Honeysuckle vines are great and can make any garden or yard look better. They are known for their vigorous growth. Honeysuckle is also thermotransferable and very hardy, so it is good choice for gardeners who live in harsh climates or those who want to grow low-enrichment plants.

About varieties and varieties of honeysuckle

Another good thing about them is that their beautiful, fragrant flowers will attract butterflies and bees, making your garden look much better. In the fall, the fruit of this vine will be a good treat for local birds.

Most of the time, people choose to grow their honeysuckle along a trellis, arbor, fence or other supporting structure. However, keep in mind that these vines can be grown even without fences. You can also use them to control erosion!

These vines bloom in spring and summer, so they look very beautiful in your garden.

Honeysuckles are a wonderful addition to the landscape as they attract many birds and butterflies and are fragrant to boot. The most common types:

Cape Honeysuckle

Cape Honeysuckle, from the Bignonia family. It is an evergreen vine that attracts birds and butterflies. It has sixteen centimeter leaves and reddish scarlet flowers in autumn and winter season. Cape honeysuckle can be pruned to a shrub form, in which case it will reach no more than 300 centimeters in height. As a vine, it can grow up to 7.5 meters. Plant it in full sun in well-drained soil.

Coral honeysuckle

Coral honeysuckle is an easy-to-grow vine that attracts songbirds, hummingbirds and butterflies. Coral honeysuckle is 3 to 7 centimeters long smooth leaves and tubular flowers 5 centimeters long in red or orange color(one variety has yellow flowers). It can be planted in a sunny or partially shaded area.

Winter honeysuckle

Winter honeysuckle is a fragrant shrub that grows from 185 to 250 centimeters in height. The leaves are evergreen in the southern parts of the country and deciduous in the north. The white flowers are 1.5 centimeters long. Plant winter honeysuckle in a partly shaded or fully sunny location in well-drained soil.

Japanese honeysuckle

Japanese honeysuckle is a fast-growing vine that is drought tolerant and attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. This woody vine can grow up to 915 centimeters in length with elliptical leaves ranging from 5 to 7 centimeters in length. The flowers are tubular, 1.5 centimeters long, white and yellow color. The fruits of this plant are bluish-black berries. The Japanese honeysuckle plant is planted in a fully sunny or partially shaded location.

Features of planting honeysuckle

The best way to plant honeysuckle early spring. Wait until the danger of frost has passed and plant them in your garden. The sooner the frost passes, the better. When planting, be sure to prepare the soil in the same way you would prepare it for any other perennial plant.

When planting vines, make sure the plants are spaced 15 to 30 centimeters away from any load-bearing structures. It's best to plant your vines 60cm apart if you want to use them as ground cover plants.

Once they are planted, they need to be watered thoroughly. Monitor watering until grape vines will not show signs of growth. It is also very beneficial to mulch your vines with heavy leaf cover. This will protect their roots from freezing and will help retain moisture in the summer.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle care

Here are some basic precautions you should provide to your honeysuckle:

  • You'll likely find vines sold in containers in early spring. You can then transplant them into your garden. This may be the easiest way to grow your own honeysuckle;
  • These vines prefer full sun. However, they can tolerate shade or even near-total shade, so there are many places where you can grow them;
  • These plants should never be overwatered. Once they are planted, they only need moderate watering. The only exception is dry, very hot summers;
  • Once your vines are planted and established, they need a little annual fertilizer. It is best to use a 10-10-10 fertilizer early in the growing season and once halfway through their flowering season.

If you want to grow honeysuckle on an arbor or trellis, it is important to prepare a support system in advance. Installing a trellis or other support when the vine is already grown can seriously damage the plant, so you should avoid it at all costs. To prevent this problem, be sure to place the trellis, arbor, or other support system you want to use before you plant your vine.

Once the support system is in place, plant your vine about 15 to 30 centimeters from the support. This should provide enough space for proper growth.

Once they grow enough to reach the trellis (or whatever support system you use), be sure to tie the vines down properly. You must do this using strong, resilient materials that will hold the vine properly.

When tying the vines to the support system, loop each one over the figure eight and make sure to cross the part between the rod and the support system. This will prevent the stem from becoming abraded or smothered.

How and with what to fertilize and feed?

Grow honeysuckle in areas with well-drained soils and full sunlight to promote healthy growth. A healthy growing environment reduces the need for regular supplemental fertilizer, and well-drained soils allow fertilizer to penetrate the soil and easily reach the roots.

Apply general fertilizer around the base of the vine in early spring to promote new growth. Standard garden mixes in granular or liquid formulas work well and provide nutrients necessary to stimulate vine growth.

Cover the fertilizer with a 5 cm layer organic mulch, such as compost or pine bark. A layer of mulch helps maintain soil moisture and holds fertilizer in place so the plant can use it during the growing season. In addition, mulch helps prevent weed growth and the use of fertilizer intended for your honeysuckle.

Water thoroughly after applying fertilizer to help transport fertilizer through the soil to the roots. Honeysuckle especially needs water during periods of drought during the growing season to facilitate fertilizer uptake and healthy growth.

Propagation of fragrant honeysuckle

You can spread the vines in a simple way, called bundle. In early spring, when the shoot is flexible, you can select a flexible rod and bend it with the ground (soil), forming U shape using the stem you want to select. Then we cover the base of the U-shape with soil and push the sides out of the ground, after which we place a stick next to the U-shape so that it looks like UI. Let's tie them together until outer part will bloom in late spring, then you can cut off the part that is attached to the stem. Now you have another honeysuckle.

Diseases and pests of honeysuckle honeysuckle

The leaves are yellow and curly - these are aphids!

The aphid is not much larger than the head of a pin. They feed on the vines in the spring when tender new shoots appear. They suck plant sap, which causes the leaves to curl, wrinkle and turn yellow. Infected stems die, creating clumps of dead branches. If left unchecked, plant growth slows and stops. Check curled leaves for pests. If you find only small clumps, vigorously spray the undersides of the leaves with water. Do this 3 times a day. Aphids are easier to control with insecticidal soap. Spray the plants every 2-3 days until the insects disappear. As a last resort, spray with pyrethrum.

Young leaves discolor and fall off - fungus!

This fungal disease attacks new honeysuckle leaves, causing them to curl violently and turn brown or black and then fall off prematurely. Remove and destroy infected plant parts and spray the vines every 7 to 10 days with a copper-based fungicide.

Swollen bumps on the stems are fungi or bacteria!

Swollen, discolored areas on the stems of honeysuckle plants are cankers caused by fungi or bacteria that have infected soft cloth under the bark. They usually split, exposing the underlying tissue and bleeding purulent substances. The disease is transmitted by rainwater, contaminated tools or by handling plants, and is usually established through wounds. Remove and destroy infected stems, cutting them a few centimeters away from the rotting area. If the plant is very sick, remove it completely. Disinfect pruning tools with alcohol after using them on preserved plants.

Leaves covered with white powder - fluffy mold!

Powdery mildews are caused by fungi that produce a characteristic powdery white coating on leaves and flowers. Powdery mold can occur in hot, dry weather or conditions high humidity. Infected leaves become discolored, distorted, and then fall off. Spray diseased plants with thoroughly dampened sulfur once or twice every week until symptoms subside.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle- this is one of the the best vines, used for vertical gardening. Its advantages over other shrubs:

  • rapid growth;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • abundance of decorative foliage;
  • beautiful fruits;
  • delightful aroma of flowers.

Externally, the liana is a shrub with climbing shoots. Often its height reaches 4-6 meters. Young shoots are bare, but over time foliage appears on them. The leaves themselves are very dense and leathery, and the color is dark green. Honeysuckle honeysuckle retains its color until autumn, just like spirea or vinegar tree. Liana flowers are collected in bunches. Their length can reach 5 cm. The protruding stamens attract attention. The bush blooms for three weeks, but the life of one flower is only three to four days. The flower stalks have a delicate and attractive aroma. Honeysuckle Honeysuckle It bears fruit annually from the age of four: the berries appear in the fall.

The shrub grows on its own only in the Caucasus, as well as in southern Europe. In other areas, it requires careful care. You can dig it next to the honeysuckle climbing roses, other deciduous and coniferous trees: they will get along well nearby.


Honeysuckle Honeysuckle prefers sunny places, so it is recommended to plant in open places. Gardeners also claim that the seedlings are able to tolerate slight shading: at the same time, the vine develops just as well and rushes upward. But when the shrub grows in bright sun, it produces very abundant flowering. An adult tree tolerates frost normally, so it does not need shelter, unlike young ones. However, the vine is demanding on the soil: the soil must certainly be fertile and moist.

The ideal time for planting is spring. It is customary to plant the liana immediately on permanent place. The soil for planting should be crumbly and moist. Just like for planting spirea, you first need to dig a hole and then place the seedlings there. If you are planting a row of honeysuckle, then it is advisable to prepare a trench or ditch. It is recommended to put a layer of drainage at the bottom: pieces of brick, sand and gravel. The drainage layer is good when planting any shrubs. Please ensure that the seedlings have several buds. It is from them that the stems will come, which will subsequently form a large vine. After planting, it is recommended to water the vine. If you planted seedlings in the spring, by the end of the season honeysuckle honeysuckle will delight you with long shoots.

Take the soil composition seriously: honeysuckle does not grow on heavy, clayey and dry soil. The pH of the soil should be neutral. Such growing conditions are relevant for most shrubs. However, the plant tolerates maintenance well in urban conditions: just like spirea. Gas and smoke screens do not affect development. The life span of shrubs is about 50 years.

Unlike after flowering, large, but not edible fruits carrot color. A bush with fruits looks quite picturesque and is a decoration of the garden plot.


The shrub needs to be looked after from the first day of planting, otherwise it will turn into a neglected and unattractive green mass. Honeysuckle Honeysuckle needs strong support. The stick can be metal or wood: it should be installed in the desired direction.

In order to stimulate the growth of side shoots, the top of the bush needs to be cut off when it grows to the desired height. Pruning of shoots should also be done correctly: after winter, you should wait until the buds appear. Only the part of the shoot that is located above the bud should be trimmed. To do this, it is advisable to use pruning shears. In order for the vine to look attractive, frozen and dry shoots should also be trimmed. After formative pruning, the shrub will especially please abundant flowering.

If you notice that the leaves have become smaller over the years, this means that the shrub is aging. It is necessary to prune the shoots for rejuvenation. The branches of the vine should be cut off and wait until the young shoots grow. The same procedure is carried out for spirea.
In summer, it is imperative to loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle. So, moisture reaches the roots of the vine better. During the season, 4-5 loosening to a depth of 5 cm will be enough. Such care is relevant for most, including spirea.

Autumn care chores are small. If the plant is not yet two years old, it needs to be covered with spruce branches and dry leaves for the winter. More mature tree can winter without shelter. At compassionate care the tree grows two meters or more per year.


Honeysuckle Honeysuckle as well as vinegar tree loves feeding with minerals and organic fertilizers. Therefore, nitrogen, potassium and cow dung are the best options. But the manure should not be fresh, but rather mature and rotten. Peat compost will also work. It is easy to make by putting numerous plant waste found in the garden, as well as peat, into a hole. You can add the prepared fertilizer already during landings. Mix organic and mineral supplements with planting soil.


There are several methods of reproduction bushes: layering, cuttings and seeds. Cuttings should be cut at the end of flowering - this is the beginning of July. For landings a special greenhouse should be organized. Saplings need to dig in into the soil to a depth of 3 cm, and the distance between them should be at least 20 cm. Young plantings must be covered with glass. After this, the soil can be sprayed with water. Remove glass only when seedlings The first leaves will appear. As a rule, this happens within a month. For the winter, cuttings should be mulched with peat. in spring seedlings can be assigned to a permanent location. Reproduction can be done in the same way. spirea and others bushes.

If you plan to breed honeysuckle honeysuckle seeds, be prepared for the fact that this is a long process. The temperature at which seeds grow is +20 °C. And this is with good seed germination. Remember, the longer a seed sits, the less likely it is to sprout. For example, after 5 years of storage, the germination rate of shrub seeds is only 6%. It is because of this that all cultivation efforts may be in vain.

The time to collect seeds is the end of July. They are washed and dried. To increase germination, stratification is carried out.

The easiest way to propagate vines is by layering. To do this, the lower branches need to be bent to the ground, dig in and water regularly. Over the summer, the plant forms roots, and during the next season, young vines can be planted.

In the same way you can reproduce vinegar tree: simple, fast, with a minimum of effort.

Large bright flowers, abundantly covering honeysuckle honeysuckle, fill the garden with an extraordinary aroma every spring. This vine is good with inedible, but very picturesque fruits in vertical gardening. In our review you will find information about planting honeysuckle, what care it needs, and methods of reproduction.

About varieties and varieties of honeysuckle

All varieties of honeysuckle are divided into fruit and ornamental. Fruit appearance Honeysuckle is a bush with a height of 1 to 2 meters. Varieties of this species differ in ripening time, yield, and taste of the fruit. Decorative look includes plants valued for their beauty.

Tatarian honeysuckle

This includes two groups:

  1. Bushes - Tatar honeysuckle, Korolkova, alpine, common, Maksimovich.
  2. Lianas - honeysuckle, Thälmann honeysuckle, climbing, Brown.

Thälmann's honeysuckle

The most beautiful among the vines is honeysuckle honeysuckle, reaching a height of 6 m. Its young shoots, sometimes light green, sometimes in all shades of red-violet, become covered with grayish-brown bark with age. Long stems covered with large, dense, dark green leaves on top and bluish below. In May-June, the shoots are decorated with fragrant multi-flowered exquisite inflorescences. Everyone has pink flower white or cream core. After a month the fruits appear - orange balls ripening in August. Although flowering lasts only about a month, the fragrant vine is decorative for up to late autumn.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle looks great next to coniferous trees, climbing roses, and other shrubs. It is enough to look at the photo of this powerful honeysuckle vine, which means goat vine, to want to settle it on your property.

Attention: honeysuckle honeysuckle fruits cannot be eaten - they are poisonous.

In the sun, honeysuckle blooms more abundantly, so a place well lit by the sun is set aside for its planting. plant better in spring, and for the plant to develop correctly, support is needed. On average, honeysuckle grows 1 m per year. It grows in one place for 50 years.

Features of planting honeysuckle

Planted out Lonicera caprifolium to a permanent place immediately. It is believed that goat vine prefers neutral acidic soils. It does not like clayey or dry soils and does not develop well on them.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle fruit

The planting process consists of several sequential steps:

Attention: a slight deepening of the root collar is beneficial for honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle care

Winter hardiness fragrant honeysuckle high. For the first 2 years you will have to cover the soil around the roots with fallen leaves or peat, and then you can forget about this procedure. The lashes that have grown over the summer do not need pruning. If in the spring you find that the stems are frozen in some places, prune them - buds will not form on these shoots anyway. Process further care consists of several important aspects:

Weed removal– is one of the important points in the process of caring for honeysuckle. They should be removed from the site even before planting the bush, especially perennial weeds.

It is important that the development of honeysuckle is not interfered with by weeds

Watering. Honeysuckle loves moisture. In summer, watering should be regular, and in drought the portions of water are doubled.

Trimming– affects the development and formation of the bush. This is done immediately after planting, otherwise the fast-growing honeysuckle will turn into a completely unattractive green mop. First, we trim the weak stems, leaving no more than 3 of the most reliable ones and shorten them by 1/3. Then we carry out regular inspections, discard damaged and dry shoots, and when the vine reaches the planned height, we cut the top, then the bush will begin to grow in breadth.

Tip: prune branches in the spring, after buds appear. Trim the shoot above the bud using pruning shears.

How and with what to fertilize and feed

Goat honeysuckle reacts positively to feeding, but it needs to be done correctly:

  • at the end of autumn we add potassium and phosphate fertilizers, add compost and humus under the bushes;
  • in spring - the vine needs nitrogen; it is also useful to water it with diluted bird droppings or mullein.

Feed the plant twice per season

Propagation of fragrant honeysuckle

It is easy to propagate honeysuckle; there are 4 ways to do this:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the main bush.

Honeysuckle from seeds

We harvest the seeds in July, for which we extract them from the pulp, wash them thoroughly, and dry them. The complexity of this method is that honeysuckle seed material does not germinate well. To correct the situation, experienced gardeners recommend first stratifying fresh seeds. To do this, in the fall, pour wet sand into some container and pour out the seeds. Place the dishes in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Every 14 days we check the moisture content of the sand and spray it with water if it is dry.

To prepare seeds you will need ripe honeysuckle fruits

This way in the spring the seeds will be ready for planting. Sowing is carried out using the following technology:

  • fill the box with nutrient substrate;
  • sprinkle seeds and sand on top;
  • sprinkle the seed with a thin layer of soil;
  • moisturize;
  • cover with film or glass;
  • remove the cover after germination;
  • we move the seedlings to a permanent place in the fall, creating a shelter for them.

Honeysuckle sprouts

You can plant stratified seeds in the spring, around April, on a garden bed, making grooves 15-20 mm deep and sealing them to a depth of 10 mm. In the summer they should be watered, not allowed to become overgrown with weeds, and covered with peat for the winter. in spring next year seedlings are ready to move to their permanent habitat.

Propagation of goat honeysuckle by cuttings

For this method of propagation it is necessary to prepare cuttings. It is better to do this before the end of the flowering period. Cuttings that do not break when bent are not suitable as starting material - this indicates that they are not yet mature enough. There should be 2-3 internodes on the cuttings. We make the upper cut straight at a distance of 1.5 cm from the bud, and the lower cut at an angle of 45 degrees. We remove the lower leaves completely, and shorten the upper ones by ½. We plant the blanks in a greenhouse, protected from the sun, maintaining a distance between them of approximately 0.2 m. The substrate for planting cuttings is composed of peat, garden soil and sand (2: 1: 2).

Honeysuckle cuttings take root very easily

We spray the cuttings three times a day for a month. During this time, the first leaves will form and the seedlings will no longer need shelter. To ensure that the sprouts survive the winter successfully, we mulch them. IN open ground replant in the spring.

Tip: take cuttings from the middle part of the vine. Ideally, the length of the workpiece is about 10 cm and the thickness is approximately 0.5 cm.

Reproduction by layering

This method is the simplest and most trouble-free. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. We select suitable shoots in spring or autumn.
  2. We dig holes to a depth of about 0.2 m from the layering side.
  3. Fill in seat fertile soil with the addition of lime.
  4. We bend the whip to the ground, placing it in the recess so that the top remains at the top.
  5. We fix the layering using staples made of strong wire.
  6. Cover with a layer of soil, water and mulch.
  7. We dig up young shoots of fragrant honeysuckle next spring, we separate it from the base plant and plant it in a permanent place.

Even an inexperienced gardener can propagate honeysuckle by layering.

If honeysuckle is grown as a hedge, then the cuttings do not need to be separated from the main bush. Near the upper part that looks out of the ground, we simply install a support and tie a plant to it, which continues to develop as an independent bush.

The fourth method of propagation is dividing the bush

From an overgrown, well-developed plant, you can painlessly separate a part for transplantation:

  • dig up the bush at the base;
  • take a sharp pruner and cut off the shoot with its roots.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is a more labor-intensive method

Or in another way:

  • we dig up the plant completely along with a large lump of earth;
  • divide the bush into parts using a sharp shovel;
  • we treat the cuts with ash or crushed coal;
  • shorten the shoots by a third of the length;
  • we place each share in a separate seat;
  • We begin to form the crown a year after the transplant procedure.

Diseases and pests of honeysuckle honeysuckle

You should carefully study the description of the signs and photos of honeysuckle diseases, since it is often affected by them. Among the most dangerous diseases are ramulariasis. It appears on young leaves in the form of grayish-brown spots with a brown center. Later, the stems and petioles are also affected - they begin to die. The plant weakens due to loss of nutrients. Spraying with Fundazol helps, copper sulfate.

No less dangerous cercospora. Something appears on the leaves in the form of dots with a red-brown border. Control methods are similar to those used for ramulariasis.

There are dangerous fungal diseases, affecting honeysuckle

Tuberculariosis affects honeysuckle branches. Red bumps appear on them. Fungal spores also settle in the bark. Shoots and leaves wither. Affected areas should be cut out and destroyed, and for prevention, plants should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate in the spring.

The most dangerous of the pests is aphids. With its presence, the leaves turn yellow, become covered with spots, and then die. The shoots are also damaged, because the larvae suck the juice out of them. Aphids are destroyed using drugs such as Eleksar, Actellik, and Confidor.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - beautiful and fragrant decorative liana, whose name translates as “captivating dream.” Gardeners have been widely using it for vertical gardening for many years. personal plots and dachas. Unusual elongated inflorescences attract not only their shape, but also their variety of colors.

Botanical description

Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) belongs to one of the species of climbing multi-flowered shrub plants belonging to the honeysuckle family. Its name comes from the Latin caprifolium (literally “goat leaf”) and refers to a plant in which the stem grows from the central part of the leaves. Popularly it has several original names: “goat leaf”, “Italian honeysuckle”, “fragrant”, etc.

The country of origin of the honeysuckle vine is the South-East of Great Britain, but in nature it can be found throughout Europe. It is used as ornamental plant to decorate gazebos and parks; in some countries they use it medicinal features for astringent and diuretic properties. There are edible varieties, the fruits of which can be eaten, and the dried flowers are often added to tea for pleasant aroma. These same properties are used in the perfume and cosmetics industry.

The height of the vine can reach up to 6 m, the shape of the leaves differs depending on the variety: variations from ovoid to ellipsoid. Honeysuckle leaves grow in pairs, forming “saucers”, from which inflorescences then begin to grow. The color of the leaves is also original: shiny dark green above, gray-blue below. The lowest ones grow from short stems and have a wide base.

Flowers and fruits

The beginning of flowering of the fragrant honeysuckle vine honeysuckle usually occurs in mid-May, but also depends on the region and weather conditions. The entire vine is covered with fragrant beautiful flowers, which attract many bees, bumblebees and other beneficial insects.

Flowers of an unusual “sessile” shape are decorated with long stamens and are collected at the ends of the branches in bunches of 3-6 pieces, each up to 5 cm long. They grow from the axils of leaves fused at the base. Honeysuckle bloom lasts about 3 weeks, and the life of each flower is even shorter - 3 days. Flowers can tolerate cold temperatures down to -7ºС.

Fruits - juicy berries bright red or coral in color; in honeysuckle they are inedible. In some varieties they are edible and have different taste qualities: sweet, sour, etc. Fruiting begins 3-4 years after planting annual shoots. Ripening occurs quite quickly: fruits appear almost in the first half of June, earlier than strawberries and strawberries. The berries also fall off quickly, which is a disadvantage, so you need to harvest using a film spread under the plant on the ground.

The fruits are juicy and rich in sugars, vitamins, acids and other useful substances, consumed fresh or processed, and prepared (compotes, jams, juices) for the winter. The juice can be used as food coloring.

Legends and symbols

In ancient tales and works of literature, the honeysuckle plant was often associated with the devoted feeling of love. For example, in the legend of Tristan, his beloved Isolde is compared to a gentle and beautiful flower honeysuckle, in others it symbolizes passion and devotion, eternal love.

Except beautiful flowers, this plant has a pleasant amazing aroma, which becomes stronger in evening time.

Planting and care

One of the most important advantages honeysuckle honeysuckle - planting, caring for and propagating it is quite simple and not difficult. The main condition for good growth- the presence of a support with which you can direct its growth so that it quickly trudges upward. Moreover, the higher the support, the faster and higher it will climb to a height. By the fifth year of life, the plant usually reaches its maximum height, which can reach 5-6 m. During growth, young shoots cling tightly to both the support and the nearest rough surfaces, which can facilitate the reproduction process.

It should be borne in mind that it does not like replanting, so it must be planted immediately in a permanent place in prepared, loosened and moistened soil. The plant prefers neutral-acid soils and does not tolerate heavy loams, especially dry ones.

The size of the planting hole is 50 cm in depth, width and height, drainage (gravel, brick chips, etc.) is placed at the bottom. Planting is carried out in the spring, for which they take a sprout with several buds, from which young shoots will grow in the future.

Many gardeners prefer to plant honeysuckle in peat compost mass prepared from plant waste; it can also be added to landing hole or a trench where several plants are planted in a row.

Before planting, be sure to add peat compost, organic and mineral fertilizers to the hole, which are thoroughly mixed with the soil. Then the sprouts are planted. If planted correctly, by the end summer season young shoots will begin to grow, adding up to 2 m in length annually. After reaching the required height of the bush, the top needs to be pinched, which will promote the growth of side shoots.

According to the experience of gardeners who have honeysuckle honeysuckle on their plot, caring for the plant in summer months consists of regular and frequent loosening and watering so that the soil does not dry out. The bush is fed monthly with humus with the addition of 500 g wood ash.

Wintering and spring pruning

With the approach of cold weather, there is no need to cover or remove grown shoots, since the plant is quite cold-resistant. There is also no need for pruning. If severe frosts are expected, then the young bushes are covered with spruce branches on top for the first 2 years, and the roots are insulated with peat or dry leaves.

In spring, the plant immediately begins to sprout fresh shoots and it will be clear which of them overwintered well and which ones died and need to be pruned. However, this will not be noticeable immediately, because the buds on honeysuckle appear late. You will have to wait a little until it becomes clearly visible where the dead sprouts are and where the living ones are. In addition, new shoots always grow from hidden pockets, and it is then that it becomes clear at what level to prune.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can be planted both in a sunny place and in partial shade, but abundant flowering occurs only when good lighting.

Propagation of honeysuckle by seeds

There are 3 ways to propagate honeysuckle honeysuckle: using cuttings, seeds or layering.

Propagation by seeds is a rather lengthy process; moreover, during storage, their germination rate will decrease every year: after 4-5 years it is already only 5%. They are collected during the flowering period of the bush (July), separated from the pulp, washed well and dried at room temperature.

Before sowing, they need to be stratified: put in wet sand on long time in a cool place for at least 2 months. Experienced gardeners make a mixture of seeds and moistened sand in a ratio of 1:3 and put it in the refrigerator. When they are old enough, they are planted in separate pots to a depth of 2 cm and continue to grow in a greenhouse, then planted in open ground in the shade. Care consists of regular watering and weeding. In the fall, the grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place and mulched with peat before winter.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings begin when mature plant already fading (early July). Cuttings with 2 internodes are cut, lower leaves removed, the upper ones shortened. Young shoots are planted in a greenhouse in a mixture of peat, sand and garden soil(in a ratio of 2:2:1) with a distance of 20 cm, and the pots are covered with glass or polyethylene. For good growth, it is recommended to spray the cuttings three times a day.

The first leaves appear after 30 days, after which the shelter is removed. For the winter, the sprouts are mulched with peat, and with the onset of veins they are already planted in open ground, deepening root collar to activate adventitious roots. The rooting percentage is 50%.

Formation of layering

The easiest way to propagate honeysuckle is by rooting cuttings, which are cut and buried in the ground, and the vine itself continues to grow. At the place where the incision is made, the formation of roots begins. After this, the branch should be separated from the bush and planted in a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is susceptible to mold and the invasion of certain pests: garden aphids, scale insects, leaf rollers and others. Chemicals fights are selected taking into account the type of insect.

When growing this plant for prevention, you must follow some rules:

  • after fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, honeysuckle juice becomes tasteless to aphids and many leaf-eating pests, so it is recommended to control them trunk circle sprinkle ash, lime and superphosphate;
  • to destroy insects that can overwinter along with the foliage, it is necessary to spray the plants with a 5% urea solution;
  • To combat pests, you can use biological products: “Lepocid”, “Bitoxibacillin”, containing bacteria that destroy harmful insects from the inside.

Medicinal properties

IN medicinal purposes use flowers fragrant honeysuckle Honeysuckle, stems and leaves, which are best collected during the flowering period, then dried and crushed. The first ones contain essential oils emitting a pleasant juicy aroma, in homeopathy they use the alcoholic essence of this aphrodisiac, the smell of which soothes nervous system, lifts your mood and improves your well-being. The berries are poisonous and inedible and can cause stomach upset.

Honeysuckle tincture or decoction has an astringent and diuretic effect when taken orally; it is also used to reduce temperature (has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect for colds), externally - to heal wounds and relieve inflammation in the form of lotions or compresses, rinses for sore throat and stomatitis. Honeysuckle infusion is also often used to strengthen hair and treat baldness.

Varieties of honeysuckle

This plant has many varieties and classification options according to various properties: by height of the bush, by decorativeness (bushes and vines), by taste qualities fruits (for edible species).

As reviews about honeysuckle honeysuckle testify, caring for it does not present any difficulties. Many gardeners grow several varieties of these plants at once, because they have a positive effect on each other and increase productivity. Therefore, it is better to plant several bushes and vines in one area. different types.

Popular varieties honeysuckle honeysuckle:

  • Belgica - the name comes from the country of Belgium, the flowers are pink and purple, the berries are red.
  • Harleguin - the flowers are very picturesque pink shade, trimmed with a light border.
  • Munster - light pink flowers with white edges.
  • Grahm Thomas - flowers are elongated, tube-shaped, the petals are painted in white and yellow shades.

The use of honeysuckle in landscape design

Among the many plants used for vertical gardening, honeysuckle honeysuckle, planting and caring for which is quite simple and does not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners, is ideal option. The liana grows quickly at the top (up to 6 m), entwining supports and adjacent surfaces, it has a lot of greenery, it blooms beautifully and also has a wonderful, unforgettable aroma.

With the help of pruning, the plant can be given any desired shape, so it is planted along the fence, and to decorate the gazebo, to create complex decorative sculptures and compositions. At proper care this fragrant vine will become a decoration for any summer cottage or garden plot.

Good afternoon

Today we’ll talk in detail about honeysuckle honeysuckle: correct landing and care with photographs of how to propagate honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is a wonderful, fragrant vine that blooms with beautiful soft pink or crimson flowers. Inflorescences unusual shape up to 5 cm in length. Often used for vertical wall decoration, you can hide unattractive structures in the garden. Or vice versa, decorate a gazebo or pergola.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is very winter-hardy, winters well in Middle lane, in the Urals, in Siberia.

Growing honeysuckle honeysuckle

In nature, this vine is found in Central and Southern Europe and the Caucasus.

It has a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening. It is distinguished by the unusual sessile shape of flowers with protruding stamens, often differing in color from the petals. Flowers are collected in 5-6 pieces together and grow from the axils of the leaves.

The leaves are leathery, dense, bluish-gray below and dark green above, fused. The vine retains this color until late autumn.

It blooms briefly, but profusely for three to four weeks. Each flower lives for three days. Fragrant flowers attract many bees. After flowering, bright red berries are formed.

Attention! The berries are poisonous and should never be eaten.

Over the summer, honeysuckle shoots can grow up to two meters. Typically, the vine grows 1 meter per year. They winter well. Even if the shoots freeze slightly in harsh winters, they usually recover well.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can grow for more than 50 years and delight you with flowering and decorativeness; until winter, the leaves remain two-colored - bluish and green. At the same time, it reproduces very easily.


Honeysuckle does not really like transplanting, so you need to immediately choose a permanent place. She loves sunny places - it blooms better and more abundantly in the sun.

It is better to plant immediately near a support - the wall of a building, a fence. Or then build a pergola so that the vine can grow upward. It can stretch up to 5 meters in five years.

At the same time, it grows not only upward, but also in breadth. The shoots have many small roots that cling to surfaces. Therefore, the shoots take root easily.

The soil is dug well before planting and moistened. To close large areas shoots need to be planted a large number kidneys into the trench. This way many young shoots will grow.


As already mentioned, honeysuckle honeysuckle needs support, so you need to plant it near walls, fences, or build a support yourself. The higher the support, the taller the plant. In the garden they usually grow up to 4-5 meters.

You need to water regularly, honeysuckle loves water, and during drought, increase watering.

After planting and rooting, after 2-3 weeks the seedlings are watered with fertilizer. This could be an infusion of mullein with ash. Or a mixture of manure and mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers used when planting in spring. So that the plant has the nutrients to grow strongly in the summer. In the second half of summer they feed only ash or complex fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizers are no longer added.

You can immediately fill the hole with humus or well-rotted compost when planting. Adult plants are also periodically fed with humus, compost, ash or a mixture thereof. Then the plants will delight you rapid growth and abundant flowering.

Honeysuckle can be affected by fungal diseases that become visible on the leaves. They turn brown, become covered with dark spots and dry out. For treatment and prevention, you need to spray the bushes with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. It is better to carry out such spraying in early spring to prevent diseases.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

This plant is propagated in different ways:

  • Seeds
  • Cuttings
  • By layering
  • Dividing the bush


This is a very long and difficult process. If you decide to propagate your vine by seeds, then you need to be patient. The seeds are very slow to germinate and must be stratified.

The seeds are collected after flowering and seed ripening, in July. You can immediately sow them in the ground or put them in the refrigerator for storage. They are stored in damp sand. This is how seed stratification occurs. You need to keep the seeds moist at all times.

When sowing directly into the ground, seed stratification will take place in the ground in the spring.

Seeds from the refrigerator are sown in the spring along with sand in prepared beds. Waiting for shoots. Young seedlings need to be carefully weeded, watered, and loosened. Choose a shaded place for young seedlings so that the sun does not burn the young seedlings.

In autumn, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place of residence. In the first years, young bushes need to be covered for the winter with a layer of mulch - humus, peat, leaves. After 2 years, the plant will have grown to 1.5-2 meters and will be able to winter on its own, without additional shelter.

Until the age of three, the vine can still freeze at very severe frosts, so if expected harsh winter, then it is better to cover the root part of the plant with spruce branches or peat.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are cut towards the end of flowering, in June-July. The cuttings should have 2-3 buds, the lower leaves are removed, and the upper leaves are shortened by half.

The soil for rooting is prepared specially. It should be loose and water and breathable. To do this, mix sand, humus, compost and garden soil in equal quantities.

For best result the cuttings are dipped in Kornevin powder and then planted in rows in prepared beds with a distance of 20 cm. Watered and covered with film or halves of plastic bottles— they make greenhouses.

It is necessary to constantly ventilate and spray the cuttings (up to three times per day), then the percentage of rooted ones will be much higher. You need to do this for about a month, then new leaves will appear on the cuttings and you can remove all the coverings.

In winter, the cuttings are covered with peat or leaves to prevent them from freezing. In spring they are planted in a permanent place. To create more additional roots, you need to deepen the root collar a little when planting.

If you do not treat the cuttings with anything additional before planting, then 50% of the total amount will take root.

Rooting by layering

This is the easiest way to propagate honeysuckle, but you need to remember that only adults can root this way. strong plants, on which there are many new shoots.

You need to select a shoot near the ground, bend it down and pin it to the ground. Cover part of the shoot with soil and water it. If we do this in the spring, then by autumn we will have a new shoot with roots. You can separate it and plant it in a permanent place. Or you can leave the transplant until spring.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This method is the same for all shrubs. You need to dig up the base of the bush and cut off part of the rhizome with branches with a sharp shovel. Then sprinkle the cut with coal, dry it and plant it in the prepared area.

You can dig up the entire bush and use a sharp shovel to divide it into parts. All cuts are sprinkled with crushed coal.

Spring pruning of honeysuckle, how to properly

The buds wake up late, so there is no need to rush to prune honeysuckle in the spring. Because you only need to trim damaged, frostbitten branches that will no longer produce new buds and shoots.

Therefore, we wait for the buds to appear and carefully trim off the excess shoots.

To stimulate the formation of side shoots, after the vine reaches the desired height, the crown of the main trunk is cut off.

Video about growing honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can delight you with a huge vine with fragrant flowers if you care for it correctly. It is quite unpretentious, grows well and is frost-resistant. It will perfectly decorate and decorate any buildings.

Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

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