Cherry is a subspecies of the rose family, but stands out among its “relatives” with fragrant white flowers, united in inflorescences, like small umbrellas.

Features of cherry blossoms

An interesting difference between cherry flowers is that they are actinomorphic. This means that you will not find a single flower without at least two symmetrical planes that divide it into two identical halves.

Typically, the flower contains five non-fused leaves in the shape of a bowl; it also has five petals, and they are not fixed in a cluster.

One flower has about 17-20 stamens and one pistil. This is a clear sign common to the entire plum family. Cherries traditionally have an upper ovary. Pollination of flowers occurs thanks to flying insects.

Flowering duration

Nature allows you to admire cherry blossoms for a very short period of time - only 7, sometimes 10 days. If it is not too sunny outside and it rains during this period, then flowering can last up to 15 days.

Flowering time

White fragrant cinquefoils appear on tree branches before the formation of buds, very rarely at the same time as their swelling. The start of color directly depends on the region where the cherry grows and on outside temperature in this moment.

The beginning of fragrant flowering is traditionally due to spring warming up to +10°C. Fruit trees They begin to turn white everywhere when the indicated average daily temperature lasts for one and a half to two weeks.

Exist different kinds cherries, which, according to the timing of flowering, can be classified as early-blooming, mid- and late-blooming. Early flowering The period from May 20 to 25 is considered, and from June 1 to 5 is a late bloom. Everything between these dates is an average flowering.

Location and flowering time

  • In Ukraine, cherry blossoms from late April to early May. The most common varieties in these latitudes are: Ukrainian Griot, Shpanka early and large-fruited, Amorel, Lotovka, Elegant, and Igrushka.
  • In regions located in central Russia, the flowering period is from May 8 to May 15. An abundance of flowers covers the branches of the cherry tree more often during periods of heavy rains. That is why insects do not have time to pollinate them, and gardens often stand without fruiting. Planting self-fertile varieties can save the situation. They self-pollinate without the participation of insects. Common varieties include: Apukhtinskaya, Chernokorka, Molodezhnaya. Among the species in demand in the middle zone are: Shokoladnitsa, Tyutchevka, Podarok Ryazan, Chermashnaya, Iput, Kharitonovskaya and others.
  • In the Moscow region, the flowering time is the same. Despite the abundance of flowers and their aroma, it is almost impossible to get a rich harvest of berries in the Moscow region. The varieties Molodezhnaya, Vstrecha, Almaz, Apukhtinskaya, Shokoladnitsa, Chermashnaya, Poeziya, Fatezh, Malysh, and Griot Moscow are adapted for the local climate.
  • In Krasnodar, flowering occurs from late April to early May. Lyubskaya, Krasnodar sweet, Apukhtinskaya, Nord-star, Shpanka, Novella, and Orlitsa cherries take root here.
  • In Crimea, cherries are covered with white flowers much earlier - April 20-25. The most common varieties in Crimea are Podbelskaya, followed in popularity by Early English and Anadolskaya.
  • In Kuban, the flowering period is the same as in Crimea. The following varieties perform well here: Apukhtinskaya, Novella, Shpanka, Nord-star, Krasnodarskaya sweet, Garlyanda.
  • IN Leningrad region Cherry blossoms very late - in early June. Cool, cloudy weather prevents cherries from bearing fruit and ripening into a rich harvest. However, gardeners have adapted to grow the Vladimirsky variety here, as well as the following varieties: Rubinovaya, Zvezdochka, Lyubskaya and Shpanka Shimskaya. In some gardening you can find varieties Raduga, Bagryannaya, Zarnitsa, Amorel.
  • In the Urals and Siberia, the flowering period is in the same months as in St. Petersburg. In these regions, late flowering is considered to be the period from June 1 to June 5, and it is this time that is beneficial for cherries so that they are not destroyed by frost. Suitable for cold climates: Maksimovskaya, Zmeinogorskaya, Mayak, Ashinskaya ordinary, Metelitsa, Ob and Malinovka.
  • In Rostov-on-Don, all the most beautiful things with the cherry tree happen in the third ten days of April, on a warm day. For planting, gardeners choose varieties: Lyubskaya, Lada, Zhukovskaya, Livenka, Konkurentka, Meteor.


Delicate cherry blossoms not only delight the eye in spring, creating a snow-white cloud around the thin branches of the tree. They also emit a very spicy, sweet aroma. It is a mixture of honey, sugar, woody notes with a subtle berry undertone.

In many countries, the cherry orchard is a symbol of family, prosperity and native land. A blooming cherry often personifies the bride with her innocence and purity. A tree dressed in a snow-white blanket in April or May evokes admiration and a desire to admire this delicate beauty. And cherry blossoms, which have become one of the symbols of Japan, give rise to a new life cycle.

How cherry blossoms

Sung by poets, cherry belongs to the rose family. The most common type is the common cherry.

Its white flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

What color are cherry blossoms?

The cherry flower is actinomorphic, i.e. having at least two planes of symmetry dividing it into two equal halves, with a double perianth. It consists of five non-fused sepals; there are also five petals, they are free; stamens 15–20; one pestle - characteristic feature plum subfamily; superior ovary.
The common cherry is pollinated by insects.

Cherry blossoms leave no one indifferent

How many days does cherry blossom

Cherry blossoms usually last for 7–10 days, and in cloudy weather they can last up to two weeks.

When cherry blossoms - flowering dates

Cherry blossoms until blossoming vegetative buds, sometimes simultaneously with him. The time when flowering begins depends on the growing zone and specific weather conditions. The beginning of flowering is usually associated with an increase in temperatures to +10 0 C. Mass flowering begins if average daily temperatures+10 0 C lasts for two weeks. In cool weather it lasts up to two weeks.

According to the timing of flowering, cherries can be divided into early-, mid- and late-blooming.

Cherry blossoms and bees need each other

Flowering dates depending on the growing area - table

Growing area Flowering time Peculiarities Most common varieties
Ukraine End of April - beginning of May Ukrainian Griot, Lotovka, Early Spanka, Amorel, Large-fruited Spanka, Elegant, Toy
Central Russia from 7–10 to 15 May Cherry blossoms often occur during rainy weather. During this period, bees do not fly and do not pollinate flowers. As a result, you may be left without a harvest. The way out of this situation is to plant self-fertile varieties that can be pollinated without the help of insects with their own pollen. Apukhtinskaya, Youth, Almaz, Chernokorka, Meeting, Lyubskaya, Shokoladnitsa, Fatezh, Chermashnaya, Gift of Ryazan, Iput, Tyutchevka, Early Oryol, Kharitonovskaya, Kursk Shpanka, Yubileinnaya, Shubinka
Moscow region from 7–10 to 15 May Get high yield It’s difficult to grow cherries in the Moscow region. Apukhtinskaya, Youth, Diamond, Meeting, Lyubskaya, Shokoladnitsa, Fatezh, Chermashnaya, Gift of Ryazan, Iput, Tyutchevka, Orlovskaya early, Poetry, Baby, Coral, Griot Moscow
Krasnodar End of April - beginning of May Lyubskaya, Apukhtinskaya, Shpanka, Krasnodar sweet, Novella, Nord-star, Orlitsa
Crimea April 20–27 English early, Podbelskaya, Anadolskaya
Kuban April 20–27 Lyubskaya, Apukhtinskaya, Shpanka, Krasnodar sweet, Novella, Nord-star, Garland,
Saint Petersburg End of May - beginning of June Cold rainy weather prevents the formation of a good harvest. Vladimirskaya, Rubinovaya, Zvezdochka, Lyubskaya, Shpanka Shimskaya, Rainbow, Zarnitsa, Bagryannaya, Amorel Nikiforova
Ural and Siberian regions End of May - first ten days of June
(May 20–25 - early flowering,
May 25–30 average flowering,
June 1–5, late flowering)
Middle and late flowering periods are more suitable for the Urals. In this case, they are less at risk of frost. Maksimovskaya, Mayak, Metelitsa, Zmeinogorskaya, Ashinskaya ordinary, Ob, Malinovka
Rostov Third ten days of April Lyubskaya, Zhukovskaya, Competitor, Lada, Livenka, Meteor, Kharitonovskaya

Cherry blossoms - spring, beauty, life - video

When do cherry blossoms bloom? This is far from an idle question. After all, a blooming cherry orchard is not only a beauty to the eye, but also hope for a successful harvest of your favorite fruits. And if the flowering has passed in the right time, and the weather did not disappoint, then the harvest will definitely please both the gardeners themselves and those who simply love aromatic berries.

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Early in spring, carefully loosen the soil (closer to the trunk - to a depth of 5 - 10, further away - 10 - 15 cm). Before loosening add nitrogen fertilizers(60 -80 g calcium nitrate or 50 - 70 g urea per 1 m2). They will contribute good growth and abundant cherry blossoms. In young gardens, for the first 2 - 3 years, it is recommended to keep the tree trunks under black fallow and carefully control weeds. In old gardens, the soil may also be kept under meadow. The grass, cut 5-6 times during the summer, is left in place as mulch.

If the weather is hot and dry, you should definitely water the cherries (2 - 3 buckets of water per 1 m2 of tree trunk circle). Good results give fertilizing with liquid organic and mineral fertilizers before flowering and at the beginning active growth shoots. To do this, cow manure (bird droppings or feces) is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:9 and applied at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m2 of tree trunk circle. Liquid mineral fertilizers are prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of nitrate (calcium or potassium) is dissolved in a bucket of water and applied to 1 m2 of soil surface under the tree crown. Immediately after application liquid fertilizer sprinkle the soil with peat or humus to reduce moisture loss due to evaporation.

Excess growth is removed to the very base; to do this, the soil is raked and cut into a ring to the base of the trunk or skeletal root. If you leave at least a small stump, even more powerful shoots will develop from the buds. In order to reproduce self-rooted plants by shoots, cut the skeletal root of the mother plant at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from the shoots, leave it in place, water it, loosen the soil for better development root system. In September or spring next year the shoots are dug up and planted in a permanent place. In June, during dry weather, repeat watering the garden followed by mulching. To set more fruits and better laying of fruit buds (next year's harvest), it is useful to repeat liquid root dressings organic or mineral fertilizers. Good results are obtained by foliar feeding - spraying the crown with 0.5% urea (50 g of urea per 10 liters of water).

In September, in gardens with natural turf between rows, grass mowing is stopped. When the soil is kept under black fallow, it is dug into tree trunk circles. Moreover, for better snow retention, the clods should be left unbroken. Organic fertilizers are first applied (3 - 4 kg of humus per 1 m2), as well as phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (40 - 60 g of superphosphate and 20 - 30 g of potassium chloride or 200 - 300 g wood ash per 1 m2).

Good results are obtained by alternately applying organic and mineral fertilizers every other year. In dry years, for better overwintering of plants, carry out moisture-recharging watering - 3 - 4 buckets of water per 1 m2. In September, start digging holes for spring planting.

From the beginning of October they begin to clean the trunks and main skeletal branches from frozen bark, mosses, lichens. Stripped garden knife the wounds are washed with a 1 - 2% solution of copper (100 - 200 g per bucket of water) or 2 - 3% (200 - 300 g per bucket of water) solution of ferrous sulfate. Cover the wounds with garden varnish. If there are hollows, seal them with cement. The stems and bases of skeletal branches are whitened lime mortar(1.5 - 2 kg of freshly slaked lime per 1 bucket of water). This helps to reduce the appearance sunburn. To protect young cherries from rodents (hares, mice), tree trunks are tied with spruce branches (tops of branches down). For better wintering, trees are covered with soil.

In November - December, snow is regularly trampled in tree trunk circles; this prevents mice from penetrating the tree trunks. During heavy snowfall, shake off the snow from the branches. In November, before the onset severe frosts, it is necessary to prepare cuttings (annual shoots) for spring vaccinations. Tie the cut cuttings into bundles and store them in a snow bank until April.

Blooms profusely but bears fruit poorly. Why?

This question worries many amateur gardeners.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Only some fruit species or individual varieties They are usually called self-fertile (self-fertile). In most breeds and varieties fruit plants Fertilization and formation of ovaries takes place only if pollen from other varieties of the same breed is transferred to their flowers (stigmas). Such varieties are called self-sterile (self-sterile) or cross-pollinating.

Among the cherry varieties there are self-fertile (Lyubskaya, Zhagarskaya or Latviyskaya low, Apukhtinskaya, Molodezhnaya, Mayak, Finaevskaya, Shchedraya, Novoaltaiskaya), partially self-fertile (Turgenevka, Oblachinskaya, Bylinka, Subbotinskaya) and self-sterile (Vladimirskaya, Shubinka, Griot Moscow, Malinovka, Zhukovskaya , In memory of Vavilov, Muse).

You should know that all varieties of cherries are practically self-sterile. Hybrids between cherries and sweet cherries (dyuki) are also self-sterile in most cases (Shirpotreb black and Komsomolskaya varieties).

Consistently self-fertile cherry varieties set from 20 to 40% of fruits when pollinated by their own pollen, partially self-fertile - from 5 to 20% - self-fertile - up to 5%.

Several varieties of cherries should be planted in the garden. For good mutual pollination, especially when choosing self-sterile varieties, it is important that the pollinated varieties and pollinators are close in flowering time, time of fruiting, fruit ripening time and plant longevity. Here are the most optimal combinations main common varieties and pollinating varieties.

Vladimirskaya (Molodezhnaya, Shubinka, Turgenevka); Griot Moscow (Orlovskaya rannyaya, Kistevaya, Oktava, Vladimirskaya); Malinovka (Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya); Turgenevka (Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya, Molodezhnaya); Zhukovskaya (Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya).

Pollination cultivars The presence of wild forms in the garden can also contribute to the growth of cherries. Self-fertile varieties, as a rule, are more productive than self-sterile ones, but it has been found that when growing a highly self-fertile variety like Lyubskaya, higher yields can be achieved if it is planted together with pollinating varieties such as Vladimirskaya and Zhukovskaya. It should be remembered that the self-fertility of varieties varies depending on the place of cultivation and weather conditions.

Cherries are pollinated by insects; pollination occurs normally if the pollinated variety is located at a distance of no more than 50 m from the pollinating variety.

Cherries usually bloom before the vegetative buds bloom or simultaneously with it. The onset and duration of flowering depend on the growing area and weather conditions. In central Russia, mass flowering of cherries occurs in mid-May and lasts 7-10 days; in cool weather it lasts up to 12-15 days. The duration of mass flowering of one variety is 2 - 5 days. Pollen from one flower is capable of pollination for 1 - 5 days, and stigmas of pistils are susceptible to pollination for 6 days. For comparison: in pome-bearing breeds this period lasts 9 - 10 days.

For successful fertilization of cherries, optimal conditions are required, in particular the presence of light, moisture and heat.

Frosts can cause significant damage to cherries during the flowering period. Cherry buds die at a temperature of -4°C, flowers - at -2°C, ovaries - at -1°C and below. The most common methods of frost protection are creating a smoke screen and sprinkling (i.e., spraying trees with water). Sprinkling is possible when the temperature drops to -1° C, creating a smoke screen - at 1 - 2° C. Among existing varieties There are varieties of cherries with increased winter hardiness of flower buds. These are the Ural ruby, Shchedraya, Crimson, Ras-pletka, Orleya, Lyubskaya, Apukhtinskaya.

After abundant flowering, a high yield is also not always formed. Rainy, cold weather during the flowering period deteriorates the quality of pollen. In hot (30° C and above), dry weather, the quality of nectar decreases, so bees visit flowers less often, which also results in a decrease in yield. The process of pollination and fertilization of cherries is negatively affected by fogs, strong wind, damage to pistils and stamens in flowers by pests and diseases. You should also know that some varieties of cherries, due to their biological features have low pollen viability.

During the flowering period and subsequently, flowers and ovaries fall off. This phenomenon can be considered natural if the plant had too many flowers and fruits. A close relationship has been established between the number of fruits and their weight with the presence of healthy leaves on the plant. Therefore, it is important to preserve them completely on the tree and carefully protect them from diseases and pests (coccomycosis, hole spot, aphids and sawflies).

To combat excessive abscission of ovaries and fruits, various synthetic growth regulators are also used, for example, spraying with naphthylacetic acid at a dose of 10-20 mg/l 30-40 days after the end of flowering.

Good fruiting of cherries can be achieved primarily through the correct selection of varieties, taking into account local conditions, as well as their placement on garden plot, with normal pollination by bees and the necessary agricultural technology, or abnormal, if a significant number of ovaries are lost. At maximum flowering and optimal conditions the number of flowers that set fruit is 3 - 7%!

Along with other reasons for the decline in cherry fruiting, despite abundant flowering, the most important are damage to parts of the flower during flowering by spring frosts and deterioration in the quality of pollen (partial loss of fertilization ability) under the influence of low positive temperatures (10 - 12 ° C). Therefore in colder areas middle zone Russia or in areas with moderate temperatures, cherry varieties with late flowering (Lyubskaya, Turgenevka, Shubinka, Fertile Michurina, Finaevskaya, Ural ruby).

The better the plant nutrition, the large quantity The ovaries remain until final ripening. For cherries, foliar (spraying on the leaves) fertilizing with nitrogen is useful: the first time 10 days after flowering, the second time 2 weeks after the first. The urea consumption in this case is 40 - 50 g (0.40 - 0.50 percent solution) per 10 liters of water. When using ammonium nitrate, take 15 - 20 g per 10 liters of water. On peaty and sandy soils, and also with unbalanced fertilization of cherries with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, a lack of microelements may be felt, which can be one of the reasons for severe ovary drop. If signs of such fasting are confirmed, foliar feeding carried out before flowering on buds, immediately after flowering and during the formation of fruits a month before harvesting. Fertilizer consumption for ten 5 - 7 year old cherry plants: manganese - 30 - 40 g; copper - 15 - 30 g; cobalt - 15 - 20 g; boron - 8 - 10 g and molybdenum - 2 - 3 g. The concentration of microelement solutions when spraying is 0.07 - 0.12%.

For the second year now, something incomprehensible has been happening in my garden - the cherries are blooming, but there are no berries. Tell me, what could be the reason and how to make the tree bear fruit?

It would seem that, lush flowering cherries guarantee bountiful harvest tasty and juicy berries. Unfortunately, the presence of flowers on a tree does not always promise a lot of ovary. Often by summer, gardeners find empty branches covered with leaves.

Where do the ovaries go, and why do the cherries bloom, but there are still no berries? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, and the solution to the problem depends on what exactly triggered the loss of the crop.

Most often, the lack of fruiting in the presence of flowering is caused by:

Pollination problems

If there is only one cherry growing in the garden, and what’s more, it is not self-pollinating, you can wait a long time for berries from it, and where will they come from without pollinating the inflorescences? Therefore, you always need to plant at least two different ones so that one of them pollinates itself. Then the second tree will also have fruit.

When planting trees in a large area, it is necessary to take into account the distance between them.

Sometimes pollination does not occur due to the absence of pollen-carrying insects, such as bees. This is facilitated by Cold Spring and intensive use various drugs when processing trees. You can cope with attracting bees to the garden by spraying the crowns of cherries with sweet syrup (1 tablespoon of sugar or honey per 1 liter of water).

Exposure to low temperatures

Return frosts cause great damage to the future harvest. As a result of spring frosts fruit buds They freeze slightly and can no longer produce berries. And when the air temperature drops to 1 degree below zero, the ovary simply dies and crumbles. To protect the tree, it is recommended to delay the flowering time, without removing snow from under it for as long as possible. If the cherry tree has bloomed and frost is predicted, the crown of a small tree can be covered with a cloth. In the old garden with big trees burning fires with smoke.

So that it doesn’t freeze in the fall root system, watering should also be excluded at this time.

Insufficient fertilizing and watering

During the season, cherries must be watered at least three times so that they have enough moisture for development and fruiting. In addition, the disadvantage nutrients also affects the harvest. The tree has enough strength to flower, but not to form fruits, so it is important to periodically replenish the reserves of microelements in the soil by feeding the tree with organic matter and complex mineral preparations. It is also necessary to maintain normal soil acidity by adding wood ash.

Why cherries don’t bear fruit after flowering and what to do – video

Cherry blossoms in Paris 2019: when to go, where to live, where to look for cherry blossom sites in the French capital. Annual start and end dates of flowering.

Parisians and guests of the capital never tire of thanking the Japanese for giving the world the cherry blossom festival. Or cherries, if we say so. The French quickly picked up the idea of ​​making a cult out of an otherwise ordinary event, and received another reason for admiration. Now for local residents, swollen pink buds in the alleys become a harbinger of warmth, which means spring has finally come into its own.

For tourists, cherry blossoms (by the way, not only cherries, but also magnolias) are one of the main reasons to go to Paris in mid-spring. True, there are also travelers who find themselves in the capital in March by chance, and the blooming riot of pink simply sweeps them off their feet.

To avoid surprises, and possibly adjust your plans for visiting Paris, read the article from cover to cover. The spectacle is worth moving the trip from February to mid-April and even from May to the end of March - it’s not for nothing that Parisian photographers have all available places for these dates booked a year in advance.

When to go to Hanami in Paris 2019

Of course, it is impossible to predict the exact dates of flowering of the cherry trees in Paris - weather forecasters' forecasts vary too much. Hanami starts from the beginning of March and pleases the eye until mid-April. Nobody can say more precisely. Perhaps an experienced gardener who knows the character of each tree and the signs of future spring weather can give more or less specific guidance. And even then within one or two weeks. But this is still of little help to the average tourist. Because, whatever one may say, it’s better to look for tickets and book a hotel in advance.

The earlier the better. Even despite the prevailing opinion that cherry blossoms in Paris are a poorly promoted event, and the available hotel rooms are empty, and flights are cheap. Don't believe it. Firstly, hotels in Paris (especially good and inexpensive ones) are never idle by definition. Secondly, Europeans have long known how beautiful the capital of love is during this period, and for them, no matter where they fly from, Charles de Gaulle airport is just a stone's throw away - an hour or two and on the spot.

What should a Russian do when flying to catch most of the cherry trees in bloom? At the end of March or beginning of April - that's it. Focus on the dates from March 25 to April 7, you can’t go wrong. If you dream of a photo shoot (or photo excursion, as is fashionable now), book in advance. You can search on social networks, Instagram or Tripster, where you will get not only a photographer, but also a guide - two in one.

#2. Hotel Antin Trinity

Double room at Hotel Antin Trinité

Hotel by adequate price; The rooms are modern, newly renovated. Located opposite and a hundred meters from the Grand Opera. Nearby are excursion bus stops, Rossybus to the airport and the RER metro station. Breakfast is decent, staff is friendly.

#3. Hôtel De Lutece - Notre-Dame

Hôtel De Lutece near Notre Dame de Paris

The main advantage of the three-star hotel is its location on the island of Saint-Louis (through the bridge of the same name you can go straight to Notre-Dame de Paris). The interior of the rooms is designed in a light “palace” style, they have air conditioning and soundproofing, and free wi-fi. Breakfasts are very good!

#4. Elysees Union

Elysées Union is close to where the cherry blossoms bloom in Paris!

3 star hotel 10 minutes from Eiffel Tower. Quiet Parisian street, calm area, with shops, cafes and bakeries. The rooms are small, but everything you need is available; The tower is visible from some windows. Breakfast " Buffet", and for Paris it is surprisingly generous, tasty and varied!

Other cherry blossom sites in Paris

A few more secret cherry blossom spots in spring Paris:

  • Park Montsouris. Located on the left bank of the Seine, the nearest metro station is Cité Universitaire. The cherry trees bloom there quite generously, and the place is beautiful: in the center there is a small lake, a lot of cozy benches, and golf courses.
  • Park So. This is a little-known place in Paris; it is not even included in the ratings of the top 10 gardens and parks of the French capital. But the sakura blooms there surprisingly wildly - there are both pink and double-white ones. Remember the name in French "Sceaux". Metro station: Parc de Sceaux, RER line B.
  • Martin Luther King Park. The official name of the square may confuse some, because it is also known as Clichy-Batignolles. The nearest metro station is Brochant, not the RER.

That's all. For the first time, passwords and appearances are more than enough. Have a fragrant trip to Paris and mutual love in the most romantic city in the world!

Photo album containing best places cherry blossoms in Paris (near Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, in the parks of Seau, Montsouris and the Garden of Trees):

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