Tamara Fesenko
Summary of the final event on FCCM in preparatory group"Insects"

Summary of the final event to form a holistic picture of the world

V school preparatory group

on the topic « Insects»

Completed: teacher log. gr.

Fesenko T. N.

Goals: - generalize ideas about diversity insects; - clarify the features external structure, habitats, methods of movement; - cultivate interest in insects, careful attitude towards them;

Means: pictures with images insects, pictures of habitats, cards with numbers from 1 to 10.

GCD structure:

1. crossword solution « Insects» ;

2. exercise "Cross Steps"

3. TRIZ "Beneficial and harmful insects» ;

4. game "Who Lives Where";

5. fake riddle “Who will reach the flower faster, the caterpillar or the ant?”

6. finger gymnastics « Insects» ;

7. Lexico-grammatical exercise “Who moves how?” 8. game exercise "Chamomile" 9. game "How many insects on chamomile

10. gymnastics for the eyes "Butterflies" Autotraining "In the Forest"

11. reflection: “Guess what kind of person you can talk about say: "hardworking like a bee", "as annoying as a fly".

Communication situation: - In order to find out what we will talk about today, you need to solve the crossword puzzle. Listen to the riddles, guess them, and I will write your answers in the boxes.

1. A spring jumps - Green back From the grass to the blade of grass, Lights to the path. (grasshopper)

2. She flies all day long, annoying everyone. The night will come, Then it will stop. (fly) 3. The light will go out and then light up at night in the grove. Guess what it's called? Golden… (firefly).

4. On the daisy at the gate

The helicopter descended - Golden eyes. Who is this? (dragonfly)

5. I don’t buzz when I sit, I don’t buzz when I crawl. If I'm spinning in the air, I'll buzz to my heart's content. (bug) 6. Moved around the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to pick it off, it took off and flew away. (butterfly)

7. Who are they? Where? Whose? The black ones are pouring streams: Small dots are building a house on a hummock. (ants) 8. Housewives

Above the lawn. They will fuss over the flower - He will share the honey. (Bees)

9. I am a furry worm, a striped barrel, soon I will become a butterfly, I will spin over the clearing. (Caterpillar)

The result is a word « insects» .

Today we will go to visit the little inhabitants of the forest clearing - insects.

Let's prepare for the trip: “We came to a forest clearing,

raising your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

through branches and stumps.

Who walked so deftly

didn’t trip or fall?”

Educator: So we came to the forest. Look at the pictures and find “Who lives where?” (Laid out correctly, well done).

Girls and boys, you know that there are useful and harmful insects?

Name the harmful ones insects(fly, mosquito, aphids, midges, caterpillars, cockroaches.) Name the useful ones insects(bees, ants, grasshoppers, spiders.)- What do you think, boys and girls, what could happen if everyone disappears? insects? (then the birds and frogs will have nothing to eat, because they eat insects.) Educator: I prepared another one for you riddle: How do you think? Who will reach the flower faster, the caterpillar or the butterfly? (pupils' answers)

Look who has arrived, carefully follow the flight of the butterfly only with your eyes.

On a sunny day, butterflies circle over colorful fragrant flowers, as if they are dancing a waltz. (Waltz music sounds.) The teacher has a toy butterfly in his hands. She flies everywhere: flies to the right, flies to the left, flutters in a circle, up, down... and hurries back. Each insect moves in its own way, now you look at the picture and show how it moves insect. Ant (crawls, dragonfly (flies), grasshopper (jumps, ladybug (crawls and flies), beetle (crawls and flies, wasp (flies and crawls), bee (flies and crawls, caterpillar (crawls). Next task exercise "Chamomile" We all sit down on the mat. Where should we plant insects. We planted it on a magic daisy, but its petals came off. To collect it, you need to come up with words as close in meaning as possible to insects. We attach chamomile petals to each named word. (approximate answers: beautiful butterfly, beautiful bumblebee, etc.) Now let's play a game "How many insects on chamomile» . I will show you a card with a number and a colored chip in turn, and you must make up a sentence. (pupils’ answers, for example, a card with the number 3 and a green chip, answer: three green caterpillars sitting on a daisy, etc.)

Imagine that you are lying on the grass, the grass is soft and silky, you are breathing in the wonderful forest clean air, listen to the chirping of grasshoppers, the rustling of bugs, the fluttering of butterflies, you feel good and calm. A warm breeze blew, you gained strength, vigor, you open your eyes, you good mood. Tell me, girls and boys, what kind of person can you say about "hardworking like a bee", "as annoying as a fly". (pupils’ answers.)

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Program content: 1. Summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Insects” 2. Reinforce the names of insects, external signs, their structure.

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1 “Insects” (summary of a lesson in the educational field “Communication” in a preparatory group for school) Author: Svetlana Nikolaevna Lavrova, teacher II qualification category MBDOU DS 13, Polyarny, Murmansk region. Objectives: 1. Expansion and clarification of the dictionary on the topic “Insects”. 2. The use of diminutive suffixes of nouns. 3. Agreement of adjectives with nouns. 4. Development of coherent speech. 5. Fostering a sense of love for nature. Vocabulary work Nouns: beetle, butterfly, fly, ladybug, ant, mosquito, grasshopper, dragonfly, insect; head, mustache, body, paws, wings, sting, eyes, notches, pollen, beehive, nectar, anthill. Adjectives: beautiful, colorful, yellow, shaggy, hardworking, shiny, black, brown, bright, caring, beautiful, light, harmful, useful. Verbs: fly, crawl, work, pollinate, eat, crawl out, burrow, buzz, bite, sting, squeak, chirp, harm. Progress of the lesson Teacher. Guys, today we will talk about insects. The one who remembers the name of any insect will sit down. Children. Ant. Fly. Dragonfly. Grasshopper. Bee, etc. Educator. Listen to the riddle: The housewife flies over the lawn, fusses over the flower,

2 He will share the honey. Children. Bee. The teacher puts a picture of a bee on the easel. Educator. Guys, let's pick some words-signs. Children. Helpful, hardworking, furry, poisonous. Educator. Why did you call it useful? Children. Because she collects nectar, from which honey is obtained. Honey is good for colds and helps treat many diseases. Educator. Why did you call the bee hairy? Children. Because her body is covered with small hairs. Educator. Now name the action words. Children. It works, stings, collects nectar, drinks nectar, pollinates. Educator. Here's another riddle: Of course it looks small, but everything that can be dragged into the house. Restless guys, their whole life is connected with work. Children. Ants. A picture of an ant is placed on the easel. Educator. Guys, answer the question: what are ants? Children. Ants are small, hardworking, and useful. Educator. You called them hard workers. Why? Children. They hunt for food all day long. Carried to the anthill building material: straws, twigs. Educator. Why did you call ants useful? Children. They destroy harmful insects. Where there are no anthills, there are many dead trees. Ants are called forest nurses. Educator. What can they do? Children. Carry straws, build an anthill, destroy harmful insects. Educator. Listen to the following riddle: Who quickly jumps along the path from leaf to blade of grass? Who chirps so merrily and wants to talk about something?

3 Children. Grasshopper. The teacher displays a picture of a grasshopper. Educator. Guys, what kind of grasshopper? Children. Small, nimble, bouncy, green, long-legged. Educator. Why can he be called long-legged? Children. Because he has long hind legs. Educator. What can he do? Children. Jump, chirp. Educator. The next riddle is this: The squadron sat down on a large colored carpet. It opens and then closes its painted wings. Children. Butterfly. A picture of a butterfly is displayed on the easel. Educator. Guys, let's pick some words-signs. Children. The butterfly is beautiful, colorful, light, bright. Educator. Can a butterfly be called a mottled butterfly? Why? Children. Yes, you can. Because the wings of the butterfly are painted in variegated colors. Educator. Now choose action words. Children. Flutters, flies, pollinates, delights. Educator. Guess who the next riddle is about: Not an animal, not a bird, But a nose like a knitting needle. It flies squeaks, sits silent, Whoever kills him will shed his blood. Children. Mosquito. The teacher displays a picture of a mosquito. Educator. Guys, what can we say about a mosquito? What is he like? Children. Small, light, squeaky, annoying. Educator. Why did you call him squeaky? Children. Because when it flies, it makes a squeaking noise. Educator. What can a mosquito do? Children. Fly, squeak, suck blood. Educator. Guess the last riddle:

4 Whoever is above us upside down Walks around without fear, bores everyone and threatens our health. Children. Fly. A picture of a fly is placed on the easel. Educator. Guys, the riddle says that the fly threatens your health. Why? Children. Because the fly carries dangerous microbes on its legs. Educator. Guys, what kind of fly? Children. Annoying, annoying, fast, big-eyed. Educator. What can a fly do? Children. Fly, buzz, bother. Educator. Well done, you solved all the riddles! And now the next task, please call it affectionately. Educator. Ant. Children. Ant. Educator. Dragonfly. Children. Dragonfly. Educator. Bug. Children. Bug. Educator. Mustache. Children. Mustache. Educator. Wing. Children. Wing. Educator. Mosquito. Children. Mosquito. Educator. Eyes. Children. Eyes. Educator. Now let's play the game "One Many". Bug. Children. Beetles. Educator. Butterfly. Children. Butterflies. Educator. Fly. Children. Flies.

5 Educator. Ladybug. Children. Ladybugs. Educator. Ant. Children. Ants. Educator. Mosquito. Children. Mosquitoes. Educator. Grasshopper. Children. Grasshoppers. Educator. Insect. Children. Insects. Educator. Us. Children. Mustache. Educator. And now the task “Say with the word “many”. The teacher puts a picture (a beetle, an ant, etc.) on the easel for each child. Children. Lots of bugs. Lots of ants. Lots of flies. Educator. The next task is called “Whose, whose?” A mosquito has a mosquito squeak. The bee has honey Children. Bee. Educator. The ant has a foot Children. Ant. Educator. The cockroach has a mustache Children. Cockroaches. Educator. The bee has a family of Children. Bee. FISMINUTKA What a dragonfly, very large eyes. Spins like a helicopter, right, left, back, forward. Raise your shoulders, jump, grasshoppers, eat some grass, listen to the silence.

6 Then the teacher invites several children to take turns writing a descriptive story according to the diagram. Children describe the insect they chose themselves. Educator. Well done, good stories you got it. Educator. Guys, if you had the opportunity to become insects, what would you want to be and why? Children. I would like to be a bee because I love honey. The bee is hardworking and useful. The teacher gives other children the opportunity to speak.

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Age group: pre-school

Target: Mastery of elementary concepts of living nature.

Program content

Educational objectives: teach to recognize insects by description, systematize children’s knowledge about insects.

Developmental: develop logic, thinking, attention.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.

Preliminary work: reading works about insects, looking at illustrations, encyclopedias, asking riddles, collecting cut-out pictures on the topic, holding conversations “Who are insects?”, “Do insects bring harm or benefit?”

Vocabulary work: six-legged, water strider, notch.

Materials and equipment: riddles about insects, presentation - “Insects”, fitballs according to the number of children, a package with a letter and games “What’s extra?”, “Fold the picture”, “Guess the insect”.

Progress of activities:

Educator. Guys, this morning the postman brought a parcel to our kindergarten. It is addressed to you. Let's see what's in it? (Opens and takes out the disk.) I wonder who sent it to us and what’s on it? And here is the letter. It is from the forest from our friend grandfather - Au. I'll read it to you, would you like?

“Hello, dear guys! As promised, I am sending you a film about forest dwellers. To find out who he is about, you need to guess the riddles that I send you. I’m also giving you games, I really hope you like them.” Here are the riddles of Grandpa Au.

In a bright dress, a fashionista is a huntress for a walk,

It flies from flower to flower, when it gets tired, it rests.

Whoever kills him will shed his blood.

She takes juice from flowers

And sweet honey accumulates in the honeycombs

A violinist lives in the meadow,

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.


Dot, dot, two hooks -

These are the legs of a beetle.

On the right is a dot, on the left is a dot.

Black speckled sides.


Guys, how can you call a butterfly, a grasshopper, a mosquito, a ladybug and a bee in one word? (Insects)

Insects are the largest group of animals. The word “insects” comes from the word “notch”, “to incise”. If you carefully examine the abdomen of a butterfly or beetle, you can see transverse stripes on it, as if the abdomen is notched. Why do you think insects are called “six-legged”? (Because they have six legs.) So the film that Grandpa Au sent us is about insects. Let's see it.

First slide - “Bee”

Little dog
Doesn't bark, doesn't bark,
And it bites painfully.

Second slide - “Ants” Working people
He's busy all day,
He is building a house near a stump.
This is a house with a thousand windows!
(Ants and anthill)

Third slide - “Mosquito”

Not a beast, not a bird,
Nose like a knitting needle.
Where it sits
Blood may be shed.

Fourth slide - “Butterfly”

Not a bird, but with wings:
Flying over the flowers
Collects nectar.

Fifth slide - “Grasshopper”

I took the name from the blacksmith,
The color is cucumber.

Sixth slide - “Beetle”

Cheren, but not a raven,
A horn, not a bull,
It flies, not a bird.

Seventh slide - “Fly”

Who's upside down above us?
He walks without being afraid,
Not afraid to fall
Flying all day long
Does everyone get bored?

Eighth slide - “Ladybug”

Which cow, tell me bye
Have you given milk to anyone yet?

Ninth slide - “Dragonfly”

She chirps all day long
And she doesn’t want to be silent:
He will tell you everything, discuss everything,
It will make everyone angry, it will wake everyone up.

Physical exercise using fitballs

Guys, now I invite you to play. Everyone took fitballs, I will ask a question, and you will answer, if “yes” you will jump, if “no” you will just sit. Are you ready? Are grasshoppers insects? (Yes)

Do all insects eat plants? (No)

All butterflies are caterpillars first (Yeah)

Are there moths? (Yes)

Do insects have six legs? (Yes)

Can insects be seen outside in winter? (No)

Is there such an insect - the stag beetle? (Yes)

Is a spider an insect? (No)

Are insects needed on the ground? (Yes)

Put down the exercise balls and sit down. I'll look into the package and pull out the next game that grandpa sent us - Oh, it's called “What's Extra?” I will say words, and you must choose an extra word and explain why it is extra.

Mosquito, fly, wasp, bee, wolf. (The extra one is the wolf, because it is an animal, and all the others are insects.)

Dragonfly, fly, stork, grasshopper, ant. (The extra stork is a bird)

Cricket, wasp, ant, doll, beetle. (An extra doll is a toy)

Butterfly, bee, pike, beetle, mosquito. (An extra pike is a fish)

The next game that grandpa Au sent us is called

“Fold the picture” Guys, I will give you each an envelope, it contains cut-out pictures, to find out what is shown in the pictures, you need to fold them. Let's look into our package and see what other game Grandpa Au sent us. And the next game is called “Guess what insect this is?” You will come up and choose one card on the table. Then you must describe to the children the insect that is shown in your picture. And the children must guess.

1 child. This insect has a long abdomen and big eyes, it is very gluttonous. "Dragonfly"

2nd child. These insects live large families. They lift a load that is many times heavier than themselves; their house looks like a heap. "Ants"

3 child. This insect has large beautiful wings. It feeds on nectar. "Butterfly"

4 child. This insect is green in color and has long hind legs. It jumps far. "Grasshopper"

5 child. This insect can sting and has a striped abdomen. The house in which it lives is called the “Bee” hive.

6 child. This insect squeaks and drinks blood. "Mosquito"

7 child. This insect has long legs, it can run on water and does not drown “Water strider”

8 child. This insect builds its house out of paper and stings its striped abdomen. "Wasp"

Well done guys! Did you like the games and the movie that Grandpa Au sent? (Yes) What do you think should be done? (Write a letter to Grandfather Au and thank him.) We will definitely do this with you.

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about insects.


Correctional and educational:

Activate and update the dictionary on the topic “Insects”;

Practice the ability to ask questions;

Strengthen children’s ability to compose a story according to a diagram;

Improve the grammatical structure of speech: coordinate the numeral with the noun in gender, number, case, use verbs and prepositions in speech, over, under, for;

Continue to improve children’s ability to select antonyms;

To form the communicative, informational, speech competence of preschool children.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop phonemic awareness, visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, thinking;

Strengthen the muscles of the visual organs;

Exercise children in guessing insects based on their actions;

Continue to develop fine and gross motor skills.

Correctional and developmental:

Form a stable interest in classes, a desire for active work, the ability to listen to others, and not interrupt;

Continue to cultivate a sense of goodwill, cooperation, and emotional responsiveness;

Foster a caring and caring attitude towards insects.

Preliminary work: conversations about insects, asking riddles, looking at illustrations, the “Red Book”, reading fiction by K. I. Chukovsky “The Fly - Tsokotukha”, Vladimir Zotov “Forest Mosaic”, board-printed games on the topic, games for fine motor skills, drawing dots, shading, GCD drawing, sculpting, application on the topic, learning finger and visual gymnastics, master class with parents on non-traditional “Butterfly” techniques.

Materials and equipment: multimedia device, presentation on the topic "Insects", a letter from Mukha - Tsokotukhi, illustrations, cut-out pictures, masks with images of insects, sticks with bees for visual gymnastics, flat flowers for physical exercises. minutes, counting sticks, sequins, colored pencils, diagrams with numbers, when connected in order, an image of an insect is obtained.

1. Organizational moment.


Dili-dili-dili-didi! Children are kept in right hand imaginary

The bells were ringing. bell and ring them.

Doli-dili-dili-dili! Children hold an imaginary

The bells woke up the bell and rang them.

All beetles, spiders Imitate the movements of insects.

And funny moths. Holding imaginary ones in both hands

Ding, day! Ding, day! bells and ring them.

Let's start a new day. They spread their arms to the sides.

Let's stand side by side, in a circle, Stand in a circle.

Let's say "Hello!" to each other. They nod their heads.

We are not too lazy to say hello: Turn your head to the right and then to the left

Hi all!" and “Good afternoon!” to the side, nodding his head.

If everyone smiles, they smile.

Good morning will begin. They spread their arms to the sides.

Good morning!

The teacher tells the children that when she was going to kindergarten, she met a postman who handed her a letter. He asks the children if they guessed who sent it.

Reads a letter from Clutter flies.

“Hello, my dear bugs and spiders, insects and cockroaches! I invite you to my birthday. The fly is a clattering sound.”

2. Work with a presentation on the topic “Insects”.

Riddles about insects.

Word game “Who does what?”;

Game “Counting”.

Game “Who was in the clearing?”

Visual gymnastics.

Zha-zha-zha a bee flew to us, (Stretch in front of you

stick, fix it on it

sight. The head remains


Zhu-zhu-zhu we saw a bee. (Trace the movement of the stick

Up - down.)

Well, well, well, we got scared, the bees. (Describe a circle in the air with a stick

follow it with your gaze.)

Zha-zha-zha fly away quickly, bee. (Trace the movement in a circle in

the other side.)

Ay - ah - ah, don't bite us anymore! (Hide your hands behind your back and shake


Oh - oh - oh, we ran home! (Blink your eyes.)

Game "Fourth wheel";

Game “Who hid where?”;

Game “Play”;

Game exercise “Where is whose house?”;

Compiling a story based on a diagram about an insect.

Phys. just a minute.

“In the morning the butterfly woke up, (Children perform movements in

She stretched and smiled, in accordance with the text.)

Once - she washed herself with dew.

Two - she spun gracefully,

Three - bent down and sat down,

Flew away at four."

Game with an insect mask “Yes - No”.

Finger gymnastics.

“Flew to us yesterday (Waving palms)

Striped bee. (For each insect they bend

And behind her is a bumblebee - one finger bumblebee.)

And a cheerful butterfly,

Two beetles and a dragonfly, (Make circles from fingers and

Like flashlights are brought to the eyes.)

They buzzed and flew (Waving their palms.)

They fell from fatigue (Drop their palms on the table.)

3. Individual work.

Cut pictures;

Laying out images of insects from sequins and counting sticks;

Connecting dots to get an image, coloring insects and congratulating Mukha-Tsokotukha (children give the work that they did individually).

The teacher asks the children what they liked during the lesson.

Elena Petrova
Summary of educational activities to familiarize yourself with the outside world in the preparatory group on the topic “Insects”


TOPIC: « Insects»

TARGET: Continue to expand knowledge about diversity of insects. Introduce with the features of their structure. Learn to distinguish by appearance, find differences. Cultivate love and respect for all living things. Develop logical thinking

INTEGRATION EDUCATIONAL AREAS: cognitive development , speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development, social and communicative development.

PRELIMINARY WORK: reading fiction, conversation, looking at illustrations.

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: Subject pictures by topic: « Insects» (Butterfly, beetle, mosquito, fly, toys « Insects» , cards with unfinished insects, pencils.


1 Teacher: Hello guys! Today you and I came to the meadow. Look around, who lives here? (The teacher shows the toys insects)

Children: (called) Butterfly, grasshopper, beetle.

Educator: What can you call in one word those whom we have listed?

Children: Insects.

Educator: Well done! That's what we'll talk about today. Name « Insects» came from the word notches. The fact is that on the body insects there are transverse stripes similar to notches. From these words « Notches» , « notch» and the name came about « Insects» U insects has its own structural features. Body insects consists of three parts (departments): head, chest and abdomen (shows on poster). On the head are located: eyes, mouth, mustache. On the body there are three pairs of limbs, that is, only 6 legs, and wings. Some have a sting on their abdomen (bee, bumblebee)

Educator: Guys, what do you think they eat? insects?

Children: They make their own assumptions.

Educator: Food insects are diverse. Some feed on nectar, for example, bumblebees and butterflies. Others eat leaves and stems of plants, for example, leaf beetles and chafer beetles. There are predatory ones insects who eat others insects are dragonflies, grasshoppers, ants. Flies and cockroaches feed on leftover human food.

2 Finger game « Insects»

Let's count our fingers together

We call insects:

(clench and unclench your fingers)

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly,

This is a beetle with a green belly

(they clench their fingers into a fist one by one)

Who is this ringing here?

(rotate with little finger)

Oh, a mosquito is flying here!


(we hide our hands behind our backs)

3 Teacher: And now, guys, let’s guess the riddles, and now we’ll find out who lives in the meadow!

The flower is fragrant

A flying flower sat down.

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off, -

He took off and flew away!

What is this insect?

Children: Butterfly.

The teacher shows a picture with image of a butterfly.

Educator: What were the wings of a butterfly compared to in the riddle?

Children: with a flower.

Educator: What wings does a butterfly have?

Children: Bright, airy, light, large.

Educator: How many wings does a butterfly have?

Children: Four.

Educator: What do you think butterflies eat?

Children: Flower nectar.

Educator: Butterflies collect nectar using their proboscis, fluttering from flower to flower.

And now the next riddle:

If you see on flowers and leaves

There are black dots on the red back,

Flies and runs smartly

Tell me quickly who is this?

Children: Ladybug.

Educator: Guys, look at the picture of a ladybug - this is a very famous and recognizable beetle. We love her for such a bright unusual color. Ladybug predatory insect, she feeds on aphids. Aphids are harmful insect, which feeds on plant juices. Ladybugs eat aphids, thereby saving plants from death. There are a lot on our planet various beetles. All of them are very interesting. (the teacher shows illustrations with beetles)

Educator: Now, answer me question: “How many legs does a beetle have?”,

Children: Six.

Educator: Are there any wings?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Now let's turn into ladybugs!

4 Physical education minute "Ladybugs"

We ladybugs (jumping)

Fast and dexterous (running in place)

We crawl on the lush grass, (wave-like movements of the hands)

And then we’ll go for a walk in the forest (we go in circles)

Blueberries in the forest (reach up) and mushrooms (we squat...

My legs are tired from walking, (tilts)

And we have been wanting to eat for a long time (pat belly)

We'll fly home soon (fly to their seats)

Educator: Now listen to the next one riddle:


Flew over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower

He will share the honey.

Children: Bee.

Educator: Guys, take a look bee image. Does she have wings?

Children: Yes!

Educator: And the legs? How many are there?

Children: Six.

Educator: Right! Bees are great workers. All day long they fly from flower to flower, collecting pollen and nectar, which they process into honey. Bees live as a big friendly family in a hive. Now guys, let's go with flower meadow Let's move to the edge of the forest. What's that under the pine tree? (The teacher shows a picture with image of an anthill)

In the forest near the stump there is running and bustling

The working people are busy all day

Without work for the life of me

can't live

Children: Ant.

Educator: What is the name of the house of ants?

Children: Anthill.

Educator: What do you think ants build a house from?

Children: Make their own assumptions (From pine needles, leaves, resin crumbs, pieces of earth, wood)

Educator: Ants are very friendly, they do all the work together, help each other. Ants eat varied: they eat harmful insects It’s not for nothing that they are called forest orderlies, they love to feast on sweet berries, plant juices and store supplies for the winter.

Here's another mystery:

A violinist lives among the grass

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

Children: Grasshopper.

Educator: (shows grasshopper image) Look at the grasshopper's legs, what are they like?

Children: Long, three pairs.

Educator: Right. Thanks to their long legs, grasshoppers jump high. They feed on small insects and leaves. "Sing" grasshoppers, thanks to their wings, rubbing them against each other, produces the famous chirping sound. Here's another one I see an insect in the distance, guess the riddle and you will find out which:

She is reputed to be a fast hunter,

Swift, light, flight.

Sunny summer time

She flies over the water

Has big eyes

Who says it -

Children: Dragonfly. (Considering dragonfly image)

Educator: How many pairs of wings does a dragonfly have?

Children: Two.

Educator: And the legs?

Children: Three.

Educator: Right. Most often the dragonfly can be seen above the water. She hunts mosquitoes and other small insects, and flies very fast. Why do you think the dragonfly is faster than many? insects?

Children: Because she has two pairs of wings.

Educator: Now guys, let's play!

5 Didactic game :"What's missing?"

Draw body parts on the cards insects, with the help of which they move. How do flies, butterflies, and dragonflies move? (fly) How do ants move? (run). How does a grasshopper move? (jumps). Children complete tasks.

6 Didactic game "Name it correctly"

Hid under a green leaf insects. Children get insects are called.

Educator: Guys, I see you tried, you drew everything correctly, everyone insects found! Our journey through the meadow has come to an end. Let's remember what new we learned today.

Oh, who did we talk to today?

What are the structural features of the body insects you remember?

What do they eat? insects?

With which we met insects today?

(Children answer the teacher’s questions)

Educator: Well done, you remembered everything correctly! Our lesson is over.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):