Features of caring for hypoestes indoor plants, interesting subtleties in their maintenance and little secrets that will help maintain the beautiful shape and color of the flower on for a long time. Hypoestes is a member of the Acanthaceae family.

In English-language literature, “hypoestes” are called “polka-dot plant” - “polka dot plant”, which is easy to recognize by looking at its original appearance.

It has a very impressive outfit thanks to its bright spotted leaves of burgundy, white, pink color, on which green veins are visible. There is also purple look with white and yellow strokes.

Two attractive species received particular recognition.

Hypoestes blood red(Hypoestes sanguinolenta Hook.) - a beautiful subshrub, barely reaches 50 cm in height, densely branched. The leaves are narrowly ovate, 5-8 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, slightly wavy at the edges, entire, dark green in tone, with purple-red veins and small spots from pink to purple (depending on the variety). The flowers are small, the corolla is light purple, with a white throat.

Hypoestes phyllospica(Hypoestes phyllostachya Baker) - a species close to the blood red (H. sanguinolenta). “Polka Dot”, which can be translated as “Varied peas”. It has soft purple-red leaves. Flowers are solitary, axillary, lavender colored.

In culture, hypoestes are represented by numerous varieties and forms.

The original color combination is no longer the only one. You can find almost completely pink leaves or white with small green spots, border and contrasting veins... The most popular are the low-growing varieties of the ‘Confetti’ and ‘Splash’ series.

In the photo: Hypoestes phyllostachya “Confetti White” - white-greenish with green veins...

How to care for hypoesthesia at home

Hypoestes is very easy to care for, grows well in city apartments, and is well suited to warmth, moisture and bright light. Does not tolerate heat and drought well. Temperature in summer 18-25 degrees, in winter - 18-20.

Like coleus, hypoestes needs a sufficient amount of sunlight, but if the first can restore its burgundy color after wintering, then the second loses it forever. The plant is shaded from the midday sun.

The color of the leaves depends entirely on the intensity of light, the type of soil and fertilizing.

Since hypoesthes does not have enough light in winter, it is recommended to place it on the lightest windowsill. If you do not monitor the color preservation in time, then it will be impossible to return the rainbow color and you will have to plant the plant again - from seeds, cuttings, or wait until root system will give new stems.

Spray leaves frequently to ensure high humidity air. Place the pot in a large planter filled with damp moss, peat moss, or a water-filled bowl of pebbles. Regular watering with soft water, but only after the top layer of soil has dried out a little. In winter, reduce the frequency of watering along with a slight drop in temperature.

From March to September, feed with mineral fertilizers every 2-3 weeks; it is useful to fertilize with potassium. In winter, the dosage of fertilizers is slightly reduced, but not stopped (once a month). With a lack of nutrition, the edges of the leaves darken and dry out. By the way, the solution from laundry soap will also be useful.

With good care, hypoestes grow for many years, but young specimens look more attractive.

In order for this species to retain its aesthetic shape, it is recommended to pinch it, otherwise the stems will stretch, dry out and die. If this happens, do not be upset and do not throw away the flower. Just cut off the withered stem and continue to water the soil - a healthy root system will definitely produce offspring.

Hypoestes blooms modestly - stems appear small flowers. Plant with red and pink leaves produce purple flowers, white ones produce white flowers. When they dry out, they can be collected and planted in a pot in the spring. Small seeds will definitely germinate.

Problems in caring for the hypoestes plant

It is resistant to diseases, but insufficient care can lead to undesirable consequences:

  • Drying of leaf edges is caused by dry air;
  • The falling of leaves is explained by a draft, insufficient watering and low temperature - do not allow the soil to dry out;
  • The leaves turn yellow and wither - it may be here overwatering, waterlogging;
  • Pale leaves, loss of spotting, leaves turning green - lack of lighting.
  • Spots on leaves may become lighter due to overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Brown spots are a consequence of burns;
  • Without access to fresh air, the plant can become easy prey for spider mites.

The plant looks drooping and weak if it is cold and is in too wet soil... It does not tolerate smoke, gas combustion products, drafts, and needs ventilation.

The appearance of hypoestes needs to be monitored by properly caring for the flower in order to avoid some problems.

Reproduction and rooting of cuttings

For cuttings of hypoestes, only apical cuttings of 3-4 leaves, 8-10 cm long, are used. The shoots are cut in spring or early summer. Dip the end of the cutting into a growth stimulator (kornevin). Planted in a mixture of peat and coarse sand. Cover the pot plastic film and put it in the light, warm place. When the hypoestes cuttings begin to grow, pinch off the growing tip.

Growing hypoestes from seeds

In March or April, several hypoestes seeds are sown in one container, covered with plastic wrap. Shoots appear quickly. When the seedlings reach 15 cm in height, pinch out the growing tips to encourage the young plants to tiller. After 3-4 months, hypoestes take on the appearance of a fully grown plant.

He has a phenomenal ability to reproduce. The plant is prone to self-pollination and small seeds periodically germinate in one pot or another. This drawback can be easily eliminated. The hypoestes is simply not allowed to bloom by regularly removing the emerging buds.

IN flower shops seeds of varieties from the ‘Confetti’ and ‘Splash’ series are presented; the height of the grown plants is 10-25 cm.

  • “Pink Veil” - green, abundantly covered with pink strokes and spots;
  • “Pink” (Confetti Pink) – pale pink with green veins and edges;
  • “White” (Confetti White) - white spots on the dark green surface of the leaf with greenish veins and edges;
  • “Red Wine” (Confetti Wine Red) – dense green with a burgundy tint and small cyclamen spots and streaks.
  • “Red” (Confetti Red) - most of the leaf surface is crimson-red, only burgundy-green spots are applied along the veins and along the edge;
  • “Crimson” (Confetti carmine-rose) - numerous small pale pink spots are scattered across the burgundy-green surface of the leaf.
  • “Pink Splash” - the leaves of blood-red hypoestes are speckled with pink;
  • “White Splash” - a beautiful cream-colored pattern is visible on the leaves of the variety;
  • “Splash Red” - the entire surface is evenly covered with crimson and red-green spots.

At home care one should take into account the attitude of young hypoesthetes towards sunlight and humidity...

Standard flowers with variegated leaves It is very difficult to grow under normal room conditions - they need constant heat and high humidity. Flowers with colorful leaves and are more suitable for growing in a small garden.

In this article, we will introduce you to the varieties of indoor plants with variegated leaves, such as Fittonia, Heptapleurum, Hypestes, Arrowroot, Peperomia, Plectranthus, Polyscias, Scindapsus and others.

You can also see photos of flowers with variegated leaves and learn about the features of caring for home flowers with multi-colored leaves.

Fittonia flower with variegated leaves

There is a dwarf variety of Fittonia with small leaves, which is quite easy to grow in the living room. It will grow well in dry air if you occasionally spray it with water.

The variegated flower Fittonia has leaves with a network of veins. These veins are their distinctive feature - F. verschaffeltii has pink veins, and F. argyroneura has silver-white veins. F.s. Nana (F. a. nana) is an easy to grow dwarf form.


Light: Partially shaded location without direct sunlight.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to late autumn and moderate in winter. Use lukewarm water.



Reproduction: Dividing plants during transplantation. Planting rooted shoots.

Flower with colorful leaves heptapleurum

HEPTAPLEURUM - fast growing tree plant. Pay attention to the photo of this plant with variegated leaves - it is similar to Schefflera, it is quite easy to grow if there is warmth in winter, good light and humid air.

The multi-colored heptapleurum flower will grow successfully as a bush if the growing point of the main stem is removed. Leaves may fall if conditions suddenly change.

To get an unbranched tree 2 m high, tie Heptapleurum arboricola to a stake. There are varieties - Hayata (with grayish leaves), Geisha Girl (with rounded leaf tips) and Variegata (with yellow-variegated leaves).

Heptapleurum, like most indoor flowers with variegated leaves, prefers moderate temperatures. In winter, the air temperature should be at least 16°C.



Humidity: Spray the foliage frequently and wash the leaves from time to time.


Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring or sowing seeds in spring.

Hypestes flower with multi-colored leaves and its photo

HYPOESTES is grown for its spotted leaves. At good lighting their color will be bright - in shady place the foliage will turn completely green. This flower with colorful leaves forms small bushes that are regularly trimmed to maintain a height of 30-60 cm. After flowering, the plant sometimes goes dormant; in this case, reduce watering until new shoots begin to grow.

As you can see in the photo, the flower with multi-colored leaves of Hypoestes sanguinolenta has a blood-red hue, its foliage is covered with pale pink spots, especially expressive in the Splash variety. To maintain bushiness, pinch the tips of the shoots.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 13°C in winter.

Light: A brightly lit place - some direct sunlight enhances the color.

Watering: Keep the substrate evenly moist. Water deeply from spring to autumn - more sparingly in winter.

Humidity: Spray foliage frequently.

Transfer: Replant annually in the spring.

Reproduction: Sowing seeds in spring or

Indoor flower with multi-colored arrowroot leaves

The distinctive feature of arrowroot is its impressive foliage with colored veins or spots on the background, the color of which can vary from almost white to almost black. This indoor flower with colorful leaves rarely exceeds 20 cm in height and tends to fold and raise its leaves at night. Arrowroot is not particularly difficult to grow, but still this plant is not for beginner gardeners.

Varieties white veined arrowroot(Maranta leuconeura)- massangeana with white veins. The red-veined variety (erythrophylla) is also sold under the name M. tricolor.


Light: Partially shaded location away from direct sunlight. Move to a brightly lit area in winter.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times using soft, lukewarm water. In winter, reduce watering.

Humidity: Spray the foliage regularly.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Dividing plants during transplantation.

Home flower with colorful leaves peperomia

Peperomia grow slowly and are suitable for places where space is limited. The inflorescence is a thin vertical spike covered with tiny greenish flowers. There are several hanging species, but bush ones with different leaf shapes and colors are more popular. Growing peperomia is not difficult.

U Peperomia corrugata(Peperomia caperata) corrugated leaves 2.5 cm wide; P. hederaefolia has wavy leaves 5 cm wide; P. magnoliaefolia Variegata has variegated waxy leaves measuring 5 cm.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.


Watering: Allow the soil to dry out to some extent between waterings - water very sparingly in winter.

Humidity: Spray foliage occasionally in summer and never in winter.

Transfer: Replant in spring only if necessary.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring.

Indoor flowers with colorful leaves of plectranthus

Plectranthus looks more like a small, simple coleus with drooping stems. These indoor flowers with colorful leaves are not very popular, although they have many good qualities. Plectranthus can grow in dry air, it can withstand temporary dry soil, grows quickly, and will even bloom occasionally. From time to time, pinch the tips of the shoots to keep the plants bushy.

Plectranthus Ertendahl(Plectranthus oertendahlii) has colored leaves 2.5 cm wide and pink-purple flowers 2.5 cm long. The largest leaves are on the white-edged coleus plectranthus (P. coleoides marginatus).

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Bright light or partial shade without direct sunlight.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times. In winter, reduce watering.

Humidity: Spray the foliage from time to time.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring or summer.

A plant with colorful leaves polyscias and its photo

The twisted stems and attractive foliage of polyscias give the plants an oriental appearance. However, they are not popular because they are expensive and easily shed their leaves if their needs are not met. in full. Balfour's polyscias is the most common.

Pay attention to the photo of this plant with multi-colored leaves - Balfour's polyscias (Polyscias balfouriana) has gray-spotted leaves 8 cm wide; the leaves of its variety Pennockii have yellow veins. Leaves of P. fruticosa are 20 cm long.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 16°C in winter.

Light: Bright light without direct sunlight.

Watering: Water sparingly from spring to fall - water sparingly in winter.

Humidity: Spray foliage frequently.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Difficult. For stem cuttings in the spring - use hormones for rooting and heating the substrate.

Scindapsus flower with variegated leaves

SCINDAPSUS is an easy plant to grow with leaves spotted with yellow or white. It can be called golden scindapsus (Scindapsus aureus) and golden pothos (Pothos) in garden centers, and among botanists the name Epipremnum aureus is accepted.

Scindapsus, or Epipremnum aureus(Scindapsus, or Epipremnum aureus), - liana or hanging plant; The moss stick is the ideal support. Stems can reach 2 m or more.


Light: A well-lit place without direct sunlight. Variegation disappears in poor lighting.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to fall. Water sparingly in winter. Humidity: Spray foliage frequently.


Reproduction: Stem cuttings in the spring - use hormones for rooting. Keep in the dark until it takes root.

Houseplant with variegated leaves, ragwort

Ragwort is a complex genus that includes flowering species, succulent species and false ivies, like vines. Like true ivies, their lobed leaves and stems droop or form on a support, but their lobes are more pointed and fleshy. They grow better in dry air than true ivies.

U common ragwort(Senecio marcroglossus variegatus) leaves with yellow edges on stems up to 3 m long. K. shiny, or mikanioides (S. mikanioides) can also reach a length of 3 m.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Bright Light - Some direct sunlight is beneficial in winter.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times - reduce watering in winter.

Humidity: Spray the foliage from time to time.

Transfer: Replant in late spring every two years.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring or summer.

Homemade flower with colorful Sansevieria leaves

Sansevieria three-stripe is the most popular type of houseplant with multi-colored leaves. This is a very stable (unpretentious) plant - vertical succulent leaves can withstand drafts, dry air, bright sun, dense shade and direct sunlight. In good conditions it bears inflorescences with fragrant small white flowers.

Sansevieria three-striped(Sansevieria trifasciata)- a species with completely green leaves 30 cm -1 m high; its variety laurentii is variegated, Golden hahnii is dwarf with a height of 15 cm.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Bright light with some sun, but can grow in shade.

Watering: Water sparingly from spring to fall; once every 1-2 months in winter.


Transfer: Rarely needed - replant if pot is damaged.

Reproduction: Separate the suckers at the base by cutting them off and allow them to dry before planting in compost.

Schefflera flower with variegated leaves

Unfortunately, Schefflera does not bloom under room conditions. It has finger-shaped glossy leaves arranged in rays, like the spokes of an umbrella. Schefflera is not difficult to grow.

Young Schefflera radiata(Schefflera actinophylla) is an attractive bush, and in mature age tree 1.8-2.5 m high. S. digitata is smaller. S. octophyllum has leaves with clearly defined veins.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 13°C in winter. Avoid temperatures above 21°C if possible.

Light: A brightly lit place away from direct sunlight.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to fall. Water sparingly in winter.

Humidity: Spray foliage frequently.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Difficult. Stem cuttings in summer. Use rooting hormones and heating the substrate.

Houseplant with colorful nolina leaves

Nolina is grown as a tall, solitary plant that does not require much attention. The swollen bulb-like base accumulates water, so temporary drying out of the soil will not harm it. It has a lush “tail” of long, strap-like leaves. Nolina is sometimes sold under the name Beaucarnea recurvata.

There is one species on sale - tuberous nolina (Nolina tuberculata). It grows slowly, but over time the trunk will reach a height of 2 m or more, and the base of the trunk will be swollen, like a huge onion.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Brightly lit areas - some amount of sunlight is beneficial.

Watering: Water thoroughly, then allow the soil to dry out moderately. Avoid overwatering.

Humidity: Spraying is not necessary.

Transfer: Replant if necessary in spring.

Reproduction: Separate and plant the suckers at the time of transplanting. It’s not easy - it’s better to buy new plants.

Yucca plant

Ripe yucca is beautiful false palm for the hallway or large room. She will need a deep, well-drained container that can be moved outdoors in the summer and to an unheated, well-lit area in the winter. White bell-shaped flowers may take a few years to appear.

A tree trunk 1-1.5 m high bears a rosette of long leathery leaves. Yucca elephantipes is safer than Yucca aloifolia with sharp sword-shaped leaves.

Temperature: Moderate - keep in a cool place in winter (minimum 7°C).

Light: Choose the brightest place you can find.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to fall. Water sparingly in winter.

Humidity: Spraying is not necessary.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Separate and plant suckers or root cuttings from trunk sections.

Flower with variegated radermacher leaves

Radermachera is grown as a single tree indoors. It has large compound leaves that bear shiny, deeply veined leaflets with long tapering tips. Central heating is not a problem when growing it because it tolerates dry air well.

Radermachera grown as a houseplant may be labeled as Radermachera sinica, R. Danielle, or Stereospermum suaveolens. There is a variegated form.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10-13°C in winter.

Light: Brightly lit areas, but protect from midday summer sun.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times - avoid overwatering.

Humidity: Spraying is not necessary.

Transfer: Replant if necessary in spring.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in summer.

The plant family Crassulaceae includes many popular indoor plants. These are mainly succulent plants, they are very unpretentious, have an original decorative form and reproduce easily. Aichrizon (Aichryson) houseplant from the family Crassulaceae, somewhat reminiscent of the well-known Crassula or “ money tree" However, aichrizon is a more compact plant, grows in the form of a small tree with a branched crown and reaches a height of no more than 40 cm. On the shoots of aichrizon there are small green leaves in the shape of a heart with soft pubescence, for which this plant is popularly nicknamed "tree of love".

In nature, aichrizon grows in the tropical zone in mountainous areas, settling in cracks between stones. The “tree of love” blooms in summer, producing paniculate or corymbose inflorescences with small star-shaped flowers of white or yellow color. If you place this plant at home, it will be a symbol of family happiness and fill your home with the energy of love.

30 Nov 2014

The most long-awaited holiday is the New Year, everyone associates it with fun, food and decorations, and the main symbol is the Christmas tree. Coniferous plant Araucaria, under New Year are actively buying this beautiful Christmas tree You can grow it in a pot or tub and decorate it every year for the New Year holidays.

Genus of coniferous plants Araucaria (Araucaria) includes 25 species of evergreen trees. Mainly one species is grown indoors - araucaria tall (A.Excelsa) or it is also called araucaria variegated (A.heterophylla). In nature, this tree reaches a height of 60-70 meters, the birthplace of this coniferous plant is New Zealand, Norfolk Island, so it is slender tall tree called Norfolk pine. In indoor conditions, araucaria grows slowly and rarely exceeds a height of 1.5 meters. Like everyone else conifers, araucaria will fill the room with a wonderful Christmas tree aroma, and this plant also perfectly purifies the air.

27 Nov 2014

Beauty indoor orchids from the genus Cymbidium complemented by a very delicate sweet aroma, for which this flower received national title"king of smells" The shape of the lip of cymbidium orchid flowers reminds many of a rook, which is probably why the name of the orchid is translated from Greek as “rook.”

Genus Cymbidium (Cymbidium) There are 60 species of orchids. All of them are epiphytes, i.e. V natural conditions grow on trees, located between branches or in hollows where fallen leaves and rotting wood accumulate. In nature, cymbidium orchids grow in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, India, China, Thailand, and Australia.

24 Nov 2014

Chrysanthemum flowers often given as a gift on special occasions. The birthplace of the chrysanthemum is Japan, where this flower is associated with the sun and is considered a symbol of happiness and longevity. Nowadays, flower shops offer a large assortment of chrysanthemums in pots for growing indoors; such flowers will delight you longer than cut ones, and with proper care they will bloom in subsequent years.

Homemade chrysanthemums- unpretentious flowers, however, many do not know how to care for them and after flowering, when the plant loses its attractiveness, they throw it away. This is not correct, home chrysanthemums, like those growing in the garden, require a period of rest, so after flowering, like those garden plants, cut off the shoots, and place the pots with rhizomes in a cool place at a temperature of +1...+3 0 C. In the spring, remove the pot, transplant the rhizomes into new soil and place them in a bright place. Start watering the plant moderately and new shoots will soon appear.

21 Nov 2014

Coconut tree considered a symbol of fertility among many peoples. Grow homemade coconut you can make it yourself from freshly picked nuts. Of course, you will not get a real coconut palm, since in nature the plant reaches a height of 25-30 meters, has a long trunk and large feathery leaves 2-4 meters long at the top.

In a room, a coconut palm sprout can stretch to a height of 2-2.5 meters. At home coconut tree can grow for two to three years while the plant uses nutrients inside the nut.

The coconut palm is an interesting and original plant, often used to decorate the interior. A long shoot rises from the side of the nut, from which it opens into spectacular fan leaves. It is very interesting to watch the growth of this palm tree.

17 Nov 2014

There are real wonders in the plant world; many exotic lovers want to learn how to grow these original plants at home. Very interesting nepenthes plant, still has popular name“Pitcher plant” because pitchers hang from the ends of its leaves, which are a continuation of the leaves of the plant.

Nepenthes is an insectivorous plant., a digestive enzyme is formed in its jugs; insects attracted by the aroma and falling into the jug are digested and provide the plant with the missing nutrients. The fact is that in nature, Nepenthes grow on very poor soils, where there are not enough minerals, and having adapted to feed on insects, these plants receive the macro and microelements necessary for development.

09 Nov 2014

Indoor fern Davaliya It is highly valued as an ornamental foliage plant; in addition, it has an interesting feature - shaggy long rhizomes hanging from the edge of the pot. It appears as if the fern is growing paws, which is why many people call this fern “rabbit’s paws.” In tropical forests, these ferns grow as epiphytes on tree trunks, twining long, hairy rhizomes around them.

Ferns provide excellent landscaping and decorate the interior; their lacy foliage looks very elegant and can serve as a backdrop for other flowering plants. These house ferns look best in hanging baskets, then their rhizomes will hang over the edge of the pot, resembling the legs of a spider. Epiphytic ferns of the genus Dhavalia can be grown like most orchids, planted in a suspended piece of bark or in a coconut shell.

Fern genus Davalia (Davallia) includes about 50 species, but only a few species are grown as indoor plants, listed below.

04 Nov 2014

Strelitzia flower It is rarely grown indoors, as the plant reaches a height of 1-1.5 meters. This large tub plant is suitable for large spacious rooms and greenhouses; in summer it will look great in the garden.

Strelitzia has a very unusual flowers original shape and bright color. Due to the upward protruding orange petals emerging from the horizontally located bract leaf, the flower resembles an exotic bird perched on lush greenery and spreading its bright tail, which is why this flower is often called the “bird of paradise”.

Strelitzia flowering long-lasting, under favorable conditions from spring to autumn, and each flower remains decorative for about two weeks. Strelitzia flowers have no scent, but are rich in nectar, which attracts many insects for pollination.

28 Oct 2014

Pineapples in Russia they began to grow in the 18th century, then in the rich noble estates They built winter greenhouses or greenhouses, which were called “pineapple houses.” At that time, it was fashionable to serve this delicious overseas fruit. Pineapples were pickled, fermented, and used in cooking. Later, by the beginning of the 19th century, pineapples began to be imported to Russia from tropical countries and growing them became unprofitable.

Nowadays, pineapples are grown for import sale in tropical countries of Asia, Thailand and Brazil. To prevent pineapples from spoiling during transportation, they are cut when they are not yet ripe; at this time, the pulp of the fruit contains enzymes that can break down proteins and fats, so when you eat them you can feel a tingling sensation in your mouth. Fully ripened fruits lose the corrosive enzyme, but they are stored for no more than a week in cool conditions.

How houseplant pineapple many grow it simply for the sake of experiment; for this it is not necessary to buy this plant in special stores, just buy the fruit itself and cut off its top with a green tuft. Pineapple is a unique plant; it propagates well by root and stem cuttings and even through the cut top of the fruit. Having rooted a pineapple, the plant will develop for 3-4 years and, under favorable conditions, will bloom, and after that you will get your own pineapple on the windowsill. Of course, for this to happen, you must follow the recommendations for caring for this plant.

24 Oct 2014

Anyone who likes to drink invigorating aromatic coffee in the morning will surely enjoy it. grow at home coffee tree at home. This tropical plant in the form of an evergreen shrub or tree reaching a height of 5-7 meters in nature, and at home, a coffee tree can grow up to 2 meters in height.

Coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia when shepherds noticed that goats were chewing the leaves. coffee tree, become very excited. After tasting the leaves, people became convinced that this plant has an invigorating effect on the human body. All parts of the coffee tree contain caffeine, a substance that stimulates the body, but the most caffeine is contained in the fruit beans, which, when roasted, acquire a beautiful color and original coffee aroma.

Indoor plants will add coziness to every room. They create oases at any time of the year, no matter where they are installed between the bed and nightstand, on your wall or windowsill. These exotic beauties also cleanse the air of pollution. You can choose your favorite flower among wide range species and varieties to realize your floral design concepts.

Houseplants such as African violets (Saintpaulia), Euphorbia pulcherrima or royal orchids (Orchidaceae) impress with weeks of profuse blooms. Lush ornamental foliage plants, such as the picturesque Dieffenbachia and the majestic Philodendron, act as architectural elements that transform your home into evergreen garden. But there's something you should keep in mind different requirements care at home. Plants such as succulents will live for weeks without water, while tropical flowers require daily care. Therefore, you should know in advance about caring for indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you don’t know the name of a flower, we bring to your attention a catalog of indoor flowers and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose the right care at home.

Perhaps abutilon (indoor maple, rope) is not one of the most popular ornamental plants, but more and more people are beginning to notice the beauty of this small bush. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. Its decorative appearance is due to the large, bright colors, as well as leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x...

Agave is native to the desert areas of North America. Species belonging to this type have different sizes, leaves, and flowering periods. Agaves are grown mainly for their decorative leaves, although their inflorescences are also beautiful, however, agave blooms after a very long time (tens of years). The worst thing is that after flowering it dies. Fleshy, thick leaves, collected in rosettes with sharp...


Aglaonema in natural conditions found in southeast Asia. The flower, depending on the variety, reaches up to one meter in height.


Loves partial shade and warmth; the temperature should not fall below 18°C; at lower temperatures, the flower stops growing. Watering is intensive, the plant loves high humidity, responds well to spraying, but does not like...

Aglaonema variable, or variable(Aglaonema commutatum), belongs to the Araceae family. Of the 50 species, several species are most often grown at home. In general cultivation, more attractive hybrid varieties and even interspecific hybrids are found. Aglaonemas are popular in home cultivation due to their attractive decorative...

Correct name Adenium grown at home - Adenium obese, or Desert rose (Adenium obesum) - unusual interesting plant, impressive in structure and color of flowers and original form, characteristic of bonsai. Grow as a houseplant in summer period can become a decoration for a terrace or garden. Find out more about the unusual...

Among the types of ferns, it is worth paying attention to the fern, also called “Venus hair” - adiantum. The flower is cute, delicate and elegant, but due to improper care the adiantum will be unattractive appearance. Adiantum varieties are characterized by fans with fronds, with the shape of a slightly rounded triangle. The stems are thin, visually similar to hair. Adiantums are suitable for...

A species grown at home - Aichryson x domesticum, called the “tree of love” and “flower of love”, belongs to the Crassulaceae family. A small branched shrubby succulent similar to Aeonium domesticum, distinguished by ellipsoid-shaped leaves; in Aichrizon species the leaves are more diamond-shaped. Aichrizon homeis easy to confuse with another...

Alocasia is native to the Malay Archipelago and its leaves grow from a rhizome. Beautiful variety is Alocasia Lowe, which has shiny, dark green leaves with white veins. The leaves reach a length of up to 60 cm. The tubers of the plant reach up to 4 kg in weight and are food for the inhabitants of Asia (only a boiled or baked fragment is suitable for consumption - raw, poisonous).


Aloe is a genus that contains hundreds of plants, although the most famous species of the genus are still Aloe vera and aloe vera(Aloe arborescens). Appears more types and varieties that you should pay attention to, the species are characterized by high decorative qualities. Aloe arborescens and aloe vera famous for their healing properties , in this article, first of all...

Medicinal plant, Aloe vera or, Aloe real, also called Aloe Barbados. An easy to grow houseplant. Aloe has been known since ancient times; mentions of the plant were contained on Sumerian clay tablets dating back to 3,000 BC. Alexander the Great reportedly recommended giving the leaves to wounded soldiers to help the soldiers' wounds heal faster. The plant is probably...

For the first time, grow unusual and beautiful flowering plants steel during the era of great geographical discoveries. Today, indoor flowers, a catalog with photographs and names of which in paper form can fit in several closets, are a passion for millions of people around the world.

Photos and names of decorative home flowers

Ornamental plants are valued for their flowers different forms and colors, unusual foliage, a variety of forms, including erect, creeping and hanging, herbaceous and tree-like. Indoor flowers can be of local origin and come from the most remote corners of the world. Such plants differ not only in appearance, but also in habits, they require different conditions maintenance and care.

Some people are passionate about succulents, while others are more interested in watching the growth of epiphytes. Although it is almost impossible to get acquainted with all types of home flowers, their photos and names, a short catalog will be an excellent help in choosing a “green pet” to your liking.


An evergreen shrub that easily tolerates crown formation, blooming from late spring to mid-autumn. Numerous varieties and hybrids indoor flower prefer partial shade, are responsive to care, giving their owner a mass of white, yellow, pink, crimson “bells” with a diameter of up to 10–12 cm.

To restore strength, the plant requires a cool winter at 12–15 degrees.


The photo and name of this homemade flower in a pot became famous thanks to the famous film “Leon”. Today herbaceous perennial popular due to its variegated, leathery, broadly lanceolate-shaped foliage and its unpretentiousness when kept indoors.

In the color of the leaves different types and varieties contain not only green, white and silver tones, but also bright pink and purple colors.


Among houseplants, ferns are not uncommon. Herbaceous evergreens attract attention with their carved fronds and hardiness. One of the most popular ferns is the adiantum, whose young fronds are gracefully curled and pinkish-cream in color. In the house, the flower requires partial shade and cool maintenance in winter.


These indoor plants with flowers of white, pink, and purple colors are not accepted by all gardeners. But when creating the right conditions and constant attention, medium-sized shrubs, related to , delight with generous flowering and long life at home.


Among the numerous types of indoor flowers, there are many crops belonging to the Araceae family. People from the tropics of the Southern Hemisphere invariably amaze with the splendor of their greenery and variety of forms.

When you come across photos of decorative house flowers with the name “alocasia”, it is easy to notice how different these plants are in appearance. And this is not surprising, because several dozen representatives of the genus, for example, fragrant, copper-red, are unpretentious decorative foliage crops valued by amateur flower growers.


Unlike Alocasia, which loves moisture, all species are succulents that can survive drought thanks to the water accumulated in the succulent leaves. Tree aloe or agave are more often grown as home flowers. The plant is up to one and a half meters high and is decorated with long leaves, up to 30 cm long, with spines along the edges.

The value of the plant is in its non-capricious disposition and healing juice, which has a softening, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.


- another representative of the extensive Araceae family, which has become a popular indoor flower. The characteristic features of the plant are an underground stem, pointed, heart-shaped dense leaves held on tall erect petioles, and inflorescence-cobs decorated with bright spathes up to 15 centimeters long. The modified leaf is painted in bright white-pink, scarlet, greenish-purple tones.


Related to the culinary delicacy of asparagus, as a houseplant it is distinguished by its unpretentious disposition, active growth and for a long time life in a pot. Several species of this crop, thanks to their needle-like foliage, ampelous or bush-like form, have long earned the respect and love of flower growers. Decorative effect The plants are complemented by rare but memorable flowering. The white flowers collected in clusters are small but fragrant. After they wither, red round berries are formed.


Originally from Southeast Asia, this is an ornamental deciduous plant, the main attraction of which is its large, wide-lanceolate leaves up to 80 cm long. In catalogs, among photos of indoor flowers with the name “aspidistra”, you can find specimens with variegated leaves decorated with white or yellowish stripes . The flowers of this species are inconspicuous and even invisible. Corollas of a reddish-brown or purple color appear close to the ground.


Homemade flowers in pots, in the photo, are popularly called “Vanka Mokrym” or “touch-me-not.” , which has taken up residence on the windowsills of our grandmothers, loves moisture, light and warmth. Extremely unpretentious plant Thanks to the presence of a mass of varieties, it is ready to please the gardener with the blooming of simple and double flowers of various shades.


Begonia – rare plant, which has decorative leaves and flowers. There are more than 1000 cultivated varietals and hybrid forms, actively used for landscaping inside and outside the house. House flowers can differ in the way they are propagated, be bushy or hanging, bloom seasonally or constantly.

Connoisseurs of decorative deciduous crops highly value the bright, unique greenery of these unpretentious, fast-growing flowers.

Indoor geranium (pelargonium)

Unpretentious, abundant and long blooming pelargonium– an ideal indoor flower for beginners. The plant easily adapts to life in an apartment, can be shaped, can be renewed if necessary and reproduces vegetatively without any problems. And a sea of ​​varieties of various shapes and colors will help create a unique atmosphere in your home and decorate the interior.


Perennial, related to garden mallows and, in Russian conditions, has taken root as a indoor plant. A large flowering crop is grown as a shrub or standard tree. With proper care and sufficient nutrition, it has an enviable longevity, grows to a height of 2–2.5 meters and regularly produces spectacular red, pink, and coral flowers.


The bulbous perennial plant is popular due to its easy care and incredibly vibrant blooms. It is accompanied by the appearance of powerful, up to 70 cm tall, peduncles with several simple or double flowers. The color of the corollas depends on the variety and can be variegated, white, pink, scarlet or deep purple. The leaves form a furry basal rosette and have smooth surface and a pointed linear shape. In autumn, this type of indoor flowers enters a dormant period that lasts several months and requires dry, cool storage of the bulbs.


Velvety large bells and the same exquisite “soft” oval-shaped leaves - characteristic features home flower gloxinia. Tuberous plant with in winter dormancy for flowering requires long daylight hours, nutritious soil and a wide pot.

Above one rosette of leaves, several dozen spectacular flowers can simultaneously flaunt in all shades from white to deep purple.


Guzmania attracts attention thanks to its bright foliage bordering the not so noticeable and lush inflorescence. Flowering, which begins after 3 years of planting and lasts up to 3 months, means the imminent death of the mother plant, which must be replaced by basal plants. daughter sockets.


Decorative foliage plant with large leaves different colors relatively unpretentious, stands out high speed growth and numerous natural and varietal forms. As in nature, at home, the flower with the name shown in the photo in a pot should receive enough moisture, warmth, nutrition and a lot of bright, but diffused light.


Accustomed to truly “Spartan” conditions in nature, dracaena is not capricious in an apartment. Several of its varieties are grown as house flowers, eventually forming a “tree” with a bare trunk and a cap of tough green or variegated foliage at the top.


Zamioculcas – tuberous plant from the Araceae family is often found in the collections of flower growers who are keen on evergreen decorative deciduous crops. An unpretentious indoor flower with a height of 50 to 150 cm forms several powerful, dense stems covered with glossy oval-pointed leaves. Adult plants, with proper care, form milky-white inflorescences-cobs.


Encyclopedias and catalogs of indoor plants and plant names often contain references to. Moreover, plants with this name are often included in the list of ornamental and medicinal crops. It's about about different related species, interesting and remarkable in their own way.

The common features of all varieties are unpretentiousness, rapid growth, easy reproduction by all available vegetative means and responsiveness to care.

Decorative varieties amaze with the splendor of their flowering, and the viviparous species of Kalanchoe will help cope with skin and colds.


Clivia is an evergreen rhizomatous plant with a powerful basal rosette of long leathery leaves. During flowering, the plant produces a powerful peduncle with bright orange-yellow corollas gathered at the top into an umbrella. At home, flowers last for more than 3 weeks.


Arrowroot is a low, often creeping or ampelous perennial with decorative foliage, on one leaf blade combining shades of light and dark greens, purple and pink, white and brownish tones.

Euphorbia Mile

Euphorbia Milya in Russia is better known as the “crown of thorns”. This unpretentious plant in nature reaches a height of 2 meters. In a pot, a succulent with a stiff stem covered with long thorns and a tuft of leaves at the top is much smaller. The unusual appearance of the plant is completed by small inflorescences bordered by bright bracts in scarlet, pink, yellow and white tones.


Sansevieria or “mother-in-law’s tongue” has been a regular on window sills for many years. Unassuming home flower popular for its tough foliage, with variegated patterns or light borders.

is one of the most common indoor flowers, but the cylindrical variety with pointed, erect leaves of an original shape is only gaining adherents.


The decorative house flowers in the photo owe their name to their fleshy, coin-like leaves. Crassula or “money tree” is an excellent houseplant that even a beginner can care for. In terms of endurance and easy propagation, the flower can only be compared with Kalanchoe. Even a fallen leaf soon takes root and gives rise to a new plant.


Tradescantia is an excellent ampelous flower for home grown. The plant is different rapid growth, highly decorative, unpretentious and easy agricultural technology. The presence of varieties with variegated foliage of different shades allows you to create unique compositions using one crop. It is moisture-loving, amenable to crown formation and takes root easily, in water or on the ground.


Phalaenopsis or "butterfly-like" flower. This most popular orchid in nature is an epiphyte. At home, the flower is content with a special pot and substrate, unlike ordinary soil. Relatively easy care for phalaenopsis allows the novice orchid lover to master all the features of these ornamental plants.

Usambara violet (Saintpaulia)

At first sight, the Usambara violet captivates with the appearance of its fleecy foliage, gathered in lush rosettes, above which simple, semi- or double flowers of the most bizarre shapes and colors reign with a bright cap. Modern varieties Saintpaulias number in the thousands and represent giant and dwarf plants, plain and variegated flowers, green leaves and greenery with white or pink edging.


A catalog of indoor flowers with photographs and names of various types and varieties of ficus can be published as a separate book. Today there are almost a thousand varieties of this plant; several dozen are grown in culture, in the form of a bush, tree, ground cover and even hanging specimens. The most widespread is rubber.


– a leader among plants in terms of air purification ability. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of indoor flowers. An unpretentious and easily propagated indoor herbaceous perennial forms lush rosettes of pointed-lanceolate leaves of green or variegated color. The peculiarity of the culture is the flowers and daughter rosettes of the plant formed on long hanging shoots.


Among domestic vines, hoya takes one of the first places in beauty and popularity. Evergreen perennial with long stems, covered with dense “waxy” leaves and umbrella inflorescences of fragrant star-shaped flowers, leaves no one indifferent. At the same time, ivy growing on a suitable surface does not need special care and is excellent for keeping at home.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):