Callisia ( lat. Callisia) - a genus of perennial evergreen herbaceous plants of the family Commelinaceae. The name of the genus comes from the Greek word. κάλλος - beautiful.

Callisia characterized by creeping, less often erect, stems. These plants are sometimes mistaken for Setcreasia or a type of Tradescantia. This is not true, although the plants are indeed similar to each other and they all belong to the same family.

Callisias grow in subtropical and tropical regions of America in moist, semi-shaded places, forming dense turfs. They are also common in Mexico, South America and the Antilles. The most commonly grown indoor plants are callisia elegans and callisia repens. Fragrant callisia or “golden mustache” is very popular; it is grown as a medicinal plant.

Callisia is grown as a magnificent hanging or ground cover plant for warm and bright rooms. Small sizes allow you to grow callisia in wide ceramic vases, in compositions with other, more tall plants monochromatic colors. It is best to keep the plant in a spacious room with fresh air(a kitchen with its constant aromas and a smoky room are not suitable); V warm time years - on the balcony, terrace, etc.

Some plants from the genus Callisia can cause allergic reactions in pets (especially cats and dogs), which are expressed in itching and redness of the skin. The most dangerous in this regard are fragrant callisia and creeping callisia.

Types of callisia

Synonym: Callisia Ghentla various. elegant (Callisia gentlei var elegans) . A miniature plant with creeping, geniculate, ascending stems. Callisia elegans differs from Tradescantia in having a juicier and stronger stem. Cultivated for its beautifully colored leaves - velvety dark green with bright silver stripes along the veins, ovate or elongated-ovate in shape. Leaves 3-6 cm long are located on the shoot in 2 rows. The leaves are violet-green or purple underneath. The entire plant is velvety-pubescent.

Callisia navicularis . Synonym: Tradescantia navicularis . A succulent plant with succulent, boat-shaped leaves. IN sunny weather they take on a reddish tint. Only shortened shoots with leaves tiledly arranged one above the other look beautiful. But others are regularly formed - elongated shoots with leaves spaced at a considerable distance from each other (they grow in different directions and take root). Unlike callisia elegans, this species requires a lot of sun and infrequent watering, especially in winter.

. A dwarf plant with miniature leaves, barely reaching 0.5-2 cm. Upon careful examination, purple specks are noticeable on the leaves. Thin stems bear two rows of leaves. The plant grows very quickly, forming a continuous low green cover.

Fragrant callisia (Callisia fragrans) . Synonyms: Golden mustache, Homemade ginseng, Far Eastern mustache, Living hair, Dichorisandra, Corn . Has pretty solid colors large leaves(20-30 cm long and 5-6 cm wide) with a characteristic shine. It differs more from previous species of the family strong odor and the fact that in bright light its leaves can turn pink. The plant reaches a height of 70-120 cm. The stems are quite thick; in adult plants there are two types: shortened vertical (fleshy) with a large rosette of leaves and horizontal (long, tubular) with leaves arranged in a spiral to capture new area.

The plant throws out liana-like horizontal shoots (“whiskers” consisting of “joints”) after reaching mature age; is formed at their ends leaf rosette. The plant reproduces by these same rosettes. The apical part is cut off into two “joints” below the rosette and placed in water until roots form.

Callisia fragrant is considered a medicinal plant.

Callisia care

Lighting. Callisia prefers bright, diffused light. It is better to keep the plant in a bright or semi-shaded place (windows facing west or east). The brightness of the color of callisia leaves is directly dependent on the light intensity. K. navicularis tolerates direct sunlight, and with a lack of light it can get sick.

Temperature. Callisia relatively unpretentious plant, however, compared to its close relatives - Tradescantia, Zebrina and Setcreasia - it needs warmer content. The optimal temperature range during spring-summer is 20-25°C, in winter - 15-20°C, not lower than 14°C. The plant does not like sudden drops in temperature.

Watering. In summer, callisia is watered abundantly with soft, settled water as the top layer of the substrate dries; in winter, watering is moderate. Callisia is unpretentious, but overdrying the earthen coma can lead to the death of the plant. K. navicularis is watered more moderately in winter than other species of the genus.

Air humidity. Callisia prefers high air humidity. Regular and fairly frequent spraying is required. K. eleganta is sprayed carefully with a fine spray to avoid deterioration in the appearance of the leaves.

Fertilizer. Callisia is fed weekly, from April to September, with complex mineral fertilizer.

Bloom. Callisia sometimes blooms in room conditions. Small white flowers in sessile paired curls on the tops of the shoots are fragrant (the smell is subtle, very delicate, pleasant and fresh, reminiscent of lily of the valley or hyacinth), but not very decorative. Plants bloom in early summer, but rather reluctantly in indoor conditions.

Features of cultivation. Recently, hanging balls from hanging plants. They can be given any (but not too complex) shape and can be used to decorate a somewhat shaded corner of a balcony or window. Make a strong, large-mesh wire frame with a hook for hanging. Place a layer inside wet sphagnum(it is needed so that the planting substrate does not spill out of the mold). If you think that the sphagnum will not hold up, strengthen the walls with nylon or some kind of fabric mesh. Fill the sphagnum bag from the inside with moist substrate. If you used nylon, make holes in it for the cuttings.

Plant cuttings or rooted young plants of creeping callisia in sphagnum on all sides.

Sprinkle the ball with cuttings well with water. For the first few days, you can wrap your workpiece in polyethylene to create the best conditions rooting. Hang it in diffused light for 3-4 days. Remove the plastic and leave in low light for another day. Spray generously. If not everything has taken root, add fresh planting material.

Caring for a living sculpture consists of regular watering of the substrate (you just need to think about water drainage) and spraying. In order for callisias to grow evenly, you need to turn them more often different sides to the light source.

Transfer. Old shoots at the base become bare, so it is advisable not to replant the plants, but to renew (rejuvenate) them from apical cuttings. From time to time, as the shoots grow (at any time of the year), the plant is rejuvenated using cuttings. Cuttings (apical and stem from a horizontal shoot) are planted several in a pot or, better yet, in a bowl with a nutrient mixture. The shoot can be taken only if the shoot has grown at least 12 “joints”.

Reproduction. The top should be cut 2 “joints” below the leaf panicle, in the middle of the third “joint”. It is better to root under a plastic cap. Cuttings take root completely in 2-3 weeks.

The cutting can be rooted in plain water and planted in the ground only after it has fully developed root system(in about a week and a half).

Long horizontal shoots of fragrant callisia also take root easily. This is especially convenient for propagation in open ground. In this case, the main trunk must be attached to a support, and side shoots, having reached the soil, they will begin to take root in it. To speed up this process, you need to place the shoots in the garden bed and sprinkle them with soil. After rooting (after a few days), the shoots can be cut off from the main stem and transplanted to another location.

The soil for planting plants is humus (pH 5.5-6.5). It can consist of turf and deciduous soil with the addition of humus, peat and sand (taken in equal quantities) or from humus, turf soil and sand (which should make up about a third of the total soil). The bottom of the planting containers provides good drainage.

You can add crushed shells to the substrate raw eggs, calcium contained in eggshells slowly passes through the soil, thereby enriching it. But the shells of raw eggs also deoxidize the soil, thereby changing its pH from acidic or neutral to an alkaline reaction. Therefore, if your water has an excess of salts, then in order to avoid an alkaline reaction of the soil, it is better not to add raw egg shells to the substrate.

Possible difficulties

The plant grows quickly - this is a natural process for it. Therefore, it is rejuvenated by simply re-rooting the tops of the shoots.


Medicinal and other beneficial properties of callisia

The medicinal properties of plants from the Commeline family have interested scientists since the middle of the 20th century. In the course of research that began in America and Canada, experts discovered that callisia juice contains a large amount of biologically active substances that inhibit the development of cancer cells.

As for the golden mustache, in Russia they began to study the properties of this plant in the early 1980s at the Irkutsk Medical Institute. For many years, scientists under the leadership of the famous Russian professor Semenov tried to uncover the secret of callisia and, I must say, they almost succeeded.

As a result of numerous experiments, it was proven that the golden mustache actually has medicinal properties, due to the high content of biologically active substances, but at the same time, the use of this medicinal plant leads to some adverse reactions of the body, in particular, to damage to the vocal cords and allergic rashes and swelling (in people with weakened immune systems and with a hereditary predisposition to allergies). That is why the use of golden mustache preparations is permissible only after consultation with a specialist.

Callisia juice contains two representatives of flavonoids (a group of natural biologically active compounds): quercetin and kaempferol. The content of the highly active substance beta-sitosterol in callisia helps to actively fight diseases such as atherosclerosis, metabolic diseases, endocrine system, inflammation of the prostate gland and many others. Callisia is also rich in vitamins and minerals, which, when combined with bioactive substances, become more effective.

Due to the presence of biologically active substances, callisia is able to fight various kinds infections, stimulate metabolic processes, strengthen the circulatory system and immunity, promote the removal of toxins from the body, have an analgesic, wound-healing and antitumor effect. It is used to treat diabetes mellitus, leukemia, chronic pancreatitis, osteochondrosis, women's diseases, restore the function of the pancreas, spleen, adrenal cortex, relieve inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts, stomach, small intestine, normalize the acid-base composition gastrointestinal tract, thinning sputum, reducing hypersecretion and swelling of the bronchial mucosa in asthmatics. External use has an effect in healing trophic ulcers, soothes pain in deep burns, heals them, heals frostbitten limbs, and treats skin diseases well.

According to some reports, the fragrant callisia plant releases phytoncides into the air, which have antiseptic properties.

Golden mustache: some recipes for treating diseases

  • Golden Usage Tincture

1. Tincture of callisia fragrant with alcohol is used to cleanse the body, as well as to treat osteochondrosis, bruises, postoperative adhesions, fibroids, fibroids, polyps, and diseases of the respiratory system, such as tuberculosis and asthma.

To prepare the Golden Usa tincture, both the whole plant and its side shoots, separated by joints (brown-purple nodes) into separate knees, are used.

Recipe: 30-50 knees of callisia are taken and crushed. Next, they are placed in a glass container and filled with one liter of vodka. And leave for 7-15 days in a dark place, shaking daily. When the tincture acquires a dark lilac color, it needs to be strained and poured into a dark glass container. The tincture should be stored in a cool place.

2. An infusion of golden mustache treats pancreatitis, diabetes, liver and gastrointestinal diseases. With the help of such an infusion you can cleanse the body. To prepare the infusion, you need to take leaves at least 20 cm long.

Recipe: Take 1 leaf of the Golden Mustache and place it in a glass or ceramic container and fill it with one liter of boiling water. Then we insist for 24 hours. Afterwards, filter the infusion and pour into a dark glass container. Store this infusion in a cool place.

  • Decoction of the Golden Mustache

A decoction of the Golden Mustache is used to treat the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and to remove toxins from the body. It is also used for prevention colds, allergy treatment and skin diseases. All green parts of callisia are used to prepare the decoction.

Recipe: Take the chopped stems and leaves of callisia and put it in enamel dishes, fill with cold water. Next, bring to a boil (but do not boil) and leave for 6-7 hours. After this time has elapsed, strain the broth and pour it into a dark glass container. Store this decoction in a cool place.

  • Golden Mustache Oil

Golden mustache oil is used to treat skin diseases and is also used for rubbing against arthrosis, arthritis and for all types of massage. To prepare the oil, both the juice from the leaves and stems and the crushed shoots of the plant are used.

Recipe: Let's take it fresh leaves and stems of golden mustache and squeeze out the juice. Then we dry the remaining cake, then chop it and fill it with olive oil. And we insist for three weeks. After this time, filter the oil through cheesecloth. The finished medicine should be stored in a dark glassware in a cool place.

  • Golden Usher Ointment

Collision ointment is used to treat bruises, frostbite, trophic ulcers and various skin diseases. In addition, this ointment can be used for rubbing to treat arthritis and arthrosis.

Recipe: We chop the leaves and stems of the golden mustache, grind it and mix it with baby cream, Vaseline or fat in a ratio of 2 to 3. The ointment is placed in a dark glass container and stored in a cool place.

Human skin requires careful care. You can use a wonderful remedy by wiping skin with golden mustache oil prepared on the basis olive oil.

Golden mustache preparations can also be used to exfoliate facial skin. To do this, carry out the following procedure once a week: thoroughly cleanse your face with detergents, rinse a large number warm water and cover with a damp terry towel for 3 minutes. This compress facilitates the penetration of beneficial substances into the skin, as it opens the pores. Then you should soak a linen cloth in the infusion of golden mustache, squeeze it out and put it on your face. Cover the top terry towel. The compress is kept for 5 minutes, after which the face is washed with warm water and massaged with a moistened terry towel. At the same time, dead scales separated due to the action of the golden mustache are easily removed.

The surface of the skin consists of small scales, which, under the influence of factors environment(wind, temperature changes, solar radiation, detergents) dry out and peel off. Alcohol tincture of golden mustache stimulates this process, thus promoting the renewal of skin cells.

Golden mustache ointment based on baby cream is part of a mask that can be used for dry skin. To do this, take a small cucumber, peel it, grind it into a paste, mix it with 1 egg yolk and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. A little golden mustache ointment is added to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin of the face and neck. The mask is kept on the face for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. The skin becomes clean and fresh.

For extremely dry skin, use an ointment based on lanolin cream.

Used for acne alcohol tincture golden mustache

To lighten age spots, including those on the face, use alcohol tincture of golden mustache and onion juice. 2 teaspoons of golden mustache tincture and 1 teaspoon of onion juice are mixed and applied to problem areas for the night. The same recipe can be used to lighten freckles.

Daily massage brings great benefits to the skin of the body (after taking warm shower) using a mixture of 1 tablespoon of golden mustache infusion and 1 glass of warm water. This procedure restores normal acidity of the skin, improves blood circulation, removes soap residues, as a result of which the skin takes on a fresh and healthy appearance and becomes elastic.

To avoid the skin of your hands from tightening due to the drying effects of soap, it is recommended to lubricate your hands with golden mustache oil.

To get rid of calluses and dead skin on your heels, you should start with a 10-minute bath. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of salt and ½ glass of freshly squeezed golden mustache juice to 1 liter of water. After this, the keratinized skin can be easily removed with a pumice stone. If you carry out this procedure every week, the keratinized areas will completely disappear.

If fresh juice apply golden mustache for 10 minutes problem areas, this will prevent the appearance of wrinkles. With regular use of callisia juice, the skin will remain healthy and look good for a long time.

For hair loss, take golden mustache tincture (1 dessert spoon per glass of water) in the morning and evening half an hour before meals. After some time, hair stops falling out and acquires natural shine and beauty.

Currently, preparations from golden mustache are widely used in alternative medicine as for prevention, as well as for the treatment of many diseases.


Tags: callisia, golden mustache, golden mustache treatment, golden mustache tincture, golden mustache plant, golden mustache application, golden mustache care, golden mustache cultivation, golden mustache photo, golden mustache medicinal properties, ointment golden mustache

Callisia creeping - decorative houseplant family Commelinaceae. She comes from Central and South America. Growing this plant is quite easy, and it is not difficult to find it on sale. Grows in hanging baskets.

There are 12 species in the genus Callisia. For home grown The most commonly used species are elegans, creeping and callisia navicular. Some types are used for treatment; they clean and moisturize the air well.

The indoor plant is characterized by creeping, less often, erect stems. The flowers are small, with three petals.


Callisia belongs to the Tradescantia group. The most commonly used species for cultivation: callisia navicular, creeping, fragrant, graceful.

Creeping callisia callisia repens

The length of the creeping stem reaches 15 cm. The stems are densely covered with pointed heart-shaped leaves. The surface of the leaves is green, and the reverse side has a burgundy tint. This plant grows quickly. Can be grown both in pots and in large flowerpots.

Callisia creeping

Callisia navicularis callisia navicularis

Callisia navicularis is a small succulent plant with boat-shaped leaves and a creeping stem. Flowers with three petals of lilac color. They bloom for one day in summer. The plant loves the sun. This type can be grown both in an apartment and in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Callisia navicularis

Fragrant callisia or golden mustache callisia fragrans

Callisia fragrant is known for its healing properties. It blooms with small white flowers with a pleasant aroma. This fairly large plant has two types of shoots. The first is short and erect, the second is creeping, reaching 80 cm in length.

Callisia fragrant or golden mustache

Callisia graceful or elegant

Callisia graceica - small ornamental plant with small velvety leaves of dark green color, with bright white stripes. Leaves, 3-6 cm long, form thick carpet. The plant blooms white small flowers, usually in late summer or early autumn.

Callisia graceful or elegant

Caring for callisia at home

Callisia, due to its unpretentiousness, is a very popular plant among gardeners. Care at home will not take much time, you just need to take into account some nuances.


The light should be bright, but it is better to keep the plant away from direct sunlight. This can be achieved by placing a pot with a plant at the back of the room. Try to make sure that it is not too dark, otherwise the shoots will grow and the distance between the leaves increases.


Callisia should be well watered from spring to autumn so that the soil is always slightly moist. In winter, it is recommended to water only when it dries out. top layer soil. Try not to let water get into the center of the rosette, otherwise there is a risk that the leaves will rot.

Top dressing

From May to September, the plant must be regularly fed with complex mineral fertilizers.


Callisia is thermophilic, so in summer the optimal temperature is +20...+25 C. In winter it can be reduced to +16 C, but not lower than +14 C. The plant does not tolerate sudden temperature changes.


Callisia is native to South America, which is characterized by a tropical climate and high humidity. At home, you should try to maintain conditions that are comfortable for the plant. To do this, it needs to be sprayed regularly (preferably daily) and protected from the hot air of the batteries.


If the plant grows and does not have enough space, it can be replanted. You can choose a larger container or divide the plant into two parts.

Possible difficulties

Callisia is unpretentious, but there are some nuances in breeding that need to be monitored. Very bright sun can damage the leaves. The plant grows quickly, so it needs to be rejuvenated - cut off the top cuttings, systematically replanted. When too abundant watering Leaves turn yellow and die.

Golden mustache medicinal and beneficial properties

It is believed that fragrant callisia, or, as it is also called, golden mustache, has medicinal properties. Research on this topic is still being carried out. Some of the medicinal properties have been confirmed, but the plant should not be considered a panacea for absolutely all diseases.

It is necessary to take drugs based on it with caution and it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

In the 80s, a group of scientists from the Irkutsk Medical Institute, Faculty of Pharmacy, under the leadership of Professor Semenov, conducted a study on whether this golden mustache can really be used to treat certain diseases. This study confirmed medicinal properties plants.

Chemical composition

Callisia fragrant juice contains two flavonoids - quercetin and kaempferol, as well as the active substance beta-sitosterol. The composition also contains iron, copper, chromium.

Benefits and harms

It is believed that the medicinal properties of the golden mustache help fight diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • various types of colds, etc.

The golden mustache is also actively used in cosmetology.

Professor Semenov's research showed that the effectiveness of the golden mustache appears only in the first week. During this week of taking the drug, phytosteroids gradually accumulate in the body. This leads to their overdose and, in most cases, the opposite effect occurs.

Long-term use of golden mustache tinctures can damage the vocal cords, which will be difficult to restore later.

Contraindications and side effects

When taking medications based on golden mustache, you must refrain from consuming carbonated drinks, baked goods, dairy products and animal fats. Be sure to follow the dosage and instructions of the drug. Under no circumstances should you drink undiluted plant juice. Allergic reactions are possible.

Absolute contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and lactation period,
  • children under 12 years of age,
  • kidney failure and other kidney problems,
  • prostate adenoma,
  • individual intolerance.


Infusions of golden mustache are used to treat boils, pancreatitis, liver diseases, and colds.


Decoctions based on callisia are used to alleviate menopause.


Ointments are used to treat joint diseases and as a cosmetic product.

Reproduction of callisia

Callisia is propagated by cuttings. To do this they cut top part shoot and place in a glass of water. After 2-3 weeks, after the roots appear, the cutting can be transplanted into a pot.

Another way is by layering. To do this, there should be enough space in the pot or you can place another container nearby. To reproduce, you just need to dig in a shoot, which will give roots after a while. The plant can be propagated at any time of the year, but it is best in spring or summer.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests usually do not bother this plant.

Callisia is unpretentious, attractive and easy to care for. It will decorate any apartment. Many people use this plant to prepare various tinctures, decoctions and ointments for treatment.

Is in the world wonderful plant- Golden Us. It is scientifically called using the Latin term Callisia fragrans Woodson, from which it becomes clear that this culture belongs to the genus Callisia. Golden Us is a plant that is not only spectacular in appearance, but also healing. Its leaves serve as components in many traditional medicine recipes for a wide variety of ailments. But in the Kallisia family there are actually quite a lot natural healers and besides the Golden Us. Actually, the current article is devoted to this genus.

General information about the callisia plant

The genus Callisia belongs to the Commelinaceae family. These plants originate from tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America. Large quantity species can be seen throughout Mexico. Callisia is also common in the Antilles. Form of life of culture - herbaceous perennials. Characteristic feature hers are creeping shoots. Some varieties of callisia have erect stems, but this is extremely rare. In the wild, the favorite place for exotics is a damp forest, where twilight reigns. Here callisia forms a green carpet of turf.

The name of tropical exotic comes from two Greek words: “kalos” - beautiful and “lis” - lily. If you have insufficient experience in floriculture, collision can easily be confused with tradescantia. They are, in fact, very similar, and they are also representatives of the same family. Callisia is an ornamental deciduous plant, although it has the ability to flower. Only her reproductive organs are mostly inconspicuous and have an unremarkable size.

The genus Callisia has approximately 12 plant species. IN indoor culture In most cases, fragrant callisia, elegant callisia and creeping callisia are bred.

  • Callisia fragrant. This is the well-known Golden Us, with the mention of which this story began. Fragrant callisia has two types of shoots: vertical and horizontal. On the first, long leaves of large sizes are formed, having a tubular shape and green. The latter look like mustaches spreading along the surface of the soil - it is due to them that the plant received such a bright name. The ends of the mustache are decorated with small leaves.
  • Callisia eleganta (graceful). It has dark green, ovate leaves with a purple lower surface and silvery stripes on outside. Their tips are pointed. Vegetative organs are pubescent. At the end of summer or in September, fragrant, inconspicuous white flowers appear on Callisia gracena.
  • Callisia creeping. Miniature exotic, which is characterized by neat heart-shaped leaves of a juicy green shade with burgundy inside, creeping shoots, tendency to strong tillering and growth.

Conditions for cultivating exotic callisia

  • Lighting. Callisia develops best under the influence of bright, diffused light. The best option placement tropical beauty: west or east window. A small amount of direct daylight rays is acceptable.
  • Thermal mode. Creeping exotic is very thermophilic. During the growing season, the recommended temperature is +20+25º; in winter, it is important to maintain the temperature in the room with the plant not lower than +14º and not higher than +20. Sudden temperature changes are detrimental to crops.
  • Humidity. This indicator environment should be high enough. To ensure this level of air humidity, frequent spraying of callisia with water from a spray bottle will be required, especially in summer. The moisture used is soft, settled, and slightly warm. However, it is better to spray it not on the crop itself, but nearby, so as not to spoil the beauty of the foliage.
  • Soil and planting container. Callisia loves nutritious, slightly acidic, air- and water-permeable substrates. Recommended composition soil mixture: 1 part leaf, 1 part turf soil, 1 part peat, 1 part sand and 1 part humus. Choose a medium-sized pot for the plant.

Caring for callisia at home

Because natural environment callisia habitats - wet tropical forests, the green beauty simply adores water and, therefore, needs it immensely. Thus, the plant is watered intensively. But this only applies to periods of active growth. In the fall, soil moisture under the flower is limited, and in winter it is reduced even more. However, care is taken to earthen lump didn't dry out. In the same way, flooding of soil is not allowed. For water procedures use only soft moisture at room temperature.

Starting from March until the end summer season feed callisia. A complex mineral concentrate is used as a fertilizer for this purpose. Feeding is done frequently, once a week.

Every spring the plant needs to be replanted while it is young. For a mature plant, changing the substrate and pot is more rare - once every two years. The soil is used of the same composition as at the time of planting the exotic. Be sure to ensure that the soil has a slightly acidic reaction. At the bottom of the pot, arrange a high-quality layer of drainage material.

The rejuvenation procedure is also applicable to callisia. It involves re-rooting the apical shoots of the plant. This event is relevant due to the rapid so-called growth.

New callisia specimens are obtained by propagating the plant by cuttings. This is the simplest and most common method among gardeners. If you use apical shoots as propagation material, root them in an aquatic environment. If your choice fell on a horizontal cutting crowning a horizontal layer, carefully cut the shoot under the rosette and plant it in nutritious soil, attaching the shoot to the ground using a special wooden hook. The seedling should be sprinkled with soil on top. As soon as the shoot takes root, it must be carefully separated from the main exotic plant and planted in another container, in a permanent place.

Difficulties in cultivating callisia crops

Callisia is practically not susceptible to disease. If any ailment arises, know that you yourself had a hand in it, because this is always connected with a violation of caring for the plant and providing it with proper conditions of maintenance. When it comes to insect pests, no one is to blame. Callisia can become a victim of spider mites and thrips.

There are other problems too:

  • Plant rotting, browning vegetative organs, leaf fall. The reason is flooding of the soil under the flower, excessive soil moisture.
  • Drying of leaf tips. The reason is a lack of moisture in the soil, low levels of air humidity.

Finally, let's return to the famous type of callisia - fragrant callisia or Golden Us. This plant is known to have medicinal properties. It enriches the indoor air with bactericidal compounds - phytoncides. Exotic juice perfectly heals a variety of skin injuries: from scratches to serious wounds. If you place the Golden Mustache at the head of a sleeping person, this measure, according to folk beliefs, will save the dreamer from nightmares. Let your callisia serve you faithfully!

Callisia is a genus of plants with creeping or erect stems. Grows in South America, Mexico, and the Antilles (West Indies). The name of this genus comes from the Greek “kallos”, which means “beautiful”.

The genus is small and includes only a few species. Callisia eleganta can be easily confused with . In fact, they are very similar in appearance and are representatives of the same family - Commelinaceae.

Callisia navicularis It is distinguished by dense leaves resembling a boat shape. Sometimes they take on a pinkish-reddish tint. It is noteworthy that this species, unlike the others, is classified as leaf succulents.

Callisia fragrant

Under botanical name callisia fragrans the people's favorite is hiding " golden mustache" The plant has elongated green leaves 20-25 cm long. The stems can be divided into two types: vertical and horizontal. Vertical - fleshy with dense foliage. Horizontal or tendrils are thrown out by the plant to “capture” free space. Whiskers appear only on mature specimens.

At the end of the new shoot, a new rosette of leaves is formed, which takes root easily.

At the beginning of summer, the “golden mustache” may bloom with small white flowers. The subtle aroma resembles the smell of lily of the valley. No wonder the plant is called fragrant.


Callisia fragrant a relatively unpretentious plant, but you need to know about some care features:
  • The color of the leaves depends on the intensity of the light rays. In bright sunlight the leaves turn pink. "Usatik" prefers diffused light.
  • Wet warm air And moderate watering– the main conditions for the growth of callisia. Optimal temperature 20-25 o C.
  • Fertilizers are applied comprehensively in spring and summer. Rarely replanted. Basically, the plant is rejuvenated, since over time the trunk below becomes bare. To do this, the apical stem is cut off and rooted.
  • The plant propagates very easily. It is enough to cut the cutting and root it in water. After a week and a half, the shoot with roots is planted in the ground. Callisia is also propagated by mustaches. To do this, horizontal shoots are sprinkled with earth.
  • Plant the plant in spacious pots.
  • Suitable composition for soil: leaf and turf soil with the addition of sand, humus or peat in equal proportions.
Callisia grows very quickly in all directions, so many gardeners have a question: how to improve it decorative look? If the upper shoot is not cut off, it can grow up to 1-2 m in length. If you pinch it, new tendrils will develop from the upper internode. It all depends on the goals you are pursuing. You can attach the plant to a support or to a wall, you can plant it in open ground in the summer, and then cut it into new cuttings. You should also prune regularly.


Among other things, the juice of fragrant callisia contains biologically active substances that have anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties. It also contains phytosterols, minerals and vitamins C, B, PP.

History of the study useful properties of this plant in Russia begins in 1980. Then employees of the pharmaceutical faculty of the Irkutsk Medical Institute became interested in “homemade ginseng”. In particular, scientists studied the phenomenon of the contradictory effects of plants on the human body.

So, in the first days of taking “green doctor” juice, a person feels a surge of strength and improved well-being. And after a few days the opposite effect is observed - weakness, fatigue, the patient complains of headaches.

- What a bad plant!- you say, and you will be wrong.

As pharmacists have found out, callisia juice contains flavonoids and phytosteroids. The former have antispasmodic and antioxidant properties, the latter – stimulating. It is the accumulation of steroids in the body that causes deterioration in a person’s well-being. An overdose can negatively affect the elasticity of the vocal cords and cause irritation. skin and enlargement of the thyroid gland. There have been cases when excessive use of folk medicine led to loss of voice and provoked the appearance of eczema. If you want the golden mustache to be useful to you, do not abuse it!

IN folk medicine golden mustache is used to prepare ointments, tinctures, decoctions or oils, which can be used for the following purposes:

  • healing of wounds, bruises, burns;
  • rubbing for arthrosis and arthritis;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • treatment of liver and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • treatment of diseases respiratory system(tuberculosis, asthma), etc.

Some indoor plants are especially popular among gardeners. This is often explained by their decorative qualities or unpretentiousness. But many hobbyists also grow crops that can be used not only to decorate a room, but also to benefit the body. Just one of the well-known medicinal plants is the golden mustache, which is also known under the name fragrant callisia. Let us clarify what kind of care it needs at home, and also give a photo of the flower.

Callisia is a member of the Commelinaceae family. There are twelve varieties of this culture in total, but fragrant callisia is usually grown at home. It came to us from the tropics of Central and South America.

Features of caring for fragrant callisia


This plant is quite light-loving, but at the same time it categorically does not tolerate direct rays of the sun hitting its delicate leaves. Fragrant callisia can easily grow in light shade; many gardeners place it in bright rooms at a sufficient distance from the window. It is worth noting that with a lack of light such indoor pet may noticeably lose in decorativeness. In this case, the callisia leaves become paler, and the shoots begin to stretch and become bare.

This plant Grows well in offices and large premises. It is important for him that the room is well ventilated and maintains a large volume of air. In the hot season, it is quite possible to place the plant on the balcony.

Most often, callisia is grown on the windowsill of western or eastern windows. On southern windows, the flower needs shading. The plant is also often grown as a hanging plant, placed in hanging baskets or wall planters.

In the photo, fragrant callisia

Temperature Requirements

Callisia is a fairly heat-loving crop. She is able to develop well throughout the year in ordinary apartment. In the cold season, she feels great at temperatures from thirteen to seventeen degrees, and in the summer - from twenty to twenty-five degrees.

Callisia is not very demanding on soil moisture. But when caring for flowers, readers of Popular About Health should still make sure that the soil in a pot with such a plant does not dry out too much. With a lack of moisture, the plant becomes less decorative and may even get sick. It is best to water as the top layer of soil in the pot dries.

In the cold season (if the plant overwinters in a cool place), it is worth watering less frequently. But you still can’t overdry the soil.


Since callisia came to us from the tropics, sufficient air humidity is very important for it. Ideally, it should reach seventy percent. Thus, at home, flowers need systematic spraying. But such procedures must be carried out carefully, using the smallest spray. After all, if droplets remain on the leaves of the plant, the flower may suffer. You can also spray the air around the plant and place it on a tray with wet expanded clay - this will also help increase air humidity.


Callisia, like other indoor plants, needs periodic feeding. Fertilizers are used during the active growth stage, from approximately March to October. For fertilizing, it is usually recommended to use complex mineral fertilizers.


Many callisia lovers believe that there is no point in replanting such a plant, since it is much easier to raise a new pet. Indeed, with age, such a crop begins to lose leaves and become bare. However, this is not such a fast process, so the plant remains attractive and decorative for a long time.

Young plants can be transferred to a new pot and new soil mixture annually, and slightly larger crops - at intervals of a year or two.

For replanting callisia at home, fragrant soil can be prepared on your own. For this purpose, you need to combine equal parts of peat, leaf soil, humus, sand and turf. You can also combine equal parts of compost and leaf soil, as well as sand. Optimal acidity soil mixture - about 5-5.5 pH. The organization of sufficient drainage is extremely important - a layer of broken shards or expanded clay should be placed on the bottom of the pot.


To maintain the decorative appearance of the plant and prevent exposure of the shoots, it is worth carrying out short rejuvenating pruning of callisia. It can be done once every two to three years. It would also be a good idea to systematically pinch out the shoots.

Possible diseases and pests

Callisia may suffer from an attack by thrips or red spider mite. Having discovered symptoms of pests, it is necessary to spray the pet with a systemic insecticide, and then cover the plant with a plastic bag for a couple of days.

Pest damage can be prevented by daily spraying and maintaining sufficient air humidity.

Callisia is a very useful and rather unpretentious indoor plant that can decorate any home.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):