A beautiful indoor flower, which in the harshest December cold pleases its owners with its lush pink bloom, everyone calls him a Decembrist. Real name or Zygocactus. The homeland of the Decembrist is the tropical rainforests of South America. A plant that is not afraid winter cold, quite unpretentious in care. However, in order for the Decembrist to delight every year with lush clusters of flowers, it should be properly watered and fed on time.

Description of the plant

The plant belongs to the genus of epiphytic cacti that grow in tropical forests South America. The stems of the Decembrist are smooth, flattened, and consist of several joints. The photograph shows a subequatorial forest in which Decembrist grows, the birthplace of the plant. The photo clearly demonstrates how densely plants are located in the tropical world.

The length of Decembrist branches can reach 50 cm. The flowers have a conical shape, formed from buds at the tips of hanging shoots. During flowering, the indoor plant is densely covered with beautiful delicate flowers, the length of one flower is from 6 to 8 cm. There are zygocacti with flowers of white, yellow, pink and even purple. During flowering, the buds tend to open within a few days, making the flowering of the indoor plant quite long.


The peculiar Decembrist explains the plant’s inability to self-pollinate. The elongated flask-shaped flower consists of several joints strung on top of each other, from the tips last flower the pistil, which is framed by stamens, peeks out. In nature, zygocactus is cross-pollinated with the help of tropical For this reason, Decembrist has an elongated stem shape; the plant’s homeland predetermines cross-pollination by birds and insects. After pollination, after some time, oval red fruits are formed at the ends of the branches.

Conditions for regular flowering

In addition to timely watering and fertilizing, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for flowering. The flower should feel the approaching cold weather. From mid-October, it is necessary to create conditions in the room where the indoor plant is located that correspond to the cold season. Despite the fact that the birthplace of the indoor Decembrist - South America, a country with a fairly warm climate, the plant tolerates cold quite well. The room temperature must be maintained no higher than 15 degrees. A houseplant should be watered no more than once a week. Decembrist loves sunlight very much, so the pot with the plant should be in the brightest part of the room. In order for the plant to begin to bloom, it is necessary to constantly maintain cool temperature indoor air. The flower must sense the approach of winter. The fact is that when it is winter in Russia, at this time it is the height of summer in South America. The birthplace of the Decembrist (flower) determines the flowering time of a given indoor plant.

A florist should know the origin of zygocacti in order to understand that the plant’s homeland is South America, where summer begins during the winter cold in Russia.

In order for the plant to delight its owners with beautiful flowering in winter every year, it is necessary to follow a number of simple rules:

The plant needs Fresh air and absent-minded sunny color, Then beautiful bloom V winter period will be provided;

You should regularly, no more than once a week, water the plants with cool water;

In order for the flower to bloom regularly, it is necessary to replant it annually in a larger pot;

The optimal room temperature for creating conditions for flowering is considered to be no higher than 16 degrees.

If you follow all the recommendations, every year in winter the Decembrist will be covered with beautiful clusters of flowers, creating coziness in the room. Flower growers know how unpretentious the Decembrist (flower) is; the plant’s homeland is known for its rather harsh, humid climate, in which tropical plants forced to fight for food and lighting. Just remember to water the plant regularly during the flowering period.

Homeland of the houseplant

The flower is classified as one that naturally takes root on the root system or directly on the trunks of tropical trees. In this regard, the roots of the flower are weak; the Decembrist is not too spoiled by the plant’s homeland. There is virtually no soil in the upper layers of the tropical forests of South America. Most Decembrist roots are able to capture the missing moisture directly from the air. The short roots of the plant are constantly in search mode in order to find a favorable nutrient medium and gain a foothold on it. If there is any suitable soil the plant is able to quickly grow a full-fledged root system. Due to high competition in tropical conditions, the plant, once on favorable soil, begins to grow rapidly in order to occupy space as quickly as possible, preventing other competing plants from entering its territory. Growing on tree trunks in the gloomy forests of the humid tropics, the flower receives a sufficient amount of scattered sunlight.

It should be noted that thanks to his unpretentiousness, the Decembrist is able to survive even in the most extreme conditions. In addition, this plant is classified as a long-lived flower. A houseplant can live up to 20 years. Decembrist is also resistant to various kinds diseases.

Soil for replanting

To ensure annual flowering in winter, it is recommended to replant the zygocactus at least once every two years. At the same time, despite his unpretentiousness, it is still better to take into account what the Decembrist loves more. The homeland of the plant, which requires an insufficient amount of water-soluble minerals, affects the conditions for the full growth of the flower.

Retail stores sell special soil intended for replanting zygocacti. You can purchase a ready-made soil composition, or you can also prepare it yourself by mixing leaf compost in equal proportions, garden soil and clean river sand.

As you know, the homeland of the Decembrist (flower) is the humid tropics; this circumstance must be taken into account when replanting in order to prevent further rotting of the root system. The roots of the plant should be moderately moistened, and air should freely penetrate to them. Some part garden soil should be mixed with leaf compost and crushed expanded clay. It is advisable to add small shells walnuts and a little bit charcoal. Place a little drainage expanded clay at the bottom of a wide but shallow pot, then add a layer of prepared soil, carefully placing the plant on it. Zygocactus is a rather fragile plant, so you need to act carefully, otherwise you can damage the roots. Having filled the pot with soil, you need to water the plant generously and place it in that part of the room where direct rays of the sun do not reach.



Many lovers of indoor plants do not know how Decembrist propagates. The plant's homeland is humid, dark tropical forests; here, most plants grow in order to occupy fertile territory as quickly as possible. As for the zygocactus, this one successfully reproduces by cuttings. It is necessary to cut small cuttings no more than 8 cm long, dry them a little in the air, and then put them in water for several days. Once the cuttings take root, they can be planted in the soil. To make a houseplant look more magnificent, it is recommended to plant several prepared cuttings in one flower pot.


Unfortunately, like any indoor plant, zygocactus is susceptible to the same diseases that tropical plants are endowed with in the homeland of the indoor Decembrist, the humid tropics. Most often, plants are affected by fungal diseases. A plant weakened by disease begins to turn pale and wither, flower buds begin to fall off, and mold appears at the base of the stem.

Another disease, called spider mite, affects zygocacti when homes turn on central heating. In the axils of plants you can find cobwebs and even small insects. The plant begins to turn yellow. As you know, the homeland of the Decembrist is South America; in the natural conditions of the humid tropics, the diseased plant most often dies. At home, the plant can most often be saved. In order to rid the flower of fungal disease, it is enough to water with fungicides. These are special liquids “Topaz” or “Fitosporia”.

In order to get rid of spider mite, the plant should be treated with Apollo or Fitoverm no more than 4 times a week.

What happens to the plant after 15 years

With age, the Decembrist does not look as attractive as it does when the plant is still young. The trunk at the base takes on an ugly curved appearance, the branches of the plant become like a cork. It is necessary to make some efforts to ensure that the Decembrist always looks well-groomed. The homeland of the plant in one way or another influences life cycle flower. Plants that are too old should be replaced with new ones. The breeding season is most successful in the spring, with the preferred months being April or May. To do this, you need to cut several cuttings and place them in damp sand or soil. For new seedlings, choose spacious but shallow pots, at the bottom of which you should definitely lay a layer of drainage in order to prevent rotting of the root system.

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In books on indoor floriculture, it is sometimes difficult to find information about Decembrist, a popular indoor plant that blooms in winter time. The fact is that in different publications, different names are included in the table of contents: Schlumbergera, Christmas cactus, Epiphyllum and Zygocactus. You can find a rare popular name - Christmas tree.

(this is a well-known popular name) belongs to the Cactus family. Typically we grow hybrid forms this long-term forest cactus, which, at first glance, differ in the color of the flowers, the timing of flowering and the shape of the segmented processes. Other differences are less significant for the amateur gardener.

Description of the Decembrist

Decembrist is a generalized name for three types of forest cacti. These are Schlumbergera truncata, Schlumbergera gaertneri and Schlumbergera bucklei. The genus name (Schlumbergera) was given in honor of the name of a famous cactus breeder. A number of authors of books on indoor floriculture use the name epiphyllum. (Epiphyllum).

Schlumberger truncated (Schlumbergera truncates, Zygocactus truncatus). This species can be found in the literature as “chopped or blunted zygocactus.” The shoot segments have sharp teeth along the edges. Flowers are bilaterally symmetrical. Their petals are bent back. The color of the flowers is white, pink, light lilac or purple.

Schlumberger Gertner (Schlumbergera gaertneri). This is a fairly large plant, with segments 6–7 cm long. The bell-shaped flowers are red-orange with pointed petals.

Schlumberger Bookley, or Buckley (Schlumbergera bucklei). The plant has light green segments with small projections along the edges. There are many varieties with symmetrical flowers of different, often lilac-pink, colors.

This plant is native to South America, where it grows in the humid forests of the ocean coast. M. Gesdörfer has a description of the territories in his book “Indoor Gardening,” published in 1904.

Schlumbergera, which grows in the forks of trunks and near the roots of trees, blooms in the southern tropics in the summer season. It's winter here (in the Northern Hemisphere) at this time.

The branched stems of the Decembrist are flattened and jointed. Flowers bloom at the ends of the segments. The most common flower color is crimson, but flowers come in white, cream, lavender, salmon, orange-red, dark red and purple. There are multi-colored flowers. New hybrids appear on the market every year. As the Decembrist grows older, the trunk tissue changes. He grows stiff.

Zygocactus blooms late autumn or in winter. For many amateur gardeners, this plant blooms a second time closer to spring.

Caring for the Decembrist

Place. Decembrist feels best in a bright place, but shaded from the bright sun. Burning sun rays are one of the main causes of yellowing, redness and drying of shoot segments. Schlumbergera is successfully grown on window sills oriented to the north and east. On the south and west side in summer period It is advisable to shade the plant from direct sunlight. An adult bush from time to time (not during the period of budding and flowering) is turned in a lighter direction, otherwise it will lose its shape and become one-sided. In the summer, you can take the pot of Decembrist into the fresh air.

Our Decembrist lives on an insulated glass loggia. Light and thermal conditions promote abundant flowering. Temperature frosty winter- about plus 12 - 14°C. On sunny days it is warmer there.

Several times I had to reanimate a Decembrist bush that had been sunburnt in the summer. I moved the pot of Schlumbergera to a room where there was less sunlight and cooler than on the loggia. Watered and sprayed only warm water. The plant quickly recovered, becoming green and juicy again. All I had to do was cut off the completely dried out segments.

Watering and humidity. Watering is moderate, only with soft warm water. Excess water leads to rotting of the root system, which often causes the death of the plant. During the flowering period (from the moment of mass appearance of buds), watering is increased. From mid-April to September, water only when the soil dries out. A warm shower is useful, which can easily replace spraying with warm water. Try not to wet the buds and flowers.

The soil. The soil mixture is made up of leaf and turf soil, peat and sand, with the addition of brick chips (tiny expanded clay). Coniferous soil noticeably inhibits growth and inhibits the plant. The purchased substrate intended for cacti needs to be improved, as it usually contains too much peat. Drainage layer - up to one third of the height.

Feeding. There are different liquid fertilizers, intended for cacti and other succulents. They can be safely used to feed the Decembrists. If you take complex fertilizers for indoor fertilizers, then only in low concentration. Too much fertilizer is worse than too little. During the flowering period, it is better not to feed the Decembrist.

Diseases and pests. The Decembrist may suffer from red flat ticks. At the same time, the leaves become lethargic and die. Yellow-rusty spots appear on them. In addition, fungal and bacterial infection. In case of bacterial infection (slippery spots), it is best to re-cut Decembrist, taking healthy segments. The diseased plant is destroyed. There is a chance to save the bush by removing the affected part and treating the plant with any antibacterial drugs. It happens that it appears, which leaves a sweetish sticky discharge. A good preventative measure is spraying with warm water.

Reproduction. Decembrist is easily propagated by cuttings. Best time- after flowering and in May. To do this, take cuttings (only two to four segments are enough), after which they are planted in light soil. Before this, you need to dry the cuttings for several days so that they do not rot. The rooting process is more active under the hood of glass jar or from plastic bottle. Of course, ventilation is necessary.

You can root the cuttings in a jar of water. To do this, you need to put a twig in the water and do not remove it until the roots appear. It is better not to change the water, but to add fresh water. To prevent rotting from starting, a coal or activated carbon tablet is dipped into the water.

A rooted cutting from a flowering plant often blooms in the second year.

Transfer. Decembrist is replanted only after flowering. This means that by the end of February you need to prepare a suitable soil mixture, the right size pot and expanded clay. Take a small pot; in nature, the root system of this epiphyte is relatively poorly developed. A pot that is too deep and wide provokes an increase in the mass of the root system, while little energy remains for flowering.

Young Decembrists are replanted annually or every other day. Adult Decembrists can be replanted less frequently and not be disturbed for several years.

How to stimulate flowering?

From the very beginning of October to the end of November, the Decembrist is kept in a cool place. At this time, buds are intensively laid. Watering is restrained. We grow several Decembrist bushes on a loggia (insulated and glazed). There is a gradual natural decrease in air temperature, so there are no problems with flowering.

It is often advised not to move a blooming or blooming Decembrist from place to place. According to my observations, these plants have been living and blooming profusely for many years in our country, this does not in any way affect the quality of flowering. Judge for yourself: we are buying flowering plant and bring it home, after which we are afraid to move it. But before coming to us, the Decembrist traveled a long way and changed his position more than once. And this did not affect the flowering in any way, nor did it prevent the plant from attracting our attention with its abundance beautiful flowers. And who would buy a bush with fallen buds? I boldly rearrange the pots with Decembrist so that other plants do not interfere with the flowering bush. Sometimes on frosty days (more precisely, nights) you have to move the Decembrist away from the glass.

Flowers most often bloom on young shoots. Shortening them helps increase their number. To do this, you need to pinch off a couple of segments at the ends of the hanging elongated shoots. The plant itself regulates its capabilities quite well, from time to time freeing itself from ballast and the lower parts of too long shoots.

I noticed that if the Decembrist adapted to certain conditions life, it can grow and bloom beautifully contrary to all the rules. So, one of my friends had a huge bush growing and blooming profusely literally in a “swamp”, which a caring housewife planted in a large flower pot, watering the plant exclusively with drained tea.

Standard form

I have seen the standard Schlumbergera uniform several times. This nice solution, which can be brought to life by purchasing a ready-made grafted specimen, or you will have to master the techniques of grafting cacti. The rootstock is usually Pereskia aculeate, Hylocereus or Selenicereus. Such vaccinations were carried out even in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Traded epiphyllums are usually crowned trees obtained by grafting them onto small flexible stems of other cactus species, mainly onto the stems of Peireskia. The crowns of such trees consist of many leaf-shaped segments, generally assuming a drooping position. When the terminal segments are covered with buds and flowers, the grafted epiphyllums present a remarkably beautiful sight. (M. Gesdörfer “Indoor Gardening”)

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Decembrist is an epiphytic plant (fixed on other plants). It was called the Decembrist for its flowering in winter. The botanical name is “zygocactus”. It grows in tropical forests, settles on tree bark and protruding roots. Hanging, branching stems are collected from individual flat leaf-shaped segments. There are round projections along the edges of the segments. The length of the stems reaches 40 cm.

Botanical description and features

The root system is poorly developed. Under unfavorable conditions, the roots die off, but are restored after resuming or adjusting care. Additionally, aerial roots are released to obtain moisture from environment. Upon contact with soil, they quickly transform into a true root system.

Flowering begins in winter. The buds form at the tops of the shoots. The structure of the flowers is interesting - several tiers of petals, an elongated tube and long stamens in the center. Natural varieties have white or red flowers. Obtained artificially hybrid varieties differ in a variety of colors.

It grows quickly and in favorable conditions blooms profusely and for a long time. In nature, it is pollinated by hummingbirds. At home, if there is a need to obtain seed material, pollination is carried out manually. Counts unpretentious plant. Even beginners in floriculture can grow Decembrist at home.

Decembrist is a long-lived plant. In favorable conditions, with stable care, it grows and blooms for up to 20-30 years. The decorative effect is gradually lost - the lower part of the stems becomes woody, loses leaves, and acquires a brown tint. It is grown as a bush or hanging crop in a hanging pot.

Popular varieties

Decembrist is the common name for three species of zygocacti. The genus is called "Schlumberger" after the cactus breeder. In some sources there is another name - “epiphyllum”.

  • Gertner's Decembrist. Large, fast growing species. The segments are fleshy, up to 7 cm long. The flowers are multi-tiered in different colors. The petals are elongated, with a pointed tip. Long hanging pistils extend from the central part.
  • Decembrist Bookley. Quite a large variety - up to half a meter in height. The segments are leaf-shaped with sharp teeth along the edge, dark green in color. The surface is smooth, glossy. Flowers are up to 8 cm long, consist of several tiers, different colors. Flowering begins at the end of November and continues until March.
  • Decembrist truncated. Tall variety. Large multi-tiered flowers bloom at the tops of light green shoots. The color depends on the variety - red, white, pink. After flowering, the fruits ripen - red berries.

Flower growers use an interesting technique - they plant several varieties of Decembrist in one pot at once. They combine varieties with red, yellow, pink flowers. The duration of flowering gives the mix additional charm - the timing of budding different varieties vary.

Nuances of care and creating a favorable microclimate

Caring for Schlumbergera at home involves creating favorable conditions for growth, timely watering, spraying and fertilizing. Care recommendations based on opinion experienced flower growers. The following list contains all the basic requirements for caring for a flower.

  • Lighting. Choose a place that is bright, but protected from direct sunlight. Excess sun negatively affects the condition of the flower - the shoots change color and dry out. Convenient location- eastern and northern windows. The Decembrist loves fresh air. In summer it is taken out onto the balcony or into the garden. To ensure that the crown is illuminated and formed evenly, the pot is regularly rotated around its axis.
  • Temperature. IN warm time years are kept at normal room temperature 20-23°C. In winter you need coolness - 10-15°C. Tolerates short-term temperature drops of up to 3°C. Low temperatures during this period stimulate the formation of flower buds.
  • Watering. There is no need to water Decembrist often. Stick to moderate watering clean, warm, well-settled water. A little more moisture required during budding and flowering. Water after the top 3-4 cm of soil has dried. Overfilling is avoided - when the liquid stagnates, the root system rots.
  • Humidity. High humidity has a beneficial effect on the decorative effect of the flower. Daily spraying and periodic bathing of the Decembrist in the shower are needed. Avoid getting water on the flowers.
  • The soil. Optimal composition soil - a mixture of leaf soil, turf, sand and peat. Fine brick chips are added to loosen. It is undesirable to use coniferous soil - it inhibits growth. Can be grown in ready-made cactus substrates. Purchased soil is compacted with turf.
  • Feeding. Apply liquid fertilizers for succulents and cacti. Non-specialized mineral complexes
  • for indoor plants, dilute before application. The concentration is reduced by two to three times compared to the instructions in the instructions. Transfer. The frequency of replanting Decembrist is after one to two years for young plants, three to four years for adult specimens. The size of the pot is small, slightly larger than the old one. Usage spacious pot
  • leads to increased growth of green mass and growth of the root system, but reduces the abundance of flowering.

Trimming. If you prune the Decembrist correctly, it will bloom more abundantly and longer, and the bush will take on a neat, compact appearance. The branches are not cut, but unscrewed. Knives and other tools are not recommended. Unscrew the tips of the shoots to enhance branching, shorten or remove completely deformed, excess shoots. If you properly organize the care of the flower, the Decembrist will delight its owners every year

lush flowering

, will retain its decorative effect for a long time.

Causes of weak flowering and solution to the problem

The main problem that novice flower growers face is that Decembrist does not bloom or produces a small number of buds. This nuisance can easily be eliminated with basic care adjustments. What factors inhibit flowering? The main reason -

  • unsuitable conditions
  • maintenance, violation of care rules. A number of factors lead to weakening of flowering:
  • lack of moisture in the soil or air;
  • low lighting;

pot too spacious;

deficiency of nutrients in the soil.

The quality of flowering can be affected by diseases and damage to the Decembrist by insects. Just in case, inspect the plant for stains, plaque, rot, cobwebs and other warning signs.

How to stimulate

  1. Additional lighting. In winter, the Decembrist is placed under lamps daylight or special phytolamps.
  2. During the flowering period, the Decembrist is not disturbed. You cannot rearrange or move the pot. Cuttings are also postponed to another time. Judging by the reviews, any actions during the flowering period can lead to partial or complete dropping of the buds.
  3. Cool. In cool rooms, flowering will last longer. The optimal temperature is 16°C. But sudden temperature changes are avoided - the buds may fall off.
  4. Pot. To actively lay flower buds, choose a small, narrow pot.
  5. Feeding. For the Decembrist to bloom, it needs to be fed phosphorus-potassium fertilizers immediately after a period of rest. These microelements have positive influence

for planting buds. If you bought a blooming Decembrist, be prepared for some of the buds to fall off. The plant needs to adapt to new conditions. Be sure to quarantine it - place it separately from other indoor plants for two weeks. This preventive measures

- when purchasing, you may not have noticed the initial signs of disease or pests.

Reproduction technique Flower growers practice seed and vegetative propagation Decembrist. Both methods are effective, but cuttings give more. quick results Young plant

  • can bloom already in the year of planting.
  • Cuttings.

As a cutting, take a piece of stem from three to four segments. The cuttings are unscrewed by hand rather than cut. They are dried for two days in a shaded, ventilated place at room temperature. Planted in light, moist soil made of sand and peat. Keep under cover - cover with a jar, plastic cup or polyethylene. Keep at 20°C, water moderately, and ventilate the greenhouse daily. The cover is removed after signs of growth appear. The strengthened plant is transplanted into a pot with soil mixture for an adult plant. It is important to plant the Decembrist in the pot correctly - adhere to the recommended soil composition, add a layer of drainage up to 4 cm to the bottom.

Seeds. Seed material collected from your own plant is not suitable for propagation. Seedlings lose the characteristic varietal characteristics of the mother plant. It is better to purchase seeds in a specialized store. They are sown at any time of the year. As in the case of cuttings, they are kept under film until shoots emerge.. Most often you have to deal with spider mites, scale insects and mealybug.


It feeds on plant juices. The Decembrist sheds its leaves, weakens, turns yellow, and dries out. Insects are removed mechanically - the stems are treated with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, a solution of karbofos and Tanrek.

Decembrist may suffer from ordinary domestic cockroaches. They gnaw out young succulent shoots.

Lack of growth.

Since caring for Decembrist at home is quite simple, it can be recommended to beginning gardeners for their first experiments. This unpretentious, grateful and beautiful flower will decorate and enliven the interior of the apartment.

One of the brightest representatives of forest cacti is Decembrist (Schlumbergera). The constant struggle for survival in the partial shade of spreading trees, poor soil and high humidity made the flower persistent and hardy. Its leaves have an interesting structure: they are dense, fleshy, arthropod-like in structure, with jagged edges. A magnificent and proud Decembrist - even novice gardeners can care for it at home, however, in order for the plant to bloom regularly, you need to know a few important points.

Features of caring for the Decembrist at home

It is known that the tropical beauty blooms for Christmas, which is why it is popularly called “Rozhdestvennik”. His bright flowers deep red or silvery white, reminiscent of fabulous fireworks that perfectly complement the atmosphere New Year's holidays. It can be recommended as a gift to the closest and dearest people.


Tropical Decembrist flower - care for it must be appropriate natural environment habitat and, despite the fact that it belongs to the Cactus family, direct rays of the sun can burn its leaves. It is best to place the plant in rooms facing east or west during the midday hours, shading the glass with gauze or frosted film. Good lighting It is necessary only from the moment the first buds appear until the end of flowering, after which the bush can be placed even in shaded rooms, such as a foyer or corridor.

Attention! During flowering, you cannot move the pot with the plant; the Decembrist can instantly drop flowers and buds.

Air temperature

The Decembrist is absolutely unpretentious to the ambient temperature and can feel equally good in the range from +18 °C to +30 °C, and can tolerate a short-term drop to +3 °C. However, to set buds, in early September it is recommended to gradually lower the temperature to + 15 °C, this will ensure abundant flowering for Christmas.

Air humidity

Tropical Decembrists are flowers for which air humidity is of great importance. It is recommended to maintain this indicator at least 60%; drier air will provoke the release of buds and general wilting of the plant. You can place the pot in a deep drainage pan, filling it with river pebbles and filling it halfway with water. Regular spraying and a warm shower will be beneficial, but during flowering the cloud of droplets should only humidify the air without accumulating on the surface of the bush.

Watering the Decembrist

You need to water the flower regularly and abundantly, but avoid excessive waterlogging. earthen coma. Water is usually used that is soft and slightly warmer than the soil temperature.

Particular attention should be paid to the frequency of watering during the period of bud formation and flowering; during this phase, the substrate should especially not be allowed to dry out. After removing the last dried inflorescences, reduce watering, but make sure that the soil remains moderately moist.

Soil composition and choice of pot for growing Decembrist

Neutral or slightly acidic soil (optimal pH value is 6.5), providing the roots with good aeration is the key to high-quality care for the Decembrist at home. It is recommended to purchase a substrate for growing cacti or prepare it yourself:

  • leaf soil - 1 part,
  • turf - 1 part,
  • peat – 1 part,
  • medium-grained sand – 1 part.

The container for growing should be chosen wide but shallow; the root system of the flower develops superficially, in the wild this allows it to obtain nutrients, which are rich in the upper layers of the soil.

Fertilizer application

Caring for Decembrist flowers does not require frequent fertilizing; it is enough to water them with a mineral-containing solution every 20 days until the first buds appear. Further, fertilizing should be stopped and resumed only after flowering. Additional food It is advisable to provide the flower with the help of compositions intended for fertilizing cacti, which are available in the Bona Forte, Etisso and Reasil line.

Important! You can use any mineral fertilizers for indoor plants, but choose only those that contain a minimum proportion of nitrogen and a predominance of phosphorus and potassium.

Decembrist pruning

In phase active growth You can give the bush the desired shape yourself; in addition, pruning stimulates flowering. Given the special structure of the shoots, excess fragments are not cut off with scissors, but carefully unscrewed at the junction of the leaves. The Decembrist will look most impressive in flowerpots or round ones, hanging planters, in this case, you should not shorten the shoots too much.

Decembrist planting and replanting

Annual replanting, as part of caring for the Decembrist at home, is only necessary for young plants. It is enough to replant adult specimens once every 5 years. The flower has strong and strong roots, so it endures the procedure resistantly, which allows you to completely renew the substrate. A little soil is poured onto the drainage layer, after which the Decembrist plant is planted, the remainder of the mixture is evenly distributed between the roots and finally watered. For the first two days, it is advisable to provide the plant with partial shade.

Peculiarities of reproduction of the Decembrist

The flower reproduces in two ways:

  • seeds,
  • rooting the cuttings.

For indoor floriculture The second method is most acceptable. A shoot with 4 leaf links is carefully “twisted” from the mother plant and kept in the open air for 24 hours so that the fresh cut dries out a little. Then they are planted in a pre-prepared plastic cup with a damp substrate. There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the container. Having slightly moistened the soil, the glass with the cutting is covered with a “cap” made of transparent polyethylene and placed in partial shade. The “greenhouse” needs to be periodically watered and ventilated. After 4 weeks, the young Decembrist will take root and new leaves will begin to grow.

Diseases and pests of the Decembrist

Plants have good immunity and rarely get sick, but sometimes caring for Decembrist flowers requires the use of medications.

The flower may suffer from fungal infections such as fusarium or phytium; fungal spores enter the soil and then infect the plant through wounds. At the initial stage, the root collar suffers, and it can be quite difficult to notice. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed when the plant begins to turn pale, gray, and some of the links fall off. Phythium is successfully treated with the drug "Topaz", and fusarium with the help of fungicides.

Dry and warm air indoors provokes the appearance of pests: scale insects, spider mites. The scale insect looks like a small gray shell on the shoots, under which this pest hides. Spider mites can be recognized by yellowish spots and fragments of silvery webs. Used for pest control soap solution or chemicals, for example, "Fitoverm".

Knowing the peculiarities of keeping Decembrist, it will not be difficult for a gardener to grow this beautiful and unusual plant, and fireworks of bright colors will be a real gift for the New Year holidays.

Video: how to make Decembrist bloom

Caring for the Decembrist at home should be as close to natural conditions as possible. This plant is native to tropical forests, where it is always warm and humid. Therefore the pledge good development of this indoor flower - maintaining the same air temperature in the room.

It is necessary to consider in more detail how to care for the Decembrist at home and what recommendations should be followed so that this plant pleases with its decorative appearance for as long as possible.

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    If a person decides to buy a Decembrist flower for his home, the seller must tell him how to care for it and what absolutely cannot be done with the plant. Decembrist flowers (lat. Schlumbergera) are also called zygocacti, Schlumbergera or Christmas flowers. This is a thornless cactus that loves water and is afraid of the sun. The homeland of these unique plants is South America, where they can be found not on window sills, but on tree branches. These succulents were nicknamed Decembrists, or Christmas trees, because of their late flowering. This period lasts from November to January, when all other houseplants are at rest. But there is nothing strange about this, because the height of the tropical summer coincides with our winter months.

    This flower does not like southern window sills, so the housewife will not have to rack her brains about where to put the Christmas tree. It can be grown both as a regular plant and as a hanging houseplant.

    During the budding period, the plant should absolutely not be disturbed, because even a slight rotation of the pot can affect the quality of flowering. If you follow all the rules for caring for the Decembrist flower, then this long-liver will delight you for about 15-20 years not only with its colorful shoots, but also with decorative flowers.


    The Decembrist indoor flower grows well at home if you do not expose it to temperature changes. It is recommended to constantly maintain the temperature in the room where the plant is located in the range of +18...+25°C. But this does not mean that any temperature fluctuations will provoke the death of this cactus. It can withstand both 2°C and 37°C, but it is not worth testing the plant for its strength.

    It is recommended to regulate the temperature depending on the period of development of the Decembrist. In the fall, the Christmas tree is preparing to bloom, and it needs to gain strength. To make this period as comfortable as possible, it is advisable to maintain the temperature in the range of +12...+16°C.

    Since the Decembrist flowering occurs in the winter, you need to make sure that the temperature in the house is not lower than +18...+20°C. For optimal functioning of the active phase, the flower needs enough heat. After budding, the Decembrist cactus can be moved again to a cooler place.

    As for the location of the flower, it is recommended to give preference to eastern windows. You should not place a pot with a plant on southern windowsills or next to them, since when direct sunlight hits the cactus, the segments of its stems may first turn yellow and then crumble. In the case when it is not possible to provide the cactus with diffused light, it is advisable to make a shadow for the flower yourself.

    Humidity and watering

    Decembrist should be watered according to the principle of moistening deciduous plants. The main thing that you should always remember is that you need to do this in moderation and in accordance with the periods of development.

    The active flowering phase requires abundant watering. The housewife needs to constantly ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out. In winter, it is desirable that the soil is constantly moist. When the Christmas tree fades, it needs to be watered less often. Until April, plant moisture should be gradually reduced.

    In summer, when the flower is dormant, it needs moisture only if the soil dries out. But there is also no need to wait until the entire soil becomes completely dry; it is enough for only its upper layers to lose moisture.

    In the fall, the Decembrist bush also needs to be watered extremely rarely. Until buds begin to form on its stems, it is advisable to keep the pot in a cool room and rarely moisten it.

    To prevent the flower from drying out during the hot season, it can be sprayed. In homes where the air is too dry, this cactus will not take root. It loves high humidity, so it is recommended to spray as often as possible. Alternatively, a flower pot can be placed on a tray with wet pebbles. But in this case, you need to make sure that the roots of the plant are not in water, otherwise they may begin to rot.

    Feeding the Christmas tree

    Caring for the Decembrist at home also includes periodic application of special fertilizers for the plant to the soil. It is better to give preference to complex formulations. They can be added to the soil from March, when the Decembrist flowers have faded. The frequency of feeding during this period is once a month. This is enough to make the plant feel comfortable.

    Typically, zygocacti are fed with floral mineral fertilizers, but use half the amount indicated on the package. Care must be taken to ensure that the dose does not contain too much nitrogen. This component can cause root rot.

    In summer, fertilizing can be increased. For intensive growth of stems, it is advisable to fertilize the soil once every 2 weeks. Starting in September, when the Christmas tree is preparing to bloom, soil enrichment should be stopped. Many housewives complain: I fertilize with Decembrist all year round, but it still doesn’t bloom. It is imperative to take into account the development phases of this flower and fertilize in accordance with them. Otherwise, the original flowering will not be seen.

    Zygocactus transplant

    Decembrist replanting usually occurs at the end of February, when the plant has completely faded. It is recommended to replant young Christmas trees once a year; adult specimens need replanting much less frequently - once every 3 years. If there is a very large bush growing in the house, then you should not disturb it too often. It can change the container and soil approximately once every 5 years.

    When choosing a new container, you need to pay attention to the fact that the roots of the Decembrist are superficial. Wide and shallow pots suit him best. A third of the container should be filled with drainage.

    When replanting, you can use special soil for cacti. If you have time, it is recommended to prepare the soil yourself.

    There are 2 options for creating an earthen mixture for zygocactus. The first includes the following components:

    • 1 part of turf land;
    • 2 parts leaf soil;
    • 1 part sand.

    For the second option, the earthen mixture needs to be prepared:

    • 3 parts leaf soil;
    • 1 part of turf land;
    • 1 part sand;
    • 2 parts humus.

    Whatever option for preparing the earthen mixture is chosen, it should always be slightly acidic. In order for the soil to have better water permeability, it can be mixed with brick chips.

    Decembrist must be replanted carefully so as not to damage the root system. If you were unable to do this carefully, disinfect the damaged roots with crushed charcoal.

    Reproduction technique

    The Decembrist flower, the care and propagation of which cannot be considered too troublesome, can often be found on windowsills. Housewives often grow these plants on their own so that they please the eye in every room.

    How to propagate Decembrist if there is already one pot with this plant in the house? This is usually done vegetatively, that is, by cuttings. It is necessary to carefully tear off the two outer segments from the shoot. Reproduction does not harm the Decembrist, so you can safely unscrew the cuttings. You can’t transplant them into the soil right away; you need to leave them to dry out for a few days. While the segments will get rid of excess moisture, the housewife should start preparing special containers or seedling boxes.

    Plant containers need to be filled with moist soil. Then you need to place the dried segments of the Decembrist there. It is recommended to cover the container with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect. This will help the shoots take root and take root quickly. Such boxes should be placed in the shade and ensure that the air temperature is in the range of +15...+20°C.

    Every day, the film or glass needs to be removed for a while to allow the seedlings to ventilate. Periodically, the soil needs to be moistened, then rooting will occur much faster. If you want to feed the shoots in containers for transplanting, it is recommended to abandon this idea. High humidity And warm temperature it is enough for the segments to take root.

    There is no need to rack your brains over how to transplant the shoots into a regular pot. You just need to wait for them to get stronger. Then you can replant according to the same principle as for adult plants.

    Experienced gardeners recommend propagating Decembrist during pruning. After such a procedure there is usually a lot left planting material. If you don’t want to throw it away, you can dry the cuttings and place them in a container for a while.

    How to ensure abundant flowering?

    The flowering of the Decembrist can be considered not only the advantage of this succulent, but also the result of careful care for it. the main role In this process, the temperature is controlled. If in the fall, when the flower begins its budding period, it stands at a temperature above 23°C, then the plant will begin to experience increased shoot growth, but certainly not the formation of inflorescences. Flower buds form well at a temperature of +17...+20°C; there is a possibility of their formation at a temperature of +10...+15°C. If during this period the flower was in a room where the temperature was below 10°C, do not expect flowers in winter.

    The Christmas tree will bloom longer if it is placed in a cool room during the active phase. If it was moved, for example, to a glassed-in terrace, then you do not need to touch the pot until the plant has completely bloomed. Even minor changes in temperature can interrupt flowering, because this plant is capable of shedding even those buds that are almost open.

    When the zygocactus blooms, it cannot be pruned. Also during this period you should not prepare cuttings for propagation. It is advisable to provide the plant with additional lighting, then it will delight with its flowers much longer.

    If you purchase a blooming Decembrist, you need to prepare for the fact that the flowers may fall off. Due to a change of location, a plant can lose, if not all, then some of its buds, since the adaptation process for a Christmas tree is usually difficult.

    Frequent illnesses

    Zygocactus can often be subjected to various diseases, therefore, it is recommended to periodically inspect the leaves of this flower in order to detect the pest in time.

    Often the Decembrist flower at home is affected by mealybugs. It appears as whitish lumps between the shoots. The plant must be urgently treated with special preparations (for example, Actelkik), otherwise it may die.

    A rusty coating and barely noticeable cobwebs indicate the presence of a spider mite. These insects appear at low air humidity. The plant must be treated with Fitoverm or Neoron.

    Late blight, phytum and fusarium are fungal diseases that amaze root collar plants. The infection causes the flower to wilt in moist soil, and the leaves become gray and pale. It is best to get rid of fungus using Topaz and Vitaros. To prevent the recurrence of these diseases, it is recommended to water the soil less often and ensure that it has time to dry well.

    Caring for the Decembrist flower at home is easy if you put it on right place and provide him with the same temperature regime. If you follow the recommendations, the Christmas tree will bloom every year.

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