In recent years, the most popular roofing and waterproofing materials have become bitumen and bitumen-polymer materials of the fused type on non-rotting bases. The advantages of the latter compared to traditional roofing felt are that most of the new materials are produced on the basis of glass fabrics and non-woven fabrics, such as fiberglass, as well as on elastic polyester bases that have increased relative elongation values ​​- 15...30% versus 2.. .4% for glass fabrics. These new bitumen-polymer materials on durable and elastic bases (isoplast, isoelast, bikroplast, bicroelast, filizol, dneproflex, etc.) will ensure the continuity and waterproofness of the roof under harsh operating conditions. The characteristics of some modern effective roofing materials are given below.

Isoplast(TU 5774-005-05766480-95) - bitumen-polymer built-up roofing and waterproofing material (Table 6).

Table 6. Physical and mechanical properties of Isoplast

Indicators Isoplast K Isoplast P
Tensile tensile strength, N 600 300
Surface density of binder, kg/m2, not less 2 2
250 200
Water absorption over 24 hours, %, by weight 1 1
-25 -25
Heat resistance, °C 120 120
-15 -15

It consists of bitumen modified with atactic polypropylene (APP) and a non-woven base made of polyester or fiberglass. For the top layer of the roof, Isoplast K is produced with coarse-grained coating on the front side and with polyethylene film on the other side. For the bottom layer of the roof, Isoplast P is produced, coated with polyethylene film on both sides or with the front side covered with fine-grained topping. Roll length - 10 m, width - 1000 mm. Isoplast is produced with the following symbols: Isoplast P for the lower layer of the roof: KhPP-Z: KhPP-4; MP-3; HMP-4; XMM-Z: XMM-4; Isoplast PP for vapor barrier: HFPP-2; HFPP-Z, HFMP-2; HFMP-Z; HFMM-2; HFMM-Z; Isoplast DP for equalizing steam pressure: DHP-1.5; DHP-2; DHP-2.5.

Isoelast(TU 5774-007-05766480-96) - bitumen-polymer built-up roll and waterproofing material (Table 7).

Table 7. Physical and mechanical properties of Izoelast

Indicators Isoelast K Isoelast P
Tensile tensile strength, N/m2 600 360
Surface density of binder, kg/m2 2 2
The same, bases, g/m2 250 200
Water absorption within 24 hours, %, not less 1 1
Binder brittleness temperature, °C, not less -40 -40
Heat resistance, °C 90 90
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of 10 mm, °C -30 -30
Surface density of isoelast, kg/m2 4...5 3...5,5

It consists of bitumen modified with synthetic rubber and a non-woven base made of polyester or fiberglass. For the top layer of the roof, Izoelast K is produced with coarse-grained coating on the front side and with polyethylene film on the other side. For the bottom layer of the roof, Izoelast P is produced with a coating of polyethylene film on both sides or with the front side covered with a fine-grained coating. Isoelast is produced with the following symbols: Isoelast P for the bottom layer: EPP-4 SBS, EMP-4 SBS, EMM-4 SBS; Isoelast K for the top layer: EKP-4.4; EKM-4.5; EKP-5; EKM-5.

Dneproflex(TU 5770-531-00284718-93) - rolled roofing and waterproofing built-up bitumen-polymer material. It is made by applying a bitumen-polymer binder consisting of bitumen, thermoplastic rubber, filler and dressing on a glass base on both sides. Depending on the type of topping and application, Dneproflex brands are produced: Dneproflex K - with coarse-grained topping on the front side and dusty or fine-grained - on the underside of the canvas; used for the top layer of roofing carpet; Dneproflex P - with dusty or fine-grained coating on both sides of the canvas; used for the installation of the lower layers of the roofing carpet and the top layer of the roofing carpet with a protective layer. For Dneproflex "HP" fiberglass is used as a supporting base, which can significantly reduce the cost of the material without compromising its quality characteristics. Dneproflex “EP” and “EK” are produced on a load-bearing basis made of polyester fabric, which has the specific advantages of polyester materials and design advantages: it does not actually absorb moisture, is resistant to rotting, extremely elastic and has high resistance to shearing. Dneproflex is produced in web widths of 800, 1000, 1050 mm, with a roll area of ​​7.5 m2. The Dneproflex canvas should not have cracks, holes, tears or folds. Dneproflex is flexible (at low temperatures) and waterproof material.

Table 7/1. Physical and mechanical parameters of Dneproflex

786 (80)
The same, bases, g/m2, no more 580
Heat resistance, °C 80 +/- 2

Filizol(TU 5774-002-04001232-94) - bitumen-polymer built-up roofing and waterproofing material. They are made by applying a covering bitumen-polymer composition on both sides to a fiberglass base (Table 8).

Table 8. Physico-mechanical properties of Filisol B and N

Indicators Filizol
Tensile breaking force, N (kgf), not less 490 (50) 294 (30)
Water absorption for 24 hours, % by weight, no more 1,5 1,5
Surface density of coating composition, g/m2 3250 +/- 250 2200 +/- 200
The same, from the welded (bottom) side 1625 1100
Brittleness temperature of the coating composition, K (°C), not higher 243 (-30) 253 (-20)
Flexibility on a beam with a rounded radius of 20 mm without cracking at temperature, °C, no more -15 -10
Water resistance at pressure, MPa, for at least 2 hours (there should be no signs of water penetration on the surface of the sample) 0,1 0,1
Heat resistance, °C 80 70
Roll weight, kg 40...47 35...42
Frost resistance, °C -30 -20

Depending on the purpose and type of topping, Filizol is produced in two brands: Filizol B - for installing the top layer of roofing carpet with coarse-grained topping on the front side and dusty or fine-grained on the underside of the sheet. Base - polyester non-woven fabric; Filizol N - for installing the bottom layer of roofing carpet and waterproofing with dust or fine-grained coating on both sides of the sheet. The base is fiberglass.

Filizol is produced in widths of 950, 1000, 1050 mm, length 10,000 mm. Filizol is a biostable material. It is used for laying roofs in industrial and civil engineering, repair of building roofs for various purposes, as well as for waterproofing bridge spans and engineering structures such as ventilation shafts, swimming pools and basements. Filizol is laid without the use of adhesive mastics, due to the melting of its surface by the flame of gas-air burners. When melting, concentrated heating of the surface of the canvas, causing it to ignite, is not allowed. By heating, only the surface should be brought to a drop-liquid state, avoiding melting of the entire thickness of the waterproofing layer. Filizol is transported by all types of transport. Filisol rolls are installed in a vertical position in one row in height. Filisol rolls should be stored indoors, in a vertical position in one row in height at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices. It is not allowed to store filisol together with organic solvents and acids, for which there is no guarantee of inertness with respect to films.

Filizol-super(TU 5770-002-05108038-94) - rolled roofing fused material intended for installing the roofing carpet of buildings and structures in one or two layers. It is made by applying a bitumen-polymer binder consisting of bitumen, polymer and filler on a fiberglass or polyester base on both sides and applying a coarse-grained topping on one side. Bitumen-polymer binder is applied to both sides over the entire surface of the canvas in a continuous layer. A polyethylene film is laid on the underside of the canvas. Filizol-super is produced in widths of 900, 1000, 1050 and thickness of 4.5 mm.

Tensile breaking force, N (kgf), not less 490 (50)
The same, from the welded side, g/m2 2500
The same, bases, g/m2, not less 150
Water absorption for 24 hours, % by weight, no more 1,5
Binder brittleness temperature, °C -20
Heat resistance, °C 80
Frost resistance, °C -20

Steklomast(TU 21-5744710-519-92) - rolled roofing fused bitumen-polymer material is produced by applying a binder consisting of bitumen and filler to the glass base on both sides, and topping. Depending on the type of coating, steklomast is produced in grades K, P, KhP, EP and EK. Steklomast “K” and “EK” - with coarse-grained coating on the front side and dust-like coating on the lower surfaced side of the roofing sheet. Steklomast “P”, “HP” and “EP” - with dust-like coating on both sides of the roofing sheet. Steklomast is used for installing new and repairing old roofs of any configuration, as well as for waterproofing structures in a wide temperature range of different climatic conditions. Due to its elasticity, it is indispensable for constructing valleys, junction points, etc. The material is produced in sheet widths of 800, 1000 and 1050 mm with a roll area of ​​7.5 m2.

833 (85)
Surface density of binder, g/m2, not less 3200
The same, from the welded side 1500
The same, bases, g/m2, not less 550
Water absorption for 24 hours, % by weight, no more 1,5
Binder brittleness temperature, °C, not less -15
Heat resistance, °C 70 +/- 2

Dnepromast(TU 5774-001-40234305-96) - rolled roofing built-up bitumen-polymer material (Table 9). Distinctive feature Dnepromast is the use of polyethylene film instead of talc, which improves the safety of the material and makes it easier to put it into use. Fiberglass is used as a supporting base in Dnepromast. On both sides of the material sheet is applied polyethylene film 8 microns thick, which burns when sticking this material under the influence of flame gas burner. Dnepromast is produced in the following brands: “HP”, “P”, “EP”, “K”, “EK”.

Dnepromast "HP" is used for the lower and intermediate layers of roofing carpet. Fiberglass is used as a supporting base. Dnepromast “P” is a material made on the basis of glass fabrics with high strength. A polyethylene film 8 microns thick is also applied to both sides of the material. Dnepromast "EP" - material on elastic basis made of polyester fabric. For upper layers For carpets, use Dnepromast grades “K” and “EK” with a protective coating. Dnepromast is produced in lengths of 10 m, widths of 1.., 1.1 m.

Table 9. Physical and mechanical parameters of Dnepromast

Indicators P HP EP TO EC
Tensile strength along the web, N (kgf) 600 (60) 400 (40) 700 (70) 600 (60) 700 (70)
Flexibility on a beam with a rounded radius of 25 mm at temperature, °C 0 0 0 0 0
Warp fiberglass fiberglass polyester fiberglass polyester
Surface density, kg/m2, not less 3,5 3,5 3,5 4,5 4,5

Thermoplastic fiberglass(TU 5770-543-00284718-94) - rolled roofing material with a bitumen-polymer coating mass on a fiberglass base and arranged with a vapor-removing layer to prevent the formation of bulges, bubbles, ruptures, and peeling. Thanks to the non-glued strips - steam channels - the moisture evaporating from the insulation and screed is removed through these channels into the atmosphere.

Physico-mechanical parameters of Steklomast Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Glass breaker(TU 21-5744710-515-92) - rolled roofing and waterproofing material on a fiberglass base. It is made by applying a bitumen binder, consisting of bitumen, plasticizer, filler and topping, on a fiberglass base on both sides. Depending on the type of topping, glass batts are produced in two brands: Glass bits K - with coarse-grained topping on the front side of the canvas and dusty on the bottom; used for the installation of the top layer of roofing carpet; Glass batts P - with dust-like coating on both sides of the canvas, used for the installation of the top layer of the roofing carpet with a protective layer and for the lower layers of the roofing carpet, as well as for waterproofing building structures. The material is produced in a width of 1000 mm and a roll area of ​​7.5 m2. The fiberglass sheet should not have cracks, holes, tears or folds. Glass batt is flexible (at low temperatures) and waterproof material.

Physical and mechanical properties of Steklobit

Elabit(TU 5770-528-00284718-94) - rolled roofing fused material obtained by impregnating a fiberglass base with bitumen or without impregnating the base, followed by applying a coating composition consisting of bitumen, polymer, mineral filler, and also topping to both sides. The material is produced in two types: with coarse and fine-grained toppings. Elabit is produced in sheet widths of 800, 1000 and 1050 mm, with a roll area of ​​7.5 m2. Elabit is flexible (at low temperatures) and waterproof material.

Physical and mechanical properties of elabite

Tensile breaking force, N (kgf), not less 786 (80)
Water absorption for 24 hours, % by weight, no more 1,5
Heat resistance, °C 80
Including: top side 1200
from the bottom 2000
Bitumen brittleness temperature, °C, not higher -20

Ataklon(TU 5774-541-00284718-96) - rolled roofing and waterproofing weld-on material, obtained by impregnating roofing cardboard with bitumen, followed by applying a coarse-grained coating to the upper side, and a fine-grained coating to the lower side. The covering layer of Ataklon contains atactic polypropylene. Ataklon is used to make the upper and lower layers of roofing carpet in areas with moderately warm and cold climates. It is produced in five grades: Ak-420, Aa-420B and Ak-420B-1, Ak-500A-2 - for the top layer of roofing carpet (coarse-grained coating on the top side and dusty on the bottom); Ap-420B-1 and Ap-500A-2 - for the lower layers of the roofing carpet. Dust-like coating is applied on both sides (Table 10). The material is produced in rolls with an area of ​​7.5 and 10 m2. In the production of ataklon, petroleum bitumen, fillers (talc, soapstone, fly ash from thermal power plants), granular materials (asbestos pebbles) and atactic polypropylene are used. A roofing carpet made of Ataklon is installed in a similar way to built-up roofing felt.

Table 10. Physico-mechanical indicators of ataclone of the first (highest) quality category

Indicators Brand
Ak-420B (Ak-420A) Ak-420B-1, Ap-420B-1, Ak-500A-2, Ap-500A-2
Softening temperature, °C, of ​​impregnating bitumen 40 50
Softening temperature, °C, coating composition 85 90
Ratio of impregnating composition weight to cardboard weight, not less 1,25:1 1,4:1
Surface density of coating composition, g/m2, not less 800 (1000) 1600 (2600)
0,05 0,07 (0,1)
Average breaking load in two directions, N 294 (313) 294 (313)
Elongation at break, %, not less 4 4
Flexibility on a rod with a diameter of 80 mm without cracking at temperature, °C -15...-20
Heat resistance for 2 hours, °C 80 (85) 75

Rubemast(TU 21-27-127-88) - rolled roofing fused material obtained by applying a coating composition to bitumen-impregnated roofing cardboard grade 500 on both sides. It is intended for installing carpet on roofs with a slope of 2.5...10%. Depending on the type of topping, rubemast is produced in two brands: RNA-500 - with coarse-grained topping on the front side and dusty on the bottom (for the top layer of the roofing carpet); RNP-500 - with dust-like coating on both sides (for the installation of the top layer of the roofing carpet with a protective layer and the lower layers of the roofing carpet). Rubemast is produced with an area of ​​7.5 m2 and a blade width of 1000, 1025 and 1050 mm. When laying roofing carpet, rubemast is glued by melting the coating composition on the underside of the sheet without the use of mastics. At ambient temperatures below 0° C, rubemast must be kept in warm houses for 20 hours at 16° C before laying.

Physical and mechanical properties of Rubemast

Flexibility on a beam with a rounded radius of 15 mm without cracking at temperature, °C 5
Water absorption for 24 hours, % by weight, no more 1,5
Heat resistance for 2 hours at temperature, °C 70
Surface density of coating composition, g/m2, not less 2600
Including: bottom side 2000
from the top side 600

Roofing felt with coarse-grained colored coating on a phosphate binder(TU 21-27-85-89) is intended for installing the top layer of roofing carpet. It is produced in two brands: RKTs-420A and RKTs-420B in rolls with a width of 1000, 1025 and 1050 mm, with a total area of ​​10 m2.

Physico-mechanical properties of roofing felt with a phosphate binder

Softening temperature of the coating composition according to the KIS method, °C 85...90
Ratio of the mass of the impregnating composition to the mass of cardboard, no more 1,25:1,40
Surface density of coating composition, g/m2, not less: on the top side 600...800
from the bottom 200
Mass fraction of filler in relation to the total mass of the coating composition, %, not less than: dusty 20
fibrous 10
combined 15
Water absorption, g/cm2, no more 40
Water resistance under pressure, MPa, not less 0,001
Flexibility on a semicircle of a rod with a diameter of 15 mm at 25 °C There should be no cracks or peeling of the coating

Ruberoid with coarse-grained colored topping can be used for the top layer of roofing carpet during construction residential buildings in I and II climatic zones ah on slopes of 2...3% with three lower layers of glass roofing material on bitumen mastic.

Bitumen sheets with colored coating(TU 21-27-59-85) are obtained by impregnating roofing cardboard with petroleum bitumen, followed by applying a coating composition to both sides and a colored coarse-grained coating to the front side. A dust-like coating (talc and soapmagnesite) is applied to the lower surface of the material, and a plasticizer (cylinder oil) is introduced into the coating composition. Bitumen sheets are intended for roofing roofs with a slope of at least 30° and cladding vertical wooden surfaces buildings. They are produced in the following brands: LBz-2 - with green topping, LBk-2 - with red; LBkor-2 - with brown; BPP-2 - with motley.

Physical and mechanical properties of bitumen sheets with colored coating

Softening temperature according to the KIS method, °C, of ​​impregnating bitumen 40...50
coating composition 85...90
Ratio of the mass of impregnating bitumen to the mass of cardboard, not less 1,4:1
Surface density of coating composition, g/m2, not less, on the bottom side 200
from the top side 1800
Mass fraction of filler in relation to the mass of the coating composition, %, not less 20
Average value of tensile tensile load in two directions, N, not less 294
Loss of coating when testing the strength of its adhesion to the coating layer after two full movements of the brush, g, per sample, no more 1,5
Water resistance for 10 minutes under pressure, MPa 0,08
Sprinkle color fastness Color should not change
Heat resistance, °C 70

When installing roofs, bitumen sheets are laid on a base (wooden flooring) with a thickness of at least 20 mm from bottom to top in overlapping rows, overlapping the underlying row by at least 50 mm. Each next row is shifted relative to the previous one to form hexagons on the surface. The sheets are secured to the base with five round or container nails with a flat head.

Bikrost(TU 21-00288739-42-93) - rolled bitumen fused roofing material, an analogue of hydrostekloizol, has a rot-resistant base (Table 11). Manufactured by applying bitumen or bitumen-polymer binder to polyester non-woven fabric, fiberglass or fiberglass. As protective coating use coarse-grained and fine-grained toppings, soapstone, and polymer film. Bikrost has grades ST-200-3.5; ST-200-3.5K.

Table 11. Physical and mechanical properties of Bikrost

Indicators ST-200-3.5 ST-200-3.5K
Tensile breaking force, N (kgf) ~1120 (112) ~1125 (112,5)
Elongation, % 10 10
Water absorption after 24 hours, % 0,5 0,5
Flexibility on a beam with a rounded radius of 20 mm without cracking at temperature, °C +5 +5
Heat resistance, °C 80 80
3500 3500

Bicroplast(TU 5774-001-00287852-96) - rolled bitumen-polymer fused roofing material, obtained by applying bitumen-polymer binder to fiberglass. Bikroplast is produced in the SPP-3.5N and SKP-3.5V brands.

Bicroelast(TU 5770-541-00284718-94) - rolled bitumen-polymer surfacing material (Table 12). It is made by applying a bitumen-polymer binder to a non-rotting base (fiberglass). Bicroelast is produced in the following grades: “P” and “K”.

Table 12. Physico-mechanical properties of Bicroelast

Indicators P TO
Tensile breaking force, N (kgf) ~2000 (200) ~2000 (200)
Elongation, % 37 35
Water absorption after 24 hours, % 0,45 0,45
Heat resistance, °C 95 95
Surface density of bitumen binder, g/m2 3500 3500

Rubitex(TU5 774-003-00289973-95) - rolled bitumen-polymer surfacing material (Table 13). Produced using bitumen modified with SBS thermoplastic elastomer. SBS makes it more elastic and flexible. Polyester non-woven fabric was used as an impregnation base. Rubitex is produced in four brands: “K5M”, “K5CH”, “KCH”, “K”, “P”.

Table 13. Physical and mechanical properties of Rubitex

Indicators K5M K5CH CC TO P
Breaking force, N (kgf) ~600 (60) ~600 (60) ~600 (60) ~600 (60) ~600 (60)
Flexibility when bending on a beam with a radius of 25 mm at temperature, °C -25 -15 -15 -15 -15
Brittleness temperature, °C -15 -15 -15 -15 -15
Heat resistance, °C 90 85 85 85 85
Thickness, mm 5,5 5,0 4,5 4,5 3,5
Water resistance for 72 hours at pressure, MPa 0,01 - - - -

Izolen(TU 5774-001-04678851-95) - low-flammability polymer roll material, glued to the base using Neoplen mastic. Before gluing, while rolling out the material, the polyethylene film is removed from the glued side. Single-layer coating Izolen is made on the basis of chlorosulfonated polyethylene. The material is used in an unvulcanized state, ensuring the joints are connected using Neoplen mastic. Self-vulcanization occurs after installation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Izolen has high light and ozone resistance, chemical resistance, resistance to oils, solvents, chemicals, and acids.

Physical and mechanical properties of Isolene

Neoplen(TU 2252-002-20645302-95) - mastic with the property of increased fire safety, used for gluing rolled roofing materials Izolen. Neoplen mastic is a viscous pasty mass of light brown color. Shelf life after preparation is 4 months.

Physical and mechanical properties of Neoplen mastic

Coverless basic roll materials include glassine and hydroisol.

Roofing glassine(GOST 2697-83) - uncoated rolled material obtained by impregnating B-350 grade cardboard with petroleum bitumen. It is used as a lining material for the lower layers of roofing carpet made from roofing felt (for roofs of temporary buildings, as well as vapor barriers). Glassine is produced in rolls with a web width of 1000, 1025 and 1050 ± 5 mm. The total area of ​​the roll is 20 or 40 m2. When cut, glassine should be black with a brown tint without light layers of unimpregnated cardboard or foreign inclusions. The rolled sheet should not stick together at 5°C and above. It should roll out freely without cracking.

Physical and mechanical properties of roofing glassine

Gidroizol(GOST 7425-86) - uncoated, bioresistant rolled material obtained by impregnating asbestos paper of the BG-M and BG-K grades with petroleum bitumen. It is produced in the GI-1 and GI-K grades in rolls with a web width of 950, a thickness of 0.7 mm, and an area of ​​20 m2 (Tables 14, 15). Hydroisol GI-G is used for waterproofing underground structures, subways, underground parts multi-storey buildings and buildings high number of storeys, anti-corrosion protection of metal pipelines (except for heating pipes), and GI-K waterproofing - for waterproofing flat roofs. It is glued with hot bitumen mastic.

Table 14. Physical and mechanical properties of asbestos paper

Indicators Brand
Surface density, g/m2, no more 590 650
Breaking tensile force in the longitudinal direction, N, not less 43 40
Water absorption, %, no more 3 3
Loss of mass fraction of substance during ignition, %, no more 30 30
Dimensions, mm, width 950 +/- 5 950 +/- 5
thickness 0,65 +/- 0,07 0,65 +/- 0,07

Table 15. Physico-mechanical properties of waterproofing agent

Indicators Stamps
Ratio of the mass of impregnating bitumen to the mass of absolutely dry asbestos paper, not less 1,2:1 1,2:1
Tensile tensile load in the longitudinal direction, N, not less 350 300
Water absorption after 24 hours, %, no more 6 8
Water resistance under pressure 0.05 MPa, min, not less 15 10
Flexibility at 18°C ​​according to the number of double bends at 180° before the appearance of through cracks, °C, not less 30 20
Fraas brittleness temperature of impregnating bitumen, °C, no more -15 -15
Softening temperature of impregnating bitumen according to the KiSh method, °C 47...55 47...55

For roll materials based on fiberglass also include roofing glass roofing felt with coarse-grained topping, waterproofing glass-roofing felt with fine-grained or dusty topping, hydrostekloizol, etc. Fiberglass canvas is used as a base for glass-roofing felt, and fiberglass is used as a base for hydroglass-roofing insulation (Table 16). Fiberglass canvas is a non-woven roll material made of randomly arranged glass fibers bonded with synthetic resins. Compositions of urea-formaldehyde resin MF-17 and polyvinyl acetate dispersion are used as a binder for fiberglass canvas. It is produced in rolls with a length of at least 150 m and a width of 400...500 mm. The thickness of the fiberglass canvas is 0.5 mm. Fiberglass fabric is made from twisted glass threads, spun on a spinning machine from the finest fibers, and supplied in rolls of 50 and 80 m long, 950, 1050 and 1150 mm wide, 0.06...0.1 mm thick. Fiberglass fabric is heat- and bio-resistant and has great mechanical strength.

Table 16. Characteristics of fiberglass base for rolled roofing materials

Base material Brand Surface density, g/m2 Dimensions, mm
width thickness
Fiberglass roofing canvas VV-K 100 960 0,4
Fiberglass waterproofing canvas VV-G 80 400 0,4
Fiberglass mesh SSA-2 150 900 0,3
RS-3 200 900 0,25
Ordinary fiberglass STS-40 395 900 0,31
alkali-resistant TE-01 390 980 0,27
thick twill STS-41 200 980 0,20

Glass roofing material(GOST 15879-70) - rolled roofing (grades S-RK and S-RF) and waterproofing (grade S-RM) materials on a fiberglass base. It is obtained by applying bitumen binder and topping to the base on both sides (Table 17). It is produced in rolls with a web width of 1000 and a thickness of 2.5 mm. The area of ​​one roll is 10 m2. Bituminous binder applied to fiberglass canvas consists of an alloy of bitumen with filler, plasticizer and antiseptic. Coarse-grained powder must contain at least 80% grains measuring 0.8...1.2 mm and no more than 20% grains measuring 0.6...0.8 mm. The grain size of the fine mineral powder is 0.6 mm.

Table 17. Brands and scope of glass roofing felt

Name Brand Type of sprinkles Scope of application
Roofing glass roofing felt with coarse-grained topping S-RK Coarse-grained on the front side and fine-grained or dusty topping on the bottom For the top layer of roofing carpet
with scaly topping S-RF Scaly on the front side and fine-grained or dusty topping on the bottom Same
Waterproofing glass roofing felt S-RM Fine-grained or dusty coating on both sides For adhesive waterproofing, lower layers of roofing carpet and roofing carpet having a protective covering layer

Physical and mechanical properties of glass roofing material

Water absorption for 24 hours, % by weight, no more 1,5
Surface density of binder, g/m2, not less 2100
Binder brittleness temperature according to Fraas, °C, no more -15
Heat resistance at 80°C There should be no slippage of the topping or other defects in the binder
Flexibility when bending a sample on a beam with a rounded radius of 20 mm without cracking at temperature, °C 0

Armobit(TU 66-30-015-90) - rolled roofing and waterproofing material, consisting of a base (woven, non-woven, duplicated), coated on both sides with a layer of bitumen mass (bitumen and mineral filler). The material is produced in rolls 10 m long, 900...1050 mm wide.

Physical and mechanical properties of Armobit

Depth of needle penetration into bitumen binder at 25°C, tenths of a millimeter, not less 20
Temperature of brittleness of bitumen mass according to Fraas, °C, not less -10
Surface density of bitumen binder, g/m2 2500 +/- 250
Flexibility on a rod with a diameter of 40 mm without cracking at temperature, °C 0
Heat resistance, °C 80
Water resistance under pressure, MPa 0,49

Gidrostekloizol(TU 400-1-51-93) - a roll material consisting of a fiberglass base (woven, non-woven mesh, duplicated with fiberglass canvas), coated on both sides with a layer of bitumen mass, a mineral filler (talc or soapstone) and a plasticizer. It is used for waterproofing roofing coverings and building structures. Gidrostekloizol is produced in a length of 10 m, a width of 850...1150 mm (Table 18) and is used without the use of adhesive mastics, melting its lower surface with the flame of gas-air burners. Gidrostekloizol is intended for waterproofing reinforced concrete linings of subway tunnels, bridge spans and overpasses; it can be used as the bottom layer of roofing carpet in industrial and civil construction, as well as in engineering structures: ventilation shafts, swimming pools, basements, waterproofing foundations of construction sites.

Table 18. Physico-mechanical properties of hydrostekloizol

Indicators Indicator values Permissible deviations from the norm, %
Softening temperature of bitumen binder, °C, not less 75 70 +/- 10
Brittleness temperature of bitumen binder according to Fraas, °C, no more -10 -15 -
Filler weight, % 20 20 +/- 4
75 75 75
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of 20 mm There should be no cracks
Heat resistance, °C 65 60 +/- 1
Water resistance under pressure, MPa 0,49 0,49 +/- 0,01

Technoelast(TU 5774-003-00287852-99) - rolled weld-on roofing and waterproofing material intended for the installation of roofing carpets for buildings and structures for various purposes and waterproofing of foundations, bridges, tunnels. Technoelast consists of a rot-resistant base (fiberglass, frame fiberglass or polyester), coated on both sides with an SBS-modified polymer-bitumen binder. SBS polymer (styrene-butadiene-styrene) gives the material good physical and mechanical properties (frost resistance and heat resistance), ensuring reliability roofing for a long time.

Physico-mechanical properties of Technoelast

Tensile breaking force, N (kgf) 360 (37)...882 (90)
Surface density, kg/m2 3...6,5
The same, bases, g/m2 50...250
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of 10 mm, °C, not higher -25
Heat resistance, °C, not lower +100
Water resistance at a pressure of at least 0.001 MPa, h, not less 72
Water resistance at a pressure of at least 0.2 MPa, h, not less 2
Water absorption for 24 hours, % by weight, no more 1
Roll dimensions (l*w), m 10*1

Binabutal(TU 2252-002-20645302-95) - rolled bitumen-polymer material with increased weather resistance for installation and repair of roofs made of traditional materials.

Physico-mechanical properties of Binabutal

Tensile strength, MPa 3,0
Breaking force, N 294
Water absorption over 24 hours, % 0,1
Heat resistance, °C 90
Flexibility on a beam with a rounding radius of 5 mm at temperature, °C -40
Surface density of binder, g/m2 5000
Reinforcing base Fiberglass

Levisol(TU 5774-058-11322110-95) - a weldable roll material consisting of a fiberglass base, onto which a bitumen-polymer composition is applied on both sides. Levizol is bioresistant and belongs to the group of flammable materials in accordance with GOST 12.1.044-89. For the top layer of the roofing carpet, Levisol K is used, which has a coarse-grained coating on the front side and a dusty or fine-grained coating on the underside of the sheet. The mass of such a roll is 38 kg. The length of the canvas is 10 m. For the bottom layer of the roofing carpet and the top layer of the carpet, Levizol P is used, in which a dusty or fine-grained coating is applied to both sides of the canvas. The mass of such a roll is 31 kg. According to the specified specifications, Levizol D is also produced for the installation of the top layer of roofing carpet, duplicated with polyethylene or polyethyltin aphthalate film on the front side. The mass of such a roll is also 31 kg.

Physico-mechanical properties of Levizol

Tensile breaking force, N (kgf), not less 735 (75)
Surface density of binder, g/m2, not less 3500
including from the welded side, not less 2000
Water absorption for 24 hours, % by weight, no more 1,0
Binder brittleness temperature according to Fraas, K (°C) 243 (-30)
Heat resistance, °C 80
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of 25 mm without cracking at temperature, °C -10
Reinforcing base Fiberglass

Linocrom(TU 5774-001-040007306-94) - built-up roll bitumen-polymer material consists of a high-strength base (fiberglass, fiberglass, polyester), available in two types - coated with a polymer film for the bottom layer and with coarse-grained topping for the top layer.

Folgobit(TU 5774-547-057-44716-98) - a weldable roll material consisting of copper foil coated on both sides with an elastic bitumen (bitumen-polymer) coating composition and a thin polymer film that burns during installation. Folgobit has absolute water and vapor resistance. For roofing, Folgobit K with bitumen binder or Folgobit TK with bitumen-polymer binder are used. In the production of foil bits, copper foil (TU 48-7-38-85) is used, bitumen modifiers are styrene-butadiene thermoplastic elastomers (SBS); protective polymer films, as well as coarse-grained powders in gray and red colors.

Ecoflex(TU 5774-002-0028752-98) - a weldable roll material consisting of a rot-resistant base - fiberglass or polyester, coated on both sides with a modified polymer-bitumen binder APP. Ecoflex with a base made of polyester (non-woven polyester fabric) can withstand elongation of more than 30%. Ecoflex is available in two grades: “K” and “P” for the installation of the upper and lower layers of the roofing carpet, respectively.

Elabit(TU 5770-528-00284718-93) - rolled roofing fused bitumen-polymer material based on fiberglass. The polymer used is thermoplastic rubber (Cariflex). Used for installation of roofing carpet. Roll area 7.5 ± 0.5 m2, width 1000 mm. The installation of a roof is possible at any time of the year, except for rainy and snowy weather.

Physical and technical characteristics of Elabit

Tensile breaking force, N (kgf), not less 786/80
Surface density, g/m2, not less 3200
including from the bottom side no less 1200
Water absorption in 24 hours, %, no more 1,5
Binder brittleness temperature, °C, not higher -20
Flexibility at R = 25 mm and temperature, °C There should be no cracks
Water resistance at P = 0.01 MN/m2, h 72
Heat resistance, °C 80

MFA- roll fused bitumen-polymer roofing material, consisting of a rot-resistant polyester (polyester) base, on which a layer of SBS-modified SBS bitumen (styrene-butadiene-styrene) is applied on both sides. This structure remains flexible at low temperatures and has high adhesion. Using polyester as a reinforcing non-woven base allows you to obtain a durable and at the same time flexible fabric. The use of an SBS modifier creates increased frost resistance, which makes it possible to use materials in any region of Russia. MIDA canvas has high elasticity and a durable slate coating. Laying MIDA, as well as other built-up roll materials, is carried out by heating its lower layer with a burner and further pressing the coating to the base of the roof. MIDA is produced by the Lithuanian-Russian joint venture JSC Gargzdu MIDA, located in Gargzdai (Lithuania).

Every experienced builder knows that moisture has a detrimental effect on properties structural elements and integrity of structures, reducing their durability and reliability. In order to minimize the influence of water and increase the service life of buildings at any stage of construction, from the foundation to roofing work, it is recommended to use professional waterproofing materials. Each specific option is selected based on its operating conditions. In fact, it is very easy to make the necessary waterproofing of any complexity, which requires appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding of the essence of the issue.

Main types of building materials for waterproofing

Polymer materials

Basic properties polymer waterproofing– its plasticity, which is determined by the content of technological resin, hardener, plasticizer, fillers and special additives. The final polymer waterproofing material can consist of epoxy, acrylic or polyurethane resins. Usually it is placed on a prepared, dried surface, but laying wet elements is allowed, including on concrete. Active components are used as additives to increase surface adhesion. Due to their elastic properties, polymers perfectly penetrate and seal cracked pores. In addition, they are suitable for organizing waterproofing of sewage treatment structures, sanitary and industrial buildings, sewers and tanks with chemicals.


  • acrylic – Ceresit CL 51;
  • epoxy – Ceresit CE 49;
  • polyurethane – Polybit Polyflex URE/UR.

Mineral Insulation Products

Waterproofing materials made from mineral components and their solutions consist of a cementitious binder base, modifiers, water repellents and various fillers. Waterproof properties are achieved by the inclusion of hydrophobic components capable of filling the entire composition. The working mass is capable of covering the air pores of materials, thereby preventing the absorption of capillary moisture.

The following materials for waterproofing are recommended to be applied to brick, monolithic blocks, plaster and concrete. The main requirement for the surface is a certain roughness, adhesion and flatness. Use mineral building materials simple and convenient. No preliminary primer is needed. Multi-layer application of the composition is allowed. Received waterproofing layer has UV resistance and mechanical stress.

Great choice for protection ground floors, places where surfaces come into contact with rainwater, as well as to eliminate cracks and seal them.


  • liquid – Ceresit CO 81;
  • cement-containing – Ceresit CX 1 and Polybit Polycap.

Waterproofing materials of polymer-cement composition are created from sand-cement mass with an admixture of polymer components. Depending on the brand of the composition, it may contain special fibers that create a reinforced reinforced layer, which significantly increases its strength qualities. Polymer-based admixtures add greater frost resistance, freedom, strength, water resistance and resistance to the influence of the external environment of the working mixture.

Coatings using polymer-cement materials have elastic properties ( two-element), and rigid characteristics ( single-element). The first option is appropriate for structures in which the size of cracks reaches 0.5 mm, and the latter option is suitable for brick, reinforced concrete and concrete surfaces.


  • hard – Ceresit CR 65;
  • elastic – Polybit Polyflex, Ceresit CL 50, Ceresit CR 66.

Modern waterproofing materials are based on bitumen. These can be either artificial components or products from oil distillation. Most often, such waterproofing has one- and two-component contents, with the presence of fillers of synthetic or natural origin, as well as fabric fibers that impart greater strength characteristics.

Bitumen does not tend to diffuse, which makes the concrete or brick base dry or barely damp. One of the conditions for proper installation is the preparation of the base for the soil. Liquid bituminous materials applied by spray or manually using brushes. They can be evenly distributed over the base, but are not able to protect pores and cracks from moisture.

Speaking about elastic and thixotropic mastics, it should be said that they are capable of creating layers of increased thickness, while plugging and sealing minor seams and defects. The condition for using bitumen components is protection from ultraviolet radiation and mechanical influence. The last condition is met with the help of ties, fabrics and polystyrene foam boards.


  • Ceresit CP 41;
  • Polybit Polycoat.

Polymer bitumen mastics

Bitumen mastics with polymer additives are paste-type formations with the introduction of modified components and fillers. Such waterproofing materials have improved water resistance and deformability, while being more durable compared to other products.

The production technology of bitumen-polymer mastics differs from the method of manufacturing roofing felt and built-up masses. IN in this case, the working solution is modified with polymers. This allows you to preserve your bitumen natural properties and purchase additional ones, like modifier polymers. Polymers mean styrene - styrene-butadiene rubber or atactic polypropylene plastic.

Rubber bitumen turns out to be very plastic and reaches brittleness only at a temperature of -40 degrees, while plastic turns out to be more heat-resistant, rigid and has a melting point of more than 155 degrees. It is worth adding that these are the main waterproofing materials for southern regions with high temperatures. The described mastics are made for hot or cold application.

Bitumen-polymer suspensions

In construction, bitumen-polymer emulsions are used to protect mineral blocks and elements, as well as when diluting asphalt mastics, which lately accept wide application in plastering against moisture penetration. They consist of water bitumen emulsion, synthetic latex and mineral emulsifiers.

Adhesive bitumen-polymer membranes

Sticky waterproofing materials are applied to the surface using self-adhesive film, which has 3 layers, including this:

  • sticky bitumen-polymer film;
  • rigid plastic based on polyethylene;
  • anti-adhesive surface.

Membranes are necessary to protect horizontal and vertical surfaces from dust and moisture, for example, on subway lines, tunnels, underground passages, etc. They are also widely used to protect the entire roof area.

Roll waterproofing

Rolled materials for waterproofing are made on the basis of a fiberglass or non-woven polyester base, with the application of bitumen-polymer binders. In the upper part the material has a protective mineral coating of sand or polymer film, and in the lower part there is only a film. The properties of the base are characterized by rigidity, the ability to resist deformation and tearing.

Another interesting characteristic of polyester is that it is quite elastic, which allows it to elongate by more than 40% while remaining intact. In view of this, the material is often used in structures where serious deformations and possible damage to waterproofing elements occur.

Laying of the material is carried out only after high-quality and thorough preparation of the surface, with the obligatory primer. Are applied roll coverings both in one and in several layers, depending on the magnitude and type of external load.

Inclusions that increase the water resistance of materials

Concrete and waterproofing solutions are modified by adding natural or artificial additives chemical origin. They are introduced directly during the preparation of building masses. The main task is to impart improved and strengthened properties, namely:

  1. acceleration of hardening;
  2. reducing the setting time of the composition;
  3. increasing frost resistance;
  4. increased water resistance.

The main function of additives is more efficient placement and connection of components over the entire surface and volume. This is achieved by reducing the ratio of water and cement, plasticization, reducing the penetration of moisture into the base of concrete elements, etc. In turn, additives are also used when performing concrete mixture V industrial conditions, and on construction sites.

Polymer roofing from ICOPAL is one of the most good decisions, which is recommended by both ordinary people and experts. Not surprising, because ICOPAL was one of the pioneers in the field of roofing materials. She proposed innovative solutions that made the coating durable and resistant to any weather conditions.

A little history

The manufacturing technology involves the double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder layer on the base (it can be polyester, fiberglass or combined). Then it is applied to both sides of the canvas protective layer: This is usually a fine-grained (sand), coarse-grained mineral aggregate (slate) or polymer film. As a result of these actions, the coating gains reliability and exceptional waterproofing properties. Such a roof lasts for decades without requiring additional operating costs.

In subsequent years of operation, the brand enriched the market with materials for mechanical fastening, coatings of more impressive linear dimensions, the practice of adding SBS modifiers to the bitumen mixture, roofing materials with a profiled lower surface ("Protective Profile" technology), unique methods for installation of ventilated roofs.

Types of coating components

As mentioned above, different bases can be used as a reinforcing layer:

  • Fiberglass - often used for the production of rolls. There are some disadvantages: for example, low (about 2%) breaking force.
  • Fiberglass. Unlike fiberglass, whose tensile strength is only 300 N/50 mm, here this figure increases to 800 N/50 mm. But the elongation at break is small - about 2%.
  • Polyester. It can be either a polyester fabric or a combined one: polyester reinforced with glass fiber for additional strength. The advantages of this type of base: tensile strength 500-1000 N/50 mm, greater strength, resistance to mechanical damage, increased resistance to aggressive substances (acids, alkalis, chlorides), durability.

Such waterproofing can rightfully be called universal.

Main advantages

ICOPAL produces wide range single-layer and double-layer bitumen roofs. A wide variety of products gives the brand’s customers freedom of action: they can choose the weld material to meet specific requirements and needs. If we are talking about single-layer systems, the most popular bitumen coating is recognized.

Structure of IKOPAL SOLO material

Roofing materials of this type are used both for covering new and for repairing old unused roofs. The main advantages of IKOPAL SOLO: high speed of installation, low loads on the supporting structure, strength, durability.

The company also produces guided materials for two-layer solutions: IKOPAL V, IKOPAL N, VILLATEX V and others. If you need reliable durable coating with a protective profile for installing or repairing the top layer of a roofing system, you can pay attention to.

Structure of IKOPAL ULTRA

The coating is quickly installed and is suitable for all climate zones. There are other roll options in the brand’s line (and the installation method can be welded, ballasted or mechanical).

Rolled roofing bitumen overlay materials are a rot-resistant synthetic (polyester) or fiberglass (fiberglass, fiberglass) base, on which there is bitumen or bitumen-polymer binder on both sides. This material is mainly used for waterproofing flat roof or foundation, as well as other building structures.

The base is impregnated modified bitumen, which has increased stability to temperature and mechanical deformations. On flat roofs and when waterproofing foundations, such materials are laid on a prepared base using a propane torch using the fusion method.

This coating is 100% airtight. Depending on the selected material, the service life is 10-30 years or more. Classes of roofing materials in accordance with indicators of reliability and durability.

Material marking

For example: Uniflex ECP.

Roll roofing materials from TechnoNIKOL can be divided into four classes

PREMIUM Service life 25-30 years

Technoelast, Technoelast Thermo, Technoelast Vent

BUSINESS Service life 20 years

Uniflex, Uniflex VENT

STANDARD Service life 15-10 years

Bipol, Linokrom

ECONOMY Service life up to 10 years

Bicroelast, Bikrost, Stekloizol

Rolled roofing bitumen-polymer materials for special purposes

Rolled bitumen and bitumen-polymer materials for special purposes are designed to solve many problems.

Among these tasks may be the installation of a green roof, a serviceable roof, a ventilated roof, an industrial roof, waterproofing foundations, roads, bridges and tunnels.

The KSK company offers modern roofing and waterproofing bitumen-polymer materials for special purposes.

  • Technoelast ARCTIC

Traditional rolled bitumen materials

Ruberoid is one of the most famous and still the most popular roofing materials. Despite the fact that today many materials with better characteristics have appeared, the demand for ordinary roofing felt remains high.

Roofing felt is a rolled roofing and waterproofing material made by impregnating roofing cardboard with fusible petroleum bitumen, followed by covering it (on both sides) with a layer of refractory bitumen and protective coating with asbestos, talc, etc. Roofing felt is used for waterproofing roofs, basements, and foundations.

Rolled roofing and waterproofing materials


The solid base of the Bikrost waterproofing material, manufactured by TechnoNIKOL, provides reliable protection for flat roofs. Bikrost can be used in completely different climatic conditions, as it copes well with its tasks under the influence of the environment.


Material for waterproofing and vapor barrier of flat roofs or roofs with a small slope, as well as for waterproofing foundations and other building structures. Bicroelast is based on the highest quality materials, specially manufactured for maximum protection surfaces from moisture.


Bipole is quality material for the installation of roofs, foundations and other building structures. Due to its high adhesion to any surface, the material can be laid on any slope, as well as on vertical and horizontal surfaces.


Waterproofing material for flat roofing, Linocrom is made of a fiberglass non-rotting base, which is coated on both sides with bitumen binder. Linocrom belongs to the Standard class and meets all quality standards.


Known to many, Roofing felt is made from roofing cardboard impregnated with fusible bitumen and coated with refractory bitumen on both sides. Coping well with the necessary waterproofing tasks, this material is quite economical. Used for roofs, foundations, basements.


Rolled roofing material Stekloizol contains fiberglass, coated on both sides with bitumen, which provides complete protection from water. Excellent material from the TechnoNIKOL company is indispensable when waterproofing or repairing flat roofs.


High-quality waterproofing material for flat roofs - Technoelast - contains SBS-modified bitumen, and therefore is one of the most durable and reliable materials. It is used in the construction of roofs and other building structures with high requirements for waterproofing.

Technoelast VENT

The material required to create a breathable flat roof helps prevent the swelling and blistering that occurs on the roof over time. It is laid using strip sizing, which helps create space for steam to escape.

Technoelast GREEN

Operable roofs are not only an expansion of the area, but also non-standard solution for arrangement extra space for relaxation. Flat roofs are increasingly common where plants are planted, which can undoubtedly damage the roofing surface. Technoelast GREEN will help you cope with such problems.

Technoelast DECOR

Flat roofing can be beautiful! The material Technoelast DECOR is not only reliable waterproofing roofs, but also a unique decoration of the building. Now you don’t need to be afraid of an unsightly flat roof, since the outer layer of Technoelast DECOR is covered with a colored coating that is resistant to fading.

Technoelast FLAME-STOP

The name of the roll material Technoelast FLAME-STOP speaks for itself. This material is used in places with increased fire safety requirements. Often used at large and important facilities. Thanks to its high-strength base, Technoelast reliably protects roofs and other building structures from water.

Technoelast PRIME

Waterproofing material installed using a fire-free laying method using mastic sizing. A special technology allows you to combine the advantages of rolled materials and mastics and create the most protected roof.

Technoelast S

Technoelast S differs from its predecessor in that it has a self-adhesive bottom layer. This product is based on the same SBS-modified bitumen-polymer material, which provides the highest strength and reliability of waterproofing.

Technoelast SOLO

An excellent material suitable for laying a single-layer waterproofing carpet on a Technoelast SOLO flat roof. Single-handedly copes with many tasks of protecting a flat roof from external negative impacts. Strong, reliable, durable.

Rolled waterproofing material built up bitumen-polymer "Mostoplast" TU 5774-025-01393697-99

General information
GOST, TU TU 5774-025-01393697-99
Length, mm 8,000
Width, mm 1,000

OKP code 5774530018


Description Mostoplast is produced by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder onto a polyester non-woven fabric (polyester), including petroleum bitumen, Westoplast-type polyolefins, isotactic polypropylene and filler. As a protective coating, fine-grained powder is used on the front side and plastic film on the other side. Weight 1 m2 - 5.5 kg. Flammability group - G4.

Scope of application It is used for waterproofing bridges, roads, tunnels, viaducts, swimming pools and other structures in construction areas with harsh climates.
Tensile tensile strength, kgf, not less in cont. direction 1000 N/5 cm, transversely direction 900 N/5 cm
Water resistance, MPa (kg/cm2) 1 kgf/cm2 for 2 hours
Heat resistance, °C not lower than +130 for 2 hours
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of mm, at a temperature of °C 10 mm not higher than -25 °C
VSN, TR, SNiP, Guidelines for the use of "Recommendations for waterproofing bridge structures with rolled weld-on materials produced by the Isoflex plant, Soyuzdorniy, 1999.

Rolled hydro-gas insulating material built up bitumen-polymer "Technoelast ALPHA" EPP TU 5774-041-17925162-2006

General information
Brand (type) EPP
GOST, TU TU 5774-041-17925162-2006
Length, mm 10,000
Width, mm 1,000
Manufacturers TechnoNIKOL (LLC "Plant Technoflex")
OKP code 5774530043


Description Technoelast Alpha - effective protection from radon. The material is obtained by bilateral application of SBS-modified bitumen-polymer binder to a polyester base, backed with metal foil, followed by application to both sides of the fabric protective layers. Polymer film is used as protective layers. Weight 1 sq. m - 4.95 kg. Thickness - 4 mm. The mass of the binder on the welded side is not less than 2 kg/m2.

Scope of application Designed for hydro- and gas insulation of underground parts of buildings and structures.
Tensile breaking force, kgf, not less than 600/400 N in length/transverse. direction
Heat resistance for 2 hours, at a temperature not lower than 100°C
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of 25 mm is not higher than -20°C
Water resistance, MPa (kgf/cm2) not less than 0.2 MPa for 2 hours

VSN, TR, SNiP, Application Guidelines for the design and installation of hydro- and gas insulation of underground parts of buildings and structures using the Technoelast-Alfa material.

Rolled waterproofing material built up bitumen-polymer "Isoplast" EMP-5.5 TU 5774-005-05766480-2002

General information
Brand (type) EMP-5.5
GOST, TU TU 5774-005-05766480-2002
Length, mm 8,000
Width, mm 1,000
Manufacturers Plant "Isoflex" LLC "KINEF"
OKP code 5774530011


Description The material is produced by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder, consisting of bitumen, a polymer additive and filler, onto a polyester base (polyester). The front surface is protected with a fine-grained coating, the welded side is protected with a polymer film. Weight 1 m2 - 5.5 kg. Flammability group G4. Service life of at least 30 years.

Scope of application It is used for waterproofing bridges, roads, tunnels, viaducts, swimming pools and other structures.
Tensile breaking force, kgf, not less than 600 N/5 cm
Water resistance, MPa (kg/cm2) 1 kgf/cm2 for 2 hours
Heat resistance, °C not lower than +120 for 2 hours
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of mm, at a temperature of °C 10 mm not higher than -15 °C
Water absorption for 24 hours,% by weight, no more than 1
VSN, TR, SNiP, Guidelines for the use of VSN 18-95 amended. 1

Rolled waterproofing material built up bitumen-polymer "Mostoizol 100", "Mostoizol 130", "Mostoizol 140" EMP-5.5 TU 5774-014-00287912-2009

General information
Brand (type) EMP-5.5
GOST, TU TU 5774-014-00287912-2009
Length, mm 8,000
Width, mm 1,000
Manufacturers JSC "MPK "KRZ"
OKP code 577440


Description Mostoizol 100 (EMP) is manufactured by applying a bitumen-polymer binder consisting of bitumen, polymer modifiers, and filler on a polyester non-woven fabric on both sides. To modify bitumen, styrene-butadiene thermoplastic elastomer, isotactic polypropylene, atactic polypropylene and amorphous polyalphaolefins "Westoplast" are used. Weight 1 sq. m - 5.5 kg. The mass of the binder on the welded side is not less than 2.5 kg/m2. The thickness of the canvas is at least 5 mm. Relative elongation at break, determined in the longitudinal and transverse directions - not less than 40%.

Scope of application It is used for waterproofing building structures, foundations, bridges of underground structures (tunnels, galleries, etc.).

Flexibility on beams with a radius of 10 mm and 25 mm is not higher than -25°C

Water absorption for 24 hours,% by weight, no more than 1

Rolled waterproofing material built up bitumen-polymer "Plasto Most Lit", "Plasto Most N" TU 5774-022-01393674-2004

General information

Length, mm 8,000
Width, mm 1,000
Manufacturers Plant "Isoflex" LLC "KINEF"
OKP code 5774530037


Description The material is produced by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder consisting of petroleum bitumen, Westoplast-type polyolefins, polypropylene and filler onto a polyester non-woven fabric. As a protective coating, fine-grained powder is used on the front side and plastic film on the other side. The material is bioresistant. Weight 1 m2 - 5.5 kg. Relative elongation at break in the longitudinal and transverse directions is not less than 35%. Flammability group - G4.

Scope of application Designed for waterproofing bridges, roads, tunnels, viaducts, swimming pools and other structures. It is used in construction areas with temperatures on the coldest days below -40°C and when installing cast asphalt directly onto waterproofing.

Heat resistance for 2 hours, at a temperature not lower than +150°C
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of 10 mm is not higher than -27°C

Rolled waterproofing material built up bitumen-polymer "Plasto Most Nord", "Plasto Most U" TU 5774-022-01393674-2004

General information
GOST, TU TU 5774-022-01393674-2004
Length, mm 8,000
Width, mm 1,000
Manufacturers Plant "Isoflex" LLC "KINEF"
OKP code 5774530035


Description The material is produced by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder consisting of petroleum bitumen, Westoplast-type polyolefins, polypropylene and filler onto a polyester non-woven fabric. As a protective coating, fine-grained powder is used on the front side and plastic film on the other side. The material is bioresistant. Weight 1 m2 - 5.5 kg. Relative elongation at break in the longitudinal and transverse directions is not less than 35%. Flammability group G4.

Scope of application Designed for waterproofing bridges, roads, tunnels, viaducts, swimming pools and other structures. Applicable in all climatic regions construction.
Tensile tensile strength, kgf, not less than 1000 N/5 cm in length. direction, 900 N/5 cm in transverse
Heat resistance for 2 hours, at a temperature not lower than +130°C

Water resistance, MPa (kgf/cm2) not less than 0.2 MPa for 24 hours
VSN, TR, SNiP, Application Guidelines "Technological regulations (recommendations) for the installation of waterproofing on bridge spans made of fused rolled material "Plasto Most", SNiP 2.05.03-84 "Bridges and pipes", VSN 32-81 "Instructions for waterproofing of bridge structures and pipes on railways, highways and city roads"

Rolled waterproofing material built up bitumen-polymer "Tehnoelastmost B", "Tekhnoelastmost S"

General information
GOST, TU TU 5774-004-17925162-2003 as amended. 1
Length, mm 8,000
Width, mm 1,000

OKP code 5774530024


Description Technoelastmost B is produced with a polyester base, coated on both sides with a bitumen-polymer binder consisting of bitumen, a polymer modifier and filler. SBS thermoplastic elastomer is used to modify bitumen. The bottom side of the material is covered with an easily meltable polymer film, and the top side is covered with fine-grained sand for better adhesion to concrete. Thickness - 5 mm. Weight 1 sq. m - not less than 6 kg. The mass of the binder on the welded side is not less than 2 kg/m2.

Area of ​​application Designed for waterproofing reinforced concrete slab roadways of bridge structures, waterproofing of other building structures.
Tensile breaking force, kgf, not less than 600/600 N in length/transverse. direction
Heat resistance for 2 hours, at a temperature not lower than +100°C
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of 10 mm is not higher than -25°C
Water resistance, MPa (kgf/cm2) not less than 0.2 MPa for 24 hours
Water absorption for 24 hours,% by weight, no more than 1
VSN, TR, SNiP, Application Guide "Recommendations for waterproofing bridge structures with rolled weld-on materials Technoelastmost"

Rolled waterproofing self-adhesive material "KI-S" TU 5774-004-59056355-06

General information
GOST, TU TU 5774-004-59056355-06
Length, mm 10,000
Width, mm 1,000
Thickness, mm 3
Manufacturers LLC "Eco-Izol-Technologies"
OKP code 577460


Description "KI-S" is a two-layer roll self-adhesive material. The length of the roll can be changed by agreement with the customer. The thickness of the adhesive layer is 1.5 mm. Conditional tensile strength - 6.0±0.1 MPa (60±1.0 kgf/cm2). Relative elongation - no less than 60%. Adhesion to separation from the surface of concrete is not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm2), metal - not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm2). The durability of the material is at least 20 years.

Scope of application Designed for waterproofing bridges, overpasses, bridge crossings, tunnels and various building structures.
Water resistance, MPa (kg/cm2) not less than 0.2 (2.0) for 2 hours
Heat resistance, °C not less than 140 for 2 hours (short-term 200)
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of mm, at a temperature of °C 10 mm not higher than -60°C
Water absorption for 24 hours, % by weight, not more than 0.5
VSN, TR, SNiP, Guidelines for the use of SNiP 21-01, NPB 244, PPB-01, SNiP P-26, SNiP 3.04.01, VSN 32-81, "Instructions for waterproofing structures of bridges and pipes on railways using new materials in production overhaul"

Rolled roofing material bitumen-polymer "Technoelast SOLO" EKE TU 5774-003-00287852-99

General information
Brand (type) EKE
GOST, TU TU 5774-003-00287852-99
Length, mm 8,000
Width, mm 1,000
Manufacturers TechnoNIKOL (LLC "TechnoNIKOL-Voskresensk")
OKP code 577440


Description Technoelast Solo is produced by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder consisting of bitumen, SBS polymer modifier, mineral filler (talc, dolomite, etc.) and fire retardants onto a reinforced polyester base. On the front side, the material has a protective layer of coarse-grained topping (gray slate, aluminized slate, basalt), on the bottom - non-woven fabric. The edge of the longitudinal overlap, 100-120 mm wide, is covered with non-woven fabric or fusible film. Features a wide color scheme. It has increased fire-fighting characteristics according to SNiP 21.01: flame propagation group RP1 (non-flame propagation); flammability group B2 (moderately flammable). Weight 1 sq. m - 6.4 kg. The mass of the binder on the welded side is not less than 2 kg/m2.

Scope of application Designed for installation of single-layer roofing carpet of buildings and structures and waterproofing of building structures. It is used in single-layer roofs and where installation using a fire-free method is necessary - mechanical fixation, installation with mastics. Traditional fusing (partial fusing) installation is also possible.
Tensile breaking force, kgf, not less than 900/700 N
Heat resistance for 2 hours, at a temperature not lower than +100°C for 2 hours
Flexibility on a beam with a radius of 10 mm is not higher than -25°C
Water resistance, MPa (kgf/cm2) not less than 0.001 MPa for 72 hours
Water absorption for 24 hours,% by weight, no more than 1
VSN, TR, SNiP, Application Guidelines for the design and installation of roofs made of bitumen-polymer materials of the TechnoNIKOL Corporation; Guidelines for the design and installation of roofs with mechanical fixation of the roof covering using the materials Technoelast FIX and Technoelast SOLO , produced by TechnoNIKOL Corporation"; "Guide to the design and installation of roofs made of Technoelast Prime and Technoelast Solo materials laid on cold mastic"


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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):