It is quite difficult to imagine any area without strawberries, which is quite logical. This berry has a mass useful qualities and unpretentious to grow. Today we will look at how and when to plant strawberries in 2019.

Strawberries can be called one of the most “grateful” plants. After all, if you show her a little attention, you can get for many years good harvest.

When to plant strawberries in 2019

To determine the planting time, you need to take into account some factors:

  1. Strawberry variety.
  2. The method of obtaining seedlings is mustaches, dividing the bush or seeds.
  3. Growing method: open ground, greenhouse or greenhouse.
  4. The climate of the region and the time of year are spring, summer or autumn.

Varieties related to early, it is better to plant in summer and autumn period so that their root system is formed by the fruiting period. Otherwise, there will be no harvest or small berries will grow in small quantities.

Varieties related to late and remontant, it is recommended to plant in spring period. She will have time to form root system and produce a harvest in the first season. This is usually done in April, when weather conditions meet the standards.

Whiskers, bush division or seeds?

You can get seedlings different methods. And which one is better can only be finally determined by the person himself, based on his capabilities and desires.

Strawberry propagation by division suitable for those who do not have large number bushes or few whiskers. More often this method is used for remontant varieties. Since they can form about 10 shoots per season.

It is better to divide bushes with strong roots. If they are not yet developed or do not exist at all, then you can put such seedlings in water. In just a few days, white roots will appear, and after a couple of weeks you can plant the finished plants.

Strawberry propagation by mustache is the most common method. This is not surprising, because during the season one bush can produce 5, 10 or more mustaches, depending on the variety.

Propagation of strawberries by seeds is also used, but this method is not as popular due to the longer and more labor-intensive growing process than the two previous options. In this case, it is more difficult to grow a large number of seedlings.

An undoubted advantage is the ability to preserve the varietal qualities of strawberries.

Which outweighs all the listed disadvantages. Therefore, this method is of great interest and many gardeners are trying to grow strawberries from seeds to at least some extent.

This method is described in more detail below in the article.

Growing method

This item is highlighted separately more for greenhouses and home conditions. There are options for growing strawberries all year round. To do this, you need a heated greenhouse, or you can even do it in your house or apartment on a windowsill or balcony.

Here you should choose varieties remontant strawberries. It produces crops constantly, and some do not require pollination. In the apartment it is planted in ordinary pots or boxes. The main thing is to provide daylight and care.

In greenhouses without heating and greenhouses, seedlings are planted two weeks earlier than in the ground. Strawberries are a fairly frost-resistant crop, so you can do this even earlier, especially if you use a warm bed.

Regional climate and time of year

For planting strawberry seedlings in the ground, three time periods are conventionally distinguished:

  • spring;
  • summer;
  • autumn.

In spring in the Moscow region and middle lane You can start planting in April, if the weather permits, then this could be the first of the month. In Siberia and the Urals in May, and in the south starting at the end of March.

Many people do not recommend planting during this period only because there is often a lack of planting material.

In the summer, strawberries are planted so that next year you are sure to get the desired harvest. During this time, the seedlings have time to take root, and all their strength is spent on the development of fruits.

In regions from the Moscow region to the south, they are planted in August; you can use the first days of September. And in northern regions– this is July, no later than mid-August.

Autumn in the north better strawberries do not plant, but in warmer climates they plant in September-October. The main thing is to give the seedlings 2 weeks to take root. In the southern parts of Russia they are sometimes planted in November, but here you need to pay attention to the weather.

Lunar calendar for planting strawberries in 2019

The lunar calendar can help when choosing the time for planting and caring for strawberries. The moon has an important influence on plants, for example, on full moons, more active growth and sap flow. Therefore, these days it is better not to carry out various gardening work, but picking berries, on the contrary, is recommended. They will be the juiciest.

Table: when to plant strawberries according to the lunar calendar for 2019. Favorable and not favorable days:

The best days for planting and sowing seedsNot recommended days
January12-14, 27-29 5, 6, 21
February6-11, 15-18, 23-26 4, 5, 19
March8-10, 17-19, 25-27 6, 7, 21
April15-17, 24-26, 29, 30 5, 19
May1-3, 6-8, 12-14, 19, 26-31 5, 19
June3, 4, 17
July25-31 2, 3, 17
August2-8, 11-13, 17, 18, 26-28 15, 16, 30, 31
September1-5, 7-10, 17-24 14, 15, 28, 29

When is the best time to trim your mustache?

  • April – 4-6, 17-29
  • May – 1-3, 19-26
  • June – 2-4, 11-13, 15-17, 20-22, 27-30
  • July – 1-3, 17-20, 27-29
  • August – 13-16, 18-21, 23-26
  • September – 15-17, 19-22, 28-30
  • October – 7-9, 12-14

How to grow seedlings from seeds

To grow strawberry seedlings from seeds, you can use cassette pots, cups, planting them in soil mixture or peat tablets.

In the first and second cases, a soil mixture is prepared in advance for the seeds using drainage and peat. It is poured into containers, moistened and the seeds are placed to a depth of 1 cm.

In the room where the seedlings are located, the temperature should be 25ºC.

When caring for seedlings, you need to check regularly top layer soil, preventing it from drying out and stagnating water. If daylight hours are less than 10 hours, then you need to create additional lighting.

The following technology is used for planting in peat tablets:

  • The number of seeds in the package is counted and the same number of tablets are placed in plastic resealable containers. It is convenient to use containers with a lid or cake containers. When extracting the seeds, you need to be very careful, as they are small, so it is better to use a separate container.
  • They are poured into warm water and wait about 5 minutes until the peat tablets swell. Then the water is drained. You can first use another container, and then move the tablets into containers.
  • Place 2 seeds in each, without deepening them, but pressing them slightly with your finger. You can use an ear stick or toothpick to move the seeds.
  • The tablets are covered with a lid and left in a bright place, this creates a greenhouse effect. The lid is periodically removed briefly for ventilation. The seedlings are in this state before being planted in the ground.

How to grow seedlings from mustaches

Main principle propagating strawberries in this way is not combining fruits and runners at the same time, but better in the same season. While the strawberries are in the fruiting phase, all the whiskers are removed, and after that they act based on their preferences and desires.

Here we can distinguish two approaches to growing seedlings:

  1. When there are not enough bushes of a certain variety for propagation, all the tendrils are left on all the plants. To dial faster required quantity You can do this in the first season after harvesting the fruits, or you can cut off the flowers altogether, leaving only the mustache. But it’s better to pick berries this year and seedlings next year.
  2. When there are many bushes to choose from best technology changes a little. In the first year, the strawberries are constantly removed and the bushes are taken from the best harvest berries They can be marked in any way - by tying them up or sticking a twig nearby in the ground. The next season, the flowers are removed and only seedlings are grown, leaving one rosette on each tendril, located closer to the mother bush.

It is recommended to use no more than one bush for propagation three years, and then it is replaced with a young plant. Rooted seedlings can be pressed slightly to the ground, plucked from the bush and cared for as seedlings. The second option is to replant each one into a separate container, but this is more labor-intensive, although it gives better results (the roots are less damaged during replanting).

How to plant in open ground

Before planting, the beds are first prepared. A plot of land is dug up to a bayonet depth and if the soil is not loose, then a mixture of sawdust and wood ash. At low acidity, add peat - 10 liters per 200 ml of ash. This treatment will give a good effect if done in the fall or a month before planting.

During digging, fertilizers are also added - humus, compost, superphosphate, potassium and nitrogen-containing preparations are added.

The beds are made 20 cm wide, about 50 cm between them (at least 40 cm) and 25 cm high. This technology will allow rainwater to collect in the furrows and evenly moisten all the seedlings. It is better to place the beds from west to east.

For seedlings, only 10 cm of root is left before planting, and the rest is cut off. After which they are placed in a liquid mixture of ash and humus until planted in the ground.

Planting technology:

  1. The ridges are well watered.
  2. Strawberry bushes are planted at a distance of 20 cm.
  3. They make a hole and place the seedling in it until it reaches the outlet where the leaves grow. It is important that this part is on the surface.
  4. They are sprinkled with soil and the beds are mulched using a covering material made of film, agrofibre or fabric. You can mulch with straw or dry grass, 5-10 cm thick.

Agrofibre is produced various colors, But greater application got black. White material mainly used for protection against severe frosts V northern regions.

To extend the life of the covering material, it is recommended to mulch the aisles between the rows with straw or grass.

To succeed in any business that a person is involved in, several components are necessary: ​​experience, hard work, luck and accuracy of the information received in this type of activity.

Of course, the lesson is a labor-intensive and painstaking process. Without knowledge and experience in cultivating and growing certain crops, not a single summer resident or gardener will achieve desired results. Luck is a variable component in this process.

You may be unlucky with the weather on the day when gardeners and gardeners planned to work on their land plots. But any summer resident and gardener can reliably determine favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar.

Knowing the favorable days for planting certain plants, applying experience and their own hard work, garden lovers will definitely be rewarded with a good harvest.

Lunar calendar - the basis of organic farming

Historically, our country has become simply a paradise for summer residents and gardeners. Thanks to the vast territory from the Caucasus Mountains to the Barents Sea, from Kaliningrad to the Russians have become the owners of a wide variety of climatic conditions.

That is why we begin to plant and sow at very different times, from the first months of winter to late autumn. For example, planting work V Krasnodar region start from the end of January and end in November. And work in greenhouses in individual regions In Russia they are produced all year round.

However, climatic zones are not always the key to success in planting and harvesting certain crops. A real summer resident and gardener knows that when growing plants, it is necessary to take into account the four phases of the moon: full moon, new moon, waxing moon and waning moon.

The moon has a huge influence on all living organisms on our earth. Depending on the phase of the moon, it is recommended to carry out certain planting and sowing operations.

Such data will be provided to us by the lunar sowing calendar, which can be called the basis organic farming. The calendar helps summer residents and gardeners grow various crops in harmony with nature, based on the four phases of the moon. The lunar calendar gives recommendations for caring for plants, shows the most favorable days for planting and sowing, watering and fertilizing, propagation and harvesting, and pest control.

The lunar calendar is universal, it is not tied to geographical coordinates specific agricultural plot. Therefore, you can use his tables both in Krasnodar and Novosibirsk.

Favorable days for planting in August 2018

August is the hottest time for summer residents and gardeners. The main crops, planted at the end of winter at the beginning of spring, are already ready to reward gardeners for the work done bountiful harvest. If in the south in August the weather is still favorable for growing plants in the ground, then in the northern regions of Russia it is already cool, so planting in the garden ends and begins in greenhouses.

Based on the number of favorable days for planting, the year will be very successful. Most days this month according to the lunar calendar will help summer residents and gardeners productively carry out planting and sowing work on their plots.

Using the universal table lunar calendar, every lover garden work anywhere in our country will determine favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar.

Table of favorable days for planting plants in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar

Based on the table of favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar, August is not the time for planting or replanting the following plants:

  • different varieties of cabbage;
  • legumes(peas, beans, beans);
  • pumpkin crops(cucumbers, zucchini, squash, watermelon, melon);
  • annual flowers;
  • tomatoes;
  • peppers and eggplants;
  • berry bushes(, strawberries, currants, gooseberries).

    Do you know what work to do in the garden in August?

For these crops, August is a hot time for harvesting. Having reached impressive sizes and greatest maturity by the end of summer, pumpkin, legumes, and cabbage crops are ready to move from the beds to their storage areas. And the berry bushes, having pleased the gardener with tasty and ripe fruits, are ready for pruning and thinning.

The waning moon has a good effect on the root system of plants, so these days it is recommended to plant root crops, tubers and flower bulbs. Favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar, from the 1st to the 10th there will be the following periods:

  • from August 1 to 6 - for planting potatoes and all onion plants (shallots, onions, garlic);
  • from August 3 to 6 - for planting all root crops (beets, carrots, turnips) and green plants (spinach, lettuce, dill);
  • from August 8 to 10 are favorable days for planting fruit trees;
  • from August 3 to 8 - for planting biennial and perennial flowers;
  • from August 6 to 8 - for planting greenhouse and indoor flowers, bulbous flowers, tubers and corms of flowers.
  • There will be a new moon on August 11, 2018 according to the lunar calendar. On this day, sowing and planting any plants is not recommended. The activity of all living things during the new moon is reduced to a minimum. Therefore, plants planted on this day will not please their cultivator with a good harvest.
  • From August 12 to August 25 according to the lunar calendar, the moon will be in its waxing phase. The waxing moon has good influence on aboveground part plants. During this period, the lunar calendar recommends that summer residents start sowing, planting and replanting plants, whose main development is concentrated above the surface of the earth. Favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar from the 12th to the 25th will be:
  • from August 12 to 14 - for planting all root crops (beets, carrots, turnips) and green plants (lettuce, dill);
  • August 16-18, August 21-23 are favorable days for planting fruit trees;
  • August 12-14, from August 21 to 23 - for planting biennial and perennial flowers;
  • August 14-16, from 21 to 23 - for planting greenhouse and indoor flowers, bulbous flowers.
  • August 26, 2018 - full moon. On this day it is not recommended to carry out any work on garden plot. During the full moon, the vitality of plants is minimal, and the survival rate is low. The plants are in the waiting stage. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out planting and sowing work during the full moon.
  • from August 27 to 31, the Moon will enter a waning phase, which can also negatively affect the growth of newly planted crops. Therefore, garden lovers can these days start harvesting, hilling, watering, and fertilizing plants.

The influence of the Moon, which is in one phase or another, on living organisms has been proven since ancient times. When the Moon is waning, plant juices go into the roots, and when the Moon is growing, into the above-ground part of the crops.

That is why the use of knowledge of the lunar calendar can significantly affect the final result of the work done on sowing and planting plants. Not all summer residents and gardeners listen to the lunar calendar, but in vain.

The lunar calendar can be a good assistant in growing plants. Knowing favorable days for planting different cultures By following the laws of agriculture, you can grow a good harvest.

It’s so nice when red strawberries appear in your garden plot at the beginning of summer. Both adults and children love her. And in winter, when compote is used, it is very pleasant to enjoy these delicacies. At the same time, this culture is rich in vitamin C and useful microelements. But to get a good harvest, you should know how and when to plant strawberries. The success of growing this berry depends on this.

This plant can be planted in spring, summer and autumn. In the spring, in early April, if the ground has warmed up and work in the garden has already begun, you can start planting this crop.

The earlier it is planted, the more likely it is to be highly fertile, and the harvest will be no worse than with berries planted in the fall. The key to knowing when to plant strawberries in the spring is choosing the right time. The main thing is not to be late. Otherwise, the harvest may be scanty. If the seedlings are planted a little later (from late April to early May), they will develop much more slowly. And if you do this too early, the plants may freeze. If you plant strawberries in the summer, in the middle or at the end, it is likely that next year will be received full harvest. IN summer period The optimal weather conditions and the best time to plant strawberries are cloudy and rainy periods. When it rains and the ground is wet. If drought occurs after planting, it is worth covering the plants with branches, giving them shade, and watering them abundantly. You can add mulch - this will protect the soil from drying out. The autumn strawberry planting period lasts the longest. It begins at the end of August and ends twenty-five days before frost. It’s best until mid-September - then it won’t freeze.

Gardening tips: lunar calendar

The lunar calendar helps gardeners and gardeners choose the right time to plant various crops. It is compiled on the basis of lunar and natural rhythms. For example, planting strawberries this year in March was recommended on the 16th, 19th after 21.00, and also on the 20th before 20:00 - these are the optimal days for planting. In summer in July it is recommended on the 20th (after 20:40) and 21st (before 17:54). And in August optimal numbers will be: 13, 14 (until 19:33); 17, 18 (until 20:27). If you plant strawberries in the fall, then in September it will be: the 10th (before 11:22), the 13th (after 11:57), the 14th, 17th (after 15:58), and in October the 6th (after 10 :34), 7th (after 14:23), 10th (after 17:18), 11th, 15th, 16th (before 08:16). These are the optimal dates and times of planting according to the lunar calendar.

Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins

Undoubtedly, everyone knows that strawberries can compete with citrus fruits in terms of vitamin C content, but few people are aware that this berry contains a whole range of useful substances:

  • folic acid (vitamin B9) - hematopoietic effect, strengthens memory;
  • vitamins A and E - necessary for the reproductive system and have a positive effect on human skin, and can also strengthen the immune system;
  • zinc - improves memory, attention, mood, increases sperm activity, a good antioxidant.

You can also add that strawberries contain substances that stimulate production, improve the functions of the stomach and intestines, and reduce blood pressure.

August will come and establish its own rules.

The gardener's main task in August is to stop the growth of the current year's shoots in length. The formation of the apical bud and ripening of the shoots will better prepare the plant for winter. To stop the growth processes of shoots, the following measures are taken: remove mulch from trunk circle, simple potassium and phosphate fertilizers, pinch the tops of young growing shoots and reduce watering. Don't deposit nitrogen fertilizers, as this may cause a second wave of shoot growth.
Upon completion of the raspberry harvest, fruit-bearing and damaged branches are cut out. Young shoots that have grown over the summer should be shortened and the growth tips cut off - this will give their wood the opportunity to ripen and prepare for the upcoming cold weather.
Vegetables also need our care in August - loosening and fertilizing. Potato tops should be mowed 2 weeks before you plan to start “digging potatoes” - the tubers will ripen better.
August - it's time abundant fruiting tomatoes and peppers. At this time, the tops of the tomatoes need to be removed, leaving a couple of sheets above the top brush. This will speed up the ripening of the set fruits.
When caring for flowers in August, the first priority is rejuvenating division and replanting of perennials. Getting ready to plant bulbous flowers. Beds and ridges are made for them in advance. On clay soils, add sand and compost for digging. If necessary, lime the soil.

Folk signs about the weather in August:
The August night is long, the water is cold...
August is skipping towards autumn.
In August, winter begins to fight with summer.

Based on one interesting folk sign, together with you we will try to compose one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming 2018 gardening season.

Thematic tables-selections from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Lunar calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

from 01 August 2018 00:00 (Wed)
to 01 August 2018 13:54 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Favorable time for re-sowing radishes. Watering and fertilizing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage. Feeding fruit trees (apple trees, pears, plums, cherries). Dividing and replanting faded perennial flowers.
Collection of berries, vegetables and apples. Harvesting onions as soon as the feathers begin to turn yellow and fall off; harvest winter garlic. Convenient time for drying and freezing; preparation of juices and wines. Good period for pickling ( favorable daysFor ).
Preparation of containers and storage areas for crops.
(We still have a blog: , login only from the lunar calendar)

August 1 (19.07 old style) - Makrinin’s day (Makrida)
“Makrida is wet, then autumn is wet, Macrida is dry, and so is autumn.”

from 01 August 2018 13:54 (Wed)
to 03 August 2018 22:51 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Aries

Pinching Brussels sprouts, pumpkin lashes. Removing old leaves, shoots and inflorescences on tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, eggplants. Harvesting and drying onions grown from sets and garlic sets grown from bulbs. Fertilizing late cabbage.
Continuing the fight against weeds and ground pests. Removing fruit-bearing raspberry shoots; overgrown apple and pear trees; strawberry mustache. Adding compost or half-rotted manure with old sawdust under fruit trees. Clearing the land of plant residues. Collection of fruits and vegetables for long-term storage, canning.

August 2 (20.07 old style) - Elijah’s Day (Ilya the Prophet)
"From Ilya's day the night is long and the water is cold"

from 03 August 2018 22:51 (Fri)
to 06 August 2018 04:31 (Mon)
Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers vegetable crops. Favorable days for harvesting root vegetables, onions, and winter garlic. Continued weed control. Cleaning strawberry plantations from dried and yellowing leaves. Removing root and standard shoots from fruit trees. Pinching raspberries to form side shoots. Checking supports for fruit-bearing trees and installing additional supports. Collecting organic matter for subsequent refilling of greenhouses and greenhouses. Collection and preparation of roots medicinal plants: large burdock, common dandelion, snakeweed, chicory, valerian, elecampane, golden root.
from 06 August 2018 04:31 (Mon)
to 08 August 2018 07:01 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Gemini

It is better not to plant or transplant.
Preparing beds and planting holes, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases. Digging up non-wintering perennial bulbous flowers. Application of fertilizers in dry form under indoor flowers. Spreading compost, half-rotted manure and old sawdust under trees, bushes and on ridges. Carrying out formative and rejuvenating pruning of currants and gooseberries, cutting out fruit-bearing raspberry shoots. Removal of diseased and unproductive trees and shrubs. Bending down the branches of slate trees to the ground and pinning them with hooks. Removing and burning trapping belts. Preparation of cuttings for winter and spring vaccinations. Harvesting for long-term storage, as well as seeds and root crops for testes. Harvesting potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes for storage.

August 7 (25.07 old style) - Anna Winter Pointer
"Bright and warm weather portends a cold winter, and if it's raining- winter is snowy and warm"

from 08 August 2018 07:01 (Wed)
to August 10, 2018 03:05 (Fri)

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

Digging the soil, forming ridges, spreading compost, half-rotted manure and old sawdust. Harvesting root crops. Cleaning and burning waste on site. Collection of sea buckthorn, chokeberry and red rowan for canning and apples for processing. Digging up anemones, dahlias and other non-wintering plants perennial plants. Planting bulbous flowers.
from August 10, 2018 03:05 (Fri)
to August 12, 2018 06:59 (Sun)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, or carry out any work with plants. Unfavorable days for pickling, pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. Any kind of housekeeping work or working with soil is possible.

August 11, 2018 12:58 msk start lunar month, : until August 10, 2018 7:17 Moon in the sign of Cancer, then in the sign of Leo

On this new moon it will also happen
partial solar eclipse , the maximum phase of the eclipse will begin August 11, 2018 at 12:47 MSK, eclipse it will be possible to observe in the north of Canada, Greenland in the Scandinavian countries, in Russia - at northern and middle latitudes Central Russia, throughout Siberia and Far East , northeastern Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China

from August 12, 2018 06:59 (Sun)
to August 14, 2018 07:57 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Dividing and replanting perennial flowers: peonies, irises, lilies of the valley, primroses, etc. Collection of vegetables and berries and their processing. Application organic fertilizers under bushes and strawberries. Composting or burning tops. Preparation of planting holes for autumn planting fruit trees and berry bushes. In currants, it is necessary to cut off thin annual shoots, leaving 4-5 strong ones, and pinch the tops.
from August 14, 2018 07:57 (Tue)
to 16 August 2018 11:54 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering and liquid fertilizers. A favorable time for sowing watercress, arugula, spinach, chervil to obtain late greens.
Favorable period for planting, fertilizing, dividing and replanting perennial flowers and medicinal plants. Planting new strawberry plantations. Treatment of strawberries against weevils. Hilling petiole celery and leeks, mulching plantings. Hilling up the root collar of dahlias to protect against early frosts. Cutting out fruit-bearing raspberry branches. Preparing planting holes for autumn planting of trees and shrubs. Application mineral fertilizers under the flowers.
(15 - 17 August - in Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days months For)

August 15 (02.08 old style) - Stepan Senoval
“Like Stepan Senoval, so is September. In the next four days, we noted the weather for October, November, December and January.”

from August 16, 2018 11:54 (Thu)
to 18 August 2018 19:45 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Digging the soil, forming ridges, spreading compost, half-rotted manure and old sawdust under trees, bushes and on the beds. Complete or partial removal of soil from greenhouses and greenhouses. Filling greenhouses and greenhouses with organic residues. It is possible to plant cloves or set winter garlic, bulbous plants. Possible time for planting and replanting any plants. Planting tulip bulbs.
Favorable days for pickling and canning

(About favorable days: on favorable days everything goes most successfully, but this does not mean that, for example, pickling or fermentation cannot be carried out on other days - do as you wish, the only thing is, do not plan to work on days of the lunar calendar that are unfavorable for this - the likelihood of mistakes on these days is very high)
from August 18, 2018 19:45 (Sat)
to August 21, 2018 07:00 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Collection of flowers and leaves of medicinal plants; collection of seeds and root crops for testes. Collecting fruits for quick consumption, but not for long storage. Sowing winter grain crops, including as green fertilizers. Collection of plant residues for greenhouses and greenhouses. Processing storage facilities for vegetables. Application of mineral fertilizers to the soil.

August 19 (06.08 art style) - Transfiguration. Apple Spas.
“As is the day on the Second Savior, so is the Intercession (October 1/14).
A dry day on Apple Spas foretells a dry autumn, a wet day foretells a wet one, and a clear day foretells a harsh winter. As is the second Saviour, so is January."

from August 21, 2018 07:00 (Tue)
to 23 August 2018 19:55 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing watercress, spinach, chervil, Chinese cabbage(leaf early ripening) in greenhouses and open ground for autumn use. It is possible to divide and replant rhizomes of peonies, irises and other perennials. Feeding fruit and berry crops phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and root feeding of late vegetable crops
Planting and replanting plants overwintering in open ground. Collection of organic matter for fueling greenhouses and greenhouses. Planting trees, shrubs and perennials flower plants cuttings. Treatment of cucumbers in greenhouses against fungal, bacterial diseases and pests. Harvesting: It is better to consume everything harvested fresh.

August 23 (10.08 style) - Lavrenty.
"If there is extreme heat or heavy rains, it will be so long - all autumn"

from August 23, 2018 19:55 (Thu)
to 24 August 2018 19:08 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

Unfavorable days for watering and root feeding. Loosening the soil, preparing beds, planting holes, thinning out seedlings, trimming strawberry tendrils. Checking the supports under fruit-bearing trees. Over remontant strawberries install film shelters to prolong fruiting. It is very good to harvest for long-term storage, seeds and root crops for seed plants. Collecting organic matter for subsequent refilling of greenhouses and greenhouses. Preparing the cellars for the new season: airing, whitewashing and spraying with lime, fumigating with sulfur bombs.
from August 24, 2018 19:08 (Fri)
to August 27, 2018 20:15 (Mon)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, prune, shoot or pinch anything. Unfavorable days for salting. (You should not salt, for example, cucumbers or tomatoes during the full moon.) You can loosen and mulch the soil. Collection of flowers, leaves and herbs medicinal and spice plants. You can start installing film shelters over remontant strawberries. Processing and cleaning of vacated land. Application of organic and mineral fertilizers, liming can be carried out.
August 26, 2018 14:56 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month - until August 26, 2018 8:32 am Moon in the sign of Aquarius, then in the sign of Pisces)
from August 27, 2018 20:15 (Mon)
to 28 August 2018 19:35 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Weed control. Land cultivation. Transplanting perennial flowers. Collection of medicinal and spicy plants. Continuing to collect the next batches of berries and vegetables for quick processing. Good time for pickling ( favorable days For according to the zodiac position of the Moon), canning, drying and freezing. Preparation of containers and storage areas for crops.
from August 28, 2018 19:35 (Tue)
to August 31, 2018 04:30 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Aries

Carrying out formative and rejuvenating pruning of raspberries, currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle. The best time to apply compost or half-rotted manure with old sawdust under fruit trees. Preparing beds, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases. Hilling up the root collar of dahlias to protect against frost. Digging up non-wintering perennial flowers. Trimming the stems of faded perennial flowers. Cleaning autumn apples for processing and short-term storage. The best time to harvest potatoes, carrots, beets, and radishes for storage (the crop harvested at this time will be stored very well). Collection of sea buckthorn, chokeberry and red rowan and their preservation.

August 29 (16.08 art style) - Khlebny Spas.
“They note the weather by the timing of the birds’ departure: If the crane flies to the third Savior, then there will be frost on Pokrov”

from August 31, 2018 04:30 (Fri)
to 31 August 2018 23:59 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Digging the soil and forming ridges. Control of pests that live in the ground. Rooting of tree and bush seedlings goes well. A favorable period for sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. Mulching raspberries with bark, sawdust, and half-rotted manure. Digging, dividing and replanting perennial flowers: lilies, irises, delphiniums and peonies, small-bulbous. Harvesting root vegetables for long-term storage. Favorable time for harvesting potatoes and root crops.
Work on the gardener's lunar calendar table for August 2018 was completed on 07/05/2018


Autumn planting of strawberries has a significant number of advantages compared to planting in the spring. If the question arises when is the best time to plant berry bushes, you need to consider all the options and arguments in favor of choosing the autumn period.

Optimal time to plant strawberries

Many gardeners have had the opportunity to see from their own experience that autumn is the best time for planting strawberries. The main arguments in favor of autumn planting include:

  • strawberries planted in the fall will get stronger over the winter and will bear fruit in the summer;
  • autumn soil is warmed up summer months, so it will be easier for the bushes to take root in a new place.

The first advantage is decisive, because if strawberries are planted in the spring, the likelihood of the crop ripening is very small. Only special varieties can produce fruits, which can be ordered and purchased in garden stores. And after a long winter, when the body lacks vitamins, you want to quickly get a harvest of sweet and healthy berries. That is why it is better to target planting dates for autumn.

When defined optimal time when planting strawberries in the ground, every gardener should remember a few important rules and features of this process. Although planting strawberries is not difficult, doing them will give best result and a rich harvest in the summer.

The best time to plant bushes sweet berries, is the month from the end of August to the end of September. This is the period when the main summer heat is already subsiding, but the weather is still warm. After planting, strawberry seedlings will still have time to take root in new soil, get stronger and gain strength for the winter.

At the beginning of August it is still too hot for planting new tubers; it will be difficult for them to adapt to this temperature, although some varieties are designed specifically for early landing. At the end of September the weather is still warm, but if you plant strawberries in late autumn, the first cold and wind of October can have a bad effect on the seedlings, or even kill them. For late landing Only some resistant varieties of strawberries are suitable, which are adapted to low temperature on the street. It’s better not to take risks or experiment with ordinary tubers.

The best time of day to plant strawberries in the fall

Most the right time The day for planting strawberries is evening. The soil must first be moistened and fertilized. The best fertilizer for the soil in which strawberries will grow is humus. Depending on the condition of the soil and its depletion, you can add up to 5 kg of fertilizer per square meter land. A larger amount of humus can negatively affect the adaptation of the root system of tubers.

The setting evening sun will not scorch the seedling leaves until the morning, and the evening humidity in the air will give the tubers the opportunity to better get used to their new location. When the bush is planted in wet soil, it should also be watered from above to compact the soil. The next time the young plants can be watered a day later, the next evening, but only if the day is hot and dry. Excessive quantity water can lead to rotting of the root system.

Rules for planting strawberries in autumn

Typically, strawberry seedlings are obtained after clearing the area where the berries previously grew. Experts recommend changing the place where strawberries are grown at least once every four years, and preferably every three. Young bushes that have grown from shoots are suitable for planting old landing. Having given them the opportunity to strengthen and strengthen the root system, you can dig them up and prepare them for planting in a new place. It is best if the bushes lie for several days in a cool and damp place before planting.

The ideal strawberry bed consists of three rows of bushes arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between the bushes is maintained at approximately 30-40 cm. This will not only allow each root system to grow and develop in its own earthen space, but will also simplify the care of seedlings, as well as harvesting.

Strawberries are planted in holes at a sufficient depth to the point where a new shoot is formed. This will increase the likelihood that the roots will not freeze when winter arrives. Abundant regular watering will ensure moisture penetration into the entire root system. To further help the soil retain moisture, the beds should be loosened after each watering.

If strawberries will be planted on a plot of soil for the first time, and there are no young seedlings of your own, they can be purchased at the market or in a specialized garden store. Consultants can advise when it is best to plant strawberries and give their arguments in favor of autumn planting. Experts will also tell you the characteristics and requirements of each strawberry variety and recommend rules for caring for strawberries. Choosing suitable variety berries, you can immediately find out how large they are, when the first fruits appear, what diseases can most often affect them.

If you want to purchase and plant several varieties of strawberries, you need to understand that they will have to be planted at a distance from each other. Otherwise, pollination of the plants will occur within a year, and next summer the berries will be the same from both areas of the planted bushes.

Autumn care for strawberries after planting

To confidently leave strawberry bushes in the ground throughout the winter, you need to prepare them for the cold and help them grow strong. To do this you need to do a few simple steps:

  • firstly, strawberries should be fertilized in the fall; nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are used for this - microelements that will help the plant to be strong and produce a good harvest in the summer;
  • secondly, strawberry bushes need to be covered with a layer of leaves or coniferous branches for the winter; this will not only protect the seedlings from frost, but will also allow more snow to remain in the garden bed and moisten the soil as it melts.

Autumn planting of strawberries allows you to immediately provide the bushes with optimal conditions for their growth and strengthening. And correctly chosen planting dates will make it possible to calmly complete everything preparatory work by winter and get a good harvest of sweet berries in the summer.

If a gardener still doubts when it is best to plant strawberries, you can consult experienced gardeners. Usually neighbors in the country like to share not only their experience and advice, but also good healthy seedlings. By purchasing bushes for planting in this way, you can immediately see what kind of berries you will get. summer harvest. Although own experience and skills in planting strawberries will be the main argument in further work gardener

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):