Breast milk is an essential food for a newborn baby. Gradually, with each month, the child’s body develops, forms and begins to need other food. Among the important and valuable food products are fermented milk products. They are a source of vitamins, the most important of which is calcium, and also improve the processes of absorption and digestion of food.

You can buy kefir for babies, or you can make it yourself. In the latter case, you can be confident in the quality and naturalness of the product. To prepare it, you don’t need to have any special skills, the main thing is to be patient and have the necessary ingredients.

Main Ingredients

You can make kefir in several ways. They all depend on the selected components and the time required to create kefir. You can choose the desired taste, consistency and monitor the expiration dates yourself.

For kefir you will need the following ingredients:

  • The most basic ingredient is milk.
  • To increase calorie content, you may need sour cream.
  • Sourdough starter (can be purchased at a pharmacy). Regular kefir bought in a store can serve as a starter.
  • Sugar or other sweeteners (jam, syrup).

Kefir can be made from goat milk. An allergy in this case is unlikely, since goat's milk does not contain cow's protein. This kefir will be very healthy and contain many vitamins and minerals.

A baby can take kefir based on goat's milk from the age of about 10 months. If parents still decide to introduce the product earlier, then it is worth diluting it with water. To decide at what period to start complementary feeding, you should consult your pediatrician. It is he who, taking into account the state of the child’s health, will resolve this issue.

Product preparation methods

To prepare a tasty and safe product, you will need a little effort and time. For the base, use any milk. How much milk is needed is determined by the mother herself.

  1. Prepare a saucepan and pour in milk (1 liter). It is better to choose dishes with aluminum coating, then the contents will not stick to the walls.
  2. Heat over low heat. No need to bring to a boil.
  3. When foam begins to appear, remove the pan with the contents from the heat and place in a cool, dark place until it cools completely.
  4. After this, the liquid is poured into a glass container, the starter (100–150 ml) is added and the lid is tightly closed.
  5. The jar is placed in a warm place. In this case, fermentation will proceed faster. Basically, this process takes about a day.
  6. Then the finished kefir is transferred to the refrigerator, where it cools and takes on its final form.

After the product has cooled, the required amount is poured, heated and given to the child. The amount will depend on the age of the baby.

You can add sugar to the finished product. To avoid allergies, it is better to do this when the child is 12 months old. First you need to instill a love for kefir without any additives.

Kefir for babies based on goat's milk is prepared according to the same recipe. His concentration will depend on the age of the child. Bifidobacteria can be used as a starter.

To prepare the starter, you will need the following steps:

  1. Boil the required amount of milk (200 ml) in a saucepan.
  2. Then add 1 packet of bifidobacteria (5 doses) and sour cream (30 g).
  3. The resulting mixture is placed in a warm place for several hours. Usually three hours is enough.

Kefir itself should be prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Heat the milk until light foam forms.
  2. A tablespoon of sourdough is added.
  3. The mixture is infused at room temperature for about several hours.

How much kefir to give depends on how old the child is and how long ago the product was introduced. You should start with a few teaspoons and gradually increase the dose.

Kefir is usually introduced into the diet when the child turns 8 months old. However, the timing may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. If the child has problems: colic, flatulence, increased gas production, then the timing may shift to the age of 10 months.

Benefits of homemade kefir

  • The shelf life of kefir made at home is about four days. It is this condition that indicates that the product is natural.
  • The natural product does not contain preservatives, which cannot be said about purchased products. Regular kefir, which is offered in stores, can be stored for weeks.
  • If a child has allergies, then you can safely give kefir made at home.
  • Kefir is an irreplaceable source of calcium and other microelements necessary for the growth and formation of all body systems.
  • It promotes the formation of healthy intestinal microflora, thereby protecting against inflammatory and infectious diseases.
  • Activates the functioning of the digestive organs, helps increase the child’s appetite.
  • Contains many beneficial bacteria.

You can try giving homemade kefir to your child as early as six months, but only in small portions and not very often. An allergy to kefir occurs if the child has general lactose intolerance. In this case, any fermented milk product (yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk) can provoke allergic symptoms.

The decision about when to give the product depends on how the baby is fed. If he is bottle-fed, then you can try introducing kefir as early as six months.

If the child is breastfed, it is better to leave this fermented milk product until a later age.

Contraindications for use

All dairy products contain large amounts of protein. Not all infants tolerate protein foods. Therefore, an allergy may be a response to this product.

The main symptoms of food allergies are:

  • temperature increase;
  • abdominal pain, bloating;
  • a rash appears on any part of the body;
  • in some cases there may be swelling of the oral mucosa.

Allergies can also occur within the body. In this case, internal organs suffer. The condition can be serious and lead to anaphylactic shock.


  • runny nose, swelling of the nose appears;
  • cough with wheezing when exhaling;
  • labored breathing.

An allergy to regular kefir can be caused not by the protein, but by other components. Therefore, additional examinations should be carried out. And in this case, the ideal option would be to make kefir at home.

When to give a fermented milk product depends on the method of its preparation. The shorter the product’s shelf life, the better and more natural its ingredients.

Key points in preparing the product

  • Cooling of milk should be done at room temperature. If you put it in the refrigerator or take it out into the cold, the nutrients in it will become less or they will disappear completely.
  • If kefir is used instead of a special starter, then it is better to take it from a dairy kitchen. The content of beneficial bacteria is much higher there.
  • The longer the finished product is stored, the greater the effect it has on the intestines. Therefore, if everything is normal with stool, it is better to use kefir in the first days after preparation. If the baby suffers from constipation, then kefir, which is aged for three days, will help.
  • If kefir is stored for more than four days, it is not recommended to give it to a child (an allergy may occur).
  • The utensils that will be used for cooking must be clean and sterilized.

To prepare high-quality and tasty kefir, in most cases you need kefir grains, which can be obtained from a dairy kitchen or factory. Outwardly, it very much resembles a lump of curd with microorganisms formed during the fermentation of milk.

If you are using starter, add it to pre-prepared milk (it should be skimmed, boiled and cooled to room temperature). The amount of starter is 50 g per half liter of milk.

After you add the starter to the milk, leave the mixture for a day. At the same time, remember that it should be stored at a temperature of 18-20°C. After a day, the milk should ferment and the fungi should emerge. If everything goes according to plan, you need to strain the milk through a sieve, wash the resulting clots with boiled water, then pour milk over everything again and repeat the process.

Another recipe for homemade kefir involves adding sugar. For it you will need:
- milk – 900 ml;
- sugar – 1 tbsp;
- sourdough (you can use any store-bought kefir) – 100 ml.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and place it over low heat. Warm it until the cap begins to rise. As soon as it boils, remove the milk from the heat and place it in a cool place (refrigerator or balcony) to cool. Mix the cooled milk with the starter and pour into portioned jars. Alternatively, you can place it in one large container. Place the workpiece in a warm place for a day.

If you are lucky enough to have fresh milk, you can make the most wonderful homemade kefir. To prepare it you will need:
- fresh milk – 1 l;
- sour cream – 1 tsp;
- sourdough – 10 tsp.

Pour fresh milk into an aluminum pan and bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, skim off the foam and pour the milk into heat-resistant pots, add sour cream. Place the pots on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Start baking the milk and continue doing this for 4 hours. This way you can get delicious baked milk, which has a special rich and bright taste, which is why it can easily become a delicious dessert.

When you take the pots out of the oven, pour the starter over them. This must be done carefully and evenly so that the film formed on the milk during baking is not broken. Don't mix anything. Then put the pots in a warm place for 5-7 hours. If possible, then for the whole night. The mass should thicken. Place the pots in the refrigerator and keep them there for some time.

The only thing worth considering is that such kefir should be given to infants little by little so as not to overload the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. A few teaspoons will be enough. It is better to store milk for babies in sterilized bottles.

When your baby is six months old, it is time to diversify his diet and introduce complementary foods. This is necessary for both the mother and the newborn. His still tiny organism develops, grows and requires more and more diverse nutrients. The first month or two should be devoted to baby cereals and fruit and vegetable purees. But from 7-8 months it’s time for fermented milk products. The baby’s digestive system is not yet fully activated, but she can already cope with kefir and baby cottage cheese, especially since these same products will help her.

Surely any mother knows this, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat it. So:

  • Kefir is a source of calcium, necessary for the growth and formation of bones and teeth.
  • The bacteria contained in the drink actively participate in the normalization and stimulation of the digestive system.
  • good for muscles, cartilage and other soft tissues.
  • strengthens the immune system.
  • increases appetite.

Of course, it does not affect all vital organs and systems, but the benefits are quite obvious.

How to introduce kefir into complementary feeding for infants

Babies who receive plenty of mother's milk do not need to rush into this. First, you should introduce the toddler's stomach to fruit and vegetable purees. They are easier to digest and prepare the digestive system for the following foods. The optimal option is considered to be 7-8 months of age, and some simple rules will help the baby accept a new type of diet without any unpleasant consequences.

  • The very first portion should not exceed 2-3 teaspoons, after which supplementary feeding should be done either with breast milk or, if the baby is bottle-fed, with a special infant formula.
  • You should wait at least 2 days before the second time. This is done due to the fact that an allergy to kefir in a baby may not appear immediately, and you can only aggravate it with impatience. Such a break is necessary for the baby’s body to better get used to the drink itself.
  • Since kefir tends to increase appetite, it is better to give it in the first half of the day.
  • Adding sugar is strictly prohibited. This combination will cause fermentation in the baby’s stomach, which will lead to not very pleasant consequences in the form of colic and gas. If the baby does not like the sour taste of kefir, there is always the opportunity to sweeten it a little with a small amount of fruit puree.
  • If no negative reactions occur, you can safely increase the portion to 4-5 teaspoons.

As you can see, there are no special rules, and there cannot be. With a few exceptions, everything is exactly the same as when introducing other foods into complementary foods.

What to choose: store-bought kefir or homemade?

Store-bought kefir or homemade?

Retail chains offer so many specialized children's products that an inexperienced mother's eyes run wild. Reading the label and ingredients of each means wasting time that could be devoted to other more important activities, but this does not mean that you can grab the first product you see off the shelf. Moreover, the ubiquitous Internet, and television, every now and then throw up stories dedicated to the unsatisfactory quality of all kinds of products, from which the hair stands on end. You don’t have to believe everything, but caution doesn’t hurt.
If you decide to buy kefir in a store, be sure to pay attention to some aspects.

    • “Children’s” should be written on the packaging in large letters. This is not a publicity stunt. This is a mandatory indication that the product has undergone special adaptation.
    • The shelf life should be minimal. If this is not the case, then kefir contains preservatives.
    • Be sure to check the integrity of the packaging.
    • If your baby reacts negatively to kefir from one manufacturer, this does not mean that you should completely abandon the purchased product. In this case, you should try a different brand of kefir.
    • You should not buy baby kefir for future use. It's better to go to the store one more time.

These rules can protect your baby from a low-quality product, but only self-prepared kefir can provide complete safety. Here you will know exactly what, how and by what technology the product is prepared, and if everything is done correctly and with soul, no problems should arise.

How to make kefir for babies at home

How to make kefir

The question of how to make kefir for babies at home is asked by almost all young mothers. The same manufacturers, in order to advertise their products, claim that this is a complex and responsible process, accessible only in the super-sterile conditions of their production. In fact, everything is much simpler and more accessible. To do this, you will need a certain amount of cow's milk (goat milk gives a somewhat unusual taste), a starter, which can be ordinary sour cream, a clean saucepan and a sterilized jar with a tight lid. And, of course, quite a bit of free time.
So let's get started:

      • A liter of milk should be boiled for 6-7 minutes. It’s not an easy task, I must say, because holding boiling milk in a saucepan is a real art, but over time you will get so good at it that you will do it without looking at the stove.
      • Wait until the milk cools down. Do not put it in the refrigerator or take it out onto the balcony. With sudden cooling, it will lose most of its beneficial and nutritional qualities.
      • Pour the milk into a prepared sterilized glass jar.
      • After the milk has cooled, you can safely add the starter, a teaspoon of sour cream per glass and leave to sour for 10 hours. Better in a warm and dark place. The amount of sour cream can be adjusted if you subsequently feel that the consistency of kefir does not meet your wishes.
      • You take out the jar, open it and, having first tried what happened, and it should turn out perfectly, give it to your baby.

Instead of sour cream, you can use the same children's purchased kefir, of proven quality, you just need to decide on the amount that you will add to the prepared milk.
You can also buy special starter cultures sold in pharmacies. For example, Narine sourdough. The principle of preparation will change little, but it will allow you not to run to the store every time for sour cream or baby kefir.

Which kefir to choose for feeding a newborn, purchased or homemade, is an individual choice. One thing can be said for sure: kefir is a very healthy and necessary product that has a very beneficial effect on a variety of functions of a small organism. Well, it has only one contraindication – individual intolerance to milk protein, which is very rare.

Should I give kefir to an infant: Komarovsky

is a fairly popular product in our country, the presence of which in the daily family diet has long become the norm. This drink has earned such love primarily due to its beneficial qualities and the many microelements contained in its composition. However, when it comes to it, as for children in the first year of life, the opinions of pediatricians often differ, which in turn confuses parents of babies.

Of course, no one doubts the usefulness of kefir for a small organism, but you need to understand when, in what quantities and according to what scheme this product can be offered to a child.

The benefits of kefir for children's bodies

High-quality kefir, prepared in compliance with the technological process, has a lot of properties that are especially useful for a growing organism:

  1. It is an excellent source of building material for cells and organs - protein: 200 ml of kefir can satisfy from 8 to 10% of the daily protein requirement of a child’s body (children from six months to a year should receive about 30 g of protein per day).
  2. Supplies the body with calcium necessary for the formation of bone tissue.
  3. It affects the digestive process: fresh kefir weakens, thereby helping to solve the problem that often torments children during the period, and a more mature product strengthens, which allows you to get rid of it in a natural way.
  4. It is a natural probiotic, that is, it has a beneficial effect on the general health of the child, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and strengthening the immune system.
  5. Kefir stimulates the production of antiviral antibodies, which helps more effectively fight infections of viral and bacterial origin, as well as, which have a beneficial effect on metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system.
  6. Stimulates the functioning of the enzyme system, which helps the child develop a healthy appetite.
  7. Very rarely can cause in children.

At what age should a baby be given kefir?

As soon as a child approaches the age when it is necessary to introduce him to adult food, the question arises of what is the best way to start complementary feeding. This is where pediatricians' recommendations diverge.

Some experts believe that fermented milk products are the best option for starting complementary feeding, since the composition and consistency of such products are much closer to milk than, for example, porridge or vegetable puree.

However, their opponents insist that kefir can be offered to a child only after he has become familiar with vegetables, fruits, cereals and even meat. This opinion is explained by the lack of adaptation of this product to the nutritional needs of a growing child’s body.

  • breastfeeding - no earlier than 8-9 months;
  • on artificial - at 7-8 months.
  1. It is difficult for the baby’s intestines to cope with their intestines, which are not yet fully matured. milk protein casein , which is abundant in kefir. It is this component of the fermented milk drink that can cause allergies in a child.
  2. Organic acids and mineral salts contained in kefir are difficult for the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract of babies. Hasty introduction of this product into a child’s menu often leads to bowel problems.

According to experts, it is by 8 months that a child’s gastrointestinal tract has matured sufficiently, which allows him to more easily cope with such a healthy and nutritious product as kefir.

During what meal is it best to offer kefir to your child?

Experts are also not unanimous on this issue. Some pediatricians believe that a fermented milk drink should be combined with an evening meal (18.00). However, according to the majority, The child’s introduction to kefir should be organized during the second morning feeding. Thanks to this approach, parents will have enough time (until the end of the day) to observe the child’s body’s reaction to the new product. After kefir becomes a familiar food for the baby, its intake can be transferred to the evening.

Introducing kefir, like any other product during the complementary feeding period, should begin with a minimum dose - one spoon, after which the child should be fed with breast milk or formula.

If the body does not give any alarming reaction, then the next day the dose can be doubled. Using the same principle, we give each subsequent portion of the product, gradually (in geometric progression) increasing the dose to the daily norm.

The permissible amount of kefir per day for a child is:

  • at 7 months – 20-40 ml;
  • at 8 months – 40-100 ml;
  • at 9 months – 100-150 ml;
  • at the age of 10 months to one year – 150-250 ml.

The theory of introducing kefir into complementary foods from Dr. Komarovsky

For many parents, Dr. Komarovsky is an authoritative specialist in the field of modern pediatrics, so they most often listen to his recommendations.

Regarding kefir, the popular pediatrician also has his own rather interesting opinion, which does not agree with WHO recommendations.

In his opinion, fears regarding the early introduction of fermented milk drink into the menu of children are somewhat exaggerated, and some theses about its harm do not stand up to criticism at all. Since kefir can only be harmful to a child if it is the only element on the children's menu. If you use it once a day several times a week, then the growing body will only benefit from this.

According to Dr. Komarovsky's theory of complementary feeding, kefir is the best option for starting complementary feeding. That is, this product can be the first “adult” dish on the menu of a six-month-old baby. This is explained not only by the similarity of the composition with simple dairy products, but also by the ability of lactic acid bacteria:

  • inhibit the development of pathogenic microbes that cause intestinal infections;
  • produce the formation of substances that have a beneficial effect on the digestive process and reduce the load on the children's liver.

Which kefir is best for feeding a baby?

If we are talking about feeding a child, then it is very important to pay special attention to the quality and usefulness of the product offered to him, since it is very easy for a small organism to be harmed by seemingly harmless, at first glance, “adult” food.

Kefir intended for complementary feeding of a child must meet the following requirements:

  1. Low or medium fat content (up to 3%). Only from the age of one and a half years old can children begin to introduce kefir with a higher degree of fat content into their diet.
  2. Reduced acidity. Children's kefir should have a soft and pleasant taste.


It is important to know that the standard “adult” product from store shelves due to its acidic composition is not suitable for feeding small children.

  1. No harmful food additives. When choosing baby kefir, it is very important to pay special attention to studying the composition of the product. If there is an “E” marking on the label, you should refuse to purchase this drink, since the benefits from it for the child’s body may be much less than the harm.

As a rule, kefir made from:

  • industrially. The age of children's kefir must be indicated on the packaging (up to 1 year). As a rule, fermented milk drinks produced specifically for children are not only adapted to the child’s age, but are also additionally enriched with lacto- and bifidobacteria, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive process. Popular brands of children's fermented milk products in our country are: “Tema” and “Agusha”. The attitude of pediatricians towards them is quite loyal, however, you should carefully study the composition of the products, since their components often cause an allergic reaction in children;
  • in the dairy kitchen. Such products are considered the best option for feeding children. Thanks to special technological production conditions, baby kefir has a low level of acidity and is also enriched with beneficial microelements.

If we compare dairy products with the store-bought version, the first option has an undeniable advantage: a guarantee of freshness and the absence of preservatives. Unfortunately, today in most cities dairy kitchens have been abolished, and, accordingly, this option for fermented milk products is not available.

  • at home. Making kefir at home is not difficult, but you should understand that fermenting milk for an adult and preparing a drink for a baby are two completely different things. Therefore, many experts do not recommend offering home-made fermented milk drinks to babies until they are one year old. Although in fairness it should be noted that this option of “kefir” complementary feeding is the most economical and affordable way to get a “live” drink with active, viable bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Making kefir at home

There are many different ways to ferment milk at home. The following is often used as a starter:

  • store-bought kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • a piece of black bread;
  • another industrially produced fermented milk product.


To feed a baby up to one year old, using kefir prepared in this way is highly not recommended, since drinking such a drink can lead to undesirable consequences for his health.

The most classic and simple way to prepare baby kefir at home is to use a special starter culture containing live bifidobacteria. This starter is usually sold in every pharmacy in the form of packaged dry powder or liquid in ampoules.

It is better to use store-bought pasteurized milk, which can be stored for no more than seven days. It is unsafe to use homemade dairy products from hand, since it is very difficult to check their quality. If it is possible to use home-tested milk, then to prepare baby kefir it must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Before preparing kefir, any milk must be boiled for five minutes.

Kefir recipe:

Required ingredients:

  • boiled milk (cooled to 40 degrees) – 1 glass
  • liquid or powdered starter – 30 g

Cooking method:

Pour the starter into the prepared milk and mix thoroughly. Then the container with the mixture should be wrapped in a warm towel or diaper, or placed in a warm place. In approximately 10-12 hours, kefir will be ready for use.

The drink prepared in this way is a one-day drink. However, if stored correctly, it can last in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Basic rules for drinking fermented milk drink by a child

Kefir is an extremely healthy and nutritious product. But if you violate the rules for its use or storage, it can cause serious harm to the child’s health.


During an illness that is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, it is strictly forbidden to offer the child any fermented milk products and milk porridges. This is due to the fact that casein has the property of “coagulating” at elevated temperatures, and therefore is difficult to break down. Instead of fighting the disease, the body has to spend a lot of energy digesting practically “rubbery” food, which as a result provokes the accumulation of acetone.

Rules for storing and using baby kefir:

  • postpone your introduction to kefir for some time;
  • add fruits already familiar to the baby (in the form of puree) or baby cookies to the drink.

It is worth knowing that fruit juices can neutralize lactobacilli, the presence of which affects the usefulness of kefir.

Many parents resort to sweetening kefir, which is strictly not recommended. Firstly, sugar itself will not bring anything beneficial to the child’s body other than health problems, and secondly, sweetened kefir causes severe gas formation in children, accompanied by pain.

Let us add that a reasonable approach of parents to kefir complementary feeding allows not only to painlessly diversify the child’s diet, but also to significantly improve the overall well-being and digestion of the baby. Before introducing a fermented milk product into the children's menu, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Tokareva Larisa, pediatrician, medical columnist

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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