We assume that many lovers of brightly flowering Kalanchoe, who bought it or received it as a gift, rejoiced for a long time at its bizarre bright color and long flowering. However, it is rare that any of them did not experience disappointment later, when this beautiful bush began to produce deformed leaves and stopped blooming completely. The reason for this failure was ignorance of the basic rules for caring for this bright beauty, which this article will introduce.

Kalanchoe is a popular indoor plant of tropical origin from the large Crassulaceae family, numbering up to 200 species, the homeland of which is the tropics. South America, South Africa, Southeast and South Asia. Outside these areas, this houseplant can only grow in a warm and bright room with appropriate humidity, in which it successfully develops and blooms continuously from winter until the hottest July. Let's get acquainted with the most popular species in our area.

A compact shrub up to 45 centimeters high, Kalanchoe Blossfelda has smooth, dark green leaves, slightly wavy along the edges. Its numerous tubular flowers collected in umbrellas amaze with the variety of white, pink, red and yellow shades and their duration bright flowering. From those existing in our area Kalanchoe species this variety is the most picturesque.

An equally attractive small bush, Kalanchoe Kalandiva, derived from Kalanchoe Blossfeld, with large juicy green leaves with carved and wavy edges and medium-sized expressive flowers collected in umbrellas, original colors of various tones, blooming for a long time due to the constant appearance of new and miniature withering of old flowers, which delight with all shades of white, yellow, pink and red for six months. It is impossible to get used to their beauty - you are surprised every time you look at them again.

The small-leaved species of the Crassula Kalanchoe Mangina pleases with its two-centimeter bells. Kalanchoe Degremona belongs to the decorative deciduous species, growing in the form of a shrub up to 60-70 centimeters tall, straight-trunked with leaves triangular shape, up to 10 centimeters long, along the edges of which its children grow, independently falling down and taking root on the soil surface of the pot.

The most resilient and picky of them is considered to be Kalanchoe pinnate, reaching a height of up to 1 meter. Its leaves are light green, dense, along the edges of which grow children with thin roots, “jumping” down onto top layer pot soils and self-rooting. Unlike Kalanchoe, Degremon is happy large flowers white, pink and greenish tones. It is the juice of this plant, as is popularly accepted, that can treat runny noses and colds. It is also included in pharmaceutical preparations.

Growing and caring for Kalanchoe at home

If you know the basic rules for caring for Kalanchoe at home, then communicating with this ornamental plant will bring constant joy and admiration. You need to start with a pot, which should be tight with thin soil and the addition of river sand. The temperature regime of its content is as follows: not lower than +15 and not higher than +20 degrees Celsius. Kalanchoe reacts especially painfully to directed heat flows from heating batteries and electric heaters of any kind. For this reason, you need to create a safe distance between the plant and any heat source.

The lighting mode is also important, based on the high demands of Kalanchoe to bright light, although in direct sun rays he gets burned and summer time needs shading on the south window during the midday hours. With a lack of lighting, the color intensity of the entire plant, from leaves to flowers, is lost.

Coming from the tropics, Kalanchoe of any type needs abundant watering and standardized feeding with appropriate mineral fertilizers at least once a week during the period of active growing and flowering. It needs sufficient air humidity, for which you can place decorative vessels with water near the plant, and put even pebbles in a tray so that the pot can be held firmly on it, and periodically moisten the pebbles to create a humid environment; this, in principle, is all you need to know about caring for Kalanchoe at home.

Transplantation and propagation of Kalanchoe

There is only one reason for replanting this plant - it has grown too much in a cramped pot. It is best, if the flower is time-bearing, to do this in the spring, but only after flowering. The soil to replace the old one is prepared as follows: you will need an equal share of the following types of soil - turf, leaf, peat, river sand and brick chips. Take as a drainage part charcoal, and peat can be replaced with coniferous soil.

If there is only one plant, then new soil you need very little, because, as a rule, such a transplant follows the principle of transshipment, when the transplanted plant is carefully removed from the previous one, which has become cramped. new pot, exceeding in diameter by 2-3 centimeters. All that remains is to place a coal drainage layer on its bottom, sprinkle soil mixture, place the plant on top of it and fill the side voids of the new pot with soil. Be sure to water thoroughly and remove excess water from the pan.

Kalanchoe propagates by both seeds and cuttings. Seeds are purchased at a flower shop, and it is better to sow them in February in special certified soil for succulents according to general rules: into a container on the surface of moistened soil. After sowing, the container is covered with glass or placed in a dark, opaque container. plastic bag, tied at the top or side so that a greenhouse microclimate is maintained.

Such a greenhouse should be located in an unlit place at a temperature not lower than +21 degrees C for 7-10 days. When seedlings appear, remove the glass or bag and grow the seedlings in a bright and warm, but not hot place. As soon as a couple of true leaves appear, it needs to be transplanted into a seedling tray with the same soil. Transplant strong sprouts with several true leaves into main pots with a diameter of 6-8 centimeters and continue to care for them according to the known rules.

Propagation by cuttings is much easier. They appear on faded flower stalks in May-June. Cuttings are rooted in the same soil as seedlings. Before signs of successful rooting appear, they must be shaded and grown at a maximum of +22° C.

Pests and diseases of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is a fairly hardy flower, and all the troubles that manifest themselves in the deterioration decorative qualities plants come from mistakes made when caring for them.

  • To rotting of leaves, which must be removed immediately, in winter time leads overwatering and waterlogging of the root system.
  • The stems stretch out at the internodes and fall off lower leaves and the inflorescences become rare - evidence of a lack of lighting. It is necessary to change conditions in favor of more enhanced lighting.
  • After a lot of Kalanchoe flowering stops growing and loses leaves - proportionate feeding is necessary, and, possibly, transfer to a new container.
  • The probable cause of leaf death may be elevated temperature content of this flower, which can only be adjusted using the measures available to you.
  • The plant looks healthy, the leaves are large, elastic and deep green, but flowering is delayed - the reason is an overdose of fertilizer.
  • Of the pests, Kalanchoe is attacked more often spider mite, mealybug and scale insect. Mealybug remove with a rag or brush using alcohol. Scale insects and spider mites create the need for spraying aqueous solution insecticide.

As you can see, the rules for caring for this picturesque flower, which brings home the joy of its long-lasting stunning beauty of flowering, especially when several specimens of different colors are selected, are quite simple and not burdensome. In addition, due to its compactness, Kalanchoe does not require much space, but it will decorate your interior and create a special coziness, very warm and peaceful.

Kalanchoe is a plant that grows as a bush or small tree, represents the Crassulaceae family. This miracle succulent not only stands out unique beauty, but also quite significant healing properties, which have been seen and used for many centuries. True, the latter is not characteristic of all varieties of this plant. The most valuable of all its varieties described is rightfully considered the variety - Kalanchoe pinnate, also known as bryophyllum. That is why bryophyllum can often be found in home flower beds, and sometimes even in the garden.

This plant came to our region from the distant tropics of southern Africa and the island of Madagascar, where the local population even uses it to quench their thirst - the juice of its fleshy leaves has good taste, slightly reminiscent of lemon. In addition, products based on Kalanchoe are used to moisturize the skin, which prevents it from drying out in the sun.

Brief description

Kalanchoe bryophyllum grows in the form of a bush or tree, growing from half a meter to one and a half meters. Its stem is quite fleshy and becomes woody at the base over time. The roots are shallow, but quite extensive and grow quickly, so they require a fairly wide pot. The leaves, bluntly toothed with an opposite arrangement, grow on short petioles, and in the lower part they have a simple elongated shape, and at the top they can be pinnate or folded, with a characteristic jagged border.

The first flowering occurs in the second year of life, with large apical inflorescences collected in panicles. The flowering time is non-standard - this is the cold season, starting from approximately February to March. Flowers can be white, with pinkish, less often red or greenish hues.

How to care

Kalanchoe bryophyllum flower– exotic plant, whose natural habitat is located in tropical latitudes. And despite its exoticism, it can often be found in our conditions as a houseplant. It does not require any special conditions in care - to successfully breed this flower and obtain regular bright flowering, it is enough to carry out simple recommendations, which we will discuss in detail below.

Kalanchoe, like many other succulents, categorically does not tolerate stagnation of water and with frequent excess of it, rot quickly forms on the roots and the plant may even die. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this point.

This flower is very sensitive to water quality, so for watering you need to let the water sit for at least 2 - 3 days, and then drain its upper half, without sediment. It is advisable that its temperature be several degrees lower than the temperature environment. This corresponds to natural conditions.

It is very important that when watering, no moisture gets on the stem and foliage of Kalanchoe at all, otherwise the plant may get sunburn. Watering should be moderate, so that water does not accumulate in the tray after it. If this happens, it should be drained immediately and watering should be limited.

The main rule is not to overwater, but Kalanchoe bryophyllum easily tolerates a temporary lack of water. The plant will calmly survive three, four, or even all 7 days without water due to the moisture accumulated in its thick, fleshy leaves and trunk, but overwatering is fraught with disease.

It is worth watering especially carefully during cold periods, starting in mid-September. At this time, irrigation norms cut in half and make sure that the tray is always dry, especially if the flower is kept in a cool room. Kalanchoe is very sensitive to low temperatures, and if you add excess moisture to this, most likely he will get sick and will not survive the winter. Therefore, in winter, watering is carried out very moderately, clean water room temperature and only after the top layer of soil has dried.

Now about humidity. It is advisable to care for Kalanchoe in a room with medium or low humidity, since it is capable of absorbing atmospheric moisture, which can lead to waterlogging and the development of fungal rot. Therefore, if the humidity is high, watering should be limited.


Proper care of Kalanchoe at home should provide a lighting regime that corresponds to the rhythm familiar to the plant, but in nature it is accustomed to short daylight hours. It requires bright sun from the morning until two o'clock in the afternoon, after which it must be moved to a shaded place, and if this is not possible, it is simply covered with an opaque container of the appropriate size, for example, a plastic bucket. But you must take care of free access of air, otherwise on hot days the flower may shut down.

Not bad also in warm time take the flower out onto the balcony, or even better, keep it in the garden in the summer, but only in a place where there is protection from drafts, especially cold ones.

This mode is relevant in the warm season, but in winter it does not matter, since daylight hours are already short.

Optimal temperature

Despite its tropical origin, Kalanchoe prefers moderate temperatures - optimal - from 18 to 22°C. It is allowed to reduce it to +5 - +6°C, but not lower and only in winter, but an increase normal indicators highly undesirable. An increase in temperature to 26 - 30°C leads to increased absorption of moisture, and the plant is not able to absorb these amounts normally, so problems arise - diseases.

Soil composition and fertilizing

TO nutrients, Kalanchoe is unpretentious, although it requires a certain amount of them for full development, but as for drainage properties, this is sacred. Any stagnation of moisture is dangerous for the flower, so planting it is possible only in light mixtures based on sand and peat, with a small addition of turf or leaf soil. It is also advisable to arrange a separate drainage layer at the bottom of the flowerpot from expanded clay or pebbles, mixed approximately equally with coarse river sand. A layer thickness of 3–5 centimeters will be sufficient.

Now regarding feeding - it is best done late spring, when the plant maximizes the growth of green mass, but you can fertilize the flower in the summer, in its first half. You cannot add any mullein or humus; it will be enough to feed the bush with a ready-made complex for succulents, in a very small concentration and only in liquid form. Kalanchoe is unable to absorb dry fertilizers.

From mid-September until mid-March, fertilizing is strictly discouraged, even if the flower looks lethargic and unhealthy.


Kalanchoe develops quite quickly, especially in its underground part, so it is better to immediately plant it in a spacious flowerpot, otherwise you will have to replant it quite often.

It will be correct to transplant at the end of spring. The plant is in its most active phase and takes root more easily in a new location. When replanting, it is advisable not to completely expose the roots, so you should try to carefully remove the plant along with the earthen lump and transplant it into a larger flowerpot. If it is difficult to remove from a flowerpot, it is worth sacrificing it by cutting it to its height. The loss of the flowerpot is compensated by maintaining the health of your pet.

The gaps must be filled with soil, the composition of which is described in the previous chapter. This will facilitate and speed up the adaptation process. When replanting, it is advisable to feed the soil a little special compounds for succulents. They are dissolved in warm water, in proportions half as large as in the manufacturer’s description and after cooling are applied to the soil. At the same time, it must be a little damp, otherwise fertilizers can burn the root system.

If everything is done correctly, within a week or a week and a half after planting, the plant will completely acclimatize and return to its usual activity.

Sometimes, for sanitary reasons, for example, when a putrefactive fungus is detected, Kalanchoe has to be replanted in the fall. This is quite a serious stress for it, so after such a transplant, the plant should be provided with the most comfortable conditions possible.

How to grow

In terms of reproduction, Kalanchoe is not much different from most others. ornamental plants grown in room conditions. It can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively - by cuttings and shoots. Sometimes you can grow new flower even from a piece of leaf. The latter, however, is quite consistent with natural situations, when a fallen leaf takes root and eventually grows into an independent succulent tree.

Vegetative propagation

Propagation by cuttings is carried out by germinating them in water, after which they are planted in a pot with a feeding substrate, where the development of a new Kalanchoe bush occurs.

Dividing the bush is carried out in the spring, when noticeable shoots appear, but this method is very undesirable, since it severely injures the plant. After such a process, it takes a long time to recover, it can get sick and even die. Therefore, they often resort to cuttings or rooting leaves. The last method is the simplest and most reliable, just press and fix a leaf in the soil of the flowerpot and after about 10 days it will take root, and after another couple of weeks it can be separated from the mother tree and planted in a separate flowerpot. It is worth noting that such plants bloom later than those grown from cuttings.

Propagation by seeds

Seeds germinate better if they are planted before the growth of the bush begins to intensify - at the end of February, beginning of March. The replacement is sown on the surface of moist soil, the composition of which is the same as for an adult plant, and a greenhouse is built over it - covered with polyethylene. At the same time, it is important to protect the seedlings from light, regularly provide them with ventilation and light moisture. In this state, the seeds germinate for about a month, after which the sprouts are picked and the healthiest ones are planted in separate flowerpots with a diameter of at least 8 centimeters. This will be enough for the first time, but as the young Kalanchoe strengthens, it is transplanted into a large flowerpot, where it reaches maturity.

The rules of care are the same as for an adult plant, but more scrupulous, since any discrepancy optimal standards can ruin all your efforts. In addition, as the bush grows, it needs to be pinched so that the crown is denser and more decorative. If everything is done correctly, already next year you can expect the first flowering.

Healing properties

This plant is rich in useful substances, which are widely used in both folk and classical pharmacology. The stems and leaves contain quercetin, kaempferol, arabinoside and other flavonoids, tannins, vitamins of groups C and P, as well as many polysaccharides and organic acids.

Fresh plant juice has pronounced antiseptic properties, which allows it to be used for wound healing, and its extremely low toxicity makes it possible to use such treatment even for children. Using compresses from cut Kalanchoe leaf you can treat ulcers, burns and even purulent abscesses without allergic irritation skin and even mucous membranes.

Preparations based on Kalanchoe are successfully used to treat bedsores, fistulas, necrotic purulent processes and trophic ulcers on the legs.

In dentistry, fresh juice Kalanchoe is used to eliminate problems with gums and mucous membranes oral cavity– periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis and much more.

Preparations based on Kalanchoe are also used in gynecology. They are effective in healing erosions and cracks in the nipples and even cervical erosion.

This plant has also been used in folk medicine. Infusions and tinctures have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract and can even cure stomach or duodenal ulcers.

Collection and storage of medicinal raw materials

For cooking medicinal composition Only young, fresh parts of the plant - stems and leaves - are collected. They need to be washed well running water and keep for a week in a dark place with a temperature of about 5°C. A refrigerator will do. After this, the prepared raw materials are passed through a blender and the juice is squeezed out, which sits in the refrigerator for 24 hours and is filtered through cheesecloth. This juice can be used to prepare ointments, creams or tinctures for internal use.

If you need more long-term storage, the juice is diluted with ethyl medical alcohol 96.6° in proportions - 80% juice and 20% alcohol and stored in a tightly closed container. glass containers in the refrigerator. Such raw materials retain their properties for about a year and require half an hour of heating in a water bath before use.

Brief characteristics of the plant

Kalanchoe is a succulent plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. IN natural conditions grows in tropical zones of Africa and America. The genus is divided into many species, many of which are suitable for indoor floriculture.

Kalanchoe tomentosa has succulent stems, the leaves are covered with silver-gray pubescence, the tips of the leaves are brown, and there are small tubercles along the edges.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld is a plant with smooth stems 35-40 cm long. The leaves are dense, dark green, shiny, oval, 5-7 cm long. Flowers with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 cm are collected in inflorescences of 20-24 pieces. . The color of the flowers can be different - from red to white.

Kalanchoe fiery has a succulent stem and dense, fleshy, shiny green leaves. The flowers are orange-red, collected in umbellate inflorescences, bloom in spring.

Kalanchoe Fedchenko is a plant with aerial roots and matte bluish leaves.

Light-loving plant.

Light watering.

Fertilizers should be applied once a week.


In winter, keep the plant in a cool room ( optimal temperature air - 12-14 °C). In spring, you should move the Kalanchoe to a warm, bright room.

In summer you can take it out onto the balcony or put it next to open window, facing south.


In winter, Kalanchoe can be watered rarely, starting in spring - more often, especially if the air in the room is very dry.

During active growth You need to apply liquid fertilizers to the soil twice a month.

The plant should be replanted as needed in spring or autumn.

Can be used for planting soil mixture, consisting of two parts leaf, two parts humus soil and one part sand.

Kalanchoe is a popular guest on our window sills because it has not only a decorative, but also a healing function: it purifies the air and has wide range applications in folk medicine. It is a compact perennial, with fleshy, succulent leaves, like all plants from the Crassulaceae family.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home

The plant is one of the unpretentious ones. Loves light window sills, feels good at 16-25 degrees in summer and at 14-16 during the dormant period (from October to February). It usually blooms in spring and summer, but flowering can be stimulated in winter by providing the plant with a lot of light and a temperature of about 15 degrees.

Depending on the variety, the flowers come in a wide variety of shades: from greenish-yellow to red and purple. Various types and the varieties look completely different, many of them belong to decorative species, for example, Kalanchoe becharis, Blossfeld, felt and other types. And some, not so beautiful, are valued in folk medicine - these are Kalanchoe Degremona and pinnate.

When caring for blooming kalanchoe You should provide him with good lighting, but avoid midday direct rays of the sun. It is best to place plants on eastern and western windowsills. Then, after flowering, you need to keep the flower in the shade for about two months, but not in absolute darkness. Do not listen to recommendations to keep the flower under the bed, otherwise it will die.

Observe temperature regime, which is described above. This feature of caring for Kalanchoe after flowering will allow the plant to rest and gain strength, and you will be able to admire the blooming “pet” more than once a year.

Plants are planted in neutral or slightly acidic soil. A mixture of 4 parts of turf soil, 2 parts of deciduous soil and one part each of rotted peat and sand is suitable. Good drainage is a must!

Watering in summer is plentiful, but not too frequent (be sure to let the soil dry out between waterings so that the roots do not rot), and in autumn and winter it is significantly reduced. You can check whether the plant needs moisture by feeling the leaf: Kalanchoe is a succulent that accumulates moisture in the leaves and stems, so that if there is a lack of it, the leaves become less dense and elastic.

Watering should be done with settled water at room temperature. Signs of overwatering: rotting roots, yellowing and rotting leaves, lack of flowering. Signs of lack of moisture: falling leaves.

Pruning is done after flowering: long shoots are pinched or trimmed (they can be rooted) so that the crown is neat and compact. Sometimes radical pruning is carried out (more on this below).

Feeding – from 1 time per week during rapid growth and flowering up to 1 time per month during the dormant period. Fertilizers for cacti are suitable.

Features of caring for decorative Kalanchoe

Among the most popular decorative varieties highlight:

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld– with rounded or ovate leaves and bright colors(yellow, red, lilac, etc.);
  • Kalandiva is an improved version of the previous variety, characterized by abundant, beautiful and long flowering;
  • beharskoe - with interesting wedge-shaped or triangular serrated leaves and small flowers collected in umbrellas;
  • felt (“cat ears”) - with densely pubescent silvery leaves, brownish at the edges;
  • Mangina - with picturesque orange-red bell-shaped flowers on long stalks;
  • tubeflower - with narrow spotted leaves and inflorescences of red tube flowers;
  • marbled - with grayish-green leaves covered with “marble” spots, and white flowers.

There are many other varieties, and each of them has its own merits.

Caring for Kalanchoe, ornamental varieties, has its own nuances. All flowering species of this plant need good lighting(but not in “direct” sun) about 8-12 hours a day during the flowering period (and this period can last up to six months).

Also at this time they need to be watered abundantly, but infrequently, as described above. And at the end of flowering, trim the elongated shoots and remove the plants to the shade to rest.

A frequent question that gardeners ask: why do some varieties of Kalanchoe bloom only once, and then at least throw it away? For example, the beautiful Kalandiva. But the point is that for re-blooming the plant needs to rest properly, gain strength, and often completely renew itself. How does this happen?

The secret to caring for Kalanchoe Kalandiva is radical pruning. At the end of flowering, the plant should be cut off almost at the root and placed in a poorly lit place for the entire dormant period.

Water rarely and feed too. At this time, the plant will form new beautiful leaves and lay flower buds which will then delight you abundant flowering. And you won't have to throw it away!

Many flower lovers advise artificially reducing daylight hours for ornamental varieties of Kalanchoe in order to stimulate them to bloom again. For example, when caring for Kalanchoe Blossfeld, it is recommended to keep it in the light for 8 hours every day a month before the expected flowering - on an eastern (western) windowsill, and then cover it with a box until the morning.

As for planting and caring for Kalanchoe medicinal varieties(pinnate, Degremona), then there are cardinal differences from decorative species not here. Unless you need to be particularly sophisticated with lighting and stimulating flowering.

Kalanchoes are attractive succulents that are characterized by fleshy leaves and attractive flowers. Most of these plants are famous for their medicinal properties.

Kalanchoe: growing from seeds

To propagate such a plant, you can use seeds. They are sown at the end of spring, using a mixture of sand and leaf soil. Sowing is carried out directly on the soil surface, after which it is necessary to provide shading and a temperature of 20-22 degrees. If the sown seeds were fresh, it only takes up to 2 weeks for them to germinate. After this, the seedlings are planted in the same soil and placed in a lighted place. In summer, young Kalanchoes are transplanted into soil for adult plants - a mixture of turf, humus and peat soil, as well as sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 3.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

This plant reproduces very easily by apical shoots. To do this, in the spring, cuttings up to 10 cm long are cut from young shoots, planted in a mixture of sand and peat, after which the pot is covered with polyethylene. Every day it will need to be removed to ventilate the soil and, if necessary, water it. The temperature throughout the germination period should be maintained at 20-22 degrees.

After rooting, young Kalanchoes are seated in separate pots, which are exposed to diffused light. When the third pair of leaves appears on the plants, the tops of their shoots are pinched.

Also, to propagate such a plant, instead of cuttings, you can use individual leaves.

Kalanchoe Degremona also reproduces easily with the help of daughter plants that appear on its leaves.

In both cases, the propagation process is the same as when using cuttings.

Kalanchoe: growth pattern

The Kalanchoe genus has more than two hundred plant varieties, the most popular of which are the following:

Kalanchoe Daigremontiana is a plant that forms one unbranched root up to 90 cm in height. Fleshy length elongated leaves it will reach 20 cm. These leaves have a blue-green tint, with purple spots on the lower part of the blade. Along the edges of the leaves there are young baby plants.

Mature plants sometimes bloom in late autumn or winter. Inflorescences of tubular orange-pink flowers appear on a long peduncle.

Kalanchoe purphyrocalyx - the fleshy leaves of this plant reach 5 cm in length and are distinguished by jagged edges. The plant is valued primarily for its bell-shaped leaves, which are collected in inflorescences of 35 pieces. The flowers are purple and have a yellow edge.

Kalanchoe tomentosa is a plant, the main difference of which lies in the silver fluff that covers its leaves and prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture. The plant has several stems that branch near the base, their height reaches 30 cm. The leaves of this variety of Kalanchoe are gray-blue with jagged edges.

Kalanchoe tubiflora – different rapid growth, therefore it reaches a height of up to 90 cm. Tubular-shaped leaves grow in groups of 3-4 pieces, the length of each of them reaches 10 cm.

At the top of the stems of this variety of Kalanchoe are inflorescences of drooping flowers, which can have a bright red or lemon pink hue.

Kalanchoe: care features

All varieties of Kalanchoe are easy to care for plants. The main thing is not to water them too often and always empty the water from the stand. Replanting is required only as needed - when the root ball fills the entire pot.

Water the plant moderately during active growth so that the soil has time to dry out sufficiently. In winter, sparing watering is required. Feeding is required only during active growth - once a month.

Kalanchoe is a light-loving plant that needs large quantities diffused light. In summer, it feels normal at room temperature; the optimal temperature in winter is 15-17 degrees.

Possible problems

If the soil dries out too much, the plant may shed its leaves and flowers. In this case, watering needs to be increased slightly.

In poor lighting and excessive feeding, the plant may grow slowly. In this case, the Kalanchoe should be moved to a more illuminated place and fertilized more sparingly.

In case of excessive watering, the plant may be damaged powdery mildew And gray mold. In this case, watering should be stopped for a while, all damaged parts should be cut off, and the remaining parts should be treated with a fungicide.

Some varieties of this plant can be attacked by aphids. To get rid of it, you will need to treat it with an insecticide.

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