Kalanchoe. Family Crassulaceae 4.83 /5 (96.67%) 6 votes

Name: Kalanchoe

Latin name: Kalanchoe

Family: Crassulaceae

Kalanchoe speckled

Kalanchoe - care and maintenance

  • Lighting: Kalanchoes prefer diffused sunlight
  • Temperature: In winter they are kept at a temperature of 12-14 °C
  • Watering: In summer, watering is moderate. In winter it is rarely watered.
  • Soil: Grow well in soil made from equal parts of turf and leaf soil, humus, peat, sand
  • Fertilizer: In summer, feed once every 2 weeks with fertilizers for cacti
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings

Kalanchoe - Description and appearance:

Genus Kalanchoe bears the Chinese name for this plant. It unites about 200 species, distributed in tropical and southern Africa, South and Southeast Asia, as well as in tropical areas of South America.

Widely known medicinal properties of Kalanchoe: plant juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid healing of wounds, burns, cracks, frostbite.

Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family and, like the Crassula, is different incredible variety species, from ampelous to woody forms. These succulent plants have long been grown indoors and as ornamental flowering plants, as decorative foliage plants, and as medicinal plants. Kalanchoe care is minimal, they are unpretentious, compact, bloom profusely and for a long time. In some species, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and Kalanchoe manginii are mainly cultivated hybrid varieties with varied flower colors.

The leaves are thick, sessile or with short petioles. They are very diverse in shape: oblong, round, triangular; with a smooth, wavy or finely toothed edge. The color also varies: from green to reddish. There are species with speckled leaves. In some species, the leaves are pubescent or covered with a waxy coating.

The flowers are small, about 1 cm in diameter, the corolla consists of four petals that are partially fused and form a tube. The flowers are collected in an umbellate, less often paniculate, inflorescence.

Kalanchoe - types and photographs:

Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana - photo and description

Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana
Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

The height of the plant is 30-45 cm, the leaves are rounded, wavy along the edges, the flowers are red, collected in semi-umbrella inflorescences. Mostly hybrid varieties with white, yellow, orange, purple, pink, red flowers are grown: Bali, Singapore, Calypso, Fortyniner, Beta, Santorini, Coral Mirjam, Alexandra and others. There are also miniature forms, up to 15 cm high, with bright red flowers.

Kalanchoe Beharensis - photo and description

Kalanchoe Beharskoe Kalanchoe Beharskoe Kalanchoe Beharskoe
Kalanchoe Beharskoe Kalanchoe Beharskoe
Kalanchoe Beharskoe

A weakly branching plant up to 20 cm high, the leaves are large, triangular, with a wavy edge, covered with a grayish waxy coating. The flowers are small, yellow. A common variety is Aureo-aeneus, with leaves covered in reddish-brown hairs.

There are tree-like representatives.

Kalanchoe Manginii - photo and description

Kalanchoe manginii Kalanchoe manginii Kalanchoe manginii
Kalanchoe manginii Kalanchoe manginii Kalanchoe manginii
Kalanchoe manginii Kalanchoe manginii

The stems are thin, about 30 cm long, drooping with age. The leaves are dark green, juicy, oval, the edge is smooth, slightly wavy at the top. The flowers are red; brood buds are formed in the inflorescence. There are hybrid varieties with different flower colors: Tessa, Wendy, Mariko, Jingle Bells, Dream Bells, Mirabella. It is recommended to spray plants, since the duration of flowering depends on air humidity.

Kalanchoe Marmorata, Grandiflora - photo and description

Kalanchoe speckled Kalanchoe speckled Kalanchoe speckled
Kalanchoe speckled Kalanchoe speckled Kalanchoe speckled
Kalanchoe speckled

Subshrubs up to 50 cm high, leaves obovate, 8-12 cm long, notched-toothed at the edges, green, later grayish on both sides, with large brown spots. The flowers are white, 6 cm long. Synonym - Kalanchoe grandiflora.

Kalanchoe Tomentosa - photo and description

Kalanchoe tomentosa Kalanchoe tomentosa
Kalanchoe tomentosa Kalanchoe tomentosa Kalanchoe tomentosa
Kalanchoe tomentosa

Very often on window sills among a variety of indoor flowers you can find Kalanchoe. This plant is native to Madagascar and South Africa. Kalanchoe is not only distinguished by its beautiful appearance, but also by its extraordinary healing properties.

History of the name

One of the ancient legends explains the appearance of Kalanchoe in different countries of the world. This name was first mentioned in a ship's log entry made back in the 18th century. Russian merchants trading in Africa encountered an amazing case of healing of one of the sailors. He became infected with a very dangerous and rare disease- tropical fever, so it was decided to leave him on the South African island in order to save the rest of the team from imminent death.

Returning back a month later, the ship again moored to this island and the sailors were surprised to find their comrade quite healthy. It turned out that the locals were able to cure him of a fatal disease with the help of the leaves of a plant they called Kalankh (health). Today, many housewives grow Kalanchoe at home, whose homeland is southern Africa.

External description

This herbaceous perennial, belonging to the Crassulaceae genus, is characterized by very rapid growth. The opposite leaves are juicy, fleshy, often green, sometimes yellowish or with a gray-blue tint. The lower ones are ovoid, and the upper ones are feathery. The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences, their color can be orange, pink, white or reddish.

Features of care

When growing houses like this, you should remember that the homeland of Kalanchoe ( indoor plant, brought to us from the tropics) are completely different climatic conditions. Therefore, appropriate care is required for his comfortable well-being. Nevertheless, this plant quickly adapts to existing conditions and belongs to the category of the most unpretentious. Like most southern plants, Kalanchoe calmly tolerates a lack of moisture, but needs warmth and sufficient lighting.

Optimal for Kalanchoe

Today, a wide variety of soil mixtures for indoor plants can be purchased in the store. The composition intended for cacti and succulents is also quite suitable for Kalanchoe, which is native to the tropics. You just need to add one sixth of the rotted compost to it. It is quite possible to use universal soil for planting, mixing it about one-third with fine expanded clay.

If desired, prepare the soil mixture yourself; there is nothing complicated about it. You need to take turf and leaf soil (in a ratio of 4:2) and one part each of sand and peat. A little humus or dry manure is added to them.

Temperature and lighting

Since the homeland of Kalanchoe (a houseplant that has settled on our windowsills) is South Africa with its tropical and subtropical climate, the plant is not at all afraid of the sun's rays. In order for it to fully develop, good lighting is necessary. If a little shading of the Kalanchoe cannot harm, then the lack of light will lead to deformation and loss of decorative qualities.

The air temperature must be maintained quite high - approximately 22 ⁰C. Drying and falling leaves are evidence that the room is too hot. But in winter, the plant feels better at a temperature of 15 ⁰C. If the thermometer is 10 ⁰C or lower, the flower may die.


Kalanchoe (the plant's homeland has a dry climate) is able to accumulate water, so it tolerates drought quite calmly. Much worse for this plant is excessive moisture, which can lead to rotting of the roots and damage to the leaves.

Water the Kalanchoe as the soil dries, usually twice a week in the summer and very occasionally in the winter. Spraying of leaves is carried out only when necessary, when you need to clean them from dust.

Types of Kalanchoe

There are more than 200 various types Kalanchoe. All of them still grow in tropical countries. Some of them are so different from each other that it is difficult to believe that they are related. The only thing that unites all these Kalanchoe plants is their homeland.

Kalanchoe TOMENTOSA (or felt Kalanchoe), which came to us from Central Madagascar, has leaves rounded at the base, the surface of which is covered with thick fluff. Because of this, their color appears silver.

Kalanchoe Degremona is considered a very common species.

This plant with succulent leaves, the edges of which are slightly turned inward, is viviparous. New rosettes form directly on the leaf cloves and are immediately released own roots, gradually breaking away and falling off. This species is known for its amazing medicinal properties.

Decorative BLOSSFELDIANA is distinguished by small leathery leaves that take on a reddish tint in sunlight. Many commercial farms grow all year round flowering specimens of this Kalanchoe. The birthplace of the flower is the central part of Madagascar.

Kalanchoe TUBIFLORA (Kalanchoe tubiflora) has a thick and succulent stem. Daughter rosettes form in large groups on the gray-green fleshy leaves.

Kalanchoe MANGANII has erect, thin stems, slightly curved towards the end. They bear leaves up to 2.5 cm long. The duration of flowering is affected by air humidity, so this plant needs to be sprayed.

Where is the homeland of Kalanchoe, in natural conditions this plant can grow up to one and a half meters tall. Nevertheless, it has been successfully grown in the world for a very long time. room conditions and is very highly valued for its decorative and healing qualities.

Latin name: Kalanchoe

Family: Crassulaceae (Crassulaceae)

Homeland: South Africa

Kalanchoe brief information

Kalanchoe is a medicinal plant, a storehouse of useful substances. It is found everywhere in the tropics and subtropical regions of Australia, Asia, Africa, Madagascar, and New Guinea. Kalanchoe is a member of the Crassulaceae family. This plant has thick, fleshy leaves.

Types of Kalanchoe come with erect stems and creeping ones. The height of an adult plant varies among different species. The minimum height is 20 cm, and the maximum is 1.5 meters.

There are 200 species of Kalanchoe. Many species of Kalanchoe are well adapted for cultivation at home.

Types of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

This decorative flowering species is the most popular. Height up to 45 cm. It is a low-growing subshrub. The leaves of this species are smooth, dark green, slightly wavy at the edges. Blooms in a variety of ways. There are pink, white, yellow, orange and red.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Kalanchoe lovers will be interested in this species, which is a hybrid of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. It is smaller in size with more flowers. Blooms in March - April and blooms until October.

Kalanchoe daigremontiana

This species has daughter plants on the leaves and the stem is straight, and the leaves are long, triangular. Daughter plants located on the leaves fall to the ground and in this way this type of Kalanchoe reproduces.

Kalanchoe manginii

This is a type of decorative flowering plants. It has small leaves, drooping stems and bell-shaped flowers up to 2 cm.

Kalanchoe thyrsiflora

It has silvery-green rounded leaves with red edges. The flowers are yellow, small.

Kalanchoe beharensis

Stems are erect, losing leaves over time. The leaves have triangular shape with wavy edges, has a bluish-grayish coating. Semi-shrub plant.

Kalanchoe tomentosa

It has oblong leaves, and their color is silver-green, brown on the edges.

Marbled Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe marmorata)

The view is very beautiful with the original colors of the leaves - large brown spots on them, white flowers 6 cm long.

Kalanchoe care at home

Air temperature

Kalanchoe is undemanding to air temperature: 20-24˚С in summer, and 12-15˚С in winter. At high temperatures in winter, buds do not appear.


The plant contains a lot of moisture in the stems and leaves, so if it is not watered, it will not disappear. In spring, summer and until mid-autumn, it is worth watering the plant a couple of times a week, and less often when it gets cold. You should not water abundantly, as fungal whitening may occur.

Kalanchoes, which have velvety leaves, do not need to be sprayed to avoid water getting on them. Plants with smooth leaves love warm shower, but occasionally, to remove dust.


When flowering, Kalanchoe requires more fertilizer than those that do not bloom. From April to September they are fed once a month with universal fertilizer. Non-flowering varieties of Kalanchoe are fertilized with cactus bait.


The plant tolerates turf and leaf soil well; humus and sand should be added in equal parts. Drainage is required at the bottom of the pot.


Young plants need to be replanted every year when the spring period dormant, older ones - after 2-3 years.


Good, bright lighting is required for flowering species. In order for a Kalanchoe plant to bloom in winter, it must be kept in a cool place in autumn and winter, and in summer it must be exposed to light for up to 10 hours maximum. An ideal option would be to place the flower on the window sills from the east or west in the warm season of spring to autumn, and in the cool season a southern window is preferable.

Dried flowering is removed, the stems need to be trimmed so that the Kalanchoe has a beautiful decorative appearance.

Kalanchoe propagation

Kalanchoe plant propagates by cuttings of stems and leaves, pups and seeds. You need to sow the seeds in January-March. Young Kalanchoyas sprout at 20-25˚ C. It is best to propagate by cuttings, which can be started to root in spring or summer. It is advisable to dry them for 1-2 days before planting. Planted cuttings should be watered very carefully, not covered with polyethylene or glass.

Diseases and pests

If the plant is overwatered, it gets sick and aphids appear. The temperature of the plant should not fall below 10˚C.

Kalanchoe beneficial properties

Kalanchoe is a medicine on the windowsill. Wide range its use in obstetrics, gynecology, surgery, and dental medicine. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect. Able to quickly cleanse wounds and ulcers. There is no skin irritation and little toxicity. It is used for burns, bedsores, stomatitis, periodontal disease, and also has good action for ruptures after childbirth, cracked nipples.

The plant enjoys great success in cosmetology as a means of rejuvenation.

Use older plants for treatment, and they will have a better effect on recovery.

Kalanchoe is a house doctor, a tree of life, a beneficial and necessary plant.

Crassulaceae family. Homeland South and Southeast Asia, South America. There are more than 200 species in nature. These are succulent plants that appeared in Russia a long time ago; they are grown as ornamental flowering plants and as medicinal plants. Kalanchoe has a lot folk names: tree of life, indoor doctor, indoor ginseng, they say about him “a surgeon without a knife.” Its great advantage is that it is completely safe. When it comes to choosing flowers for a child in a nursery, Kalanchoe fits perfectly.

Viviparous Kalanchoe species, which form children along the edge of the leaf - small daughter rosettes - can be found under the name bryophyllum. They propagate very easily, both by children and cuttings.

Types of Kalanchoe

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - native to Madagascar, is a low-branched, erect shrub, about 30 cm tall with opposite round or oblong leaves, wavy along the edge, about 5-7 cm long. The flowers are small - about 1 cm in diameter, bright red, look impressive in inflorescences - umbrellas. Flowering from March to June, very abundant. There are varieties with orange, yellow and other flowers.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home


Kalanchoe is not at all picky about summer temperatures; it grows well in any conditions if the watering is appropriate (after drying). If possible, it is better to take it to fresh air- on the balcony or in the garden. In winter, it is advisable to provide a rest period for Kalanchoe at a temperature of 10-12 ° C and with dry content (i.e., watering infrequently, about once a month). The winter minimum is +8°C, and with complete dryness and insulation of the pot +4°C (insulation in the form of foam rubber or an additional pot with filling the voids with sawdust). A daily temperature difference of 5-7°C promotes the formation of buds and flowering.

Kalanchoe is a light-loving flower; it needs bright, intense lighting, with direct sunlight, preferably in the morning and/or evening. For growing Kalanchoe Western and east window, on a south window you may need shading during the hottest hours of the day at noon; in winter, shading is not required even on a south window sill. Species with pubescent leaves, like Kalanchoe tomentosa, are more tolerant of direct hot sun; they do not grow at all in a shaded place; the leaves become elongated and become smaller. But Kalanchoe Blossfeld blooms profusely only with sufficient lighting and prolonged daylight hours. In winter, with additional lighting, it is also possible to obtain flowering, since a dormant period is not obligatory for it.

Kalanchoe is watered like all succulents - moderately during the period of growth and flowering (spring and summer), less often in autumn. In winter, depending on the temperature - in the presence of a cold dormant period, watering is limited. Overdrying of Kalanchoe is tolerated relatively easily, and overwatering may lead to the death of the plant. General rule Watering Kalanchoe requires drying the top part of the soil. In summer, the soil should dry out in the upper third of the pot, in winter at 2/3 of the depth of the pot, i.e. almost completely. It is difficult to check the soil for moisture so deeply, so touch the soil from above, as soon as it dries, wait a few more days to water: when the temperature is about 22-26°C - a day or two, at 18-22°C - 3-4 days, if below 18°C, wait about another week after drying.

Kalanchoe can (but not necessarily) be fed from late spring to mid-summer with a special fertilizer for cacti and other succulents once a month. POKON is suitable for succulents, AVA, Kemira-lux, etc. Fertilizers should contain a small dose of nitrogen, since an increased content of this element contributes to root rotting. Be sure to feed flowering Kalanchoes, but it is better in very small dosages weekly.


Kalanchoe is resistant to dry air, but periodic spraying will not harm at all for hygiene purposes - you need to wash off the dust, and as a preventive measure against mites. Do not spray on buds or blooming flowers.

Replanting Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is transplanted annually in spring into soil with a neutral or slightly acidic pH of 5.5-6.5. The pots should not be too spacious, if you notice that root system has grown slightly, then replant it in the same pot, replacing the crumbled soil with fresh one.

Soil for Kalanchoe, options:

  • 1 part turf, 1 part leaf, 1 part coarse river sand and 1/4 part vermiculite.
  • 2 parts universal primer, 1 part coconut substrate, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part humus.
  • 1 part light loam, 1 part coconut substrate, 1 part zeolite filler (for cat litter Barsik Standard).
  • It is useful to add pieces of birch coal to the soil for Kalanchoe. You can also use purchased soil for cacti and succulents, but add humus to it (well-rotted compost 1/6-1/7 part), or universal soil to which you add fine expanded clay (2-3 mm) or perlite (1/4- 1/3 of the total volume).

    Caring for Kalanchoe at home is not only about maintaining watering and temperature regime. With age, the plant, especially after abundant flowering, grows, stretches and becomes bare, so it is necessary to maintain the decorative appearance of the bush - pinch out long shoots, and it is better to cut off very bare stems, shorten the bare part and re-root, i.e. rejuvenate the plant. Rejuvenation differs from ordinary propagation in that all shoots are cut off from the mother plant, all of them are shortened, leaving only the juiciest ones. beautiful leaves, put for rooting. And when the roots grow 4-5 cm, all the cuttings are planted in one pot, where the mother plant grew.

    Reproduction of Kalanchoe

    Cuttings, leaves, as well as seeds and pups or brood buds (in viviparous species). Reproduction occurs easily, without stimulants. It is enough to place the cutting or leaf in a humid environment - on wet sand or place the twig in a glass of water. Large cuttings root better in water, small leaves and small cuttings - in sand or vermiculite. Optimal time for reproduction - from March to June; at other times of the year, Kalanchoe also takes root if it is light and warm enough.

    Kalanchoe - care after purchase

    Caring for a Kalanchoe is not difficult, but remember that at home it finds itself in completely new conditions for it: in the store it is usually darker, watering is more frequent. Therefore, plants are accustomed to the sun's rays gradually, otherwise they may get burned and lose flowers. To do this, place the plant on the windowsill and shade it with a piece of gauze or tulle on sunny days. After a few days, the fabric is removed for a while, gradually increasing the time without shading. Then they remove it completely. There is no need to move the flowering Kalanchoe from place to place, as this can damage the flowering. Water carefully as the soil dries, do not forget that Kalanchoe is a succulent.

    Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe

    Did you know that Kalanchoe can significantly reduce the number of harmful microbes in the air of the plant? They not only reduce the number of bacterial and fungal spores in the air, but even have antiviral activity.

    Kalanchoe juice has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound-healing, and hemostatic effects. It is used in the form of lotions, cold compresses, and added to the base cream for the treatment of trophic and long-term non-healing ulcers. Fresh Kalanchoe juice is applied to places of bleeding, on boils, lubricated irritated skin after sunburn, as well as cracked nipples.

    Kalanchoe juice is also used in dentistry, in the treatment of gingivitis and stomatitis; for this, Kalanchoe juice is squeezed onto cotton wool and applied to the gums 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes.

    For treatment, you can use fresh Kalanchoe leaves, but frozen leaves do not lose their medicinal properties.

    The most widely used juice is Kalanchoe juice for the common cold. But adults and children need different approach in treatment. You can read about the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe, how to give Kalanchoe to children here: //la-vida.ru/health.php?cod=498

    Kalanchoe diseases

    • Kalanchoe, most often, suffers from a lack of light - the stems stretch, and lower leaves fly off, or the leaves turn pale or yellowish green.
    • It happens that after abundant flowering, Kalanchoe does not grow, or becomes bare and loses its leaves. In such cases, as a rule, it lacks nutrition, so replanting or feeding is needed.
    • Leaves dry out and die - when kept in very warm room in winter, especially near the battery, in case of pest infestation.
    • Brown or black soft spots or mold appear on the plant if it is too humid, especially at low temperatures in poorly ventilated areas.
    • The leaves are large, juicy green, and flowering does not occur due to overfeeding with fertilizers, especially organic or mineral fertilizers with a high proportion of nitrogen.
    • When wintering in too warm conditions, it loses its leaves and decorative appeal.
    • Homeland of the Kalanchoe plant

      Kalanchoe is a favorite plant of many gardeners, as in addition to its beauty it also has medicinal properties. The plant's homeland is the island of Madagascar.

      There is an amazing legend associated with the plant, which explains where Kalanchoe came from in many countries. So, in the 18th century, an entry was found in a ship's log about miraculous salvation a Russian sailor who fell ill with an unknown tropical fever.

      The team was forced to leave him on a South African island, where the sailor actually contracted the disease. This had to be done to protect others from inevitable death from the disease. However, a month later, when the ship returned to the same place, the sailor who was already completely healthy suddenly boarded. In his hand there were only the leaves of the plant, which he chewed all the time, and which cured him of an unknown fever. He called them "kalankh", which means "health" in the local language. From here it becomes obvious why kalanchoe plant has such an unusual name.

      Kalanchoe belongs to the succulent plants of the Crassulaceae family. In total there are more than 200 species, which mainly grow in the tropical countries of Africa, Asia and America. All types of Kalanchoe are so different from each other that it is sometimes impossible to attribute “family” connections to them. However, the only similarity exists is that Kalanchoe is the plant’s homeland.

      Kalanchoe can “boast” of its luxurious and succulent leaves, as well as the color of its flowers, which can be yellow, white, orange, pink and red. The flowers of the plant themselves are collected in a small inflorescence, which is usually called a panicle. There is also another feature that is inherent in Kalanchoe - this is the amazing growth of the plant. After all, in just a few months it can grow up to 40 cm. And if the plant is given proper care, it will certainly please the owner with its long flowering.

      Kalanchoe: homeland of the plant, description, necessary conditions

      Plant species are presented in more than 200 varieties, and this does not take into account all the hybrids and varieties. The Kalanchoe plant belongs to the perennial family Crassulaceae. It was first brought to Europe. After some time, it began to be grown as a houseplant.

      Homeland of Kalanchoe

      One of the wonderful plants on the planet is Kalanchoe. The homeland of each species is different. The plant begins its history with:

    • Madagascar;
    • India;
    • islands of New Guinea;
    • Australia;
    • tropical regions of Asia and America;
    • Moluccas Islands.
    • Under natural conditions, the plant can reach 1.5 meters in height. IN indoor version Kalanchoe is much smaller.

      The Legend of Kalanchoe

      There is an interesting legend about Kalanchoe, whose homeland is located in several countries at the same time. According to legend, in the 18th century. in one of the ship's magazines a story appeared about the miraculous rescue of a Russian sailor from fever. He contracted the disease on an African island. Due to fever, the sailors were forced to leave their comrade there in order to avoid infecting the rest of the ship.

      A month later it returned to this island again. A sailor who had been left for dead suddenly came aboard. It turned out that he had recovered. The sailor said that he was cured thanks to the plant, which he brought to the ship. During his illness, the sailor chewed leaves, which saved him from fever. The sailor named the plant “Kalankh”. In the language of the locals, this meant “health.”

      General description of the plant

      Despite the many species, Kalanchoe also has common features. These are luxurious succulent leaves and bright colors of flowers, presented in a rich palette. Kalanchoe inflorescences are mostly small, in the form of a “panicle”. Another feature is the surprisingly fast growth of the plant. It can grow up to 40 centimeters in just two months. Under favorable circumstances, the plant blooms for a very long time.

      Kalanchoe has more than two hundred species known to scientists. The most common of them:

    1. Bejar, native to Madagascar and southeast Asia. This plant has a thin stem with a small fluff. The leaves are triangular, toothed, olive color. Grows up to 40 centimeters in height.
    2. Blossfelda Kalanchoe. The homeland of this plant is Madagascar. The bush grows up to 1.5 meters tall. Its leaves are egg-shaped, dark green with red edges, and the inflorescences are white. The color may vary due to the work of breeders. Indoor plants have light green leaves with red inflorescences. Another variety of this Kalanchoe is called “cat ears”, due to the shape of the leaves and their brown color.
    3. Degremona is found in the African tropics. The maximum plant height is 1.5 meters. This species loves rocky, dry and windy areas. The leaves of the plant are elliptical, large and curling towards the center. They are gray-green on the outside and have purple spots on the inside. Ideal for indoor breeding.
    4. Kalandiva is one of the most beloved by gardeners. The plant reaches 30 cm in height. This species has very succulent leaves and beautiful flowering.
    5. Marble Kalanchoe. The homeland of this plant is India. The plant looks like a subshrub, reaching a height of 50 centimeters, leaves up to 12 cm. They are ovoid in shape, tapering towards the base. Along the edges of the leaves there are teeth and grooves. The color of the young plant is green. Then it turns into gray with lilac or brown spots.

    Plant care

    The temperature where Kalanchoe grows has a wide range. IN summer period- from 18 to 28 degrees, in winter they should not fall below 10. Plants are watered moderately, in the sun - abundantly, as they dry out. Water can be poured into the stock pan.

    The plants tolerate the aridity of apartments well, while humidity does not play any role. The plant does not require spraying in winter, but in summer this action is beneficial. Twice a month the land is fed with fertilizers. Transplantation is done only if necessary.

    One of my favorite houseplants is Kalanchoe. Flowering occurs in different times, but during this period additional bright lighting is needed. Especially in autumn and winter, when the plant does not have enough light. Lighting should extend the day for Kalanchoe to 12 hours, in August - no more than nine.

    For large and bright colors to appear, it must be intense. Some inflorescences have delicate and juicy shades that persist for a long time after cutting the Kalanchoe. It does not fade for a long time if it stands in water. After flowering, the leaves are partially trimmed and used as cuttings. They are placed in wet sand and covered with a glass. If seeds are used for propagation, they are sown between January and March. They are not covered with earth. The seeds are laid out on glass and covered with paper. A little later they are lightly sprinkled with earth.

    Crops are ventilated daily. To do this, just turn the glass over. The soil should be kept moist all the time. Water the plants with water at room temperature. The seedlings are transplanted into normal soil, and the plants are covered with plastic film on top. As soon as the first leaves form, the Kalanchoe is transplanted into pots in a special nutrient mixture.

    Features of Kalanchoe

    The Kalanchoe plant is considered a home guardian. Many claim that it smoothes conflict situations in the family and absorbs all the negativity. It has long been noticed that in houses where Kalanchoe grows, the air is much cleaner. It contains no harmful impurities. Moreover, absolutely all types of plants have medicinal properties.

    Medicinal properties of the plant

    Kalanchoe has long been used in nature for healing various diseases. The plant retained its qualities even indoors. Medicinal properties possesses that part of Kalanchoe that is located above the ground. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Heals any wounds well, cleanses tissues of dead (necrotic) micropieces.

    Ointments and tinctures are made from the juice of the plant and are used in medicine. Kalanchoe contains tannins, vitamin C, copper, iron, manganese and many other trace elements. The leaves of the plant contain useful organic acids and polysaccharides. Active drugs are made from them.

    Kalanchoe: the birthplace of the plant and the necessary soil composition

    Very often you can find Kalanchoe on windowsills among a variety of indoor flowers. This plant is native to Madagascar and South Africa. Kalanchoe is not only distinguished by its beautiful appearance, but also by its extraordinary healing properties.

    History of the name

    One of the ancient legends explains the appearance of Kalanchoe in different countries of the world. This name was first mentioned in a ship's log entry made back in the 18th century. Russian merchants trading in Africa encountered an amazing case of healing of one of the sailors. He contracted a very dangerous and rare disease - tropical fever, so it was decided to leave him on the South African island in order to save the rest of the team from imminent death.

    Returning back a month later, the ship again moored to this island and the sailors were surprised to find their comrade quite healthy. It turned out that the locals were able to cure him of a fatal disease with the help of the leaves of a plant they called Kalankh (health). Today, many housewives grow Kalanchoe at home, whose homeland is southern Africa.

    External description

    This herbaceous perennial, belonging to the Crassulaceae genus, is characterized by very rapid growth. The opposite leaves are juicy, fleshy, often green, sometimes yellowish or with a gray-blue tint. The lower ones are ovoid, and the upper ones are feathery. The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences, their color can be orange, pink, white or reddish.

    Features of care

    When growing such exotic flowers at home, you should remember that the homeland of Kalanchoe (a houseplant brought to us from the tropics) has completely different climatic conditions. Therefore, appropriate care is required for his comfortable well-being. Nevertheless, this plant quickly adapts to existing conditions and belongs to the category of the most unpretentious. Like most southern plants, Kalanchoe calmly tolerates a lack of moisture, but needs warmth and sufficient lighting.

    Optimal soil composition for Kalanchoe

    Today, a wide variety of soil mixtures for indoor plants can be purchased in the store. The composition intended for cacti and succulents is also quite suitable for Kalanchoe, which is native to the tropics. You just need to add one sixth of the rotted compost to it. It is quite possible to use universal soil for planting, mixing it about one-third with fine expanded clay.

    If desired, prepare the soil mixture yourself; there is nothing complicated about it. You need to take turf and leaf soil (in a ratio of 4:2) and one part each of sand and peat. A little humus or dry manure is added to them.

    Temperature and lighting

    Since the homeland of Kalanchoe (a houseplant that has settled on our windowsills) is South Africa with its tropical and subtropical climate, the plant is not at all afraid of the sun's rays. In order for it to fully develop, good lighting is necessary. If a little shading of the Kalanchoe cannot harm, then the lack of light will lead to deformation and loss of decorative qualities.

    The air temperature must be maintained quite high - approximately 22? C. Drying and falling leaves are evidence that the room is too hot. But in winter, the plant feels better at a temperature of 15? C. If the thermometer is 10°C or lower, the flower may die.

    Kalanchoe (the plant's homeland has a dry climate) is able to accumulate water, so it tolerates drought quite calmly. Much worse for this plant is excessive moisture, which can lead to rotting of the roots and damage to the leaves.

    Water the Kalanchoe as the soil dries, usually twice a week in the summer and very occasionally in the winter. Spraying of leaves is carried out only when necessary, when you need to clean them from dust.

    There are more than 200 different species of Kalanchoe. All of them still grow in tropical countries. Some of them are so different from each other that it is difficult to believe that they are related. The only thing that unites all these Kalanchoe plants is their homeland.

    Kalanchoe TOMENTOSA (or felt Kalanchoe), which came to us from Central Madagascar, has leaves rounded at the base, the surface of which is covered with thick fluff. Because of this, their color appears silver.

    Kalanchoe Degremona is considered a very common species.
    This plant with succulent leaves, the edges of which are slightly turned inward, is viviparous. New rosettes form directly on the leaf cloves and immediately take root, gradually breaking off and falling off. This species is known for its amazing medicinal properties.

    The decorative species of Kalanchoe BLOSSFELDIANA is distinguished by small leathery leaves, which take on a reddish tint in sunlight. Many commercial farms grow flowering specimens of this Kalanchoe all year round. The birthplace of the flower is the central part of Madagascar.

    Kalanchoe TUBIFLORA (Kalanchoe tubiflora) has a thick and succulent stem. Daughter rosettes form in large groups on the gray-green fleshy leaves.

    Kalanchoe MANGANII has erect, thin stems, slightly curved towards the end. They bear leaves up to 2.5 cm long. The duration of flowering is affected by air humidity, so this plant needs to be sprayed.

    Where Kalanchoe is native, in natural conditions this plant can grow up to one and a half meters tall. Nevertheless, it has been successfully grown indoors for a very long time and is very highly valued for its decorative and medicinal qualities.

    Kalanchoe is an easy-to-keep and beautiful home flower.

    Kalanchoe everyone loves it: and ladies in adulthood who love to be treated traditional methods, and young mothers who do not want to stuff their child with chemicals, and young men who give their girlfriend a flower in a pot.

    And this popularity is justified: Kalanchoe both heals and pleases the eye.

    No wonder, among the people it is called by different names: “house doctor”, “tree of life”, “indoor ginseng”, “deer horns”, “sneezer”, “bunny ears”.

    Plant history and homeland

    Decorative Kalanchoe has more than a hundred species, one of which, bryophyllum, is both decorative and medicinal at the same time. The history of its appearance in Europe and Russia is connected with it.

    Madagascar island homeland many interesting plants, including Kalanchoe. In addition to Madagascar, it is found in some Asian countries located in the tropical zone.

    Ornamental varieties grow and in tropical Africa. Herbaceous ones are found in South and Central America.

    Kalanchoe used by priests of African tribes to perform rituals, because they considered this plant a symbol of strength.

    Powdered Kalanchoe leaves were smoked during droughts to induce rain. A drink was prepared from the stem and leaves and given to the seriously ill. Kalanchoe leaves were part of the diet of many tribes.

    First mentions Europeans date back to the 18th century. In the surviving ship's log of that time, a record was found of the recovery of a Russian merchant who fell ill on the ship with tropical fever, from which Europeans almost always died.

    He was removed from the ship and left on the island in the care of local residents. When the ship was heading back, the merchant boarded it alive and well. He constantly chewed some thick-skinned leaves, which he called "kalah", translated as "health".

    Kalanchoe appeared in Europe only at the beginning of the 19th century. The plant surprised with many of its qualities, although at that time they were just beginning to guess about its medicinal properties.

    The ability of a flower to give birth to viviparity struck the writer and poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe. He mentioned it more than once in his writings, and subsequently one of the plant species was called the “Goethe tree.” There is a species named after the Russian traveler and explorer A.P. Fedchenko.

    Kalanchoe as a medicinal plant began to be studied only in the 60s of the last century. The Kyiv Medical Institute received a letter in which a resident of one of the southern villages asked whether a plant given to him by a relative could be used as a medicinal plant if its leaves healed wounds.

    This letter prompted scientists to conduct a comprehensive study of the plant.

    What does it look like?





    In a pot:


    Plant characteristics

    Kalanchoe are succulents, which are very diverse in appearance. Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Among them there are shrubs, vines and even epiphytes.

    The plant has a stem, it grows from 40 cm and is colored pale green. There are species of Kalanchoe that reach up to 1 meter in nature. The plant most often has the form of a bush.

    The leaves are juicy green in color, sometimes along the very edge they have a narrow red border. The leaves are ovoid in shape. The structure is dense.

    The ends of the leaves, tightly adjacent to each other, point upward, giving the plant, which has a stem, the appearance of a rosette.

    The flowers are collected in large apical inflorescences, which look like an umbrella and form bright hat very different colors.

    There are species whose flowers resemble bells in shape. In some varieties they grow together into a large tube.

    Now breeders have bred large number plants with double inflorescences and decorative dwarf varieties.

    Not blooming

    Kalanchoe not blooming description. These are herbaceous perennial plants with a stem growing up to 1 meter. The succulent, erect, bare stem bears leathery, fleshy, oblong-ovate leaves of a dark green color.

    In some species, new plants are almost constantly developing at the edge. When the small plant falls off, it easily takes root because it already has tiny roots on the mother plant.

    Although such Kalanchoes are considered non-flowering, some species bloom from time to time with inconspicuous paniculate inflorescences.


    In the wild, the main type of reproduction is by seeds, or by young plants formed on the leaves of the mother plant.

    Indoor flowering plant been grown for a long time. Many types of plants are suitable for this. The most common are Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Degremont.

    At proper care kalanchoe blooms all year round. Caring for your home is not difficult, the main thing is to always keep the earthen ball slightly moist, not allow the temperature to drop below 10 degrees, promptly feed it with fertilizer for flowering plants, and remove faded flower stalks. In addition, the plant is easily propagated in all possible ways.

    This medicinal plant grown on plantations in industrial scale V southern regions countries where it is planted in furrows on loamy and sandy loam soils. The collection of raw materials begins after two to three years, when the young plants have grown sufficiently and are full of juice.

    Many flowering varieties are planted in flower beds as annuals and in the central regions of the country, the plants die at the first frost.


    Both outdoors and indoors Kalanchoe lives a long time.

    There are cases where Kalanchoe grew in a room for about 20 years, constantly being pruned.

    Any type absorbs radiation from household appliances, purifies the air. The plant has a beneficial effect on the elderly and children, on those who are recovering from a serious illness.

    It helps people with weak character cope with problems, feeding them with energy. And it helps strong people to discover their talents and internal reserves.

    It helps fight inflammation, fights viruses, stops bleeding, and heals burns.

    Useful video

    You can get some useful information by watching a short video:

    Kalanchoe plant homeland

    The genus bears the Chinese name of this plant. More than 200 species of succulent plants are distributed in tropical and southern Africa, south and southeast. Asia to China and Java and tropical areas of South America. A plant from the Crassulaceae family, its homeland is Africa. A popular unpretentious indoor plant. Kalanchoe pinnate, or bryophyllum, up to 1 meter high, is called doctor, in Europe - Goethe's tree. The great German poet and philosopher observed and studied this plant and discovered many of its medicinal properties.

    Kalanchoe is a viviparous plant: “babies”, small plants with aerial roots that fall and take root in the soil. Kalanchoe Degremona - up to 50 cm tall, its leaves are triangular-oblong, with a serrated edge, up to 13 cm long, up to 4 cm wide, they are slightly curled at the ends. The bushy Kalanchoe Blossfeld has dark green, erect, shiny leaves that turn red in the sun, and large inflorescences do not lose their attractiveness for several weeks. Plant height is 30-45 cm, flowers are white, yellow, orange, purple, pink and red, collected in semi-umbrella inflorescences.

    Kalanchoe Mangina has fleshy leaves and larger leaves than Kalanchoe pinnate, drooping bell-shaped flowers.

    Can be grown without sunlight using LB lamps for 16 hours a day.

    Kalanchoe beharensis - Kalanchoe beharensis Drake.
    Perennial herbaceous plant. The stems are branched, bare, covered with scars at the attachment points of fallen leaves. The leaves are preserved mainly in the upper third of the shoot, crosswise opposite, 10 cm (up to 20 cm) long, 5-10 cm wide, wedge-shaped or triangular, coarsely toothed, wavy, covered with a grayish waxy coating, fleshy. The petioles are attached to the plate not at the base, but at some distance from the edge, on the lower side. The inflorescence is apical, up to 50-60 cm high, umbellate. Flowers up to 7 mm long, yellow, four-membered. Blooms in summer. Homeland - o. Madagascar. In cultivation, usually the variety var. aureo-aeneus Jacobs. - a plant, with the exception of the lower parts of the stem and inflorescences, densely pubescent with soft woolly hairs, white on the stems, young leaves and petioles, brownish on mature leaves, dark brown at the ends of the teeth along the edges of the leaves. In culture since 1903

    Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana - Kalanchoe blossfeldiana V. Poelln.
    The plant is smaller (up to 30 cm high) with weakly branched stems, glabrous. Leaves are up to 7 cm long, opposite, petiolate, ovate, crenate along the edge, green, shiny, with a reddish border. Flowers up to 1 cm in diameter, scarlet-red, in short umbrella-shaped inflorescences, collected, in turn, in complex multi-flowered inflorescences (60 flowers or more) on long peduncles. It blooms in March-June, very profusely. Homeland - o. Madagascar. Known garden forms with red, yellow, orange and pink flowers.

    Kalanchoe tomentosa Baker.
    With silver-gray dense pubescence of leaves, the tips of which are colored brown.

    Kalanchoe Degremona - K. daigremontiana Ham. et Perr. (Bryophyllum daigremontianum Berger.).
    This species is characterized by elongated narrow-ovate or oblong-lanceolate fleshy leaves up to 20 cm long, sometimes folded along the midrib, grayish-green, with purple spots below. In the depressions between the teeth, brood buds are formed, from which numerous daughter plants equipped with roots develop directly on the mother plant. As they fall, they take root. Homeland - o. Madagascar. grows on dry rocky soils.

    Kalanchoe kewensis hort.
    With succulent, intricately dissected leaves.

    Kalanchoe pinnata Pers. (Bryophyllum pinnatum S. Kurz).
    A large plant with a strong, erect, fleshy stem up to 1 m high. The leaves are opposite, fleshy, the lower ones are simple oval with a crenate edge, the upper ones are imparipinnately dissected or divided into 3-5 lobes. In the depressions between the teeth along the edge of the leaf, brood buds are formed, similar to similar buds of K. Degremont. Homeland unknown, possibly Fr. Madagascar. Widely cultivated as an ornamental in the tropics of both hemispheres, it easily runs wild. Viviparous species of Kalanchoe were previously classified as a separate genus Bryophyllum Salisb.

    Kalanchoe tubiflora - Kalanchoe tubiflora.
    Narrow, rolled leaves with adventitious plants at the ends. Having grown to 90 cm, the plant ceases to please the eye. All viviparous plants have small bell-shaped flowers, most often reddish in color. To give the plant more decorative look you should cut off its top (which can be rooted) - then the plant will produce 3-4 side shoots and become more bushy. Without such pruning, the plant does not branch. Homeland - Africa. A succulent plant with bare, succulent stems of light green-pinkish color, with numerous green spots, dots, and dashes on the stems. The leaves are whorled (3 leaves per whorl). light green with brownish-green spots, sessile, rolled lengthwise into a tube with a groove along the central vein. The leaves are narrow-linear in shape, 0.3-0.4 cm wide, 10-12 cm long. At the top of the linear leaf, the edge of which has teeth, a small number (6-10) of young plants are formed. When they fall, they easily take root in the substrate. Blooms in winter. The flowers are pinkish-red.

    Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi R. Hamet et H. Perr. de la Bath.
    With bluish matte leaves and numerous stems forming numerous aerial roots in the lower part.

    Kalanchoe manginii - Kalanchoe manginii
    It is recommended to spray these varieties more often, since the duration of flowering depends on air humidity.

    Almost every apartment has this in the kitchen or bedroom. wonderful plant like a Kalanchoe flower. He is not only beautiful in appearance, but is also considered a home healer. Today you will learn all about the wonderful Kalanchoe, which has a short flowering period.

    The indoor Kalanchoe flower belongs to succulent plants united in the Crassulaceae family. This perennial exotic is also known as tree of life, indoor ginseng or doctor. Scientists count about 200 varieties of the crop, but not all of them are endowed with medicinal properties. Before telling us where this guest came from, we need to pay attention to his appearance.

    If we talk about what the handsome Kalanchoe looks like, it is a crop with long shoots and dense green foliage that does not change color in either winter or summer. The leaves are a more saturated shade on top, and greenish-purple on the bottom. Flowering occurs with pinkish-green flowers.

    The most popular pets are Kalanchoe Blossfeld, Kalandiva, Degremona and pinnate.

    The first variety of the crop grows up to 30 cm in height. It has rounded leaves with teeth and a red border located around the perimeter. Flowering can be observed from the beginning of winter to the end of spring. It tolerates transplantation and transportation very well.

    Description of Kalandivas should start with peduncles: they are short, with multiple small flowers. For the variety of shapes and colors, this variety was called Kalandiva mix. This interesting flower makes me happy abundant flowering for six months, and during the dormant period it is also attractive due to its green, fleshy foliage with a glossy surface.

    The Degremona variety has dense triangular leaves, and the growth of this variety is unlimited. Babies - brood buds - can grow along the edges of the foliage.

    The pinnate species is endowed with a complex panicle, that is, a tubular inflorescence, and also has complex structure leaves. The color varies from red to purple.

    Video “Rules for caring for Kalanchoe”

    From this video you will learn how to properly care for Kalanchoe at home.

    Homeland of an exotic plant

    True flower growers, in addition to appearance and varieties of culture, are always interested in the homeland of the plant called Kalanchoe, as well as where it can be found in the wild today. This wonderful folk healer comes from the distant island of Madagascar, but most varieties grow in South Africa, America and Asia.

    Depending on the variety, the size, structure and color of flowers may vary. If some species grow up to 50 cm, then others reach 5 m. Currently, Kalanchoe is a recognized folk healer, whose country of origin is the Republic of Madagascar, is appreciated and occupied places of honor on the window sills and in the greenhouses of flower growers in our country. Decorative flowering and decorative deciduous species of crops are used for breeding.

    Since the homeland of Kalanchoe is known for its hot climate, at home you will need to create conditions close to tropical ones. Growing in its homeland in rocky soil, this exotic plant will thrive in the presence of soil made from brick chips, sand, peat and humus.

    As in its historical homeland, Kalanchoe as a houseplant does not require complex care. He will be comfortable both in direct sunlight and in a shaded place at a temperature of +16...+25 °C (but +5 °C is not critical). Another condition is infrequent feeding (once a month).

    Why Kalanchoe should be in every home

    The houseplant Kalanchoe, which is not an annual plant, but grows in natural conditions for many years evergreen shrub, will not only look beautiful in the house, but will also become an assistant in the treatment of many ailments. The culture has a rich composition: minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides, flavonoids, tannins and organic acids. In connection with this fact, the wonderful indoor plant Kalanchoe is endowed with wound-healing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and other qualities.

    This exotic guest perfectly cleanses the air of any room from pathogenic bacteria and helps with many ailments.

    The medicine can be obtained from the leaves, which contain healing juice. It is effective in treating abrasions, wounds, burns, and frostbitten areas of the skin. It also helps with stomatitis and runny nose, and many other diseases of the mouth and nose.

    Used as a choleretic agent in the fight against eczema and boils, and other skin problems. Widely used for the prevention of infectious and viral diseases. An exotic fruit of tropical origin, which has long been familiar in every home, helps strengthen the immune system, effectively reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and also slows down the aging process of the skin.

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      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):