Choosing a design for a staircase in your home is easy - just give free rein to your imagination and fit into your budget. It’s more difficult with technical characteristics. This article will help you choose the optimal angle of inclination of the stairs to the second floor, depending on the purpose of the object and the size of the room.


There are special requirements for the operation of marches in multi-level cottages:

  • safety;
  • comfort;
  • compactness;
  • durability.

The concept of “comfort” includes various components:

  • height and width (depth) of steps;
  • step size;
  • the angle of inclination of the spans;
  • the number of steps taken during ascent and descent.

The foot should be confidently placed on the surface, not hanging down, not sliding. The height should be comfortable for slight bending of the leg. Otherwise, moving will be difficult and tiring. This indicator is affected by the angle of inclination.
When reaching the highest point, the person’s head should not rest against the upper level. On a correctly installed ladder, the torso is positioned strictly vertically.

When choosing a slope, the minimum distance to the ceiling is taken into account

The width of flights of stairs is at least 90 cm. If you plan to move cargo and bulky items, the width is increased. Often 3 – 17 steps are installed. An odd number is considered correct. It is advisable for the person to finish the lift on the same foot with which he started.

If the design turns out to be too long a march, you should divide it into 2-3 small ones. This can be done using a platform or turning steps.

When determining the degree of slope, not only the ascent, but also the descent is taken into account. If it is too flat, moving down is inconvenient. An additional disadvantage of this option is the large number of steps required for installation.

Slope: degrees or percent

Builders and engineers measure the slope of stairs in degrees or percentages. Slope 100% = 90°. We will use a more understandable and common value - degrees.

There are several generally accepted indicators:

  • ramps and gentle stairs with an angle not exceeding 30°;
  • standard interfloor structures are in the range of 30° - 45°;
  • attached, temporary, attic models correspond to 45° – 75°;
  • over 75° – stepladders, auxiliary structures, rarely used.

Common slopes for various types of structures

Slope ranges for different stairs

The designers have developed several different options with different angles of inclination.

Goose step is a new model with a non-standard shape of steps. Each tread has a narrow and a wide part. Visually the design is divided into 2 parts. The steps are staggered. Due to this, the step height during movement is not the same. Moving along such a staircase resembles a waddling gait - hence the name of the design.

Staircase “Goose Step”

This option saves space, looks unusual and modern. Often used in utility rooms. Experts consider the downside to be the difficulty of correctly calculating loads and lengthy installation. Tilt angle – within 45° – 60°.

Tilt is not taken into account in screw models. These are designs of a special type, in which the emphasis is on the size of the steps. Compact stairs should provide a safe and comfortable transition to the floor. The step between steps is selected depending on the height of the room, the age of the residents, and the number of steps expected.

Optimal step sizes for screw structures

GOST standards for stairs for residential premises do not apply to external, attic, and basement structures. To reduce their size, they are installed at an angle of 60°-65°. Such structures must be equipped with railings.

Example of an attic staircase

Portable stepladders have a permissible tilt angle of 75° – 90°.

When choosing a model, take into account the convenience and intensity of use of the stairs.

Optimal slope values

The smaller the slope of the structure, the more convenient it is to climb, but also the more space it will take up. In standard situations, the optimal slope of the stairs in the house is 30° - 45°. The best combination of convenience and compactness is a slope of 35° - 40°. This position ensures comfortable and safe movement, while the staircase has acceptable dimensions. In rare cases, it is allowed to install marches with an indicator of up to 50°.

Designs with a slope of 26° - 30° are very convenient for all categories of people, including children and the elderly, but they take up a lot of space. However, if your house has enough space for such a staircase, then you can safely make a slope of 26° - this value is achieved with a step height of 150 mm and a depth of 300 mm. By the way, in SNiP such values ​​are considered as basic for residential buildings.

How to calculate slope: design stages

For safety, you can entrust a complex project to professionals. If you have the desire and time, you can calculate everything yourself. The calculations are based on the frequency of use and size. For an extension ladder and a regular ladder, these are different indicators.

Correct calculation of the degree of inclination of marches is based on the following indicators:

  • number of steps in each span;
  • installation location;
  • specifics of use;
  • materials used.

On the one hand, the design should take up a minimum of space, on the other, the angle of rise of the stairs in a private residential building is selected taking into account comfort for all age categories of residents.

The calculation should include the dimensions of the railings, the height of the room, and the position of the doors.

Correspondence of popular step sizes to their slopes

The diagram shows the dependence of the length of the stairs and the height of the steps on the angle of inclination of the structure. With the same initial height, the flight with the greatest slope occupies less space in the room.

Online calculator for calculation

There are various instructions on the Internet for independently calculating the correct slope of the structure. But it is much faster and more convenient to make calculations using. To do this, you need to substitute your parameters, and the calculations will be performed by the program automatically.

After this, you can double-check the data in the table.

Check table

The best angle should be selected based on the specific installation conditions of the structure.

How to make a steep staircase comfortable?

The “duck (goose) step” staircase option makes climbing steep stairs confident and comfortable. This model is simplified by arranging steps in the shape of a trapezoid.

This option looks unusual, but still has all the advantages of the goose step.

Sometimes they install 2 flights with steps arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The step height is reduced and it is easier to climb this structure.

This design can become the highlight of the entire interior.

You can install a combined option, which will be more convenient for older people and children. To do this, cutouts with a depth of about 10 cm must be made along the edges of each step.

Combined option

Ease of use provides high-quality lighting. This could be a window with natural light or lamps. You can use general lighting or install small ice lamps in the steps.

An important point is the edge of the steps. Rounded options provide comfort for the foot, but this poses a potential danger when descending such steps. The foot slides when walking, and the design must provide reliable support during movement. Railings help you move freely and safely.

The height of the handrail for a residential building is within 90-100 cm, ensuring a comfortable hand position. A smaller size will require you to bend over while holding onto the support. A higher level will force you to raise your palm high, which is inconvenient when moving frequently.

The material from which the staircase is made must withstand the load: the weight of the railings, people, and possible covering in the form of a path. Despite the apparent complexity, after reading this article you yourself will be able to choose the right angle of inclination of the stairs for your private home or cottage. If you have any doubts, ask in the comments.

Choosing an ergonomic and comfortable angle of inclination is one of the main tasks when designing a staircase. You can make a marching staircase or, conversely, a very compact and elegant spiral staircase - everything will depend on the area of ​​the house and the height of its ceilings. Numerous photos on the Internet will help you create a beautiful design, but in order to design it correctly, you will have to remember your school days and do math.

When calculating the angle of inclination of the stairs, you need to take into account many nuances - you will learn about them in the article

As a rule, almost all stairs have a slope of 45˚. The width of the step must correspond to foot size 45, but not less than 30 cm, so that the person does not fall while going down. Please note that if you make the steps too wide, you will lose your step, and if you reduce the width too much, you will make it difficult for yourself to descend.

In principle, the elevation angle is not so difficult to calculate, knowing the height of the ceilings and the length of the bottom of the stairs. There are several ways:

  • Take all necessary measurements. Just use a tape measure to measure the distance between the contact of the ceiling with the wall and the location of the bottom step.
  • Make a special calculation. Think of the length and height of the triangle as the legs of a right triangle, and the length of the staircase will be the calculated hypotenuse.

The photo shows a version of the staircase with quite comfortable angles of inclination. Despite the fact that the staircase looks unusual, climbing to the second floor is not difficult

Maximum tilt angle

In order to understand what the maximum angle a staircase can have, let’s divide all their available types into groups with their characteristic angle of inclination:

  • Domestic stairs intended for residential premises - inclination angle from 30˚ to 45˚;
  • Ramps, gentle stairs - the maximum slope is 30 degrees;
  • Extension, steep stairs - from 45˚ to 75˚;
  • Evacuation and utility stairs have an inclination angle of over 75˚.

But a slope of less than 23˚ for an internal staircase is not even discussed, since no one will waste meters of living space on “laying a lying” staircase. It’s even difficult to imagine how long it should be with such a small slope to rise to the next floor, with a ceiling height of 3 meters.

Comfortable tilt angle

The most comfortable tilt angle is considered to be 40 – 45˚, but this design is very bulky, so it is usually used in large rooms.

A staircase with an inclination angle of 30–36˚ is quite compact, but not so comfortable. Climbing up such a staircase structure will be convenient, but descending is quite dangerous, so it is better to do it backwards.

Before you start building a staircase, you need to “scan” all the space available in your home. Each room should be used to the maximum, so you need to make calculations and choose an option in which the stairs will not take up much space.

It is imperative to install railings if there are more than three steps in your structure. The width of the steps should be about 0.28 - 0.30 meters, and the height - 0.15 - 0.18 meters. When all the steps are the same size, this increases the safety of its use.

Standard tilt angle

As mentioned earlier, the standard and most optimal angle of inclination of the staircase structure is considered to be 40 - 45˚. But since such a staircase is very large and takes up a lot of space, many people neglect these recommendations. We will give you expert advice on the slope of the march and the size of the steps.

Ideal tilt angle

The flight angle, in most cases, ranges from 20˚ to 50˚. The most ideal is considered to be a slope that ranges from 30 to 45˚. But, unfortunately, not every person has a lot of space to mark out such a convenient staircase structure.

Please note that the smaller the angle, the more dangerous it will be to move along it, and the larger the angle, the more cumbersome it will be.

Important! A comfortable step when climbing stairs with an inclination of more than 45 degrees is practically impossible, but you can safely descend them only with your back forward. It’s probably not worth talking about children who won’t be able to climb such a ladder.

How to calculate the angle of inclination of a staircase

You can calculate the angle of inclination of the stairs using one indicator - the length of the step when an adult walks calmly on a horizontal surface. The slope of certain flights is calculated separately depending on the number and height of steps. If you have a ready-made project, then the angle of the staircase is determined incredibly simply.

The height of the steps will be ideal at a value of 150 - 180 mm, width - 280 - 300 mm. Adhering to such standards, the angle of inclination can be calculated using the formula: 2x + y = 580/660 mm, where x is the height of the steps, and y is the width. If the size of the steps is less than 145 mm, you need to use a different formula: x + y.

The above formulas use a width that is equal to the average size of a person’s foot, and a height that corresponds to the size of a step. From this we can conclude that the lower the step, the wider it should be, and vice versa.

Angle of inclination of stairs according to GOST

When thinking about building stairs in your home, you need to remember that they must be manufactured in accordance with GOST and SNIP, the main provisions of which speak of:

  • If the house has more than two floors, then the stairs should have one flight;
  • The width of the structure for the passage of one person must be at least 80 cm, and for the passage of 2 people - at least 1 meter;
  • Marches must have at least 3 and no more than 18 steps;
  • Interesting fact! It is better to make the number of steps in a flight odd, since it is more comfortable for people to start and complete the ascent or descent of the stairs with the same foot.

  • The slope of the staircase structure should be no more than 1:1 (the ascent angle should be 45°) and no less than 1:2 (the ascent angle should be 26° and 40′). When climbing a slope of more than 50˚, use ladders of the attached type to climb along slope less than 5˚ - use ramps. The most convenient are staircase structures with a slope of 26°7’/30°.

Inclination angle of the ladder

The attached staircase structure rests against the floor and wall with bowstrings so as to remain completely stable and at the same time provide the opportunity to climb to a hard-to-reach place.

The angle of inclination of the attached staircase structure is about 60 – 75˚, so ascent and descent along such a structure is quite difficult, and carrying any loads is generally impossible.


From the video you will learn how to properly install a staircase to the attic, as well as various subtleties that need to be taken into account during installation.

There is nothing complicated in designing a staircase. The main thing is to follow the formulas and established rules, correctly calculate the width and length of the structure in general, as well as the number of feet and the angle of inclination. A well-designed and well-installed staircase will serve you for many years.

In our age of limited living space and rational use of living space, the importance of stairs is steadily increasing - they play the role of a connecting element between floors, between separate buildings, and serve as load-bearing structures of the building. The functional purpose of stairs has long been complemented by a significant decorative element - thanks to the variety of shapes of stairs and the materials from which they are made, they can become a real highlight of the interior. However, the correct calculation of the staircase still remains the main requirement for its construction. Otherwise, the most luxurious or elegant staircase can become a potential health hazard for the people who use it.

The main elements of the staircase are steps, consisting of risers and treads, which are attached to wide bowstrings or stringers made of wood or metal. In order to make the design more convenient and safe, a railing made of balusters, called a balustrade, is installed on the stairs, on top of which a handrail is attached. There are some additional elements that are used depending on the configuration and design of the stairs.

Given the steep angle of this staircase, it can be assumed that climbing it will be difficult, and the nearby wall will limit maneuvering when lifting large objects

A huge number of construction teams today offer their services, but their professionalism will only be visible during the work. Moreover, as advertising on many sites, ready-made stairs are presented that have obvious defects in their design. Therefore, it does not hurt the customer to know how to calculate the stairs in order to be able to control the construction process and, if the builders make a mistake, ask them to correct it in a timely manner.

During the construction of multi-storey residential buildings, the standards for calculating stairs are observed very strictly, because the safety of all residents depends on this. The owner of a country house or cottage is not so limited in the choice of shapes, sizes and steepness of stairs that will be built in it. And yet, in order for the ladder to be comfortable and safe to use, it is better to adhere to existing standards.

Example of parameter calculation

The calculation of the stairs to the second floor is carried out based on the following data: the height between floors and the free space allocated for the stairs. First of all, it is worth deciding on the shape of the stairs. The most convenient is considered to be a single-flight staircase - a straight flight, starting at the level of one floor and ending at the level of another. This option is suitable for those rooms where the height between levels is relatively small (from 2.5 to 3.5 meters), and there is enough free space to install the stairs.

Before deciding on the shape of the staircase, you should check whether there is enough free space where you plan to install it

Compliance with the standards when calculating the stairs ensures that it will be convenient to use

The optimal ratio of the length and height of the staircase is considered to be 2:1, that is, with a distance between floors of 3 meters, the length of the staircase will be 6 meters.

Slope index

An important indicator is also the steepness of the stairs, which determines the angle of the structure. How to calculate the angle of inclination of a staircase so that it does not pose a danger to others, is easy to use and fits harmoniously into the interior?

You can move large items on this ladder without any problems.

The optimal steepness of the stairs is within 30-40 degrees, although in country houses this figure is most often determined by the preferences of the owner

The optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is considered to be 30 degrees. A smaller angle will turn the staircase into a sloping ramp, bulky and inconvenient, and an angle of more than 40 degrees makes the staircase dangerous to use not only for the elderly and children, but also for adult residents of the house.

One of the varieties of a single-flight wooden staircase - a "goose-step" staircase - allows you to save space, but it is obvious that its steepness is far beyond the boundaries of established standards

Width and height of steps

The calculation of staircase steps is carried out according to two parameters and depends on the length of a person’s average step, which ranges from 57 to 64 centimeters. You can use a formula in which the sum of the width of the tread (A) and the double height of the riser (B) should not exceed the length of the average human step. In mathematical display it looks like this: A+2B=57-64cm.

To make using the stairs convenient and safe, you should not neglect the established standards for the height and width of steps

There are other calculation options, for example, the convenience formula: A-B = 12cm. Whatever method of calculating steps is used, you need to remember that climbing stairs with a step height of more than 17 centimeters for older people will not be associated with comfort and safety.

Important! All steps of the staircase must be the same width and height; even minor deviations are not allowed. This is due to the fact that a person performs many actions mechanically, such actions include climbing stairs. Having determined the width and height of the steps, a person then switches to other thoughts, and the slightest discrepancy between the end of the staircase and its beginning can lead to accidents.

Usage intensity parameter

There are two more important parameters that need to be taken into account when designing a staircase. Before you calculate the size of the staircase, you need to decide on the number of people who will use it at the same time and the purpose of the staircase. The width of the structure depends on these parameters. If the stairs will be used simultaneously by two or more people moving in opposite directions, then its width should be at least 120 centimeters. The same width will be optimal if bulky objects (equipment or furniture) are to be moved along the stairs.

Even without measurements, it is clear that the width of the steps does not meet the standards, and going up and down these stairs can turn into a dangerous journey

Typically, in private homes, stairs of this width are not needed; for comfortable use, a 90-centimeter wide staircase is quite suitable. If the size of the room is limited, then the width of the staircase can be reduced to 70 centimeters - the minimum allowable width.

Calculation of a wooden staircase

The calculation of a wooden staircase is carried out according to the same parameters as stairs made of other materials, but there is a nuance - given that wood is a less durable material compared to metal or concrete, it is advisable to install a medium string on a wooden staircase more than 90 centimeters wide. This support beam will add strength to the wooden stairs and avoid possible deflection of the steps.

How to correctly calculate a spiral staircase

Staircases of other shapes, for example, spiral or turning ones, are calculated a little differently. The calculation of a spiral staircase depends on its purpose: if this staircase serves as an element of room decor and will be used occasionally, then its parameters can be slightly adjusted in favor of the aesthetic component and to the detriment of comfort.

This spiral staircase was not built to save space, so climbing it will be comfortable and safe

If you plan to use the staircase constantly, to carry heavy large objects from floor to floor, then you need to know how to calculate a spiral staircase correctly and you should adhere to generally accepted rules. The outer diameter of the spiral staircase depends on the space that is provided to it, the inner diameter depends on the diameter of the supporting structure.

The steps of a spiral staircase are shaped most like a cone, so they also have special requirements: in the central part the recommended width is 20-25 centimeters, in the widest part - no more than 40 centimeters. But the requirements for riser height for spiral staircases are more affordable: they can reach 18 centimeters.

Nuances of calculating a turning staircase

Another way to rationally use space is to install a turning staircase. It is a little reminiscent of a two-flight staircase with an intermediate platform, the only difference being that the landing here is replaced by several steps, so the calculation of a turning staircase is not much different from the calculation of a regular staircase.

A correctly designed staircase with turning steps will take up little space and will successfully complement the interior of the room.

The calculation of a staircase with turning steps is based on the rise height, the length of the staircase opening, the total number of steps and the number of turning steps (the best option is no more than three).

General mandatory rules for calculations

  • the distance from the top surface of the staircase to the ceiling or the upper steps of a spiral or turning staircase must be at least 2 meters, otherwise head injuries are possible;
  • the number of steps in one flight of stairs can be no less than three and no more than 16; deviation from this indicator is a violation of safety regulations;
  • a staircase is considered comfortable for walking if its steepness is within 30-40 degrees.

You can only do without a staircase in a one-story private house, and even then if it does not have an attic. This extremely important element of the structure guarantees safety, convenience and coziness for residents, and therefore its production is a very responsible task.

But before taking up the tools, it is necessary to calculate the stairs, taking into account all the nuances associated with it. Otherwise, all the work on arranging a reliable transition from floor to floor of the house may turn out to be useless and the master will be forced to redo the entire structure.

Calculation of stairs: general rules when calculating parameters

In order to carry out a thorough calculation of stairs according to all the rules, a number of points should be taken into account.

First of all, the clearance between the surface of the first (lowest) step of the staircase and the interfloor ceiling (for a single-flight structure) or between the top of the first step and the bottom of the last (uppermost) step (for a rotary or spiral structure) cannot be less than 2 m. Otherwise a person climbing stairs may suffer a head injury.

It is recommended to install the staircase to the second floor of the house in such a way that after installation it has an inclination angle of 35-40 degrees. If the slope is more than 45 degrees, walking on it becomes physically difficult (especially for children and elderly people) and even unsafe. When constructing a flatter structure, its dimensions will increase, and more money and building materials will have to be spent on manufacturing.

You cannot make flights of stairs too narrow, even if the staircase itself is short. The width of the march should be at least 0.9-1 m.

All stair steps must be the same size. But if for some reason it is not possible to maintain uniformity, then one must adhere to the rule according to which the difference between the heights of individual steps cannot exceed 0.5-1 cm.

The lateral clearance between the flight of stairs and the wall should not be allowed to be more than 6 cm.

There are standard minimum and maximum dimensions for a staircase for a house consisting of one flight - the most common option in private housing.

In this case, it is assumed that any flight of stairs consists of a lower frieze step (located at the height of one riser from the floor level), an upper frieze step (its plane is exactly at the same level as the floor plane of the upper floor) and a certain, arbitrarily specified number of intermediate steps.

A march with a minimum number of steps consists of 3 steps, with a maximum - of 15-16, in some cases of 20 steps. An average flight is considered to have 8-12 steps.

For the safety of users, stairs in a private house must be constructed in such a way that they are able to withstand a weight of approximately 220-240 kg, and their railings - at least 100 kg.

When making railings, you should adhere to the following size standard: height - at least 90 cm (70-75 cm for a children's room), width - 10 cm.

If the flight of stairs to the second floor is adjacent to a window opening, then the window must be fenced with railings.

Determination of optimal stage parameters

To perform a complete calculation of stairs, it is necessary to set the unit of such calculation. It is considered to be the length of a person’s step.

The average step of an adult is usually approximately 60-64 cm. According to scientists, it is this length that a person’s leg extends with each step while moving without acceleration on a horizontal plane. And it is precisely the specified length of one step that is automatically transferred to the mechanics of walking along the flights of any stairs.

But calculating a person’s step on the steps of a staircase has its own characteristics. In particular, based on this parameter, you can use a certain formula to set the height of the step (riser) and its width (tread), as well as the necessary relationships between these values.

The specified formula looks like this:

2 m + sz = 60 - 64 cm (average horizontal step length - 62 cm), where

  • m — riser height (cm);
  • sz — tread width (cm).

Thus, the master who calculates the stairs can quite easily calculate the indicated values ​​and obtain a result that will correspond to a normal, stable movement of a person up or down, without tension and the risk of accidental falling. For example, having fixed the size of the riser (actually the vertical distance between two adjacent steps), using the mentioned formula, the width of the step itself can be established without any problems.

It is worth noting that this ratio is most often used - 16-17 cm (size of the vertical riser) to 29-30 cm (size of the horizontal tread).

An example of calculating the main staircase parameters

Determining the size of the staircase to the second floor in a private house should be carried out taking into account the height between the ceilings and the room space left free for the construction of this structure.

At the initial stage, the shape of the staircase is selected. A master can arrange an interfloor passage of any configuration in his house, but most often they prefer the simplest, most reliable and convenient form - a straight single-flight structure connecting two floors. Typically, such stairs are installed in a house where the height of the rooms ranges from 2 m to 3-3.5 m.

In order for this element of the home interior to be convenient to use, it is necessary to provide free space under the planned flight of stairs. To make a correct calculation of this space, one should proceed from the considered optimal ratio of 2:1 between the length of the flight of stairs and the height of the room. This means, for example, that if the height of the stairs to the second floor is 3 meters, its length, which is most convenient for walking, should be 6 m.

As for the optimal steepness, the staircase in a private house can have almost any slope that the homeowner desires. But experienced experts recommend choosing a tilt angle somewhere between 30 and 40 degrees. A slope of less than 30 degrees will make the ramp too large and inconvenient for a functional design, and an angle of more than 40 degrees is dangerous for falls and injuries to people.

Considering the main parameters of the stairs, it is worth once again focusing on the width of the flight. As mentioned above, the minimum width should be 0.9-1 m. But if it is known that in the future the stairs will be used by several people at the same time, then it must be expanded to 1.2 m. However, in exceptional cases (for example , when the area of ​​the room is too small, and there is no way to get by without going up to the upper level), the width of the flight of stairs is allowed to be 0.7 m.

Calculation of stairs: some features of indirect and wooden structures

In a private house, wooden spans are often built. They can be calculated using the same method as stairs made from other building materials. But since wood does not have the same strength as, for example, metal or concrete, in the case of a straight wooden flight it is advisable to mount a string (support) in the middle of it. Such an addition will certainly strengthen the entire structure, guaranteeing it from sagging.

When calculating the spiral staircase to the second floor, one should take into account, in particular, the intensity of its use. If the structure is used infrequently, then when creating it, you can focus on decorativeness. But if it is used regularly and quite intensively, it is necessary to take care of the strength of the materials for its foundation. In addition, it is recommended that the steps of such a staircase, shaped like a cone, have a width of 20-25 cm in the middle part, and a width of up to 40 cm in the widest (outer) part.

Meanwhile, the customer may want to build a turning staircase in his home. It partly resembles a two-flight structure, but here the role of an intermediate platform is played by rotary steps.

When calculating the staircase, the master must proceed from the distance from the first to the second floor, from the general stylistic layout of the interior, free space for convenient installation, as well as from the total number of marching and turning steps. It should be borne in mind that the most optimal number of rotary steps is considered to be no more than 3 pieces.

Thus, having become familiar with the rules and some features of a relatively simple process, you can try to equip your home with a simple and reliable device that will make everyday life comfortable and safe.

The installation of any staircase is preceded by the calculation of its parameters.

It's quite easy to do. All you need is attentiveness, a calculator and very little time. Correctly determined dimensions of the future staircase help to simplify its installation and operation, as well as determine the required amount of materials and parameters of installation elements.

The purpose of the calculation is to design a comfortable, safe and economical staircase. As a result, it is necessary to determine such parameters as the width and height of the steps, the steepness of the stairs (that is, the angle of its inclination) and the width of the flight of stairs. To carry out the calculation, you need to decide in advance on some characteristics of the future design. For example, will you arrange landings, and if so, at what height. Let us immediately note that the height of the various elements of the staircase is determined relative to the finished floor. In addition, you need to decide on the height of the staircase, the area that you can allocate for it and the materials from which you plan to make it. All this data influences the calculations.

Calculation of the width of the stairs

The width of a flight of stairs is determined depending on what capacity it should have and for what purpose it is intended. In addition, when determining the optimal width of the stairs, you should take into account the area that you can allocate for it and the layout of the house. As a rule, the optimal width of a staircase for a home can be called a width of up to 1 m. If the area and layout of the house allows you, you can give preference to a width of about 1.5 m. In this case, such an interior element as a staircase will look presentable and dignified.

It is especially important to make a wider staircase if it will serve to climb to the second floor, that is, it will lead to a living space, and not to the attic or basement. When arranging your home, you will need to lift furniture and interior items to the second floor, the dimensions of which can be quite impressive. To do this with a narrow staircase will be very difficult or even impossible.

The width of the flight of stairs is taken to be the distance from the railing to the wall or to the opposite railing. In this case, the width of the step itself may slightly exceed this value. The general principles for determining the optimal width of a flight of stairs are as follows:

  • if you plan to provide free descent or ascent of only one person, then the minimum width of the flight of stairs should be 70 cm, and 90 cm is considered optimal;
  • if you want 2 people to easily separate on your stairs, then the minimum permissible width is 1.2 m, and the optimal width is 1.4 m.

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Calculation of staircase clearance

It is very important to calculate the clearance, that is, the height from the steps to the highest obstacle. Such barriers in various layouts are either the ceiling or the ceiling of the upper floor. Further comfortable operation of the staircase largely depends on the correct determination of this parameter. If you make this height too low, you will have to duck when walking up the stairs. To set this parameter, you can proceed from the average recommended value, which varies between 1.9-2 m. In addition, you can calculate the clearance individually, based on the height of the people living in the house.

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Steepness or angle of inclination

The most convenient and safe angle is considered to be the one that falls in the range from 22 to 40 degrees. If you make the stairs steeper, it will take up less space, but using it will be quite difficult and even dangerous. This is especially true for those houses where elderly people or small children live.

If the steepness of the stairs is less than 22 degrees, the most appropriate option is to create a ramp. However, it occupies a huge area, so it is rarely made in private homes. An inclination angle of 45-75 degrees is permissible only for ladders or those leading to the basement or attic.

When conducting, you will need to determine the exact value of its steepness, which will fit into the range from 22 to 40 degrees. The easiest way to do this is to draw a diagram of the future staircase on a sheet of paper; it is most convenient to use graph paper. Start making a schematic drawing by drawing two perpendicular lines on graph paper, which will indicate the height of the floor and the projection of the staircase onto a horizontal surface on a certain scale. You can take whatever scale you like. The most convenient scale is 1:10.

Connect the two lines with a third one so as to obtain a right triangle, the hypotenuse of which will indicate the so-called string of the ladder. Using a simple ruler, you can find out its length, and use a protractor to measure the angle of inclination of the future staircase.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):