Desert houseplants.

Euphorbia white-veined, combed.

Homeland: Subtropics of America, Africa, the island of Madagascar.

Family: Euphorbia family

Description of the plant:Succulent. In nature there is a huge variety of species (about two thousand). The species got its name from the milky juice that appears on the cut of stems or leaves. The sap is usually poisonous and can cause severe irritation or burns to the skin.

The stem of white-veined and ribbed euphorbias has a pronounced ribbed surface. The leaves are entire, elongated, their size depends on the light: the brighter the room, the more decorative and larger the leaves. The leaves gradually fall off, leaving noticeable scars on the trunk. In adult specimens, the leaves remain only in the upper part of the stem in the form of a lush plume. The plant resembles a palm tree and grows in room conditions up to 1.5 m.

Reproduction: Seeds, children and cuttings.

Fallen ripe seeds are collected and laid out in a bowl with damp soil, slightly pressing. Cover the top with film or glass and wait for shoots. The seeds can sprout on their own in a pot with the main plant or in neighboring pots, since ripened seeds are shot by milkweed up to 1 m in diameter, in this case it is enough to plant the young in new pots.

Care: Temperature in summer +20 - +25 °C, in autumn - winter period, at rest - about +15 °C.

IN summer time moderate watering, 2 times a week, with warm soft water.In the summer, fertilize 2 times a month with fertilizers for succulents or cacti. In autumn and winter, you can feed with a half dose of fertilizer once a month. Fertilizer is applied after watering to moist soil..


Homeland: eastern, southern and southwestern Africa.

Family: swallowtails (Asclepiadaceae).

Description: All plants are perennial low-growing succulents. The shoots are fleshy, 4-sided, often forming shoots at the base, leafless. Flowers are usually located at the base of the shoots, less often at the top, one or several, on long stalks, dull colored and pubescent. Calyx of 5 pointed leaves. Corolla round or broadly bell-shaped with petals dissected to half the length, more or less triangular shape, pointed at the apex. Petals are fleshy, colored, pubescent or glabrous. Crown with a fleshy circle. Outer corolla with 5 free to the base, rectangular or lanceolate petals, flat or groove-shaped; petals of the crown are adjacent to the anthers, short, simple or dissected.

Reproduction: seeds, cuttings or dividing adult plants. Seeds are sown in early March in pots. Shoots appear in 20–25 days. The cuttings are dried before planting. In addition, slipways usually form lateral creeping shoots that take root easily.

Care methods: Place in a bright place, protecting from direct sun rays. East and south-east windows are perfect, warm balconies and greenhouses. Winter temperature should not be lower than +10...+14 °C.

In summer they water very sparingly, in winter they stop watering completely. Feed with fertilizers for cacti only in summer.

Since flowers form only on young shoots, it is advisable to remove the old parts of the turf every 3-4 years.

The main problem when growing is fungal disease, which leads to the appearance of black spots, usually at the base of the shoots, after which the shoots die.

Opuntia cactus

Perennial evergreen plant.

Homeland: subtropics and tropics of America and the Galapagos Islands.

Family: cactaceae

Description: Prickly pear is a cactus with segmented, flat, succulent branches. This plant can be in the form of an erect or creeping shrub 3 - 4 m in size. The stems of this plant are covered with areoles (modified axillary buds), strewn with dense thin spines and bristles - glochidia, which easily break off. Small awl-shaped succulent leaves are prone to drying out quickly. Single large bisexual flowers cacti appear in summer and are yellow or red in color. After flowering, egg-shaped Opuntia fruits are formed - juicy, aromatic edible berries With pleasant taste and aroma. The fruits are watery and taste like strawberries; inside they have flat seeds with a hard skin. Domestic Opuntia rarely blooms.

Reproduction: cuttings (summer) and seeds (spring).

Watering: in the spring and summer, watering the prickly pear should be moderate and should be done as the soil in the pot dries, and during the dormant period, the cactus should be watered no more than once a month. At a temperature of 5 °C - do not water at all. Excess moisture can lead to rotting of the plant roots.

Crassula arborescens

Crassula arborescens

A shrub or tree, reaching 1-1.5 m in nature, sometimes 2 m in height, with stems about 20 cm in diameter.
Homeland: South Africa.

Family : Crassulaceae

Description: grey-green, round or ovoid, about 7 cm long and 3-3.5 cm wide, thick, reddening at the edges and on the underside. Flowers: Inflorescences of white-pink flowers, about 1 cm long, appear on the tops of stems in spring.

Reproduction: cuttings of young shoots, air-dried, and seeds.

Watering: in winter every 15 days, in summer every 5 days.

Advice: pinch out young stems to balance the plant and increase the number of lateral branches.

Aloe - Aloe spp.

Succulent plant.
Homeland: Cape Verde Islands, Africa, Madagascar.

Family : lilies

Description: Leaves: spiny, long, triangular, green or gray-green, with a bluish tint, marbled, striped or with whitish pustules, on a vertical stem, which in some species forms a real trunk, or collected in a basal rosette. The edges of the leaves are smooth or serrated. Flowers: In summer, tubular, orange, red, yellow or green, collected in spikelets.

Reproduction: in April in the sand or by separating side shoots in May.

Watering: during the growth period 1 time per week, during the rest period 1-2 times per month.

Advice: If the aloe leaves turn red, it means it lacks nutrients or moisture. It's time to replant the aloe.

Hemanthus multiflorum

Haemanthus multiflorus

Bulbous perennial with a rosette of leaves.

Homeland: South Africa.

Family : amaryllis

Description: leaves: 15-25 cm long, erect, broadly lanceolate, with a wavy edge. Flowers: on a thick and long peduncle, a spherical red inflorescence with a diameter of 20 cm with the smell of coconut.

Reproduction: separate the small onions and plant them. Flowers will appear in 5 years.

Watering: every 8-10 days until a peduncle appears. After this, 2 times a week until the end of flowering.

Advice: plant the bulb in a pot with a diameter of 18-20 cm, immersing it 1/4-1/3 in the substrate. In summer, fertilize hemanthus every two weeks.

Sansevieria - Sansevieria spp.

Evergreen perennial succulent. Also known as "Pike Tail" and "Mother-in-Law's Tongue".

Homeland: Central Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka.

Family : agave

Description: Leaves: up to 1 m long and 2-3 cm wide, xiphoid, fleshy, erect, green, with transverse wavy stripes, collected in a rosette. Flowers: small from 0.5 to 1 cm, white, fragrant, spikelet-shaped inflorescences, in spring on mature plants.

Reproduction: in spring, side shoots, leaf cuttings, variegated forms only by dividing the rhizome.

Watering: moderate, every 12-15 days from March to October, once a month the rest of the year.

Problems: rotting of the base and yellowing of leaves in winter - from waterlogging or hypothermia; brown spots on the leaves - from infectious diseases.
Advice: Plant sansevieria with round succulents to create a rhythmic arrangement.

Queen Victoria Agave

Agave victoriae-reginae

Succulent plant.
Homeland: Central America, Antilles.

Family : agave

Description: Leaves: 10-115 cm long, 5-17 cm wide, fleshy, narrow, triangular, more or less concave, with smooth edges. Form a regular ball. At the ends there are sharp spines 1-2 cm long. The rosette of leaves reaches 60 cm in diameter. Flowers: on peduncles several meters high.

Reproduction: shoots with roots. Cuttings of shoots without roots in a mixture of peat and 80% coarse sand. Seeds in early spring at 20 °C.

Watering: Once a month in winter, every 7-10 days in summer. No water in the center of the outlet.

Problems: scale insect, mealybug, the appearance of gray rot and root rot is possible.
Advice: Do not place the agave on the terrace or on the walkway, its thorns can injure you.

Kalanchoe blossfelda

Homeland: South Africa, or more precisely the island of Madagascar.

Family: Crassulaceae

Description: juicy erect stems and fleshy triangular leaves, in the cloves of which young plants “sit”. Kalanchoe, judging by its description medicinal qualities, for a long time successfully competed with aloe for the title of “the most widespread, useful and hardy.”

Reproduction: Cuttings, leaves, as well as seeds and pups or brood buds (in viviparous species). Reproduction occurs easily, without stimulants. It is enough to place the cutting or leaf in a humid environment - on wet sand or place the twig in a glass of water. Large cuttings take root better in water, small leaves and small cuttings - in sand or vermiculite. Optimal time for reproduction - from March to June; at other times of the year, Kalanchoe also takes root if it is light and warm enough.

Care: . For placement, choose a well-lit place; Kalanchoe loves the sun, but it is better to protect it from direct rays. Optimal temperature for plant development +15…+20 °C, in winter not lower than +10 °C. Summer temperature changes are not dangerous, so you can safely take the plant out into the garden or onto the balcony.

Water abundantly in summer; winter, like many other succulents, is very limited. When caring at home, Kalanchoe does not need spraying; plants are sprayed only if they are placed on an open terrace.

Feeding is carried out once every two weeks, during the period of active growth and flowering, using fertilizers for cacti and succulents. After Kalanchoe flowering It is recommended to trim heavily, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves.

Houseplants and their homeland

To create the most favorable microclimate for indoor plants, and to understand whether an apartment is suitable for this or that green beauty, you need to know the conditions of their natural environment growth.

Indoor plants and their homeland - the tropics

The tropics are located in the equatorial zone. The most common tropical landscape is evergreen forest, called jungle. The climate of the tropical zone is characterized by slight fluctuations in year-round temperature, large number moisture both in the air and in loose fertile soil.

Plants found in the jungle have a varied relationship to sunlight. This is explained by their multi-tiered nature tropical forest, where there is always partial shade under the dense crowns of trees. Plants from the tropics are moisture-loving, shade-tolerant, preferring loose fertile soil. They need to be fed frequently and, in most cases, shaded from the sun.

In forests located in the tropical zone, most of all the ancestors of indoor plants grow. This is the habitat of all kinds of vines, ferns, ornamental flowering plants with unusual beautiful flowers. In the struggle for a ray of light, a new look plants, living on trees, receiving nutrients from the air - epiphytes.

Epiphytes of the tropics include orchids and some types of bromeliads. These plants are light-loving; in apartment conditions they need sufficient lighting. Winter room temperatures, comfortable for the green inhabitants of the tropics, should not be lower than 20 degrees. The rest period is insignificant and not clearly expressed.

Tree and shrub species of tropical plants:

Dracaena deramensis


Murraya paniculata

Herbaceous decorative-deciduous, decorative-flowering tropical plants:

Alocasia large-rooted

Dieffenbachia spotted

Monstera is attractive

Usambara violet (Saintpaulia)

Lianas, hanging indoor flowers:

Anthurium climbing

Houseplants and their homeland - the desert

A distinctive feature of the desert is high temperature, a lot of sun, low humidity. Plants that have adapted to such harsh conditions find it very difficult to adapt to others, which in our opinion are more acceptable. They even have a different metabolism from other indoor flowers.

For those coming from the desert, it is imperative to properly distribute watering. Their periods of dormancy and vegetation are pronounced, which is explained by the unevenness of precipitation in natural conditions. Such plants should be watered based on the period in which they are located.

Watering should take place in the pan or along the walls of the flowerpot. Desert plants have very delicate root collar, at the slightest waterlogging it is prone to rotting.

Being constantly under the scorching rays of the sun, desert plants adapted by modifying their leaves into spines or leathery shoots with a small surface area - cacti and succulents.

They are accustomed to poor, sun-scorched soils. Therefore, you should not overdo it with fertilizing for them, fertilizing rarely, with a half dose.

Accustomed to such spartan conditions, these green desert dwellers will not be able to get used to shaded, cool rooms with high humidity.

Desert indoor plants include euphorbia, aloe, kalanchoe, and some types of cacti. Not all cacti grow in deserts. There are varieties of forest and steppe cacti, the care of which is significantly different from the care of their desert counterparts.

Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to specify the cactus variety and growing area.

It should be remembered that the deserts of the American and African continents are slightly different from each other. American deserts are softer in temperature conditions, people from them do not tolerate heat above 30 degrees. Only Africans can be exposed to the direct scorching rays of the sun all summer.

When choosing a desert indoor plant, you need to clarify which desert the flower comes from. In winter, all desert plants prefer temperatures of 13–18 degrees. Only American succulents and cacti are able to survive a temperature drop of up to 6 degrees Celsius. For Africans this is deadly.

The dormant period for all succulents and cacti, regardless of what desert they are from, is well defined. In bulbous desert inhabitants it is quite long.

Of course, flowers brought to us from Africa, Middle America or Madagascar were cultivated, maximally adapted to our environment. But some needs must be taken into account for their good growth and healthy appearance, guided precisely by the habitat of their wild ancestors.

Cactus - evergreen, has succulent stems with spines, belongs to the genus of succulents. Areoles are the spines and hairs on the stems of the cactus. Cacti come from America; in nature they grow in the desert, bloom beautifully, and tolerate drought and constant heat.

Before cacti came to America, natives used cacti for food, medicine and for construction. In Mexico they are eaten like fruit; There are also plantations for growing cactus fruits.

We are used to seeing cacti in the shape of small round or elongated prickly balls. In nature, cacti are tree-like - bushy ones sometimes do not differ from ordinary trees; pillar-shaped - from a distance they look like multi-meter branched pillars; ampelous - with stems bent to the ground; liana-like - grow on rocks, on stones, on the ground and on trees; forest cacti are completely different from desert cacti and grow on trees.

Desert Cactus Care

With proper care and timely replanting, cacti will look healthy and will delight your eye with their unusual color. It must be remembered that cacti are different from other indoor plants, so excess water in the soil can cause the death of the cactus, and summer heat and dry soil will “send” the cactus into hibernation. For cacti to grow well at home and bloom, they need low temperature in winter, and in summer - a shaded place, moderate temperature (up to 25 degrees) and sufficient watering.

Air temperature. Temperatures should be moderate from spring to autumn. In winter, you need to maintain the temperature within 15-18 degrees; some cacti have the ability to withstand 5 degrees. But cacti that are on the windowsill in an unheated room on cold nights are better moved to a cooler place. warm place. Cephalocereus senilis and Espostoalanata cacti cannot withstand low temperatures of 15 degrees.

Light brightness. Cacti are photophilous and require bright, diffused light, especially in winter.

Watering and air humidity. The basic rule of watering: it is better not to top up than to overfill. In the spring, watering begins to increase; in the period April - August, watering should be the same as for ordinary indoor plants (provided that the room is sunny and warm) - as the soil dries out. Cacti need to be watered with soft and warm water. At the end of summer, watering is gradually reduced, and from mid-autumn it is watered very rarely and little by little (table spoons).
Cacti do not need spraying (except Cleistocactus can be sprayed); on hot, muggy days, the plant is not sprayed, but around it.

Soil and replanting. For cacti, earth mixtures are mainly used equal parts compost and sand with the addition of coal and peat. This mixture of soil is loose, airy and quite moist. Chemical composition land, for different types cacti, needs, equal ratios, organic and mineral components, but the acidity should be low.

Young cacti are replanted annually, 3-4 year old ones - every few years. It is better to transplant at the beginning of the growing season. The new pot should be 1 cm larger than the previous one. Before transplanting (two to three days), do not water the cactus; the soil will easily fall off the roots. To pull out prickly cactus from the pot, wrap it with paper. Do not water or place in the sun for several days after transplanting. The choice of pot for the cactus should match the size of the root system. If the cactus has short roots, choose a low pot, and cacti with large roots need a deeper pot. Cacti are grown in plastic pots (the earth dries out more slowly, and it is better to plant young plants that take root in such pots), but this is not a necessary condition, the pot can be clay (the earth dries out faster and cools after watering) or glass (mostly used for decoration ). Any pot must have drainage hole to drain excess water - this is perhaps one of the most important conditions for growing succulents.

Propagation of desert cacti. Most species of desert cacti reproduce vegetatively in spring or summer. Cactus cuttings are cut (they already have rudimentary roots), dried for 2-4 days before planting in a peat-based mixture, after some time the cactus will develop a root system.

Cacti are also propagated by seeds. Growing cacti from seeds is a serious and quite painstaking job. First of all, purchased seeds must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. Next, sprinkle the soil in a small layer of up to 1 cm and spread the seeds. The soil must be constantly moist, so it must be covered with glass or film - this will create the appropriate conditions for seed germination. Depending on the type of cactus and the quality of the seeds, the duration of germination can last from a day to several months. As soon as the first spines appear on the plants, they need to be planted in single pots in a more nutritious substrate. At the age of several months, young cacti require the same care as other cacti. It is advisable to sow seeds at the end of winter so that seedlings appear in early spring.

Cactus blossom. The flowering period of many cacti does not coincide with the period of active growth. Some cacti (Lobivia, Parodia, Notocactus...) in at a young age They bloom quite often, while others such as Opuntia and Cereus rarely please with their color. Cacti can be expected to bloom at about 3 to 4 years of age, and then they should bloom every year. The secret of cactus flowering is in the young shoots, which contain flowering buds, and this requires proper care summer and winter. To stimulate cactus flowering, it is very important to keep the plant in a tight pot.

Among the indoor plants, one flower is notable, it looks like a small baobab, covered with flowers reminiscent of roses. This is adenium, which got its name from its habitat - Aden, where Europeans first discovered a beautifully flowering tree. Caring for adenium at home will be discussed in this article.

In nature, adenium is found in sultry Africa, from Senegal, Sudan to the Arabian desert. It has many names: Desert Rose, Impala Lily, Star of Sabinia. Adenium has many faces in its species diversity. Depending on the place of growth and conditions, the following plants are found:

  • with thickened bottom ( caudex), reaching a height of two to five meters;
  • in the form of a small bush.

Regardless of the height and shape of the trunk, the branches have a rosette of leaves at the end, decorated large flowers. IN natural conditions the flowers have shades from white-pink to bright red and purple. The plant belongs to the woody or shrubby succulents of the Kutrovaceae family.

The plant, accustomed to the high temperatures of Africa, feels comfortable on the windowsills of our apartments. Under natural conditions, adenium feels comfortable at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. That's why it's hot summer middle zone Europe allows you to provide comfort for this flowering succulent.

The flower feels good on a south or east window.

Popular varieties

Botanists still cannot come to a consensus on how many species of Adenium exist in nature. Depending on the shape of the caudex, leaves, and habitat, ten main species are distinguished. Although other scientists are of the opinion that all species diversity comes from the main species - Adenium Obessum.

The development of desert rose breeding occurs mainly in the countries of Southeast Asia: Thailand, the Philippines and others. This is due to the fact that the climate is suitable for growing Adeniums. Many new varieties have been developed in these countries indoor rose deserts.


Adenium Obesum

Among flower growers, the most widespread variety is Adenium Obesum. Its second name is Adenium Obese or thick. In natural conditions aboveground part The caudex grows to a meter thickness, and the plant reaches a height of up to three meters. Green leaves are oblong, rounded in shape, with pointed ends. There are varieties in nature variegated leaves, glossy or dull.

The flowers of Adenium Obesumi are large, 5-7 centimeters in diameter. Selected varieties are distinguished by a variety of colors: from snow-white to dark red, burgundy flowers.

The plant begins to bloom at the age of one and a half to two years, but much depends on the growing conditions. Flowering duration is at least two to three months. At suitable temperature conditions, Adenium pleases with long-term flowering.

Arabicum (Arabicum or Arabian)

Adenium Arabicum (Arabic)

This variety differs from other Adeniums large leaves, dark brown bark. The flowers of Adenium Arabicum are red-pink. The plant got its name from its place of growth in nature - the Arabian Peninsula. The caudex has a massive, squat appearance. Depending on the habitat, the type of trunk can vary: from a thick tree to a shrub in places with a minimum of moisture.

Multiflora (Multiflora)

Adenium Multiflorum (Multiflorum)

The name Multifloral Adenium speaks for itself. This view is different abundant flowering, grows in the central and southern regions of the African continent on saline or sandy soil. A thick trunk, expanding downward, goes deep with powerful roots. It is not afraid of droughts, because the powerful trunk serves as a storage facility for water reserves. The plant can reach three meters in height under natural conditions.

This variety of Adenium is also called Impala lily. In indoor floriculture, the plant is less common than Adenium thick, which is due to its slow growth, and as a result, flowering occurs after four years.


Adenium Mini

About ten years ago, breeders from Taiwan received mini Adeniums. These dwarf trees look like bonsai and decorate the interior in themselves. They are characterized by slow growth, and in 4-5 years they reach twenty centimeters. Intense flowering begins at two to three years of age and continues throughout the year, unlike other varieties. The flowers are quite large in size dwarf plants, reaching seven centimeters in diameter. Varieties of Adenium mini differ in the color of their buds - from white to bright red.

Dorset Horn

Adenium Dorset Horn

As a result of the mutation Adenium Multiflorum appeared new variety Adenium « Dorset Horn." The leaves of the new variety curl, curving downwards, and resemble the horns of sheep of the breed « Dorset Horn." In addition to the curled leaves, « Dorset Horn" shorter branch internodes.

A special feature of this variety is the instability of its characteristics during propagation. If you graft « Dorset Horn" to another Adenium, then the leaves become even, the branches lengthen due to the increase in internodes. Therefore, this variety is propagated only by cuttings or aerial rooting. Although even with this method, the characteristics of the variety are not always fully preserved.


Adenium Anouk

The Anuk variety is distinguished by thick, fleshy leaves of a slightly elongated shape. The plant grows up to half a meter. The variety is different early flowering With a large number bright pink flowers.

Features of planting desert roses

When planting and replanting Adenium at home, you should carefully choose a pot. The roots of the plant develop quickly and wide, so the pot should be wide and not deep. To avoid stagnation of water, the pot must have a sufficient number of drainage holes.

You should pay attention to the color of the pot. It doesn’t matter what material the pot is made of, it is important that it is light. Otherwise, in the hot sun, the roots will overheat, which will lead to their death.

The roots grow quickly, so Adenium is replanted as needed. It is recommended to carry out the procedure during the period when active growth begins, in the spring. A layer of drainage (2-3 cm) is poured onto the bottom of the pot, the roots are straightened, carefully sprinkled with soil. After transplantation, the plant should not be watered for two to three days.

When choosing soil for Adenium, you should pay attention to lightness, looseness, and breathability. According to the acidity value, the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic. You can purchase ready-made soil for succulents and orchids. To make it loose, crushed charcoal, perlite, vermiculite, and coconut fiber are added.

The mixture for Adeniums is easy to prepare yourself. To do this you need to take the following components:

  • deciduous humus soil (30%);
  • perlite, fine expanded clay, river sand (20%);
  • coconut fiber (50%).

Add a small amount of chopped charcoal. Before use, it is advisable to disinfect the soil in the microwave or treat it with a fungicide.

Attention! Adenium is a poisonous plant. Care must be taken when transplanting and cutting. It is better to work with gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after care procedures. If small children and pets live in the house, then it is better to refuse to keep the plant in the apartment.

Caring for Adenium at home

Adenium's spartan life in natural conditions allows it to perfectly adapt to apartment conditions. It has already been mentioned that it feels comfortable at high summer temperatures, reaching 35 degrees. But it is necessary to pay attention that if the heat exceeds 38 degrees, an additional increase in air humidity is necessary.


Adeniums need bright sun to develop and bloom. But the following nuances should be observed:

  • In young plants, the base of the stem should be protected from burns.
  • During the growth period, do not turn the plant, because parts that were in the shade may get burned.
  • When moving a flower from a dark place to a brightly lit one, it should be gradually accustomed to the sun.

In winter, it is necessary to increase daylight hours to 12 hours using artificial lighting.


The amount and frequency of watering Adenium, illumination and air temperature are in inverse relationship. At high temperature, during the growth period, increase the frequency of watering. Watering is done when it is dry top layer land. When the temperature drops to 18-20 degrees, watering is reduced so that the soil dries out completely. Otherwise, rotting of the roots cannot be avoided.

If the plant is wintered at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, then watering is stopped completely. When leaving dormancy, watering begins in small portions after the buds swell, and only on warm sunny days.

Soft, settled water at room temperature is suitable for irrigation. From time to time you can slightly acidify it.

Top dressing

For active growth and flowering, Adenium needs fertilizing, especially if the soil contains a lot coconut fiber, and is not rich in nutrients. At the beginning of active growth, it is desirable to predominate nitrogen fertilizers, enhancing the growth of green mass. Add during flowering phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, providing lush and long flowering. The frequency of feeding is 1-2 times a month.

Dormancy and flowering period

In winter, it is recommended to place Adenium in a cool room, an insulated balcony at a temperature of ten to fifteen degrees, but not lower than ten. Only adult individuals can survive a drop in temperature, and only with dry soil.

During wintering, Adenium may lose all its leaves, but do not worry - this is a normal transition to a dormant state. If it is not possible to provide ideal temperature wintering, then you should move the plant to the coolest place in the apartment, watering in small portions after the soil has completely dried.

With the beginning of the active phase, the buds awaken and new leaves grow. Beginning of flowering young plant begins at the age of 1.5-2 years. But some varieties bloom after four years.

What to do if Adenium does not bloom? If a plant that has already delighted you with its beauty does not bloom, then you need to look for errors in care. These could be the following mistakes:

  • abundant watering during the rest period;
  • root rotting;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • excess nitrogen fertilizers and lack of potassium fertilizers.

Crown formation

One of the reasons why the plant is so loved by flower lovers is that by pruning Adenium, shaping the crown and caudex, you can get miniature trees - bonsai.

To form a lush crown, seedlings are pinched before growth begins. In adult plants, the branches are shortened, leaving 5-8 cm. There is another way to form Adenium - cutting off the main trunk above the caudex. Soon, lateral buds begin to form along the circumcision perimeter. If you trim too low, many new branches will be thin, which can ruin the appearance of the flower.

Video: Trimming Adenium at home.

There is a way to increase the caudex by raising the roots during transplantation. Sometimes they put it under the roots small piece plastic so that the growing roots resemble a mango tree.

Diseases and pests of Adeniums

Despite the toxicity of the flower, it can be affected by pests and diseases. The main pests and methods of controlling them are given in the table.

Signs Pests Treatment
Whitish coating on the roots. The flower slows down its development, the leaves turn pale, the trunk and branches lose their elasticity. Root mealybug Till the soil with Actor and Regent three times every 10 days.
A white coating appears on the leaves of the plant and in the leaf axils. Mealybug Treatment of leaves with Aktar, Fitoverm by spraying at intervals of a week.
Adenium leaves turn pale and become covered with yellowish dots. When distributed spider mite cobwebs are visible on the leaves. Spider mite Treat with acicides (Talstar, Actofit) several times with an interval of 3-10 days.
Slow decline of the plant, accompanied by distortion of the shape of leaves and flowers, the appearance of spots on leaves and flowers that are not characteristic of this variety. Viral diseases Sick plants must be destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
The appearance of insects on the leaves, their wilting Aphid Treatment with insecticides according to instructions
Softening of the trunk, appearance of black spots. Caudex rot Caused by excess moisture in the soil. Cut the root above the rotting area and root. At the onset of the disease, you should stop watering for 2 weeks, then replant the plant.
Brown spots on leaves Bacterial burn Soil treatment with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and Baikal-Em fertilizer.

Errors in care

Adenium, despite its unpretentiousness and adaptability, often suffers if it is not properly cared for. Let's consider the reasons and their manifestation.

Manifestation Reasons Elimination
The tips of the leaves turn black. Too much watering, poor soil permeability Watering is reduced, and the soil mixture is changed if necessary.
The leaves turn black, fall off, and the trunk turns black. Abundant watering at low temperatures. Move to a warmer place, reducing watering.
Brown spots on leaves. Sunburn. The order of getting used to the sun is disrupted, disappearing next year after renewing the leaves.
Rapid withering of buds. Lack of moisture at high temperatures. Spraying without getting on the buds or finding a less hot place.
The tips of the leaves dry out. Sudden change of environment, infrequent watering, intense light. Errors in care and maintenance are eliminated.

Reproduction of Adenium

Desert roses are propagated in different ways:

  • cuttings;
  • air layering;
  • seeds.

To propagate Adenium by cuttings, use twigs obtained during spring pruning. Cuttings 10-15 cm long are suitable, the cut of which is sprinkled with crushed charcoal (activated) charcoal and dried, like all succulents. For planting, use a mixture of perlite, sand and charcoal. Place in a warm, well-lit place. Monitor humidity, avoiding excess. The cuttings take root within a month. Rooting cuttings in water requires changing the water daily to avoid rotting.

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Aerial shoots are used for propagation in early summer, during the active growing season. On a branch no more than two centimeters thick, an incision is made in a circle, which is sprinkled with a root growth stimulator, wrapped with sfarnum moss, and secured with opaque tape. The moss is kept slightly moist. After the roots have formed, the plant is replanted separately. But this method of propagation leads to the fact that the new plant will not have a caudex.

Rooting aerial shoots

Seeds for growing Adenium at home can be bought in special stores. They are soaked for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then placed in a zircon solution and kept for several hours. The seeds are placed on a mixture of sand, vermiculite and charcoal, and sprinkled with a thin layer. It is recommended to place the pots in a warm place (30-35 degrees), then after a week you can expect sprouts to appear. Seedlings need additional lighting, compliance with humidity and temperature conditions, and daily ventilation. When the first leaves appear, increase the ventilation time, preparing for new conditions. After the appearance of the second leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots with a dive.

Growing Adenium from seeds

Adenium grafting

Adeniums, like cacti, can be grafted onto each other, creating bizarre shapes. You can also graft them onto oleander. The rootstock and drive are connected with oblique cuts and secured with tape. Plants are placed in a warm place without direct sunlight. The sprouts are periodically removed from the junction points.

In conclusion, it should be noted that compliance simple rules for caring for Adenium allows you to get beautiful flowering plant which will become a home decoration.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):