An option for a holiday in kindergarten!

1. On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates a special holiday - Mother's Day. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need our mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.
The hearts of children are open for you -
The only ones, loved ones and relatives,
After all, there is nothing dearer than a mother’s eyes -
Such understanding and affectionate people!

2. Children always adore their mothers,
Poems are dedicated to them on this wonderful holiday!


3. Game “Look for Mom”
(To the Russian dance melody, couples move one after another in a circle with a calm step. As soon as the music stops, the children run to the center of the circle. They squat down and cover their eyes with their palms. The mothers remain in their places. The mothers continue to move with a light jog. When it ends, the mothers stop facing the circle. Children open their eyes and run up to their mothers. The game is played in reverse - mothers find their children.)
Or blindfolds and recognize your mother...

4. Game "Parachute"
Dear mothers, our children have prepared a real fireworks display for you today, but they need your help. Let's all stand in a big circle and stretch out this parachute! On command, we throw the balls high up, but your task is also to catch all the balls with a parachute so that they do not fall to the floor.

5. Today in the whole world,
The holiday is big and bright.
Listen, mothers, listen -
Children congratulate you!
6. Dear mothers, all our lives we have been teaching children to be attentive:
When running
While studying
To younger children
On the road
And now how attentive you are, the children and I will find out!
The game “Whose child is missing” - hide one child in the pipe.

7. A moment of attention and silence...
ANYA with a poem
Flash mob “The radiant sun shone merrily”

8. “I draw mom”
Children need to draw a portrait of their mother on balloons with felt-tip pens. Mothers are allowed to provide assistance to their artist.

9. Ditties

10. Competition - mamaball.
Both mother and child take part in this competition. The mother stands at a distance of 2-5 meters from the child and makes something like a basketball hoop out of her hands. And the child throws inflated balloons into this ring. In this case, the mother can help the child by moving her ring in any direction, but without crossing the line so that the distance between them does not decrease. Whose family gets the most balls into the ring out of 10 wins.
11. Presentation of children on screen
Love, spring and heartbeat...
Finding out that you will suddenly become a mother...
Anxiety, childbirth, the first cry...
And these tears for two...
And thousands of sleepless nights,
And the word MOTHER...that's the word!..
And the first step, and the first “smack”
And get up again! And so again!…
The warmth of your palms on your cheeks...
A toy in small hands...
And kindergarten...and a sequined dress...
And the dance of little birches...
Broken nose...despondent look...
“Ma, it’s Vaska’s fault!”
Want to cry, endure...
And forbid wanting to cry...
And first class, swimming pool, cinema...
Window on our street...
Dirty kitten from the yard
What did the daughter bring to the house...
And again dental treatment...
And again there is blood on my knees...
Again to regret, to love...
And to be the best mother...
Lessons, books, miracles...
A wasp flew into the window...
Doubts...first love...
And again close... again and again...
Dear mothers, YOUR CHILDREN ARE ABOUT YOU..... screen.
12. A waltz for mothers and children is announced!

Mother's Day is a relatively new holiday in Russia. It became the last Sunday of November only in 1998. Not so long ago it began to be celebrated in kindergartens and schools. They usually prepare for this with special zeal, because beloved mothers will come to the holiday, whom you want to please with poems, songs, and drawings. The kids design exhibitions and rehearse skits. And so that the guests do not relax, teachers, together with their students, come up with or select interesting competitions for Mother’s Day. Below we look at the most popular ones.

mothers in kindergarten

Kids in kindergarten look forward to their parents taking part in interesting challenges. The host of the holiday calls several participants from the audience, and every child dreams of his mother taking the stage. Comic competitions do not cause any difficulties for anyone, but they give a lot of positive emotions to both participants and spectators. For everything to be exactly like this, competitions for mothers on Mother’s Day need to be selected wisely: not too simple, but not very complex, kind, without hints or ambiguities.

"Burst the Ball"

The game will require 3-5 dexterous participants. They are provided with a variety of inflated balloons. On command, mothers take one of them and try to burst them in any way. Some can step with their heels, others can stab with their nails, the main thing is to destroy as many balls as possible. To prove your victory over your next rubber opponent, you need to pick up its remains. The winner is calculated based on the number of former balls.

"Guess the son (daughter)"

Two or three mothers are blindfolded and placed in front of a line of children. Participants must find their child by touch. To complicate the task, mothers of boys are assigned only the male part of the group. It’s easier with girls - parents can focus on hairstyles, bows and hairpins when they touch the child’s head. Therefore, the teacher can add intrigue to the competition by removing the most outstanding details of the little fashionistas’ outfits.

"Get to know yourself"

This test will not only show the most attentive and sensitive mothers, but will also allow them to learn something new about themselves. The essence of the competition is that the children in the group identify the main woman in their lives in advance, after which the sheets with descriptions are mixed and the presenter reads out the text. Which mother recognizes herself is the one who wins. The more winners, the better! A simplified version is suitable for very young children: let them not describe their mother, but draw. And they will look for their portrait among a couple of dozen strangers.

Culinary competitions

Mom is the main cook in the family. She cooks daily and must understand cooking. Therefore, competitions for mothers on Mother's Day related to products and recipes are sure to be a success. The easiest tests to prepare:

  • Peel a potato: who can do it faster or get the longest
  • Write down the most dishes whose names begin with a certain letter.
  • Recognize small kitchen utensils by touch: spoons, forks, whisk, mixer attachments, slotted spoon, etc.

Competitions for Mother's Day at school

Educational institutions also celebrate this holiday every year. Younger schoolchildren can take on the same Mother's Day competitions as kids. But they also have more complex tests at their disposal, preparation for which requires certain time and special props.


The teacher collects one thing from the children in advance that they need for school. For example, a pencil case, a diary, some special pen, a ruler (of a non-standard type). The collected items are placed in an opaque bag. The presenter takes out the items one by one and asks: “Who lost?” If a mother recognizes her son or daughter's item, she should raise her hand. Everyone who guesses correctly wins.

Competing parents are fun to watch, but children shouldn’t sit on the sidelines for the entire holiday. You can also arrange fun challenges for them. Mother's Day competitions at school can demonstrate to viewers the new skills and knowledge that children have acquired there. Solving mathematical examples at speed, guessing words like the TV show “Field of Miracles”, etc.

Joint competitions

Some challenges require an adult and a child, which is why they are the most interesting. Such competitions for Mother's Day should definitely be included in the holiday program.


It is necessary to prepare 5-10 small opaque containers and the same number of clean spoons. Any food is placed in the dishes: jam, honey, condensed milk (plain and boiled), sour cream - in general, everything that is available. Mothers are blindfolded. Children take a spoon in their hands and treat the contestants with what they have chosen (one dish for each participant). Mom must guess what her child treated her with. The range of treats remains a secret until the last moment. This is an example of how Mother's Day competitions not only entertain people, but also teach adults to trust children. After all, it’s not so easy to give a spoon to a baby in case it drips on his blouse or feeds him something wrong.


Two pairs of participants (mother + child) stand at one end of the hall (class). On the opposite side there is a “supermarket” table, where food (possibly artificial) and household goods (sponges, soap, shampoo cans, brushes, dishes) are stacked. Adults are given “shopping lists” containing from 7 to 15 items from those that are in the “store”. The mother calls the child one item, he runs to the table, takes what he needs and comes back. Then he receives a new task - and again he goes on the road. Whichever team collects everything on the list the fastest wins.

Do you need prizes?

To make Mother's Day competitions even more fun, it's worth providing prizes for the winners. Let them be purely symbolic. For example, cardboard medals or cups with inscriptions, sweets, and balloons are suitable.

Each child will be pleased to take home physical proof of his and his mother's success. And the host needs to make sure that none of the guests leaves without a reward.

You can add more positivity to any holiday and greatly diversify its scenario with the help of fun competitions. This rule also applies to such a touching and kind holiday as Mother’s Day, which has been celebrated quite actively in Russian kindergartens and schools in recent years. Competitions on Mother's Day are aimed not only at entertainment - they promote unity and improve relationships between children and mothers. In particular, if not only children, but also mothers themselves participate in such competitions. In addition to traditional drawing competitions and poetry readings, funny, active and intellectual competitions are no less relevant for Mother’s Day celebrations. Next, you will find a selection of the most interesting and positive competitions for Mother’s Day, which are suitable for both kindergarten and elementary school. And mothers, children, and entire teams will be able to take part in them.

Funny competitions for Mother's Day in kindergarten - ideas

It’s difficult to imagine celebrating Mother’s Day in kindergarten without funny competitions. It is such fun competitions that allow both children and adults to relax, which in turn contributes to the positive atmosphere of the entire event. You need to choose ideas for funny competitions for Mother's Day in kindergarten for the script based on the age of the kids. For example, for a matinee in younger groups, group and active competitions are more suitable. At the same time, older children will be able to participate in games separately or with their mothers.

Daughters and mothers

Despite the fact that only daughters are mentioned in the name of this game, sons and mothers can also participate in it. 4-5 pairs of mothers and children are selected from the audience. The first is blindfolded and asked to take turns finding their child by touch. To complicate the task for the children, you can disguise them a little, for example, by putting headscarves or hairpins on everyone. The mother who accurately finds her baby wins.

Mom's portrait

The children are given an “interview” in advance, in which they answer questions about their mothers. For example, what mom loves most, what she does, what color her eyes are. Then, based on the data received, mothers are asked to guess themselves based on children’s descriptions.

Guess it

The presenter asks the children riddles about mother’s daily housework, responsibilities and functions in relation to the baby. Children must correctly guess all the riddles and promise to help with the housework.

Children's competitions for Mother's Day in elementary school, options

Funny children's competitions for Mother's Day are also relevant for the holiday in elementary school. Moreover, the age of younger schoolchildren already allows for more active and interesting competitions, including team competitions. For example, you can divide all participants into mother-child pairs or into teams of adults and children. Next, you will find several options for children's competitions for Mother's Day in elementary school, which will make the holiday brighter and more fun.

Cook from birth

This option is perfect for competition between child-mother pairs. All participants are given approximately the same set of simple products with a small “surprise” in the form of products that cannot be combined with others. For example, a lot of fruits and herring or vegetables and ice cream. The task of each pair is to prepare an edible dish from this set. In this case, the child must cook himself according to his mother’s promptings. The most creative couple wins.

Half a word, half a glance...

Again pairs of children and parents participate. The children are given a piece of paper with a word, which they will then have to show to their mothers through facial expressions and gestures. It is better to take the names of songs or films whose themes are suitable for Mother's Day. Participants perform in turns and for a time. The most resourceful couple wins.

Beauty salon for daughter

Mothers and daughters are invited to participate. The task of the first ones is to apply full makeup to the second ones in 5 minutes. In this case, not only speed is assessed, but also the technique of completing the task.

Ideas for Mother's Day competitions for mothers in kindergarten and school

Mother's Day competitions for mothers in kindergarten and elementary school should be included in a separate category. Such parent competitions must certainly be funny and cheerful, in order not only to diversify the holiday scenario, but also to greatly cheer up everyone present. Ideas for such competitions for Mother's Day for mothers in kindergarten or school can even be drawn from similar children's competitions. For example, hold a reading competition or thematic drawings among mothers. And to make such competitions even more fun, you can conduct them at speed or blindfolded. And to encourage the winners and cheer up the losers, you should choose interesting prizes. And you don’t have to spend money on expensive souvenirs. Together with your children, you can come up with and make great memorable gifts with your own hands that all participants will surely enjoy. Next you will find several interesting options for competitions and games for mothers, which can be used for holidays in kindergartens and schools.

Real music lovers

Participating mothers are divided into two teams. The task of each team is to remember and, importantly, sing a popular children's song. It will be enough to reproduce just a few lines or a chorus. The opposing team must guess the title, artist or cartoon/film where this song was played. The team that names the most correct answers wins.

Dance assortment for mommy

Mothers are invited to “remember their youth” and dance a little. At the same time, they will have to dance to different styles. For example, you can make a cut of hits from the 80s and 90s, add an excerpt from a waltz or tango, a little freestyle and a couple of children's soundtracks. The most creative and flexible participant wins.

Mom of all trades

Each participant is given a sewing kit: several scraps of fabric, needles and threads, ribbons, lace. The set also includes completely inappropriate materials, for example, a plastic bottle, disposable plates or garbage bags. The task of every mother is to use this set to make a carnival costume for her child for the upcoming New Year's party. The creativity of completed work is assessed.


Scenario of an entertainment program for students and their parents dedicated to Mother's Day (Mother's Day competitions)

Class teacher: Dear mothers! Dear students! In order to make our evening more varied and fun, I have prepared a competition program for you. And we’ll call her “Come on, mommies.” We will have two teams of mothers, a team of fans and, of course, a respected jury of teachers. Now our dear mothers need to divide into two teams, which we will call: “Mothers and Daughters”, it will include the mothers of our girl students. “Mommy-lapuli”, it will include the mothers of our cocky boy students.

Mother's Day Contest No. 1. GUESS THE EVENT!

Now in the slide show you will be shown photographs that depict the events. Your task is to identify the event and name those who were photographed there. And, of course, the team that guesses the most events wins. For the competition, you can use photographs from the personal archives of the class, starting in elementary school.

Competition for loud fans. MOTHER'S GENTLE HANDS

For this competition, a fan is invited from each team and is blindfolded. Participants in the competition must identify their five mothers, only by hand and blindfolded. The fan from the team who did it the fastest earns a point for his team of moms.

Mother's Day competition No. 2. IF IT'S SCHOOL TOMORROW?!

The competition is quite difficult, because mothers need to remember their child’s school schedule for tomorrow and quickly write it down. The team that wrote the schedule fastest and most clearly wins.

Mother's Day competition No. 3. FIND YOUR NATIVE CHILDREN!

One mother from each team is invited to the stage. Now parents will have to blindfolded and identify their child by touch from five options. Whoever completes the task first wins.

Mother's Day competition No. 4. YOU NEED TO KNOW THEM IN FACE

Competition for mothers. They must tell the teacher's name, patronymic and surname from the photo and what subject he teaches. For slides, you can use photographs of the director, teachers, head teachers, and you can use interesting events, a hike, class evenings, etc. Whoever gave the most correct answers wins.

Mother's Day competition No. 5. BLITZ SURVEY

Each team is asked three questions. The team that answered the question incorrectly transfers the right to answer to its opponents. What time do classes start at our school? What is the name of the school principal? How many minutes does the lesson last? What work are the children studying in literature now? How many desks are there in a classroom?

Mother's Day competition No. 6. SUPERBLITZ FOR THE VERY MOTHER

One mother from each team is invited to participate in the competition. The presenter asks them the same questions. Indicate the desk your child is studying at in class. What is his fourth quarter chemistry grade? In physics? What task does your child do best in class? Those mothers who know their children best are the ones who win!

And now a competition for cheerful fans

Questions for fans from each team: Write the city in which your mother was born. Write the full last names, first names and patronymics of your mother’s parents. Your mom's favorite dish? At this time, the mothers of the answering children also write answers on pieces of paper. And whoever has the most matches wins and brings a point to his team. Meanwhile, the jury sums up the results. All participants are awarded prizes, chocolates and the celebration continues. Tea party and disco for mothers and their children.

Happy Mother's Day, dear mothers!

Mother's Day is a special day when mothers around the world get a chance to relax and enjoy the attention and care of their children. The celebration takes many forms, but in general, on the last Sunday of November, festive concerts, entertainment events with contests, competitions and games are organized, in which both mothers and children can take part.

Quiz "Mom Scout"

Number of participants – 8 (4 mothers and 4 children). Mothers and children are given leaves and pens. Adults will have to answer questions regarding the child, his school, academic performance, and other little things. The answers are compared with the children's answers.
Examples of questions for the quiz:
1. What verse did your child study at school last time?
2. Write down the lesson schedule for... (name the day).
3. The name of your child's favorite teacher.
4. Your child's favorite items.
5. What is the name of your child’s desk neighbor?
6. The child’s favorite dish in the school cafeteria.
If the mother's answer matches the answer of her child, she is awarded a point. The winner is announced after the points are tallied at the end of the quiz. The winner receives a “mom scout” medal.

Game "The most-most..."

A great game for all children. And the main thing is that mothers will enjoy watching her.
1. Children line up in a circle.
2. Each child takes turns saying “my mother is the best...”, ending the sentence in different ways, the main thing is not to repeat yourself and not spend more than 5-7 seconds on “mom’s characteristics”.
3. As the game progresses, the number of participants will be reduced until only one remains, and he will be the winner.
An alternative option is the game “Necklace of Compliments”. The presenters make preparations in advance:
take large sheets of paper (one piece for each child);
draw a necklace on a piece of paper (consists of circles large enough to write a word inside).
The children’s task is, at the leader’s command, to write down as many compliments addressed to their mother as possible in circles. One circle – one compliment. There are no winners here. At the end of the game, the children present a necklace of compliments to their parents.
Competition "The most talented artist"
Several mothers are invited to play, each is given an A4 sheet of paper and a marker. The task is to temporarily portray your child. The judges will be children who are given ready-made drawings (not signed and mixed in advance) and asked to find their portrait among them. The winners are those mothers in whose portraits the children recognize themselves.

Game "Beauty Salon"

Perfect for mothers and their daughters. Prepare in advance:
a set of elastic bands and hairpins for each “stylist”;
Daughters should know their mothers well, and they probably also know well what hairstyle will suit them. You need to do it in this game blindfolded.
You can invite many participating couples. After the end of the competition, each child receives an award in the following categories:
The most unusual hairstyle;
The most festive;
The most exclusive;
The most stylish;
The most modest, etc.
In addition, you can give a small souvenir, for example, small mirrors or a set of rubber bands.

Competition "Who is faster"

Mothers work a lot around the house, can their children replace the hero of the occasion on Mother's Day? The next competition will allow us to test this. Everyone is invited to participate in it, the main thing is that the guys can be divided into two teams.
two ropes are pulled between two chairs located at a distance (from different sides);
Each team is given clothespins and a laundry basket with the same number of scraps of fabric.
The players’ task is to take turns following the leader’s command to go to their clothesline to hang one piece of fabric. The game is played on the principle of a relay race, which means that each subsequent participant runs to “hang out the laundry” only when the previous one returns. The team that hangs up all the laundry the fastest wins.

Game “I will give my mother...”

At the holiday, all children are asked to write down on a piece of paper what they would give to their mother if they were adults now. The leaves are handed to the presenter, he:
1. Calls the name of the mother, who must guess her child’s gift.
2. Writes down on the board (preliminarily draw out the cells so that their number corresponds to the number of letters in the word) the first letter of the word.
3. All parents who were able to guess the gifts win.

Improvisation game “Interesting story”

It is enough to recruit two teams of 5 people each (mixed teams, which will include both adults and children). Each team receives a certain set of items. The players' task is to create a story "On Mother's Day" using the objects provided to them in their story. The invented story, among other things, needs to be acted out as a performance. At the end of the game, instead of determining the winner, each team is assigned a title, for example, “The Most Humorous” or “The Most Inventive.”

Game "Gifts for Baby"

Coloring sheets are pre-prepared, rolled into a tube, hidden in balls, which are then inflated. The game is played for 3 mothers, who are given a common bundle of balloons. Their task is to “get” as many gifts as possible for their children.
After the presenter’s command, mothers try to quickly pop the balloons (one at a time), while collecting gifts.
Important: Not all balls contain hidden gifts, which only makes the interesting competition more exciting.

Competition "Find in the Crowd"

Two mothers are invited to participate (one is the mother of a girl, the other is the mother of a boy). Mothers are blindfolded, and children line up around them (girls and boys, respectively).
The task of parents is to recognize the child by touch. Just for fun, you can put a few bobby pins in the boys' hair to confuse mom.
Competition "Better description of mom"
At the holiday, parents will have to get to know not only their child, but also themselves. You will have to focus only on the verbal description. Children prepare such a “portrait” in advance. Notes with descriptions are mixed. The presenter reads each one in turn. Mom can only recognize herself in the description. The more people who “identify” themselves, the better.
If the party is attended mainly by small children, they are asked to draw a picture of their mother. And then you will need to recognize yourself by children's artistic masterpieces and portraits.

Competition "Best Cooks"

Who is the main cook of the family? Mother. She cooks every day. But on the last Sunday of November, her children will come to her aid.
The competition is held in three stages (responsibilities are shared).
1. Mom peels a large potato as quickly as possible, so that the skin remains intact, as long as possible.
2. Children write down dishes with a specific letter suggested by the presenter (you need to write down as many as possible).
3. The third stage - mother and her child try to recognize different types of kitchen utensils by touch. The more correct answers, the better.

Competition "Who is faster"

Pre-prepare puzzles (purchased or homemade) on the theme of mother and child or just mother. A good idea is to take as a basis a cartoon or movie about a mother that the kids are familiar with. Participants are divided into two teams and asked to put together a puzzle for a while.
Important: The puzzles should not be small, so that the competition does not take a lot of time, and the winner can be announced within 5 minutes.
Game "We are a team"
Several pairs of participants (mother-child) are invited for the competition.
The children are blindfolded and placed next to a basket with small balls. Mothers stand opposite, folding their hands in the form of a basketball hoop. Rules.
1. On command, children (without moving from their place) throw balls in the direction where mother is standing, trying to get into the “basketball hoop”. One hit – one point.
2. It is difficult for children to get into the “ring” blindfolded, so mothers are allowed to adjust to the flying ball in order to earn as many points as possible.

Game “Mom is my personal translator”

Leaves with tongue twisters are prepared in advance (it is better not to use sweets so that the child does not choke). Rules of the game:
1. Children put marshmallows in their cheeks, blindly pull out a piece of paper with a tongue twister and try to pronounce it so that mom can “decipher” it and repeat it.
2. If mom guesses the tongue twister, she earns a point for her team.
Song competition
A simple but interesting competition in which participants (3 to 4) are asked to name more songs about mom.
Dance competition
A wonderful option to complete a holiday entertainment program. This is a disco where children repeat “fashionable dance steps” after their mothers.
Mother's Day is a holiday when we all try to pay tribute to the hard work of women who sacrifice a lot for motherhood, do not spare any affection, warmth, or love, giving it all to their children entirely. A festive program with competitions and games is a great option for entertainment on a special day.

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