If you are planning to hang a curtain or tulle on a curtain tape yourself, then you need to know several very important factors that will determine the final result.

Until recently, the process of hanging new or just washed curtains turned into a real torment, because you need not only to hang, but also to drape the fabric beautifully, otherwise it will completely lose its aesthetic function. Therefore, I had to suffer quite a bit, calculating the necessary intervals and fixing the curtains.

But with the advent of curtain tape, this process has become much simpler, because this accessory allows you to completely prepare the canvas; all that remains is to simply put it on the curtain rod. In order to save yourself from unnecessary hassle and forever forget about standing for a long time with your head and arms raised high, we will try to understand the features of the choice in as much detail as possible, and will also tell you how to hang curtains on curtain tape.

Types of mounting tape

The process of installing curtain fabric is preceded by a long period of selecting all the necessary accessories, including curtain tape, the variety of models of which can lead novice designers to a dead end. You can understand what fabric a particular tape is intended for visually: transparent is used on light curtains (mesh, voile, organza, silk), where a dense one will be noticeable, white, in turn, is suitable for curtains made of dense, non-transparent fabrics .

The width, which can range from 2.5 to 10 centimeters, also matters. As a rule, narrow (2.5-4 cm) braids are used on curtains where drapery is not needed: with a baguette cornice or a niche built into the ceiling; they are also suitable for thin fabrics that can be easily draped. Ribbons from 5 centimeters in width have not only a fixation function, but also a decorative one, since with their help you can create various types of folds, which become more complex as the width of the tape increases.

Wide ribbons are used on thick fabrics to create a beautiful pattern, and they can also be used to hide an unsightly cornice by simply moving the hooks to a lower level. Thus, the stable upper part of the curtain will simply hide the pipe behind itself, and there will be no need to purchase it along with new curtains. Depending on the width and complexity of the pattern, there may be 2, 3, or 4 rows of pockets for hooks, with the help of which the height of the curtain can be varied.

The tapes also differ in the method of fixation, depending on the type of curtains and curtain rods on which they need to be hung. If you purchase a tape that does not match your curtain rod, you will never be able to figure out how to hang curtains on this type of curtain tape. For example, a model with built-in eyelets is suitable for pipe curtain rods; for string curtain rods, there is also a special type that has loops into which the string is pulled, there are Velcro that allows you to fix both hard gangs and soft lambrequins, as well as options for curtains with vertical gathering, where special rings are sewn in, through which a lifting cable is passed, raising the Roman curtains. A similar model can also be used on blinds.

Build factor

This term refers to the ratio of flat fabric for curtains to that already assembled using tape. Depending on the complexity of the pattern, there are 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3. That is, when buying a tape with a gathering factor of 2, you will get 2 meters of draped curtain from a fabric fabric 4 meters wide.

As a rule, this indicator is initially indicated on the packaging. It must be taken into account not only when calculating the required amount of fabric, but also when purchasing the braid itself, because it is sewn onto a flat fabric and pulled together only before attaching the curtains to the curtain tape. You can find out the required length by multiplying the width of the cornice by the assembly factor + 6-8 centimeters for the edges.

For example, for a cornice 3 meters wide, we buy a tape with a gathering factor of 2. We calculate the required quantity as follows: 2*3+0.8 = 6.8 meters of tape we will need, and curtains, respectively, 2*3 = 6 meters.

Assembly options

Depending on the width and density of the tape, it can be used to create a number of different patterns, from the most ordinary waves to real masterpieces. The most popular are:

  1. The simplest option is designed to obtain uniform folds. As a rule, the assembly coefficient in such a model is 1.5. The simplest and most uncomplicated pattern, which also does not require a lot of fabric. Even the narrowest ribbon is suitable for creating such drapery. It will be most convenient to hang tulle on such a curtain tape;
  2. Bow fold. It looks like single or double bows located close to each other. The minimum coefficient in this case is 2.5, sometimes it can reach 3;
  3. Glasses. Very refined and sophisticated look of folds. The fabric, gathered at the bottom with a triple tuck, forms something like a glass at the top. To create them, you need a tape with two rows of cords and a coefficient of 2.5;
  4. Buffs. A rather lush and original pattern in the form of several rows of diamonds can be formed only with the help of a wide ribbon with at least 4 rows of cords. Looks beautiful on thick expensive fabrics. The assembly factor also starts from 2.5;
  5. The most expensive fabrics, but at the same time incredibly elegant and sophisticated, are French or triple folds. Here the coefficient is 3, that is, to get 1 meter of curtains draped in this way, we must purchase 3 meters of fabric. Typically used on thick curtains. Has several rows of pockets for adjusting the seat height;
  6. Waffles or ruffles add pomp and airiness to the interior; counter folds, reminiscent of small water ripples, also have a similar effect. To create them you need a thick and wide tape with a coefficient of 2.

Assembly and installation of curtains

It doesn’t matter whether you purchased a curtain with a built-in ribbon or chose each detail yourself, the question of how to assemble curtains on a ribbon will certainly arise before you, because not everyone knows the intricacies of this process. So, how can we create beautiful drapery using braid? Let's describe this process step by step.

  1. We check the cords in the already sewn tape. They must be tied, otherwise when tightened they will simply pull out and will only add to your headache. We tie untied cords (cords) into a tight bundle and check its density.
  2. Now let's start assembling. We need to take into account the width we will be collecting, adjusting the density of the pattern accordingly. As a rule, curtains that are often drawn apart are either not assembled at all, or the folds on them are minimal. It is most convenient to make the tie with an assistant to pull from both sides. If there are no such in the house, then, having secured the threads on both edges, we begin to form the most dense folds, gradually moving them to the opposite edge.
  3. Having assembled the tape in this way, we check the uniformity and density of the resulting pattern, after which we can begin installation. We recommend that you pay attention to the rigidity of the folds when purchasing the tape by pulling it straight in the store. It is better not to purchase a model that is not strong enough, as it will not be able to hold the design properly.
  4. And the last step is to fix our folds, because an unsecured thread will certainly fall into place, nullifying all our efforts. Having received the desired pattern, we secure the edge with a knot. To prevent the rest of the thread from hanging along the curtain, we wind it around several fingers into a neat skein, the middle of which is tied with the free edge. It turns out something like a thread bow. We can also “reliably” hide it, hiding it from prying eyes, simply by threading the top edge under the top cord, and the bottom edge under the bottom cord.

Not knowing how to properly hang curtains on curtain tape , many people try to put hooks on the cords. This step is fundamentally wrong, since under the weight of the fabric the threads will begin to sag, thereby completely ruining the appearance of the curtain. Hooks and other fastening elements are threaded only into special fabric pockets, of which there may be several rows.

This device is very convenient because it allows you to adjust the height of the curtain. For example, if you are slightly wrong with the height of the curtain or curtain, you can simply move the hooks to the top row; you can hide the unsightly cornice with the same manipulation, but using the bottom row of pockets. It is better to place the hooks at a distance of 5-6 centimeters, this way you will protect yourself from sagging of the canvas.

Curtains are considered a necessary attribute of a living room. They can not only protect from strong sunlight, but also perform the function of designing and decorating window openings. If you have already purchased a beautiful curtain that perfectly matches the style of your living space, then you probably have the main question - what can you hang the curtains on? After all, they cannot be hung on just anything; for these products there are special curtain rods, holding elements, and curtains. But it is better to familiarize yourself with this issue in more detail.

The process of hanging curtains can be done independently, but if desired, this work can be entrusted to specialists. Many specialized curtain workshops or stores always have a fabric designer on hand. A specialist will be able to select the appropriate material for the living room, bedroom, kitchen, but at the same time he will also develop convenient fastening and hanging of curtains.

If you nevertheless decide to design the window openings in your house or apartment yourself, then you should treat this work with all responsibility, so that the final result is amazing. So, what do drapes and light curtains hang on?

Curtains are attached to cornices. In appearance, it is a stick with hooks or clamps. They are ceiling and wall mounted. These two options are great for residential premises, but they may have certain nuances:

  • a ceiling cornice allows you to visually increase the space of a room, for this reason it should be installed in rooms with a low ceiling and a small area;
  • a cornice with a ceiling structure will fit perfectly into a small kitchen, small bedroom, or children's room;
  • wall structures are suitable for large and wide window openings;
  • A wall cornice can be installed across the entire wall and hang curtains and drapes of various shapes and sizes on it.

Types of cornices by material

Curtain rods can be made of various materials. Depending on the basis, they can have different qualities and characteristics.

Before using products of this type, it is worth considering what materials they are made from:

  • wooden. For structures of this type, wood with high strength and noble varieties is used, for example, beech, oak, and walnut. At the same time, the color of the structure should fit perfectly with the overall style of the interior; it should not in any way stand out from the overall space. Wood products can be perfectly attached to ceilings with a regular or tension structure;
  • plastic. Plastic products are not very expensive, so they can be used by consumers with a limited financial budget. At the same time, they have a long service life, they retain their original appearance for a long time, do not deform or crack;
  • metal. Options for cornices made from a metal base are considered universal designs. They can easily hang curtains with a pleated look or heavy curtains with a double structure. Metal cornices can easily withstand increased loads, but light tulle on them will look airy and stylish.

Other types of cornices by design

In order to hang curtains in an apartment or house, various designs of curtain rods are often used - rod, string, baguette. But before choosing the appropriate type, you should carefully consider the main features of each.

Type of design Description
Cornice rod A classic type of cornice. This type can be made of plastic material, metal, wood. The structure is fastened using brackets to the ceiling or to the wall surface. Products are available with several rows that can be used for hanging tulle, drapes, lambrequins, and curtains. If the window opening is large, you can install a bracket in the middle of the cornice. Fleurons are installed on the sides, which are matched to the overall design style of the room.
Cornice-string The name of the structures speaks for itself; they look like strings. This variety is often used for light fabrics, tulle. Single-row and multi-row models are available. Designs of this type are often combined with rings and half-rings; this looks stylish and original in rooms with minimalist interior design. They fit perfectly into a room with suspended ceiling structures.
Baguettes Baguette cornices hide the area where curtains are attached. The products are made of wood. This material has high strength, it can easily withstand high loads without cracking or deforming. These options for attaching curtains are well suited for living rooms, for rooms that require a richer and more formal design of window openings.

Popular elements for fastening curtains

If you don’t know what to attach the curtain to the cornice, then you should carefully consider the popular fasteners. It is important that they fit perfectly with the cornice, do not stand out and complement the curtain.

It is possible using the following fastening elements:

  1. Rings. These fasteners are recommended for use in conjunction with metal and wood cornices. The curtain must first be attached to the rings and then placed on the cornice. The main advantage of these fastenings is that the curtain can be easily put on and taken off;
  2. Eyelets. Fasteners are used to attach curtains to cornices. In these cases, the rings are located inside the fabric. The rings themselves are located at the same distance from each other. Due to this, after hanging, beautiful symmetrical folds are formed on the curtains;
  3. Hooks. This type of fastening is considered stylish and practical. The hook is attached to a special recess in the fabric, and then it is fixed to the cornice. The hooks are placed on a special synthetic tape. In this version, the curtains hang not only evenly, but also stylishly;
  4. Clamps. Using these fasteners you can adjust the length of the curtains. Clips allow you to create additional folds and flounces;
  5. Clips. These types of fasteners resemble clamps, but they do not have teeth. They are suitable for light and airy fabric that is prone to puffing. Fastening elements help to adjust the curtain to the required length and fix the curtain rod in the desired position. These fastenings are also suitable for thread curtains. They are not suitable for children's rooms, because the curtains on them are weak and a child can easily tear them off.

How to choose the right method for attaching curtains

How to choose the right method for attaching curtains? To do this, you can look at photos with design options for window openings in large, spacious houses and compact apartments.

But some useful tips can also help in this matter:

  • When selecting a cornice and type of fastening, it is worth considering the number of layers of textiles. The curtain may include tulle, main curtain, lambrequin;
  • interior design style. should ideally suit the design of the room, for example, for classics, ruffles and frills are suitable, for minimalism, straight curtains without bright patterns, for high-tech, you can use unusual shapes of curtains and bright patterns;

Curtains are the main highlight of any interior design, so it is very important not only to skillfully select the color, material texture and style, but also to hang them effectively. You don’t like bulky and pompous baguettes or you simply don’t have enough centimeters to install them, or maybe you have an arched or non-standard window?

Whatever the reason, curtains need to be hung somehow to complete the design of the room. In this case, very original, sometimes even eccentric ways of attaching curtains without cornices will come to your aid.

Curtains are the main decorative element in our home, which can significantly affect both the interior itself and the impression of the owners. Everyone knows that any apartment or house can be visually transformed with a skillful color scheme and some decorative elements. And curtains are no exception, because the overall picture of the perception of the interior depends on how you can originally design the places where they are attached.

A few ideas and tips on how to quickly and effectively hang drapes or curtains without curtain rods:

Using hooks

Buy hooks or original holders of the right size; they should be reliable and harmonize with the chosen interior style.

Calculate the correct distance between them so that the canvas does not sag, forming unplanned folds. Firmly fix the selected holders above the window opening.

On the curtain itself, be sure to sew longitudinal ribbons or make loops. This will allow you to hang it easily and securely.

This point fastening is ideal for decorating windows of non-standard and arched shapes; this is the case when it is unrealistic to install a regular cornice.

There are also disadvantages to this method of window decoration - the curtain does not move. But it can be easily solved with the help of side grabs, which will help not only let the sun's rays into the room, but also add zest to the interior. After all, they can be designed in a very original way, giving the curtains themselves a bizarre shape.

Using Velcro tape (in common parlance - Velcro)

Purchase a ribbon of the required length. Attach one part of it to the wall or window frame in any of the following ways:

1. Fix part of the tape directly to the wall using a staple gun, self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws. If it is a metal-plastic window, then use double-sided tape.

The design looks very stylish if you make separate curtains for each sash of the window frame.

2. You can attach one piece of Velcro to the strip that needs to be fixed to the wall with furniture staples, self-tapping screws or wood glue.

Attach the second half of the tape from the wrong side of the fabric. This method is very convenient for hanging curtains; you don’t have to hang from the ceiling for hours trying to get the hook into the loop. With a slight movement of the hand we connect both strips of Velcro and that’s it - the curtain is in place.

This method is even suitable for attaching curtains to the ceiling.

This type of fastening also has weaknesses; it is impractical in two cases - you have very heavy and long curtains or there are babies in the house who are just learning to walk, as well as cats. Because a cornice of this type is extremely unreliable under physical impact.

Using a tree branch or thick rope

A very unusual and creative way to hang a curtain for lovers of natural interior design.
When going out into nature, stock up on several strong, original-shaped branches of the required length. Clean off dust and dirt, sand the too disheveled areas and cover with varnish or paint. Using any holders, secure the prepared branch to the wall.

The right approach to the design of window curtains can transform any room and set all the accents in the interior decor. The “window issue” needs to be solved comprehensively, that is, choosing the right type, color and texture of curtains, as well as choosing the appropriate type of cornice and method of attaching the curtains. In this article we will try to understand all the details of window drapery and answer the question of how to hang curtains correctly so that they are easy to use and look original and beautiful.

Variety of drapes and curtains

Curtains should be understood as fabric window curtains that are used in the interior for functional and decorative purposes. There are several main elements of such systems, which differ in design, purpose and materials used. It is advisable to know all these nuances in order to hang curtains correctly.


This element is intended not only for additional decoration of curtains, but also for hiding the cornice. The lambrequin primarily occupies a place in the foreground of the curtain and is located along the entire width of the cornice. The following types of lambrequins are distinguished:

  1. Hard. The base of this element is a rigid base - a gang.
  2. Soft. Complements the curtain.
  3. Combined. Combines elements of hard and soft lambrequin.

If you decide to hang curtains and use one of the types of lambrequins, listen to the following tips:


This is a light, transparent and airy window decoration. Curtains can be made from the following thin fabrics:

  • tulle;
  • organza;
  • veil.

Important! The curtain acts not only as an integral element of the decorative drapery of the window, but also protects the room from direct sunlight.

In stores you will find a wide variety of curtains, differing in material and design. Here are just a few:

  • Sliding.
  • Lifting.
  • Roman.
  • French.
  • Austrian.
  • Pleated.
  • London ones.
  • Filament curtains.
  • Roller blinds.


In appearance it is no different from a curtain. The curtain is also made of light fabrics of any texture and color. Curtains include anything that can be used to cover a window or door.

Important! To make the curtains look impressive and beautiful, create a sufficient number of folds and position them correctly. To do this, choose the right width of the curtain: it should be at least 2 times the length of the curtain rod.

How to choose the right method for fixing curtains?

Before deciding what to hang curtains on, you need to take into account the following factors:

Main types of cornices

Let's consider what types of curtain rods there are and the fastenings to them so that you can choose the appropriate option and hang the curtains correctly:

Main types of fasteners

There are several types of fastenings of curtains to cornices:

  • Hooks. Plastic or aluminum hooks may be included in the kit for curtain rods or sold separately. This is the cheapest and most practical option. Using hooks, the fabric is directly attached to the curtain rod.
  • Eyelets. A very original method of attaching curtains. Special holes are made on the top of the canvas and rings made of plastic or metal, the so-called eyelets, are inserted. The cornice is threaded through these rings. In this case, it is important not to make a mistake with the diameter of the cornice pipe.
  • “Crocodiles” are fastening elements with teeth for gripping fabric.
  • Clips. Similar to “crocodiles”, but without teeth. Fastening elements of this type are suitable for light fabrics that are prone to various damage and tightening. Clips help to adjust the fabric to obtain the required length and fix the curtain in this position. You can also hang thread curtains on clips. These fasteners are not suitable for a children's room, as a child will tear off the fabric very easily.
  • Rings. Curtains can only be hung on this fastening element using transition elements. These can be: hooks, eyelets, loops.
  • Kuliska. The fastening is intended for non-moving curtains and consists of a folded upper part of the curtain, which is stitched in accordance with the diameter of the cornice.

Important! Completely weightless, lightweight curtains can be fixed without a cornice. Fix a plastic or wooden beam to the wall above the window opening. Glue special Velcro onto it. Sew the other part of the adhesive tape to the curtain fabric. Simply glue the entire curtain structure to the base. But keep in mind that such curtains are motionless, and therefore have little functionality.

How to properly and rationally use space when installing cornices?

The process of draping a window is preceded by the installation of a cornice. To rationally and correctly use the space of the window opening, use the following recommendations on how to hang curtains correctly:

  1. If the length of the cornice exceeds 2 meters, then install an additional bracket in the middle. This will give the structure additional strength and help avoid uneven distribution of the curtains.
  2. To widen the window, use a cornice that is 20 centimeters wider on both sides than the window opening.
  3. The ideal gap between the cornice and the ceiling: 5-10 cm.
  4. Position the cornice so that the curtains do not touch heat radiators and window sills during future use.
  5. To determine the height of the cornice, pay attention to the height of the room:
    • in small rooms - 2.5-2.7 m, mount the cornice as close to the ceiling as possible;
    • if the height of the room is 3 m or more, then it is better to hang the curtains on the eaves 30 cm above the level of the top of the window or under the ceiling to create the illusion of cascading flows of fabric.
  6. Before installation work, mark the center of the window and measure equal sections from the center in both directions so that these sections rest against the edges of the cornice brackets.

Curtain tape. How to hang on hooks?

Curtains and lambrequins are hung on curtain rods equipped with special hooks using curtain tape. This is a special type of textile braid on the upper edge of the fabric.

Purpose of curtain tape

Curtain tape performs the following functions:

  • Makes making curtains easier.
  • Helps to drape the curtain into various folds.
  • Using special loops located on the tape, the curtain is attached to the cornice.

Important! In sewing stores, curtain tape is presented with a wide variety of folds and gathers. The success and beauty of the drapery image of a window opening depends on the correct choice of tape. The variety of curtain tapes directly depends on their purpose.

Main types of tape:

  • For tubular and string cornices.
  • For vertical drapery.
  • For lifting curtains.
  • For draping the top of the curtain.
  • For eyelets.

Process Features

Here are a few secrets on how to properly hang curtains using such auxiliary fasteners:

  1. The smaller the distance between the hooks, the more evenly and beautifully the curtain will be distributed on the cornice.
  2. There is a different tape for each type of curtain:
    • width 2.5 cm - for curtains made of light-weight fabrics;
    • width 6-10 - for more massive and heavy fabrics.
  3. If you want to disguise an ugly cornice, then use a wide ribbon and hang it slightly above the main level.
  4. When choosing curtain tape in a store, pay special attention to the following points:
    • All threads to tighten the fabric should move easily.
    • There should be loops for hooks.
    • If you are going to drape the fabric, then there should be about 4 rows: 1-2 rows for hooks, and the rest for collecting curtain draperies.

Important! Before purchasing a ribbon, you need to decide on the style of drapery and the frequency of frills on the curtain. The density coefficient of the tape depends on this. For example, if you want to use 2-2.5 meters of fabric for 1 meter of curtain, then the tape coefficient is 2-2.5. This is quite enough to create wave-like transitions on the window.


To properly hang curtains on curtain tape, proceed as follows:

  1. Tighten the ribbon threads to the width of the cornice.
  2. Secure on both sides.
  3. Distribute all the wavy folds evenly.
  4. Thread the hooks into the ribbon. Place the hooks evenly, at the same distance.
  5. Hang the curtain with hooks on the curtain rod.

How to hang curtains beautifully?

The following decorative techniques can give your home an original look:

The beauty is in the details

The following details will help add special charm, originality and elegance to the curtains:

As you can see, the process of attaching curtains requires no less imagination from you than choosing material for curtains and decorative elements. We hope that the information received will help you decorate the window in your home in an original, impressive and unique way.

Decorating windows, walls and doors with curtains is an important element in the process of giving a home completeness, comfort, and style. The modern market offers products of a wide variety of textures, densities, colors, which should be taken into account when choosing cornices, types of fastening, and design methods. After all, the correct installation of curtains can radically change the appearance of even the most nondescript room for the better.

Selecting a cornice

There are different types of cornices:


A classic version, made from a variety of materials: plastic, wood, metal. Curtains are attached to it using rings, eyelets, hooks, clips, and loops made of similar fabric.

Tiebacks will look good. But there is no need to cover the bar with drapery and lambrequins, since unnecessary accessories will only make the structure bulkier.


For attachment to it, clips, hooks, and holders are used. Suitable for thin, airy fabrics, tulle, veil, organza. A heavier fabric will pull the string cornice down, which will look unsightly.

Almost invisible, it focuses attention on the beauty of the fabric and the texture of the curtains themselves. Does not need to be covered with a lambrequin. Suitable for use in rooms in a minimalist, high-tech style.


The curtains are simply hung under it, which makes the process the easiest and does not require drapery. The use of grabs is acceptable. Thick curtains, thin organza, muslin, and mesh look equally great on it. Suitable for rooms in rustic, English, classic styles.

Aluminum profile

Most have runners to which the curtains are attached using plastic hooks. There are new profiles with special fastenings. There are models with a pressed-in rigid part of the Velcro tape. Lambrequins with a soft part of the tape sewn on top are attached to them. This allows you to hide all fasteners and hooks.

Spacer cornice

Can be adjusted in length, so it will fit any window. There is a spring inside. This type is used, for example, in the bathroom for curtains. Convenient because it allows you to hang curtains without drilling. It is attached between the internal slopes of the window or (if there are no slopes) between the vertical frames.

After the spacer, it is lengthened and secured by turning one part of it counterclockwise (to shorten it, on the contrary, you need to turn it clockwise).

Mounting board

The first option: one part of the Velcro tape is glued to the board, and the curtain is attached with the second part of the tape sewn on top, like on an aluminum profile. Second option: the board is covered with the same fabric, and the curtain is attached to it with a stapler.

Ceiling cornice

Manufacturing material – plastic. The kit includes special mounting hooks. They can be mounted in 1, 2 or 3 rows. They occur with and without a turn.

When choosing a cornice, you should pay attention to whether the product will move and slide along it with ease. This largely depends on the mount used.

Types of fastenings

A large number of them have been invented. You can beautifully hang curtains on ribbon (braid). It can be dense or light, with various frills and folds. It has 1 or 2 rows of loops for attaching to the cornice using hooks.

The ribbon is sewn on the wrong side, gathering the fabric and creating a nice drapery. The tightness of the assembly can be adjusted. Suitable for all types of curtains, open cornices. Has a long service life.

There are other types of fastenings:

  • hooks are one of the most economical and common options, easy to install and capable of holding almost any fabric, excluding heavy curtains;
  • rings - ideally hold heavy straight curtains, look great with vertical drapery, are used in conjunction with hooks, ribbon, sewn to curtains, the disadvantages are the inconvenience of removing before washing;
  • grommets - rings in the fabric that create holes in it, allowing you to effectively place curtains of various types (with the exception of Roman, roller, airy and light organza, tulle) on the curtain rod without the use of hooks, clips, tape, it is advisable to select the color, style and texture cornice;
  • drawstring - a narrow pocket along the upper edge of the fabric into which a rod is simply threaded, a silent and inexpensive option, suitable for niches, skylights, bathrooms, and as a screen to divide space;
  • loops made of the same material as curtains, made in a variety of forms - bows, knots, or from ribbons, braids sewn at both ends or fastened with Velcro, buttons, snaps, ideal for the bedroom, nursery (but in the living room and they are undesirable in the office;
  • clips (crocodile clips, crab clips, clothespins) are one of the oldest universal fasteners that do not require processing the upper edge of the material (just bend it to the desired length and clamp it), suitable for medium and heavy curtains, but can leave puffs on the fabric.

All types of fastenings are suitable for a certain type of curtain, so it is important to choose them correctly so as not to disrupt the style of the room.

Hanging tulle correctly

Tulle is used both in combination with curtains and independently. It visually enlarges the window and makes the room more spacious. It is good to use in a recreation area.

How to hang tulle without making a mistake in size? The width should be 2-3 times the width of the window. If there is a ribbon (braid) on top, then you need to pull the 2 cords hanging at the edges of the braid, gathering the tulle to the desired width. When assembled, it is permissible to exceed the window width by no more than 30 cm. The hooks are inserted at the same distance from each other into pockets along the strip.

When fastened using loops or eyelets, the folds are distributed manually, at an equal distance from each other. Hooks are inserted into loops or eyelet holes. If the tulle is hung together with the curtain, it is necessary to use a double cornice to be able to open and close them separately.

Where and how to hang

The classic shape is ideal for a bedroom, living room, dining room. They can be hung on a cornice using any type of fasteners, or supplemented with a lambrequin.

French (with falling wavy folds) and Austrian (gathered at the top with a ribbon, with scallops that completely smooth out when lowered) will look great on large windows. They will fit into bedrooms and living rooms filled with antique furniture.

Romanesque or Roman (with deep, even folds formed during lifting due to wooden slats attached to the underside, controlled by cords drawn in two directions) and Japanese (moving like a screen across a window, consisting of smooth, solid panels with rigid inserts at the top and bottom, not allowing them to fold, controlled by a cord or electrically) are used in rooms with a minimalist style, in the kitchen, restaurant, office.

Rolled ones will be a good solution for small rooms. You can hang curtains on the wall above the window (if there is no window sill), attach them to the ceiling or window. The color of the roller shutters to match the walls will visually increase the space.

Features of thread curtains

To give the room an exotic, original look, you can hang thread curtains on windows or doorways. They do not need additional decorations; they can be used to separate part of the room. You can install in different ways:

  • simply by hanging it on a rod where it can be easily moved;
  • sewing a braid to the upper part, gathering the threads into a thicker muslin, attaching it to a cornice with rings and hooks;
  • sewing the braid with hooks into a fan, which will create the effect of straight folds;
  • attach the threads with adhesive tape.

The threads can be braided into braids, separated into two parts by tiebacks, etc.

Proper installation with appropriate fastening and design of curtains will be an excellent way to decorate your home, make it more cozy, attractive and comfortable for human habitation.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.