The design of an apartment in the Greek style is characterized by a lack of luxury in the interior - the main difference from the ancient Roman style. The interior reveals the power and strength of the ancient state, which is reflected both in furniture and decoration and decorative items. Pastel colors combined with marble are a recognizable element of style. The windows have elaborate draperies with patterns.

In the design of an apartment in the Greek style, preference is given to cool colors. These are white, lemon yellow, sunny yellow, all shades of blue (from light blue to the most saturated), blue-green, green-blue, emerald colors.

Greek style walls

In the Greek interior style, bed colors are used; you can also use yellow and red tones as inserts. Greek style walls are usually plastered and can then be covered in various designs. The Greeks preferred ornaments made of geometric shapes, as well as in the form of broken lines. A fresco will also look great in a Greek interior.

Plastered walls also do not need to be leveled. They must have a rough matte surface. You can do this yourself. Just don't use it finishing putty, which makes the surface smooth.

Greek style ceiling

Can be made in the same color scheme as the walls (bedding, gray tones), you can also paint it with relief images of the gods of ancient Greek scenes. In any option, the ceiling is left matte, emphasizing the antiquity of the ancient Greek style.

High ceilings can be painted using the circle-in-square principle. The ornament should be floral or geometric from an interweaving of straight lines. It can be made not only with paints, but also sculpted from plaster.

Greek style floor

Small ceramic tiles, you can use a mosaic of shells or pebbles. Also in Greek design it is possible to create compositions from ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles, without deviating from the general color scheme of the Greek style.

Use carpets minimally. It's better to do without them. The floor should be beautiful and nothing should cover this beauty. But if you decide to put something on the floor, then the colors and patterns should be in the style of Greece. Natural colors, white, blue, emerald, brown, olive. The pattern is natural, the most popular are grapes and roses. Possibly a geometric pattern made from a complex interweaving of broken lines.

Greek style furniture

Greek furniture is simple in form. These were: benches, ordinary and ceremonial chairs, low trapezoidal dining tables on three legs in the shape of animal paws. The furniture was made of bronze, trimmed with gold, silver, soft upholstery, bed with headboard. The chairs have a simple shape, the legs are curved to the sides.

Decor items in Greek style

Huge floor and small decorative vases, decorated with geometric patterns, symbolic sculptures and figurines. An integral part of the Greek-style interior is the use of columns. You can complement the Greek style by decorating the walls with laughing masks, and door handles choose in the form of an animal's head with a ring in its mouth. Greek ornamentation is characterized by both figured and floral, geometric and architectural elements.

Since it is not easy to choose a fabric with the desired pattern for drapery, it is not difficult to make it yourself. You can draw a canvas along the edges of the canvas. But it’s easier to apply a pattern on a strip of a slightly different shade and then sew it on. This can be done using special paints for painting on fabric. They are different types and are freely sold in stores. Cut a geometric pattern template from a strip of thin plastic. You can also paint the vases yourself or sculpt a simple relief from plaster. If you are good with a brush, then apply the pattern to the walls and ceiling. Just don’t get carried away, there should be little decor of this type. When decorating an interior in the Greek style, you need to remember one thing: less is better than more. Space and light are key in any design. Therefore, do not load the room with furniture. Hospitality in Greek is to ensure that everyone who comes is comfortably accommodated, and not about abundant food on the table and expensive jewelry.

Ancient Greek culture left man an invaluable heritage. And it’s not just about philosophy, myths or fragments of ancient amphorae. Its recognizable symbolism is successfully used today in many areas of human life. In particular, thanks to specialists in the world of design, the Greek style in the interior has again become extremely popular. Colonnades, sculptures, wall paintings - all this served as support for the creation modern design rooms in an antique style. Also, a source of inspiration for the implementation original ideas became the color scheme of the seven seas washing Greece. And the symbiosis of white and blue now serves business card style.

Periods of development of ancient architecture

In the process of development of the Greek ethnos and formation great power Epochs changed, and with them various milestones of architecture. Hardworking historians were able to identify several periods that directly affected architecture:

  • The archaic, unfortunately, did not leave any elements of construction as a souvenir. However, the traditions of King Solomon can shed light on the rather crude buildings of that time;
  • Early classical period marked by a fusion of architectural traditions highly developed civilization ancient Egypt and the emerging Greek culture;
  • Classic laid the foundations for public urban planning and instilled in the Greeks a taste for noble materials. Usage natural stone For example, marble became one of the sources of further success of national design. The heirs of Pythagoras began to build not just sustainable, stone houses, but laying the foundations for truly beautiful buildings. The architects sought from wild stone perfect shape to emphasize that wealthy house owners belong to a high family, their respected status. The golden mean was also observed when decorating interiors and finishing facades;

  • The Hellenic period became a symbol idealistic ideas about man: when demigods with perfect athletic physiques and feminine faces were popular. At the same time, pompous theaters for performances and temples were built under the influence of culture from the East and opened philosophical schools. Perhaps no other culture has given the world as many minds as Greece did at that time;
  • Greco-Roman certainly enriched both countries, since the pathos of Roman greatness was harmoniously reunited with discreet design Greek buildings. Ostentatious splendor acquired features of practicality, and what could previously be classified as decorative excesses became simply bright accent in the general ensemble of buildings. The style has adequately stood the test of luxury.

Main features

All these periods of history were invariably united by the theme of the struggle of man with fate, ancient Greek heroes and gods. This is reflected in the sculptural modeling of temples, the arrangement of spectator amphitheaters and other elements of high architecture. When modern researchers began to study the features inherent in the interior of the Greek style, they identified the following features.

Predominance of white color, framed by natural shades of the area

An original Hellenic interior is unthinkable without the presence of white. Moreover, sometimes all surfaces are made in its color scheme and only decorative elements can stand out with a different color palette. Also, marine motifs are often used in the interior of the kitchen, since the glory of this people is strongly associated with shipbuilding and the campaigns of heroes. These can be straight blue lines, as on the national flag of Greece, or smooth lines of blue-black waves. However, preference is given to colors that have faded in the bright sun: beige sand, sky blue, olive green. These colors coexist harmoniously side by side.

Rough wall finishing

The deliberately rough whitewash is decorated with stucco or mythical frescoes. Also, use uneven masonry to highlight the contrast with ideal columns or arches. If the room allows, it will provide space for fountains with antique statues. The Greek style in the interior involves the use of exclusively pastel colors to emphasize architectural elements. For example, such as carved columns or arches in milky shades with an antique effect. Also, wallpaper on the walls can decorate natural stone or decorate the fireplace with natural materials.

High ceilings

The high vaults were intended for the celestial inhabitants of Olympus and were decorated accordingly. The rich ornamentation depicted the patrons of the titans, emphasizing their power with pronounced relief. An indispensable condition was the height of the ceilings, the monotony of its white color, harmoniously combined with the same walls. The absolute perfection of the style lies in a simple whitewash of the surface without any obtrusive decoration. Visually enlarging the space, it is only occasionally covered with hand-painted or patterned stucco. Also, if the space of the room allows, it can be decorated with wooden partitions in the manner of shipbuilding.

Pronounced floor texture

There are no frills here; the flooring material must match the wall decoration. If the partition or beam is made of wood, then parquet is used as the flooring. And if the walls are covered with rough plaster, then it is recommended to use light-colored tiles with textured surface. Often with a mosaic pattern, since this is also a recognizable image of the Greek style.
The floor should not be fundamentally different from the cladding of the same walls. However, preference is given to natural materials - rough ship boards, sea ​​pebbles. Ceramic tiles in the kitchen or wooden parquet cope with these tasks quite well.

Use of natural textiles

Plain fabrics made of cotton or linen practically decorate spacious rooms of buildings. The restraint of the material is explained by the simple cut, as well as the absence of unnecessary drapery. Often decorated with a blue abstract wave pattern. Bedspreads for sofas or armchairs, milky curtains on the windows, runners made of coarse knitted fabric on the floor - everything should emphasize the naturalness and authenticity of the design. The Greek-style design in the kitchen interior also includes a snow-white tablecloth with a marine pattern.

Lighting rooms without focusing on lighting fixtures

Whether it is a chandelier or an ordinary lamp, it should not attract attention to itself. As a rule, its geometric shape is simple, without elaborate details. Welcome to use natural materials. But, despite the fact that lighting was not an important component general design for the ancient Hellenes, modern designers, to their own taste, enrich the interior of the premises with discreet lamps or bronze/brass candlesticks in the kitchen. It is important that the simplicity of the forms should not contrast with the rest of the design.

Decor with antique elements

This is where designers can “break away”, so when finishing with decor: here you can use everything that we know about the ancient culture of the famous Greeks. Amphorae, sculptures, ships, mythical artifacts. The list goes on and on. This is an opportunity for people of art to show their imagination, to become imbued with the understanding of beauty that the ancient Greeks had. Large floor vases with flowers, fountains with plaster deities and other various architectural elements - columns, pilasters, arched vaults - would be appropriate here.

To decorate surfaces, typical patterns are applied to them:

  1. Zigzag waves - often depicted on curtains, curtains, snow-white tablecloths;
  2. Ornament of native plants, shrubs, palm branches;
  3. A circle inscribed in a square as a sign of the ideal achieved by the great thinkers of that time.

The basic rule: perfection can only be achieved by maintaining a balance of modest simplicity and recognizable design elements. Without achieving asceticism of forms, balanced minimalism in decoration, a universally recognized style cannot be achieved. Because this is an indicator the right taste, the owner's sense of proportion.

A relaxing Mediterranean siesta - this is how you can describe the atmosphere that reigns in the room, decorated in Greek style. This style is quite simple and has special charm southern countries.

The interior is spacious and does not tolerate pretentiousness and luxury. The main thing in the Greek style is to create a comfortable and practical living space.

Main features of the Greek style in the interior

Spacious rooms with high ceilings and large windows.

In general, the interior should look as natural as possible. Natural materials and neutral colors contribute to this.

Another characteristic feature is the abundance of accessories made from natural fabrics. These are primarily linen curtains on the windows, as well as all kinds of bedspreads and great amount decorative pillows.

When creating a design in the Greek style, do not forget about living plants. There should be as many of them as possible.

What colors and finishes do designers recommend choosing to decorate a room in the Greek style?

For the Greek style, designers advise using paints that are closest to natural ones. Particularly typical shades are yellow, red and sometimes green, but the main colors are considered to be white and sky blue.

They are the ones associated with the calm and harmonious atmosphere of Greece and the entire Mediterranean.

As for finishing, in this style only natural materials should be used: wood, stone, metal.

It is best to paint the walls in bright hues. It can be white or any other neutral shade.

For finishing, you can choose textured plaster, and also decorate the walls with thematic patterns. The most typical are strict geometric designs.

Ceramic tiles are perfect for finishing the floor.

Don't forget about one more characteristic feature Greek style - mosaic. It will fit perfectly into the overall atmosphere of the interior.

Another important point: There should not be many carpets on the floor.

The ceiling, in turn, is best left white or beige. This will highlight the antiquity of this style well.

In general, Greek-style decoration should not be intrusive. The main task is the absence of pretentiousness and luxury. Housing should look stylish and cozy.

Greek style furniture is very durable and has simple shapes

Best for a Greek style home suitable furniture handmade, but if financial capabilities do not allow, then you can choose cheaper furniture of simple shapes.

The main rule: it must be from natural wood.

A low one will fit well into a Greek-style living room. soft sofa. He may even be somewhat rude and thereby imitate handmade. As for the upholstery, it should have light shades.

A four-poster bed with a carved headboard will fit best into a Greek-style bedroom. Also, the atmosphere will be complemented by wooden bedside tables.

Don’t forget about the various antique shelves and chests of drawers, as well as forged products, which will add a little elegance to the interior.

Cabinets made from... light wood and also big rough dinner table. You can use wicker baskets to store small items. different sizes.

In a Greek-style bathroom, smooth shapes should prevail, and in plumbing fixtures, the most appropriate color would be gold.

As for furniture, designers advise choosing small bedside tables and dressing tables.

Another interesting detail will be wicker baskets in which you can put dirty laundry.

Particular attention should be paid to mirrors. Mirrors in carved golden frames will fit best into the interior.

Accessories and textiles in the Greek style should perform a practical function

The interesting thing is that in the Greek interior no attention is paid to accessories and textiles. special attention. If the interior contains decorative elements, then they rather perform a practical function.

Textiles are found only in the bedroom - these can be bedspreads light colors, as well as different pillow sizes. Knitted and embroidered napkins with thematic patterns that decorate chests of drawers and coffee tables are very popular.

In the kitchen, the main accessory is utensils. It usually lies on open shelves. The most popular are ceramic plates with geometric patterns, as well as flower vases of various sizes.

In a Greek-style living room you can hang several marine-themed paintings. Roman blinds, as well as regular curtains made of linen or cotton, would be appropriate for windows.

It is also worth noting that the design in the Greek style suggests a large number of living plants.

To summarize, we can say that the modern Greek style is relatively inexpensive, and it is quite easy to implement it both in an apartment and in country house.

Due to its simplicity and neutral colors, the interior encourages relaxation and tranquility. And thematic decor and simple forms of furniture will always please the eye.

If you choose the Greek style, then your home will always be filled with an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and spiritual harmony.

Greece is an untouched monument of ancient architecture, a warm and mild climate and Amazing beauty nature. How to create a Greek style in your interior?

Greek style. History of the legend

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of Greek civilization on the culture, socio-economic, and political formation of other peoples and states. The huge legacy left by the poets, sculptors, and philosophers of Ancient Greece still resonates in various spheres of human life and activity. Development antique style occurred in several stages. The influence of Egyptian traditions in the interior, which intensified in the 6th-4th centuries BC, gradually ennobled the elements of mythology inherent in early interiors. The decor becomes harmonious, luxury items take pride of place among the somewhat rustic furniture. Gradually the influence of the East becomes more and more obvious. After the conquest of Hellas by the Roman Empire, antiquity was partially assimilated and merged with the pomp and luxury of Roman art. However, practical Greeks do not change the simplicity and asceticism of centuries-old traditions. Such design solutions are also inherent in the modern Greek style.

Greek style colors

Modern designers express the ancient Greek commitment to simplicity mainly in color palette. The inhabitants of Ancient Hellas built their homes from natural materials - stone, wood. Therefore in the Greek direction Mediterranean style cold natural shades of sunny, white, colors predominate Ivory. Red or yellow color was used as an additional insert.

Granite, marble are found worthy place in the palette of the Hellenic interior. Blue color of various shades must be present, symbolizing the sea washing the shores of Greece. You can accent the central wall using marine motifs. I recommend finishing the perimeter of the room with textured plaster in natural shades.

Smooth wallpaper in bright colors is nonsense in Greek design. Against the background of strict accents of antique columns and symmetrical patterns, the enchanting palette looks out of place. Splashes of red brown tone geometric patterns that horizontally divide the wall panels give the interior nobility and aristocratic sophistication. But here I would ask you to be especially careful. Accents should be used very sparingly.

The shine of the mirrors located vertical stripes, will enhance the impression of spaciousness and expand the walls of the room. The palette is maintained throughout the entire volume of the room; drawings with Olympic motifs on the ceiling will help to emphasize the antiquity of the style.

As you may have already noticed, you can often see the traditional Greek meander in the decoration of rooms - a continuous complex geometric pattern, which is named after a river with a winding current.

Walls, floors, ceilings must have a matte surface. Smooth “soft” structures are not inherent in the style of the ancient Greeks.

Decorating the floor in a Greek interior

The apparent simplicity of the walls extends to the floor. Use geometrically correct forms inherent in a later period, influenced by the Roman invasion. Geometric sophistication adds rigor to the entire room. Various materials are used. Mosaic surface created using tiles different sizes of natural colors. The floors of the rooms are laid out with squares of a calm palette. If space allows, I advise you to highlight the center of the room using decorative pattern. It can be either strictly geometric or have a plot ornament.

Along the perimeter there are stripes of strict geometric designs. The large area of ​​​​the room intended for receiving guests will receive an aristocratic sound thanks to the use of the key ornament of Greek designers of antiquity: regular squares, broken using tiles of different sizes.

Ceramic tiles can be successfully replaced wooden floors. The rich surface of the noble material creates additional comfort and puts the finishing touches on the interior. The warm climate of Greece completely excludes lush carpets underfoot. You can emphasize the style inherent in Greece by placing several small rugs with a traditional design. Floors made of porcelain stoneware and laminate in a marine style will give the room a modern shine ─ perfect solution, emphasizing the Mediterranean direction.

Furniture and materials

Furnishing rooms in the Greek style is akin to the customs of Ancient Sparta. Simplicity of form and laconic design are the fundamental rules in choosing tables and chairs. Regular geometric surfaces made of natural materials, the complete absence of velvet and leather in the decor will enhance the impression of being on the Mediterranean coast. Antique tables had a trapezoid shape, three strong bent legs, turned into different sides─ a stable base for tabletops in a Greek room. Chairs with low straight backs, made of natural materials, will help to stylize.

You need to remember: natural wicker furniture will negate the creation of an ancient Greek interior. The number of items should be minimal so as not to spoil the feeling of spaciousness characteristic of the natural style of Ancient Hellas. The facades of built-in wardrobes should not contain bright inserts; the presence of narrow vertically directed mirrors, on the contrary, will emphasize high ceilings and focus attention on the stylized finish. For relaxation, you can arrange a soft area, designed in the same color scheme.

The material for furniture can be stained light oak or pine. It is allowed to decorate furniture with cuttings, add forged and varnished elements. Sometimes they use so-called terrace furniture. But the use of upholstered furniture is strictly prohibited.

Greek style decor

Columns and pilasters are a necessary detail of the chosen interior. The elements will add an aristocratic gloss and enhance the feeling of spaciousness. In addition, the elements set the tone for the entire decor, the main task of which is to enhance the feeling of the height of the ceilings, thanks to the vertical orientation of the decorative structures. High ceilings suggest luxurious chandeliers, meander patterns will emphasize the height of the room. Columns mark the entrance and emphasize the size of the mirrors.

Repetition of elements, symmetry ─ the basic rule of the style of the ancient Greeks.

Symmetrically located figurines and antique vases will create “pomp and importance” - an axiom for creating room decor worthy of proud Hellenes. Small squares deny the very existence of Greek motifs. The color scheme of decorative details consists of cool natural shades. Yellow, gray, white tones are slightly “diluted” with splashes of red in the ornaments of frescoes depicting scenes from the life of Ancient Greece, tall amphorae painted with pictures of Olympic competitions.

Marble and granite appeared in the culture of the Greek Empire with the arrival of the Romans, who used the natural nobility of these materials. Hellas abandoned the use of gilding, so beloved by the conquerors. Oriental splendor ─ one of the signs of Mediterranean dwellings, which came with the development of trade, denies an overabundance of small details; all decorative elements used must be harmoniously combined, the palette should be kept in natural shades.

An important aspect of Greek decor is lighting. Textiles in Mediterranean interior used minimally. Open windows will make colors that are dull at first glance sparkle in a special way, creating the impression of presence on seaside resort. Marine theme you can continue using sea shells as decoration, placing them on coffee table, in the recesses of small niches. Fabrics are used if it is necessary to drape small openings between windows. Vertical draperies in several layers will enhance the vertical direction of the interior.

When creating a Greek interior, it is necessary to remember restraint, conciseness and functionality of every detail, which is responsible for overall harmony.

You can see an example of the Greek style in the interior in one of the works of our design studio -

Description of the Greek style in the interior:

The Greek (ancient Greek) interior style is characterized by a lack of luxury in the interior - the main difference from the ancient Roman style. The interior reveals the power and strength of the ancient state, which is reflected both in furniture and decoration and decorative items. Pastel colors in combination with marble -a recognizable element of style. The windows have elaborate draperies with patterns.

In the Greek interior style, preference is given to cool colors. These are white, lemon yellow, sunny yellow, all shades of blue (from light blue to the most saturated), blue-green, blue-green, emerald colors.

Greek style walls: In the Greek interior style, bed colors are used; you can also use yellow and red tones as inserts. Greek style walls are usually plastered and can then be covered in various designs. The Greeks preferred ornaments made of geometric shapes, as well as in the form of broken lines. A fresco will also look great in a Greek interior.

Greek style ceiling: It can be made in the same color scheme as the walls (bed, gray tones), or you can also paint it with relief images of the gods of ancient Greek scenes. In any option, the ceiling is left matte, emphasizing the antiquity of the ancient Greek style.

Greek style floor: Small ceramic tiles, you can use a mosaic of shells or pebbles. Also in Greek design it is possible to create compositions from ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware, without deviating from the general color scheme of the Greek style.

Greek style furniture: Greek furniture is simple in form. These were: benches, ordinary and ceremonial chairs, low trapezoidal dining tables on three legs in the shape of animal paws. The furniture was made of bronze, trimmed with gold, silver, upholstered, a bed with a headboard. The chairs have a simple shape, the legs are curved to the sides.

Decor items in Greek style: Huge floor and small decorative vases decorated with geometric patterns, symbolic sculptures and figurines. An integral part of the Greek-style interior is the use of columns. You can complement the Greek style by decorating the walls with laughing masks, and choosing door handles in the form of an animal’s head with a ring in its mouth. Greek ornamentation is characterized by both figurative and floral, as well as geometric and architectural elements.

Pro Tips:

1. - this is almost always light walls. More often it is wooden panels, painted in a certain way, as if the wind, sun and sea were testing the durability of the coating. But it's better if it's rough textured plaster, giving Greek interior strict simplicity and the necessary hand-made charm. If you have uneven walls, then in in this case, this will be a plus and will save a little time, effort and money.

2. Greek style in the interior connects various furniture. Give preference to low chairs simple tables and cabinets made of pine or stained oak in light shades. They can be decorated with either carved elements or forged or varnished iron elements. Also use ‘terrace furniture’, with textile inserts, wicker from rattan or reeds. No upholstered furniture, especially upholstered in velvet, corduroy or leather!

3. It is desirable that the ceilings in the Greek style are high enough to create the impression of spaciousness. The surface of the ceilings should be matte and textured, while maintaining the hand-made effect.

4. When installing a Greek-style floor in the interior, it is advisable to use a minimum amount floor coverings. Greek style presupposes the visual integrity of the room. The most preferable tiles are unglazed tiles in warm terracotta tones. You can use imitation tiles, a decorative frieze, marble mosaic would also be appropriate.

5. Greek style in the interior uses textiles more utilitarianly than for aesthetic purposes. Fabrics are mainly of natural origin: linen, cotton, burlap. Curtains - very rare, since historically external shutters or awnings were used. You can use blinds made from natural materials (matting, bamboo, wood) or, as a last resort, Roman blinds made from natural fabrics.

History of the Greek style:

The Greek style in the interior is inextricably linked with the culture of this empire, history, and architecture. The culture of Ancient Greece (Hellas) began itsformation 3 thousand BC e. in the form of early class societies (tribes) in the south of the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean Sea, the coast of Thrace and the western coastline of Asia Minor. City-states began to be created only in the 8th-6th centuries. BC e. V.

The Greek style and its history include several periods in Greek architecture, corresponding to their time, the situation of society and culture.

Almost each of the periods is integrally associated with the famous mythological theme, where the ancient Gods were immortalized on most masterpieces of architects, sculptors and artisans. The second important aspect was the depiction of power as a sign of the strength and prosperity of the great empire, whether in the image of the torso of Hercules or the famous discus thrower of the sculptor Myron, or in the majestic columns or temples.

Ancient Greece was not afraid to show its strength and demonstrated it in every possible way. For example, we can take gladiator fights and the Olympic Games. The Greek style constantly emphasizes this.

The earliest is the Archaic period before the time of Solomon (590 BC). Passed in relation to architecture in the development of basic principles and forms; however, no material monuments from this period have survived.

The Early Classical period (590 BC - 470 BC) can be characterized as a gradual liberation from foreign influence, the transformation of elements brought from Asia and Egypt into forms corresponding to the spirit of the people and the conditions of their religious views and rituals .

Of the temples of this era located in Greece itself, one can point out the temple of Hera in Olympia, the temple of Zeus in Athens, the temple of Apollo in Delphi (one of the most famous and luxurious sanctuaries ancient Greece) and the Temple of Pallas Athena on the island of Aegina. The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, considered one of the wonders of the world, burned by Herostratus and rebuilt under Alexander the Great, should also be attributed to this period.

This was followed by the classical period (470 BC - 338 BC) - the most brilliant time of Greek art. In Greece itself, temples become more noble and harmonious both in their general character and in proportionality individual parts, and architects care about the luxury of materials, forms and decorations.

Instead of limestone and sandstone, marble is used for buildings, which is accessible to finer processing and elegance of ornamentation. This period includes such buildings as the temple of Theseus in Athens, the temple of Nike Apteros, the temple of Demeter under the leadership, the temple of Zeus at Olympia, famous for its sculptural decorations, especially for the colossal statue of the father of the gods, executed by Phidias.

The next period of Hellenism (338 BC - 180 BC) no longer possesses the purity of taste of the previous era. Under the influence of the sensuality and delicacy of the East, which penetrated Hellas, artists are mainly concerned with the pomp and showiness of their buildings; civil buildings are being built - theaters, palaces, etc.

The transition from the previous direction to the new is expressed by the temple of Winged Athena and the temple of Zeus in Nemea. Many buildings, amazing in their luxury, appeared during this period in Asia Minor, in particular, the famous tombstone of the Carian king Mausolus (Mausoleum in Halicarnassus).

The last is the period of Roman rule. After Greece fell under the rule of Rome, architectural activity almost completely ceased in itself; but its artists, who poured into the eternal city, transferred the traditions of their native art to it and contributed greatly to the decoration of Roman architecture.

In the last period of its history, Greek architecture already merges with the history of Roman art.

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