A citrus fruit like tangerine has a lot of fans. After eating the fruit, a lot of fragrant peel remains, which is a pity to throw away. I wonder what use it can be found at home or in the garden?

The benefits and harms of the peel

Citrus fruits are famous for their benefits, helping to strengthen the immune system and improve mood. Very often, lovers of tangerines dry the peels, but then do not use them. But in vain. After all, the benefits are not only in the pulp of the fruit, but also in its peel.

The peel contains a huge amount of different essential oils, all kinds of acids, antioxidants and other useful substances. Tangerine zest contains substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart. The beneficial properties of the peel help normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, help fight viral diseases, help fight obesity and reduce bad cholesterol levels. The zest can help during flu or cold, can be an excellent cough remedy and more.

Essential oils and vitamins contained in the peel help fight depression, low mood and chronic fatigue. The aroma of tangerine is often used during aromatherapy, as it has only a beneficial effect on the human body. In addition, this aromatherapy helps fight the flu and strengthens the immune system.

Also, the peel of the citrus fruit helps fight nail fungus, strengthens the nails and returns them to a healthy appearance. To do this, you just need to rub your nail plates with fresh peel for several days in a row and the nail fungus will disappear. In addition, a decoction of citrus peels helps restore shine and beauty to hair.

Due to its enormous benefits, this peel is used for making sachets, for preparing decoctions and drinks, for inhalation, or simply as a dietary supplement.

Of course, this product also has some contraindications. For example, excessive consumption of such crusts can lead to serious diseases such as ulcers or gastritis. You should not eat tangerine peel if you have high acidity, ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus or allergies to citrus fruits.

Women should not use this product during pregnancy and lactation. Also, you should not give infusions or decoctions with crusts to children under five years of age.

How to use peels in the garden?

Tangerine peels can also be used in the garden at your summer cottage. Using such peels in the garden will help control some pests. You can use both fresh and dried crusts. Just be sure to wash them with soap and water before using and drying them to remove harmful deposits. You can simply dry the peels in the sun by placing them on a board or paper. You can also use a special apparatus for drying vegetables, berries and fruits.

From aphids and ants

Every gardener or gardener is well acquainted with such a pest as aphids. Tangerine peel perfectly repels pests, preventing them from spoiling the harvest. To do this, it will be enough if you simply lay out the peels next to those plants on which aphids usually appear. You can also make a special citrus solution that will be convenient for spraying plants.

For one liter of boiling water you will need two hundred grams of dry or fresh tangerine peels. Leave the mixture to steep for three days. After this, the infusion should be carefully filtered and diluted with water. One liter of infusion is enough for five liters of clean water. You can also add soap shavings there and start spraying the plants. After this procedure, no pests will remain on the plants. This product is completely safe and environmentally friendly, so don’t be afraid to spray fruit trees with it.

In addition to aphids and other pests, trees are often attacked by crowds of ants. These small insects make paths and spoil crops. To prevent ant infestation, you can use tangerine peel. Make a thick paste from the fresh peel and coat the tree trunk with it.

If the peels are dry, you can pre-soak them and grind them in a blender with a small amount of water.

As a fertilizer

If we talk about tangerine peels as a fertilizer, then it is worth mentioning that they are capable of releasing large amounts of nitrogen. Gardeners are well aware that compost contains some amount of nitrogen. And to saturate the compost with this component even more, just add tangerine peels to it.

It's no secret that citrus peel contains a certain amount of sulfur, calcium and many other useful substances. All of them can benefit the soil. Tangerine peels will help saturate the soil with useful substances, which will contribute to a good harvest. Dried peels are also suitable for this fertilizer.

Methods of use at home

Our grandmothers used dried citrus peels as the most effective remedy for moths. To do this, you just need to lay out the crusts on the shelves in the closet and your winter clothes will be safely stored.

If you put a small candle in half of the peel and light it, it will replace the aroma lamp during a romantic dinner. You can also make a spray or air freshener that will not only fill your home with a pleasant aroma, but also get rid of mosquitoes. To do this, steep the crusts with plain water for 24 hours.

You can also use the peel as a cosmetic to cleanse pores. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse the peel, chop it and fill it with cold, purified water. In a day, the tangerine tonic will be ready. If you have dried peels in the house, you can grind them, add them to shower gel and you will get an excellent body scrub.

Use in cooking

The peel of tangerines is so aromatic that it is often used for various drinks or baked goods. For example, if there are dried citrus fruit peels in the house, then they can be used when brewing tea during the cold period. As a result, the drink will be aromatic and healthy. You can brew black tea using not only the peel, but also spices such as cloves, cinnamon or ginger. They go well with citrus fruits and will give the drink additional benefits.

If you grind the dried crusts in a coffee grinder, this powder can be used when baking buns, cupcakes or muffins. This will be a natural flavoring, thanks to which the baked goods will acquire a unique aroma and taste.

Ground zest can also be used as an ingredient for preparing various sauces, salads or any other dishes. The peel of the citrus fruit will add a unique aroma and piquant taste to the dish, and it also helps improve digestion.

It is quite possible to prepare candied fruits. To make them, you can use a quick recipe. For two hundred grams of peel you will need the same amount of sugar and two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. The peel should be washed thoroughly, then soaked in clean cold water. You need to soak it for two days, periodically changing the water. This will rid the product of bitterness and harmful substances.

Afterwards, cut the peel into cubes or strips and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes. Mix sugar with water and cook syrup. After the sugar has completely dissolved, add our peels and cook over low heat until all the liquid has disappeared. Place the candied fruits on a baking sheet lined with paper and dry. If you plan to store such candied fruits for a long time, then add a pinch of citric acid to the syrup.

To learn how to make aromatic jam from tangerine peels, see the following video.

Many of us throw orange peels into the trash without thinking twice. However, these simple kitchen scraps have enormous potential benefits for your garden. In addition to simply adding to compost, they can also be used on the site as a replacement for chemical fertilizers and insecticides.


The first and most obvious idea for using orange peels in the garden is to compost them. Prefabricated garden compost is perhaps the best natural fertilizer. To be well balanced, it must contain two types of ingredients: carbonaceous materials (eg dry leaves, straw) and nitrogen-rich organic matter (manure). Citrus peels are an excellent source of nitrogen, which all plants need in the early stages of their development.

On gardening forums, I often see the opinion that orange peels should not be composted. This claim has been defended by a variety of arguments, from the fact that citrus peels can kill friendly worms and beetles to the fact that blue mold likes to grow on them.

However, I want to assure you that this type of kitchen waste can be safely added to compost because:

  • The aromatic substances contained in the peels of oranges and other citrus fruits, used as organic pesticides, are very volatile and quickly break down into harmless compounds. Therefore, they do not cause any harm to soil inhabitants.
  • The temperature inside a properly stacked compost heap is so high that it leaves no chance for mold spores to survive. Mold reproduces only in cool environments and dies at temperatures slightly above room temperature.
  • The skin of most store-bought oranges is coated with a special weak antimicrobial compound. This is done to ensure that the fruit does not have time to spoil before it is sold. This coating will not affect the quality of your compost, but will prevent mold from growing on your orange peels.

Some gardeners do not like to compost orange peels because they are difficult to decompose. However, simply grinding the peel into smaller pieces will cause its decomposition to occur at a much faster rate.

Orange peels as a safe fertilizer

As the orange peel rots, it saturates the soil with nitrogen compounds. Let me remind you that to speed up this process, the crusts must be cut into small pieces and buried in the top layer of soil (to a depth of no more than 5 centimeters). In addition to nitrogen, such fertilizer can provide the soil with sulfur, magnesium, calcium and many other super-useful substances. By the way, banana peels also make an excellent fertilizer for gardening and vegetable crops - you can read how to prepare it correctly in.

Natural insecticide

Probably every gardener has to deal with ants and aphids on their property. These ubiquitous pests can be successfully combated not only with the help of aggressive chemicals, but also with the help of ordinary orange peels. The thing is that they contain limonene, a natural substance that destroys the protective waxy coating on the bodies of insects, as a result of which they suffocate and die. In addition, the peel has a strong odor, which perfectly drives aphids away from plants.

To do this, simply place pieces of orange peels around the infected plants or poke holes in them and hang them directly on the stems.

If ants bother you, proceed as follows:

  1. Peel one or two oranges. Use the pulp for other purposes, and remove most of the white fibers from the peels.
  2. Place the remaining orange in a blender and pour about 50-60 milliliters of warm water into it. Close the blender and turn it on high speed for 60-90 seconds.
  3. Gradually add a teaspoon of water to the resulting mixture until it becomes liquid enough for watering.
  4. Find an anthill on your property and pour the liquid directly into the ant holes. It's okay if some of the insecticide gets past - gradually it will also be absorbed into the soil and produce the desired effect.
  5. Repeat the procedure as necessary. If there is more than one anthill on the site, prepare a larger amount of solution and pour over all infected areas.

Other uses

Limonene, which is so abundant in orange peel, can also repel ticks and fleas. Create a natural spray for your dog - boil the crusts in water, after 2-3 hours of infusion, strain it into a sprayer and treat your dog’s fur. According to recent scientific data, limonene is non-toxic to warm-blooded animals and causes the death of insects by affecting their sensory nerves in the peripheral nervous system. By the way, this same spray will also save you from the annoying attention of mosquitoes and other biting creatures while working in the garden - just spray it on your clothes and open areas of the body and you are guaranteed a couple of hours of quiet work.

If you do not grow vegetables on your property, you can place the peels in shallow dishes and place them near the flower beds. After a while, you will notice how many bright butterflies will begin to flock to the smell of oranges, which are very pleasant to watch.

To my horror, I realized that I was turning into a “Box”! With my passion for gardening, I started collecting everything!
Dry bread crusts are used as fertilizer for plants in holes when planting. Peels from onions and garlic - as a source of microelements, I also add to the holes when planting. Banana peels are generally a godsend for gardeners - an excellent fertilizer. Newspaper, magazine paper, cardboard boxes from various gifts, office equipment, tea, etc. -I lay them out at the very bottom of the warm beds so that the grass doesn’t sprout, I make the beds right on the virgin soil, I lay out several layers of newspapers on the path and cover them with sawdust - there is no grass either, but over time everything will turn into useful substances.

Of my latest finds, tested from personal experience, these are citrus peels, dried or straight from the table, or you can make a decoction. I also scatter the dry crusts in pieces or grind them in a coffee grinder, add them to the water I water the plants with, or dust them as powder, you can add them to “green fertilizer” - the smell becomes much better)). It helps perfectly against slugs, in the most advanced cases When there was only one stem left, everything else had already been eaten - the crusts helped, the slugs went away and the plant recovered. It repels ants very well. In house plants, when all sorts of flies appear in the ground, it also helps a lot.
And another interesting article about the beneficial properties of tangerine and more.
Tangerines can and are even healthy to eat with the skin and white mesh, which we usually remove. The white mesh contains many glycosides - substances that strengthen blood vessels. Fresh tangerine peel improves the production of gastric secretions and stimulates the absorption of food, is used in the treatment of vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and bronchitis, while dried peel calms the central nervous system and prolongs the effect of painkillers.

Tangerines contain a whole range of useful substances. They are especially rich in vitamins A and C, which are involved in the functioning of the organs of vision, are needed for the normal condition of the mucous membranes and skin, strengthen the circulatory system, are antioxidants, and help maintain the body’s immune system.

Tangerines also contain vitamin B1, without which the functioning of the nervous system is unthinkable. Vitamin D, which is also found in fruits, is very necessary for the body in the cold season, when there is not enough ultraviolet radiation.

The aroma of tangerine improves performance. You want to sleep less at work, your health improves, and your mood lifts. This will especially help office workers who spend the whole day at the computer. The fruit peels can be placed in a separate bowl. You can simply inhale their smell, and it is also useful to crush the peels in your hands during the day.

Tincture of fresh tangerine peel is used for nausea, 25-30 drops 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

For intestinal diseases, dry tangerine peel powder (0.5 teaspoon 2 times a day) helps improve digestion.

Eating tangerines effectively helps in blood clotting. Those women who suffer from very heavy uterine bleeding are advised to consume these fruits.

Tangerines are also useful for the older generation, as they can slow down the processes of dementia in adulthood.

Tangerine juice, consumed regularly and in large quantities, gets rid of helminths (worms).

There are never nitrates in tangerines. These harmful substances simply do not get along with citric acid!

A decoction of the zest after lunch is a diabetes prevention!

It is useful for diabetics to make this remedy: place the zest from three tangerines in 1 liter of water, cook for 10 minutes starting from boiling water, let cool and keep in a cool place. Can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Normalizes the amount of glucose in the blood. In general, tea leaves made from crushed dried peel can be drunk as a dessert after the main meal. It will disinfect the gastrointestinal tract and help improve digestion and gall bladder secretion. Tangerines help destroy pathogenic microbes, as they contain a lot of phytoncides. They can help even with such a severe intestinal disease as dysentery. And the largest number of them is in the zest.

You won't have a cough or a cold

To cleanse the body of mucus that has accumulated in the respiratory system overnight, you can drink tangerine juice or eat it before breakfast. The fact is that tangerines contain a large amount of phenolic amino acid, which is called synephrine. It is a well-known decongestant and decongestant. To cleanse the lungs of mucus, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of tangerine juice every morning.

Dried tangerine peel powder infused with water is also used to soothe coughs and improve phlegm discharge. To treat inflammation of the bronchi, 3 tbsp should be taken. spoons of crushed dry zest, brew 400 ml of boiling water, hold for 2 hours, pass through a sieve, put 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day when heated.

To avoid getting colds and flu, you should take 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped zest (fresh) pour 200 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days. Drink 20 drops in the morning, at lunch and in the evening 20 minutes before eating.

And mastitis will be beaten!

Tangerine peel quickly suppresses the growth of staphylococci, which usually cause purulent mastitis, that is, a decoction of tangerine peel can be used as a harmless remedy in the treatment of postpartum mastitis: grind 100 g of tangerine peel and 20 g of licorice, add 400 ml of water, boil over low heat 0.5 hours, pass through a sieve, drink this amount per day, in 2 doses. The same decoction is used as an external lotion on a hardened area of ​​the chest.

Noose on a wart

In the East, sour tangerine is used to remove warts. They take the sour fruit, soak it whole together with the peel and grains in a mug with vinegar, knead it and apply the resulting mass to the warts. After several such procedures, the warts usually disappear.

Burning improves vision

There is a popular way to treat cataracts: you just need to squeeze the juice out of the peel of a tangerine and drop it into your eyes. A burning sensation will appear, which goes away after half a minute, clearing the eyes and improving vision.

Juice, sock and fungus

Tangerine juice can cure fungal infections of the feet: squeeze the juice onto your feet and put socks on top. The course of treatment is a month. If the fungus is on the nails, then treating the nails affected by the fungal infection with a cut slice of tangerine will also help get rid of the disease. In addition, such an unpleasant disease as thrush, or vaginal candidiasis, can also be treated with tampons and washing with tangerine juice.

Cleansing joints with tangerines

There is an amazing way to cleanse joints using tangerine. A day you need to eat 7 tangerines or drink tea from the dried peel: 1 teaspoon of crushed tangerine peel, 1 teaspoon of currant leaves, mix, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, drink 30 minutes before meals. You should drink this tea 3 times a day, and prepare fresh tea for each drink. The process of cleansing the joints lasts 1-3 months. However, when the first signs of improvement appear, you should not stop cleansing. Continue the cleansing treatment for 2-3 weeks after improvement.

And the liver is treated

Tangerines are also extremely beneficial for the liver, as they help cleanse it. Eating tangerines reduces the risk of developing liver cancer, viral hepatitis, and helps reduce fatty liver.

Do you want to be like a reed? Eat tangerines!

The tangerine diet allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. And most importantly, tangerines reduce fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity, that is, regular consumption of these citrus fruits can make our waist slim.

But it is recommended to follow the tangerine diet no more than 2-3 days a week. Here, for example, is one of the options for such a diet: breakfast – a cup of coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar; second breakfast – 1 boiled egg, 4 tangerines; lunch – 120 g of lean boiled meat without salt and a plate of sauerkraut; afternoon snack - the same as second breakfast; dinner is the same as lunch.

Tangerines will smooth out wrinkles

Tangerine juice vitaminizes and nourishes the skin, gives it a beautiful color and matte finish, and smoothes the skin. It is useful to apply napkins soaked in tangerine juice to your face and neck. The wipes are applied for 20 minutes, after which the skin should be wiped first with a damp, then with a dry swab.

It is very good to strengthen your nails by rubbing the juice of tangerines into the nail plate.

To add volume to your hair, it is good to rinse your hair after washing with a decoction of tangerine peels and green tea.

Be careful!

Despite their medicinal properties, tangerines can harm humans. They irritate the kidneys and mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, tangerines are not recommended for gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, enteritis, colitis and exacerbations of inflammatory bowel diseases, as well as cholecystitis, hepatitis and acute nephritis.

The seed will sprout - it will bring wealth to the house

The tangerine also occupies an important place in the ancient oriental art of feng shui, according to which the tangerine tree symbolizes good luck in wealth, and also has the property of activating existing savings. It is no coincidence that one of the popular ways to activate the symbolism of gold is tangerine trees. During Lunar New Year celebrations, tangerine trees laden with fruit symbolize good luck in wealth. Also, mandarin, according to Feng Shui, has the property of instantly absorbing any bad energy. And you can grow a tangerine tree from a seed, however, only your grandchildren can expect fruit from it, and even those tangerines will taste far from what you ate. Usually, in order to obtain citrus fruits indoors, a cultivated cutting grafted onto wildflowers is planted. So, if you have friends who grow citrus trees, ask them for a cutting and graft it onto your tangerine.

And now a recipe for health: to disinfect the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion, you need to brew 3-4 tangerine leaves in 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes and drink 3 cups a day after meals.

You can also prepare a real love potion from tangerines: chop up tangerine peels, pour hot water over them, and place them in the room where you are going to receive your lover. The fragrance emanating from a vessel with an aromatic potion will amaze your chosen one.
I won’t go on for long about the use of citrus peels in design, just a few photos:

Many of us love fragrant and juicy oranges, but after peeling them, we throw away the orange peel. However, it should be remembered that not only tasty pulp pleases our palate and helps maintain health. The peel of this fruit is no less useful. There are many areas of human activity where it is possible. The peel of this citrus fruit is most often used in cooking, winemaking and cosmetology. Many housewives use it not only for preparing delicious dishes, but also for environmentally friendly cleaning of the house.

In this article we will not delve into the secrets of confectioners, culinary specialists, winemakers and cosmetologists, but will consider the use of orange peels in the garden, horticulture and floriculture.

Orange peel

We have all heard about the vitamins and minerals contained in an orange, but few people know that its peel (the outer colored layer) contains more vitamins than the pulp, and it also contains essential oils and pectin substances. All this contributes to the fact that the use of orange peels is becoming increasingly popular. It is worth noting that they can be used not only fresh, but also dried and crushed. By maintaining your health with these orange fruits, you can stock up on dried orange peels throughout our long winter to use during the holiday season.

We stock up for future use

It would seem that it could be simpler - I peeled and ate the orange, dried its peels. But it's not that simple. Modern fruits, including citrus fruits, are abundantly treated with a variety of chemicals both during the growing process and during transportation and storage. Therefore, before preparing and starting to use orange peels, you need to thoroughly rinse this fruit and then pour boiling water over it.

Only after this can you remove the peel from the orange with a special knife or vegetable peeler. The removed “skin” is dried for two to three days at room temperature. Some housewives recommend drying the peel in the oven or using a vegetable dryer, and only then grinding it. You can try to do this with an old coffee grinder or put the resulting mass in a clean and dry container, preferably with a tight-fitting lid.

Saving indoor flowers

Plants grown in an apartment are susceptible to diseases and damage from insect pests. Quite often, flowers are simply destroyed by various mites and aphids. Fresh or pre-preserved orange peels will help in saving green “pets”. Application for flowers is quite simple: 200 g of orange peel need to be poured with a liter of water at room temperature. We remove the container with the solution for five days in a dark place. After this period, filter the solution and squeeze out the crusts. Mix ½ cup of infusion with 2-2.5 liters of water and add approximately a teaspoon of “green” or simply soggy soap. Plant leaves can be washed or sprayed with the resulting solution on both sides. It is better to repeat this treatment after a week.

Fluffy "pests"

Many flower growers and gardeners are faced with the fact that cats are very partial to young seedlings, and even to indoor flowers, as they say, no, no, and “pulling their paws.”

Therefore, the following use of orange peels is advisable: place them on the windowsill next to flowers or seedling boxes. Cats will not come close to them - they do not like the orange smell very much and tend to avoid places with just such an “amber.” Experiments have shown that deodorants and air fresheners with orange scent are much weaker.

Another problem is the discrepancy between the cat’s and your ideas about the place of the toilet. Therefore, you can mix fresh and finely ground coffee grounds, and then apply it around the animal’s favorite place. It may not help the first time, but after two or three applications your pet will stop going to this place.

Garden chores

After rescuing home flowers and seedlings, at the beginning of the summer season, we take out the orange peels accumulated during the autumn-winter season into the garden. Their use in gardening can be very diverse. First of all, an infusion of orange peels is used to control insect pests such as thrips and aphids. To prepare it, you need to chop the peels from a couple of oranges and add 1 liter of warm water.

Then put the container with the product in a dark room for a week. After seven days, add a little to the resulting composition and filter. Then the plants affected by insects are treated. It is worth remembering that treatment against aphids and thrips is carried out two to three times, and against spider mites - 5-6 times at intervals of a week.

Drive away the ants

Colonies of ants cause quite a lot of trouble in the garden, and orange peels can help combat them. Their use in the country is quite simple: grind the peels of two or three oranges in a blender with a glass of warm water. We apply the resulting puree to the paths laid. After dissolving the crushed powder in more water, the resulting mixture can be poured over anthills. The only problem is that the insects will most likely move their home to another place.

Protecting flower beds

The use of orange peels in the vegetable garden is not limited to insect control. Some flowers planted in the front garden or flower bed receive increased attention from felines from all over the area. In order to save your plantings from visits from uninvited guests, place orange peels in flowers, especially loved by cats.

You can rub the leaves of plants with fresh peels - then cats will avoid flower beds and flower beds. The method is effective, but the crusts will have to be changed after rains or watering. A remedy used at home, namely a mixture of crushed peels and coffee grounds, can help in this case.

Other options

At the beginning of the summer season, when it is still cold in the house, orange peels will help start a fire in the stove. Use in gardening will occur a little later, but orange peel is simply irreplaceable as kindling. It burns longer and better than paper, thanks to the presence of essential oils.

In addition, when burning, a very pleasant smell is released, thanks to which a still cold room immediately becomes warmer and more comfortable. You can simply spread orange peels throughout the house - the musty smell will disappear, and it will also be useful for the respiratory system, because the phytoncides released by the peel inhibit various pathogens.

Orange peel will also come in handy later, when mosquitoes and midges appear. If you don’t have one, you can simply wipe fresh orange peel on exposed areas of your body - the smell remaining on your skin will repel insects.

Thanks to their invaluable properties, orange peels are widely used not only in cooking and cosmetology, but also in gardening and vegetable gardening. The peels are used in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms that destroy crops, as fertilizer and mineral supplements, and as repellents for neighboring cats and ants.

The benefits and harms of orange peel

The peel of the orange fruit contains a lot of ascorbic acid, retinol and tocopherol, essential oils, flavonoids, and pectin substances. There are also minerals - potassium, phosphorus and other components that are necessary for the normal growth of plant crops.

You can use orange peels in different ways - in the form of tincture, crushed into powder or fresh. With an adequate approach, there is no harm to the soil. The main thing is not to overdo it, since any citrus fruits contribute to acidification of the environment.

Orange fertilizer

In most cases, the product is used to feed crops and improve soil fertility. To do this, orange peels, like banana peels, are buried to a depth of 50 millimeters. Over time, the soil receives nitrogenous substances from the crusts, as a result of which the germination of plants significantly improves.

If you throw away orange peels, do so exclusively in the compost. Here the waste will be beneficial - it will become a breeding ground for microflora and repel insects. For quick decomposition, it is recommended to wash the peels and chop them finely.

Orange infusion against pests

For some pests, orange peel is poisonous. And all this is due to the high concentration of a special substance. It is called limonene, and it helps to break down the protective coating of insects, which leads to their subsequent death.

If plants suffer from spider mites, thrips, or aphids, then orange tincture is used for treatment. To prepare it you will need the peel of three oranges. They chop it finely and then pour in 1000 ml of warm water. The “medicine” must be infused for seven days. Then filter, add another 2000 ml of water and a tablespoon of any liquid soap. The resulting infusion is used to treat the affected leaves on both sides.

To get rid of aphids and thrips, a total of up to 3 treatments will be needed; spider mites require 5-6 treatments with a seven-day interval between sprayings. To treat indoor plants, wipe the leaves with a soft cloth soaked in the solution.

Recipes against pests in the garden:

  1. Add 100 g of dried and crushed orange peels to 1000 ml of liquid and leave for four days. Spray sick plants; no need to add water.
  2. Soak 1 kg of crusts in warm water, leave for 5-6 hours. Next, pass them through a meat grinder, place in a container, and fill with warm water. Insist for 5 days. To use, dilute 100 ml of home remedy in 10 liters of water, add 40 g of soap to the solution.

Repelling cats and ants

Orange peel helps repel harmful insects. Particularly effective in the fight against ants. To do this, you need to chop three fruits - twist them using a meat grinder or blender, add 250 ml of water to the mixture. The resulting thick solution is used to water the ant paths. You can also water the anthill itself with the same product.

The only drawback of orange ant control is that it is not durable; this method only helps to get rid of insects temporarily. Therefore, it is recommended to think about other methods of protection.

Felines do not like strong odors, so orange peels can be used to repel cats. The peel can be placed on the beds or in those places where you most often see cats. As an alternative to peels, you can use orange-based essential oil.

Proper preparation of orange peels

Orange juicy fruits can be bought at any time of the year. You can start collecting the peels in advance. The main thing is to dry the peels properly. They are dried in an oven or a special dryer. You can put the crusts next to the battery, but this method takes a long time.

It is recommended to store the dried component in a glass container, cardboard box or paper bag. Already in the spring you can find a use for them - grind a small amount to a powder and sprinkle it on the soil to feed after winter.

Orange peels are an indispensable assistant in your summer cottage. Bananas, lemons, grapefruits and tangerines have similar properties.

For indoor plants

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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