universal tool for garden design and camouflage of unsightly buildings in the country. They create coziness, are used as hedges and protect the house from noise and pollution, and at the same time are completely unpretentious in care.

Exists huge amount types of climbing plants are annual and perennial, green and flowering, fast-growing, exclusively ornamental and fruit-bearing. To understand this diversity, let’s take a closer look at the plants that are most popular among gardeners.

The best perennial varieties

Perennial plants are convenient because once you take the time to plant, you can enjoy this beauty for many years.

climbing rose

Favorite among climbing plants landscape designers. Will allow you to decorate a garden in Victorian style, and any summer cottage plot will make you more beautiful and well-groomed. Even an old village house, decorated with this rose, will sparkle with new bright colors. At the same time, the plant is unpretentious and does not require special care.

Climbing roses are planted at the end of September or at the beginning of October. Planting and care includes the following important points:

  1. Roses will grow poorly in both heavy clay soil and light sandy soil. Therefore, it is better to provide them with a mixed type of soil.
  2. At the end of summer, add fertilizers to the soil - humus, humus, phosphorus, so that by the time of planting they have formed ideal conditions for rapid shoot growth.
  3. The plants are photophilous; the planting site should be sufficiently sunny.
  4. Additional watering is necessary; rainwater alone will not be enough.
  5. Roses grow well not only in length, but also in width. A distance of at least 1 meter must be left between bushes.

Climbing roses will delight you with their splendor for many years, just don’t forget to cover them for the winter, because severe frosts they won't survive.

Flowers of incredible beauty, having in their color scheme orange, scarlet, crimson and golden shades. Campsis comes from North America, but is perfectly adapted to our winter frosts. It grows up to 15 meters in height, and timely pruning will allow it to be given any desired shape. It blooms for a long time - from June to September.

IMPORTANT: Bright flowers are attractive not only to people, but also to all kinds of insects, so you should not decorate the gazebo and other recreation areas in the country with Campsis.

Suitable for creating a hedge; a green fence strewn with large bells of stunning flowers will look gorgeous. In our country, the plant is widespread only in the south, but it can easily be grown in middle lane Russia, if you provide reliable shelter for the winter.

Her large hanging tassels of purple, white or blue flowers with a wonderful aroma will create a simply fabulous atmosphere in the garden. It was Wisteria that became the prototype of the magical Eywa tree in the film Avatar. This is a woody plant, the stems of which can reach a height of 18 m. It grows very well in a humid southern climate, but northern latitudes are also suitable for it. But you will have to wait for lush flowering, because it begins to bloom profusely only from the 5th year of life. Wisteria is quite colorful even in the fall, when it has finished blooming. Its leaves take on a bright lemon hue, and its inflorescences turn into bean pods.

The plant is not too demanding to care for. For active growth and flowering, it is enough to follow these rules:

  1. Sunny and protected from strong winds place for planting.
  2. Light fertile soil with good permeability. Wisteria will not grow at all only in calcareous soil.
  3. Moderate watering, the plant does not like waterlogging.
  4. Pruning is the key abundant flowering. At the end of May, last year's shoots are pruned so that their length does not exceed 30 cm, then their pruning is repeated in August for another 5 buds.
  5. Winter shelter. Late autumn Wisteria needs to be removed from the supports and placed on boards. You can cover the top with branches coniferous trees and agrofabric.

Otherwise, the plant will not cause much trouble. It is resistant to diseases and is very rarely attacked by insects.

Perennial varieties are suitable for those gardeners who do not want to spend time every year decorating their plot. If you are ready to regularly create new interiors in the garden, you better pay attention to annual plants.

Popular annual species

Annual plants are poorly adapted to cold, so they must be sown annually. But they also have their advantages. These plants are faster growing than their perennial relatives. In just two months they can completely cover any structure with dense thickets, and by mid-summer they will be presented in all their glory.

This annual vine Great for creating a screen for a terrace or balcony, for decorating a gazebo and fence, as well as for planting in containers. Different rapid growth- in mid-summer you will already have a solid green carpet with flowers of purple, blue, white or crimson color. Flowering begins in June and lasts until October.

TIP: The main condition for the rapid growth of Ipomoea is soil fertility. The plant needs to be regularly fed with mineral fertilizers and a small amount of nitrogen.

Planting takes place in early May. You can plant both seeds and sprouts. You need to choose a well-lit place; in the shade, plant growth will slow down. Watering should be moderate as the soil dries out. Another additional care not required.

Most often used to decorate terraces and balconies. The plant is valued not so much for its beauty as for its exquisite aroma, this can be judged from its name. It has a huge color palette and a long flowering period, which is 3-4 months. It tolerates spring frosts well and can be sown in early spring. It is important to provide support for the plant in time; if the moment is missed, you will not be able to untangle the shoots. To preserve the decorative appearance of sweet peas for as long as possible, you need to provide them with good lighting and watering, and also remove wilted flowers in a timely manner.

One of the oldest types. This vine was cultivated back in 1787, and it still remains popular decoration fences and gazebos in the country. The plant has shoots up to 4 m long and large bell-shaped flowers in purple and white shades. It begins to bloom from July until the first frost.

Suitable for growing in both sun and shade. It climbs the walls on its own, with the help of its antennae. Special care does not require. Planting can be done with both seeds and cuttings. In the second case, for the winter the roots need to be dug up and stored in a cool room. The advantage of Kobeya is that there is no need to constantly remove fading buds. When the time comes, they fly away under the influence of the wind, and the plant remains decorative.

Most climbing plants are easy to care for, but there are varieties that require no effort at all to grow.

The most unpretentious varieties of climbing plants

Some types of climbing plants literally grow on their own; they just need to be planted.

Record holder for unpretentiousness and resilience. Of course, he is not so impressive with his appearance, like Rose or Wisteria, representing simply green wall, no flowers. But ivy also has its advantages:

  • This is an evergreen plant. Even in mid-latitude climates, ivy will decorate fences and walls with its greenery throughout the year.
  • Grows well anywhere, regardless of light level. Sucker roots allow it to stay on any surface.
  • The green wall acts as a wonderful backdrop for other flowers - roses, gladioli, tulips.

The plant is successfully used for landscaping balconies and terraces, and a gazebo covered with ivy is a classic of the genre, a place for quiet solitude and dates for couples in love.

This plant reveals its maximum beauty with the onset of autumn. Against the backdrop of a blooming garden, the bright palette of the leaves of the Maiden Grape is mesmerizing. The plant is also striking in its unpretentiousness. It grows on any soil, tolerates shade well and is not afraid of frost, so there is no need to cover it for the winter.

There is no need to create for him additional supports, the lashes will independently cover all available space with their foliage. Maiden grapes are not susceptible to diseases or pests. You can plant a plant, water it well and forget about it for a long time. The only thing necessary event care - trimming old vines, or those that have begun to grow in the wrong direction.

Maiden grapes bloom modestly in July with small but fragrant flowers. The fruits ripen in September; they are inedible and serve only a decorative function.

IMPORTANT: Plastered walls may be damaged by planting with Maiden's Grapes. Under the weight of the foliage, the plaster will simply begin to fall off. Only brick, concrete and wooden walls can be decorated with plants without fear.

Among the varieties of climbing plants there are also those that, in addition to their beauty, also delight with useful fruits. This ideal option for rational gardeners who want to make the most of the territory of their plot.

Fruit-bearing types of climbing garden plants

These varieties of plants will not only decorate your garden, but will also allow you to harvest from them.

Extraordinarily useful and completely unpretentious plant, which can easily be grown in your dacha. Actinidia is valuable not only for its beautiful flowers exuding light citrus aroma, but also delicious berries. They have a nice sweet and sour taste and a bright aroma reminiscent of gooseberries. The fruits have a rich vitamin composition, especially a lot of vitamin C.

Actinidia reaches a height of 15 meters, spiraling around a support. Has no antennae. It has an unusual bright color of foliage, as can be seen in the photo. It is famous for its frost resistance, surviving even at -50 degrees in Siberia. Due to its resistance to cold, the plant can be planted as early as April. And by the end of August you will reap the first harvest.

Another unpretentious plant that is suitable for growing in the shade. Honeysuckle is not susceptible to disease and requires virtually no care. The main advantage is the magical aroma of its flowers. The fruits of the plant are also valued, they are used both in fresh, and are used for making jam, wine and compotes.

NOTE: Not all types of Honeysuckle are edible. Only black and blue fruits are eaten, while red and orange berries are poisonous.

Honeysuckle is also actively used in medicine. Consumption of honeysuckle fruits has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, digestive system. They are used to treat hypertension, stomach ulcers and other disorders gastrointestinal tract. And baths with young branches of the plant successfully treat articular rheumatism.


A variety of climbing bean. It has dense foliage, decorative white flowers and pods 50-60 cm long. The pods not only act as decoration, but also have a refined taste and nutritional value. They are used for preparing a variety of dishes, as well as for freezing and canning. Cowpea is also grown for beans. The plant is easy to care for and can bear fruit in any type of soil. Resistant to heat, drought and shade. The yield reaches 3 kg of pods per plant.

Any type of climbing plants can transform a manor or summer cottage beyond recognition, but often gardeners want immediate results, so that the area becomes green within the same year after planting. In this case, the choice should be made in favor of the fastest growing plants.

The fastest growing climbing plants

Some varieties of climbing plants have amazing growth rates. They allow you to green the area in just one season.

The fastest growing varieties of climbing plants include:

  1. Aubert's fallopia. A liana that can reach up to 8 meters in height in one growing season, and in subsequent years grows up to 15 m.
  2. Woodplier. The annual growth of this plant is 2-3 m, and in general it grows up to 10 m.
  3. . Its growth per year can be about 3 m, and in total it grows up to 8 m in height.
  4. . This plant can conquer any height. In Europe, there are specimens with shoots up to 100 m long. Its annual growth is 0.5 m.
  5. Kirkazon. It grows about 1 m per year, and the total height is about 10 m.
  6. . It rises to a height of up to 20 m, giving an increase of 2 m per year. Other grape varieties also have a high growth rate.

These types of plants require strong and reliable supports. Growing at tremendous speed, they increase not only the length of the lashes, but also their weight. Shaky and fragile structures collapse very quickly under their weight.

Climbing plants serve many functions. They will not only decorate the garden, but also hide unaesthetic elements personal plot, will create pleasant shading on the terrace or in the gazebo, and even provide tasty and healthy fruits. With all this, they require minimal care, and even a novice gardener without experience can grow such plants.

Video compilation

Review suitable plants from the video channel "Dachny Design".

Bindweeds are plants from the family Convolvulaceae (Convolvulaceae), which grow wild in temperate and subtropical climates.

There are more than a hundred species in nature, but with decorative purposes only use 3-4. They are all climbing plants that can be used in vertical gardening or as ground covers.

Daytime beauty - botanical description

Daytime beauty or tricolor bindweed (C. tricolor) is planted in summer cottages more often than other cultivated representatives of the family. The birthplace of this flower is the coast Mediterranean Sea. It has been used as an ornamental crop since the 17th century.

Daytime beauty is an annual flower with a dense branching stem that spreads along the ground. In the south, the plant can be a perennial, since its rhizome remains in the soil in winter if the temperature does not drop below -10.

The stems of the tricolor bindweed are pubescent, the leaves are oval without teeth, slightly tapering towards the end, gray-green. The length of the shoots is up to 0.5 m. The flowers are at least 4 cm in diameter. The plant rises above the soil to a height of 30-35 cm, forming thick “pillows”.

The corollas sit on short stems singly, emerging from the leaf axils, have a pentagonal shape, up to 4 cm in size. The color is tricolor: the ends of the petals are ultramarine, the middle is white, and there is a yellow spot in the center.

The plant blooms from June to August. It is called a daytime beauty, since the corollas are open only during daylight hours. At night, the flowers close tightly. They are also invisible in rainy weather.

Tricolor bindweed looks similar to morning glory, but these are two different, although related, ornamental crops. Flowers daytime beauty much smaller. The stems do not climb along supports, like morning glory, but lie horizontally on the ground. Only the corollas look up, rushing towards the sun.


Breeders have developed varieties with blue-red, snow-white, pink and lilac flowers.

Popular varieties of daytime beauty:

  1. Royal ensign - height 40-45 cm, corollas blue velvet with a yellow center.
  2. Crimson monarch – flower diameter 45 cm, carmine corolla with a yellow center, white throat.
  3. Rose ensign - the color of the corolla combines pink, crimson, white and yellow.
  4. Golubchik – a variety of bindweed domestic selection with blue-violet gramophones decorated with a yellow-white center. Height up to 25 cm.
  5. Mosaic is dark blue; growing in partial shade is recommended, as its intensely colored petals fade slightly in bright sun.

Mixtures of varieties are sold in stores:

  1. Cancan from Gavrish - flower diameter up to 4 cm, color blue, red, white with contrastingly colored cores. Pillow height up to 40 cm.
  2. Tricolor Mamba is a mixture of multi-colored varieties for balconies and loggias. The color of the corollas is pink, white and dark lilac.

When and how to plant?

Bindweed tricolor is grown from seeds. It is better to sow them in March at home in planting boxes or pots. Embedment depth 3 mm. If you soak the seeds in a stimulant (Silk, Epin) or simply in chlorine-free water for 1-2 days, they will germinate much faster. Landing at open ground carried out in early June every 30 cm.

Annual garden bindweeds are cold-resistant and can withstand low temperatures, so when the soil warms up, the seeds can be sown in open ground. In the Moscow region this happens at the end of April.

In the future, flowers are not sown on purpose, but are given the opportunity to reproduce by self-sowing. Seeds remain viable for up to three years.

Planting bindweed at home. Video:

Caring for bindweed

Bindweed blooms luxuriantly on loams and sandy loams fertilized with organic matter, and tolerates slightly acidic and slightly alkaline soils. The plant is valuable because it can tolerate partial shade. However, the plant feels best in sunny places. Optimal temperature for development +20 degrees; in heat and drought, plants stop growing, lose their decorative appearance, but do not die.

Plants require the most moderate care. In hot weather they are watered. Every two weeks you can add any complex fertilizer to the water.

To save decorative qualities faded flowers are picked off. This makes flowering more magnificent, since the plant does not expend energy on the formation of seeds. The plant reproduces by self-seeding, therefore, if the plantings need to be kept for next year, some of the ovaries are left on the branches.

Diseases and pests

The daytime beauty is not bothered by any phytopathologies. This is a strong flower with stable immunity to fungal and bacterial diseases. Its leaves are poisonous to most pests.

Occasionally, aphids or spider mite. In damp weather, it can be affected - the leaves and stems become covered with a white coating, as if they were sprinkled with flour.

A diseased plant loses its attractive appearance, the leaves dry out, and flowering becomes scarce. Appropriate pesticides are used against diseases and pests.

Medicinal properties

They have no medicinal properties decorative bindweeds, but the common field Convōlvulus Arvēnsis, which is more often called birch. These are perennial bindweeds that are destructive to the garden, but their roots, herbs and seeds are used in folk medicine.

Preparations prepared from birch bindweed are used to treat gastritis, enterocolitis, as an analgesic, diuretic and laxative.

Attention. Field bindweed is poisonous, so preparations from it should be used under medical supervision.

  1. Grind dried rhubarb roots and birch seeds in a coffee grinder in equal proportions.
  2. Take 4 g per day as a laxative.

The above-ground part is harvested for medicinal purposes at the flowering stage. The roots are dug up in early spring or autumn. The raw materials are washed from the ground and dried well under a roof or in an electric dryer at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Can be stored for no longer than a year.

Recipe with bindweed for toothache:

  • pour a tablespoon of ground root into a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for 20-25 minutes;
  • rinse your mouth.

Recipe for treating wounds:

  • fill a half-liter glass jar 2/3 with leaves and flowers cut into pieces;
  • pour vodka up to the neck;
  • put in a dark place and wait 14 days.

Before use, the tincture is diluted boiled water(a tablespoon per 100 ml) and is used for compresses.

Bindweed and morning glory in decorating the site and home

The daytime beauty is planted in flower beds and ridges, and used for borders. When choosing a place for planting, you need to take into account that the thickets of bindweed look like wide mats due to the stems lying on the ground.

The plant is suitable for filling empty space in. Tolerance to drought and heat makes the plant suitable for alpine slides. Plants form bright dense clouds in flowerpots, hanging flower pots, and pots.

Purple bindweed (p. Purpureus) or morning glory is an annual plant of the bindweed family. There are 25 species of morning glory used in floriculture. In addition to purple, you can buy seeds of lobed, feathery, cardinal, white, and prickly in stores.

The corollas of purple bindweed are large - up to 10 cm in diameter, of various colors (from white to red). Many varieties of all shades of blue and two-tone. The largest-flowered cultivars have a corolla diameter of 20 cm. Flowers can be simple or double.

The Japanese were especially successful in breeding purple bindweed. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun were able to change the appearance of a simple wild morning glory from blue flowers beyond recognition. Every year more and more appear in the country unusual new items. The number of varieties is already in the hundreds.

Moorish bindweed (c. Mauritanicus) is most suitable for hanging. Its shoots hang down beautifully from baskets and containers. One plant on the soil surface can cover an area of ​​almost a meter. A plant growing in a container flows down like a waterfall. The usual color of the corollas is lilac; white varieties are less common.

Moorish bindweed seedlings for planting and care at home can be purchased at garden stores. Plants are moved outside after the onset of stable warm weather. Moorish bindweed can be grown from seeds, but they are difficult to find commercially.

The flower feels good in ordinary garden soil and does not need fertilizing. The only requirement is abundant watering. If the soil dries out, some of the buds will fall off and the decorative effect will decrease. However, the plant will not die. After the first watering, the elasticity of the leaves will be restored, the gramophones will open, the growth of new stems will begin and flowering will continue until the first frost.

Star bindweed is also called: exotic liana, mine, Spanish flag.

A flower native to the tropics temperate climate grows as an annual. The stems reach a height of 3 m, the leaves are decorative, three-lobed, heart-shaped. The corollas are long, individual varieties collected in inflorescences. During the summer, the color of the petals changes from red to milky white.

The plant blooms from July until autumn frosts. The soil requires loose, nutritious soil. Mina loves warmth and sun and can be used for landscaping southern walls, gazebos, fences and other vertical surfaces facing south.

Flowering plants can only be obtained from seeds. They are sown at home at the end of March - each seed in a separate cup. When the shoots appear, they almost immediately need to be supported, since the stems of star bindweed can only grow by clinging to something.

You can sow the seeds outside once the threat of frost has passed. Such plants are stronger and hardier, but bloom late - at the end of summer.

Many people have thought more than once about how to change a boring hedge. They repainted it in bright colors, drew pictures, even changed it for another one. But it’s not the same and it gets boring quickly. Fast-growing climbing plants for a fence will help solve this problem. They can not only decorate the perimeter of the site, but also disguise all unfavorable places.

But the usefulness of the hedge does not end there; growing quickly, it creates shade in the summer heat. This method of decoration requires time and effort, but after a couple of years it will delight the owner’s eye and cause envy among passers-by. You should start by choosing suitable plants.

How to plant plants correctly

Remember! Young shoots should be given special attention in the first year of their life. To prevent green pets from dying, they need to be watered regularly on hot days and protected from frost in winter. As the vegetation adapts to the new location, it will only need to be trimmed occasionally.

To plant a plant, you need to dig a hole with a diameter of 40–60 cm and fill it with soil mixed with fertilizer. It is recommended to plant climbing plants at intervals of one meter. This gap can be reduced to half a meter if you need to quickly get a thicker weave. Plants are planted a few centimeters deeper than in the nursery. After all the manipulations, the seedlings need to be watered and the soil loosened.

What types of plants are there?

There is a huge variety of climbing vegetation. The following types are distinguished:

  • perennial and annual;
  • flowering and deciduous;
  • evergreen and shedding leaves;
  • with and without spikes;
  • light-loving, shade-loving and universal.

Climbing plants are also called vines. They grow quite quickly. After just 1–2 years, they are able to weave around the entire fence and limit access to it. Before you start planting such friends, you should put the fence in order.

Wooden structures should be painted, this will protect them from rotting, metal should be coated with an anti-corrosion agent, stone or concrete structures should be plastered. Such events will make it possible to preserve the hedge for for many years. Photos and characteristics of popular climbing fast-growing plants for decorating a fence will be presented to you in this article.

Blooming perennial vines

Climbing (climbing) rose

Unpretentious, but loves the sun. It blooms fragrantly in May-June for a month. Some of its varieties can delight with color all summer long.

climbing rose

The optimal time for planting is early autumn. The bushes are planted in fertilized soil in the sun. It is necessary to water frequently. It is worth fertilizing and feeding the soil periodically. As they grow, the shoots must be tied to the fence.

Know! If some shoots are sent horizontally, the flowers will be distributed evenly throughout the plant.

The rose is afraid of cold and ice, so the lashes are covered for the winter. It is best to remove them from the fence before spring and wrap them well. All dry shoots need to be pruned in the spring. It is recommended to thin out bushes no more than once every three years. A wooden fence is an ideal support for a rose.

There are many varieties climbing rose with large and small buds of various colors and shades. Everyone can choose for their fence what suits their taste.


Campsis or "pipe flower" is a woody vine that can reach a length of 16 meters. As it grows, its stems twist around the support in a spiral and over time become like intricate tree trunks from a fairy-tale forest. Young plant are rich in bright, rich green foliage and gramophone-shaped flowers in red or orange and are pleasing to the eye all summer.

Campsis can be rooted and large-flowered. Tubeflower can grow anywhere, but for good flowering it needs loose, fertile soil and plenty of sunlight.

It is recommended to plant Kampsis seedlings after frosts (in April) so that they do not interfere with each other. A seedling is placed in a pre-prepared hole with fertilized soil and the roots are straightened. They bury it, tamp it a little and sprinkle peat on top.

Caring for trumpet flower is quite simple. He needs regular moderate watering, periodic feeding if the soil is not fertile and regular annual pruning.

Attention! To achieve abundant flowering, the plant must be pruned annually. Old branches must be removed to ensure the development of new young shoots.

Campsis doesn't like severe frosts. If the temperature drops below 15, then the vine must be sent for the winter. After pruning, the vine is removed from the support, laid on the ground and wrapped in dry leaves, pine needles or sawdust, and covered with film on top.


This shrubby vine belongs to the Ranunculaceae. Bushes are planted in autumn. This plant does not like abundant watering and dampness, fertilization with manure and peat. In the summer heat, the ground near the horses should be sprinkled with humus. This prevents overheating.


A floral arrangement in the shape of a skirt, such as marigolds, will help protect clematis roots from the scorching sun. For the winter, the plant should be covered to prevent the roots from freezing.

Clematis covers the hedge with shoots with bright green or reddish leaves. Blooms from early summer until frost. Clematis flowers can be in the form of inflorescences and have different colors and shades. It depends on the variety and environment, in which they live. There are terry and simple varieties.

The liana is good both on its own and combines favorably in a composition with other vines. Resistant and richly flowering varieties are suitable for decorating hedges.

Interesting! To add volume, the lashes of the bush are placed on the ground and sprinkled. After some time, new shoots will begin to grow.


An unpretentious shrubby creeping or erect fruit-bearing plant. Frost-resistant, can withstand frosts down to 35 degrees, and frosts during the growing season do not interfere with it and flowers can set at a temperature of 5-7 degrees below zero.

Erect bushes reach a height of two meters, and creeping varieties - up to six meters, the branches actively branch. Flowering begins in May and fruits appear already in July-August. Edible - large elongated blue berries with a blue tint.

climbing honeysuckle

Ornamental species have round, much smaller berries that taste bitter. Inedible fruits can be scarlet, orange and, less commonly, purple. In most varieties, with slight shaking, the berries easily fall off.

Important! Edible species It is better to plant in the sun. This promotes active flowering. For a rich harvest, you need to plant one or more varieties nearby. This will ensure cross-pollination.

Plants are not susceptible to disease, but you should be wary of aphids and plant mites.
Honeysuckle does not require special attention. It is enough to carry out regular watering, more abundant during active growth, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

Decorative deciduous perennial vines for the fence


The most popular are virgin and Amur grapes. The leaves can be green, yellow or red depending on the amount of light. You need to plant in fertile soil on any side (south or north).

Maiden grapes

Maiden or wild grapes are completely unpretentious and resilient. It grows very intensively. In a couple of years he can completely weave the facade of a building, a fence or a gazebo. It is not afraid of frost and is suitable for almost any soil; it does not need regular fertilizing.

girl's grapes

Not susceptible to diseases and not afraid of pests. Does not require special support, just point the vines in in the right direction and it will fill the free space on its own.

Interesting fact! If the plant is planted in the sun, the foliage will be red or red-brown. In the shade it turns dark green, sometimes with bright yellow streaks.

Wild grapes will not create problems when planting. Having dug a hole, just sprinkle the bottom with humus and lay drainage, place the shoot there and dig it in. The main point when planting is to direct the seedling towards the object that it will entwine. To ensure that the vine covers the support evenly, it is recommended to direct its branches in a fan pattern.

Amur grapes

The deciduous vine can grow up to 20 meters in height. It has green, heart-shaped, wrinkled leaves that turn red-purple in the fall. Small fragrant flowers are collected in racemes. Besides decorative properties, will delight its owner with delicious fruits.

Amur grapes

This vine loves sun or partial shade. Grows well in fertile, well-drained soils. It grows actively and requires periodic pruning. Complex mineral fertilizer is well suited for feeding. Blooms in mid-June. Begins to bear fruit at the age of two to three years. The berries reach maturity in September.

Tree pliers round-leaved

A fast-growing vine that grows up to 20 meters. It weaves along any support and forms a huge crown (up to three meters in diameter). The foliage is bright green and turns sandy orange in autumn. It blooms in mid-summer with unremarkable white flowers tinged with green or pink.

After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of a rounded box. She is especially beautiful at this time. At the end of summer, the boxes turn yellow and open. Inside there are red seeds that remain on the branches even in winter and look good against the background of snow-covered branches.

round-leaved wood pliers

Wood pliers are not required special attention. They love light and tolerate shade well. When planting, it is not recommended to dig the root neck deeply. The soil must be mixed with humus. The top of the soil must be sprinkled with sawdust or peat.

Important! Wood pliers should not be placed near trees. The liana has crescent-shaped roots, with the help of which it grows and entwines the tree, which can cause its death.

Annual plants: photos, names, care

Annuals are chosen by people who are willing to take care of them every year. Their life period lasts from warm spring to frost. For the most part, they are quite capricious. Their distinctive feature is the presence of long stems that produce almost no side shoots.

The most favorable conditions for annual loaches are hot weather. You can sow seeds in damp earth, which has already warmed up a little. For density, the seeds are placed at a distance of 10–15 cm. The grown sprouts must be directed to a support and secured. Subsequently, they will crawl on their own. Let's get acquainted with the most common climbing annuals.

Sweet pea

A climbing plant can cover various objects with a light blanket. During flowering it spreads a delicate aroma. A rich range of colors allows you to create a flower arrangement for every taste.

Advantages of this representative of the flora:

Caring for the plant is simple. Seeds are planted in the spring, several pieces in holes every 15–20 cm. For rich and long flowering, peas need to be watered regularly, especially in hot and dry weather (if there is a lack of moisture, they lose color), freed from weeds and fed with organic fertilizers.

Advice! For early color sweet pea grown by seedlings. But it is important to remember that it does not tolerate transplantation well. Seedlings must be moved carefully without damaging the roots.

The plant has a fast growth rate and requires support. It consumes a lot to grow nutrients and goes deep into the ground. It is advisable to add fertile compost to the base of the stem and hill up. Every year the peas need to change their location. It can be returned to its original place in five years.

morning glory

Not capricious, practically does not require attention. It is recommended to plant seeds after warm weather sets in. It grows quickly and actively blooms with a variety of variegated flowers. It can braid any support in a few weeks.

Important! When planting, you should choose a place that is not the sunniest. Under the influence of direct sun rays in the middle of the day, morning glory will close its flowers and open them only the next day. And in constant shade it will grow very slowly.

You can plant morning glory either with seeds in open ground or with seedlings, keeping a distance of 20 cm. In both cases, you immediately need to take care of the support - this is one of the important conditions for active growth.

Morning glory welcomes abundant watering and regular feeding. But you should not allow water to stagnate and overfeed the plant. Aphids and spider mites are the first enemies of the flower. For prevention, treatment should be carried out with an insecticide or soapy water.


Ideal for vertical gardening. During flowering, it resembles a waterfall of colorful bells. Kobeya grows quickly and can reach six meters. Flowers in the form of large bells of various colors exude a pleasant aroma.

Kobeya is grown seedling method. It grows especially intensively when sunny weather. It needs active watering and weekly feeding with nitrogen, and before flowering with potassium and phosphorus.

Interesting! In acidic soil, flowers acquire a rich red tint, in calcareous soil - blue.

In decorative landscaping, creeping kobeya or “monastery bells” are used. It is actively grown to decorate hedges and garden gazebos.


Has red, purple or yellow, double or single flowers irregular shape. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and long flowering period. The stems and flowers of nasturtium have healing properties.


Nasturtium grows on different soils and covers any area. It grows quickly, reaching a length of three meters. This loach does not require constant care:

  • prefers space, sun and moderately fertile soil;
  • watering frequently, but not abundantly;
  • Feeding with potassium and phosphorus is carried out before flowering.

Remarkable! The foliage, rich in vitamin C, is used in cooking, the fruits are canned, and the seeds are used to season many dishes. Is medicinal plant and is actively used in medicine. Stimulates hair growth.

Decorative beans

decorative beans

A cute plant with small red-orange flowers. Often used as a background for flower arrangements. Does not tolerate frost. It is preferable to plant it in May. This vine grows up to four meters. It is unpretentious and grows well both in the shade and in the sun. The fruits of decorative beans are not edible. They look rough and large.

Plant seeds in well-warmed soil. Prefers rich, light soils and loves moisture. You can fertilize with organic mixtures, except manure. To retain moisture, the soil around the beans is sprinkled with straw or sawdust.

Loaches growing quickly in the shade

Ideal for decorating a fence located in the shade:

  • ivy;
  • hop;
  • girl's grapes

Garden ivy

Ivy or Hedera -- perennial vine. It is unpretentious, grows quickly and shows off its leaves different colors and sizes. The foliage is green with reddish veining, yellow patterns or a white border. The umbel flowers are greenish-yellow. After flowering, berries are formed.

garden ivy

Two types of ivy are usually used to decorate hedges:

  1. Ordinary. Evergreen loach with glossy leaves various shapes. It grows quite slowly.
  2. Colchis. A fast-growing climbing plant that does not shed its leaves. It has large leaves of various shapes.

Ivy prefers shaded areas and always moist soil. To maintain a decorative appearance, pruning should be done every autumn.

You should know! Varieties with colored leaves need full sun. If there is no or little sunlight, the leaves will turn green.


Fast growing and unpretentious annual. In autumn the plant dies, only large roots remain. The climbing stem has hooked thorns. Dark green leaves on long petioles and hop “cones” during flowering creatively decorate the support.

This shade-loving plant grows well in moist and fertile soil. Caring for hops is easy. It is enough to water, loosen the soil and free it from weeds. Fertilizers must be added the first time after planting.

Important! You need to keep an eye on the hop roots. Otherwise, this cunning fellow will fill the entire space around him and it will be almost impossible to remove him.

Plants for decorating a fence in Siberia

In the harsh climate of Siberia, it is also possible to grow fast-growing climbing plants for fences. The following representatives of the flora performed best:


  • clematis: Tangut and Siberian;
  • prince;
  • Kirkazon Manchurian or large-leaved;
  • Ecremocarpus.



Decorative foliage:

  • maiden grapes;
  • echinacestis;
  • white step;
  • Schisandra chinensis.

Photos and description of Siberian loaches

Prince Alpine

Prince of the Alps

The shoots of the prince are covered with small artistic ribbed leaves and reach a height of three meters. They wrap around the supports well and quickly, creating a floral and foliage decorative composition.

Princeweed flowers are bell-shaped and located on long stalks. White and blue-blue colors predominate, but there are also representatives of other colors.

There are several varieties of princeling:

  • Siberian;
  • Okhotsk;
  • large-petalled;
  • Alpine.

The prince prefers partial shade. It shows this with longer and more variegated flowering.


For Siberian gardening, Aristolochia Manchuria or large-leaved kirkazon are most suitable. Bright green shoots with light green, rounded, heart-shaped leaves with a pointed tip curl around any hedge counterclockwise.


The flowers are yellow, brick-red, brownish, interspersed and plain, shaped like a curved tube with a wide flap. The fruits are cylindrical and filled with seeds. When ripe, it acquires a brownish-yellow color.

Interesting! Kirkazon is pollinated by flies. Flowers are a kind of trap. Once inside, the insect cannot get out due to the hairs pointing downwards. After pollination, the hairs wither and release the captive.


Visloporpnik or Chilean vine. A rapidly growing perennial vine with a large number of bright tubular flowers collected in racemes. On the spectacular feathery leaves there are tendrils with which the Chilean vine clings to the support.


Flowers of orange, red and yellow shades decorate the green canvas like a garland. And after flowering, green fruits with seeds appear. Ekremokarpus looks gorgeous in Siberian gardens.


Actinidia tolerates Siberian frosts well. This is a liana-like shrub, sun loving and moisture. Without having aerial roots, it is harmless to buildings. The climbing stem bears leathery, finely cut leaves.


During the flowering period, the plant is covered with pale golden yellow or pink flowers. Afterwards, fluffy fruits are formed, which are very similar to kiwi.

Fact! Actinidia is a family plant. To obtain a harvest, the presence of female and male vines is necessary on the site.

The fruits are healthy, tasty and nutritious. Used raw, dried or canned.

Echinocystis (wild cucumber)

Visually similar to a cucumber, thanks to its light green foliage and curled tendrils. When flowering, it produces fluffy white inflorescences evenly throughout the plant. In autumn, the fruits ripen - round hedgehogs, inside of which there are seeds.


This annual plant is characterized by rapid growth. Over the summer, it is able to completely braid a four-meter support. It reproduces by self-sowing: after falling off, the seeds overwinter safely in the soil.

White step

Called bryonia, "Adam's root", snake grass, paralytic turnip. Carved dark green leaves can decorate the most unsightly fence. The plant is perennial, male and female.

white step

They bloom in inflorescences of small, unsightly flowers. The "men" have flower brushes white, the “girls” have lemon-yellow corymbose tassels. Then they are covered with round red or black berries. Bryonia is poisonous, but at the same time excellent doctor. It can relieve pain, stop bleeding and heal wounds.

Schisandra chinensis

Liana with green fragrant foliage that smells like lemon. The perennial is used in Siberia for vertical gardening. It grows well in the shade, but requires sunlight for a rich harvest.

Schisandra chinensis

Fleshy, oval-shaped leaves, pointed at the end. It blooms with inconspicuous fragrant white flowers. At the end of flowering they turn pinkish and fall off. Schisandra fruits are bitter-sour, with a lemon flavor, edible, and look similar to red currants. The presence of male and female individuals is required.
and are used in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Something to remember! To avoid freezing of plants in Siberia, green friends should be covered during severe frosts.

Where to buy plant seeds for fencing?

When purchasing climbing plants for a fence, you need to consider the following factors:

  • site lighting;
  • soil composition;
  • possibility of watering;
  • climatic conditions;
  • size of plants;
  • growth rate;
  • combination with other types;
  • support material and structure.

You can get seeds and seedlings of your favorite green friends at the market - “from hand”, beg from neighbors or friends, in nurseries, specialized stores, or purchase in online stores.

The first two methods do not inspire confidence - there is no guarantee that what you need will grow from the seeds. When purchasing seeds in stores, you need to pay attention to the expiration dates, weight and number of seeds in the package.

The seedlings must be undamaged and healthy looking. You should also pay attention to the container where they grow - it should not be heavy. The root of the plant should be covered with soil.

Advice! For everything to work out, you need to be careful about your purchase, have good mood and believe in success!

Flowers are wonderful. They are used absolutely everywhere. Of course, their main goal is to decorate any object and any territory. By using beautiful vines and climbing annuals, you can create charming flower arrangements, or you can completely change the look of a house or some kind of gazebo. Also these lovely plants they can make a stylish fence or hide the builders’ mistakes on the house. Garden climbing plants have the ability to build small architectural elements- such as small arches, hedges. In this article, we will list climbing flowers for the garden for you. Here you will find their photos and names.

Quite often on garden plots plant vines. One of the main advantages of vines is the ability to protect against unbearable noise or unpleasant dust small area, which is located near the highway. At the same time, these plants give a magnificent effect to the facade of the house. In addition to vines, there are a great variety of different and charming plants that can improve your home and garden.

Vertical gardening. Some rules and nuances

Any vine flowers require some kind of support. The shape and size of such a plant depend on the properties of the plant itself and the location of the structure. Here are the requirements that the design must satisfy:

  • The support must be strong. Its strength depends on the mass of the plant. For example, an ordinary plastic cucumber net is perfect for annuals. But massive vines require tough metal support, able to withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • Creeping plants are less demanding. They can independently find support in ordinary brickwork. Decorative plaster can be replaced by plants such as virgin grapes or ivy. They are perfect for creating a spectacular finish for a small home.
  • Clinging varieties (sweet peas or morning glory, for example) will be easily suited to thin (reinforcing) mesh or even ordinary thin wire on a wooden frame.
  • Supporting plant varieties require support located either strictly vertically or at an angle of forty-five degrees. Arched ceilings or trellises are perfect for honeysuckle, clematis and other beautiful plants.
  • Some plants cannot secure themselves to a support on their own. Therefore, you need to prepare twine or special clothespins for them.
  • It should be noted that climbing plants do not like rearrangements. If they put you in one place, then it’s forever. Otherwise, the plant is simply destroyed.

The most popular and interesting hedges and flowering arches

If you want to choose beautiful climbing flowers for your garden, then you should pay attention to climbing plants. It is worth noting that such plants can grow very quickly. They grow in such a way that in a couple of years they are able to create absolutely hedge. You need to choose the varieties that are most suitable for your climate and region. There are so many species of bindweed that it is enough to green almost any region of our vast country.

Note! The roots of the vines perfectly take moisture from under the foundation of the house, and its walls protect from rain and wind.

Some rules to choose from:

  • IN southern regions Roses, grapes or honeysuckle grow well.
  • In the east, we recommend planting actinidia, Chinese lemongrass or kirkazon.
  • Ivy and vines, which are unpretentious to shade, will thrive on the north side.
  • It is necessary to plant loaches in the garden taking into account flowering and moisture requirements. It is better to place moisture-loving varieties in the area where there is an irrigation system.


These plants require too much attention, but at the same time they will bring a lot of joy and admiration. One-year-olds do not require any support. They calmly know how to attach to a surface. They will perfectly cover a fence or gazebo without your help. Just pull the rope or twine in the desired direction and you're done.

Do you like to do experiments? These varieties of plants are perfect for you as test subjects.

It should be noted that many species sow on their own. And very abundantly. This property must be taken into account.

Here are examples of garden climbing plants suitable for the central part of Russia:

Ampelous gloxinia is an annual. Undemanding to yourself. Its flowers have a huge number of different colors and shades. Flowering period: early summer - first frost. Afraid of cold and drafts. It should be planted in early May in sunny and windless places. The most popular varieties are "Barclay" and Azarina climbing.

Bell-shaped grapes, otherwise known as kobeya. Emits a charming honey aroma. The inflorescences have a palette from delicate blue to purple. The buds bloom from July and last until about October. They are moisture-loving and require regular watering and fertilization. Suitable for decorating hedges and gazebos.

Morning glory - has bright and beautiful blue or crimson flowers. IN favorable conditions Can perfectly decorate a fence. Grows until the first frost.

Hyacinth beans or dolichos - have purple-white flowers that turn into pods by the end of summer purple. This plant is suitable for decorating a garden in the style of “Oriental motifs”, especially suitable for brick or stone walls.

Bright yellow yellow carp - in a month it can decorate a five-meter wall with its interesting yellow flowers. It should be noted that it loves southern sunny sides, not demanding on watering and soil composition.

Sweet peas are unpretentious. It has delicate tones and an absolutely delicate and wonderful aroma. He is rightfully the king among climbing garden plants.

Don't forget that there are plant varieties that are used to decorate flower beds and borders.

Perennials are emerald garden builders.

Above are some interesting climbing annual flowers for the garden. These plants are considered annual. But there are also perennial climbing plants. They should be treated with care and responsibility. They are able to create beautiful and creative designs for the garden, which should be durable and reliable.

In central Russia, wisteria, clematis, ivy, bean and others are popular. Let's talk briefly about each of them.

Wisteria – this plant perfect for creating arches, pergolas and garden paths. Multi-colored inflorescences will give a wonderful effect. They can be blue, purple, and pink. If you take good care of them and cover them well for the winter, then wisteria will easily tolerate even a twenty-degree cold.

Advice: In the northern regions, it is better to plant the plant in a wooden masonry. You can then bring it home for the winter.

Clematis - sun- and heat-loving plants. They are also afraid of the cold. Paradoxically, the roots should be in the shade, completely hidden from the sun's rays.

Ivy loves shade. In one season, he is able to create a stylish living fence on a summer cottage.

Garden climbing bean, also known as alpine bean, is frost-resistant, shade-loving, and is a bush with long flowering branches. Has poisonous berries. Therefore, if you have children, it is not recommended to plant the plant. The plant is suitable only for southern regions. Already at -10, the alpine bean tree freezes completely.

Universal climbing rose bushes– Great for vertical gardening. The plant has the most beautiful flowering, which occurs only in early summer. Another disadvantage is the presence of prickliness.

Wood pliers is a universal vine for northern regions. Requires regular watering and loosening. Does well in the shade.

Maiden grapes - flowers are completely absent. But it makes up for this with charming bright green foliage. An absolutely unpretentious plant. The only thing you need to do is prune the plant in the fall. The girl's grapes don't require anything more from you.

In conclusion

Now you know what climbing flowers you can plant in your dacha. I would like to note that more and more gardeners are planting climbing plants in wooden tubs, which gives minimal care and the ability to preserve the bush from frost.

As we can see, with the help of these wonderful plants anyone can turn their plot into a piece of paradise. The main thing is to put in a little effort and everything will work out. Everything is in yours in capable hands. We wish you good luck!

The picky, but very pretty bindweed is popularly known as birch. Its soft pink or white flowers spread like a luxurious carpet on the ground. Many housewives use decorative varieties plants to decorate your garden plot, as well as your balcony. Rich shades of blue or purple look breathtaking against the backdrop of gray high-rise buildings. Scientists know about 250 species of the Bindweed family. However, it is worth paying attention to the descriptions of several gardeners' favorites.

Toffee should be planted at a distance of 25 cm from other crops. If it is used to fill the territory, then the distance from other plants is 50-60 cm.

General characteristics

In nature, birch trees can be found in your garden. It resembles a miniature vine. By the way, Latin name Vuna means “to roll up” or “to wrap around,” which very accurately conveys the character of the plant. The stems and rhizomes resemble thin cables that expertly wrap around any structure: living or not. The question of what bindweed looks like should be answered with a description of each of its parts separately:

The value of this culture is also that it has many color solutions. As shown in the photo, bindweed can be one-color, two- or three-color. The dominant shades of these “European vines” are:

Loaches begin to bloom in late spring. As a result, the whole summer and until the autumn frosts you can admire the splendor of these delicate flowers.

Representatives of the Bindweed family need to be grown in non-acidic and relatively moist soil. You should also provide them with sufficient lighting, or at least diffuse lighting.

Field bindweed

With this herbaceous plant Most often they fight in vegetable gardens or flower beds. However, as practice shows, you can be friends with him. The composition of field bindweed includes dozens useful elements that help in the fight against diseases:

  • liver;
  • respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma);
  • circulatory system;
  • skin rashes;
  • kidneys (relieves swelling).

Moreover, it has antiseptic properties. Crops that grow adjacent to it are less susceptible to mold or mildew. It makes excellent mulch. Such a substrate not only disinfects the soil, but also makes it loose and moist.

Favorable soil for this species is loam or sandy loam (with a high sand content).

Field birch can be either perennial or annual. White or pink small flowers(blue and violet are rare) abundantly cover the creeping stem. In most cases it has smooth surface, but sometimes there are specimens with hair covering. To a full description of field bindweed, the following must be added:

  • the stem reaches only 100-150 cm in length;
  • flowering period: from mid-April to the first frost;
  • leaves elongated triangular shape(like a spear), located on the petioles;
  • cone-shaped flowers grow on long stalks singly or in inflorescences (1-3 buds);
  • thin bindweed roots reach 3 and even 6 meters in length;
  • method of propagation: seed or root (offshoots).

This birch tree serves wonderful decoration for the garden. With its help, the hostess will skillfully hide incorrect spaces in . An exquisite living carpet in your backyard made from golden weed will create an enchanting ambience.

Garden bindweed

This type of toffee is distinguished by a variety of bright and contrasting colors. This flowering carpet can be used to decorate an unsightly slope in your dacha. Very often, uncultivated plots of land remain empty in vegetable gardens. Why not use garden bindweed to beautify your garden. In the garden they can decorate alleys. Curly blue or white borders made of loach will add some pomp to the corner of paradise. Designers recommend making a screen or partition from these plants. It perfectly separates one part of the garden from another or serves as a shade for other crops.

One branch is enough to grow golden weed in a container. Then it has more space to grow and create a thick, luxurious cascade.

Summer vines are dependent on sunlight. Thus, the bindweed flower closes and curls if it is cloudy or it's raining. Although this plant is unpretentious, there are still some features of its planting and cultivation:

If white streaks appear on the greenery, it means that the vine has been struck powdery mildew. Several treatments with fungicidal agents will destroy the pest.

It is important to water bindweed correctly; a photo of this variety for vertical gardening is given below. You should not flood the beds too much, because this leads to the growth of greenery, not inflorescences. However, due to a lack of moisture, the buds will fall off. Without feeding, the flowers will grow small and faded. Therefore, before planting, the soil is fertilized with peat.
The soil is sprinkled when the toffee throws out buds. The beds are treated with complex fertilizers (nitrogen or potassium) once every two weeks. The substrate is laid out on the soil and then washed off with water using a watering can.

To plant seedlings in the ground, you need to sow the seeds in a container in early March. Containers should be stored in a warm and sunny place and watered regularly.


It is considered the most effective for planting in pots (containers). The combination of blue (ultramarine shade) and white shade with a fiery yellow (lemon) center makes it unique. Thanks to this coloring, it flaunts magnificently on the terraces and flower beds of megalopolises. Bindweed tricolor is an annual that grows up to 50 cm tall. The stems are strewn with dense greenery. The bluish-green leaves provide an amazing backdrop for large, variegated flowers with wavy edges. They reach 5 cm in diameter.
Among other things, there are three more varieties of tricolor loach:

  • "Blue" and "Rainbow" Flash. Both flowers and leaves grow as densely as possible, forming spherical bushes.
  • "Royal Ensign". The flowers are dark in color - velvety purple flowers with a characteristic black tint.
  • "Crimson Monarch". Bright crimson shade of inflorescences.

These are the fastest growing decorative types. In 2-3 months, the rhizomes grow up to 2 meters deep. If they tear, they form new shoots.

Bindweed is an annual plant that is grown from seeds. Due to the fact that this variety is low growing, it has many lateral shoots. Therefore, such specimens resemble the shape of a sphere. They look amazing on terraces, windows or loggias.


In a house or apartment you can grow indoor bindweed, which was specially bred for such conditions. This variety is very capricious. It cannot be kept outdoors - on a windowsill or balcony. Exposure to direct sunlight will cause the leaves to yellow and the root base to dry out. In addition, indoor birch loves moisture. Therefore, it needs to be watered and sprayed regularly. Young taffy can be safely bathed in the bathtub. These procedures must be done in winter period when the air in the apartment is dry due to heating. You need to place a pot with a flowerpot in a secluded place, because drafts are dangerous for it.

If you plant a vine in a container, it should be placed on the south side of the house or closer to the east.

Caring for these three types of bindweed - field, garden and indoor - does not require much effort. This light-loving plant will become worthy decoration garden plot or terrace.

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