Any wall finishing work requires comprehensive preparation. At various stages it is necessary to carry out activities that would contribute to the final goal. Wallpaper is often chosen as a decorative covering. But the surface under them must be carefully leveled. Putty is suitable for this. But there are many types of this material on the market. So, which putty will be better for walls under wallpaper?

Today, there are many methods that allow you to prepare almost any solution yourself. It’s just better to abandon such an idea immediately, especially if you don’t have the proper experience in this matter. The point is that you need to create a surface that will hold the wallpaper very well. You also need to take into account that many compositions absorb moisture from the air, which can also have a negative effect on the decorative layer.

Therefore, it is better to immediately opt exclusively for materials that are sold in special construction stores. This is the only way to be sure that the walls will be prepared as needed.

What is putty?

Accordingly, from the existing pasty and dry materials for preparing walls for wallpaper, it would be better to choose the former. They do not require additional manipulations and can be used immediately after opening. But for large volumes of work they are not very suitable in terms of savings.

Thus, drawing a conclusion about which putty is better based solely on its external characteristics will not be entirely correct. A clear understanding of this issue can only be obtained after detailed study compositions of putty mixtures. And how they interact with wallpapering materials.

Differences in putty composition

In construction stores you can find a wide variety of different types putty. They all differ in their composition. You should avoid mixtures that were made on the basis of drying oil (oil-glue). This option has many significant disadvantages and is also not recommended for use.

Acrylic-based putty (polymer)

That's enough modern material, which has proven itself at all stages finishing works. The latex version is also classified as a polymer composition, but it is not so popular, although it has an undeniable advantage. So, acrylic putty has the following characteristics:

  • It is very easy to apply to walls and does not require the use of special tools;
  • easy to sand;
  • protects the wall from destruction;
  • prevents moisture penetration.

It is suitable for almost any subsequent finishing work. There is only one drawback - you cannot apply cheap paint that is not intended for it. It will just peel off.

Common material for various works. Has the following properties:

  • sold ready-made;
  • has excellent viscosity;
  • after drying it shrinks slightly;
  • creates a durable layer.

Water-dispersed putty

Forms enough flat surface, which does not require significant processing.

Compositions based on gypsum and cement

This material is used everywhere. Has very good characteristics:

  • used for any type of work;
  • creates a fairly durable layer;
  • many varieties are characterized by increased moisture resistance;
  • does not require special application skills.

This composition is sold in the form of a dry mixture. To prepare it you need to add required quantity water and stir everything well. Preferable are solutions in which the main substance is cement. They can be selected for use even outdoors.

So, which putty is better? Of course, wallpaper is not so demanding decorative material, but this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Based on the combination: price + quality + ease of application + interaction with wallpaper glue, then preference can be given to cement-gypsum mixtures. They practically do not require further processing (if you follow the application rules). They also do not react with wallpaper glue, which is often mixed with water. Therefore, the choice most often falls on them.

Preparation for puttying before wallpapering

Can hide some wall imperfections. Small irregularities that would be visible when applying paint will remain completely invisible. But this does not mean that you can not pay attention to preparing the surface for applying this type of material. Any significant cracks or potholes are repaired. For this, it is better to choose cement mortars.

It is assumed that a layer of putty will play a role final application. That is, the surface will initially be plastered.

First of all, you will need to select the following tools and materials:

  • the putty mixture itself;
  • several types of spatula;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill with mixer attachment;
  • bucket of water.

After this, the following steps are performed:

  1. The walls are completely cleaned of dust and dirt.
  2. A primer is applied to the surface.
  3. The putty solution is mixed; the preparation time for the dry mixture is no more than ten minutes.
  4. Using a small spatula, the composition is transferred to a wide tool and applied in an even, thin layer to the wall.
  5. For greater effect and to avoid any unevenness, the surface is glossed. This way you can achieve perfect alignment.
  6. After drying, using sandpaper, the remaining imperfections are removed.
  7. The walls are again cleaned of dust and primed.
  8. You can apply wallpaper glue.

After completing all these steps, you can be completely sure that the wallpaper will lie smoothly and will serve for many years.

So, which putty is better? It seems that this question has been answered quite clearly. But still, we must proceed from the fact that the choice should be made depending on specific conditions. Only then will it be possible to ensure that the wallpaper does not fall off the next day, taking with you part of the applied solution.

Almost any type of wall decoration involves puttingtying. By using putty, it is possible not only to level the walls, but also to prepare them for further finishing. In order for the result of the work to be of high quality, you should adhere to certain recommendations for its implementation. Let's look at how to properly putty walls.

Puttying walls with your own hands: the advantages of finishing

The first and most important advantage of puttying walls is their leveling using putty mixture. As a result, it is possible to obtain an even coating, ready for painting or another type of finishing.

In addition, puttying is a fairly easy process that can be done independently, having first studied the recommendations and technology for its implementation. Proper Use putty and the tool with which it is applied allows you to get a high-quality result in the form of a smooth and even surface.

There are many options for putty that are suitable for a particular type of wall. Also, there is putty used in ordinary rooms and in rooms with high humidity. Therefore, the choice of one or another option for the putty mixture should be justified by individual performance characteristics premises. Also, there is putty for external works, which is characterized by additional resistance to temperature changes, moisture and solar radiation.

Using putty before finishing the walls has the following advantages:

  • ease of work:
  • affordable cost of materials;
  • obtaining a flat and perfectly smooth surface;
  • speed of work;
  • variety of compositions according to the scope of their application.

Tools for puttying wall surfaces

The key to obtaining a quality result when plastering walls is right choice tools used in the work process. IN mandatory, when carrying out work you will need to have:

1. Electric drill, having a special attachment - a mixer. Most often, putty has a dry consistency, so to dilute it with water and obtain a uniform consistency, you will need to mix it with this tool. A special nozzle will allow you to get a high-quality mixture, without lumps and additional inclusions.

2. Spatulas included. For work, you should prepare several spatulas, each of which will perform a specific function. So, using a small spatula, putty hard-to-reach places and apply the putty to the spatula large size. The best option a large spatula for puttying walls is 35-50 cm.

3. A set of rollers and brushes with which the soil solution will be applied. Priming is a mandatory work process before and after puttying. Since with the help of a soil solution it is possible to achieve an antiseptic effect, thereby preventing the formation of fungus and mold on the surface of the walls. In addition, the primer solution increases adhesion between the wall and the putty. To apply it, a roller is most often used, as well as special trays into which the soil solution is poured.

4. If putty is applied to the walls to level them, then during the work you will need to have a rule with which you can identify and eliminate all existing irregularities. The long steel rule is relevant when the walls have very large irregularities.

5. An alcohol or laser type level also allows you to determine unevenness on the walls, if any.

6. The use of sandpaper is important after applying each layer of putty. With its help, the wall surface becomes perfectly smooth and polished. It is recommended to use medium-fine sandpaper at the initial puttying stage, and for finishing putty, the sandpaper should be very fine.

7. In order to speed up the process of sanding the wall, it is recommended to use a manual sander.

8. In addition, during the work process you will need a container in which the putty will be mixed.

This list of tools is mandatory for puttying walls.

Selection of materials for the wall puttying process

Putty is a paste-like material that is applied to the wall, thereby leveling it. With the help of putty it is possible to prepare the base for further finishing.

Depending on the degree of readiness of the putty mixture, it comes in two types:

1. Dry putty - requires additional dilution with water. Among its advantages we note:

  • affordable cost of the material;
  • the ability to prepare a composition having almost any consistency;
  • ease of preparation;
  • this material is easy to transport and differs long term dry storage.

However, dry putty needs to be done additional work to prepare it for application, so the time to perform puttying increases. The finished mixture has a limited time of use, so it is prepared in small portions. Before starting work, you should read the instructions and strictly follow their instructions. Otherwise, the quality of the putty will deteriorate.

2. To make a ready-made putty mixture, a latex base is used. The form of release of this material is buckets or tanks. Ready solution used throughout long period time and does not dry out. Another advantage of this composition- no need for additional time to prepare the solution. However, the cost of this material is much higher than that of dry mixtures.

In relation to the main substance used to make putty, they are divided into:

1. Putties on cement based- They are distinguished primarily by good resistance to moisture and excellent performance characteristics. Among the shortcomings we note:

  • presence of slight shrinkage after drying;
  • low level of coating elasticity;
  • presence of small cracks after drying.

2. Gypsum-based putty - practically does not shrink and is very elastic. However, this putty dries very quickly, in addition, it is not resistant to sudden changes temperature regime and moisture.

3. Polymer-based putty - different at a high price However, it allows you to obtain a high-quality surface after puttying.

When choosing putty for walls, you should pay attention to its fractional indicators. The smaller the putty fraction, the flatter and smooth surface will result in puttying.

In relation to the purpose of the putty, it can be:

1. Starter - has high strength, an affordable price, is used at the beginning of leveling walls, applied with a thickness of three to twenty millimeters.

2. Decorative or finishing - complete the puttying process. This putty has white, fine grain, high strength.

3. Universal putty- combines the two previous options. Used if the walls have small flaws.

Step-by-step technology for plastering walls

Before you start puttingtying plastered walls, you should prepare them for this process. If there are grease stains, wallpaper or paint marks on the wall, you need to get rid of them. If the walls in the room are frozen, then puttying them is unacceptable. The walls in the room must be completely dry.

Before starting work, you should treat the wall with a primer solution. This will improve the adhesion between the wall and the putty. A special roller is used to prime the wall. It is enough to apply the putty mixture to the wall in one layer and wait until it dries completely.

Starting puttying of plasterboard walls is carried out using rough material, called starting putty. This putty allows you to get rid of large differences in walls, grooves and various kinds holes. The application thickness of this putty is about 15 mm. Please note that each layer must be completely dry before applying the next one. In order for the putty to adhere well to the wall, it is recommended to use a special reinforcing mesh on the surface of which the putty is distributed. Puttying the wall is carried out by applying a continuous layer. The reinforcing mesh allows the putty to adhere perfectly to the wall. At the same time, the strength and flatness of the wall improves.

Putting walls under wallpaper using the beacon method involves the use of beacons in the form of a wooden, plaster or steel lath, aligned in a vertical direction. To attach the beacons to the wall, use gypsum mortar. Also, the walls are aligned horizontally. IN in this case, the rule will be used to level the wall. Thus, the end result is a wall surface on which there are no flaws. However, this finishing option is used very rarely, due to the high cost of its implementation. Most often, it is replaced with starting putty.

The final puttying of the walls is carried out after the starting layer or light putty has completely dried. To perform this type of finishing, finishing compounds are used. With this putty you can get perfect flat wall, without cracks, chips and pores. The finishing putty is applied using a very thin layer. If the initial puttying is performed poorly, finishing layer will not correct the defects. Final puttying is carried out only after the walls are perfectly leveled.

In order to get rid of cracks in the walls, it is necessary to use gypsum mixtures. Because they have a certain elasticity. In order for the crack to bond well with the putty, it should be made rough.

Instructions for preparing and applying putty to the wall:

1. Prepare putty, in the case of dry materials. Combine it with water, stir until smooth. The consistency of the putty should be such that it sticks to the spatula.

2. To apply starter type putty, use a large spatula. Apply the putty to the wall, spreading it over the surface in both vertical, horizontal and diagonal directions. To prevent bumps from appearing on the wall, putty should be applied with a slight overlap.

3. To improve the quality of work, you should prepare the solution in small portions, otherwise dried parts will form on the wall. It takes 24 hours for one layer of putty to dry.

4. Puttying the corners of the walls is carried out using a special spatula for finishing corners.

5. After the starting putty has completely dried, the finishing layer is applied. To work, you will need large spatulas small sizes. Layer thickness per at this stage does not exceed two millimeters.

6. Before starting to putty the walls under the wallpaper, you should wait until all previous layers have dried. Only after this the finishing putty is applied.

During the process of puttying walls, the spatula is held to the wall at an angle of thirty degrees. In order to receive perfect angle, you should apply a little putty mixture to the corner trowel, then distribute it evenly over the corner area.

Before you start puttingtying walls under wallpaper, you should determine the thickness and type of wallpaper. Since the amount of leveling putty that is applied to the wall depends on these indicators.

Well-prepared walls for wallpaper will allow you to get a perfectly flat coating with no wallpaper folds or air bubbles. The putty should be applied to the wall with a thickness of no more than 1.5 mm. Therefore, all cracks and potholes must be eliminated at the previous stage.

If the walls will be painted after puttying, then more attention should be paid to the preparation of the walls. Since after applying the paint, all irregularities will be visible. The leveling layer is applied very thinly. If there are defects on the wall, putty should be applied in several layers. Leave the walls to dry completely. Apply decorative layer putty and after drying, sand the coating.

In order to decide on required quantity putty, you should initially measure the area of ​​the walls on which it will be applied. It is more economical to use dry mixtures. However, more convenient to use - ready-made compositions. The choice of one option or another is determined by the material preferences of the buyer.

Puttying walls video:

Putty is used in repairs to level walls before finishing decorative finishing. Putty mixtures differ in form of manufacture, composition and, of course, functions. It is worth considering the types of putties in order to understand which one to choose in each specific case, which one will better cope with the task assigned to you.

Composition and functions are the main determining factors of putties. In the first case, the choice depends on what components are present in the mixture and how they affect the quality of the repair.

According to the composition of the putty mixture, there are:

  • Plaster– they level well, do not shrink, but are not resistant to moisture;
  • Cement on the contrary, they are moisture resistant, but have shrinkage and take a long time to dry;
  • Acrylic do not shrink, provide high quality treated surface, are most suitable for subsequent finishing– coloring.

In addition, pay attention to the quality of the mixture itself. Read reviews, find specific recommendations for your type of repair. Try not to change brands if your experience with them has been positive. Ideally, of course, it is better to use building materials from the same manufacturer, since they are a priori suitable for each other.

Puttying walls under wallpaper: technology (video)

Types of putty for walls under wallpaper: by purpose

In addition to the composition, the task of the putty is also important, sometimes it is a mixture that eliminates flaws, and sometimes it is a finishing, fixing layer .

By functional features putty can be:

  1. Starting– that is, it is used to eliminate defects, allows you to eliminate large irregularities. This putty does not shrink, there are no cracks or peeling after it. The first layer of wall decoration. Without obvious flaws, starting putty should not be used.
  2. Finish– it is hidden by minor defects in order to ensure a smooth surface of the walls. This is the second finishing layer. This putty must have perfect whiteness.
  3. Universal– which combines the properties of the first two types. And it is used in the case of walls without obvious defects. This putty costs more, but the quality is no worse than the starting and finishing putty.

According to the form of production, the putty can be dry (which needs to be diluted) and ready-made.

What putty to putty on drywall under wallpaper: what is suitable

Firstly, it’s worth starting with whether plasterboard putty under wallpaper is needed at all. Definitely needed! Especially if you are going to glue thin light wallpaper, without putty, the drywall seam will be visible underneath. And if you don’t putty, when changing the wallpaper you will have problems removing it.

Tips for choosing putty for drywall:

  • Buy a ready-made mixture, if you have never putty before, you will have peace of mind about the composition;
  • Do not use putty for outdoor use, as it is not safe for health when working indoors;
  • You will need a little putty, so do not skimp on its quality, take the composition from a manufacturer with a good reputation.

Before applying putty, drywall must be primed. Next, a putty layer is applied, most often using conventional finishing putty. Before mixing the dry mixture, if you are using one, clearly review the instructions in the instructions, the proportions of water, etc.

It is impossible to mix the mixture properly by hand, so you need to use either a construction mixer or a drill attachment.

Which finishing putty to choose for wallpaper: requirements

A high-quality mixture must meet a list of requirements. This, of course, also means good adhesion (adhesion), and the shelf life should be adequate, and if the seller has a certificate of conformity, you don’t have to worry.

Also, the finishing putty should:

  • It is good to apply on base putty, if available;
  • The putty should lie without lumps and should be easy to follow with the spatula;
  • After application, it should not flow down the walls;
  • Even a thin layer of this putty should eliminate wall imperfections;
  • After drying, there should be no cracks or holes on the wall.

And, of course, the wall should be perfectly white after puttying, without shades, without any heterogeneity.

The most modern version The finishing putty is considered to be polymer. It is easy to apply, the application layer is very thin, which affects the savings in the use of putty. This mixture itself will create a finished coating. But it is not cheap, which is due to its outstanding qualities.

Which putty is best for walls under wallpaper (video)

Putty for future wallpaper covering must be of high quality, functional (appropriate for its purpose), easy to apply, durable and flexible. Before further work let the putty dry, observe the recommended temperature conditions.

The final stage of repair is the finishing of surfaces. But before wallpapering or painting, the walls must be puttied. It can be skipped only in cases where tiling or paneling is planned. Before wallpaper and paint, it is necessary to eliminate the slightest irregularities and cracks in the coating.

In addition, putty performs other functions:
  • levels the walls, eliminating the slightest defects;
  • creates a bonding layer between the finishing and the wall covering;
  • closes pores on the surface, reducing the absorption of glue or paint;
  • prevents gradual spillage of plaster mortar.

Even on a perfectly plastered wall after finishing, you can notice a lot of flaws. Thin wallpaper or paint will only highlight them, while textured coatings will hide them, but only partially.

Sometimes you can hear the question, is it necessary? The answer is unequivocal - yes. At a minimum, you will need to putty the joints between the sheets and the fastening points. And in order to avoid tearing off the cardboard along with it when removing the wallpaper in the future, it is better to putty the sheets completely before pasting.

Puttying walls with your own hands is a simple procedure. It has its own characteristics, but even a novice master can cope with the job. Let's figure out how to choose a mixture for the job, and how to do it efficiently and quickly.

What to look for when choosing putty

On store shelves you can find dry and ready-made mixtures. It is difficult to answer unequivocally which putty is better. Each type has its own advantages and characteristics. The choice of material depends on the composition of the mixture, its area of ​​application, and characteristics. In this case, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and the availability of a quality certificate. It would seem best compositions- the most expensive. But this is not always true, since popular mixtures are most often counterfeited.

The dry mixture has a long shelf life. But when diluted, it should be used quickly. Another advantage of dry putty is its affordable price and universal qualities. It’s convenient that if the mixture turns out to be liquid, you can add dry putty, if it’s thick, dilute it with water.

Another interesting option, which is ideal for self-use, – liquid putty. It is sold in buckets and is immediately ready for use. It is applied by spraying using a pneumatic gun or with a regular spatula. Dignity ready-made mixtures is that there is no need to spend time preparing them. In addition, you are less likely to ruin the solution by adding more water than necessary. Their disadvantage is their high cost. Experts also note that liquid putty often shrinks.

No one can say for sure which putty is better. It all depends on work experience and the ability to properly prepare the solution. But it's safe to say that ready putty– it’s convenient, it’s comfortable to work with, and the puttying process goes much faster.

Other, no less important factor The thing that needs to be taken into account when choosing a material is the binder component. Putty can be gypsum, cement, or polymer. Let's take a closer look at their characteristics.

Types of putties

Gypsum putty is used in rooms not exposed to moisture. Its snow-white color becomes an ideal background for paint or wallpaper of any color. It is distinguished by its plasticity, ease of application and sanding. Gypsum putty has the property of regulating the humidity in the room: when there is a lack of water, it releases it, and when there is excess, it absorbs it. Due to this, a favorable microclimate is formed in the room. It has no odor, dries quickly, is different affordable price. The disadvantage of the material is its low resistance to mechanical damage; its use is limited by the level of humidity in the room.

Cement mixtures can be used for interior and exterior work. They are usually used for processing brick or concrete. Cement is not afraid of moisture, so it is suitable for wet rooms. The finished coating is resistant to low temperatures. After drying, it acquires high strength. But, unfortunately, cement mixture many disadvantages:

  • when drying it shrinks greatly;
  • microcracks may appear on the surface;
  • not plastic.

Therefore, it is most often used as a basis for decorative plaster or another type of finishing putty.

The polymer mixture is used for sealing cracks, joints, and final leveling of surfaces. It is characterized by high elasticity, water resistance, and durability. The material does not shrink. The scope of its application is practically unlimited. The disadvantages of the mixture are high cost and large number fakes

There are two types of polymer putty: acrylic and latex. A universal option that is suitable for work inside and outside the building is an acrylic mixture. It has high adhesion and resistance to external influences. It is usually used as a topcoat. The material provides the surface with perfect smoothness with a minimum layer. It can be applied to wooden base. The putty is non-toxic and has a long shelf life. Please note that to create a thick layer you will need to apply the solution in two stages. Otherwise the material will crack. When grouting, it is recommended to wear goggles and a respirator. Fine dust enters the lungs, causing discomfort.

Latex mixtures are only suitable for interior works. They create a strong, durable coating. Due to their good plasticity, they are easy to apply to any surface - metal, wood, drywall, plaster. Their disadvantage is that they do not tolerate low temperatures well.

Why are starting and finishing mixtures needed?

Anyone who is faced with the need to putty walls for the first time is surprised to discover that there are starting and finishing mixtures. How are they different? In terms of composition – practically nothing. They contain the same components - binder, additives, filler. But in starting mixture larger filler. This is necessary so that the grains fill cracks and crevices and help eliminate defects.

Sometimes you can do without starting leveling if the walls have previously been carefully leveled and are not damaged. In other cases, it is necessary to apply not one, but two layers to smooth out unevenness. The maximum thickness of the starting layer usually does not exceed 5 mm, the maximum is 1 cm. Moreover, they will have to be applied in several layers, waiting for the previous one to dry.

The purpose of the finishing mixture is to smooth out the slightest imperfections. Therefore, it contains fine-grained filler. It is applied in a layer of up to 2 mm, allowed to dry and rubbed with fine sandpaper.

To achieve a high-quality result, it is recommended to use materials from the same manufacturer. Then it will go through without any problems, and the finished surface will delight you with its ideal appearance. You should always read the manufacturer's recommendations. They indicate the properties of the components, the purpose of the mixture, operating conditions, necessary preparatory work and the possibility of combination with other materials. It would be a good idea to consult with the seller which putty is best for certain conditions of use.

Preparing for work

It should be noted that puttingtying walls with your own hands is a completely doable task. Moreover, mistakes made when applying the solution can always be corrected. But it should be borne in mind that it may take a lot of time to putty the walls. This is due to the need to bring the walls to perfection.

Before starting work, you will need to prepare a solution (if a dry mixture is used) and tools. The main tool is a spatula; you will need several of them:

  • wide (about 45 cm) – used to stretch the mixture over the surface;
  • medium (about 25 cm) – used to form slopes;
  • narrow (10 cm) - they are used to draw the solution from the container.

For hard-to-reach places, you may need a 4 cm wide spatula. To process walls, you will need coarse and fine-grained sandpaper (number 80-150), a primer, and a roller.

The first step is to prepare the wall. The old coating is removed from it, peeled areas are cleaned, and cracks are eliminated. The joints between sheets of drywall are laid with reinforcing tape and coated putty composition. They also cover the heads of the screws used to fasten the sheets. After the sealing joints have dried, they are sanded to remove protrusions. Then the entire wall is primed, applying the primer with a roller, carefully coating hard to reach places. Give it time to dry thoroughly.

Preparation of the solution

The finished mixture must be opened and mixed until smooth. For convenience, you can put a small amount in another container and close the main one tightly.

To prepare the dry mixture, any plastic container. Lightly pour into it warm water in the amount necessary for mixing the solution. Working with gypsum mixture, you need to take into account that it sets quickly. Therefore, there is no need to prepare a lot of solution. If the result is a liquid mass, you can add the dry mixture little by little, mixing thoroughly. For convenience, it is recommended to use a drill with an attachment.

Allow the prepared solution to stand for a couple of minutes so that all ingredients are well dissolved. Good solution has the thickness of sour cream. If the putty is too liquid, it will fall off the wall.

Procedure for applying the solution

Puttying begins with the starting mixture. It is taken from the container with a small spatula, spreading it over a wide spatula. Then stretch it over the primed surface. Start working from the corner, smoothly moving the tool from bottom to top. The spatula is placed at 45 degrees to the wall; you do not need to press it hard. The putty strips overlap.

Having processed a certain part of the wall, the rule is to check the evenness of the area. To do this, they are passed over the surface without pressure, identifying depressions or sagging. While the putty has not dried, you can eliminate defects with a spatula. To process corners, it is recommended to use a special spatula shaped like a right angle.

After applying the starting mixture, the walls are not yet perfect. Small errors are acceptable. Having completed work with the starting layer, it is given time to dry. Then grout with a coarse mesh. It will help get rid of flaws and smooth out the joints between the putty strips. Grouting is performed using spiral movements, carefully treating every centimeter of the surface.

The procedure for applying the finishing mixture is almost the same. Again, use a narrow and wide spatula, the movements should be clear, but without excessive pressure. The layer thickness is no more than 2 mm. Bright lighting will help you see imperfections. The lamp is directed at an angle onto the wall, revealing even the slightest defects. The finished coating is treated with fine-grained paper, bringing the surface to perfection. Finish the puttying with a primer. All tools and containers must be thoroughly washed after finishing work.

Surprisingly, even with the help ordinary putty You can make a decorative coating. It can be with the effect of rain or stone. To complete this, you will need a finishing mixture - cement or gypsum - and a regular trowel, which will help create the desired effects. To make the finished coating more expressive, it is painted.

Can you answer the question, which medicine is the best?

We think it’s unlikely, since there are no universal health remedies, and different diseases are treated with different drugs, and their tolerability by patients is determined in advance. A similar answer can be given to the question of which putty is better: the one that suits you in many respects, and in first of all for its intended purpose.

To understand which putty to choose in a given case, you need to understand the variety of its types. There are many of them, and they differ in composition, purpose, scope of application, readiness for use, price and other parameters on which the outcome of the choice depends.


The composition of the putty mixture is the main parameter on which the quality of the finish depends. If you buy a good, expensive, high-quality compound, but do not think about whether it is suitable for application to your surface, your money and effort will be wasted.

In this article we will not talk about all existing types putties, we will focus only on those that are used to level walls and ceilings.

So, according to their composition, they are divided into:

  • Cement. Their main advantage is high moisture resistance, and the main disadvantage is shrinkage during the drying process with the possible formation of cracks. Low price This type of putty attracts buyers with a limited budget. But, as well as premises with high humidity You can’t do without it.

  • Plaster. They are not able to withstand moisture as much as cement, so they can only be used in dry areas. interior spaces. This putty is non-shrinking, i.e. When dried, it does not crack, retains a beautiful smooth texture, which allows it to be used as a base for painting or.

Please note. It is quite difficult for beginners to work with this material due to its rapid setting. Therefore, you need to prepare the mixture exactly as much as you can apply to the walls within the time period indicated on the package.

  • Polymer. The most expensive of those listed, but at the same time the most durable and high-quality, they are easiest to apply with your own hands. Depending on the type of binder, synthetic putty can be latex or acrylic. The high cost is compensated by a long shelf life and hardening, as well as the ability to create an ideal surface when applying a very thin layer, which allows you to use material economically.


To choose a putty suitable for your purposes, you need to decide on its purpose:

  • Starting(see) is intended for rough leveling of walls, bringing them to level. It has a coarse-grained structure, can be applied in a fairly thick layer, and takes quite a long time to dry.
  • Finish(see) has a smooth, uniform texture with minimum size particles. This is a very flexible putty for application in a thin layer. It is used for “smoothing” surfaces and their final preparation for finishing.
    The color of such mixtures is usually white, which allows you to stick even light transparent wallpaper or apply pastel paints to the prepared base.

Advice. To ensure better adhesion of the finishing layer to the leveling layer, use products of the same brand, from the same manufacturer.

  • Universal. The instructions for such compositions state that they can be used for different types of work: both for leveling the surface and for its finishing preparation.
  • is a mixture that allows you to create textured surface, which in itself is final decorative coating, not requiring additional finishing except for painting. Although now there are colored putties and compounds on sale that can be tinted before application.

Scope of application

Everything is simple here: putty can be intended for external or internal use. In the first case, it must have moisture resistance, frost resistance, resistance to mechanical stress and others physical characteristics, allowing the composition to “work” normally in the most difficult weather conditions.

To mixtures for internal use less stringent requirements are imposed, but they must also correspond to the purpose of the room and have good adhesion to the base material.

How to choose putty

Even the meager information that was given in the first part of the article is enough to be able to choose suitable material. Rating putties based on price, manufacturer reputation and other parameters will give you less than this knowledge. Although, of course, they are worth paying attention to.

So let's look at a few examples:

Work locationSuitable putty
Plastered facade of a house ready for painting. The plaster is not new, it has cracks in places.First of all, we look at the area of ​​application and choose a putty for exterior use. Thermal insulation putty will help solve the problem of cracks and heat leakage.
The walls in the bathroom and swimming pool are tiled.Starting cement putty for interior work. Final alignment no need here.
Walls and ceilings in living rooms for painting.Plaster or polymer putty(depending on financial capabilities). If the surfaces are smooth, you can get by with just the finishing mixture.
in residential areas.Texture putty or regular finishing putty, the relief of which can be created using a special roller or stencil on a fresh surface that has not begun to set.


As you can see, there are many nuances when choosing putty, all of them must be taken into account in order to be confident in your choice and the quality of the work performed. This is not at all difficult, and even the above information may not be useful to you, since the package contains construction mixtures There is always information about the scope and method of application.

But if you are used to trusting only yourself and want to get more information, watch the video in this article, it will help you better understand the topic.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):