

The Ariston double-circuit gas boiler is one of many examples of equipment produced by this well-known company. This manufacturer has managed to establish itself from the very the best side, that’s why we devoted a whole separate article to their dual-circuit systems. Well, let's get acquainted.

The reasons for the popularity of a particular equipment can largely be determined by its advantages, which distinguish it from its competitors. Today we will not talk about competitors, but we will simply tell you what strengths are characteristic of gas double-circuit boilers produced by Ariston.

  • Compact size and attractive appearance;
  • High-quality and efficient automation;
  • A number of protective functions to extend service life and increase its efficiency;
  • Ease of operation;
  • Ease of care and maintenance of gas heating equipment;
  • High level of security;
  • Excellent performance, which allows heating up to 500 square meters and work extra to ensure hot water supply.

Distinctive features

When purchasing a double-circuit gas boiler from the Ariston company, in addition to the listed advantages and High Quality you get a certain set of functions and systems responsible for security.

If we talk about the mandatory functions of Ariston gas boilers, these include:

  • Multilingual menu that allows you to select a user-friendly language when controlling the gas boiler;
  • Auto function. It allows you to automatically adjust power parameters, focusing on the current air temperature inside and outside;
  • Thermal insulation and sound insulation. Guarantees quiet operation of the equipment, plus retains the heat of the coolant long time even after shutdown;
  • Ariston provides a guarantee for its equipment. If these are traditional boilers, then the warranty is valid for two years. Condensation type models have a longer warranty - 3 years;
  • Ease of Management. A well-designed and thoughtful menu makes it easy to navigate the control of a gas boiler even for those who have never dealt with such equipment. The kit always includes instructions;
  • Protection systems against power surges are triggered instantly, allowing the boiler to operate stably even with fluctuations in the power grid;
  • Electrified auxiliary systems ensure optimal functionality even under conditions of reduced water or gas pressure.

Now regarding safety. To ensure that the equipment operates for a long time, efficiently, efficiently and without failures, Ariston engineers have developed a set of security systems, which includes:

  • Semi-automatic gas boiler recharge;
  • System for pumping excess air from the system;
  • A device for blocking the circulation pump, which is included in the design of a double-circuit gas boiler;
  • Anti-freeze and anti-scale protection system.

Types of combustion chambers

The Ariston company produces dual-circuit gas boilers, which can be equipped with two types of combustion chamber.

  1. Open. In such combustion chambers, waste smoke gas is removed naturally. The oxygen necessary for gas combustion is taken from the room where the boiler is installed. It is recommended that installation be carried out in non-residential, specially designated boiler rooms.
  2. Closed. Removal in such systems is forced. Security level of this equipment very high because oxygen comes from outside the room. Installed inside a house or apartment without any problems. Instructions included.

Nuances of choice

If you decide to purchase a double-circuit gas boiler from the Ariston company, then you have already completed the task by 50%. The remaining 50% depends on how competently you approach the issue of choosing equipment.

Experts advise paying attention to several key points.

  1. Dimensions. Your double-circuit gas boiler will occupy a certain place in your kitchen or other room. Decide in advance how much area you can allocate for the boiler, and then move on to the technical parameters.
  2. Water heater type. Ariston boilers can have instantaneous and storage water heaters. For big family flow-through ones are not suitable, but for 1-2 people their productivity is quite enough.
  3. Give preference storage water heaters, since the water in them retains for a long time high temperature, less energy is spent on heating water when compared with flow-through models.
  4. When choosing between closed and open combustion chambers, it is better to buy one with a closed firebox. This is better from a security point of view. Plus, you don’t need to organize a complex chimney. Instead you will need coaxial pipe. Affordable and easy. The instructions for assembling it are simple, even a beginner can handle it.

Popular series

There are several of the most popular and sought-after series of double-circuit gas boilers that Ariston offers to its consumers today.

  • These boilers are compact in size, attractive in design, high efficiency. There is a modern intelligent system control that allows you to automate equipment operation processes;
  • The most functional modern series gas boilers, in which there are primary and secondary heat exchangers, a fan, a liquid crystal screen control, where all parameters of the boiler operation are displayed;
  • This is a series of boilers that are characterized by high power and large sizes. Due to the built-in regulator, the gas supply is controlled, which has a positive effect on the issue of safety during long-term absence. Boilers of this series are designed for big houses. Their price today ranges from 30 thousand rubles.

Causes of malfunction

Even such gas double-circuit boilers as Ariston are characterized by certain malfunctions. They can arise from various reasons, which we will now try to understand. This will give you the opportunity to prevent malfunctions in the case of your equipment.

  • Violation of service rules. Although instructions are included with each boiler, not all users want to read it before starting operation. And then the instructions are no longer needed, since repairs have to be carried out;
  • Insufficient air supply. If the organization is incorrect, the boiler may not receive required amount oxygen for gas combustion. Again, that's what the instructions are for;
  • Violation of recommendations during service maintenance. The fault does not always lie with the clients. Inexperienced or irresponsible specialists, for whom the instructions are just a piece of paper, may make mistakes during routine boiler maintenance;
  • Poor quality equipment. Unfortunately, sometimes malfunctions occur due to customers purchasing a fake.

When purchasing a gas double-circuit boiler from a manufacturer such as Ariston, you are not just paying for the brand. You get quality, reliability, durability and efficiency.

When conducting overhaul In cottages and private houses, residents are often faced with the need to replace the existing heating system with a new, more modern and energy-efficient one. These days the market offers big choice variety of options gas equipment, which differ in power, as well as the fuel used, manufacturer brand, design features, etc.

Over the years, they have been in consistently high demand double-circuit boilers Ariston, which are characterized by exceptional performance parameters and affordability.


Gas boilers made in Italy by Ariston are presented in a wide variety of models, however, regardless of the modification, the equipment of this brand is aimed at installing heating systems on an area of ​​no more than 500 m2. Some boiler options only work for heating, while others are used not only to supply heat to the house, but also to supply hot water.

Speaking about the essential options for gas boilers from this manufacturer, we can highlight the following characteristics.

  • The presence of a multilingual menu - this allows users to choose a language familiar to them for effective management boiler operation.
  • The “auto” function makes it possible to configure the required power parameters in autonomous mode based on monitoring the actual temperature in the room, as well as inside the boiler.
  • Heat and noise insulation - ensures silent operation of the equipment, and in addition helps to maintain the coolant at a given temperature for a long time even after stopping work.
  • The warranty on all of our equipment is 2 years for standard boilers, and longer for condensing models - for 3 years.
  • Ease and ease of use - the menu is thought out very competently, thanks to which even beginners who have not yet dealt with gas installations can effectively operate the boiler.
  • A safety system that prevents breakdowns caused by power outages.
  • Built-in electrified elements that maintain the operation and performance of the unit even in conditions of low water or fuel pressure.

Characteristic feature All Ariston models feature a well-thought-out and highly technological protection system, which ensures long-term and uninterrupted operation of the gas installation.

It includes:

  • mechanisms for replenishing the boiler with water;
  • built-in system for timely pumping out accumulated air;
  • blocking the circulation pump;
  • anti-scale and anti-freeze protection mechanism.

The common parameters of all Ariston models include small dimensions and the ability to feed hot water. IN basic equipment includes: a double-type heat exchanger, a burner control module, a carbon monoxide control system, a mechanism for maintaining a normal microclimate in the room, a device responsible for controlling the freezing of water inside the heating system.


Ariston gas equipment is produced in two basic options– floor and wall. In private homes, as a rule, wall-mounted models are used.

Depending on the model parameters, the unit may have an open or closed combustion chamber. In the first case, combustion products are removed from the boiler naturally, in the second, it works coercive system gas outlet Typically closed chamber installations are connected to coaxial chimney. A coaxial pipeline implies the presence of two structural layers, due to which it is possible to simultaneously output carbon monoxide and ensure the influx fresh air into the firebox.

In addition, the chamber has a built-in fan, which is responsible for the timely removal of burnt gas and hot air. These models are more secure than devices with an open camera.

In addition, they take the air necessary to maintain combustion from outside the living space, this is another advantage of them compared to chambers closed type, since they take oxygen from inside the house, thereby worsening the microclimate in the building.

Floor-standing boilers have quite high power, therefore they are used for industrial purposes or in residential buildings with a large area. Usually they are designed only to supply heat to radiators and radiators, so if you need to heat water, you should additionally purchase boilers.

The main element of any boiler equipment is the burner, which is responsible for burning fuel and supplying heat to the heating system. Burners can be conventional or modulating. Modulation ones are more modern and technologically advanced, since they allow you to automatically adjust the power of the device depending on the results of internal control over the temperature level.

Dual-circuit Ariston boilers have 2 heat exchangers: the first is necessary to provide hot water supply, and the second is necessary to directly heat the main coolant. Their production can be carried out in three versions: they are separate, bithermic or with a boiler.

Two autonomous circuits are simultaneously placed in the common boiler body:

  • heating - it is responsible for supplying radiators with heated water;
  • water - this mechanism is connected to water pipes.

Water can be heated in several ways:

  • flow-through - this option only works when using hot water: after passing through the burner, it reaches the end consumer in heated form;
  • boiler - such a device implies the presence of an additional tank in which water heated to a given temperature accumulates and from there it flows into the tap.

A double-circuit boiler operating in boiler mode is more economical.

Based on the location of the circuits, boilers are divided into 2 types.

  • Bithermic - in such installations water pipe located inside the heating system. In this case, the heating circuit heats up more actively and transfers part of its heat to the water supply.
  • Duothermal - include two tubular heat exchangers that evenly transfer heat to both systems. In this case, energy is used most efficiently, however, the heating rate is significantly reduced. In addition, this operating principle creates the prerequisites for the emergence lime deposits Therefore, such devices require regular cleaning.

Depending on the combustion method, Ariston boilers are conventionally divided into those operating on the principle of turbocharging and natural draft. A turbocharged boiler has a fairly high heating rate, however, gas is also consumed in large volume. The second type of model heats water rather slowly, but fuel consumption is also more economical.

Gas boilers from this manufacturer are most often produced with a power of 15, 18, as well as 24 and 28 kW; the most purchased modification is a 24 kW unit; it can provide heat to a living space of up to 230 m2.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ariston gas boiler systems are popular all over the world, this is due to their exceptional performance characteristics:

  • effective built-in protection system against power surges in the network - devices can operate in the voltage range from 150 to 260 V;
  • the ability to effectively regulate the rate of water heating: in the case when the flow rate does not go beyond 6 l/minute, the temperature can reach up to 37 degrees; in order for the water to heat up faster, you simply need to increase the boiler power;
  • simultaneous operation in water heater and efficient mode heating device;
  • the ability to automatically shut off the gas in the event of flame extinguishment, regardless of its causes;
  • automatic shutdown of the heater if the water pressure in the system drops to a critical level;
  • the presence of two heat exchangers;
  • wide range of models;
  • excellent adaptation to use in Russian conditions;
  • Italian assembly;
  • European quality control system.

However, there are also disadvantages, among them the following should be highlighted:

  • very high cost in comparison with analogues;
  • use of components produced in China.

Russian users highlight boilers of this brand as high-quality, reliable and practical. Reviews from owners of private houses indicate such advantages of Ariston as compact dimensions, energy-efficient gas consumption and ease of control of the mechanism. Disadvantages include the dependence of its operation on power supply, however, this feature applies not only to Ariston - almost none gas equipment does not work without AC connection.

The boilers have aesthetic appearance, thanks to which they fit into any interior.

User manual

The first thing you need to remember before you start installing a gas boiler is that the installation and connection of the device should only be carried out by certified specialists. Self-installation is not recognized by gas services as legal, in this situation the inspection company has the right to shut off the gas supply to the house and impose a fine on the owner of the premises. And this is in best case scenario, and in the worst case, the boiler may fail or even explode and cause harm to life, health and property.

Ventilation levels should be checked before use.– the room where gas equipment is installed must be well ventilated. Throughout the entire period of operation of the boiler, it is necessary to constantly monitor the water pressure in the heating system. Normally it is 1.5-2 bar; if the pressure drops, the boiler turns off and the control display shows an error. In this case, you should make sure that there are no leaks and “feed” the installation.

Affordable and economical view fuel in Russia is natural gas Therefore, to generate heat, gas boilers are most often used, differing in power, type of location, and method of removing combustion products. Hot water supply is another current problem private housing. It is successfully solved by heating units with two circuits. The most ergonomic option of this type, which also allows you to save useful space, is a boiler hung on the wall. In this article we offer a description of the most popular models of Ariston gas boilers.

  • Protection against voltage surges - the operating range of the devices varies from 150 to 260V.
  • Parallel operation as a heating device and water heater.
  • Regulation of water heating speed - if the flow rate does not exceed 6 l/min, then the temperature reaches 37 °C. To heat water faster, it is worth increasing the boiler power.
  • Small sizes.
  • Automatic gas shutoff when the flame dies out (this happens when the pump is turned off due to a power outage).

Design features, types of Ariston boilers

One housing contains two independent circuits: a heating circuit that supplies radiators with hot coolant; water - connected to water supply pipes. Such functions are performed by wall-mounted double-circuit gas heating boilers.

Subject to availability secondary circuit water heating is implemented in two modes:

  • flowing - it is carried out only when using hot water: after passing gas burner, it goes to the consumer;
  • boiler - in this case, water accumulates in a separate tank, reaches a set temperature, and then enters the hot tap.

The boiler operates more economically in boiler mode, although the presence of a large tank is not always justified. Water is pumped through a circulation pump that supplies at least one and a half liters per second, which is quite enough to use a shower or bath.

Depending on the location of the heating circuits, boilers are of two types.

1. Bithermal - the water pipe is placed inside the heating system pipe. In this case, the heating circuit heats up more actively, transferring some of the heat to the water supply.

2. Duothermal - consists of two tubular heat exchangers that transfer heat to both systems. This contributes to more rational use energy, but reduces the heating rate. The disadvantage of this type is the formation of lime deposits on the copper surface, which requires more frequent cleaning.

Heating gas units differ in the nature of burner operation:

  • with turbocharging - in them high speed heating, but high consumption gas;
  • on natural draft - more economical, but the water reaches the set temperature somewhat slower.

Popular models of gas boilers with two circuits

Among other analogues, Ariston wall-mounted gas boilers have earned popularity among consumers. They work stably even in conditions poor quality water and voltage surges. To further protect the heat exchanger from contamination, a water filter should be installed. If operating temperature adjust within 60°C, scale growth on the inner walls of the coil is reduced. Equipment is protected from voltage surges using a stabilizer.

1. Ariston Clas 24 CF double-circuit boiler.

Its power is 24 kW. The efficiency is 92%. There are two separate heat exchangers, circulation pump, increased expansion tank, hydraulics are equipped with hidden fittings. Both circuits are protected from freezing and scale build-up, and the pump and three way valve protected from sticking.

In the “Automatic” mode, the operation of the unit is optimized according to the weather outside the building, economically providing comfortable conditions in the house. It is possible to receive hot water within 5 seconds - for this there is a “Comfort” mode, which ensures a constant supply of water to the hot water supply. The operating parameters of the circuits are reflected on the display.

Cost – 78,500 rubles.

2. Ariston BS 15ff boiler.

With two heat exchangers, expansion tank and circulation pump. The power of the heating circuit is 15 kW (this is enough for a house with an area of ​​240 m2). Coefficient useful action – 90 %.

The boiler efficiently heats the house even in conditions frosty winter(up to 50 °C). The hot water temperature varies between 35-85 degrees. The equipment is controlled extremely simply: two regulators located at the bottom of the panel. The current temperature is displayed on the indicator. The boiler is automatically protected from scale and freezing, the copper heat exchanger is covered protective layer, preventing the formation of salt deposits. There is also a self-diagnosis function.

Price – 29,000 rubles.

3. Wall-mounted gas boilers Ariston Egis Plus 24FF (power 24 kW) are used for heating homes in winter frosts, typical for Russia. Equipment efficiency is 94%.

The design includes an expansion tank, a circulation pump and separate heat exchangers, so the boiler reacts less to water quality. Pulse sources The power supplies installed on the boards allow the equipment to operate in 170-260V mode (a stabilizer is optional for this model). Filters are installed in the circuits mechanical cleaning water. The panel has a digital display.

Like the above model, Ariston Egis Plus is protected from freezing, scale formation, and pump blocking. The main coil, made of copper, has a protective coating, and a stainless steel tube is used for the hot water heat exchanger. The design provides for connection room thermostat and a digital thermostat-programmer.

Price – 30,000 rubles.

On this moment the most in an economical way heating is a heating device based on the processing of liquefied or natural fuel by a gas boiler. The “heart” of this system is a gas boiler. This is a device for obtaining thermal energy for heating and hot water supply during the combustion of gaseous fuel.

The Ariston gas boiler was made in Italy, but during its development all Russian realities were taken into account - low gas pressure, power surges in the network, contaminated water and very Cold winter. In other words, Italian engineers took into account all the potential dangers and made truly high-quality equipment.

General technical specifications

All models of heating equipment from Ariston are equipped with almost the same functions, regardless of the type and cost of the equipment. There are some minor differences in the design of the unit, its size and purpose.

Each Ariston gas boiler has a convenient function - “auto”. The sensor is responsible for the temperature in the room. The intelligent device will independently control the temperature regime and select optimal value based on temperature indicators in the house and outside.

It is also worth noting other common specifications that Ariston boilers have:

  • Built-in automatic air vent to eliminate accumulated air in the system.
  • Protection against freezing, scale and contamination of the circulation pump.
  • Semi-automatic make-up for the primary circuit.

All the lineup equipped with good sound insulation, thanks to which the operation of the unit is practically inaudible.

The manufacturer took care of installing high-quality thermal insulation that protects the equipment from low temperatures.

IN included instruction manual and menu.

All information documents are provided in Russian, which greatly simplifies working with the unit, since if the heating system malfunctions, you will not have to contact specialists; you just need to study the manual and identify the cause of the malfunction.

The warranty on an Ariston gas boiler is only two years, if it is a condensing type - three years. On average, the dimensions of the system are 700x420x600mm, which is slightly larger than those of competing companies.

Newer models have convenient system management. With it, you can set certain parameters remotely. The devices are also equipped with automatic diagnostics; as a result of its operation, an error code can be identified, the decoding of which will be prompted by the operating instructions.

VIDEO: Ariston Genus EVO wall-mounted boilers

Types of heating system

There is a wall-mounted Ariston gas boiler and a floor-standing one. The first has compact dimensions, a copper heat exchanger (in rare cases, steel), the package includes all the necessary piping elements, functions automatic settings microclimate and modulating burner. The unit is installed on flat surface walls.

Wall-mounted gas boilers are considered more sensitive to unstable pressure in the gas supply and water supply.

The equipment is made from cast iron material, has a large weight, dimensions, good service life, is adapted to Russian weather conditions and has a power of up to 64 kW, which is enough to heat a building with an area of ​​up to 500 sq.m.

Wall-mounted gas boiler with built-in storage two-section boiler made of of stainless steel for 40 liters Ariston

The floor-standing device is quite “capricious” in relation to control temperature conditions.

By functional features gas systems are divided into:

  • Single-circuit, which are based only on heating the room.
  • Double-circuit - designed to heat the house and supply hot water. When supplying water automatic system The unit closes the primary circuit valve, and directs all the power to heat the water. The Ariston double-circuit gas boiler will serve as a good solution for two basic life support functions at once - heat and hot water supply.

By type of burner and draft:

Boiler series

The company's official website provides a catalog with three main lines of Ariston gas boilers.

Gas boiler Ariston Genus

The double-circuit wall-mounted unit is equipped with two heat exchangers, one made of copper, the other steel, an LCD display, a remote control and a power from 24 kW to 35.

The Ariston gas boiler of the Genus modification has two subtypes:

  • Model Ariston Genus-Evo - two-circuit view devices having a closed and open combustion chamber.
  • Premium - condensing type equipment with high efficiency. Often used for heating industrial rooms.

Small double-circuit heating systems Clas have automated functionality settings, several levels of water supply filtration and an expansion tank with a volume of up to 8 liters.

ARISTON CLAS X 24 FF, price 36,400 rub.

  • Evo - modification is capable of performing Auto, Info plus tasks. The unit is equipped with a closed combustion chamber with a power of 28 kW, and an open combustion chamber with a power of 24 kW.
  • Clas B is a two-circuit system with the ability to connect a directly indirect type of water heating boiler.
  • Premium Evo - condensing type with functions "Auto", "Info +" bs 24 ff and 30.
  • Premium series - condensing heating system without additions.

The devices have the smallest dimensions, weight, low productivity and economical fuel consumption. Users especially highlight the Egis Plus model. According to the operating instructions, the Plus series prepares water using a heat exchanger made of steel, and the coolant is heated using a copper heat exchanger.

Ariston EGIS PLUS 24 FF

The unit is adapted to bad weather conditions and is designed for critical frosts. Even at a temperature of -50°C, the unit does not show any delays, problems or other malfunctions.

Operating instructions and equipment components

All information about installing equipment is contained in the operating instructions. It describes in detail in Russian the rules for installing an Ariston gas boiler.

The device often includes the following components:

  • Equipment;
  • Fastening elements;
  • Union;
  • Dowels, rings;
  • Operating and maintenance instructions.

The chimney is purchased separately.

Reviews, price, pros and cons

Based on heating equipment market statistics, Ariston equipment can be classified as average price category. Prices for devices vary between 29,000-65,000 rubles.

Consumers highlight several main advantages and disadvantages of boilers:

Mandatory measures before putting the boiler into operation:

  • checking the fluid pressure in the system;
  • checking gas pressure;
  • testing the automation.

Any gas equipment must be serviced by qualified personnel. It is recommended to conclude a service agreement and check all systems once a year.

Boiler malfunctions are mainly associated with installation errors and a drop in water pressure. Common problem- in the shower the water begins to alternate from hot to cold and back again. With sufficient pressure in the pipes, this problem can be solved.

VIDEO: Autonomous heating. Malfunctions and repairs of the gas boiler "ARISTON"

The most economical way to heat a home today is considered to be a heating system in which the fuel is liquefied or natural gas. The “heart” of this complex is a gas boiler. One of the leaders in the heating equipment market is the diversified Italian company Ariston. The assortment is huge, optimal choice Not only advice from an experienced seller will help you, but also reviews about the Ariston wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler.

Device and classification

Based on the installation method, there are floor-mounted and wall structures. The first ones are placed on a solid base or a special stand. They are produced with a cast iron or steel heat exchanger, have significant weight and dimensions, long term operation, but are quite capricious regarding operating temperature conditions. The latter are supplied with a copper heat exchanger (less commonly made of stainless steel), are compact, and are equipped with all necessary elements strapping. But they are more sensitive to pressure in the gas and water supply system.

According to functionality, Ariston gas boilers are divided into:

  • Single-circuit, providing only heating.
  • Double-circuit, combining a heating system with hot water supply (DHW). As a rule, priority is given to the second circuit, that is, if the tap is turned on, the boiler automation closes the valve and uses all the power to heat the water.

By type of traction:

  • With an open chamber and natural draft - air is taken from the room in which the boiler is installed, and combustion products are removed by ventilation.
  • With a closed combustion chamber and forced draft (turbo) - air supply and exhaust are carried out from the street using built-in fans.

When choosing a boiler for your home, the brand is of no small importance. Here it is better to trust serious manufacturers with a good reputation, a guarantee of at least 3 years and an extensive network of service centers. One such brand is Ariston.

Review of Ariston double-circuit boilers

The Ariston company was founded back in 1930 and specialized in the production weighing equipment. Since the 60s of the last century, the organization registered its name as trademark. Several years ago, a reorganization was carried out, so household appliances are produced under the Hotpoint-Ariston brand, owned by Indesit Company SpA. And the famous heating structures under the Ariston brand are produced directly by Ariston Thermo, which is part of the large transnational concern Merloni TermoSanitari SpA. The country of origin of Ariston heating systems is Italy, Fabiani.

Most in demand wall-mounted boilers Ariston double-circuit type. Buyers are attracted by the presentable and strict appearance, compactness, ease of operation and maintenance, noiselessness and efficiency. In addition, all devices provide an impressive safety group: protection against overheating, freezing, scale formation, flame modulation, etc.

Water heating with a gas water heater from Ariston operates even in the case of low gas pressure - up to 5 mbar. Can be used as a coolant plain water– the circuit has 1-3 mechanical cleaning filters. Or special liquids from the same manufacturer are used.

The characteristics of Ariston gas floor-standing boilers are slightly inferior to their wall-mounted “brothers”, but, nevertheless, impressive: cast-iron durable heat exchanger, high performance, adaptability to Russian conditions, power – up to 64 kW, which is more than enough to heat a house with an area of ​​up to 500 sq. m.

Ariston Thermo produces gas boilers in 5 main series:

Wall-mounted gas double-circuit boilers 24 kW with Info function. They are distinguished by their compactness, relatively low weight, and are equipped with 2 separate heat exchangers made of copper and stainless steel, a unique hydraulic group made of composite, and two filters for each circuit. Capable of operating at ultra-low temperatures – down to -52 °C. The price of the heating boiler Ariston EGIS PLUS 24 CF is 31,000 rubles.

According to buyers, the model is small in size and economical.

“We have been using the Ariston boiler for 3 years. The first thing we assessed was the control system. Clear, simple, excellent analogue knobs that make it easy to set the required values. When work was carried out on the gas pipeline, the boiler did not notice this - indeed effective protection from pressure changes."

Alexey Verkhovtsev, Moscow.


Wall-mounted boilers with a power of up to 35 kW of the Comfort subseries. They have efficiency group 4, economy class A - energy saving up to 35%. Full description gas systems We won’t show Ariston with a closed camera, but a short tour of the capabilities is impressive:

  • heat exchangers for hot water supply and heating are separate;
  • logically simple controls and impressive design;
  • 3 ultra-precise temperature sensors;
  • electronic water pressure sensor;
  • 3 filters - in circuits, on the make-up line and much more.

The cost of a gas heating boiler GENUS EVO 30 FF is 45,000 rubles. According to user reviews, Ariston products are worth the money spent on their purchase.

“Not right away, but I decided to buy a Genius gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber. I liked the performance indicators and economical energy consumption. Powerful, yet easy to install and connect. The advantages are low noise level from the fan, good display and intuitive controls.”

Evgeny Semin, Moscow.

Ariston wall-mounted single-circuit gas boiler of the CLAS SYSTEM series for a private home with a power of up to 32 kW with AUTO, INFO PLUS functions, as well as the ability to cascade connect up to 8 identical devices. The device is resistant to changes in pressure and voltage, and comes complete with a pump that has automatic two-stage speed control. Maximum temperature heating – up to +82 °C. The price of gas boilers is from 30,000 rubles.

User reviews of the Ariston CLAS 24 FF are positive. They note its stability and the presence of service centers in almost all cities of the Russian Federation.

“As it turned out, the Ariston Class System boiler works stably in all weather conditions, water pressure and gas pressure - there are always problems in our area. In addition, it is very easy to connect a boiler to it indirect heating– this significantly saves gas and electricity. I like that there is self-diagnosis - I run it every few months to check.”

Georgy Sleptsov, Kostroma.

Floor single-circuit boilers Ariston with a heat exchanger made of gray cast iron (24-64 kW). They operate on all types of gas, the housing is thermally insulated, and it is possible to connect an external storage boiler. For safety, 24-31 kW models have a built-in draft tipper; 55 and 64 kW units have an external one. When the pressure in the line decreases, they are able to operate without reducing power. To purchase an Ariston UNOBLOC G 45 RI gas boiler will cost from 57,000 rubles.

Customer reviews of the Ariston floor series indicate its reliability and functionality.

“I installed a compact and efficient gas Ariston Uniblock. I attracted attention because it is easy to operate, efficient, ignition is smooth, without annoying clicks. During operation, it practically does not require attention except for mandatory scheduled maintenance.”

Igor Merkulov, Pyatigorsk.

Economy-class wall-mounted double-circuit boilers with a power of up to 24 kW, easy to control and operate, are recommended for use in apartment heating and DHW in multi-storey buildings. They operate at reduced pressure levels in water and gas supply lines. For this purpose, a function of continuous electronic modulation of the burner flame and a complete safety group are provided. The cost of devices is from 32,000 rubles.

According to reviews, the Ariston BS 24 FF gas boiler is relatively inexpensive, has good speed heating and significantly reduces utility bills.

“When we installed the Ariston BS 24 gas boiler, the cost of paying for housing and communal services decreased by almost 2 times. Convenient, does not take up much space, adjustment is simple and understandable even for a child. In the second year of operation, the three-way valve failed, but it was replaced quite quickly under warranty.”

Renat Mirzakarimov, Novokuibyshevsk.

A summary of the characteristics of Ariston gas boilers is presented in the table below.

ModelPeculiaritiesPrice, rub
power, kWtDHW capacity, l/mint hot waterDimensions, cmWeight, kg
CLAS EVO SYSTEM 15FF16,5 77 x 40 x 31.530 30 500
CLAS 24 FF NG24,2 16,2 82°C77 x 40 x 31.531 45 000
EGIS 24 FF NG25,8 13,6 60°C77 x 40 x 31.530 50 000
EGIS PLUS 24 CF25,8 13,6 60°C77 x 40 x 31.530 31 000
GENUS Evo 30 CF29,5 15,8 82°C77 x 40 x 31.530 44 000
GENUS EVO 30 FF30 15,8 82°C77 x 40 x 31.530 45 000
CLAS PREMIUM EVO 35 HP31 14,4 60°C77 x 40 x 31.530 56 000
UNOBLOC G 45 RI ME45 82°C85 x 60 x 68155 57 000

How to choose an Ariston speaker?

The primary criterion for choosing an Ariston gas boiler is power. The indicator characterizes the amount of heat generated that compensates for standard energy leaks through the enclosing surfaces of the house. To do this, the approximate heat loss of housing per day, the total area of ​​the heated room, the required amount of thermal fluid and some other points are calculated. On the Internet there are many online calculators and sites specializing in heating and heat conservation.

Next, the type of Ariston gas boiler is selected depending on the conditions: if the space of a private house allows, then it is better to make a separate boiler room for powerful floor-standing equipment with an open combustion chamber. For small apartments with no chimney, a wall-mounted compact boiler with a closed firebox and an external chimney pipe is suitable. Be sure to check with the store for the availability of service centers. This will greatly facilitate and speed up warranty and post-warranty service.

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