Summer is inexorably coming to an end, which means one thing - a new school year will soon begin. Many parents are already concerned about preparing and shopping for this event so that their child can study in the most comfortable conditions and receive only “good” and “excellent” grades. After searching for textbooks, the most pressing issue is the office supply. Such an abundance of goods on store shelves is confusing, and the choice is so wide that it makes your eyes wide open.

We suggest you make a list of all your office supplies in advance so you don't miss anything. But before you do this, we advise you to shake out your home shelves, drawers and cabinets in search of lost ballpoint pens, rulers, pencils and erasers. This will significantly save the family budget and reduce expenses.

So, what stationery should you buy for your child for the new school year?

  • Diary (no educational process would be complete without it). We advise you to pay attention to the pages of additional information, which must contain contact information, a list of subjects and teachers, and a schedule of classes for quarters.
  • Stand for students. Most coasters today are made of plastic. Still, it’s worth spending a little time and looking for an iron one. It will last throughout your school years and will not crack.
  • Pencil case. Don’t forget that a student’s writing set is huge and the pencil case should be as spacious as possible.
  • Rulers. For the most convenient use, the ruler should be approximately equal to the width of a standard notebook (16-20 cm).
  • Notebooks in a cage and a ruler of 12, 18 and 48 sheets. If your child is in high school, then buy him several notebooks of 96 sheets each for subjects such as algebra, geometry, physics, and chemistry.
  • Folder for notebooks. It is best if it is on a button rather than Velcro.
  • Covers for notebooks and textbooks. Due to the fact that this attribute of the school office is constantly torn and stained with ink, it is best to purchase a supply of it.
  • Pens. A student’s arsenal should include not only blue ballpoint pens, but also colored marker pens for highlighting text elements.
  • Erasers. Moreover, it is preferable to choose erasers that are large in size so that they are comfortable to hold in your hand.
  • Sharpener. Conventional iron sharpeners are a thing of the past. It is worth buying it with a container.
  • Ordinary pencils whose hardness should not be softer than HB, B.
  • Pack of colored pencils. Try to buy them in medium softness for brighter colors on the paper when used.
  • Markers (for younger students) or highlighters (for older students).
  • Glue. Buy glue sticks in reserve in quantities of 4-5 pieces. It is used very quickly and often for large creative works one is not enough.
  • Compass. It’s better to immediately take a special set with additional leads and attachments. Pay attention to what the compass is made of. It is best to buy it entirely from iron rather than plastic.
  • Additional calculator for calculations in physics, algebra and geometry.
  • Notepad for additional notes.
  • Bookmarks for textbooks. To save money, you can also sew ribbons onto the covers, or choose covers with bookmarks.
  • Album for drawing, brushes and paints (gouache and watercolor), if the child takes the subject “drawing” as part of his school education.
  • Sets of colored and white paper and cardboard. There are many options for the number of sheets, with matte or glossy paper, double-sided paper. Usually you need the simplest one.
  • Scissors. In terms of size, it is better to choose ones that fit in a pencil case and have comfortable handles so that they are comfortable to hold in your hand.
  • Folder for work. Here you can conveniently put all the supplies for labor lessons so as not to stain the rest of the contents of the backpack.
  • A lesson schedule that can be hung above your desk. Such a table will help not to forget about the schedule and always keep parents informed of school events.

If your child is studying in primary school or is just starting first grade, then you will also additionally need:

  1. Counting sticks. With a creative approach and the opportunity to spend a little free time, you can make such sticks yourself.
  2. Prefabricated letters. In recent years they have increasingly been sold in the form of a fan. It is very convenient and practical.
  3. Cash register letters and bills. Such cash registers can also be made at home, but buying them is a much simpler option.

Here, perhaps, is the entire list of necessary items for study, which can become the key to peace of mind and straight A’s in the diary of a modern schoolchild.

Preparing for the new school year is always an exciting, costly, and troublesome undertaking. Students, office managers, and parents of schoolchildren make a list of stationery and writing materials in advance.

And although we increasingly and increasingly perform all kinds of tasks on the computer, work “in the cloud”, and do exercises on various sites, pens, pencils and paper do not lose their relevance.

What should a stationery list include so you don’t forget anything you need? Schoolchildren and students of technical specialties must have pencils of varying hardness and erasers. For daily notes, everyone will certainly need ballpoint or gel pens. Expensive pens with replaceable ink, in general, give the impression of solidity and prestige, but are completely impractical for ordinary everyday use. Maybe once every two or three weeks you sign important contracts with such a pen. But the liners will be useful for office workers, students, and schoolchildren.

The list of stationery supplies may include a stroke (it is most convenient not liquid, but tape), and writing blocks, and all kinds of markers. Proofreaders are not used in important documents, but they are quite suitable for drafts and projects. If you often give presentations or conduct seminars, you will also need whiteboard markers, and if you record data on disks, special markers for CDs and DVDs.

The list of office supplies also includes organizers, staplers and dividers. Cardboard and archival folders, document boxes or pallets will help maintain order in the workplace. A list of office supplies cannot be complete without staplers and adhesive tape. Display books (or file folders), ring or spring recorders are needed wherever work is done with clients and filing cabinets.

The list of stationery supplies for high school students includes glue - both PVA and pencil, as well as "files" of various sizes. Weeklies and diaries are increasingly replacing electronic devices and organizers for us. In the West - especially in Scandinavia - even junior schoolchildren carry tablet computers (provided by the educational institution) with them, rather than kilogram backpacks. Nevertheless, the requirements of modern life are such that paper document management is still relevant. And children learn to write by hand, and not just computer typing. And although even in secondary schools, essays and all kinds of projects must be submitted in printed form, and in universities, information is increasingly exchanged between students and teachers by e-mail, stationery does not lose its need.

There needs to be some common sense when it comes to price. It is absolutely not necessary to buy “branded” expensive stationery and it is important that they are reliable and convenient.

Skriptunova E.A.
"Referent Secretary" No. 12 (48) December 2006

The issue of providing office supplies is probably the most pressing for most secretaries of small companies or office managers of larger companies. Every office has regular costs for office supplies, and every manager is interested in reducing these costs, if possible. Naturally, without compromising the production process. This article is devoted to the question of how to minimize a company’s expenses on stationery. To answer this question, we need to figure out how to create a list of office supplies needed by the company, how to choose suppliers, how often to make purchases, and how to keep track of the consumption of office supplies. These aspects of the process of organizing the supply of office supplies are key to reducing costs, and we will focus on them.

So, let’s look at what factors influence the company’s expenses under the item “office supplies”. First of all, this:

The list of office supplies itself, what exactly is purchased for production needs and in what quantities. Or, in other words, this is the volume of purchase.

Depending on the specifics of the company’s activities, this list can be minimal (paper, pens, folders) or include almost all possible items from the stationery catalog. In other words, first of all, it is necessary to find out how much and what kind of office supplies the company needs. Simply reducing this list to the level that is actually necessary will already give the company significant savings.

Cost of purchased stationery.

Ideally, the solution to this issue should depend on company policy. If a company strives to create a certain image through expensive stationery products, then it would O The higher cost of purchased stationery makes sense. If stationery does not play an image role in the company, but is simply used for its intended purpose, then by buying cheaper analogues you can save quite a decent amount.

Supplier selection

It is known that the price range among companies selling office supplies is quite significant. Simply researching the market, comparing prices and choosing the cheapest option can also lead to significant savings. However, in reality it is quite rare for secretaries to conduct such an analysis. It is easier for them to purchase where purchases have always been made (perhaps even the decision was made long before they began working in the company). In addition, many secretaries fear that choosing a supplier is not part of their authority and prefer to act according to established tradition.

Establishing systematic procurement.

By establishing records of office supplies and ensuring regular purchases, you can save a lot of money. After all, this happens quite often. “Suddenly” something runs out, and the secretary is forced to purchase it very quickly. As a result, you have to buy where they can ensure delivery on time. And this is quite often more expensive. In addition, by making purchases as planned, for example, once a month, the secretary can ensure a sufficient volume to receive discounts and other privileges (for example, free shipping)

Let's look at each of these saving factors in more detail.

List of required stationery

Very often, a company purchases significantly more office supplies than it actually needs. Typically, savings due to a reduction in purchase volume are the most significant. Therefore, it is from this point that we propose to begin work on reducing the cost of office supplies.

To assess whether this is the case in your company and save on this point, you need to consistently perform the following steps:

1) Conduct an audit of office supplies used and stored by employees and compile a complete list of office supplies.

This audit can be carried out in the form of an inventory by creating a small commission, or you can simply ask all employees to rewrite their clerical “property”.

For these purposes, it is better to prepare a single accounting form to make it easier to compare later. You can make the task easier by entering the most typical groups of stationery supplies into this form in advance.

For example,


Quantity at the time of audit

Estimated need per year (according to the employee)

Required frequency (once a month, once every 2 months, once a quarter, once every six months)


2 packs

12 pcs.

1 time every 2 months, 2 packs

5 pieces.

12 pcs.

1 time per quarter 3 pens

Last purchase was a year ago

Corner folders

20 pcs.

200 pcs.

Once every six months, 100 pcs.

If you use this form, then in addition to auditing the current state, you can identify how the employee determines his needs. This information will be useful later for determining the frequency of purchases and establishing standards for the consumption of office supplies.

Once the lists have been compiled, they need to be analyzed. It consists of comparing lists of employees (or departments) with each other, identifying and explaining the differences. If the differences are not caused by the specifics of the activity, but are determined by subjective reasons, then it makes sense to adjust the list of office supplies.

For example, two accountants performing identical work in one company ordered different archive folders. One is simple paper, costing 5 rubles, and the other is plastic with locks, costing 110 rubles. As it turned out, this was not caused by any specific activity. It’s just that one was inclined to save money, and the other liked beautiful things.

2) Determine the average consumption of each type of stationery by departments and employees.

Average consumption is determined by dividing the total number of office supplies purchased during a given period (preferably a year) by the number of months in that period.

In case of significant discrepancies, find out the reasons for this situation. It is possible that some department, due to the specifics of its work, objectively spends more of a certain type of stationery. If greater expenditure relative to the average value is not caused by explicable reasons, then either the organization of work has not been thought out, or stationery supplies are simply spent uneconomically.

For example, in one company, the manager ordered the most folders. When he was asked to show where he spends it, it turned out that, unlike his colleagues, he keeps a separate folder for each client and each contract. His manager recognized this as inappropriate and ordered him to reduce the number of folders.

3) Carry out an analysis together with the manager whether the stationery that is being purchased is really necessary, whether employees and departments are ordering too much, and whether all this splendor then collects dust on the shelves.

The participation of employees' immediate supervisors, especially at the analysis stage, is mandatory. It often happens that too much consumption of office supplies is directly related to ineffective labor organization. And even if at the first stage managers resist this work, believing that it is a waste of time, in the end they are usually grateful to the initiator of this work. After all, they get the opportunity to analyze the work of their subordinates, optimize it and, accordingly, not only save on office supplies, but also free up their subordinates’ time to solve other problems.

As a result of analyzing the consumption of office supplies, the department head learned many interesting things. One of his employees, for example, practically did not use diaries. He only came with a diary to department meetings, because he saw that everyone was doing it. He no longer used the diary. He wrote down any information he needed on small pieces of paper. Naturally, he often lost his partners’ phone numbers, forgot to carry out assignments, and did not pass on information to his colleagues. This fact became clear when it was discovered that he was the only one constantly ordering blocks of small sheets of paper for recording. After a conversation with this employee, the manager found out that he has a very vague understanding of time management (time management). This employee was sent for training, and his efficiency increased greatly as a result.

4) After recording and analyzing the current state of stationery consumption, a list of necessary stationery supplies is compiled for each workplace (or department), taking into account the specifics of the activity.

It is worth keeping in mind that all stationery can be divided into two groups:

Stationery that needs to be purchased one-time when organizing a workplace and updated in the future no more than once every 2-3 years;

Stationery that needs to be purchased regularly, with a certain frequency.

Therefore, it makes sense to make two lists for each workplace.

An approximate minimum list of stationery supplies for organizing a workplace:

  • Stationery set: a cup (size, number of compartments, shape depends on desire), a set of pens, pencils, an eraser, scissors, a paper knife, a stapler, an anti-stapler, paper clips.
  • Hole puncher
  • Calculator
  • Paper clip holder with magnet
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Notebook
  • Paper trays
  • Ruler
  • Business card holder for your business cards

An approximate minimum list of office supplies for the functioning of a typical workplace (for example, an account manager)


Approximate consumption


1 pack per month


1 in 2 months

3 months after organizing the workplace

1 in 2 months

3 months after organizing the workplace


1 in 2 months

Staple clips

1 pack every 3 months

Ordinary paper clips

1 pack every 3 months

1 pack per year

Wipes for equipment

Large folders with a ring mechanism

10 pieces. in half a year

File folders

100 pieces. per quarter

Corner folders

100 pieces. in half a year

Archive folders

100 pieces. in half a year

Folders for presentation materials with files

5 pieces. in half a year


10 pieces. per quarter

1 pack every 2 months


10 pieces. in half a year

Printer cartridge

Once every 4 months


1 time per year

Business card holder

1 time per year

Establishing a standard for the consumption of office supplies saves a lot of money. If the quota is used up, then the employee (or department) is no longer issued certain office supplies until the expiration date. This encourages staff to use office supplies more carefully. But this measure may also have negative consequences. It happens that someone needs significantly less than the norm and, having received the established amount of office supplies, these employees either simply store them or use them, as they say, without counting them, although they could easily get by with less. A way out of the situation can be found using a mixed approach. For employees who know how to save money and spend the least amount of office supplies, everything they need is not issued according to the norm, but as much as required (which they always have less than the norm). For those who are prone to overspending, the norms are strictly observed.

Thus, savings on this point first occur by reducing the general list of stationery supplies and excluding from it items that are clearly not required for work (like plastic archival folders, as in the example above). And the next step is to reduce the amount of stationery consumed, and therefore purchased, to the required level, avoiding overspending (for this, consumption standards are used as a guideline).

Cost of purchased stationery

In order not to have to do the work of comparing the cost of stationery every time, it is necessary to do it correctly and in full the first time. To do this, you can create a table in Excel and enter all the received data into it. More often, secretaries, having found out all the prices and writing them down on separate pieces of paper, then make a decision, and simply throw out the pieces of information. Next time, if you need to compare prices, everything is repeated again, from the very beginning.

In the table, it is better to take into account not only the price, but also the differences, in order to reduce the time for making a decision in the future.

For example,


Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Let us note once again that a higher price does not always correspond to higher quality. Often, more well-known manufacturers charge a higher price, which is called a brand. And if the company does not care, for example, whether an employee writes with a famous brand pen or an ordinary pen, then by choosing a cheaper analogue, you can save significantly.

Supplier selection

When choosing a supplier, it is difficult to be guided only by price issues. Sometimes convenience takes over, for example, the ability to order everything you need in one place or convenient (fast, even before payment) delivery.

But still, the decision must be made based on the company’s capabilities. If you need to save money, then maybe it makes sense to sacrifice convenience and order different stationery from different places, choosing cheaper options.

Establishing systematic procurement

To establish systematic procurement, you need to pay enough attention to this issue. First of all, you need to decide whether you will work on requests or set spending standards. In both cases, preparatory work will be required. But both options allow for significant savings relative to unsystematic purchases (or purchases as needed). In addition, you can use a mixed approach: work on requests, but set spending standards and use them as a guideline, an upper limit for adjusting requests.

The most significant issue is to determine the minimum purchasing frequency. It is usually not practical to purchase office supplies more than once a month. Small companies can easily purchase stationery once a quarter. Next, you need to decide which office supplies to purchase with each purchase, and which less often. To do this, it makes sense to record and analyze the frequency of purchases over the past year for each item.

Our experience shows that companies that have completed the entire range of the listed activities and optimized the work of supplying the office with stationery were able to reduce costs by 20 - 50%. The principles embedded in this set of measures are quite simple, although in practice they are often violated: do not buy unnecessary things; don’t buy too much; before you buy, compare and choose the best prices; plan your purchases, don’t buy the first thing that comes to hand. But most importantly, it is worth remembering that if you do not make an effort and do not do this work on a regular basis, it is impossible to achieve any savings. Only constant accounting, careful analysis and creativity in relation to the entire process can solve the problem.

List of goods that need to be prepared for school. They always prepare especially carefully for the first grade, but also for other grades, every year, you need to prepare everything you need in advance. It is best to get your child ready for the new school year in the summer, no later than August, because... As September approaches, stores are busier and there are fewer goods left. It’s better to choose, of course, without haste. It is most convenient to buy in online stores, because... There is a larger assortment, and you can collect everything you need in one store at once. Even if you are getting several children ready for school at once.

In the photo in the article there are some school supplies, pens, notebooks, glue...

The list of office supplies required for grade 1 is usually issued by the teacher at a general meeting. But, as a rule, in all schools the recommendations are approximately the same, essentials (short list):

Checked notebooks 2 pcs.

Lined notebook 2 pcs
Narrow lined notebooks 2 pcs.
Diary 1 piece
Diary 1 piece
Blue pen 2 pcs
Red pen 1 piece
Green pen 1 pc.
Ordinary pencil 2 pcs
Regular elastic band (eraser) 1 pc.
Safety compass 1 piece
Pencil case 1 piece
Ruler 20 cm 1 piece

It is best to buy a primer (whitener) for your child; It’s not encouraged in schools, but children love it and still use it, so teachers have to put up with it.

Children also love different stickers - they decorate notebooks, diaries with them, and even change stickers, so it is also advisable to buy several sheets with different stickers.

On the Internet sections EVERYTHING FOR SCHOOL: in the maze, And to myshop.

Each of these stores has EVERYTHING - from office supplies to backpacks and lunch boxes.

A complete list for preparing your child for school

You can print out the list and use it for shopping trips, crossing off what you have already prepared.

A complete list of products for primary school students:
- backpack (briefcase)
- notebook 12 sheets in a cage (10 pcs.)

- notebook 12 sheets in a large square (5 pcs.)
- notebook 12 sheets lined (10 pcs.)
- notebook 12 sheets with oblique ruler (10 pcs.)
- folder for notebooks (without it they get wrinkled, even with covers)
- notebook for writing down foreign words
- diary
- cover for notebooks (20 pieces or more, preferably for all notebooks that are used by the child at the same time)
- counting sticks
- cover for textbooks (10 pcs.)
- bookmarks for textbooks
- blue ballpoint pen (5 pcs.)
- colored ballpoint pens (some schools prefer gel pens)
- stand for pens and pencils
- bookend
- lesson schedule (a sheet that can be hung at home above your desk)
- plasticine and modeling board
- a lining for writing (it is needed if the table at home is wooden, with a non-smooth surface, so it is inconvenient to write on it, we put a sheet under it, it is also useful for modeling and drawing, so as not to stain the table)
- pencil case
- a set of simple black graphite pencils of different hardnesses
- pencil sharpener
- eraser
- a ruler (20 cm is enough, such a ruler fits in a pencil case), in high grades a square can also be useful, and in higher grades a protractor
- a set of colored pencils
- felt-tip pens (usually 12 colors recommended)
- box of numbers, letters and syllables
- sketchbook
- drawing folder
- glue stick and PVA glue with a brush
- children's scissors with rounded ends
- watercolor honey paints (12 colors or more)
- gouache paints (preferably 12 colors, but less is possible)
- brushes for painting of different thicknesses, usually 3 brushes: thick for the background - more than No. 8; average No. 8; and a thin brush No. 1-3
- palette
- sippy cup for water (for drawing)
- plasticine modeling board (A4 format is best)
- a set of colored paper
- a set of colored cardboard
- a set of white cardboard

- a set of colored velvet paper, additionally other sets are possible (foil paper, metallic, etc.)
- a folder for work (at teacher meetings, explain what exactly should be included there, the requirements are different, but usually this is a general set of office supplies, which is already listed, you can add an apron for work and an oilcloth for the table, a bag of paper napkins for wiping your hands)
- if there are music lessons, you will need a music book
- bag for replacement shoes
- lunch box
- in higher grades - a calculator

A magnifying glass may come in handy - if not for lessons, then children will definitely use it for something at home.

A separate topic is clothing for school; here everything is decided at meetings. You will definitely need sportswear (clothes and shoes).

Also a separate topic is textbooks and workbooks for school, everything is discussed about them at meetings. As a rule, such materials are immediately purchased for the class, and parents simply hand over the money.

And we stopped separately at . In addition, we considered the topics: "", "", "" and "". You can view them again by following the link.

Today I want to talk about what office supplies you need in high school. My son and I are just getting ready for sixth grade and buying everything we need.

So, the list of stationery supplies for grades 5-11:

1. Backpack or bag.
2. Bag for replacement shoes and tracksuit.
3. Pencil case.
4. Pens with blue core – 5 pieces.
5. Colored pens (1 green, 1 black, 1 red).
6. Set of gel pens.
7. Diary and its cover.
8. Checkered notebooks for 18-24 sheets – 10 pieces.
9. Lined notebooks for 18-24 sheets – 10 pieces.
10. Notebooks with 12 sheets for tests in a box and line – 5-10 pcs.
11. Notebook for 48 sheets – 3 pcs.
12. Notebook for notes.
13. Covers for notebooks.
14. Covers for textbooks.
15. Folder for notebooks.
16. Notepad for notes.
17. Simple pencils - 2 pieces.
18. Set of colored pencils.
19. Proofreader.
20. Colored markers.
21. Sharpener.
22. Erasers - 2 pieces.
23. 30 cm ruler.
24. Triangle.
25. Protractor.
26. Compass.
27. Stapler and staples.
28. Calculator.
29. Colored paper.
30. Colored cardboard.
31. Bookmarks for books.
32. Sketchbook or drawing folder.
33. Folder for drawing.
34. Paper, A4 format.
35. Gouache paints.
36. Sippy cup, palette.
37. Paint brush.
38. Scissors.
39. Glue.
40. Oilcloth and apron with sleeves.
41. Badge.
42. Binder folder.
43. Files – 10 pieces.
44. Lesson schedule.
45. Desk organizer.
46. ​​Electronic book or tablet.

Here is the list of stationery supplies. Of course, it may vary depending on the grade and school. But basically all these supplies are needed in high school. Why is there a tablet on this list? Our teachers allowed us to download books into it and take it to school instead of books. Otherwise the backpack turned out to be very heavy and large.

If you have something to add, write in the comments, and if you liked the article, share it with your friends on social networks.

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