The article will tell you about such a variety of decorative honeysuckle as “Honeysuckle” and the features of caring for the plant.

In contrast, decorative (such as the Honeysuckle variety) serves only to decorate land plot. It is planted mainly to green hedges, walls, fences (in other words, “vertical areas”). This plant is climbing and growing it is not so difficult. Careful care and proper feeding of honeysuckle will allow you to achieve excellent results.

INTERESTING: Few people know that there are a lot of varieties of this ornamental plant - about 200 names.

Popular decorative types:

  • "Caprifol" - the “oldest” type of plant. It differs in that it blooms earlier than everyone else. Its flowers are light yellow with orange and red tints (they can darken by the end of summer). After flowering it is covered with bright small fruits. It overwinters well and has lush greenery.
  • "Korolkova" - a beautiful liana, which is distinguished by its abundant and large-scale flowering. Tender flowers pink shade completely cover the bush, covering the greenery of the bush.
  • "Climbing honeysuckle" - has unusual and beautiful flowers light pink and purple shades(sometimes dark). Such flowers are distinctive in that they are “honey plants”. But you should beware of purple flowers, because they are poisonous.
  • "Gerald" - this species has yellow flowering. It differs in that it remains green until spring. Then, when the vine puts out new shoots, the old foliage falls off.
  • "Tatar" - lush vegetation and an abundance of small pink tubular flowers distinguish this vine from others. Sometimes you can find varieties with orange and even blue hues.
  • "Brown" - It has beautiful decorative foliage (green-blue). The flowers of the plant have a bright “carrot” color.

How to properly plant and replant honeysuckle Honeysuckle in the spring for a hedge in open ground?

“Caprifol” will invariably decorate your site, giving it not only a pleasant color, brightness, and abundance of colors, but will also attract an abundance of butterflies to your garden with its sweet aroma. If you want to propagate Caprifol, you can do this in several common ways:

  • Seeds (deepening them into prepared soil)
  • Cuttings (growing seedlings)
  • By layering (deepening them into the ground)

IMPORTANT: If you want to grow honeysuckle from seeds, you should be aware that only fresh seeds (second year) are suitable.

How to collect seeds:

  • Pick ripe fruits
  • Free the seed from the pulp
  • Rinse
  • Dry and then start growing seedlings

If you want to replant with cuttings, you should know that it is necessary to prepare “material” at the end of summer (last season). Cut several cuttings from the vine, which will have at least 3 internodes. The cuttings should be slightly scratched and lubricated with a solution that stimulates root growth (purchase from a professional store). Then place in water and keep until the first roots appear. Place the cuttings in a special soil: a mixture of sand and peat. When they take root well, transfer them to the ground. Rooting cuttings is the easiest way to propagate Honeysuckle. This is not difficult to do if you already have an “adult” plant on your site.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle: propagation by layering

The technology is simple:

  • Find a suitable layer (do not tear it off)
  • Cut it
  • Bury it in the ground
  • Water
  • After a while, roots will appear at the site of the cut (after this you can dig up the cuttings and replant).

IMPORTANT: Take into account the fact that “Kaprifol” has a negative attitude towards numerous transplants. If you change the location of the plant frequently, it may die.

For the plant to take root:

  • Prepare in advance fertile soil(pour in compost).
  • Enter the complex mineral fertilizers(feeding for honeysuckle).
  • Don’t forget about ash, it can “deoxidize” the soil (“Caprifol” does not like too “acidic” soil and does not take root in it).

Reproduction and transplantation of "Caprifoli" is best done in the spring (April and May are the most best time). You expect that the vine will rise no more than 2 meters in a year. The first “years of life” of plants are “sensitive” to temperature changes and therefore try to cover them for the winter with nets and synthetic bags (so as not to freeze). While the vine will be in period active growth, do not forget to pick, trim and shape it - this will enhance growth and make the hedge beautiful.


Caring for Honeysuckle Honeysuckle: basic rules and tips

"Kaprifol" is good because it does not require excessive care. The most important thing is to build a support for it on which it can grow. If there is no support, then a fence, mesh or even a wall will also do. With its weaving, the vine can reach up to 5 meters (approximately 5-6 years of life).

IMPORTANT: After you plant the plant in the ground (by any means), be sure to add fertilizing to the soil (it will ensure abundant flowering and good growth).

Other care features:

  • Shelter from the cold in winter (only possible for the first 2-3 years)
  • Trimming stems that have frozen over the winter
  • Be sure to remove weeds around
  • The plant loves watering and spraying (in droughts, increase the portions of water).
  • Trim off “extra” stems to form a crown
  • Care for the plant without causing disease

Fragrant honeysuckle Honeysuckle: frost resistance of the plant. Honeysuckle Honeysuckle - preparation for winter: do you need to cover it?

"Kaprifol" is a fairly frost-resistant vine. However, if the plant is young (up to 2-3 years), it may “freeze” if the winter is cold (-30, -40 degrees). In other cases, frozen shoots (most often young) can simply be cut off in early spring.

IMPORTANT: You can “bundle” the vine from frost using synthetic bags or packages, which should be stapled to the fence during periods of low temperatures.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle in landscape design: photo

“Kaprifol” will certainly decorate your plot of land. To choose a plant variety and find the desired way to decorate your garden area, it is useful to look at photographs of landscape design with honeysuckle.


"Living" yard support

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle: can you eat the berries?

Decorative vine "Caprifol" is not suitable for food consumption. In the fall, the flowers ripen into no larger, round, carrot-colored berries, but don’t try to eat them, because it may cause you not only allergic reaction, but also poisoning (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria).

The attractiveness of landscape design near a private room or country house largely depends on the green spaces with which the site is covered. Therefore, many summer residents are increasingly asking themselves the question of effective landscaping of the accessible territory with the help of exotic plants. And among the wide variety of design methods, vertical seating is especially popular, for which you can use a wide variety of annuals or

Features of planting honeysuckle and caring for it

IN Lately A unique method of landscaping using hedges is widespread, What is climbing honeysuckle used for?. You can see what such compositions look like using photos available on the Internet.

Today we will look at the main varieties of such ornamental plants, understand the features of planting, care, propagation and treatment, and also talk about the mistakes that gardeners make when growing such a unique green space.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: description of the species

Currently, honeysuckle is represented by a huge variety of species and varieties. In total, there are about two hundred of them. Conventionally, varieties are divided into three groups:

  • trees;
  • vines;
  • shrubs;

If we highlight those varieties that are suitable for home cultivation, then no more than 10 species are available. In a special way in great demand shrubby and climbing specimens are used, including honeysuckle honeysuckle . This type is used to design various parts of the plot, including:

  • terrace;
  • porch;
  • gazebo;
  • house wall;

Gardeners appreciate this variety due to high decorativeness and lack of difficulties in care. Abundant foliage, beautiful fruits and a wonderful aroma can transform any area beyond recognition. To make sure that such a plant should appear on your site in the near future, just look at how it looks in the photo.

Representatives of the honeysuckle species belong to the curly type group. At home growing The flower grows as a bush and is distinguished by beautiful pale green leaves with 50 mm inflorescences of different colors.

Most often, the bush is represented by the following tones:

  1. red-violet;
  2. white;
  3. yellow;

The particularly intense flowering of honeysuckle begins in summer period when a fabulous aroma comes from the bush. By the way, in evening time the magical fragrance only intensifies. Representatives of the species have far protruding stamens, which form group bundles of 5-6 pieces in one. The flowering period of honeysuckle lasts no longer than three weeks, after which the floral elements fade. If you take one flower and place it in a vase, it will only last 3 days and then wither.

The blooming handsome man is excellent honey plant , because The amazing aroma from the flowers greatly attracts bees. Honeysuckle fruits acquire a bright red color as they further develop.

In one season, the vine grows up to two meters in height, with a life expectancy of up to 30 years. The shrub freely tolerates low temperatures, so growing it in the Moscow region is quite possible. Honeysuckle leaves, which turn bluish-green, are of particular decorative value.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: planting and care, propagation at home

Looking at the photo, you can understand that honeysuckle honeysuckle is considered very beautiful ornamental plant , therefore its presence in the garden will significantly emphasize the taste and style of the owners of the site.

In addition, such an exotic resident is distinguished by its unpretentious character and endurance to various diseases. In this regard, more and more novice gardeners are thinking about growing crops at home.

It is known that all the features of caring for a flower consist only in arranging good support for the formation of a climbing bush. If this is not possible, it is enough to plant honeysuckle near the walls of the house or gazebo. For support, you can use any vertical surfaces, through which culture will spread. With proper care, a garden vine can grow up to 4-5 meters in height within 5 years from the moment of planting.

Honeysuckle shoots have tiny roots, which are able to cling to any rough structures. In the absence of reliable support, the branches begin to spread out, so the process of further development occurs without difficulty.

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle in open ground carried out in early spring. The quality of planting material determines the effectiveness of the upcoming growth of the bush in the future. Liana reacts poorly to frequent transfers, so it is better to choose a suitable site for permanent residence in advance. When looking for a suitable soil composition, pay attention to loose, well-moistened soil. If you provide the cuttings with proper care, they will soon turn into young seedlings, and then into an indispensable decoration for the landscape design of your territory.

If planting occurs through a hole, then after a short time the newly formed shoots will begin to form a bush. Trench planting carried out when arranging vertical gardening. It is known that the vine develops well in abundant light, so key attention should be paid to this feature. The splendor and abundance of flowering depends precisely on the illumination, so it is impossible to plant the bush in shaded areas.

Useful tips and care instructions can be found on the Internet where they are presented big amount video and photographic material.

Features of feeding honeysuckle

And although honeysuckle honeysuckle does not need extra care, following some rules and recommendations will have a positive effect on further development decorative vine. One of valuable advice is in regular feeding of the plant with special fertilizers, which will give the plant the opportunity to actively develop and delight the eyes of others with its unsurpassed beauty.

It is better to use the following fertilizers for feeding:

The above ingredients can be combined with the substrate, after which suitable planting material is planted there. When grown in well-fed soil, the first shoots can be seen in late May or early June. By the way, in one year of life the length of young shoots reaches two meters.

Further feeding is intended for preventive purposes and improvement of growth activity. A two- to three-year-old bush responds well to the use of fertilizers based on nitrogen or potassium. Herbal complexes prepared independently also perform well.

For example, some gardeners dig a special compost pit, where they dump all kinds of plant waste. Then they are sprinkled with peat and used as highly effective peat compost for feeding garden crops.

Propagation of honeysuckle from seeds, cuttings and layering

Decorative vines can be propagated in different ways. One of the most popular is seed. Propagating honeysuckle by seeds is the best way to get beautiful flowering shrub behind a short time. For successful implementation To complete the task, you need to select suitable planting material, wait until it takes root, and then plant it in a suitable substrate. No less popular is the method of propagation by layering and cuttings.

It is customary to plant cuttings in the spring., summer or autumn. In the latter case, the strongest cuttings, 10-15 centimeters long, are selected for planting. They must have at least 4-5 eyes. After choosing a suitable planting material, all that remains is to plant it in a prepared substrate with good moisture and looseness. You need to leave only 1 bud on the surface, and sprinkle the rest. Next, you should thoroughly mulch the soil using leaves.

When propagated by cuttings in summer time, the planting procedure should begin at the end of July, when the plant has finally bloomed. For action, you should choose cuttings with two internodes, from which the lower leaves are removed. The finished planting material is placed in a greenhouse and stored protected from the aggressive effects of direct sunlight. Optimal distance between cuttings is 15-25 centimeters, and the depth at which seedlings are placed is 2-3 centimeters. For more productive development, it is better to cover the cuttings with glass, which is removed as new leaves appear.

Rapidly developing buds should be moistened several times daily. IN winter period they can be mulched with a layer of peat, after which all that remains is to wait for spring replanting in open ground. Propagation of honeysuckle by seed- a rather complex process, and especially if the planting product was prepared by one’s own efforts. Seed selection is carried out immediately after honeysuckle blooms, that is, at the end of July. The selected seeds must be thoroughly washed, dried and placed in a dry place. In February, they can be mixed with a moist substrate and refrigerated for 2 months. Only after this can you start sowing in open ground.

Features of pruning and bush formation

If you intend to beautifully design your landscaping with the help of the above garden vine, pay due attention to formative pruning of honeysuckle. In addition, such an action is a good prevention of various diseases, and sometimes is included in the complex treatment of some problems.

To make the planted climbing bush look attractive, he needs to ensure proper pruning. Otherwise, the plant will never become a good decorative ornament and will grow in a chaotic manner. Key Feature successful development beautiful bush is making the right choice supports. It must be strong and tall.

Very often gardeners use wooden or metal constructions, and sometimes they make do with a regular nylon mesh. To give the vine the proper shape, it must be guided independently the right direction. The growth and development of shoots occurs very quickly, therefore correct formation a well-groomed appearance should be one of the key places in the list of care features.

If honeysuckle grows to a certain height, its top can be trimmed. This procedure will be a good stimulation for rapid growth side shoots. In most cases, honeysuckle vines often shed their lower leaves, which is why experts recommend planting low-growing plants near them to hide such a defect.

It is known that honeysuckle has a mass useful properties and unique features. The leaves, flowers and stems of the vine contain many valuable substances that are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures that can become good remedy for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Considering a number of such healing properties, honeysuckle can be not only a beautiful addition to landscape design, but also useful medicinal plant.


Compositions based on the decorative honeysuckle vine honeysuckle look simply irresistible. It's confirmed numerous photos and examples of finished compositions. A beautiful, well-groomed plant can transform your landscape design beyond recognition, making it truly stylish and elegant. However, for a planted bush to become truly original, it needs to be provided with proper care and attention. Fortunately, such measures consist of observing simple recommendations and main points. Otherwise, nature will do everything itself, without your participation.

Honeysuckle – graceful plant, which can be seen in many garden plots. Fruit bushes reach two meters in height. Various varieties differ in terms of fertility, resistance to unfavorable weather conditions. Decorative types of honeysuckle delight with their charm and unique flowering.

There is an opinion among gardeners that the most beautiful decorative species is honeysuckle honeysuckle Inga. Visually it represents the shape of a vine and can reach a height up to six meters. Young shoots are found in green or burgundy shades, but with age they acquire dark colors.

The flowering period occurs in May or June. The inflorescences have a slightly pinkish or creamy core, blooming one after another. By the beginning of August, instead of delicate inflorescences, small bright orange fruits appear. Honeysuckle bloom lasts a couple of months, but is decorative appearance remains until frost sets in.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium)

Landing Features

It is better to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle immediately in a permanent location. Gets along well with others: , .

Honeysuckle loves sunny places. Can grow in shady areas, but lush flowering in this case there is no need to wait. Optimal time planting - April or May.

Proper care

Honeysuckle is not a shy plant; it can withstand cold weather. But in the first couple of years, during the onset of cool weather, it is necessary to cover the soil around the plant to protect it from damage. root system, as well as remove its branches from the support and cover them. In subsequent years, you no longer have to worry about her dying; this part of the care will not be required.

Weed removal is an important part of comprehensive care behind the plant. Before planting, the entire area around the honeysuckle must be thoroughly processed for weeds. It is especially important to remove weedy perennials.

loves moisture, so you need to water the plant abundantly. If the summer is hot, then you need to water it twice as much. At the end of the season, the plant must receive a share of humus and potassium fertilizer, and at spring time Honeysuckle needs nitrogen. Bird droppings can be used as fertilizer.

Pruning is necessary to form an elegant plant shape. It is important to carry it out for the first time immediately after disembarkation. Otherwise, within a week it will turn into a shapeless bush.

It is better to start pruning with weak stems and leave no more than three stable ones. The remaining stems need to be shortened by about a third. total length. On final stage All that remains is to remove the stems or shoots that were damaged during wintering.

If you want the honeysuckle to become more magnificent, then you need to cut the top.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle, as a green curtain

Principle of reproduction

There are many types of honeysuckle, and each variety reproduces differently. Speaking about honeysuckle honeysuckle before propagation you need prepare cuttings. The optimal time for this process is the end of flowering.

It is important to remember the condition of the cuttings. We choose only those that have good flexibility and can break. If they are hard, then it is better not to use them for propagation. Each cutting must have at least two internodes.

In the upper part you need to make a cut a couple of centimeters from the bud, and the second in the lower part, maintaining an angle of forty-five degrees. We completely get rid of the lower leaves, and the upper ones need to be shortened in half. We keep the resulting shoots exclusively in a greenhouse and do not allow direct contact sun rays. Maintain a distance of at least half a centimeter.

It is better to use ordinary peat as fertilizer. At first, spray three times a day. After the first young leaves appear, you don’t have to cover the plant. It is better to transplant into the ground in early spring.

Honeysuckle in landscape design

Many gardeners like honeysuckle because of its rich colors. This great option for decoration, outbuildings. With help special devices For example, high stands can be used to encourage honeysuckle to grow so that it adorns the side wall of the house. Not a single photo can convey all the beauty of this country style design.

Since visually the plant is reminiscent of tropical countries, thanks bright inflorescences, can be used to decorate arches and. However, you should be careful and use thin twigs or metal arches so that the plant can firmly fix itself and not damage the stems.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle in a romantic garden.

If a gardener loves to grow flowers, then he knows for sure that honeysuckle goes with almost any unpretentious plants . The support for honeysuckle should be in mandatory. Otherwise, the plant may break when it reaches a great length.

Brown's honeysuckle looks fabulous next to other green shrubs. Against their background, it stands out with burgundy leaves and dilutes the entire composition, focusing attention on itself. If you want to highlight any fragment in the garden, then this variety can be safely used. Besides, this type unpretentious and withstands cold weather.

Many people dream of decorating the walls of their home with flowers, but do not know how to do it correctly. If the house is made of brick, then it is not advisable to use the bindweed technique as its decoration, which clings with its root system to a concrete pad or brick.

It is worth understanding that when the plant grows in the lower part of the building, the structure is not in danger. However, if you plan to decorate the walls of the house as much as possible, then you need to mount a mesh on top of the brick, to which the plant will cling and create the visual effect of a green wall.

Lonicera japonica - Japanese honeysuckle

As classic version In landscape design, you can use the plant in flower beds of unusual geometric shapes, in which the whole composition is planted. The combination of several at once in one form looks beautiful small shrubs honeysuckle Since it grows quite quickly, it needs to be trimmed from time to time to maintain a neat appearance and the desired shape. A common way to use it is to plant it near a low fence. It is possible to form a standard.

Honeysuckle Heckrotti, variety Goldflame

The reception looks harmonious on a site of any size, since in the summer and spring months rich green colors will never be out of place. It is worth noting that this technique is often used by designers when they want to achieve a zoning effect. That is, to separate one part of the site from another, dividing it into functional areas.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle as a hedge.

And although zoning was initially used indoors, in landscape design it has also found its niche. The main thing when creating it is to remember that the plant must be created optimal conditions for growth.

Lonicera japonica - Japanese honeysuckle in a hedge

As a rule, they most often try to combine bush honeysuckle with bright garden flowers. Moreover, they may even be shade-tolerant. If a decorative species is used that blooms for two months, then green shrubs are planted as a supplement.

Before forming a composition, you need to pay attention to those types of plants that have similar conditions for normal growth. Otherwise, the garden will soon become despondent.

Nuances of formation

Without correct pruning the bush will be somewhat sloppy. How to form beautiful bush- about this in the video below.

Let's get to know the one that should become our dream. With honeysuckle called honeysuckle. Let's find out what conditions are most comfortable for its growth and development. There are all kinds of varieties of this plant, and we will talk about them a little. The article will contain tips from designers on decorating a site using honeysuckle. And also, we will try to reveal the little secret of its berries.

Honeysuckle - the queen among vines

Honeysuckle honeysuckle, what do we know about it

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is fragrant vine, the length of which is about 5 meters. This is a fast-growing bush; it can grow a meter in a year. The roots of the plant are powerful, taprooted, and penetrate deep into the ground. Young shoots are green, without foliage. Old ones develop a light brown bark. Honeysuckle leaves are bluish-green, dense, broadly elliptical in shape. Pairs of upper leaves are fused at the base, first beautiful flowers, and then bright red berries are tightly adjacent to them.

The flowers of the vine are tubular in shape, 5 cm long. Such tubes are collected in an inflorescence. The color of the flowers varies from white to yellow and red-violet. The bush begins to bloom from the beginning of June, and flowering continues for almost a month. At this time, the plant exudes a delicate aroma.

This is interesting! In fact, this vine is our neighbor. Its homeland is the Caucasus, middle and southern Europe. And in the middle of the 19th century, honeysuckle began to be planted in Russian gardens, not only for the sake of its beauty, but also in order to create with its help cozy corners where you can retire.

Honeysuckle flower

Planting and caring for a honeysuckle bush

Decorative honeysuckle Honeysuckle feels great, spreading throughout Russia. And only in northern regions In countries where a continental climate predominates, vines have difficulty surviving. Cold winters southern plant does not tolerate it, and often freezes.

And even in the southern regions, conditions must be created for honeysuckle that correspond to its character. Not every place will accept a bush and develop. And not just any soil will do. And yet, with a little effort, we can hope that honeysuckle will bloom magnificently and decorate our area.


Advice! When planting honeysuckle, you need to understand that in order for it to grow, it will need support. This means that you need to choose an area where the fast-growing bush will feel comfortable, and where it will be possible to install a support for the vine.

Place. If you want honeysuckle to bloom generously, you need to choose a sunny place. But even in the shade the plant will develop, only more slowly. And yet, it is not advisable to plant honeysuckle in drafts or places where the plant will be constantly disturbed.

Soil preparation. Honeysuckle is a non-capricious plant. But we must remember that often a vine can live in one place for a long time, decades. It is impossible to fertilize by preparing the soil for 20 or even 30 years. This means that initially it must meet some important requirements for honeysuckle.

Important! At the site where the vine is planted, the soil should be loose, fertile, and the groundwater should lie deep enough so that the roots of the plant do not rot.

It is advisable to fertilize the soil in advance by adding peat and humus. Water generously throughout the month. If necessary, for example, if the soil contains a lot of clay, then drain the area of ​​land selected for honeysuckle.

Boarding time. All gardeners are inclined to believe that the best time for planting is early spring. If the principles of planting have been followed, then the plant will quickly take root and leaves will appear on it already in the month of May.

Landing. To plant honeysuckle honeysuckle, you need to dig deep, more than half a meter holes. They are half filled with drainage (sand, expanded clay, etc.) and fertilizer (humus, fermented manure, etc.). After this, the pit is filled with water and left for several days.

Having lowered a young bush into landing hole, its roots are carefully straightened, sprinkled with earth and watered. After which the hole is buried, leaving a small hole near the trunk so that it is convenient to water the plant.


Caring for honeysuckle is very simple, since the plant does not need additional care. All she needs is:

  1. Watering.
  2. Feeding.
  3. Construction of a support.
  4. Transfer.
  5. Trimming.

Watering. Both young and old plants love watering. And in hot summers, it is advisable to water honeysuckle 2 times a week. But sometimes it is worth replacing watering with loosening the soil near the bush or mulching.

Top dressing. The plant will gratefully respond to timely feeding. Thus, in early spring, a full range of mineral fertilizers will help the development flower buds and will give the plant strength.

Support. For honeysuckle curly honeysuckle support is critical. Of course, even without support the plant will survive; its shoots will begin to cover the soil, spreading along the ground. But at the same time, the flowering and development of the bush will suffer. You can build a support, either temporary or permanent. Sometimes trees on the site, fences, and even walls of various buildings can serve as support. In any case, the vine needs a strong support.

Liana definitely needs support

Transfer. Although this vine is planted in one place where it will grow long years, but sometimes you have to think about replanting the plant. For example, the soil has become very poor, groundwater is rising, or you see special place for honeysuckle in the landscape design of your site. Whatever the reason, everything needs to be done correctly and carefully.

First you need to remove the branches of an adult plant from the support. Of course, this cannot be done without completely injuring the honeysuckle. Still, you have to try. Some gardeners advise trimming the bush, leaving half-meter shoots. Then it will be much easier to keep neither young nor old shoots intact.

Everything else is done according to the principle of planting a plant: the ground is prepared in advance, a hole is dug into which drainage and fertilizer are laid, and the plant is transferred to a new residential address.

Trimming. Sanitary pruning is considered mandatory, carried out both in spring and autumn. Dry and damaged shoots are removed. Some gardeners use pruning to form a bush. Those who are worried that the plant may not survive winter shorten the stems of the plant to make it easier to wrap it up.

Preparing for winter

A heat-loving vine can and should be prepared for winter frosts. To do this, the bush trunks are insulated with peat and humus. You can remove the vine from the support to lay it on the ground and insulate the plant by covering it with slate or roofing felt, or film.

Diseases and pests

Nothing will preserve the beauty of your plant better than disease prevention. You need to remember this and take care of the health of your honeysuckle in advance.

So, to repel insects in tree trunk circle scatter superphosphate, lime or ash. In the fall, before the leaves fall, they are sprayed with a 5% urea solution, which will prevent insects from infesting the leaves.

Variegated varieties of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Exists great amount varieties of honeysuckle. But the generally accepted fact remains that the most beautiful of all is honeysuckle honeysuckle. It is worth noting the varieties and types of this vine, which are popular and in great demand both among garden lovers and professional designers.

For example, Thälmann's honeysuckle has yellow-hot inflorescences that look like lights that light up on the bush. This vine is tall and strong. She is growing quickly. And honeysuckle is inferior only in aroma.

One of the varieties of honeysuckle

Thälmann's honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle itself has within its family a varied palette of colors in which its bushes are dressed. Not only the colors, but their shades are dazzling throughout the month while the plant is blooming. The vine does not lose its decorative effect even when the plant stops blooming and bright berries among the foliage.

Honeysuckle will decorate any area

Vertical landscaping of a site will help hide many of its shortcomings and emphasize its advantages. For example, with the help of vines, designers create a background for many other plants, decorate gazebos, and camouflage outbuildings.

It has long been known how beautiful honeysuckle honeysuckle looks in landscape design, photo personal plots, where honeysuckle demonstrates its capabilities, clearly confirms this.

Honeysuckle demarcates the zones of the garden plot

Liana can become a hedge

Honeysuckle berries honeysuckle

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is best propagated by layering. There is no risk, just bend a two-year-old twig and press it to the ground with garden pins.

But there are 2 more ways to propagate a vine: by seeds and cuttings. The seeds are collected from honeysuckle seeds. They must undergo stratification before they are sown as seedlings. In spring, it is advisable to plant young plants in the ground, where they will grow stronger.

In August, cuttings with 3-4 internodes are cut and planted in a sand-peat mixture, where they should take root. In early spring seedlings are planted in the ground.

One of the most beautiful plants our garden plots- honeysuckle honeysuckle. The photo shows that the vine is worthy of delighting us with its flowering. In addition, the plant plays an important role in vertical gardening garden

How simply and originally a liana decorates a garden

To get to know honeysuckle better and understand the reasons why you should grow this plant on your property, you can watch the video:

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):