Saudi Dynasty. Where do they come from and what is their actual origin?

Part one

Excerpt from, researched and contributed by Muhammad Saher, who was killed by order of the Saudi regime for the following research:

1. Do the Saudi family members belong to the Anza bin Wayel tribe as they claim?

2. Is Islam their actual religion?

3. Are they really of Arab origin? The following facts call into question all the claims of the Saudi family and refute all the false statements made by the hypocrites who sold themselves to this family and distorted the true history of the Saudi family. I mean journalists and historians who, due to large funding, have a forged and altered genealogy of this family, and that our greatest Prophet Muhammad (SAW) allegedly stated that the Saudis are evidence of the power of Allah on Earth. And it is absolutely clear that this flattery is intended to justify the crime and autocracy of the Saudis and that it guarantees the stability of their rule and is the basis of their oppressive regime, which is an extreme form of dictatorship and completely compromises our great religion of Islam.

The very concept of monarchy is unacceptable in our religion of Islam, in the Holy Quran, because it places power in one person and in members of his family, suppressing the people and drowning out the voices of any “opposition” opposing royal despotism and dictatorial rules. And kings are condemned in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “Kings, entering a (foreign) country, destroy and ruin it, and deprive the noblest of its inhabitants of respect and honor - this is what (all) kings do” (Sura an-Naml, 27 Meccan , verse 34. Koran. Translation of meanings and comments. Imam Valery Porokhov).

Despite this, the Saudi family ignores the Quranic verses and falsely claims that they are the strictest adherents of the Holy Quran: under their strict supervision, radio and television programs are aired using the Quranic verses to protect their system. At the same time, the publication of other verses in the press is strictly prohibited, because printing and reading them can affect their throne!

Who are the Saudis? Where are they from? What is their ultimate goal?

Members of the Ibn Saud family are well aware that Muslims around the world know their Jewish origins. Muslims are aware of all their bloody deeds in the past and the ruthless, oppressive cruelty of the present. Currently, they are trying in every possible way to hide their Jewish origin and, hiding behind the religion of Islam, they are beginning to invent their genealogy, trying to lead it to our most precious Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

They have completely forgotten or are completely ignoring the fact that Islam has never attached importance to genealogy or the “Family Tree”; here respect and honor are given to all people without exception, if their actions correspond to the principles proclaimed in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “O people! We created you from (a couple): husband and wife, and created from you (family) clans and (different) nations, so that you could know each other. After all, the most honorable before Allah is the one who becomes the most righteous of all of you. Verily, Allah is all-knowing and knows everything about everything!” (Sura al-Hujurat, 49, Medina, verse 13).

Anyone who is unjust and greedy cannot be close to our Prophet Muhammad (SAW), even if he is a close relative to him. Bilyal, an Abyssinian slave who was a true Muslim, is much more respected in Islam than the pagan Abu Lahab, who was a blood relative (uncle) of our Prophet (DBAR). There is no preference for people in Islam. Allah gives degrees of comparison in Islam according to a person's piety and not his origin or belonging to any dynasty.

Who is the actual founder of the Saudi dynasty?

In 851 AH, a group of people from the al-Masalih clan, which is a clan of the Anza tribe, equipped a caravan to purchase grains (wheat) and other food products from Iraq and transport them to Najd. The leader of the caravan was a man named Sahmi bin Haslul. The caravan arrived in Basra, where the caravan went to a grain merchant, a Jew named Mordachai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe. During the negotiations, the Jew asked them: “Where are you from?” They replied: “From the tribe of Anza from the clan of al-Masaleh.” Hearing this, the Jew began to warmly hug each of those who came, saying that he, too, was from the clan of al-Masaleh, but he lived in Basra because of a quarrel between his father and some members of the Anza tribe.

After he told the story he had invented, he ordered his servants to load a much larger quantity of food goods onto the camels; this act seemed so generous that representatives of the al-Masaleh clan were very surprised and were overcome with pride for their relative, who managed to become a successful merchant in Iraq; they believed his every word and agreed with him, because he was a very rich grain merchant, which they so needed (this is how the Jew began to call himself a representative of the Arab family al-Masaleh).

When the caravan was ready to depart, the Jew asked to be taken with him because he really wanted to visit his homeland of Najd. Hearing his request, the caravan workers happily agreed to take him with them.

Thus, the Jew reached Najd secretly. In Najd, through his supporters, whom he presented as his relatives, he began to diligently promote himself. But, unexpectedly, he faced opposition from supporters of the Muslim preacher of the al-Qasim area, Sheikh Salikh Salman Abdullah al-Tamimi. The Jew (the true ancestor of the ibn Saud family) preached in the territories of Najd, Yemen and Hijaz, going from al-Qasim to al-Isha, on the way to al-Qatif he changed his name from Mordahai to Marwan bin Diriyah and began to invent stories about our shield Prophet Muhammad (SAW), that it was taken as a trophy from an Arab pagan during the Battle of Uhud between Arab pagans and Muslims. He said that “this shield was sold by an Arab pagan to the Jewish tribe of Banu Kunayqa, who kept it as a treasure.” Gradually, by telling similar stories to the Bedouins, he increased the authority of the Jewish tribes as very influential. He decided to settle permanently in the town of Diriyah in the area of ​​al-Qatif, which he considered as the basis, a springboard for the creation of a Jewish state in Arabia.

To achieve such ambitious plans, he began to become very close to the Bedouins and in the end he declared himself their ruler!

At the same time, the Azhaman tribe, in alliance with the Banu Khalid tribe, realizing its essence and the fact that the insidious plan drawn up by this Jew was beginning to produce results, decided to destroy it. They attacked his city and captured it, but were unable to capture the Jew, who had taken refuge from his enemies...

This Jewish ancestor of the Saudi dynasty, Mordachai, hid in a farm that at that time was called al-Malibed-Usaybab near al-Aridah, the current name of the area is al-Riyadh

He asked for refuge from the owner of this land. The owner was a very hospitable man and allowed the Jew to stay. Less than a month had passed since the Jew killed all the family members of the owner of the farm, hiding the traces of his crimes and making it appear as if the thieves who had entered here had destroyed the family. He then announced that he had purchased these lands before the death of the former owner and remained to live there. He renamed the area, giving it the name ad-Diriyah, just like the area he lost.

This Jewish ancestor (Mordakhai) of the Ibn Saud dynasty built a guest house called “Madafa” on the lands of his victims and gathered around him a group of his minions, the most hypocritical people who began to persistently say that he was a prominent Arab leader. The Jew himself began to plot against Sheikh Salikh Salman Abdullah al-Tamimi, his true enemy, who was subsequently killed in the mosque of the city of al-Zalafi.

After this, he felt safe and made ad-Diriyah his permanent residence. He had a lot of wives who gave him a huge number of children. He gave all his children Arabic names.

Since that time, the number of his descendants has increased, which made it possible to create a large Saudi clan, following his path, controlling the Arab tribes and clans. They ruthlessly took away agricultural land and physically eliminated those who disobeyed. They used all kinds of deception and deceit to achieve their goals, they offered their women, money in order to attract as many people as possible to their side. They were especially zealous with historians and writers in order to forever obscure their Jewish origin and connect it with the original Arab tribes of Rabia, Anza and al-Masaleh.

One of the most famous hypocrites of our time - Muhammad Amin al-Tamimi - Director of the modern Library of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia compiled a family tree for the Jewish Saudi family and connected them with the Greatest Prophet Muhammad (SAW). For this fictitious work, he received a reward of 35 thousand Egyptian pounds from the KSA ambassador in Cairo, Egypt, in 1362 Hijri - 1943. The ambassador's name is Ibrahim al-Fadel.

As mentioned above, the Jewish ancestor of the Saudis (Mordachai) practiced polygamy, marrying a huge number of Arab women and, as a result, having a large number of children; his descendants are now repeating the actions of their ancestor exactly increasing their power - taking in numbers.

One of Mordachai's sons, whose name was al-Marakan, is an Arabized form of the Hebrew name Makren, the eldest son was called Muhammad, and the other was called Saud, whose name is now the Saudi dynasty.

The descendants of Saud (the Saudi dynasty) began to kill prominent Arab figures, under the pretext that they had moved away from Islam, violated the Koranic injunctions, and thereby incurred the wrath of the Saudis.

In the Book of History of the Saudi Dynasty on pages 98-101, their family historian claims that the Saudis considered all the inhabitants of Najd to be apostates, so they were allowed to shed their blood, seize property, and the Saudis could turn their women into concubines, like captives. Muslims who did not share the views of the Saudi ideologist - Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab (also has Jewish roots from Turkey) were subject to complete destruction. Using this as a cover, the Saudis killed men, stabbed children, ripped open the wombs of pregnant women, raped, robbed and massacred entire villages. And they took the teachings of the Wahhabi sect as the basis for their cruel program, which allowed them to destroy dissidents.

This disgusting Jewish dynasty in every possible way patronizes the Wahhabi sect, who allow violence in cities and villages under the guise of Islam. This Jewish dynasty has been committing lawlessness since 1163 AH, since they named the Arabian Peninsula after themselves (Saudi Arabia) and consider the entire region to be their property, and its people are servants and slaves of the dynasty who must work for the benefit of their owners (the dynasty Saudis).

They have completely appropriated natural resources and consider them their property. If someone asks questions that are inconvenient for the dynasty or begins to protest against the despotism of the Jewish dynasty, his head is publicly cut off in the square. The Saudi princess once visited Florida, USA with her courtiers, she rented 90 luxury rooms at the Grand Hotel at a total cost of about US$1 million per night. Might the subjects wonder what this extravagant escapade is? If anyone asks such a question, he will immediately be punished by the Saudi sword in the execution square!!!

Witnesses of the Jewish origins of the Saudi dynasty

In the 1960s, the Saut al-Arab radio station in Cairo, Egypt and the Yemeni radio station in Sana'a confirmed the Jewish origins of the Saudi dynasty on air.

King Faisal al-Saud at the time could not deny his family's close relationship with the Jews when he stated in an interview with the Washington Post on September 17, 1969: "We, the Saudi dynasty, are relatives (cousins) of the Jews: we do not share the point of view of the Arabs or Muslims in general on the Jewish issue... we must live in peace and harmony. Our country (Arabia) is the ancestral home of the first Jew and it was from here that they spread throughout the world.” This was the statement of King Faisal al-Saud bin Abdulaziz!!!

Hafez Wahbi, a Saudi legal adviser, mentioned in his book entitled "The Arabian Peninsula" that King Abdul Aziz al-Saud, who died in 1953, said: "Our activities (Saudi propaganda) encountered opposition from all Arab tribes. My grandfather is Saud al-Awwal once imprisoned several sheikhs of the Maziir tribe, and when another group of the same tribe came to intercede for the prisoners, asking for release, as Saud al-Awwal ordered his people to cut off the heads of all the prisoners, and invited those who came to taste dishes from his boiled meat victims, whose severed heads he placed on dishes! The petitioners were very frightened and refused to eat the flesh of their relatives, and because of their refusal to eat, he ordered his people to cut off their heads as well. This heinous crime was committed on the orders of the Saudi ruler. to people whose only guilt was the condemnation of his cruel methods and extreme despotism.

Hafez Wahbi further says that King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud told a bloody story that the sheikhs of the Mazeer tribe who visited his grandfather to intercede for their prominent leader of the time, Faisal Al Darwish, who was a prisoner in the king's prison. He told the story of them in order to prevent them from asking for the release of their leader, otherwise they would suffer the same fate. He killed the sheikh and used his blood as a liquid for ablution before performing prayer (not prohibited by the doctrine of the Wahhabi sect). Faisal Darwish's guilt was that he criticized King Abdulaziz al-Saud when the king signed a document prepared by the British authorities in 1922, in which the British authorities declared the granting of the lands of Palestine to the Jews, his signature was affixed at the Al Aqira conference in 1922

This was and remains the basis of this regime of the Jewish family (Saudi dynasty). The main goal of which is: plunder of the country's wealth, robbery, falsification, all types of atrocities, lawlessness and blasphemy. Everything was done in accordance with their religious beliefs - a fictitious Wahhabi sect that legalizes all these atrocities and has absolutely nothing in common with Islam.

The death on Friday night of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, considered a supporter of “cosmetic reforms,” caused a lot of responses and a slight increase, for the first time in a very long time, in oil prices on world markets. However, this demise is unlikely to lead to significant democratic reforms and changes in both the domestic and foreign policies of this ultra-conservative kingdom, which owns more than 20 percent of all oil reserves on Earth and the main Islamic spiritual shrines, revered by more than one billion five hundred million Muslims of the world .

King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who had been in hospital for the past few weeks due to pneumonia, died in the capital Riyadh at the age of 91 on January 23 at exactly 1 a.m. local time. Saudi Arabian state television reported this early Friday morning:

– His Highness Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and all members of the royal family, like the entire people, mourn the loss of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, who passed away from us at night.

"Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques", that is, the Holy Mosques Al-Haram in Mecca and the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, has been the official title of the Saudi monarchs since 1986. From now on, it belongs to the new king - as expected, the 79-year-old Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, rumored to suffer from dementia, Alzheimer's disease and recently suffered a stroke, ascended the throne.

King Abdullah was buried before sunset on January 23, in accordance with the Sunni ascetic tradition, according to which ostentatious displays of grief or sadness are a sin similar to idolatry. The body of the deceased, in a simple white shroud, was carried through the praying crowd on a carpet laid on a bier and then carried by male relatives to a cemetery in Riyadh, where he was buried in an unmarked grave without any ceremony. The country has not declared official mourning and flags at government buildings are not flown at half-mast. There were no spontaneous gatherings on the streets in connection with the death of the monarch. Government offices closed for the weekend on Friday and Saturday will reopen as usual on Sunday.

Saudi Arabia, one of the main members of OPEC, owns more than 20 percent of all world oil reserves, which, after the news of the death of King Abdullah, began to rise slightly in price at world auctions. At Asian trading, the price of WTI oil rose by almost two percent, above $47 per barrel. Brent oil prices rose by more than two percent, reaching almost $50 per barrel. However, economists at the International Energy Agency have already stated that under the new monarch Salman they do not expect any significant changes in Saudi Arabia’s oil policy. Riyadh has recently stubbornly refused to bow to pressure from some smaller oil-producing countries to cut output to stem falling prices, which have fallen 50 percent since June last year.

The late King Abdullah received only formal religious education in his youth. At first he was the mayor of the most sacred city for all Muslims in the world - Mecca. In 1962, Abdullah was appointed commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard - a position he remained in for nearly 50 years, despite being secretly ridiculed for his severe stutter. Abdullah officially ascended to the throne in 2005, but in fact he ruled since 1996, as his predecessor King Fahd was seriously ill. In one of his first throne decrees, Abdullah prohibited members of the royal family, which numbers about 7 thousand princes and princesses, from using the state treasury. He also abolished the traditional custom of kissing the royal hand, replacing it with a handshake.

After the emergence of al-Qaeda in the late 1990s, after the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, when 15 of the 19 hijackers turned out to be Saudi citizens, and, finally, after the rapid growth in the number of extremely radical militant groups in In a kingdom that has always been dominated by ultra-conservative Salafi ideology, the ruling family has come to believe that religious extremism threatens its own power.

“I expect from you and, I repeat, I expect this from everyone - if you know anything about anyone who, in your opinion, deviates from the path of true faith, uses it for their own purposes and promotes extremism, stop immediately these people and bring them to me personally! – stated King Abdullah in 2004.

During his reign, a noticeable split emerged in Saudi society between fundamentalists and modernizers, inspired by the examples of some neighboring Arab states. The “Arab Spring,” no less than Islamic radicalism, called into question the authority of the Saudi royal family and the monarchy, which has always claimed to be the “guarantor of stability” throughout the Near and Middle East. After the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the Saudis accused Western countries led by the United States of violating written and unwritten “allied obligations.” However, the emergence of a new global threat in the region, the radical Islamic State group, forced Riyadh to once again draw closer to the West and lead a coalition of Arab countries opposing extremists. However, Abdullah, despite numerous mutual assurances of strategic friendship between Saudi Arabia and Washington, has never allowed the United States to use his kingdom's soil, "sacred" to all Muslims, as a base for air strikes on targets in Afghanistan or Iraq.

US Secretary of State John Kerry, commenting on the death of the Saudi king, said that the United States has lost a friend, a courageous partner in the fight against extreme extremism and an influential supporter of the peace process in the Middle East. US Vice President Joe Biden will arrive in Riyadh in the coming days to express Washington's condolences to members of the royal family. For the sake of attending Abdullah’s funeral, many Muslim monarchs and leaders (mostly Sunnis) violated their plans - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and King Abdullah of Jordan left the economic forum in Davos, Switzerland, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan interrupted a major trip to East African countries.

Shiite Iran, Saudi Arabia's main rival in the Islamic world, also expressed its condolences. On Saturday, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif will fly to the Saudi capital - although relations between the two states are now extremely tense. In 2009, among the secret documents made public by Wikileaks was a diplomatic cable in which American diplomats quoted the late King Abdullah advising Washington to “quickly cut off the head of the snake,” that is, to attack Iran.

Former Israeli President in Davos Shimon Peres, noting the services of the deceased in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, recalls the plan proposed by Saudi Arabia in 2002 and approved by the League of Arab States - it provided for the recognition of Israel's right to exist in exchange for its withdrawal from all territories captured since 1967 :

– The death of His Majesty the Saudi King Abdullah is a great loss for the entire region and a blow to the peace process in the Middle East. He was an experienced leader and a wise monarch. And he found the courage, in very difficult times, to take the initiative and propose his peace plan. I can’t say that we were ready to accept all the points of this plan, but the very spirit of his message, the strength, will and wisdom he showed made a great impression on all of us.

According to Forbes magazine, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, the father of more than 30 children and the husband of dozens of wives (whom he often divorced so as not to break the rules and not have more than four wives at the same time), was one of the richest people in the world, with a personal fortune of more than $20 billion. Towards the end of his life, the king became, according to his circle, a supporter of “moderate reforms,” including the partial expansion of women’s rights and the weakening of government regulation in the economic sphere. After negotiations with clergy leaders in 2013, Abdullah, for the first time in the country's history, appointed 30 women members of the 150-seat Shura Council, which plays the role of an advisory quasi-parliament under the Saudi monarch, which he personally announced to his subjects:

“Since we do not intend to isolate the role of women in any aspect of the life of Saudi society, within the framework of Shariah regulations and after previously agreeing with the Council of Supreme Clerics, all members of which welcomed and supported our proposal, we made a number of decisions in this direction. The first of them is that from now on women will participate in the work of the Shura Council.

But no noticeable democratic changes took place in Saudi Arabia under the rule of King Abdullah. In 2012, the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch called Saudi Arabia a “kingdom of repression,” where the death penalty, extrajudicial arrests and torture of detainees continue to be used, political parties, civil society, independent media, freedom of speech and assembly are completely absent, the rights of foreign workers are violated and religious minorities.

In recent weeks, Saudi Arabia has come under fire around the world for the horrific sentence handed down to local writer, blogger and activist Raif Badawi. Previously, he was detained several times and accused of apostasy (for which there is only one sentence in the kingdom - the death penalty), but was acquitted. In 2012, Raif Badawi, who wrote that Islamic universities in Saudi Arabia had become "dens of deep terrorists", was arrested and found guilty in 2013 of "insulting Islam, ridiculing religious figures, undermining security, promoting liberal ideas and going beyond the bounds of obedience."

Raif Badawi was sentenced to seven years in prison and 600 lashes. In 2014, he was resentenced to 10 years in prison, a fine of one million reais (more than $260,000) and 1,000 strokes over 20 weeks, 50 every Friday. On January 9, 2015, in the square in front of the mosque in the city of Jeddah, in the presence of several hundred witnesses, he received the first 50 blows, after which the flogging was postponed indefinitely on the orders of a doctor “in accordance with Islamic regulations.” Amnesty International, which is fighting for Badawi's release and the overturn of a sentence described as "beyond cruel and indefensible even in Saudi Arabia, where state repression is commonplace," recognized the Saudi blogger as a "prisoner of conscience."

Saudi Dynasty. Where do they come from and what is their actual origin?

Part one

Excerpt from, researched and contributed by Muhammad Saher, who was killed by order of the Saudi regime for the following research:

1. Do the Saudi family members belong to the Anza bin Wayel tribe as they claim?

2. Is Islam their actual religion?

3. Are they really of Arab origin? ©

The following facts call into question all the claims of the Saudi family and refute all the false statements made by the hypocrites who sold themselves to this family and distorted the true history of the Saudi family. I mean journalists and historians who, due to large funding, have a forged and altered genealogy of this family, and that our greatest Prophet Muhammad (SAW) allegedly stated that the Saudis are evidence of the power of Allah on Earth. And it is absolutely clear that this flattery is intended to justify the crime and autocracy of the Saudis and that it guarantees the stability of their rule and is the basis of their oppressive regime, which is an extreme form of dictatorship and completely compromises our great religion of Islam.

The very concept of monarchy is unacceptable in our religion of Islam, in the Holy Quran, because it places power in one person and in members of his family, suppressing the people and drowning out the voices of any “opposition” opposing royal despotism and dictatorial rules. And kings are condemned in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “Kings, entering a (foreign) country, destroy and ruin it, and deprive the noblest of its inhabitants of respect and honor - this is what (all) kings do” (Sura an-Naml, 27 Meccan , verse 34. Koran. Translation of meanings and comments. Imam Valery Porokhov).

Despite this, the Saudi family ignores the Quranic verses and falsely claims that they are the strictest adherents of the Holy Quran: under their strict supervision, radio and television programs are aired using the Quranic verses to protect their system. At the same time, the publication of other verses in the press is strictly prohibited, because printing and reading them can affect their throne!

Who are the Saudis? Where are they from? What is their ultimate goal?

Members of the Ibn Saud family are well aware that Muslims around the world know their Jewish origins. Muslims are aware of all their bloody deeds in the past and the ruthless, oppressive cruelty of the present. Currently, they are trying in every possible way to hide their Jewish origin and, hiding behind the religion of Islam, they are beginning to invent their genealogy, trying to lead it to our most precious Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

They have completely forgotten or are completely ignoring the fact that Islam has never attached importance to genealogy or the “Family Tree”; here respect and honor are given to all people without exception, if their actions correspond to the principles proclaimed in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “O people! We created you from (a couple): husband and wife, and created from you (family) clans and (different) nations, so that you could know each other. After all, the most honorable before Allah is the one who becomes the most righteous of all of you. Verily, Allah is all-knowing and knows everything about everything!” (Sura al-Hujurat, 49, Medina, verse 13).

Anyone who is unjust and greedy cannot be close to our Prophet Muhammad (SAW), even if he is a close relative to him. Bilyal, an Abyssinian slave who was a true Muslim, is much more respected in Islam than the pagan Abu Lahab, who was a blood relative (uncle) of our Prophet (DBAR). There is no preference for people in Islam. Allah gives degrees of comparison in Islam according to a person's piety and not his origin or belonging to any dynasty.

Who is the actual founder of the Saudi dynasty?

In 851 AH, a group of people from the al-Masalih clan, which is a clan of the Anza tribe, equipped a caravan to purchase grains (wheat) and other food products from Iraq and transport them to Najd. The leader of the caravan was a man named Sahmi bin Haslul. The caravan arrived in Basra, where the caravan went to a grain merchant, a Jew named Mordachai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe. During the negotiations, the Jew asked them: “Where are you from?” They replied: “From the tribe of Anza from the clan of al-Masaleh.” Hearing this, the Jew began to warmly hug each of those who came, saying that he, too, was from the clan of al-Masaleh, but he lived in Basra because of a quarrel between his father and some members of the Anza tribe.

After he told the story he had invented, he ordered his servants to load a much larger quantity of food goods onto the camels; this act seemed so generous that representatives of the al-Masaleh clan were very surprised and were overcome with pride for their relative, who managed to become a successful merchant in Iraq; they believed his every word and agreed with him, because he was a very rich grain merchant, which they so needed (this is how the Jew began to call himself a representative of the Arab family al-Masaleh).

When the caravan was ready to depart, the Jew asked to be taken with him because he really wanted to visit his homeland of Najd. Hearing his request, the caravan workers happily agreed to take him with them.

Thus, the Jew reached Najd secretly. In Najd, through his supporters, whom he presented as his relatives, he began to diligently promote himself. But, unexpectedly, he faced opposition from supporters of the Muslim preacher of the al-Qasim area, Sheikh Salikh Salman Abdullah al-Tamimi. The Jew (the true ancestor of the ibn Saud family) preached in the territories of Najd, Yemen and Hijaz, going from al-Qasim to al-Isha, on the way to al-Qatif he changed his name from Mordahai to Marwan bin Diriyah and began to invent stories about our shield Prophet Muhammad (SAW), that it was taken as a trophy from an Arab pagan during the Battle of Uhud between Arab pagans and Muslims. He said that “this shield was sold by an Arab pagan to the Jewish tribe of Banu Kunayqa, who kept it as a treasure.” Gradually, by telling similar stories to the Bedouins, he increased the authority of the Jewish tribes as very influential. He decided to settle permanently in the town of Diriyah in the area of ​​al-Qatif, which he considered as the basis, a springboard for the creation of a Jewish state in Arabia.

To achieve such ambitious plans, he began to become very close to the Bedouins and in the end he declared himself their ruler!

At the same time, the Azhaman tribe, in alliance with the Banu Khalid tribe, realizing its essence and the fact that the insidious plan drawn up by this Jew was beginning to produce results, decided to destroy it. They attacked his city and captured it, but were unable to capture the Jew, who had taken refuge from his enemies...

This Jewish ancestor of the Saudi dynasty, Mordachai, hid in a farm that at that time was called al-Malibed-Usaybab near al-Aridah, the current name of the area is ar-Riyadh

He asked for refuge from the owner of this land. The owner was a very hospitable man and allowed the Jew to stay. Less than a month had passed since the Jew killed all the family members of the owner of the farm, hiding the traces of his crimes and making it appear as if the thieves who had entered here had destroyed the family. He then announced that he had purchased these lands before the death of the former owner and remained to live there. He renamed the area, giving it the name ad-Diriyah, just like the area he had lost.

This Jewish ancestor (Mordakhai) of the Ibn Saud dynasty built a guest house called “Madafa” on the lands of his victims and gathered around him a group of his minions, the most hypocritical people who began to persistently say that he was a prominent Arab leader. The Jew himself began to plot against Sheikh Salikh Salman Abdullah al-Tamimi, his true enemy, who was subsequently killed in the mosque of the city of al-Zalafi.

After this, he felt safe and made ad-Diriyah his permanent residence. He had a lot of wives who gave him a huge number of children. He gave all his children Arabic names.

Since that time, the number of his descendants has increased, which made it possible to create a large Saudi clan, following his path, controlling the Arab tribes and clans. They ruthlessly took away agricultural land and physically eliminated those who disobeyed. They used all kinds of deception and deceit to achieve their goals, they offered their women, money in order to attract as many people as possible to their side. They were especially zealous with historians and writers in order to forever obscure their Jewish origin and connect it with the original Arab tribes of Rabia, Anza and al-Masaleh.

One of the most famous hypocrites of our time, Muhammad Amin al-Tamimi, the Director of the modern Library of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, compiled a family tree for the Jewish Saudi family and connected them with the Greatest Prophet Muhammad (SAW). For this fictitious work, he received a reward of 35 thousand Egyptian pounds from the KSA ambassador in Cairo, Egypt, in 1362 Hijri - 1943. The ambassador's name is Ibrahim al-Fadel.

As mentioned above, the Jewish ancestor of the Saudis (Mordachai) practiced polygamy, marrying a huge number of Arab women and, as a result, having a large number of children; his descendants are now repeating the actions of their ancestor, exactly increasing their power - taking in numbers.

One of Mordachai's sons, whose name was al-Marakan, is an Arabized form of the Hebrew name Makren, the eldest son was called Muhammad, and the other was called Saud, whose name is now the Saudi dynasty.

The descendants of Saud (the Saudi dynasty) began to kill prominent Arab figures, under the pretext that they had moved away from Islam, violated the Koranic injunctions, and thereby incurred the wrath of the Saudis.

In the Book of History of the Saudi Dynasty on pages 98-101, their family historian claims that the Saudis considered all the inhabitants of Najd to be apostates, so they were allowed to shed their blood, seize property, and the Saudis could turn their women into concubines, like captives. Muslims who did not share the views of the Saudi ideologist - Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab (also has Jewish roots from Turkey) were subject to complete destruction. Using this as a cover, the Saudis killed men, stabbed children, ripped open the wombs of pregnant women, raped, robbed and massacred entire villages. And they took the teachings of the Wahhabi sect as the basis for their cruel program, which allowed them to destroy dissidents.

This disgusting Jewish dynasty in every possible way patronizes the Wahhabi sect, who allow violence in cities and villages under the guise of Islam. This Jewish dynasty has been committing lawlessness since 1163 AH, since they named the Arabian Peninsula after themselves (Saudi Arabia) and consider the entire region to be their property, and its people are servants and slaves of the dynasty who must work for the benefit of their owners (the dynasty Saudis).

They have completely appropriated natural resources and consider them their property. If someone asks questions that are inconvenient for the dynasty or begins to protest against the despotism of the Jewish dynasty, his head is publicly cut off in the square. The Saudi princess once visited Florida, USA with her courtiers, she rented 90 luxury rooms at the Grand Hotel at a total cost of about US$1 million per night. Might the subjects wonder what this extravagant escapade is? If anyone asks such a question, he will immediately be punished by the Saudi sword in the execution square!!!

Witnesses of the Jewish origins of the Saudi dynasty

In the 1960s, the Saut al-Arab radio station in Cairo, Egypt and the Yemeni radio station in Sana'a confirmed the Jewish origins of the Saudi dynasty on air.

King Faisal al-Saud at the time could not deny his family's close relationship with the Jews when he stated in an interview with the Washington Post on September 17, 1969: "We, the Saudi dynasty, are relatives (cousins) of the Jews: we do not share the point of view of the Arabs or Muslims in general on the Jewish issue... we must live in peace and harmony. Our country (Arabia) is the ancestral home of the first Jew and it was from here that they spread throughout the world.” This was the statement of King Faisal al-Saud bin Abdulaziz!!!

Hafez Wahbi, a Saudi legal adviser, mentioned in his book entitled "The Arabian Peninsula" that King Abdul Aziz al-Saud, who died in 1953, said: "Our activities (Saudi propaganda) encountered opposition from all Arab tribes. My grandfather is Saud al-Awwal once imprisoned several sheikhs of the Maziir tribe, and when another group of the same tribe came to intercede for the prisoners, asking for release, as Saud al-Awwal ordered his people to cut off the heads of all the prisoners, and invited those who came to taste dishes from his boiled meat victims, whose severed heads he placed on dishes! The petitioners were very frightened and refused to eat the flesh of their relatives, and because of their refusal to eat, he ordered his people to cut off their heads as well. This heinous crime was committed on the orders of the Saudi ruler. to people whose only guilt was the condemnation of his cruel methods and extreme despotism.

Hafez Wahbi further says that King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud told a bloody story that the sheikhs of the Mazeer tribe who visited his grandfather to intercede for their prominent leader of the time, Faisal Al Darwish, who was a prisoner in the king's prison. He told the story of them in order to prevent them from asking for the release of their leader, otherwise they would suffer the same fate. He killed the sheikh and used his blood as a liquid for ablution before performing prayer (not prohibited by the doctrine of the Wahhabi sect). Faisal Darwish's guilt was that he criticized King Abdulaziz al-Saud when the king signed a document prepared by the British authorities in 1922, in which the British authorities declared the granting of the lands of Palestine to the Jews, his signature was affixed at the Al Aqira conference in 1922

This was and remains the basis of this regime of the Jewish family (Saudi dynasty). The main goal of which is: plunder of the country's wealth, robbery, falsification, all types of atrocities, lawlessness and blasphemy. Everything was done in accordance with their religious beliefs - a fictitious Wahhabi sect that legalizes all these atrocities and has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East. And the country with the largest oil reserves. Unfortunately, ordinary residents do not get to enjoy oil money - it all ends up in the pockets of members of the ruling Saudi dynasty (Al Saud). The family is large: approximately 25,000 people. But “only” 2000 of them control all the power and all the wealth of the country. And what are they doing... As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

459 tons of luggage for a 9-day trip

84-year-old Alman ibn Abdul Aziz Al, the current king of Saudi Arabia, is a very rich man. It feels like money means nothing to him at all - he throws it away so easily. For example, in 2017, he needed to go on a visit to Indonesia for 9 days, so he ordered 459 tons of luggage to be taken with him. Why does he need 459 tons of luggage for 9 days? It is impossible to understand this. Yes, and what was included in the luggage? A sofa, a suitcase, a travel bag... In fact, a bunch of different equipment, including two Mercedes-Benz s600 limousines and two electric elevators. As if you couldn't find all this in Indonesia.

Game of the Saudi throne

Back in 1975, the people's favorite King Faisal ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud reigned. It was under him that oil production increased incredibly and enormous wealth appeared in the country. He invested in the modernization of the country, took care of the needs of the population, under him Saudi Arabia became the leader of the Muslim world and began to dictate its rules to all countries (using oil leverage).

On March 25, 1975, Faisal was shot and killed by his nephew, Prince Faisal ibn Musaid, who had returned to the country after studying at an American university. The prince approached the king, bent down for a kiss, pulled out a pistol and fired three times at point-blank range. He was found guilty of regicide and his head was cut off (although the dying King Faisal asked to spare his nephew). Faisal ibn Musaid Al Saud was beheaded with a blow from a gold-plated sword, after which his head was displayed on a wooden stake for 15 minutes for the crowd to see. These are the passions.

Hypocrisy and alcohol at parties

Consumption of alcohol in Saudi Arabia is prohibited and severely punished by law. Of course, if you belong to the royal family and you really want it, then you can do anything - including alcohol. People who worked at parties thrown by Saudi princes said that alcohol, drugs, and what not were in use there. The two-faced Al-Saids party at alcohol parties, and the next day they frantically and zealously talk about how important it is to comply with Sharia law.

Those who know too much are dealt with quickly and quietly by the Saudis.

In the next episode of “Game of the Saudi Throne” we will see how Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Fahd kidnaps his cousin Sultan ibn Turki because he wanted to tell the world the whole truth about the royal family. No joke, the Saudi royal family is corrupt to the extreme and, one might say, rotten from the inside. However, they have plenty of money and power to get rid of anyone stupid enough to open their mouth on this topic.

During a visit to Geneva in 2004, Prince Sultan bin Turki said that he was going to reveal the secret plans (or rather, evil intentions) of the Saudi government. The next day, his cousin Prince Abdul Aziz ordered Turki to be sent back to Saudi Arabia immediately. Sultan ibn Turki never again complained about the family or spoke about its crimes. After all, the one who talks a lot does not live long.

Execution of Princess Mishaal for loving the wrong person

In 1977, 19-year-old Saudi Princess Mishaal bint Fahd al Saud, the niece of then-King Khalid, was accused of adultery and executed. At the same time, her lover - the son of the kingdom's ambassador in Lebanon - was beheaded (the head was cut off with a saber and this was only possible with the fifth blow). The execution was supervised by the princess's own grandfather. So the Saudis can be very, very cruel to their own people.

Cocaine smuggling with impunity

It seems like the members of the royal family don’t have a lot of money anyway, why should they try to earn more, and at that in an illegal way? However, in 2004, Prince Nayef ibn Fowaz Al Shalaan tried to smuggle 2 tons of cocaine from Colombia to Europe in his private Boeing. He planned to launder the money through Kanz Bank (which he also owns).

In general, the plan was quite cunning, but it failed because the French police caught Nayef red-handed. But that's not the most interesting thing. When he was caught, the Al Sauds intervened and ordered France to release the prince. They even threatened to reject several important commercial deals with France if she did not comply. Therefore, Prince Nayef's accomplices are still rotting in prison, while the prince himself walks free and enjoys the sun of Saudi Arabia.

Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz killed his gay lover

When Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Nasir al Saud brutally murdered his gay lover at a luxury London hotel in 2010, his main concern at trial was to prove that he himself was not gay. After all, homosexuality in Saudi Arabia is one of the worst crimes and can be punishable by death.

According to police, before the fatal attack on his servant, the prince drank champagne, as well as six Sex on the Beach cocktails. This happened on February 14, when the couple celebrated Valentine's Day. Shortly before midnight, the lovers returned to the hotel, where they had an argument that ended in murder. Everything happened in the UK and it was impossible to wriggle out of court. The prince was sentenced to life imprisonment, but was soon sent to Saudi Arabia in exchange for five British men. There is no doubt that he is free.

“Kowtowling to the West” is a major crime

Residents of Saudi Arabia are required to obey all laws of their country, no matter how absurd or strict they may be. The main thing is to obey, pray and not try to adopt anything from the rotten West. Here's a typical example: In 2013, 21-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Khayal watched a YouTube video about a man who went out into the street and began offering random passers-by a hug - if they wanted one. Abdulrahman decided that this was a cool idea and that he should try to do the same at home, in Saudi Arabia. He wrote a “Hugs” poster, went out into the street with it and began hugging passers-by. Very soon he was arrested for criminal activities. What happened to him next is unknown. I would like to hope that he was not imprisoned, but released.

The Saudi Royal Family and Human Trafficking

Everything related to the world's oldest profession is, of course, prohibited in Saudi Arabia. And there's nothing special about it. However, it would be nice if members of the royal family also followed this law. But this, alas, is not the case.

For example, in Saudi Arabia it is illegal to celebrate Halloween due to its “un-Islamic” nature. But Prince Faisal Al-Thunayan threw a huge Halloween party at his residence. Approximately 150 men and women attended the party. With one single difference: the men came there of their own free will, and the women had no other choice. They were brought there to be sold.

And how did the royal family react when it turned out that Prince Faisal had broken several laws that night? But no way - they ignored the event. And they even threatened to kill anyone who spoke on this topic.

Media censorship

WikiLeaks has revealed the secrets of thousands of the world's most powerful people, including members of the ruling Al-Saud dynasty. Many have tried to fight WikiLeaks and somehow censor the information posted there, but no one has succeeded in this more than the Saudis. They simply banned WikiLeaks in their country. You can’t even pronounce the name of this organization if you don’t want problems.

Yes, we are talking about one of the richest countries in the world in the 21st century. There is simply no such thing as freedom of speech in Saudi Arabia. The royal family controls everything there. It is interesting that family members are not completely free: before doing anything, they must consult and ask permission from King Salman. He is still in charge.

Unpaid bills and inappropriate behavior

With their money they could probably buy up the whole world. But few of the large companies want to deal with them. Why? Yes, because it is not clear what to expect from these people. And also because these are the type of clients who do not always pay their bills. For example, Princess Maha al-Ibrahim refused to pay $1.5 million to a limousine rental company in Geneva (even though all the princess's demands were fully satisfied). Well, it only ended with the company representatives saying, “We are no longer working with this family for obvious reasons.” And there are plenty of such cases.

Royals get whatever job they want

In total, the Al-Saud family numbers 25-30 thousand people. And all the boys need to be assigned to the most prestigious jobs, so that they “earn” a lot of money and maintain the honor of the family. It is clear that they are taken without any interviews to wherever they want. Their knowledge and experience do not play any role. The surname is everything. It’s a pity for worthy people who cannot get a job because of this, and it’s a pity for a country in which inexperienced specialists are allowed to solve important issues.

Princes rob their people in every possible way

According to information from WikiLeaks, using their name, the princes receive money in various ways - for example, by borrowing from banks and not repaying the loans. Having learned from bitter experience, Saudi banks routinely reject loan requests from members of the royal family unless they have a good credit history.

Another favorite way of taking money is the confiscation of land on which it is planned to build something and which can be resold at a great profit. So when the royal offspring don't have enough money to party hardcore, they just go and borrow it from the banks or take it from the public.

Saudi Arabia and North Korea are twin brothers

Saudi Arabia is one of the most repressive regimes in the world. There are no elections, political parties or parliament. The country belongs to King Salman and his family. They can do whatever they want with complete impunity. The rest of the world is afraid to interfere and somehow try to limit the power of the Saudis, because Saudi Arabia is control over the distribution of oil. Everyone knows that people there have a hard time, but no one can do anything about it. When it comes to civil and political freedoms, Saudi Arabia is the worst country in the world and can only be compared with North Korea and a couple of African dictatorships.

Dancing can turn you gay in Saudi Arabia

Everyone in Saudi Arabia is afraid of the Islamic morality police “Hayaa”, which is supposedly supposed to protect the country and people from moral decay, etc. For example, moral guards once invaded the house of a local resident and found young people dancing there. Just. However, by Hayaa standards, these men were caught in “a compromising situation in the dance, making shameful gestures.” This definition was enough to arrest everyone immediately. Moreover, the parents of these “criminals” were told that they needed to better monitor their children “because this could lead to immorality and even homosexuality.” Well, you understand, right? If you dance, it means you're gay.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East. And the country with the largest reserves

Terrifying facts about the monarchs of Saudi Arabia

 10:15 June 12, 2017

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East. And the country with the largest oil reserves. Unfortunately, ordinary residents do not get to enjoy oil money - it all ends up in the pockets of members of the ruling Saudi dynasty (Al Saud).

The family is large: approximately 25,000 people. But “only” 2000 of them control all the power and all the wealth of the country. And what are they doing... As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

459 tons of luggage for a 9-day trip

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al, the current king of Saudi Arabia, is a very rich man. It feels like money means nothing to him at all - he throws it away so easily. For example, he recently needed to go on a visit to Indonesia for 9 days, so he ordered 459 tons of luggage to be taken with him. Why does he need 459 tons of luggage for 9 days? It is impossible to understand this. Yes, and what was included in the luggage? A sofa, a suitcase, a travel bag... In fact, a bunch of different equipment, including two Mercedes-Benz s600 limousines and two electric elevators. As if you couldn't find all this in Indonesia.

Game of the Saudi throne

Back in 1975, the people's favorite King Faisal ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud reigned. It was under him that oil production increased incredibly and enormous wealth appeared in the country. He invested in the modernization of the country, took care of the needs of the population, under him Saudi Arabia became the leader of the Muslim world and began to dictate its rules to all countries (using oil leverage).

On March 25, 1975, Faisal was shot and killed by his nephew, Prince Faisal ibn Musaid, who had returned to the country after studying at an American university. The prince approached the king, bent down for a kiss, pulled out a pistol and fired three times at point-blank range. He was found guilty of regicide and his head was cut off (although the dying King Faisal asked to spare his nephew). Faisal ibn Musaid Al Saud was beheaded with a blow from a gold-plated sword, after which his head was displayed on a wooden stake for 15 minutes for the crowd to see. These are the passions.

Hypocrisy and alcohol at parties

Consumption of alcohol in Saudi Arabia is prohibited and severely punished by law. Of course, if you belong to the royal family and you really want it, then you can do anything - including alcohol. People who worked at parties thrown by Saudi princes said that alcohol, drugs, and what not were in use there. The two-faced Al-Saids party at alcohol parties, and the next day they frantically and zealously talk about how important it is to comply with Sharia law.

Those who know too much are dealt with quickly and quietly by the Saudis.

In the next episode of “Game of the Saudi Throne” we will see how Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Fahd kidnaps his cousin Sultan ibn Turki because he wanted to tell the world the whole truth about the royal family. No joke, the Saudi royal family is corrupt to the extreme and, one might say, rotten from the inside. However, they have plenty of money and power to get rid of anyone stupid enough to open their mouth on this topic.

During a visit to Geneva in 2004, Prince Sultan bin Turki said that he was going to reveal the secret plans (or rather, evil intentions) of the Saudi government. The next day, his cousin Prince Abdul Aziz ordered Turki to be sent back to Saudi Arabia immediately. Sultan ibn Turki never again complained about the family or spoke about its crimes. After all, the one who talks a lot does not live long.

Execution of Princess Mishaal for loving the wrong person

In 1977, 19-year-old Saudi Princess Mishaal bint Fahd al Saud, the niece of then-King Khalid, was accused of adultery and executed. At the same time, her lover - the son of the kingdom's ambassador in Lebanon - was beheaded (the head was cut off with a saber and this was only possible with the fifth blow). The execution was supervised by the princess's own grandfather. So the Saudis can be very, very cruel to their own people.

Cocaine smuggling with impunity

It seems like the members of the royal family don’t have a lot of money anyway, why should they try to earn more, and at that in an illegal way? However, in 2004, Prince Nayef ibn Fowaz Al Shalaan tried to smuggle 2 tons of cocaine from Colombia to Europe in his private Boeing. He planned to launder the money through Kanz Bank (which he also owns).

In general, the plan was quite cunning, but it failed because the French police caught Nayef red-handed. But that's not the most interesting thing. When he was caught, the Al Sauds intervened and ordered France to release the prince. They even threatened to reject several important commercial deals with France if she did not comply. Therefore, Prince Nayef's accomplices are still rotting in prison, while the prince himself walks free and enjoys the sun of Saudi Arabia.

Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz killed his gay lover

When Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Nasir al Saud brutally murdered his gay lover at a luxury London hotel in 2010, his main concern at trial was to prove that he himself was not gay. After all, homosexuality in Saudi Arabia is one of the worst crimes and can be punishable by death.

According to police, before the fatal attack on his servant, the prince drank champagne, as well as six Sex on the Beach cocktails. This happened on February 14, when the couple celebrated Valentine's Day. Shortly before midnight, the lovers returned to the hotel, where they had an argument that ended in murder. Everything happened in the UK and it was impossible to wriggle out of court. The prince was sentenced to life imprisonment, but was soon sent to Saudi Arabia in exchange for five British men. There is no doubt that he is free.

“Kowtowling to the West” is a major crime

Residents of Saudi Arabia are required to obey all laws of their country, no matter how absurd or strict they may be. The main thing is to obey, pray and not try to adopt anything from the rotten West. Here's a typical example: In 2013, 21-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Khayal watched a YouTube video about a man who went out into the street and began offering random passers-by a hug - if they wanted one. Abdulrahman decided that this was a cool idea and that he should try to do the same at home, in Saudi Arabia. He wrote a “Hugs” poster, went out into the street with it and began hugging passers-by. Very soon he was arrested for criminal activities. What happened to him next is unknown. I would like to hope that he was not imprisoned, but released.

The Saudi Royal Family and Human Trafficking

Everything related to the world's oldest profession is, of course, prohibited in Saudi Arabia. And there's nothing special about it. However, it would be nice if members of the royal family also followed this law. But this, alas, is not the case.

For example, in Saudi Arabia it is illegal to celebrate Halloween due to its “un-Islamic” nature. But Prince Faisal Al-Thunayan threw a huge Halloween party at his residence. Approximately 150 men and women attended the party. With one single difference: the men came there of their own free will, and the women had no other choice. They were brought there to be sold.

And how did the royal family react when it turned out that Prince Faisal had broken several laws that night? But no way - they ignored the event. And they even threatened to kill anyone who spoke on this topic.

Media censorship

WikiLeaks has revealed the secrets of thousands of the world's most powerful people, including members of the ruling Al-Saud dynasty. Many have tried to fight WikiLeaks and somehow censor the information posted there, but no one has succeeded in this more than the Saudis. They simply banned WikiLeaks in their country. You can’t even pronounce the name of this organization if you don’t want problems.

Yes, we are talking about one of the richest countries in the world in the 21st century. There is simply no such thing as freedom of speech in Saudi Arabia. The royal family controls everything there. It is interesting that family members are not completely free: before doing anything, they must consult and ask permission from King Salman. He is still in charge.

Unpaid bills and inappropriate behavior

With their money they could probably buy up the whole world. But few of the large companies want to deal with them. Why? Yes, because it is not clear what to expect from these people. And also because these are the type of clients who do not always pay their bills. For example, Princess Maha al-Ibrahim refused to pay $1.5 million to a limousine rental company in Geneva (even though all the princess's demands were fully satisfied). Well, it only ended with the company representatives saying, “We are no longer working with this family for obvious reasons.” And there are plenty of such cases.

Royals get whatever job they want

In total, the Al-Saud family numbers 25-30 thousand people. And all the boys need to be assigned to the most prestigious jobs, so that they “earn” a lot of money and maintain the honor of the family. It is clear that they are taken without any interviews to wherever they want. Their knowledge and experience do not play any role. The surname is everything. It’s a pity for worthy people who cannot get a job because of this, and it’s a pity for a country in which inexperienced specialists are allowed to solve important issues.

Princes rob their people in every possible way

According to information from WikiLeaks, using their name, the princes receive money in various ways - for example, by borrowing from banks and not repaying the loans. Having learned from bitter experience, Saudi banks routinely reject loan requests from members of the royal family unless they have a good credit history.

Another favorite way of taking money is the confiscation of land on which it is planned to build something and which can be resold at a great profit. So when the royal offspring don't have enough money to party hardcore, they just go and borrow it from the banks or take it from the public.

Saudi Arabia and North Korea are twin brothers

Saudi Arabia is one of the most repressive regimes in the world. There are no elections, political parties or parliament. The country belongs to King Salman and his family. They can do whatever they want with complete impunity. The rest of the world is afraid to interfere and somehow try to limit the power of the Saudis, because Saudi Arabia is control over the distribution of oil. Everyone knows that people there have a hard time, but no one can do anything about it. When it comes to civil and political freedoms, Saudi Arabia is the worst country in the world and can only be compared with North Korea and a couple of African dictatorships.

Dancing can turn you gay in Saudi Arabia

Everyone in Saudi Arabia is afraid of the Islamic morality police “Hayaa”, which is supposedly supposed to protect the country and people from moral decay, etc. For example, moral guards once invaded the house of a local resident and found young people dancing there. Just. However, by Hayaa standards, these men were caught in “a compromising situation in the dance, making shameful gestures.” This definition was enough to arrest everyone immediately. Moreover, the parents of these “criminals” were told that they needed to better monitor their children “because this could lead to immorality and even homosexuality.” Well, you understand, right? If you dance, it means you're gay.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):