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In 1989, NASA launched a study to determine the best houseplants to purify the surrounding air. Scientists have found that indoor air constantly contains harmful volatile particles. organic compounds- trichlorethylene, benzene, ammonia and others. To clean the air environmentally, experts recommend placing them in rooms. Indoor plants can neutralize up to 85% of indoor air pollutants.

Indoor air contains five harmful substances:

  • Formaldehyde. Contained in furniture made of chipboard, fiberboard, carpets and upholstery materials, tobacco smoke, plastic dishes, and household gas. Calls allergic reactions, irritation of the mucous membrane, asthma, skin diseases.
  • Trichlorethylene. Contained in carpet and fabric cleaners, chlorinated water, printer cartridges, and paint and varnish products. Trichlorethylene is a strong carcinogen, irritates the eyes and skin, affects the liver and kidneys, and causes psychomotor agitation.
  • Benzene. Found in tobacco smoke, cleaning and detergents, including soap, paints and varnishes, rubber products. A carcinogen that can cause leukemia accumulates in adipose tissue,
    causes alcohol-like agitation, shortness of breath and convulsions,
    lowers blood pressure.
  • Ammonia. Contained in computer technology, tobacco smoke, products household chemicals. Causes dryness and sore throat, cough, provokes chest pain, causes swelling of the larynx and lungs.
  • Xylene. It is used to produce many types of plastics, paints and adhesives, and is also found in automobile exhaust gases, leather goods and tobacco smoke. Causes irritation skin, respiratory tract and mucous membrane of the eye.

website I collected in one post 15 plants that will not only decorate the house, but will also faithfully and uninterruptedly work to purify the air 24 hours a day.

Anthurium Andre ("flamingo lily")

Perfectly humidifies the air and saturates it with purified water vapor. Actively absorbs xylene And toluene and processes them into compounds that are harmless to humans.

Gerber Jameson

Scindapsus ("golden lotus")

Its main advantage is its enormous shade tolerance. Effectively purifies the air from formaldehyde And benzene. A poisonous plant that should be kept away from children and animals.


Chinese evergreen tree is a houseplant that grows in low light conditions and loves wet air. Effectively purifies the air from toluene And benzene. The juice and berries of the plant are poisonous.

Chlorophytum ("spider")

A spider plant with rich foliage and small white flowers actively fights benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide And xylene. Another reason to get this plant is safety for children and animals.

climbing ivy


Sansevieria (“mother-in-law’s tongue”)

Very hardy plant, you need to try to ruin it. Fights pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene. Absorbs at night carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

IN modern world The problem of air purification in the apartment is becoming more and more urgent. Many unfavorable substances surround us both inside and outside the home. Therefore, people are increasingly trying to surround themselves with indoor flowers that can purify the air, because everyone remembers from school that plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

Apart from this, there are some types of indoor houseplants that neutralize and chemicals hazardous to humans.

  1. Formaldehyde. Hazard class 2. Sources are varnishes, plastic dishes, fibreboard, chipboard, carpets, tobacco smoke, etc. They can cause cancer, decreased vision, asthma, and allergies.
  2. Trichlorethylene. It contains various cleaning products, paints, stain removers, and cartridges. It is a strong carcinogen, has a damaging effect on the liver, central nervous system, kidneys.
  3. Toluene. Hazard class 3. Sources are varnishes and paints, printers and copiers, wallpaper, solvents. Promotes vision impairment, headaches, causes poisoning of the body and, as a result, nausea and vomiting.
  4. Acetone. Hazard class 3. Contained in paint and varnish materials, solvents. Affects the central nervous system.
  5. Benzene. Hazard class 2. Also included in paints and varnishes, surfactants, tobacco smoke. Its action leads to dermatitis, oncology, in particular leukemia, affects internal organs, causes mental disorders.
  6. Ammonia. Sources include tobacco smoke and electronic equipment. Is a neurotoxin. Causes chest pain, swelling of the lungs and respiratory tract. With intense exposure, it can lead to respiratory arrest.

Choosing indoor plants for air purification

Indoor plants have not only decorative value, but also have irreplaceable properties. They are capable of not only saturating the air with oxygen, but also cleanse from harmful impurities.

It is recommended to keep only healthy flowers in apartments. If a flower is sick and withers, it will not be able to absorb hazardous substances in sufficient quantities. For these purposes, preference is given to plants With large leaves and thick crown.

It is worth remembering that plants absorb oxygen at night. Therefore there is no need to put a large number of flowers in the bedroom. 4-5 pots on the windowsill are enough.

It is also important to place in the kitchen indoor flowers. There is often smoke and soot in this room. Flowers neutralize their effects and purify the air.

The most popular air purifying plants

Purification factor 6.5.
Our grandmothers also kept aloe in the house. Its juice has medicinal properties, it is widely used in folk medicine. But that's not all beneficial features of this flower.

Aloe very effectively purifies the air in the apartment. It absorbs up to 90% of formaldehyde released indoors.

Aloe leaves secrete a large amount of phytoncides that affect the human body. Under their influence, human immunity is strengthened and the thought processes of the brain are improved.

Prefers to be located on sunny windowsill with shading from direct rays. Since it is a succulen, watering it once a week is enough.

Cleaning factor 8.0.
Thanks to its wide large leaves, ficus is indispensable for air purification. It absorbs benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia. In addition, it effectively cleans the air of dust.

Can grow in partial shade. It needs to be watered 2-3 times a week in summer, once a week in winter. Periodically you need to wipe the leaves from dust.

Purification coefficient 6.8.
This plant is popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue.” In terms of its ability to produce oxygen, Sansevieria deservedly occupies one of the first places. But this is not only its value.

The phytoncides of this plant successfully fight streptococci. The latter can cause various inflammatory processes in the body, including the causative agents of sore throat, pneumonia, scarlet fever and other serious diseases.

Sansevieria also reduces the content of microbes in the surrounding air. In addition, it absorbs all types of hazardous impurities, with the exception of ammonia.

won't be difficult even the laziest owner. Like all succulents, it does not require frequent watering, it is enough to water it once a week warm water. In this regard, “mother-in-law’s tongue” can often be seen in offices.

Cleaning factor 7.5
This flower is also known as " woman's happiness" Thanks to its wide, dense foliage, the plant is able to cope with many toxins, including ammonia. Spathiphyllum also has the ability to increase air humidity.

Flower enough shade-tolerant, does not require placement on the windowsill. It will grow well in the depths of the room without losing its useful qualities. Likes abundant watering, once every 2-3 days.

Purification coefficient 6.9.
Works well against vapors of various chemical compounds. If you regularly use household chemicals, you simply need to have them on the windowsill.

prefers partial shade. In summer, watering should be done once every 3-4 days, in winter once a week.

Purification coefficient 7.8.
Effectively neutralizes formaldehyde vapors indoors. The plant absorbs particles of trichlorethylene and benzene that enter the room from the street, as well as from cleaning products and household chemicals.

Purification factor 7.3.
The plant struggles with such hazardous substances like xylene and toluene. They are mainly distinguished by such material as parquet.

If you have parquet floors in your room, Dieffenbachia will be a useful addition to the interior. The plant also effectively absorbs formaldehyde.

This flower is easy to care for. Adapts to any type of lighting. You need to water no more than once a week.

Cleaning factor 8.0.
If smokers live in the apartment, it is recommended to pay attention to this plant. It absorbs tobacco smoke tar and nicotine.

Schefflera also neutralizes benzene, formaldehyde and toluene.

Flower any lighting is suitable. Watering is moderate, once a week.

Perfectly purifies the air in the house and... Except obvious advantages, the plant fights various harmful microorganisms, “sterilizing” ambient air. It kills staphylococci and streptococci.

Also a flower contains useful essential oils , calming the nervous system and normalizing sleep.
Caring for geraniums is not difficult. Provide good lighting and abundant watering.

Purification coefficient 7.8.
This plant is necessary primarily for residents of megacities. It absorbs exhaust gases. Also copes with gas combustion products. Therefore, it is recommended to place the flower on the kitchen windowsill, close to gas stove.

It has been noticed that chlorophytum grows better in polluted air conditions.

Caring for the plant is simple. It does not require lighting. It needs to be watered once a week.

When choosing indoor flowers for your home, be sure to familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties of each. Remember that plants must be healthy to effectively purify the air.

Don’t be lazy to take care of your pets, and they will not fail to repay you with benefits.

Indoor flowers are needed not only for beauty, they can also be natural filters for purifying the air in your homes and apartments. What exactly are we saving ourselves from? From formaldehyde - released from carpets, curtains, paint, glue, pressed wood from which furniture is made; benzene – hidden in plastic, detergents, rubber; trichlorethylene - found in paint removers, carpet cleaners, glue, etc. We present to your attention 10 plants that can reduce the concentration of harmful substances indoors. By the way, some of these "green rescuers" were recommended by NASA in 1980 for detoxifying the air in space stations.

  1. absorbs formaldehyde, ammonia, acetone, benzene and carbon dioxide. One mature plant can completely destroy germs in an area of ​​2 square meters. m. Chlorophytum also knows how to accumulate moisture, so people suffering from pulmonary diseases will find it useful to have this unpretentious roommate.
  2. Indispensable for asthma and allergies ivy(hedera helix). This plant is a real vacuum cleaner, because it perfectly cleans the air of unwanted compounds. And its leaves have antiseptic properties. But remember that ivy.
  3. It will remove benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other substances harmful to humans that can be released from various synthetic coatings, linoleum and chipboard from the air. They say that its presence indoors will help avoid complications after diseases of the intestines and abdominal cavity.
  4. Perfectly moisturizes and purifies the air. If you take into account NASA recommendations, this plant absorbs formaldehyde and many other harmful components from the air envelope of the apartment. And don't believe it!
  5. absorbs carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and other air pollutants. And also (housewives, prick up your ears) they clean the air of dust. But in the bedroom ficus is better do not install it, since it absorbs oxygen at night and works on its production during the day.
  6. declares war on harmful compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, xylene acetone and phenol. Arm yourself with it in the fight against mold!
  7. – your protector from the gas stove. Why protect yourself from the stove? The fact is that it also releases formaldehyde. It is also spread by cigarette smoke and some aerosols. Kalanchoe also has an antiviral effect.
  8. Everyone has probably experienced torture in childhood. For a runny nose, its juice was dropped into the nose, and the cut stem was applied to the sore, the result of asphalt disease, on the knee. But in addition to this, aloe also absorbs up to 90% of formaldehyde and produces oxygen.
  9. Nephrolepis or indoor fern– assistant in cleaning and moisturizing. It will eliminate formaldehyde, benzene, xylene and carbon monoxide. Experienced flower growers It is advised to place the fern on the TV, since one of the beneficial properties of this plant is the ability to absorb radiation.
  10. - discovery of the year! I have this flower at work, it is absolutely unpretentious and easy to care for, but its beneficial properties are simply a miracle. It removes carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene and kills streptococcal infections.

A flower pot is not only a small part of the interior. Of course, plants are wonderful decoration at home, but alone decorative role their function is not limited. The uniqueness of indoor plants is that they can actively supply oxygen, regulate air humidity, purify it, absorbing harmful air impurities.

Almost always, the air of the room in which we spend most of our free time contains harmful compounds that have the ability to accumulate in human body, and then negatively affect the activity of not only the respiratory, but also the immune, as well as cardiovascular systems. These chemical compounds are usually emitted by furniture, Appliances, plastic, rubber, carpets and curtains, chipboard-based panels. These are mainly the following connections:

  • Phenols and formaldehyde;
  • Oxides of nitrogen, carbon or sulfur;
  • Benzene and also trichlorethylene.

Simple bush indoor rose, especially when geraniums, chlorophytums, herbs such as basil, tarragon and all types of mint grow here, can create almost healing air in the room. And all because these plants secrete active phytoncides - compounds that are extremely beneficial for human health. Who they are - big and small green ecologists - can be further examined in more detail.

Plants that purify polluted air in the apartment

Let's remember our childhood years. What bloomed most often on grandma's windowsill? It was mostly geranium, and not just for the sake of beauty.

Geranium (Pelargonium)

This plant is an excellent air freshener. A couple of pots of geraniums in a room can disinfect and deodorize the air. Pelargonium can rightfully be put first on the list useful plants, since it not only purifies the air, but can also cope with colonies of pathogenic microbes or bacteria in the airspace of the home. The essential oils that geranium produces have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, they calm and improve sleep, and the leaf of the plant acts in the same way as plantain when placed on an open wound.


If you have chlorophytums on your windowsill, or even better, hanging in a flower pot in front of the window, then the problem of air pollution will be solved almost half, since these plants are capable of collecting not only carbon monoxide, but also other toxic substances from the air. But the main thing this green orderly helps us with is cleaning the air from formaldehyde. And, by the way, it also has no equal in terms of the amount of oxygen released. Some housewives do not think this plant is very decorative or trivial, but its benefits are so great that it is not worth giving up chlorophytum.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus plants are phenomenal in the fight against toxic compounds that are emitted today by chipboard-based panels and objects made of plastic. Ficus is the best in terms of purifying the air from dust and toxic compounds emitted by furniture and plastic objects. In its natural form, ficus is a forty-meter tree with wide and shiny leaves (often variegated). The plant is not only useful, but also very decorative: its roots sometimes wrap around the trunk, creating original shapes.


Needless to say, being in a stuffy, unventilated room hard. For normal human health, it is necessary that there be a sufficient number of negatively charged ions in the air; their number, as is known, decreases if, say, a computer is running in the room. In this case, plants that are capable of releasing the same ions help, thereby creating a healthy microclimate - these are dwarf conifers(bonsai): cypresses and thujas, as well as cryptomeria. It has been scientifically proven that these plants absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldehydes.

Hamedorea or bamboo palm

In any home garden, Hamedorea will look chic, look a real queen. But, in addition to being decorative, chamedoreas purify the air by removing formaldehyde from it. Besides cleaning, bamboo palm is a natural humidifier in the room. In nature, the bamboo palm grows up to two meters. If desired, you can purchase graceful chamaedorea (Chamaedoreа elegans) or tall chamaedorea (Chamaedoreа elatior), both of which are useful.


Gerberas are purchased mainly for their decorative value. in bloom. In fact, Gerbera is able to absorb benzene, as well as trichlorethylene, which is contained in the air. Trichlorethylene gets into the air from cleaning products we use on carpets. Besides, beautiful plant It is capable of very actively absorbing the carbon dioxide we exhale and releasing oxygen.

Orange and lemon trees

Citrus fruits are excellent at purifying the air. The air in the room where oranges and lemons grow is, by default, free of not only germs, but also bacteria. Citrus essential oils are extremely useful, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and refresh the air. Some people think that it is difficult to care for citrus fruits at home, but believe me, it is worth it.


Nothing compares to the degree of popularity in our homes with this plant, but in addition to being decorative, begonia is also a home health worker. The plant actively attracts dust particles and moisturizes the air. Begonias should be constantly sprayed, since cleaning the room from dust never stops: the plant attracts it. In addition to dust, begonia kills pathogenic microbes and fungal spores, and helps neutralize radiation from various electrical appliances.

Noble laurel

In European homes, laurels in flowerpots are present in almost all homes; in our country this is less common, but in vain. Laurel is not only a seasoning for soup, the plant cleanses from dust and harmful microbes, and actively promotes recovery from cardiovascular diseases. The essential oils contained in laurel have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Speaking about what other plants purify the air in our apartment, we cannot fail to mention spathiphyllum, the flowers of which we call the bedspread. The plant is very beautiful, but it also actively contributes to a healthy indoor climate. Spathiphyllum is capable of collecting mold spores, which are almost always in the air; in addition, the plant cleans it of formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.


This Plant is simply necessary where people prone to pulmonary diseases live; it wouldn’t hurt to put it in the children’s room for prevention. The fact is that Dieffenbachia is capable of destroying staphylococcus in the air, which is the causative agent of many diseases. In addition, Dieffenbachia can capture and then destroy some toxic substances, for example, toluene or xylene, which are contained in paints and varnishes that can be used to paint walls.


There is a pot of Aloe (or even a whole plantation) in almost every home, since its leaves are healing, we remember them when we have a cold, runny nose, women make cosmetic masks. But its benefit lies not only in this. A couple of flowerpots with aloe will almost completely remove formaldehyde compounds that, for example, your furniture can emit. Aloe phytoncides also help reduce physical fatigue and can actively stimulate brain function. The latter suggests that to the room where people live mature age, the presence of aloe is mandatory.


A pot of shefflera should be present by default in a smoker’s house, especially if non-smoking relatives also live nearby. Schefflera is able to absorb and neutralize emissions released during smoking along with smoke harmful substances. The plant is very decorative; to grow such a plant with its beautiful traditional yellow-green color, you will need more diffused light.


We conclude our review of plants that create the best microclimate in the apartment with dracaena, which is an excellent orderly for our air in homes. Thanks to dracaena, you can completely get rid of gas pollution, which so torments the inhabitants of city apartments in the summer. The plant is capable of taking benzene compounds from the air, as well as trichlorethylene, which penetrate into our homes with exhaust.

In addition to their powerful cleansing properties, almost all indoor plants perfectly humidify the air in our apartments, which has great importance during heating season. It should be noted that the above indoor plants are not at all alone in their amazing ability to be orderlies and cleanse us of various harmful substances, these are just some examples. In fact, the list of our green helpers in the fight for a healthy microclimate is much more extensive.

The content of the article:

Flowers that purify the air are various house plants that have the ability to filter the surrounding air and eliminate toxic compounds, which include benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, and others. There are several basic "purifiers" recommended by NASA for filtering indoor air. spaceships and stations. They are also suitable for home use.

The need for air purification

At the end of the 80s of the last century, the American space agency conducted large-scale research, the purpose of which was to identify the best houseplants for purifying the air of toxic compounds. It was planned to use these flowers on space stations for his additional filtration and saturation with phytoncides. The research results have also become useful for everyday needs.

The air in residential premises almost always contains particles of various chemical compounds that cause significant harm human health. To eliminate them, some plants are used that can filter out about 80% of pollutants.

As a rule, indoor air contains the following pollutants:

  1. Formaldehyde. The main sources of this substance: furniture made from plywood, fibreboards, carpets, upholstery materials, cigarette smoke, household plastic, gas. The compound can provoke the development of allergies, irritate mucous membranes, cause asthma and dermatological diseases.
  2. Trichlorethylene. It is found in household cleaning products designed to care for carpets, fabrics, tap water, varnishes and paints. This substance is a powerful carcinogen that irritates the skin and eyes, negatively affects the liver and kidneys, and provokes nervous and mental agitation.
  3. Benzene. Sources include cigarette smoke, cleaning products, soap, varnishes, paints, and rubber. It is also a strong carcinogen that can lead to leukemia. It accumulates in human fat cells and has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, can cause shortness of breath, convulsions, and also lower blood pressure.
  4. Ammonia. Most of it is found in computer equipment, cigarette smoke, and detergents. May cause dry cough, sore throat, pain in the sternum. IN large quantities causes swelling of the lungs and larynx.
  5. Xylene. Included in various plastics, varnishes, paints, adhesives, leather products, and cigarette smoke. May cause skin rashes, irritation, swelling of the mucous membranes respiratory system and organs of vision.
Flowers that purify the air in the room and can neutralize the above substances are called phytoncidoactive. Phytoncides are special volatile compounds that are released by plants. They contain organic matter, amino acids, alkaloids, essential oils. Capable of destroying some types of bacteria, fungi, and unicellular protozoa.

What flowers purify the air in the apartment

Today, there are many varieties of plants that can effectively purify the air of harmful impurities. However, when choosing home flower It should be taken into account that some of them may be allergens and also emit poisonous juice. It is not recommended to grow such plants in homes where children, pets and allergy sufferers live.


This is a perennial houseplant that has drooping leaves and tendrils that are white-green in color. Can grow in any soil and under different lighting conditions. Chlorophytum - unpretentious plant, which can be watered rarely. In case of lack of moisture, it will feed from existing root reserves. At good watering grows well. This flower is popularly called “spider” for its specific appearance.

Despite its modest appearance and size, chlorophytum is a record holder among natural air purifiers. A few potted plants can completely filter the air in a 20-square-foot room. square meters per day. The flower can neutralize harmful compounds such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, ammonia, acetone, carbon monoxide, xylene, benzene. In addition, chlorophytum fights certain types of pathogenic microorganisms.

Another advantage of this plant is its hypoallergenicity. It is completely non-poisonous and harmless flower, which can be grown in apartments where children and animals live.

To enhance the cleansing functions of chlorophytum, crushed activated carbon is placed in a pot with it.


This is a small bush no more than 50-80 centimeters high. Native to the evergreen forests of Asia. Has long or heart-shaped dense leaves different shades green. Agalonema can grow in the shade and loves cool and moist air. From time to time it produces fruits in the form of red berries.

This poisonous plant, which should be grown with caution in apartments where there are small children or pets. The poison is contained in the juice and berries of the flower.

However, despite this fact, aglaonema perfectly neutralizes such airborne household toxins as trichlorethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde. The flower makes the air much cleaner and fresher. In addition, it effectively fights streptococci.

climbing ivy

A spectacular flower with a high content of phytoncides can often be found in apartments. This small bush who adapts well to life in room conditions- low light and high dust. The plant looks good in a pot in hanging form. Loves dampness and abundant watering.

Ivy is recommended to be installed in rooms where people smoke, as it can neutralize cigarette smoke. It also clears the air of spores. mold fungi, trichlorethylene, benzene, carbon monoxide. Thus, the plant helps reduce the manifestations of allergies to household fungi.


There are several types that do an equally good job of cleaning the air in an apartment. If you want to filter the air efficiently, opt for the following: Dracaena marginata, fragrant, Durham, Janet Craig, warneki.

All these air purifying indoor flowers have different size and shape. The most common is Dracaena marginalata. It reaches 3 m and looks like a small palm tree. Dracaena fragrant is also popular. Its size is about 1.5 m, and the leaves have yellow stripes.

Different types of dracaenas react differently to direct sunlight. However, high humidity is detrimental to all plants of this genus.

Dracaena perfectly removes xylene, trichlorethylene, and formaldehyde from the air. Well refreshes the indoor microclimate. However, it can be dangerous for domestic cats, as the leaves of some species contain toxic substances.


These are not only quite common house plants, but also useful flowers for apartments, purifying the air. The most popular species grown indoors are Ficus rubber, Ficus benjamina, Ficus lyrera, Ficus bengal and Ficus dwarf. All these species require different approaches to care, but are generally unpretentious.

Ficus leaves dark green, dense and wide, sometimes have a variegated color. Grows well in diffused light and moderate watering. Some types of flower can grow to a height of 1.3-1.5 meters and look like a small tree. Therefore, it is important to replant the plant in time into a pot of suitable size.

The rubber-bearing ficus holds the record for removing formaldehyde from the air. Ficus benjamina attracts household dust and benzene. Other types of domestic ficus also neutralize ammonia. With proper care, the plant can purify indoor air for decades.


Geranium is otherwise called pelargonium. The plant has a specific, pronounced aroma that not everyone likes. Allergy sufferers are especially sensitive to the smell of geranium. However, the essential oils that make up the flower have soothing and bactericidal properties. The plant requires abundant watering and good bright light.

Pelargonium destroys pathogenic anaerobic microorganisms in the room, and also ionizes and disinfects the air, kills staphylococci, which cause damage to the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, bones, muscles and skin. Also for many it is a kind of cure for headaches and chronic fatigue.

It is good to place pots of geranium in the bedroom, as the flower helps you sleep well and soundly and has a calming effect on the nervous system.


The flower has bright spotted wide leaves, which contain poison, which can be dangerous for pets. You should also handle the plant sap with care. Sometimes when you hit open areas it can cause allergies to the skin.

However, the plant perfectly eliminates harmful substances contained in exhaust gases, and is therefore considered an irreplaceable flower for apartments facing large transport junctions and highways.

In addition, Dieffenbachia neutralizes compounds such as benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde. Phytoncides purify the air, refresh it and ionize it, improve chemical composition, destroy staphylococcus. The flower reduces the amount of household dust.

Spathiphyllum Wallis

The second name of spathiphyllum is peace lily. It's beautiful home plant with attractive white flowers with yellow arrows in the form of miniature corn cobs. Doesn't like straight lines Sun rays and dryness. Prefers moist soil and shade.

When flowering, spathiphyllum releases pollen into the air, which is an allergen, so people suffering from allergies should not grow this plant. However, everyone else can safely grow it, as it cleans the air from mold spores, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene, ammonia, and benzene.

In order for the plant to effectively maintain the indoor microclimate, its leaves should be regularly cleaned of dust with a damp cloth.

To bring indoor plants maximum benefit, they should be placed according to special rules. Let's consider useful tips regarding the cultivation of such flowers:
  1. At least one plant should be placed in the room for every 10 m2.
  2. The diameter of the flower pot should not be less than 15 cm.
  3. To effectively neutralize harmful particles and improve the microclimate, it is necessary to regularly clear the leaves of the plant from dust. It is enough to wipe them once a week with a damp cloth or take a light shower.
  4. It is recommended to introduce soil filters so that the plant can maximum efficiency clean the air. For example, you can add crushed activated carbon to the pot.
  5. If you have an allergy sufferer living in your home, be sure to consult your doctor before thinking about which flower purifies the air well and before starting this or that plant. Firstly, the flower can be an allergen, and secondly, mold can grow in the soil, which also aggravates the course of the allergy.
  6. It is advisable to place indoor flowers in one place, and not scattered around the room. This way they will more effectively fight harmful microorganisms and compounds.
Which house flowers purify the air - watch the video:

Indoor flowers can perform not only an aesthetic function, decorating the room, but also improve the microclimate in the apartment. Many plants are capable of purifying the air from harmful bacteria, fungi, dust, and various toxic chemical compounds. A number of indoor flowers can ionize and refresh the air in the room.

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