Chervil contains essential vitamins C and carotene, as well as essential oils that give it a fresh aniseed scent.

Any type of chervil is suitable fertile lands. The plant reproduces by seeds. It is cold-resistant, so it can be sown directly on open beds in early spring. Before sowing, seeds should be wetted between two layers of gauze and germinated. This will speed up the emergence of seedlings. Chervil is also sown in the fall from late August to late September.


For 1 square meter of bed you will need up to 2 grams of chervil seeds. In order to continuously receive fresh greens throughout the summer, it is necessary to repeat the sowings before July 15th every two weeks. And after sowing, you can take chervil leaves until it blooms, and flowering occurs after 1.5 months.

Chervil grows well in open ground. IN summer period crops need to be done for more lush greenery in shaded areas.

You can try sowing seeds before winter. Prepare the bed in advance, add humus and complex mineral fertilizers.

IN hot weather, if not sufficient watering, plants respond by blooming quickly. Therefore, during this period, chervil needs to be shaded and watered with water heated in the sun, if necessary, up to 3 liters per 1 square meter.

To get your chervil seeds, you need to sow them early in the spring through seedlings. In this case, the plants prepared for obtaining seeds are thinned out, but the leaves are left without being torn off. Seeds ripen in August-September, when the lower umbels of the plants turn brown.

Caring for green chervil plants consists of weeding, fertilizing, and timely watering. And then from 1 m2 you can get up to 3 kg of nutritious greens for your table.

This plant, which has an aniseed taste and aroma, is rarely grown by gardeners for some reason. However, if you sow it at least once in your garden, it will multiply by self-sowing. True, not all seeds germinate in this case.
We'll talk about ordinary chervil, which belongs to the celery family. While chervil represents young plant, it is very reminiscent of parsley.

Chervil like spicy plant, the ancient Greeks knew. Chervil leaves contain active substances: vitamin C, rutin, mineral salts, carotene, essential oils, etc. Chervil is a wonderful remedy for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, for hepatitis, tuberculosis, and skin rashes.

Chervil develops well and grows on different types soils, although best results reaches on humus-rich and well-moistened soils. If the soil lacks moisture, the plant will begin to bloom prematurely and produce a small amount of leaves that are rough to the touch. Chervil grows well in the shade, so it can be found near fences and near trees. Excellent as a compactor for late plants.
Approximately 2 weeks after sowing the seeds, shoots appear. However, at first the plant grows very slowly, so in order to somewhat speed up this process, the area where the chervil grows must be cleared of weeds.

Chervil seeds are usually sown in 4 terms. The first time sowing is done in early spring, after the snow cover has melted. In May and June, the second and third sowings are carried out, three weeks apart. Further, during the summer, sowing should be stopped, because the plant does not tolerate summer heat well. Therefore, the last date for sowing seeds is in early autumn. In this case, the plant is able to overwinter well and sprout immediately after the snow melts.

Before you start sowing the seeds, they should be soaked. True, this measure does not in any way guarantee that the seedlings will appear together. That. It is recommended to sow chervil in the shade or cover it with film. And, of course, do not forget about timely watering of the soil. If chervil is planted before winter, right before frost, then the seeds do not need to be soaked.

If there are not enough chervil seeds, then you can grow chervil using the seedling method, planting several seeds in one cup. If you place such cups with seedlings in a greenhouse or just on a windowsill, then the seedlings will appear very quickly, and after the formation of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings can be transplanted into open ground along with a lump of earth.

It must be said that self-seeding of chervil is not bad; the fallen seeds are stratified over the winter and begin to sprout in the spring. In this case, it is necessary to determine an area for the plant that will not be dug up and flooded with water.

If you sow seeds directly into open ground, then this should be done in pre-made grooves, the distance between which should be at least 20 centimeters. Having made 4 grooves, you need to leave a wide half-meter passage between them. Before planting the seeds, it is recommended to fertilize the furrows with humus, and in dry weather, fill them with water. After the water has been completely absorbed, the seeds can be planted, covering them to 2 centimeters.

Chervil is easy to care for. It’s enough to just delete it in time weeds and water in dry weather. After the plants are well established and grow a little, they should be thinned out to a distance of 10-15 cm.

The main harvest of chervil can be harvested a month and a half after its germination, but before flowering. A plant suitable for food should have 5-7 leaves and a height of 25 cm.
Plants should be cut close to the soil, but... If they grow back poorly, it is not recommended to make repeated cuts. It is advisable to leave pre-winter or early sowing. When the chervil leaves turn yellow and the fruits on the central umbels turn brown, they can be harvested.

Hello, dear readers!

It is distributed wildly in the North Caucasus and Western Asia, where it grows along the banks of streams and small rivers. In addition to common chervil, chervil root (chervil turnip) is known; its root vegetables are eaten fried, boiled and raw.

Chervil is an annual spicy vegetable crops. The plant is unpretentious and very useful. Its leaves, collected before flowering, contain large quantities various trace elements, essential oils, rutin, carotene, vitamin C, biologically active substances. Chervil has a sweetish aroma that combines the smell of parsley, anise and fennel.

Chervil is well absorbed by the body, in folk medicine it is used as a means to improve digestion, for tuberculosis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

In cooking I received chervil wide application. It aromas well and gives a unique taste to dishes made from vegetables, mushrooms, fish, meat, cheese, and cottage cheese. It is used in cooking fresh salads, added to soups, okroshka, scrambled eggs. Chervil goes well with other herbs. When frozen and dried, chervil loses its aroma, so it is better to use it in fresh and add to dishes shortly before serving.

Biological features of chervil

– the plant is cold-resistant and young seedlings when sown in autumn, in the phase of several true leaves, can tolerate frosts down to – 10 degrees, and under snow cover even lower temperatures.

Most high yield greens can be obtained from growing chervil when the duration of daylight is no more than 11 hours, that is, in spring and autumn. In summer, chervil quickly shoots out its arrow and blooms, so during this period it is better to grow it in slight shade.

Chervil is usually grown in open ground, but it also thrives under film covers, in hotbeds, and greenhouses. Fans of this herb grow chervil indoors from February to May and from September to December.

As for most green crops, it is better to prepare the soil for growing chervil in advance by adding 1 square meter. m 4-5 kg ​​of humus and 50-65 g of complex mineral fertilizers. Sowing can be carried out in early spring and autumn with row spacing of 35-45 cm. Sowing of seeds is carried out to a depth of 1.0-1.5 cm. Before sowing, it is recommended to treat the seeds with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 30-35 minutes, then rinse immediately cold water. Chervil seedlings, like most herbs, take a long time to appear, so before sowing it is better to germinate them until they sprout.

Thinning of the seedlings is carried out after two weeks, leaving 10-12 cm between plants. In the future, you need to ensure that the beds do not dry out, loosen the soil after watering while simultaneously weeding.

If the weather is favorable and good care After 35-38 days, chervil can be cut. It is better to cut off the plant almost entirely, since after cutting, chervil grows back very poorly, and to obtain production during the season, re-sow at intervals of two weeks. Grow chervil V summer months better in slightly shaded areas.

If the goal is to obtain chervil seeds, then it is better to sow in September. Then the plants grow more powerful and reach a height of up to 65 cm by the end of April, bloom profusely and produce a seed yield twice as high as with spring sowing.

Best regards, Sergey Mozgovykh

Chervil retains its value only in fresh, frozen or fermented form.

The saturation of beneficial substances in kupir helps in treatment cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, prevention and treatment of diabetes.


  • Chervil Fragrant, mid-season, height from 40 to 60 cm;
  • Caprice is a relatively low variety, 30-32 cm;
  • Chervil Openwork with a branched stem, height from 45 to 70 cm;
  • Dietary chervil, up to 35 cm in height;
  • Chervil Izmailovsky Semko is early ripening (the greens are harvested a month after sowing), tall.

All varieties have:

  • spicy aroma;
  • shade-loving;
  • highly decorative;
  • resistance to sudden cold snaps.

There are no restrictions on the growing region.

There is a turnip (tuberous) variety of chervil. In cooking, thickened rhizomes of the plant are used, which can be dried for future use.

Growing technology

Requirements for place and soil

Chervil is a rather shade-loving plant; for planting, choose places illuminated by the sun in the early morning hours or before sunset. Typically, beds for chervil are laid out under fruit trees.


Areas where water stagnates after rain are unsuitable for cultivation.

The kupyr is not picky about the soil. However, light fertile soil with neutral or slightly alkaline acidity is the key to a bountiful harvest.

Sowing dates

Seeds are sown in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. Not excluded winter sowing. To be constantly present on the table fresh herbs chervil, use the conveyor method, sowing seeds every 10-15 days. The interval between sowings is determined based on varietal characteristics.

Soil preparation

To increase soil fertility, 20 g of potassium and 60 g of potash are added per square meter of beds under chervil. phosphate fertilizers and 3-4 kg of manure (rotted). The soil is dug up without leaving large clods, moistened, and grooves are made for the seeds.

Seed preparation

Since chervil seeds contain essential oils, treatment is required before sowing: soaking in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour; soaking in water until biting.


The hatched seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5-1.5 cm. The distance between the rows is 20-25 cm, depending on the size of the plant.

Outdoor care

  1. Thin out sprouts to a height of 5 cm, keeping a distance between them of 20-25 cm.
  2. Weed the crops as needed. Special attention given in the first weeks to prevent weeds from drowning out the seedlings.
  3. It is recommended to water the plantings frequently: chervil loves moisture. Watering “for future use” is unacceptable; excessively wet soil leads to plant diseases.
  4. Loosen the soil after watering, preventing the formation of a crust.
  5. There is no need to feed the plantings. The growing season of chervil is short; fertilizers applied before sowing are sufficient until the harvest is obtained.

Own seeds

High-quality chervil seeds are collected from plants sown before winter or early spring. They fully ripen within two months.

Harvest and storage

The harvest is harvested strictly before the plant begins to flower. Otherwise, the leaves become coarser, lose their aroma, and lose beneficial features.

The peculiarity of chervil is the low renewal of green mass after cutting. For this reason, the green mass is cut off to the base and the beds are dug up.

Store fresh herbs in the refrigerator, preferably in a container with water - like flowers. For long-term storage use freezing or pickling (fermentation).

Interesting! Often in the villages of the foothill regions of the North Caucasus, not only the leaves, but also the stems of chervil are stored for future use.

Cleared of the rough shell, they normalize peristalsis, relieve chronic constipation, and help the body restore intestinal microflora after serious illnesses. Store the stems in freezer or fermented like cabbage.

Chervil tubers are preserved well throughout the winter. They are stored in cool cellars, like other root vegetables - beets, carrots, etc.

Chervil oleracea comes from Western Asia and Southern Russia(North Caucasus), where it is still found in the wild in wastelands, along the banks of rivers and streams.

There is also chervil root (root vegetable), the roots of which are eaten raw, boiled or fried. It is also called tuberous buten (chervil turnip).

Photo of chervil (can be enlarged by clicking on it).

Useful properties of chervil.

Chervil is an annual spice plant. Fresh leaves are used for food before flowering. This unpretentious plant rich in vitamin C - 45-60 mg%, carotene - 37 mg%, rutin, contains trace elements, quite a lot essential oils, biologically active substances, from which it has a tonic property. The delicate, sweetish aroma of chervil combines the scent of fennel, anise and parsley.

It is widely used in folk medicine as a digestive improver; the juice is drunk for dizziness, as well as for respiratory diseases. The use of chervil is considered especially useful for tuberculosis and other debilitating diseases. The tender greens of chervil are easily digested and well absorbed by the body.

Chervil is a cold-resistant, one might even say frost-resistant plant, since, sown in autumn, it can withstand quite freely in the rosette phase (5-6 leaves). winter frosts at -10-12 ° C, and in the presence of snow cover even lower.

Chervil is a long-day plant; in such conditions it quickly forms a stem and blooms. At the same time, it is shade-tolerant and can be grown in slight shade under the canopy of trees in the garden. But greatest harvest tender greenery can be obtained by growing chervil in spring and autumn on short day in bright sunlight.

Chervil - growing technology

Chervil is grown in open and protected ground, and who doesn’t? land plot, can grow it on a window in a room in early spring, starting from February windows until the end of May and from late August to December, depending on weather conditions autumn. The use of film covers in autumn and spring period allows you to extend the period of receipt of fresh products from open ground.

The soil is being prepared for normal sowing chervil in the same way as for all green crops. For 1 sq. m add 3-5 kg ​​of rotted manure, 40-60 g of superphosphate and 15-20 grams of potassium salt. After digging, water the soil and cut shallow grooves with a hoe, 30-40 centimeters apart.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Shoots from sowing with dry seeds appear only on the 15th-20th day. To speed up this process, the seeds are soaked before sowing or even germinated at a temperature of 20-25 degrees until they peck once. It is advisable to treat the seeds with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 25-30 minutes before soaking.

The seedlings must be thinned by 8-10 cm with a plant height of 5-6 cm. Further care consists of weeding, loosening the soil, watering as necessary.

Chervil leaves are ready for cutting, depending on weather conditions, 30-35 days after emergence. It must be carried out as close to the ground as possible in one step, since the plant does not grow back well after cutting. In order to have fresh leaves a long period time, re-seeding is carried out after 10-14 days. Summer, August sowings are best done in semi-shaded places.

On Black Sea coast and in the central zone Krasnodar region Chervil overwinters green and can produce marketable leaves in early spring, in the first or second decade of March.

Features of obtaining seeds.

Chervil is sown for seeds either in early spring - in March, or in autumn - in September. Seed plants from the early spring sowing period they are 30-35 cm high, bloom in June-July, and from autumn sowing Plant height is 60-70 cm; they bloom at the end of April. The seeds ripen in June. The seed yield is twice as high as from early spring sowing.

Note to the housewife - the use of crevel in recipes.

Fresh leaves and young shoots are eaten, especially with cucumbers, as a seasoning for vegetable, meat and egg dishes. Chervil is used to flavor cottage cheese, cheese, and mayonnaise. It is used in the preparation of vegetable, mushroom and chicken soups, pickles, okroshka, sprinkle it on scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, add it to boiled meat, fish, rice, beans, potatoes, green peas, grilled poultry, and pork. Chervil goes well with such spicy aromatic plants as tarragon (tarragon), parsley,. Fresh chervil can be used to infuse vinegar into salad dressings.

Chervil is used exclusively fresh, as when dried or frozen it loses its aroma. Therefore, chervil is added to dishes immediately before serving or at the last moment of cooking.

Its leaves are very decorative and can be used to decorate various dishes.

Common chervil - expert advice

Or buteneleaf sedum is an annual herbaceous plant from the Apiaceae family. It is famous for its specific aroma with a slight hint of anise, parsley and tarragon and is part of the famous spicy French mixtures fine-erbe and bouquet garni.

Young leaves are added to salads with mushrooms, potatoes, sauces, okroshka, and pickles. Chervil will add an unforgettable piquant taste to dishes made from fish, poultry, and lamb.


You can sow chervil until three times per year: in early spring, at the end of June and in August-September, but true gourmets of this spice culture they sow it every two to three weeks in order to constantly have fragrant young greens.

A light soil substrate with an alkaline reaction is suitable. Add 1 tbsp to a bucket of a mixture of turf soil and humus (1:2). ash and 1 tbsp. nitrophoska. The substrate must be disinfected by spilling with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or one of the infusions:

a pinch of chopped onion peel (6-8 g) is infused in 1 liter of water for two to three days, filtered;

1 kg of fresh crushed nettle leaves is poured into 10 liters of water, left for ten days, drained, filtered;

10 g of fresh or 1 g of dry moss are mixed in 1 liter of water at room temperature, filtered, poured into the soil (or crushed dry moss is mixed with top layer soil substrate directly in the pot).

In all cases, do not use hot water!

Before sowing, the substrate is moistened. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm without preliminary preparation and covered with glass or film to maintain moisture. Friendly shoots (if the seeds are fresh) at a temperature of +20-25 degrees appear in 7-14 days. They must be thinned out in the phase of two true leaves and the temperature lowered to + 14-18 degrees.

Further care

At active growth water daily and abundantly: chervil loves moist, but not waterlogged soils (drainage is placed at the bottom of the container). The greenhouse must be ventilated. If young greens are not intended to be used for food, pickled seedlings are planted 1 at a time. into pots with a diameter of at least 10 cm. Then, as they grow, transfer them to a larger pot.

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