Every gardener has his own favorite flower, however, few can resist a luxurious rose. Its presence in the garden can be a source of pride, and its well-groomed appearance will be a wonderful addition to the site. You can learn how to plant roses in spring from the article.

Rose: general information

Roses first appeared in the gardens of Ancient Rome: already then about a dozen varieties of roses were described, although they preferred to grow only useful plants. After the fall of Rome, the rose began a triumphal march across Europe: by the beginning of the twentieth century, these flowers could be found almost all over the world. In Russia, roses appeared in early XVI century, but became widespread only in the 18th century.

Most of modern varieties Roses that can be planted in gardens are the result of long breeding and careful selection, so roses can be completely different. Their height ranges from 25–30 cm ( miniature varieties) up to 2.5–6 meters (braid-shaped). Flower length ranges from 12 to 18 cm, while the number of petals can reach 128 pieces. Roses can be single, or in inflorescences of 3–200 pieces. There is no less variety in the shapes of bushes, colors of petals and aromas.

In total, there are three large groups of roses:

  1. Species or wild;
  2. Park or ancient: were known before 1867 and were left unchanged by breeders, as they have enviable durability;
  3. Garden: these are modern hybrids.

Among them, several of the most popular groups stand out, the planting of which in the ground varies greatly:

Basic rose care

Before you start choosing and learning how to plant a rose, you need to remember some rules:

Selecting a location

The rose is quite capricious, and this is primarily expressed in the choice of location and soil. Before you start planting a rose, you need to imagine the end result: will it be a large bush, a wall or an arch, an element alpine slide or something else. For example, to get the effect lush bush the planting must be dense, otherwise there will be holes in the bush, but the roses must have enough free space, otherwise they will interrupt each other's water and nutrition.

Rose requires quite a lot of warmth and sunlight, especially in the morning and before lunch. It is necessary to avoid strong shadow, but also bright sunlight will have a bad effect on the bushes. The flower does not react well to the winds, especially the northern one, so it’s worth taking care to protect the bush. It is better if the rose grows away from trees and strong bushes, which can take water from her and nutrients.

The rose needs good drainage, so it is best to plant it on a hill to prevent the soil from flooding. A slight slope and south side are also suitable.

It is worth noting that the rose can grow in almost any soil. Of course extremes must be avoided: Pure sand will not suit any crop, and therefore planting roses in the spring will not give any result.

Planting rose seedlings

As is already clear, simply digging a hole and planting a bush will not work. Before planting, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare both the land and the seedling itself. Planting is best done in March - April when the air temperature rises to +10–12 degrees. The urgency is due to exposure to the sun: if you delay, it will heat too much, and weak roots will dry out before they have time to develop. How to plant a rose correctly is described below:

Planting roses in spring is done in two ways:

  1. A little earth is poured into the hole, then the cutting is carefully installed, the roots are straightened and filled to the end, periodically compacting. You need to make sure that the root system is not damaged or tangled, otherwise the rose will develop poorly. At the end, the bush is watered abundantly.
  2. The hole is filled big amount heteroauxin solution (1 tablet per bucket), then the bush is planted and covered with the mixture. At the end, it is worth watering the soil a little so that it settles, and add more if dips form.

In the same way, you can replant young bushes when the first leaves appear on them. If the rose is already 4–5 years old, it can be replanted in March and May.

After disembarkation

Hilling must be carried out immediately after planting. This allows the “young growth” to be protected from the sun, and the roots to begin to develop. If the stalk is small, it is covered with dug up earth with its head, if it is quite tall, a hill near the roots is enough. After a couple of weeks, the hill must be carefully removed so that the rose begins to grow.

After that the tops are cut off a little and for 2–3 weeks, every two days the bush is watered with growth stimulants. This will give the flowers a boost to active growth.

Subsequent care should include loosening, fertilizing every 2-3 weeks, watering, pinching or pruning and controlling diseases and pests.

Before the first frost it is necessary to remove all leaves from the bushes, trim them and completely prepare them for winter, covering them with sawdust and covering them on top.


Despite the vagaries, growing a rose is not so difficult. Thanks to the variety of varieties, can be easily picked up optimal variety colors for almost any terrain. After practicing on the unpretentious Floribunda, you will understand how to plant roses correctly and will be able to master the more capricious flower “queens”.

The queen of flowers - the rose - can make the garden more luxurious and aristocratic. Plant rose bushes in open ground possible during the entire warm period, starting in mid-spring. However experienced gardeners It is advised to postpone planting flowers to autumn period.

When is it better to plant roses: autumn or spring?

It is difficult to answer the question about the most favorable time for planting roses. After all, plant adaptation depends on:

For example, seedlings grown in containers have a weakened root system. It is better to plant them in the warm period, lasting from late spring to mid-summer. This should not be done earlier, as the seedlings may not survive spring frosts. And if you plant it later, the bushes will not have time to get stronger before the cold weather.

When spring frosts have ended, but have not yet settled warm weather, as well as in the fall, plants with bare root systems can be planted in the ground.

You can plant a rose in both spring and autumn. Although many prefer the second option, citing a number of reasons:

  1. Before the onset of winter, bushes planted in autumn are just taking root, unlike their spring counterparts, which begin to grow. As a result - more early flowering on next year.
  2. Until mid-autumn, the air is more humid than in spring, and this speeds up the adaptation of seedlings.
  3. More frequent and abundant precipitation allows you to reduce the amount of watering and better moisten the soil.
  4. During the summer, the soil warms up well, its temperature is stable, and there is no likelihood of return frosts, the threat of which is quite high in the spring.

Another advantage of autumn planting roses is a large number of cuttings and seedlings that are sold in nurseries in the fall.

Growing roses is actually much easier than it seems. They do not need constant attention, do not require careful care, but grow well only in favorable conditions. Therefore, autumn planting of roses includes a number of measures to create optimal conditions for them.

Choosing a landing site

Selecting a location is the very first and one of the most important stages planting seedlings. If you plant a rose in the “wrong” location, it may wither and die. What you need to pay attention to when choosing a planting space:

  1. Sun rays. Roses love the sun and warmth, so they plant bushes on south side plot. At the same time, exposure to hot sun rays leads to burning of flowers and creates a favorable environment for development spider mite. In this regard, in the heat it is advisable to create openwork partial shade for the bushes. To do this, set decorative grilles and arches, and next to them they sow climbing plants, which will cover the rose bush from the scorching sun.
  2. The soil. Neutral soil is most suitable for growing roses. Adding lime will help reduce acidity, and high-moor peat will increase it. It is also important that the soil is loose and fertile. Therefore, a mixture of sand and humus is added to the loam, and stone flour and mineral fertilizers are mixed into the sandy soil. Dense soil, which promotes stagnation of destructive moisture, is deeply drained.
  3. Groundwater. Must be located at least 1 m from the ground surface. It is also important to choose a place where the water drains faster after the snow thaws. The plant can die from excessive dampness, so elevated areas are chosen for rose bushes. If there are none, then the elevation is created artificially.
  4. Draft. This is another enemy of the crop, from whose influence the rose dies, so it is important that the planting site is also protected from the wind.

Choice of dates

Best timing for planting roses - the period from early to mid-autumn. The earth is still warm at this time, and frosts are not expected in the near future. Consequently, the roots will have time to strengthen and successfully survive winter frosts.

You can, of course, later identify the bushes for a new place of residence. It’s just important to do this a month before the onset of frost. During this time, the plant will have time to adapt to new conditions and grow several lateral roots. And also gradually prepare for a period of rest.

Selection of seedlings

For planting, select healthy seedlings that are characterized by the presence of:

  • at least three shoots with a glossy dark green surface and shiny thorns;
  • woody stem;
  • strong root system, on which there are white sections without signs of rot or pests (to ensure its good quality, you need to purchase plants with open roots).

On good seedling the leaves are clean, smooth, without any spots or damage. On fresh planting material, the cuts at the top of the shoots are wet.

Possible as planting material use your own rooted cuttings or seedlings grown yourself from seeds:

  1. The cuttings are rooted from the beginning of bud formation until the end of summer. It is better to do this earlier so that roots appear on the sprouts by autumn. For rooting, select semi-lignified shoots with 3-4 buds and place them in water or dig them into the soil.
  2. Roses can be planted with seeds in spring or autumn: by the end of the season, young shoots are already moved to the flowerbed.

Preparing the site

The main action on at this stage is the preparation of the planting pit and soil. What you need to pay attention to:

  1. The pit is prepared immediately before planting. If planting of seedlings was delayed due to various reasons, then the soil must be refreshed by digging up the walls and bottom of the hole.
  2. The hole is dug a little larger than the root system, taking into account that the grafting site is buried 5-8 cm into the soil.
  3. If several bushes are planted or the rose is located next to another large plant, then holes are dug at a distance of at least 0.5 m so that adult bushes receive the optimal amount of air and light for development.
  4. The soil should be fertile and loose to almost the entire depth of the hole. Otherwise, it must be mixed with compost or humus, and sprinkled with a layer of unmixed soil on top. Fresh manure is not applied before planting, as it can burn the roots of the plant.

Determining planting time

The ideal planting time is cloudy but not rainy weather. Don't get down to business if it's windy outside, it's raining or hot (Indian summer period). Then it is better to postpone the planting to another day, and so that the seedlings do not disappear, they need to be wrapped in burlap or plastic wrap and put in the basement.

When the landing took a long time a long period, it is better to put the seedlings away for the winter in a cool room, having first buried them with sand or soil. And after the end of spring frosts, plant on permanent place growth.

Rules for autumn planting roses

Before the procedure, the seedlings are soaked for a day in cool water. The next day they begin to disembark. How to plant a rose correctly:

  1. Pour some soil into the bottom of the hole, forming a mound.
  2. Cut off the tops of the seedlings, leaving shoots 35 cm long, shorten the roots to 30 cm, and remove the foliage.
  3. Place the seedling on a mound, adjust the roots so that they point down.
  4. Carefully cover with soil so that the grafting site is buried 3-8 cm. You can lower it even lower, taking into account that as the plant grows it will rise and root collar may open up, which should not be allowed.
  5. Tamp the soil around the plant well to remove air spaces near the roots, and water generously.
  6. When the water is absorbed, pour 15-20 cm of soil on top - this will save the bush from freezing.
  7. Mulch with sawdust, dried grass or spruce branches.

Before planting, you can dip the roots in a clay-humus mixture. This will speed up their survival. To prevent diseases, seedlings should be pre-treated with iron sulfate.

When planting roses in the fall with an open root system, you can pour a root growth stimulator solution in an amount of at least one bucket into the prepared hole.

Those who have not yet found the answer to the question of when to plant roses: in spring or autumn, should know that one of the advantages of autumn planting is a much higher survival rate compared to spring. The main thing is to follow all the rules and recommendations, and then the seedlings will not be afraid of winter frosts. In the spring, twigs will appear on the planted bush, on which flowers will develop. Correct fit- this is the key to success in growing roses.

The rose has always been considered the queen of the garden. There is probably no gardener who would not strive to grow these beautiful flowers on his site. However, roses are whimsical, and their cultivation is not always successful - sometimes they freeze out, sometimes they don’t take root at all. When to plant roses: autumn or spring? This controversial issue is relevant not only for beginning flower growers, but also for fairly experienced ones. The fact is that there are no clear deadlines. It is possible to plant roses both in spring and autumn, it all depends on the climate, planting option, rose variety and other factors.

Planting roses is possible in different terms: in autumn, in spring period and even in summer. Shrubs with a closed root system, grown in containers or pots, can be transplanted into the ground throughout warm season. As for seedlings with an open root system, they should be planted in spring or autumn. Each time period has certain advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the climate of the region where roses are planted and plant in accordance with its characteristics.

Autumn planting is acceptable for southern territories with mild and short winters. When planting young bushes in these regions, you don’t have to worry about them freezing. However, there is a catch here too. It may happen that the winter will be very warm or the constant cold will be late, and then the planted bush will grow, which will most negatively affect its wintering. There are also positive aspects to autumn planting - sufficient air and soil humidity. In autumn, the temperature gradually decreases and it rains often, which eliminates the need to water the plants and ensure that they do not overheat.

Planting roses in the spring ensures that the seedlings do not freeze from severe frosts, and nothing will interfere with their rooting. The only danger is night frosts, but plants can be protected from them for the first time.

back side spring planting is that the air temperature is rapidly rising and the soil is heating up, so plants need frequent watering and shelter from the sun. Landing in early spring This problem also does not solve, since in March or early April the ground is still frozen, and roses need to be planted in completely thawed and warmed soil.

And yet, many gardeners choose spring for planting. Plants are planted in open ground as soon as the soil warms up to +10 °C (April - early May). The exact timing depends on the climate of the region, but planting must be done before the buds open. In spring it is recommended to plant roses in mountainous area where sudden temperature changes often occur.

Spring - the right time for landing standard roses, since the flowers of these varieties are very poorly tolerated autumn planting, and cold in general. It is also preferable to plant climbing roses in spring, but ground cover varieties can be planted both in spring and autumn. Taking into account all the pros and cons of planting periods, there is no clear answer to the question: when is the best time to plant roses? – is very difficult, so you should accept the fact that both options are applicable in practice, and which one to choose, decide for yourself, based on external factors.

Video “Planting bushes in spring”

From the video you will learn how to properly plant bushes in spring.

Preparation of seedlings and soil

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated about planting roses. The landing process itself is really simple if everything preparatory work carried out in advance. Preparing roses for planting consists of several very important steps:

  1. Site selection. Roses for successful development and flowering requires a lot of sun and air space, so the best option for planting would be an unshaded, spacious plot of land away from tall plants and trees.
    They do not like excessive humidity, and if it is not possible to plant the bushes on a small hill or slope, the plants should be provided with good drainage.
  2. Soil preparation. Roses are also picky about soil. She prefers loose and quite fertile land with a large layer of organic matter. The best option– loamy soil mixed with humus, compost and mineral fertilizers. Before planting, the area needs to be dug well, cleared of debris, and fertilized. If the soil is too heavy, you need to add coarse sand and peat to it - these components will improve its properties. Planting pits dig up 2 weeks before planting - this time is necessary for the soil to compact and interact with fertilizers.
  3. Preparation of seedlings. If the plants were purchased from a nursery, then most likely the roots have dried out. To revive them, the seedlings are placed in water for a day. Instead of water, you can use a stimulating solution. Experts recommend dipping the roots into a mixture of clay and mullein before planting (2 parts clay and 1 part mullein diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream). The bush itself must be trimmed to a length of 30 cm, all thin shoots must be removed with pruners, leaving 2-4 of the strongest ones.

It is advisable to choose a fine day for planting roses. Plants should not be planted immediately after rain or in hot weather.

Planting seedlings

In spring, roses are planted in the ground when the threat of night frosts has passed and the soil has thawed and warmed up sufficiently. Planting holes should correspond to the size of the rhizome, but if they are dug before purchasing seedlings, then the optimal dimensions will be 50x50x50. When planting in groups, it is necessary to maintain the distance between the bushes, which depends on varietal characteristics roses:

If the holes are prepared in advance, then before planting you only need to water them, you can also add a handful wood ash. Then the seedling is placed in a hole, the roots are straightened and covered with soil layer by layer, periodically compacting each layer - this is necessary so that air cushions do not accidentally form in the soil.

It is very important that the roots in the hole are located freely, since in tight spaces it will be more difficult for them to take root.

After planting, the earth around the seedling is compacted, the planted rose bush is watered, after which a pile of dry earth 15-20 cm high is poured at the base of the roots.

They dream that these flowers will decorate their lands with their bright colors and aromas.

Soil preparation

For good growth You need fertile, loose soil with the maximum amount of soil. If yours does not meet the requirements, it needs to be prepared.

It is important to do this some time before planting. It is necessary to mix the soil with organic soil in equal quantities. Then add bone meal to the composition.
Roses are planted in holes or trenches 65 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter. If your area is sandy, you need to put a 5 cm high layer of clay on the bottom. Such manipulations will help prevent the soil from drying out. Clay soil is compacted with gravel sand to get rid of waterlogging. Just before planting, the prepared mixture is poured into the recesses.

Rules for planting roses in autumn

Roses are planted in the fall using the same technology as full-fledged bushes.

Important! If you bought rose seedlings with an open root system or cuttings, but it is impossible to plant them correctly, you cannot do everything in a hurry. It is better to place them in a shipping container on an insulated loggia or bury them in the cellar and plant them in open ground in the spring.

Planting bushes (technology)

The process of planting roses is not too difficult if you know how to do it. sequences work must be carried out:

  • The bottom of the pit is loosened with a pitchfork, a mixture of soil and soil is poured on top, and then ordinary soil.
  • The roots of the seedlings are pruned.
  • It is also recommended to trim the ends of the shoots.
  • The seedling is placed in the middle of the hole, the roots are carefully straightened. Soil is poured on top so that the root collar deepens 5 cm.
  • The earth is compacted.
  • Spend copious amounts. It is recommended to spend at least 20 liters of water on each bush.
  • The bush is hilled so that the soil roll is at least 10 cm in height.
  • You can put mowed grass on top or.


You need to plant roses in the fall in the same way as at other times of the year. The distance between bushes should be 70 cm, and between rows 1.5 m. The dimensions of the recesses depend on the type of variety:

  • : 40x40x40 cm.
  • Park or: 50x50x50 cm.

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