It is perhaps difficult to find an apartment in which at least one flower does not grow in a pot. And for many, decorative interior landscaping is not just a way to decorate a room, but also to collect an interesting floral collection. Proper use ornamental plants There is a whole science in the interior of residential premises, and you can familiarize yourself with its basics in this article.

Rules for placing plants in an apartment when landscaping the interior

When starting to garden the interior of an apartment, you need to remember the rules based on knowledge of the characteristics of each type of plant and the laws of design. When choosing a place for a purchased flower, you should know well what conditions will suit it. Yes, many flowering plants prefer bright, sunny places, while others, on the contrary, like partial shade.

The most favorable rooms for placing plants are those with windows facing south, east and west.

On the southern windows, illuminated by bright sunlight almost all day, bougainvillea, jasmine, cyperus, heliotrope, callistemon, oleander, rose, succulents, cacti and many other plants grow beautifully.

On the western windows, where there is always a lot of light and quite warm, such indoor plants in the interior as citrus fruits, hoya, beloperone, poinsettia, tradescantia, coffee, tea and other plants feel good.

On east windows where the sun does not heat so much, you should place: azalea, dieffenbachia, bromeliads, anthurium, ivy, fuchsias, cyclamen and forcing bulbs (the latter must be removed after flowering).

Well, the northern windows will most comfortably accommodate: climbing philodendron, aspidistra, bay laurel, boxwood, dracaena, ivies, fatsia, cycads, begonias, balsams, chamedorea gracilis, ficus, howea, ferns and others. The decoration for landscaping the interior of a room can be one plant or, conversely, group plantings, varied in character and size - from a tabletop miniature to a winter garden.

As you can see in the photo, indoor plants in the interior look very harmonious:

Interior decoration with ornamental plants: choosing a background

The general rule for choosing a background when decorating an interior with indoor plants is this: the background and the plant should complement each other as much as possible, and not argue with each other. A monochromatic light background can be considered ideal - all plants look most advantageous on it.

A bright (light or dark) monochromatic background will favorably emphasize all variegated forms of plants, but leaf variegation is contraindicated for a dim monochromatic background - many plants with spectacular green foliage will be appropriate here.

A small background pattern will be balanced by plants with large leaves and flowers. A large, bright pattern is the worst background for placing plants in the interior. Flowers with small leaves against such a background they get lost, with large leaves - they argue with the background pattern. In this case, you can use plants with a minimum of foliage, such as nolins and pachyras.

A dark background, especially in combination with dark furniture, needs to be added with bright colors. Bright variegated plants with white, yellow, red stripes and spots will pleasantly enliven the interior. Variegated dracaenas, dieffenbachias and plants with white large flowers or inflorescences - gardenia, jasmine. Use in such an interior is not recommended indoor plants with dark green leaves.

Vertical background stripes will harmonize well with wide leaves plants. Plants with narrow, ribbon-like leaves, such as Sansevieria, chlorophytum, and many lilies, are strictly unsuitable.

The horizontal lines of the background contrast well with the vertical lines of the plants, so in a wide room with low ceilings, against the background of wallpaper with horizontal stripes Plants with narrow, upward-pointing leaves, such as Sansevieria and Yucca, will look great.

In the design of interior landscaping, use a contrast of textures and colors: for example, plants with smooth leaves look advantageous against the background of velor curtains, and ivy and tradescantia with dark leaves look advantageous against the background of light furniture.

Features of interior landscaping: color combinations

Color in the interior is one of the most expressive means and has a psychological, emotional, artistic and aesthetic impact on a person.

One of the features of interior landscaping is that when decorating the premises, the color scheme of not only plants, but also flowerpots is very important. When creating a composition of indoor plants, place bright, saturated colors in the center of the group, pale and delicate colors at its edges.

The use of monochrome plants with varying degrees of color saturation adds style to the interior.

An interior with bright color details will be balanced by plants with solid green leaves. Plants in the residential interior of a monochromatic room should be variegated, in bright, eye-catching pots.

Plants in a modern interior: compositional groups

The exceptional variety of plants makes it possible to create compositional groups of contrasting shapes in a modern interior. Thus, upward-growing dracaena goes well with bushy, broad-leaved young hibiscus and small ground cover dwarf ficus.

Plants successfully grouped in rooms can create bright and unexpected effects. The most suitable for this are hibiscus, hydrangea, palm trees, citrus fruits, cherry laurel, coffee and a number of other highly ornamental crops. An excellent addition to them would be creeping or hanging plants, such as passionflower, chlorophytum, monstera, gloriosa and others.

When selecting indoor plants for the interior of an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the size of the premises. Large plants mostly overwhelm the space of small rooms, visually making them even smaller. For small rooms standard compositions consisting of small plants are good.

In large rooms or offices, large ones look good, alone. standing plants, such as palm trees, indoor maple, boxwood, figs, laurel, orange and others. In such rooms, an interesting type of composition is where large plants stand in the background: palm trees, pomegranates, citrus fruits, and in front there are interesting flower crops on the podiums in flower pots.

When placing indoor plants in flower arrangements Canopy crops are of significant interest - with their greenery and flowers they decorate windows and walls, balconies and verandas, and fill empty vertical space. It is preferable to place large plants separately, while small ones look better in a group.

Plants with unusual shape trunk (jatropha, nolina, pachira), as well as miniature trees - bonsai - it is better to place them separately from other flowers. Place them on small tables or special shelves with lighting, and they will become the central decorative element of your room.

Interior landscaping design: the rule of the “golden ratio”

When selecting flowers and pots, when arranging indoor plants in the interior of a residential building and creating compositional groups, you must remember the rule of the “golden ratio” - the most harmonious ratio of elements.

The rule of the “golden ratio” can be formulated as follows: the ratio of the whole to the larger part must be equal to the ratio of the larger part to the smaller.

In numbers this rule looks like this: 5:3=3:2

  • (for example, the height of the plant should be 2/3 of the total height of the composition, i.e. for a vase - 1/3, for a flower - 2/3), or: 8:5 = 5:3
  • (for example, the total height of the composition is 8 parts, there should be 3 parts for a vase or container, 5 parts for flowers).

Each compositional group should have a central point to which the eye is drawn first. Spectacular plants, the brightest and most saturated colors or elements with an unusual shape are placed here. A composition is considered harmonious if one element clearly predominates (is dominant). This applies not only to color and texture, but also to size, such as plants and planters.

Landscaping can be done according to the principles of symmetry or asymmetry.

When placing indoor plants in the interior of rooms with chaotically arranged furniture and mismatched household items, symmetrically located crops will bring a sense of order. In rooms with many repeating objects (columns, mirrors, chairs, paintings), asymmetrically located plants will add a touch of naturalness and liveliness, and symmetry in the landscaping will emphasize the regularity of the interior.

Placing indoor ornamental plants in the interior of different rooms

When choosing decorative plants for the interior, it is important to remember that each room - residential or office - has its own purpose, and indoor plants should not interfere with its functionality.

Living room.

When placing indoor plants in the interior of this room, do not forget that the living room is the face of the entire apartment and is often the most spacious room. Therefore, a single large-sized plant will look great here. beautiful flowerpot- dracaena, araucaria, philodendron, ficus, various palm trees, laurel and others.

You can place smaller decorative-leaved and beautifully flowering plants - poinsettias, tuberous begonias, hippeastrums, balsams, fuchsias, myrtles, gardenias, -

The main rule: in the interior of the bedroom, plants with strong aroma flowers and leaves have no place in the bedroom!

You can’t go wrong if you place one or two large plants (elegant dieffenbachia, unpretentious monstera or dracaena fringe) in the corner near the mirror. On dressing table place a delicate adiantum, blooming violet, low-growing agave or haworthia, that is, any rosette plant, the beauty of which is especially advantageous when viewed from above. The final touch to the interior design of your bedroom will be nephrolepis or blooming vriesia placed on the windowsill.

Children are most interested in fast-growing and beautifully flowering plants. When landscaping a children's room, adults need to remember that children not only sleep in it, but also run and play. Therefore, when decorating a children’s interior with decorative plants, you need to give preference to compositions that use techniques vertical gardening to leave maximum free space for active recreation.

Pay special attention to the stability of the pots; do not place them on shelves from which the pots could fall and injure children.

When choosing plants, give preference to those with dense, leathery leaves.

Plants for landscaping the interior of a children's room should not be poisonous, have thorns or strong odor leaves and flowers.

Decorating the interior of the kitchen and bathroom with living plants

When placing plants in your apartment, do not forget about the kitchen and bathroom.

The kitchen is the best place for plants that require high humidity. These plants include cissus and asparagus.

A coffee tree in the kitchen is unlikely to bear fruit, but it will create coziness. When decorating the kitchen interior with live plants, laurel can be used not only for decoration - it grows quickly, and it also needs to be pruned periodically to make it bushy. After trimming, the leaves can be used in cooking.

Citrus fruits also do well in the kitchen.

And if bright fruits appear after flowering, the plant will attract attention.

When decorating the kitchen interior with plants, it is not recommended:

  • choose plants for the kitchen whose flowers have a strong or bad smell, such as ginura or hyacinth.
  • place plants above the stove or on shelves next to it, as warm air from the stove can destroy them;
  • use too spreading and fast-growing plants for the kitchen.


Even if the bathroom has windows, this is not the best place for flowers.

In cases where the bathroom is cool, the plants in it will suffer from the cold, which, in combination with high humidity air will very quickly lead to their death. Therefore, if you haven’t given up on the idea of ​​transforming your bathroom, choose hardy, unpretentious plants for it that are easy to care for.

The exception is large bathrooms with regulated system heating. Plants that require high air humidity can be placed in such a bathroom. A couple of spreading palm trees, a few small flowering plants - and the bathroom will become unusually cozy.

House plants on a windowsill in an apartment interior

Traditionally it is believed that the window sill is best place(and in small rooms this is often the only thing) for placing house plants in the interior of the apartment. There the plants receive enough light, air and heat, so in many apartments flowers are placed primarily on the window sills in the living room, bedroom, dining room or kitchen.

The size and location of the window sill is an important factor for growing flowers. Narrow window sills are the worst option. They cannot be placed on lush plants, create a composition, the shapes of the flower pots are also limited. There is a way out - expand the window sill or select for landscaping small plants with a shallow root system that do well in small pots.

You can use narrow flower racks, hang pots from the ceiling or in window openings.

In many apartments there is a battery central heating is located right under the windowsill. If the window sills are wide, this does not create any problems; it is much worse if the window sills are narrow. Warm, dry air from the battery rises up to the window where the plants are located. As a result, air humidity, which is already low in winter, decreases.

Using this method of plant placement, select crops that can withstand the dry air of apartments and spray them more often.

Most plants cannot tolerate cold drafts, so carefully seal any cracks in window frames.

If there is only one window in the room, it is better to purchase lightweight structures with shelves that are mounted in the window opening. It looks modern, does not overload the window, and allows light to freely enter the room.

To accommodate tropical, heat-loving plants you can purchase or build a windowed indoor flower garden or a heated mini-greenhouse and automatic feeding water.

When placing plants on the window, remember:

  • light-loving plants are placed closer to the glass (make sure that the leaves do not touch the glass), and more unpretentious ones - a little further away;
  • climbing plants are best placed on the sides of the window, using various supports around which they will curl;
  • tall plants good to alternate with low-growing ones;
  • decorative leafy and flowering plants can be combined into original compositions, adding to them flowering bulbs in winter: tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, muscari.

The use of large ornamental plants in the interior of residential premises (with photos)

Plants can be beautifully placed not only on the windowsill. A free-standing large decorative leaf plant or a well-composed composition of several plants pleases the eye and turns a room, hall or office into an oasis where beauty and comfort reign.

We are accustomed to the fact that tapeworms are large, tall plants. Palms, yuccas, monsteras, dracaenas and dieffenbachias look great as separate element landscaping. But in the absence of such, they can be replaced, for example, by an echinocactus placed on a spectacular strong stand 70-100 cm high. Many hanging plants and vines can act as tapeworms. Secure large shoots to a thick support covered with palm fiber and you will have a magnificent specimen of a soloist plant.

Using this method of placing indoor plants, the recommended tapeworms are: araucaria, dieffenbachia, dracaena, cypress, spurge, monstera, nolina, palm, fatsia, ficus, philodendron, cereus, cycas, cyperus, cissus, chefflera, epipremnum, echinocactus, yucca and others.

For solitary plants it is extremely important appearance- even one leaf with spotting can minimize the entire decorative effect. Therefore, carefully monitor the appearance of the flower - wash its leaves more often, and adult leaves of unpretentious plants (monstera, philodendron, rubber and lyre-shaped ficus) can even be rubbed with special wax for plants.

When caring for a tapeworm plant, do not forget some rules:

  • do not place large flowers in the middle of the room or in places where they will interfere with the free movement of people. Place them in free corners, making sure there is enough light;
  • For large plants, purchase ceramic pots with wide, deep trays to prevent excess water from spilling onto the floor.
  • replanting large plants is extremely difficult, so instead of replanting, you can change them twice a year top layer land onto fresh nutrient soil.

Look at photos of large indoor plants in the interior of residential premises:

Interior decoration using bonsai plants (with video)

Bonsai is native to Japan and China, where it has been grown for more than 1000 years. "Bonsai" translated from Japanese means "tree in a low bowl." Bonsai is grown in a flat container with a small amount of special substrate. Using professional techniques, gardeners create copies of adult trees that are dozens of times smaller.

Bonsai can live in room conditions decades. It cannot be called a cheap pleasure: its cost is higher, the older the plant is and the more bizarre its shape.

In order to grow miniature copy plants, it requires not only knowledge of biology and special agrotechnical techniques for growing and forming a plant, but also a certain flair and artistic taste. The art of creating bonsai is learned over many years, gradually improving and honing skills. Hobbyists with little experience are advised to buy ready-made bonsai in specialized stores.

Recommended plants for indoor bonsai: ardisia, euonymus, brachychiton, bougainvillea, gardenia, eugenia, ixora, fig, camellia, cypress, coffee, Crassula (crassula), croton (codiaum), kufeya, laurel, cherry laurel, lemon, myrtle, juniper, euphorbia, podocarpus (podocarpus), nolina (bocarnea), pittosporum, ivy (chedera), serissa, trachelospermum, ficus benjamina, ficus dwarf, ficus obtuse, fuchsia, citrofortunella, schefflera.

It is better to place the bonsai on a separate table, shelf or flower stand, as it will get lost in the thick of green plants. Bonsai is often used to reproduce a certain landscape, placing a bowl with a plant in a large container along with moss, pebbles, fountains and figurines.

Remember a few rules:

  • Bonsai culture needs light, warmth and humidity in the same way as large trees;
  • when planting and feeding bonsai, use a special substrate and Bonsai fertilizers;
  • in summer bonsai are taken out to open air, and in winter they are installed in warm and humid rooms;
  • coniferous plants need rest, so in winter they need high humidity air and temperature 2-10 °C;
  • due to the small volume of the substrate, instead of traditional watering, the plant is often immersed for 40-60 seconds in water at room temperature so that the soil ball is evenly moistened;
  • Every 3-4 years, partially replace the earthen substrate. It can be composed of universal soil, peat and coarse sand (3:1:1) or you can purchase a special substrate for bonsai in flower shops;
  • To maintain a harmonious appearance, the crown of the plant is formed throughout its entire life, otherwise, over time, the bonsai will lose its miniature size.

This video shows bonsai plants in the interior of a living space:

Ideas for decorative interior landscaping: plants in a florarium (with photos)

Vessels for florarium can be different shapes and size: large rectangular and round aquariums, glass glasses, jars, vases and even bottles. Moreover, plants can be grown both in closed vessels (bottles with stoppers, closed aquariums) and in open ones (vases and glasses).

Plants grown in open containers will need to be watered and sprayed periodically - the larger the opening of the container, the more often this will have to be done. The most sensitive plants can be grown in closed containers; they are hardly watered or sprayed.

Do not place the garden in glass on sunny windowsill- on hot days, the temperature inside the vessel can rise significantly. It is also impossible to place the vessel far from the light, because glass already retains some of the sun rays. Best place for a florarium - a well-lit place, protected from direct sunlight. And using lamps daylight, you can place your florarium even in a dimly lit place.

Caring for a glass garden:

  • spray and water the plants as needed;
  • for fertilizing, use a very weak solution of universal fertilizer;
  • to avoid one-sided growth of plants, periodically rotate the vessel;
  • remove faded flowers immediately, trim overgrown plants or replace them with younger ones;
  • Periodically clean the walls of the vessel from plaque using a sponge attached to a long stick.

Recommended plants for growing in closed glass containers: adiantum, cryptanthus, pellea, peperomia, pilea, pteris, selaginella, soleirolia, tiny ficus, fittonia, calathea, arrowroot, common ivy, columnea and others.

Attention! Plants planted together must have the same requirements for living conditions.

These photos show ideas for placing indoor plants in the interior of an apartment:

Decorative landscaping of the interior with beautiful hanging plants

When decorating the interiors of rooms, halls, offices, as well as terraces, balconies or loggias, ampelous plants are often used.

Ivy-leaved begonia, zerbina, tradescantia, hoya, asparagus, columnea, fuchsia, saxifrage, chlorophytum, ivy, ivy-leaved pelargonium, aporocactus, zygocactus and other plants with long flexible shoots not only decorate the interior with their greenery and flowers, but also fill empty vertical space .

Beautiful hanging plants in the interior can be placed in hanging baskets, flowerpots, wall vases, or can be used to build a “green wall” - a partition that divides the room into functional zones.

To do this, you need to place a narrow, long flower bowl on the floor and attach a decorative mesh, screen or trellis to it. They must be strong enough to support the weight of long plant shoots. To do this you can do additional fasteners on the ceiling.

The flower girl, trimmed, looks very impressive metal sheets or painted in silver color. Having secured reliable design, pour a layer of expanded clay and soil into the flower bed and plant several plants with flexible long shoots.

To create “green walls”, use the recommended plants - they are unpretentious, grow quickly and reproduce easily. In the spring, lightly trim the shoots, root the cuttings and plant in a flower bed. With such regular replantings, the wall will be evenly greened over the entire area. Recommended plants for creating “green walls”: common and canary plush, plectranthus, roicissus, scindapsus, tradescantia, climbing philodendron, cissus, epipremnum, signonium, hoya.

By using climbing plants You can not only divide the room into zones, but also create a “living carpet” on the wall. To do this, you will not need trellises, but decorative hooks fixed in the wall that support flexible shoots. The pots are placed on the floor, decorated or covered with furniture. It is important to assess in advance the degree of illumination in the room and, if necessary, take care of additional lighting for plants. This “carpet” requires minimal maintenance, and the decorative effect is very great.

When using hanging plants necessary:

  • take into account how much light, heat and moisture the plant needs;
  • choose the right dishes on which water will not leak;
  • securely fasten the pots;
  • think over a way to water the plant at height;
  • between the pot with the plant and the flowerpot, pour granular clay, which will absorb excess water when watering.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Geraniums on the windowsill, which delighted housewives 50 years ago, are long gone. Now indoor plants in the interior are a trend in design, a kind of tribute to fashion. The trade in potted plants is an entire industry that involves a lot of specialists trying to develop and offer the buyer a living decor that would look appropriate in any room and could be used to create one or another image of the space.

The most popular plants for apartment interiors

Among the flowering specimens, the orchid is at the peak of fashion. It fits perfectly into an interior decorated in a classic style. For several years now, lovers of ornamental plants have chosen dracaena, monstera, palm trees, and ficus. Anthurium and hippeastrum are in demand. Exotic fashion is more relevant than ever. Yucca has taken up permanent residence in apartments, and bocarnea reflexata is often found. They are often used as large outdoor flowers in living rooms or spacious kitchens. Such plants with powerful stems look great in minimalist interiors.

Among the many indoor plants in the interior of an apartment, ficus looks best. It has wonderful ornamental foliage that all year round looks bright and attractive. Particularly popular in at the moment Ficuses with variegated foliage are used. This plant benefits not only the appearance of the space. It secretes biologically active substances, which purify the air from harmful bacteria.

The photo of indoor plants in the interior shows how the monstera enlivens the space. Its huge carved leaves bring a piece of southern exoticism to the room. And the unusual ability to become covered with droplets during rain makes the monstera even more interesting. There are benefits from this giant and homely atmosphere, because monstera can enrich the air with air ions, ozone, and oxygen. It is believed that she can relieve a person of headaches.

It is recommended to place violets, dracaenas, and Saintpaulias in children's rooms. They perfectly humidify the air, so with these colors you can do without an ionizer. Monstera, although it has beneficial influence exposed to air, should not be placed in the nursery. After all, this poisonous plant. Cacti for a nursery are also not the best option.

Those who prefer flowering indoor plants in the interior of their home can be advised to purchase camellia. If you organize good care behind it, you can enjoy flowering for 2 months in a row. Among others flowering species in fashion - gardenia, echmea, stephanotis, clivia.

Rules for selecting plants

We must remember that a houseplant in the interior of a residential building should look organic and appropriate (see photo). When choosing plants for the living room, it is better to buy broad-leaved ones. large species, for the kitchen - plants that can tolerate temperature changes. When decorating a bedroom, you should avoid a large number of indoor plants, especially those that absorb oxygen. It is better to put aloe or Kalanchoe there. After all, they enrich the space with oxygen at night.

If you purchased beautiful plant, then it will independently attract attention and please the eye. If you combine it with other specimens, then it may get lost and cease to be so attractive.

Flowers in the apartment are wonderful! Agree, their presence creates a unique feeling of comfort and coziness. The interior of any living space benefits from the presence of greenery. I am sure that there are many flower growers among the site’s visitors, but, unfortunately, many of them do not have the largest living space, to put it mildly. Hope this article helps you solve the problem placing flowers in a small room .

So, if you are the owner of a modest apartment, then better to refuse big flowers with large leaves for the following reasons:

  1. - such plants, like everything large and bulky, will visually greatly conceal the space;
  2. - large leaves may make it difficult for light to enter the room, again dark room seems smaller than it actually is;
  3. - if a small plant can be placed on a hanging shelf, then big flower can only be positioned by placing it on the floor, which will also reduce the amount of already precious square meters;
  4. - in a small room, a large flower will become another dust collector;
  5. - if the room is small, then you will always be in close proximity to your favorite flower, and let’s not forget that at night plants emit not oxygen, but carbon dioxide, such proximity can negatively affect your health.

And vice versa - how bigger room, the larger indoor plants should be . In a spacious room, you can also increase the total number of flowers.

If you still have a desire to have in the interior tree plant(dracaena, philodendron or ficus bengal), then you will have to reduce the amount of furniture, striving for minimalism.

No matter how much of a lover of indoor plants you are, if the area of ​​the room is small, reduce their number – pots placed everywhere will definitely create a feeling of clutter. You don’t always have the energy and time to care for all flowers equally carefully. It’s better if there are fewer of them, but they will all be pleasing to the eye, as they say, small is the spool, but expensive. I repeat, at night plants produce CARBON DIOXIDE! If there are a lot of them in a small room, so much the worse, if you sleep in it, then you are seriously risking your health. Sooner or later, you will notice that you wake up in the morning not at all rested; your body will be characterized by a general loss of strength.

Conclusion: in a small room, flowers should be small in size and their number should not exceed ten to fifteen pieces. If you still gravitate towards large plants, then you will have to make do with two, maximum three, representatives of such flora.

Now let's talk about ways to place them. The first one, which suggests itself, is, of course, windowsill . Well, this most traditional option has a right to life. The only thing I would advise you to think about is how you will open the window if necessary. If the option of constantly removing flowers to another place suits you, then you may well use it. For window sills there are special spacers and stands made of metal and plastic different colors, on which you can place flowers at the height of the window. By the way, I will say that professional flower growers advise keeping flowers on such stands, especially in winter time year.

If the room has access to a glazed balcony, then you have another one great place for growing flowers, if desired, this place can even be turned into a winter garden. Special spacers from floor to ceiling will help you with this.

Flowers in the room can also be placed on furniture . When choosing this option, be extremely careful with watering. Sometimes when abundant watering water may begin to flow out of the pan, which is extremely undesirable for furniture, and can even lead to its damage; this is written in detail in the article “How to protect kitchen furniture from chipboard from water.”

The option with hanging planters . However, if you have low ceilings, then hanging pots from them is highly not recommended. Otherwise, you will constantly “bang” your head on the pots, and the room will visually significantly lose in size. Hanging planters you can hang it along the walls on brackets, again, I repeat, there should not be many of them.

Along the wall on different levels you can hang several shelves on which your “favorites” will fit perfectly. Give preference to light, openwork designs so as not to “burden down” an already small room. I like these shelves best, made of metal; chipboard and wood are less suitable for small rooms. The combination of metal and glass looks advantageous.

As you have probably already noticed, in the article I do not give advice on how best to care for your pets or how best to position them relative to lighting - after all, these are questions of a floriculture rather than a furniture nature. You can look for answers to these questions on other thematic sites. One thing is obvious: all design ideas for home improvement must be correlated with optimal conditions residence of this or that plant: some need shade, others need bright light, some need warmth, others need cold, etc….

The first sign of any residential interior is active use house plants. No matter what plants you choose, green pets are important tool creation cozy atmosphere. Long gone are the days when flowers served simply as a background for other furnishings.

Today, living decor has become an independent direction in interior design, and floristry has become a filigree art.

Functions of plants in the interior

All plants have their own personality, character and “talents”. They not only contribute to harmony and a pleasant arrangement of everyday life, but also solve other important tasks. Designers highlight several roles for greenery.

Method of dividing space

Zoning can be done using a hedge of vines, the shoots of which are fixed on special lattice screens or supports. Large single plants in floor pots, placed in a row, will also do the job perfectly.

Maintaining a favorable microclimate, purifying the air. The leaves of indoor plants (sansevieria, aloe, dracaena, philodendron) serve as a “factory” for the production of oxygen and support required humidity in the room.

Spathiphyllum, chamedorea and ficus will clean the air from toxins, benzene vapors and other volatile fractions that enter the house from the street through open window. Geranium will help destroy bacteria and viruses, enriching the air with phytoncides.

All plants act as natural antidepressants that help cope with nervous disorders, improve sleep quality.


Greenery will perfectly cover empty spaces in the interior, giving it a finished look. When filling small corners or niches, choose one spectacular plant that will complement color scheme interior For large plots complex compositions and still lifes are suitable. You can mask not only voids, but also repair defects.

Bright visual accent

Exotic flowering plants, including orchids, tuberoses, Amazon lilies and other flowers, attract the eye and emphasize the individuality of the home.

In order for plants to delight and delight guests and owners, it is necessary to provide them with comfortable living conditions. Determining factor rapid growth is the cardinal direction:

North. Dieffenbachia, cyclamen, anthurium, aspidistra, ficus, aglaonema, fittonia, clivia and monstera are suitable for cultivation.

South. It is worth considering succulents (prickly pear, haworthia, schlumbergera, crassula), as well as jasmine, hibiscus, rose and citruses. Plants must be shaded from direct sunlight, and ventilation must be provided.

West. Asparagus, sansevieria, cissus, eucalyptus, codeum, cattleya, saintpaulia, fuchsia, rheo, spathiphyllum and groundsel are suitable.

East. This is the most optimal side for green pets. You can install flowerpots with stephanotis, clerodendrum, myrtle, geranium, etc.

Indoor plants are replanted in the spring (late February - April). At this time, they awaken from their dormant state and begin to grow shoots. You cannot replant greens at the time of flowering or immediately after purchase. A universal scheme for the process: young plants up to 3 years old are moved to a new flowerpot annually, adult specimens - after 2-3 years.

It is better to replant flowers in a pot slightly larger than the previous one, rather than immediately large capacity. Some plants (orchids, hippeastrums) prefer tight containers. An excessively spacious place of residence can cause a lack of flowering. Transshipment is considered the least painful method of transplantation. In this case, a transfer occurs earthen coma into a new pot with soil added to the sides of the pot.

Choosing stands for plants

It is not always possible to place an extensive collection of green pets on the windowsill. An ideal option would be a flower stand. A well-chosen design will save space and be a creative interior detail.

Depending on their location, there are floor and wall stands. Both types of accessories can be made of metal, plastic, wood, stone or glass. Forged metal pedestals in the shape of a medieval carriage or bicycle are popular. They will fit perfectly into vintage design premises.

To decorate the interior in the loft or Provence style, you can use wooden shelf stands. Place lush and large bushes of greenery downwards, and place graceful flowers on the upper shelves small size. This makes the room look spacious and elegant.

For small rooms, we recommend choosing wall stands. The simplest of them can be made with your own hands. For this you will need wooden blank for the base, a pair of straps and fastenings. In rooms with low ceilings, place elongated flowers in a narrow floor vase.

Flower feng shui

When planning interior decoration with flowers, take into account the specifics of the rooms. Photo selection of indoor plants in various rooms is given below.

For spacious living rooms a worthy choice tall plants will become - palm trees, hibiscus, monstera, abutilon, zamioculcas. If the living room has a colorful wall covering, then choose broad-leaved flowers; with a monochromatic wall design, you can choose greens with small leaves.

You can put a pot with violets or dracaenas in the nursery. They replace the ionizer, humidifying the air well. Plants that are poisonous and dangerous to children - euphorbia, oleander, cacti - should not be placed in the interior of a children's room.

Those plants that are adapted to temperature changes will feel good in the kitchen. These are aloe, ficus and asparagus. A traditional kitchen resident is chlorophytum; it absorbs all odors during cooking and absorbs fumes.

Representatives of flora that actively produce oxygen are suitable for the bedroom. And for the hallways - unpretentious, shade-tolerant plants(sansevieria, aglaonema).

Fashionable ideas for interior floristry

The top fashionable interior innovations of 2017 include indoor plants placed in glass florariums. This stylish decoration for the home in the form of a mini-garden, enclosed in a bottle, aquarium or jar. Suitable for creating such decor dwarf plants, succulents.

It is worth noting that landscapes in glass containers are a temporary decorative element. The green spaces are growing, and one day they will become cramped in the florarium. In such a situation, they need to be transplanted into a larger vessel or a regular flowerpot.

Until recently, artificial flowers were a symbol of bad taste and bad manners. But modern technologies production allowed us to produce decorative compositions, which outwardly almost do not differ from living ones. Such decorations have many advantages: they do not need to be watered or replanted, they are not susceptible to diseases and do not cause allergies.

Photos of indoor plants in the interior

Plants - best decoration any room. But to prevent flowers from taking up too much living space, you need to place them correctly.

How to arrange it beautifully indoor flowers in the interior, and what types exist for this original solutions- this is what we are talking about today.

When creating a flower greenhouse in an apartment, remember that most plants need a lot of light, preferably sunlight, to grow. How intense it should be depends on the plant variety: some flowers do not need very much light, but there are varieties that require a lot of sun.

Therefore, before you start, for example, hanging shelves to put pots on, find out how much light the plants you are going to put there need. The most illuminated place in the apartment is near the windows, so stands and shelves for flowers are best placed next to them. Placing flowers directly on window sills is a controversial idea because it can make the room dark, especially if the plants are large.

The stands, shelves and other structures on which the slides will stand must be strong, and the shelves must be well secured. Try to place the flowers so that you don't have to perform acrobatic tricks every time, watering the furthest flower.

Try not to place flowers too high. The surface on which the pots stand should not be afraid of water. If the shelves are wooden, place the pots in deep planters to prevent the wood from becoming damaged.

Low table

Very heavy pots in which to grow large palm trees, you cannot place it on the floor (especially if you have parquet or laminate in your house) - scratches and dents may appear on the floor. big plant in a massive pot it is better to place it on small table on short legs. Glue a thick felt pad to the bottom of each leg (to prevent scratching the floor when you move the flower to dust or vacuum). You can make the gasket yourself by cutting it out of felt in the shape of a leg, or buy ready-made ones in the store.

If the plant is very heavy, but needs to be moved regularly (for example, into a bathtub to wash the leaves), it is better to place it on a stand with wheels, which is sold at any flower shop.

Flower display

You can remove the glass surface from an old store display and place flowers in the place where the product is usually presented. Before filling the ground, inner surface furniture should be painted with water-repellent paint and covered with a special film. Pour expanded clay onto the bottom to prevent excess moisture from forming. To make the display case easy to move, screw rubber wheels to the legs.

Green ladder

If you have a lot of flowers at home, place them in a cascade (for example, on shelves arranged in a ladder). Then it will be more convenient to care for them. This design allows you to effectively arrange flowers and thanks to it, enough light reaches each plant. It is better to place taller flowers on the lower step, then they will not obscure the smaller ones. And if you want to place such a green ladder near the window, try to ensure that the top level is not higher than the window sill.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):