
As you know, heating is one of the most important communications of both an apartment and a private country house, so you need to approach its design very carefully. Next, we will talk about how the equipment for heating a country house should be designed, as well as what devices are usually used for this.

The principle of operation of heating in the country

You should not confuse concepts such as a residential cottage and a summer house, since the latter building usually serves exclusively as a place of recreation and not permanent residence.

If we talk specifically about heating, a country house has the following features:

  • Almost all country houses do not have access to a gas main, which explains the need to install a different type of heating. That is why gas boilers for dachas they are used much less often than other models;
  • If there is electricity at the dacha, then, as a rule, it has a power limited to two phases and the possibility of installing wiring. During the warm season, the building can be heated using an air conditioner, but in cold weather the use of such equipment will not help at all;
It is important to remember that equipment whose power is more than 3.5 kW is strictly prohibited from being connected to a central outlet, since the current is too high for the connection. Devices with power ranging from 3.5 to 7 kW must be connected using a separate cable;
  • It is best to heat the dacha not regularly, but with some frequency. Do not forget that a prerequisite country heating– it should not defrost if the temperature drops to 0°. So, in winter the house is unheated most of the time, which explains this need. The inertia indicators of the heating system of a country house should be minimal so that it is possible to heat the entire building as quickly as possible.

Boiler options for heating a country house

IN different designs A variety of heating elements can be used, which are what boilers are. Each such device has its own specific specifications, therefore, we should take a closer look at what kind of heating boilers for summer cottages exist and how they function. Read also: "".

Solid fuel boilers

As mentioned earlier, gas heating boilers for summer cottages are installed extremely rarely, which explains the need to install other systems.
One of the popular varieties of this equipment is the one whose operation is based on the use of energy obtained during the combustion of wood.

The advantages that such heating boilers have for country house, are as follows:
  • despite the need to regularly purchase firewood, such fuel will not cost much more when compared with a design such as, for example, a gas boiler for a dacha;
  • in order to save as much as possible on heating costs using firewood, in the fall in the nearest forest you can collect a decent amount of dead wood, which can also serve as fuel;
  • wood is known to be environmentally friendly pure material, which can also provide a unique aroma during combustion, which will be very useful in a country house.
However solid fuel boilers for heating a country house, some have negative sides, which usually include the following:
  • the need to frequently replenish the combustion chamber with fuel. Wood burns quickly, so one load of heat should last no more than 6 hours. The exception is boilers operating on the principle of pyrolysis combustion, however, their installation in conditions small dacha will be extremely unprofitable;
  • It is not possible to regulate the temperature in such structures. The only thing you can use is the damper;
  • a large stock of firewood requires quite a lot of space for proper storage. In this case, it is especially important to equip a canopy over the fuel so that it does not get wet.

Liquid fuel boilers

A diesel boiler for a summer residence is very popular, the main type of fuel in which, as it becomes clear, is diesel fuel, as well as waste oil, and the latter option is very cheap.

The advantages of such a heating element are:

  • The equipment is equipped with a temperature control function, and if in more simple designs you can only control the heating of the coolant, but in improved models it becomes possible to also change the air temperature in the room;
  • the operation of the diesel boiler is fully automated, so there is no need to regularly load fuel manually;
  • modern technologies developments offer a completely new, innovative option for turning on the boiler - via SMS. This means that the equipment can be turned on remotely, for example, a few hours before arriving at the dacha, but in this case the boiler must be equipped with an automatic ignition function.
Among the disadvantages that they have diesel boilers, the most obvious are:
  • the cost of solar oil is very expensive;
  • if the temperature is low, the boiler burner simply will not be able to ignite properly, and the fuel will become viscous. However, this problem can be solved by using so-called winter diesel fuel as the main fuel. Moreover, if there is electricity at the dacha, you can always preheat the room before turning on the main heating equipment;
  • During operation, diesel boilers create quite loud and unpleasant noise, so there is often an inevitable need to place the structure in a separate room.

Coal and peat heating of the dacha

Most often, these energy sources are used in combined-type boilers, which are capable of operating not on one, but on several types of fuel (more details: "").
But there may be some division: there are models in which the firebox for two heat sources is common (for example, for coal and wood, for gas and diesel fuel), and there are models in which the combustion chambers are arranged separately. Of course, the first option will be more economical.

When installing heating in a dacha, it is important to remember that the comfort of living in the house will depend on the quality of its implementation. Therefore, in order not to spoil your holiday with low temperatures in the house, it is recommended to study in advance various photos options heating boilers and determine which one is suitable for a particular structure.

Video tips for choosing heating boilers for your dacha:

More and more city residents are planning their holidays outside the city. At the dacha you can fully enjoy without much hassle clean air and the absence of city bustle. But this only works with a certain level of comfort, which is provided to a city dweller engineering systems: electricity, plumbing, heating, sewerage. This publication will be about the problems of choosing a heating device for a summer house, and ways to solve them.

Choosing a heating method for a country house

The following plays a big role in choosing the type of heat generator for your dacha:

  • The degree of insulation of the dacha building;
  • Frequency of stay of owners, especially during the cold season.
  • Homeowners' need for hot water supply.
  • Availability of additional sources of heat removal (bathhouse, utility room, etc.).
  • Availability and possible problems with electricity supply.

When choosing a method for heating a dacha, it is necessary to take into account the organization of security for your dacha village, and there is one reason for this: stealing an electric convector, for example, is much easier than stealing a bulky and heavy solid fuel boiler or a brick fireplace.

As is known, the best way organizing the heating of a dacha is the installation gas boiler. The problem is that most summer cottages is away from gas pipe, That's why gas heating dachas are more the exception than the rule. What remains is electricity, solid and liquid fuels. Heating a dacha with electric appliances is quick and easy, but quite expensive. Liquid fuel requires special measures for its storage: it is difficult, fire hazardous and not always possible. There remains the option of heating the dacha solid fuel boiler.

Advantages of solid fuel boiler systems

If your dacha is not located in the middle of the desert, then you can always find firewood to kindle such equipment. Besides:

  • The organization of a heating system (HS) with a solid fuel does not require special permits, which has a positive effect on the cost of heating a dacha.
  • Installations running on solid fuel are relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain.
  • Most models are non-volatile.

The main advantage of solid fuel engines is the variability in the choice of fuel, which can be used as firewood, coal, pellets, vegetable and wood waste, as well as (purely theoretically) any organic matter.

Disadvantage of this equipment only one: if the CO uses a solid fuel hot water boiler, then there is a danger of defrosting when the boiler is stopped in the cold season.

To heat their dachas, our compatriots use:

  • classic solid fuel direct combustion boilers;
  • long-lasting solid fuel;
  • gas generator heating systems.

To answer the question of how to choose a solid fuel boiler for a private home, consider the advantages and disadvantages heating installations each type in the context of heating a summer house.

Direct combustion boilers


  • Simplicity of design, which ensures reliability and high maintainability of the device.
  • Easy to maintain. Such heating device It’s enough just to load fuel, clean the ash pan, etc.
  • Low demands on fuel quality. Thanks to direct combustion in the boiler furnace, it rises heat, which allows you to burn even contaminated biomaterial with high humidity.
  • Energy independence. Direct combustion does not require complex safety equipment. Automatic control The process is carried out by moving the blower damper.
  • Variability in fuel choice. The following can be burned in the boiler furnace (without retrofitting or re-equipping the installation): firewood, coal, vegetable and wood waste.
  • Low cost.


  • Quite low efficiency (70-75%). Thanks to the principle of organic combustion, a large percentage of the heat “flies into the chimney.”
  • Difficult to operate. Short intervals between fillings make operating the boiler difficult.

Such a device requires constant attention and preliminary preparation of fuel in the volume necessary for operation. In principle, if you do not pay attention to some difficulties in operation, this type solid fuel can be considered the best option for organizing heating of the cottage. You can always purchase a solid fuel boiler with a stove, which operates on the basis of direct combustion.

Advice: if visiting a dacha in winter period is periodic in nature, then experts recommend purchasing solid fuel direct combustion boilers without a water circuit. If water heating is a priority, then choose installations with electrical heating of the coolant.

Gas-generator heating systems

These boiler installations differ from those described above in the design of the fuel chamber, which gives increased efficiency (up to 90%) and solves main problem classic heating devices– allows you to increase the intervals between loading the combustion chamber.

The operating principle of such a device is based on the oxidation of biomaterial in an environment with low oxygen content. During the combustion of fuel, pyrolysis gas is released, which is the main source of heat in this boiler plant design.


  • Efficiency. Thermal energy is extracted from the smoldering of biomaterial and the combustion of pyrolysis gas.
  • Increased time between fuel fills (up to 12 hours).


  • Complex design (low maintainability).
  • Energy dependence. Power supply is required to pump secondary air into the afterburner chamber, for automation and instrumentation equipment.
  • High cost of the device.
  • High requirements for wood moisture content.

These boilers were found wide application thanks to fairly economical fuel consumption and ease of maintenance. Such heat generators are most often used as one heating device for all heat consumption points and to create hot water supply in the country.

Long-term installations

Heating devices long burning, thanks to the top combustion, they can work without “refueling” for up to several days. Their fuel is wood and coal.

Main advantages:

  • Efficiency 85-90%.
  • Long service intervals (up to 72 hours).
  • Energy independence.
  • Compared to pyrolysis models, low cost.
  • Multifunctionality.


  • Impossibility of adding additional firewood during operation of the boiler installation.
  • High requirements for fuel moisture.

Conclusion: boiler equipment long-acting can be used to heat a summer house if the boiler is retrofitted with electric heating of the coolant.

There is another type of boiler equipment that is in demand by owners country houses at any time of the year - this is a solid fuel boiler for the shower. Such boiler units are not responsible for heating, but for creating hot water supply in the house.

The device operates on the principle of direct combustion. Their design is simple: a body. With fuel chamber and blower. A container with water is built into the body. A chimney passes through the container, which releases part of the heat to heat the water in the tank.


  • Simplicity of design.
  • Compactness. Thanks to small sizes such devices can be placed directly in shower rooms.

There are no disadvantages (for such functionality).

Tip: as a rule, the firebox of solid fuel showers is made of cast iron, which has a high heat capacity. Even after stopping the boiler operation, it is necessary to ensure that the water reserve tank is filled, since the cast iron is still long time will release accumulated heat, which can cause a small volume of water to boil.

The summer season often depends on the current weather. In cold years, when the weather remains cool even after the snow melts, or during early cold snaps in the fall, summer residents have to think about moving to stuffy city apartments earlier than usual.

To extend it and make the stay on summer cottage more comfortable, heating systems are installed in houses, which are also used for heating water for showers. Electric boilers for dachas, they are especially popular in places where there are no gas pipelines and the possibility of procuring and storing solid or liquid fuel.

Features of country houses

Dacha houses are rarely made permanent, and little attention is paid to insulating walls and windows. Indeed, with rare exceptions, they are visited 2-3 days a week in the summer, and even less often in winter. Of course, there are people who prefer to spend most of their time there, but this is rather the exception.

This mode of use imposes serious restrictions on the possibility of choosing a heating system for a summer house. Water heating, although more efficient, has a serious drawback. In the off-season, it is possible to defrost the pipes, which will immediately deprive the owner of both heat and a decent amount of money for repairs.

Rice. 1

Gas and diesel systems are capable of supporting constant temperature, but their operation will consume considerable amounts of fuel, and control over their functioning is needed. Otherwise, for example, even a power outage for a short period of time can lead to failures in the automation, and this can lead to not only a boiler shutdown, but also a fire.

Electric boilers have necessary set advantages that make purchasing them the more preferable option out of all those presented:

It is worth adding that you can pay for the use of electricity “later”, no advance payments, this must be done only when purchasing liquid or solid fuel. Therefore, dachas, regardless of the owner’s wishes, encourage them to make a choice in favor electrical appliances.

The owners of village houses, used only during the gardening period and, possibly, in the off-season for the holiday period, follow the same path. In order to prepare the same firewood, when moving to such a house, you will have to worry in advance about its purchase, storage location, etc. An electric boiler just needs to be connected to the supply network.

Why is electric heating better?

Heated discussions often arise regarding the advisability of using electric boilers for heating homes. There are fans different opinions, especially like to focus on the high cost of electricity. But if we put aside for a moment the question of the cost of heating a room different ways, then it will immediately become clear why using electric heaters more profitable.

  • Electricity is available in almost all holiday villages, unlike gas.
  • Gas equipment It’s more difficult to install; you can’t do it without specialists.
  • Firing wood and coal requires their preliminary preparation.
  • Any fuel supply, except for main gas, tends to run out at the most inopportune moment, and Electric Energy"infinite".

Of course, diesel vehicles have the best autonomy, but they also require a supply of fuel, and electricity is supplied in almost unlimited quantities, as long as the owner of the dacha pays on time for its use.

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All options, except for electric boilers, use the combustion of one or another fuel, and this immediately creates the danger of fire, getting inside the room carbon monoxide. Such methods of heating a room require constant monitoring by the owner, which is not always possible, and if you turn off the boiler while you are away, it will not be easy to maintain the room in a comfortable condition.

If we return to the issue of price, the main thing in the calculation will be the cost of the boiler itself. Gas and diesel models are several times more expensive than electric ones. So the price is " Consumables“plays only a secondary role; given the high cost of the boiler, savings will only be possible after several years of its operation.

For some people, it may also be important that electrical equipment is environmentally friendly, there is no waste from it, there is no need to dispose of it, etc. Their work is not accompanied by any noise, as is the case with wood stoves.

If desired, electric heating can be combined with other methods, which gives a certain freedom of choice, and in case of emergency situations with power supply, it will allow you to do without lowering the temperature in the house, maintaining its comfort and coziness.

What is the most important thing in choosing?

It will be easier to choose an electric heating boiler for your dacha if you approach the problem not only from the standpoint of saving money or ease of installation. Important in all its further work And design features. For example, a type of heaters.

There are several important points, because of which dacha owners opt for strictly defined models. So, the first parameter that interests all buyers is a three-phase boiler or a single-phase one. In all holiday villages there is a connection to the power supply network, but not everywhere there is a line with three phases. Typically, in case of boiler power greater than 12 kW, three-phase power is usually used.

The type of housing design also depends on the power. Consumption above 60 kW affects the size and weight, so such models are available in a floor-standing version. Noticeably lighter, “low-power” modifications are more often found in cases for wall mounting. This saves more space and allows you to hang boilers above plumbing fixtures or other interior elements, where they will not interfere later.

Those who like to stay in the country for a long time will find double-circuit electric devices useful; in addition to the direct benefit of heating the room, they can also provide hot water for washing. Single-circuit models are intended only for heating a building.

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And one moment. In addition to the expected amenities, when choosing the best option, it is worth taking into account further costs of operating the boiler. They differ in heating method heating elements.

  • heating element. It is considered an outdated heating method because... the efficiency of such heating is lower than that of both previous options. In addition, they are not so safe, because in the absence of coolant they fail due to overheating, but for other types of heaters this is not critical.
  • Electrodes. Heating is carried out by direct heating of the coolant. If its level in the heating system decreases sharply, no accident will occur, which is typical for heating elements (they will overheat and fail). The efficiency of such models is noticeably higher, which ultimately affects the efficiency of the boiler.
  • Film. The most economical type of heaters. It has been used recently, but it has already earned considerable popularity, because the body sizes of models with a film heating element are very modest.

When choosing power, it is worth considering such points that if models with low consumption (up to 3.5 W) can be connected to a regular outlet, increasing consumption to 7-12 W will require a separate line from the meter.

There are models of boilers that combine two types at once, for example, electric-wood or electric-solid fuel modifications. They take up little space compared to installing two at the same time different models and allow you to quickly replace one type of heating with an alternative without switching the system from one boiler to another.

It is worth paying attention to the year the boiler was developed, because Newer models tend to be more economical better protection from overheating. Even their slightly higher cost should not be a deterrent, since future expenses are also important.

Safe operation of an electric boiler

Organization of heating of a country house using electric boiler so allows you to count on relative safety. No flammable substances, liquid or solid, are used during the combustion process. But there is still a risk of an emergency and it must be eliminated if possible.

So, you need to start with high-quality electrical wiring, both inside and outside the house. To do this, you should ensure good insulation of all connections, and do not make them using improvised means such as “twisting”, but use special fasteners. Power heating system is high, so poor contact will quickly lead to an increase in temperature at the joints, and ultimately to melting of the insulation and fire.

The wire is placed in protective corrugations, especially if the building is made of wood. According to safety standards, this is prerequisite, corrugations are usually made of non-flammable material, which is also prone to compression when heated, which will block the access of oxygen to the fire site electric wire.

At the installation site of the boiler, it should be ensured that there is no contact between parts that heat up during its operation and wooden and other interior elements prone to fire or melting. Here you can use thermal insulation sheets, for example, made of asbestos.

The incoming unit – the electricity meter – is also important; it must allow the planned load, otherwise it will have to be replaced with an updated model. It is worth checking the input from the pole to ensure that there are no leaky sections on the cable and that the connections are in good condition. good condition, without oxides.

Rice. 4 Antifreeze is sold in regular

If there is a fear that the water heating will defrost, it can be filled not with water, but with a special antifreeze. Aqueous solutions of salts, acids, petroleum oils and organic compounds(glycerin, glycol).

For example, the following “recipes” are widely known:

  • 30% water solution sodium chloride, the freezing point will be -21ºC.
  • 62% acetic acid solution, freezes below -24ºС.
  • 30% aqueous solution of sulfuric acid, withstands up to -41ºС.
  • 60-70% aqueous solution of glycerin, works at temperatures down to -30-40ºС.
  • 45-55% aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol, freezes below -35-40ºС.
  • Mineral oils, depending on the brand, preserve the system from -15 to -70ºС.

It is worth noting that not every solution can be used smoothly on any model of electric boiler. Manufacturers often provide for cancellation of warranty if such facts are discovered. The point is the peculiarities of certain compositions for reducing the freezing point of water.

For example, when overheated, they can release sediment that clogs the heating system, which ultimately leads to clogging of pipes and failure of the boiler. The features don't end there. Antifreeze, as a rule, is much more fluid than water, and because of this, leaks at the places where pipes are attached are more likely to occur.

Manufacturers of electric heating boilers

On sale at Russian market There are electric boilers of both domestic and foreign production. Many of them have similar characteristics, and the choice is based more on cost and design.

So, among the many models, the following options can be noted:

  • RUSNIT. Russian trademark. The Ryazan plant produces automatic electric boilers for heating residential and production premises.
  • EVAN. Russian manufacturer. Engaged in the production of various equipment for heating and water heating, including electric boilers.
  • GEYSER. A Russian company from Kostroma produces electrode electric boilers for heating private homes.
  • DAKON. Czech developer of electric heating boilers.
  • KOSPEL. Polish manufacturer of electrical heating equipment.

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The list can be continued, but all these models, as a rule, have standard characteristics, such as supply voltage, power, etc. To stand out from competitors, you have to equip your products additional functions. For example, a boiler is built water pump, install temperature sensors or adapt it to work with antifreeze.

Do domestic or foreign manufacturers there are no electric boilers, besides this it is Russian companies Quite often, good ideas appear to improve the design of boilers, and they take into account the climate in our country as much as possible.

Small country house, operated on weekends and holidays, you can even get burned wood burning fireplace or a convector stove "Buleryan". A cottage designed for permanent or long-term residence needs a more advanced heating device.

In this case, you will need a solid fuel boiler for your dacha - a heat-generating unit connected to the distribution of heating systems and, possibly, hot water supply.

Solid fuel boiler heating a dacha

  • Firstly, pay attention to thermal power unit . It must correspond to the footage of the dacha. Based on 1 square meter = 0.12 kW of power. The footage of the dacha can be seen on the plan or calculated independently by multiplying the frontal length of the building by its width. Simply put: multiply your square meters by 0.12 kW - the result of this action should be less than the thermal power of the boiler model you like.
  • Secondly, pay attention to the burning time of one load of fuel . After all, if you do not plan to while away the winter days by the firebox, leaving for only a couple of hours, you will have to purchase a special long-burning boiler or unit with automatic feeding granulated fuel from the bunker. Other long-burning units or granular fuel boilers are “charged” once every 3-5 days!
  • Third, decide how you will heat the water. . Electric boiler- this is, of course, good, but it will solve the problem with lower capital investments and operating costs. That is, you will save both on the purchase of equipment and on fuel. Well, for the single-circuit option it is better to buy a heat accumulator with a water heating circuit.
  • Fourthly, do not forget about the possibility of using the boiler as kitchen stove . The correct country boiler is always equipped with “ hob" in the upper part, which uses the energy of the firebox. By purchasing such a boiler, you can solve the problems of not only heating, but also cooking in a house cut off from the centralized gas supply.

Classic, pyrolysis, long-burning - which boiler is better for a summer residence?

Classic boiler very cheap, uses the energy of wood, pellets or coal extremely inefficiently.

After all, the coefficient useful action of such an aggregate does not exceed 70-75 percent. And this is still in best case scenario. In short, by choosing this option, you will save on the purchase of equipment, but will pay dearly for operation.

Therefore, classic boilers are useful only to owners of dachas with an area of ​​up to 50-70 square meters, heated by boilers with a power of up to 8.5 kW. In this case, you can neglect the insufficient energy efficiency of the heating equipment.

Heating a cottage with a solid fuel boiler pyrolysis type guarantees maximum heat transfer from the system and the ability to connect the water heating circuit directly to the primary heat exchanger.

However, it costs twice or even three times more than a classic boiler. By choosing this option, you will spend a significant amount on equipment, but will save on fuel.

Therefore, all owners of large dachas with an area of ​​150 square meters or more choose pyrolysis boilers. In this case, you will save at least 15 to 20 percent of the funds allocated for the purchase of fuel.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers — for a dacha, this heating equipment option is beneficial only because of the low maintenance frequency. You can load firewood or coal into the firebox and leave the holiday village for 2-3 days, without worrying about the need to “reload” the boiler. At the same time, in terms of energy efficiency, the long-burning boiler is inferior to the prirolysis version.

And the price of a “long-lasting” boiler exceeds the cost of a classic one heating device 3-4 times. By choosing a long-burning boiler, you will spend a significant amount on equipment and will not be able to save significantly on fuel, but you will have peace of mind in the event of a long absence from the dacha.

Long-burning boilers are purchased by all “dacha residents” working in the city who leave their place of residence for the whole day, or even 2-3 days. In this case, heat in the house can only be provided by a unit with a “long-lasting” fuel oxidation cycle.

Popular models of “country” boilers

Single-circuit classic boiler Zota Master 12

Equipped with a hob with adjustable power.

  • Thermal power – 12 kW, which allows you to heat a cottage with an area of ​​up to 100 m2.
  • - until 10 o'clock.
  • Main fuel type – coal, but it is possible to use firewood.
  • Boiler weight – up to 105 kilograms, which allows you to install the boiler without a separate foundation.
  • Boiler efficiency – 73 percent.
  • Price – 24-25 thousand rubles.

Single-circuit boiler Sibir KVO 10 TPE

With a pair of electric heating elements and a hob at the top of the unit. Application of heating elements makes it possible to eliminate the short burning period of one load, gaining the advantages of a long-burning boiler at the price of a classic model.

Main characteristics of the boiler:

  • Thermal power – 10 kW, heated area – 80-90 m2.
  • Burning duration – up to 2 hours.
  • Main fuel type – firewood, coal, peat.
  • Boiler weight – up to 105 kilograms, which allows you to install the boiler without a foundation.
  • Boiler efficiency – 70 percent.
  • Price – 16-18 thousand rubles.

Pyrolysis boiler Geyser PK-15

A 15-liter coil for hot water supply can be built into the main heating circuit ( additional option). However hob This model does not have it.

Main characteristics of the boiler:

  • Thermal power – 15 kW, which allows you to heat a cottage with an area of ​​up to 150 m2.
  • Burning time per fuel load – up to 24 hours.
  • Main fuel type – firewood, pellets or charcoal.
  • Boiler weight - up to 200 kilograms, which forces the construction of a separate foundation.
  • Boiler efficiency – 85-90 percent, depending on the type of fuel.
  • Price – 45-50 thousand rubles.

Long lasting boiler combustion Stropuva S10U

For many people, the dacha is not only a place summer holiday, but also country house where they spend time at any time of the year. Of course, to ensure that your home is always comfortable, you definitely need to think about heating. The most common heating option at present is the use of boilers, which, in fact, is the subject of this article.

Features of choice

All existing boilers Heating systems for dachas, regardless of their type, work on the same principle - a heat exchanger is heated inside the device, in which the coolant is heated. Next, the heated coolant (usually water or antifreeze) enters the heating radiators through the pipeline and thus heats the room.

As for the differences between boilers, they consist only in the type of fuel on which the device can operate. Those. no matter what kind of boiler is used to heat the dacha, all types of fuel will heat the coolant, and the system will work on the same principle.

Therefore, before choosing a device, you should decide which type of fuel will be most optimal in your case.

It could be:

  • Firewood or peat;
  • Coal;
  • Liquid fuel;
  • Electricity.

In addition to the type of fuel, when choosing a boiler you also need to pay attention to the following parameters:

Types of boilers

Gas boilers

A gas boiler for a summer cottage is the most the best option, since it does not require intervention during operation. Usually, similar devices equipped with sensors that fully monitor the operation of the system. In addition, gas is an affordable fuel.

However, not every holiday village is supplied with gas. More often than not, it’s just the opposite, which is why gas boilers country houses rarely used.

As an option, you can consider using bottled gas.
The only thing is that the cylinders will have to be changed frequently, which is associated with certain hassles.

Solid fuel

Solid fuel boilers for summer cottages are the most popular. It especially makes sense to opt for such a device if there is free access to wood at the dacha. In this case, heating will be generally free of charge.

True, the solid fuel device also has quite a lot of disadvantages:

  • Requires a separate room and a chimney, equipped in accordance with all safety rules.
  • The combustion process must be constantly maintained, throwing fuel into the firebox with your own hands. Therefore, the boiler should not be left unattended for a long time.
  • The equipment requires periodic maintenance.

Therefore, before making a purchase, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

In the photo there is a device running on liquid fuel

Liquid fuel

Such devices are in many ways reminiscent of gas ones, except that they burn not gas, but liquid fuel, usually diesel fuel. In terms of efficiency, they are similar to gas ones, and are capable of heating both small and large rooms.

Other advantages of such boilers include:

  • No need to obtain permission to install them.
  • Solar power is cheaper than electricity.
  • Simple operating instructions.

However, along with the advantages, there are also some disadvantages:

  • As is the case with solid fuel devices, require a separate room with an exhaust hood.
  • Dependence on electricity. In case of interruptions, the device turns off and requires human intervention to continue working.
  • It is necessary to have a supply of fuel, and its temperature should be above +5 degrees.
  • The burner is quite noisy, which creates some discomfort.

If there is no electricity in the area, renting a diesel generator for your dacha will help temporarily solve the problem.


An electric heating boiler for a summer residence is the simplest and most convenient device to use. (See also article.)

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.