the kitchen practically took on its look. Now just measure the space that remains and draw the initial plan on paper: wall cabinets that should be located lengthwise, bottom drawers, niches.

Making a sketch with your own hands is easy. And the master will come and take more accurate measurements. The main thing is to draw it yourself, and do not rely on the taste of furniture makers. They just want to cram more cabinets, because it’s more profitable. But in the end, the appearance of such kitchens turns out to be quite standard, and in your case, everything will be sad.

There's no need for large quantities cabinets on the walls. You can get by with open shelves. It is fashionable and visually expands the room. The same applies to the lower cabinets. Often they are enough on one side, but furniture companies obsessively offer two rows. As a result, there are a lot of cabinets - but there is nowhere to put a table and chairs.

Apron over the work area

Remember that any excessive diversity is the enemy of a narrow kitchen. In general, if you have it very, very tiny, then instead of a pattern or tile in this place, best to put. Naturally, not simple, but special, fireproof.

This technique will expand the space many times over - a fact.

A mirror looks especially good if the work surface is visible from another room, for example, a corridor. The only trouble here is that you will have to carefully monitor it and wipe it in a timely manner. But for the sake of such an advantage, this torment is completely justified.

Decorating the room

And now it’s time for textiles, paintings, pillows and other beauties.

We are no longer advisors here, we’ll just remind you: don’t overdo it.

Look at the photo below to see how the decorative elements are arranged in the interior of such rooms, maybe you will like some idea.

Above we described the general concept of the layout, without taking into account individual elements. Now let's clarify some details and consider how best to organize the space in this or that popular case.

Narrow kitchen with bar counter

If your kitchen opens into the living room, then instead of a door it is better to put a bar counter (perpendicular to long wall).

But here, keep in mind that the tabletop should not stand tightly, but rise so that you can walk comfortably. There is no point in making a very short stand. It will be just decoration, without any functionality.

Narrow kitchen-living room

There are kitchens that are not just narrow, but microscopic, but they have a plus - access to the living room. Then you need to remove the door and connect the rooms. The dining area will be in the living room, and you will cook in the kitchen.

Here, look at the photo of how kitchen-dining rooms look in the interior:

Narrow kitchen with sofa

This is possible in one case: either the kitchen is wider than 2 meters, at least 2.5 by 5 m, or your sofa is very tiny. He's on the couch at 10 meter kitchen not very appropriate, not like the mini version.

But, if you really want it so badly, you’ll have to move the battery and place it by the window. There is also a table and chairs. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to get between it and the furniture if you place it along a long wall.

Kitchen with window at end

Usually, the window is always at the end, this standard version. We have already written above that this is the most the best place for the location of the dining area and coming up with something more original there is difficult. And is it necessary? Eating near the window is light and cozy, and this is the main thing.

Look at the photo, this is what the interior of such a kitchen looks like:

There are also other options for using a window space near a 1.8 meter wide wall:

It might be interesting to see the selection successful interiors in different styles.

Kitchen with access to the balcony

Now this is just a disaster... The narrow kitchen is already cramped in itself, but with the balcony it is completely dark. The best design solution in this case, demolish the partition between the balcony and the kitchen, and put it in its place dinner table. It will be light, but it will be even longer visually.

By the way, you can see more options for such a layout in this one.

We hope you liked our design ideas. The photos are fresh, from 2018, so you can be sure that it is fashionable and relevant.

A small and narrow kitchen is a real problem in many apartments of older housing stock. As they say, there is no smell of convenience in a room of this configuration, but this is only at first glance! Because nowadays life values have changed in favor of convenient and comfortable life, then the opportunities to equip a small apartment, and with it the design of a narrow kitchen, have increased significantly.

Today’s article will be devoted to the last point. We will show you many photos and give recommendations on how you can make a narrow kitchen convenient and comfortable using all the means available today.

Design of a narrow kitchen: what are its main problems?

Well, perhaps the main problem The thing about a narrow kitchen is that it is narrow! But this is not the answer, let's find out why such rooms are so bad?

Firstly, this is a psychological aspect, no one likes tight, narrow space with oppressively oppressive walls. Therefore, even at the design stage of the project, you need to plan everything in such a way as to smooth out and weaken this negative impression as much as possible. The kitchen is an important part hearth and home, so it should be comfortable, “hospitable”. In general, the atmosphere in it should be conducive to a pleasant time spent both cooking and having lunch and dinner with the family.

The second problem is the placement of furniture, as in any other kitchen, it is also necessary to install a full-fledged set with cabinets including appliances and, of course, you need to install a dining table. With this issue, things are individual, it all depends on the size of the room. In some cases, you have to abandon the “two in one” idea altogether; due to the small size you have to dining area move the living room. After all, otherwise it won’t really be possible to place either a fully functional set or dining room furniture; one will simply interfere with the other.

Let's see how we can solve this problem.

Narrow kitchen: how to arrange furniture.

Elongated kitchens are not only small, but there are also quite large ones, and this is a fact, because no one has canceled private construction and the conversion of non-residential spaces into apartments, remember the loft style. But it is the width and length that will determine how functional the kitchen will become. In one case, it can accommodate a full-fledged set and a dining table. In another case, as we have already found out above, it is barely possible to build several cabinets of standard depth along one wall, not to mention placing a table. It is in this situation that space needs maximum optimization.

But there is also a golden mean: if you think about not the most narrow layout You can even find advantages in her kitchen. After all, this is an opportunity to make a kitchen ideal place for the home cook. But the dining room will have to be sacrificed. To do this, use a U-shaped layout or parallel placement of kitchen units along two walls. In both cases, the functional areas are located opposite, on optimal distance. As a result, everything you need for cooking will always be at hand.

In some cases, the set can be designed not to cover the full length of the room if it is longitudinal enough, leaving space at one end for installing a family dining table, usually this place is closer to the window. With this arrangement of furniture, the dining area will be secluded and very cozy. And it will surely become a favorite place for the whole family.

Narrow kitchen design

But what to do if a full-fledged table does not fit in the kitchen and you really don’t want to place it in another room?

There is an answer to this question too!

Need to order kitchen set in a furniture workshop with a retractable table top. It can become a table when it’s time for lunch or dinner, or an additional work surface while cooking. And when it is not needed, it is simply pushed back like a drawer into a set under the countertop. This mobile solution It certainly won’t be out of place in a small kitchen. Alternative option may become the most common folding table attached to the wall.

Another solution is to convert the kitchen window sill into a table - it was given the name window-sill table. A very convenient technique for small kitchens. At the same time, that part of the tabletop that extends beyond the window opening can be folding, which will make the table even more ergonomic. The same folding table can be placed in any other part of the narrow kitchen.

There is one more rule for the distribution of furniture in a narrow kitchen, although it is universal and may also apply to other rooms in the apartment. You should not place bulky cabinets near the window, they will not only lengthen the room even more creating the effect of “light at the end of the tunnel”, but will also interfere with lighting and distribution in the room daylight.

The window in any cramped room should be free, because the more light enters the interior, the larger the room appears.

How to make a narrow kitchen psychologically comfortable?

Fortunately, modern designers today have plenty of techniques and tools for harmonizing interior space. They can easily relieve the feeling of discomfort in any cramped room.

How to visually smooth out the pressure of walls?

We use any techniques that help visually expand the space.

If you decide to use wallpaper to decorate the kitchen walls, then select and purchase them in a single color or, if you really want, with a small pattern. Their color is extremely light; dark will have the opposite effect. Any large image on the wall will be visually overwhelming, which will ultimately affect visual perception. It will seem that there is another bulky object in the room, which will give the impression of an even greater infringement of space. The same technique is used with other finishing materials.

A standard kitchen set has “2 floors”, but to harmonize the atmosphere in a narrow kitchen this is not an ideal option; a kitchen without upper cabinets will be more comfortable. After all, the task is to get rid of the impression of oppressive walls, and any hanging structures those above the waist do not contribute to this. This solution will be to the taste of many, because it is to some extent a novelty that is rarely used in standard kitchens. An unusual set will very effectively contribute to the harmonization of space.

But if the kitchen is not very elongated, and many cabinets do not fit everyone kitchen utensils, can be hung and upper cabinets, but only they should have light color, it would be ideal if they were the same color as the walls. As a result, they will visually merge with them, which is why they will not be so noticeable. All this will fill the room with lightness and airiness. The ideal option in such a case would be a completely white kitchen, as in the photo below. Although it is small, as you can see it does not particularly give the impression of being cramped.

The most powerful tool that will help you at least double the visual area of ​​a room is a mirror. Therefore, details using it in the interior of a narrow kitchen will also not be out of place. Such an element could well be a mirror one. kitchen apron laid out both from individual tiles and from a single mirror. And there may be other mirrored decorative elements: wall vinyl stickers, decorative mirror within frames, facades kitchen cabinets with mirrors instead of glass.

Good alternative the mirror is gloss. The more reflective details in the interior of a narrow room, the wider the space appears. In the kitchen - it can be glossy facades the upper and lower cabinets have a set, a glass skinal (apron), and maybe glossy Decoration Materials for walls. But remember that the kitchen should be cozy. Therefore, there should be a moderate amount of such bright reflective details in its interior.

Properly illuminated walls will help with expanding the space. For this purpose, spots on the ceiling, directed at the walls or LED Strip Light in places where the wall meets the ceiling or floor.

A long narrow kitchen should be shortened for comfort, not literally of course - although in some cases the idea may well become relevant, in our case everything is done visually.

What can be done for this?

You can lay a rug or rug with a transverse pattern on the floor; it will shorten the room and, moreover, bring coziness to the interior of a narrow kitchen.

At the renovation stage, floor coverings should not be laid lengthwise or across, if this is completely narrow room. Perfect option for open floors of an elongated room, installation of coverings diagonally. This solution will allow you to visually expand and shorten the room at the same time.

If the renovation work is still at the design stage, then you can work on the ceiling and walls. The ceiling can be painted in two colors or divided into sections. And on one of the walls you can build a plasterboard box, slightly protruding. And so that space is not lost, the box can be designed in such a way that shelves or something else can be built into it. Such visual barriers will do a good job of destroying the impression of a long corridor.

In addition to everything, on a wall free from kitchen cabinets, you can place a couple of thematic paintings or photographs in frames. It could be modern Modular pictures and others can be placed decorative accessories, for example 3D panels. This is another way to create a visual barrier, because they all attract attention, which distracts from the shortcomings of the layout.

There are other techniques and ideas that are suitable to create a more harmonious design for a narrow kitchen. We invite you to look below at photographs of various ways to improve their interior.

Narrow kitchen design photos of ready-made solutions

The design of a narrow long kitchen has its own characteristics, but if you take them into account, even a not quite suitable room can be quite functional and look stylish and cozy. If redevelopment is not possible, design techniques should be used.


The interior of a narrow kitchen is best done in a modern style, using simple silhouettes. Pretentious Empire or Baroque lines are inappropriate here. Abundance decorative elements also contraindicated - they will draw attention to irregular shape. The most suitable styles for elongated rooms are considered to be minimalism and hi-tech; Scandinavian and loft styles are slightly less suitable.


In one line

This placement is usually used when decorating the interiors of long kitchens in small spaces. The work surface and wall cabinets are placed along a long wall, but without occupying the wall completely. In the remaining gap, a dining area or relaxation area with the possibility of eating is arranged.

In very small kitchens, you can place a work surface and wall cabinets in one of the corners - this frees up part of the room for the dining table. This decision is made based on the geometry of the room - the presence of windows, doors and their relative placement.

In two lines

The design of a narrow long kitchen can be made “in two lines” - the work surface and stove are located on both sides of the entrance, parallel to each other, and the free part of the room near the window is left for lunch group. This great option in the event that the door is located in one of the “short” walls, and the window is in the other.

Typically, on one side of the entrance there are appliances (refrigerator, stove, oven, microwave, as well as storage cabinets), and on the other side there is a work surface over which wall cabinets can be placed.


In the interior of a narrow, long kitchen, it is necessary to use only those colors that help visually expand the room. This condition is met by “cold” tones: blue, silver, mint, white. Both walls and furniture can be painted in these colors.


The interior of a long kitchen should not be heavy or bulky. You can make it easier to perceive by leaving top part free walls, or, if this is not possible, by closing the cabinets in this area with glass doors. It’s even better if there is lighting inside such cabinets, creating the impression of light pouring from the windows.

Conventional cabinets can be replaced with light shelves, perhaps even open ones - the kitchen will immediately seem more spacious and wider.


For comfortable work in the kitchen you need good additional lighting. In the design of a narrow, long kitchen, it is necessary to provide not only thorough illumination of the work area, but also a sufficient amount of light in the part that is away from the window. Ceiling lamps are suitable for this purpose, which can be arranged in lines perpendicular to long walls or in groups.

It is better to abandon the central chandelier; it can be replaced with pendants (at least two) in the dining area and the kitchen area.


Use in the interior of a narrow kitchen glossy surfaces. It can be furniture facades from MDF, glass apron, metal surfaces. Glossy shine that reflects light makes the space easier to perceive and makes it seem more spacious.


It is quite difficult to change the volume of a room, but you can change its perception by simple means. For example, use photo wallpaper depicting fields, roads, and city blocks stretching into the distance. Any pictures with a deep perspective are suitable for creating a feeling of spaciousness in the interior of a long kitchen.

When renovating or updating your kitchen, try the following ways to visually expand an overly narrow space.

Ways to visually expand a narrow space

  • Laying patterned flooring in a diagonal direction.
  • No protruding parts of the furniture (for example, recessed cabinet handles or fronts with a push-to-open mechanism).
  • Furniture from transparent materials: chairs and tables made of glass or plastic.
  • The use of mosaic tiles of the same shade, both on the floor and on the walls.
  • Mirrors on cabinet fronts and as independent decorative elements.
  • Patterns on parts of the walls that change the geometry of space.

Long and narrow kitchens are often found in block standard houses. From the point of view of design and functionality, arranging such a room is not an easy task. But this does not mean that the owners of such rooms are doomed to “non-functionality”, inconvenience and the need to squeeze between furniture and appliances. The design of a small narrow kitchen requires a special approach to arrangement; in this article we will give you some interesting ideas.

Narrow long kitchen - design, photos and interesting ideas

When designing a narrow, long kitchen, it is important not to overload it and try to correct the proportions. Fortunately, there are at least several ways to organize a kitchen with such architecture.

Let's start with the most radical ones. If you don’t see any other way out, you can decide to demolish or move the wall or make a niche or opening in it. As a result we get fashionable interior, which will have an open kitchen combined with a living room.

If the open kitchen does not correspond to your ideas about this room, or it is not possible to demolish the wall, then you have to look for other solutions. We can keep the wall, but significantly expand the entrance area, in which case you will have free access to the room. You can put it in the doorway: traditional doors take up too much space, and sliding doors hide in the wall when opened. Glass door It will provide additional light to the balcony.

Narrow and long kitchen: letter “G” or letter “P”

Depending on the width of the room, cabinets can be installed in accordance with a pattern similar to the letters “P” or “G”, that is, cabinets can be located on one side, including the area under the window, or on both sides.

How to choose the right option for placing furniture in a narrow and long kitchen? The width of the room should be taken into account:

  • if the room width is up to 180 cm, it is recommended to install cabinets along one wall;
  • with a width of 240 cm we have slightly more options.

It is extremely important to leave at least 120 cm free space in the central part, otherwise the use of space, especially big amount family members will be uncomfortable.

A narrow and long kitchen in the shape of the letter U allows you to obtain optically more favorable ratios than furniture along the wall. At the same time we can plan uniform distribution furniture and necessary equipment and get a lot of storage space and a fairly large working sector. But there is one here important point. We often place furniture from top to bottom, so the interior becomes very congested. Therefore, it is better to harmoniously distribute the cabinets and alternate them with open shelves on which you can place some dishes or spice jars.

Translucent glazed doors and railings on which you can hang kitchen utensils also help us with this.

The most simple solutions are the best. Sometimes, shifting the focus away from the size and proportions of a room is as simple as choosing the right colors. In a narrow kitchen you should avoid dark colors, because they optically make the room smaller. Of course, light colors are best.

Some optical effects can be brought into the interior by mirrors located on the wall or on the side walls of cabinets.

Most good colors for small rooms it is:

  • white,
  • beige,
  • various shades of gray,
  • yellow,
  • blue.

On the contrary, on the narrowest wall we can place an interesting drawing, painting or graphic. On a free wall, you can stick photo wallpaper with a perspective, which will visually increase the space.

Shiny furniture fronts are also a good option for a narrow kitchen. They, like a mirror, will reflect interior details and play up the space, making the room visually larger. Therefore, it is worth thinking about which furniture is best for you, analyzing other factors. You can read about this in the article about which one to choose.

It is also advisable to ensure that kitchen countertop was in the shades of the floor, the consistency of this solution will give a harmonious look to the narrow kitchen.

A key point, no less important than choosing the color of the kitchen walls, is the choice of lighting. With this shape of the room, natural light usually comes through one small window, installed in a narrow wall at the back of the room. Therefore, away from the window, twilight may dominate. It is very important to light this wall.

In addition to the main lamp, it is necessary to illuminate the tabletop; a very convenient solution would be. It is necessary to evenly illuminate all the main sectors of the room, including the cabinets.

Where can you find room for a table in a long and narrow kitchen? If you are a fan of the traditional approach to the dining room, then you can have a folding one, which can be enlarged in case of guests visiting, and Everyday life it will be compact and not take up much space.

Here you can also use other original and non-standard solutions, for example, a table that folds away from the wall, or pulls out from the kitchen wall. We can place chairs under the window or convert a window sill into a table by placing a tabletop on it. So we get comfortable spot for breakfast for two or three people.

The tabletop must be calculated taking into account the fact that one person will need 60 cm. In the case of a tabletop under the window, you can choose a table slightly higher than the standard one, in the form of a bar counter and bar stools for it. With a table by the window we don't lose working space, since it can become a continuation of the countertop of the kitchen itself. If you don’t want to waste your work surface by the window, then the bar counter can be made in another place in the kitchen.

Kitchens in typical homes often have a disproportionate configuration. Under these conditions, the apartment owner will have to try hard to plan a comfortable and functional design. kitchen space- so that the set fits, and there is a place to gather with the family in the evening. However, even in narrow kitchens you can create a comfortable environment.

Design features of a narrow kitchen

To prevent a long kitchen from looking too gloomy, you should give preference to wallpaper in pastel colors. White in a milky shade, as well as peach and cream tones, will look good.

A cream-colored kitchen is a wonderful choice for the kitchen. small size.

If the kitchen is very long, you can place a bright painting on one wall as an accent, which will visually divide the room.

Furniture in a narrow kitchen will also look better with light-colored facades. However, this is not an axiom. The combined option will also look great, when the lower cabinets are made in deep bright light, and the facades of the upper ones are lighter.

Light facades and walls of the same color visually expand the kitchen.

An important role is played by the choice of flooring. The main task of finishing a kitchen is visual extension premises. If you decide to use floor tiles, you can lay it diagonally.

If laminate is used, it should be laid perpendicular to the longest wall. Dark color the floor will add a little depth and height to the room, and a light one will brighten the perception long tunnel kitchens.

Flooring significantly helps to beat the limited space.

For the ceiling, the best choice is suspended ceilings. The lower they are located, the lighter the shade should be.

For example, with low ceilings Stretch glossy ones will look good and visually enlarge the room thanks to the reflective surface PVC ceilings. High ceilings can be decorated with canvases with stained glass or linear patterns.

The light ceiling does not distract attention and gives the kitchen additional volume.

Which layout to choose for a narrow kitchen

There are several planning solutions for narrow kitchens.

Linear layout

The saddest option is a very narrow kitchen. In such a situation it is impossible to even combine a dining area with a set stretched along one wall. The refrigerator is placed in a row with the furniture, usually near the entrance.

Such a kitchen is also inconvenient because the housewife has to put on extra meters while cooking, constantly moving between the refrigerator, sink, stove and work table.

Placing the set along one wall is the most obvious solution, but not ergonomic.

Such kitchens are so narrow that to create a comfortable environment you have to move the dining area into the adjacent room. The only alternative is a narrow transformable table or a tabletop that folds away from the wall like a bar counter.

Several techniques will help brighten up carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • place a TV on the wall above the entrance;
  • stick photo wallpaper with a kitchen theme on the wall opposite the set;
  • use wallpaper with vertical stripe or vertically directed patterns - they will visually shorten the room a little.

To enhance the feel of your kitchen, you can use patterns and shift the emphasis to decoration and color.

Parallel layout

This can be called a kitchen, in which a kitchen set will fit on both sides or there is room to place a dining area opposite the furniture.

In such a room it is already possible to arrange the work area more conveniently - place the stove and refrigerator opposite the sink. The main thing is that the width of the passage should not be less than 90 cm.

You can visually expand the room by replacing the top drawers with open shelves. You can, on the contrary, expand the kitchen upwards, solving the storage problem at the same time.

An additional row of drawers under the ceiling can be used to store rarely used items. Appliances or dishes. To prevent the drawers from hanging over your head, it is better to order a set with light colors wall cabinets.

Light furniture will not “pressure” in an already very limited space.


Position furniture set the letter P is possible in kitchens that are closer to a square. In this case, the window sill on the window is removed and a work area with a sink is installed in its place.

A layout flaw can easily be turned into an advantage by relocating the sink.

For the housewife, this option is the most convenient in terms of cooking and storage. But to create a dining area, you will again have to use either a narrow table along the wall or a transforming table.

However, planning problems can be solved by placing the eating area near the window and placing there corner sofa. In this case, the work surfaces should end in front of the dining area.

The place at the foot of the window is an ideal dining area in a small kitchen.


This is another planning option, permissible in cases where the door to the kitchen from the corridor is not installed in the center of the wall, but asymmetrically.

There are 2 options for furniture placement here:

  1. The set forms a corner near the entrance, and a dining table is placed near the window.
  2. The set forms a corner near the window (the window sill is removed and a work area is installed in its place). A narrow dining table is placed near the free wall.

By placing about narrow wall cabinets and appliances, “tunnel syndrome” can be reduced.

In conclusion - a few general advice for planning a narrow kitchen:

  1. Move the eating area to a separate dining room. To avoid doors getting in the way when serving food, replace them with sliding ones.
  2. A bar counter along the wall will help solve the problem of daily lunches and breakfasts. You will have to receive guests in the living room.
  3. A corner sofa and stools will occupy less space than a table with chairs.
  4. If the cabinets cover part of the doorway, simply narrow it by 25-30cm. This will solve the problem and there will be no need to rack your brains over planning decisions.
  5. Buy narrower kitchen sets - they will allow you to widen the passage and leave room for a table.
  6. Provide additional lighting - hardly one ceiling lamp will be able to provide the required level of lighting. You can stretch 2 rows along the ceiling spotlights or separately illuminate the work area with lamps located at the bottom of the wall cabinets.

To make a narrow kitchen comfortable, you can order a set at custom sizes.

Narrow kitchen with window

The window in a narrow kitchen is the only source of natural light, so it needs to be pampered and cherished. Curtains should be short and translucent, blinds should be light. Since the window space is functionally important, it does not need to be cluttered with curtains.

Roller blinds, Roman blinds and blinds save space near the window, especially in work area.

Near the window in a narrow kitchen you can install a dining table with a kitchen sofa. You can zone the area using lighting - place a couple of rows of spotlights along the ceiling along the working areas, and hang a long beautiful chandelier above the dining area.

If the dining area is moved into the dining room or placed along the wall, you can use this place more functionally. If you install a desktop near the window and combine the tabletop and window sill under a common tabletop-window sill made of artificial stone, such a zone can look really luxurious.

Big window expands the kitchen, letting in light and dividing the long wall into sections.

A bold option- Move the sink to the window. Of course, we will have to consider redesigning the water supply system. As for the radiator, you can make a cabinet for it with holes in the doors. The efficiency of the radiator, of course, will decrease.

If the kitchen faces north or is on an upper floor exposed to winds, you can move the radiator to an open wall. To prevent the mixer from interfering with opening the sash, install a bayonet model of the mixer, which can be removed and laid on its side.

Tastefully selected furniture, lighting and accessories will make even the most uncomfortable narrow kitchen cozy and chic.

Narrow kitchen with sofa

A narrow, cozy sofa will increase the number seats at a narrow table and will take up little space. This great alternative instead of a table with jumbled chairs.

You can place a sofa along the window, creating a separate dining area. To fit into the style ensemble, the upholstery must match color scheme table.

Light colors are the most suitable for furniture in a narrow room.

Narrow kitchen with balcony

The balcony in the kitchen is a real planning find. In the kitchen with a balcony there is a full-fledged place for the dining area. First you will have to carry out work to combine the balcony with the kitchen: remove balcony door with a window, insulate and glaze the balcony, install wiring there.

Panoramic glazing will allow you to admire the city views while eating. The remaining partition can be used as a table for serving dishes and dirty dishes, or you can remove it by moving the radiator to a free wall. Then you can put a bar counter in the vacant space.

If there is a balcony next to the kitchen, it can take on part of the load of furniture and appliances.

Balcony-dining room - the best option use extra space, which does not require additional modifications. If the balcony is narrow, in any case it will help expand the space for the dining area.

If a spacious loggia adjoins the kitchen, then you can arrange a full-fledged dining room there. In this case, the 2 zones can be separated by an arch or transparent sliding doors.

Remember that any redevelopment work requires obtaining permission. It is even more necessary if you expect to ever sell your apartment.

Attaching a balcony and placing a dining group on it is the most logical solution for a narrow kitchen.

Narrow kitchen-living room

If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a narrow kitchen-living room, you will have to reconsider the principles of furniture arrangement. All furniture should not be placed parallel to a long wall, because this will make the room stretch out even more.

A long set and a longitudinal arrangement of floor boards are two main mistakes in arranging a narrow kitchen. It is advisable to zone the room using furniture.

You might consider a kitchen with an island. The island can be used as a work surface, or you can install a hob on it.

The essence of this arrangement is the installation of large objects across the room: sofas, an island. A narrow room will seem more proportional this way.

You can divide the room into 2 zones: make a kitchen at a distance closer to the window, and create a living room closer to the entrance, or vice versa, dividing the 2 zones with a bar counter.

A sofa by the window is a romantic change in the kitchen interior.

Small narrow kitchen

A small narrow kitchen is the most difficult option layouts.

First you need to try the option radically:

  • organize a dining room in the next room;
  • demolish the partition with the adjacent room and create a combined kitchen/dining room;
  • move the septum deeper into next room by expanding the kitchen and reducing the room;
  • if there is a balcony, combine the room with a balcony;
  • expand the kitchen through the corridor.

For a family of 1-2 people, a small kitchen may be enough to prepare food, but you still have to look for a place for a table outside of it.

If all this doesn’t work out, you’ll have to figure out how to arrange the furniture:

  • buy a narrow kitchen set, and for eating, arrange a narrow table that folds down from the wall. Folding chairs can also help save space;
  • To increase the storage area, place the upper tier of cabinets under the ceiling. Use lower cabinets to install built-in household appliances- dishwasher,
  • oven, refrigerator;
  • rationally use the window sill to create a table;
  • purchase a narrower 2-burner stove instead of a standard 4-burner stove.

Multifunctional furniture and appliances are simply a godsend for furnishing small kitchen.

A narrow kitchen does not tolerate clutter; it should be dominated by perfect order. It must contain decorative elements: bright utensils, flowers in pots, a painting or panel on a free wall - all these accents will not only attract the eye, but will also distract the attention of guests from the disproportion of the room.

Rails and hanging shelves This extra bed for placing devices and decorations.

Narrow kitchen real photos

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