Modern society cannot imagine itself without certain achievements of science, among which electricity occupies a special place. This wonderful and valuable energy is present in almost every area of ​​our lives. But not many people know how it is mined. And even more so, is it possible to get free electricity with your own hands? Videos, which abound on the World Wide Web, examples of craftsmen and scientific data say that this is quite real.

Everyone thinks not only about saving, but also about something free. People generally love to get something for free. But the main question for today is, is it possible to get free electricity. After all, if you think globally, then how much does humanity have to sacrifice in order to get an extra kilowatt of electricity. But nature does not tolerate such cruel treatment and constantly reminds us that we should be more careful in order to stay alive for the human species.

In the pursuit of profit, people do not think much about the benefits for the environment and completely forget about alternative energy sources. And there are enough of them to change the current state of things for the better. After all, using free energy, which can be easily converted into electricity, the latter can become free for a person. Well, or almost free.

And when considering how to get electricity at home, the simplest and most accessible methods immediately come to mind. Although their implementation will require some means, as a result, the electricity itself will not cost the user a penny. Moreover, there is more than one or two such methods, which allows you to choose the most appropriate method for generating free electricity under specific conditions.

It just so happens that if you know at least a little about the structure of the soil and the basics of electricity, you can understand how to get electricity from Mother Earth itself. The whole point is that soil in its structure combines solid, liquid and gaseous media. And this is precisely what is necessary for the successful extraction of electricity, since it allows one to find the potential difference, which ultimately leads to a successful result.

Thus, the soil is a kind of power plant in which electricity is constantly present. And if we take into account the fact that through grounding the current flows into the ground and concentrates there, then it is simply blasphemous to ignore such a possibility.

Using such knowledge, craftsmen, as a rule, prefer to obtain electricity from the ground in three ways:

  • Zinc and copper electrode.
  • Potential between roof and ground.
  • It is worth considering each of the methods in more detail to better understand what we are talking about.

    : implies the use of a third conductor that connects the grounded conductor and the neutral contact, which allows you to obtain a current of 10-20 volts. And this is quite enough to connect several light bulbs. Although if you experiment a little, you can get much greater tension.

    A zinc and copper electrode is used to extract electricity from the ground in an isolated space. Nothing will grow in such soil, as it is oversaturated with salts. A zinc or iron rod is taken and inserted into the ground. They also take a similar copper rod and also insert it into the soil at a short distance.

    As a result, the soil will act as an electrolyte, and the rods will form a potential difference. As a result, the zinc rod will be a negative electrode, and the copper rod will be a positive electrode. And such a system will only produce about 3 volts. But again, if you do a little magic with the circuit, then it is quite possible to increase the resulting voltage quite well.

    The potential between the roof and the ground of the same 3 volts can be “caught” if the roof is iron and ferrite plates are installed in the ground. If you increase the size of the plates or the distance between them and the roof, the voltage value can be increased.

    Quite strange, but for some reason there are no factory-made devices for generating electricity from the ground. But you can do any of the methods yourself, even without any special costs. This is, of course, good.

    But it is worth considering that electricity is quite dangerous, so it is better to carry out any work together with a specialist. Or call one when the system starts.

    This is the dream of many people to get free electricity from thin air with their own hands. But as it turns out, not everything is so simple. Although there are many ways to obtain electricity from the environment, it is not always easy. AND Several methods worth knowing:

    Wind generators are successfully used in many countries. There are entire fields filled with such fans. Such systems can provide electricity even to a factory. But there is a rather significant disadvantage - due to the unpredictability of the wind, it is impossible to say exactly how much electricity will be generated and how much electricity will be stored, which causes certain difficulties.

    Lightning batteries are so named because they are capable of accumulating potential from electrical discharges, or simply from lightning. Despite their apparent effectiveness, such systems are difficult to predict, just like lightning itself. And creating such a structure on your own is more dangerous than difficult. After all, they attract lightning up to 2000 volts, which is deadly.

    S. Mark's toroidal generator, a device that can be assembled at home, is capable of powering a variety of home equipment. It consists of three coils, which form resonant frequencies and magnetic vortices, which allows the formation of electric current.

    The Kapanadze generator was invented by a Georgian inventor based on the Tesla transformer. This is an excellent example of the latest technology, when to start you only need to connect the battery, after which the resulting impulse causes the generator to work and produce electricity literally from thin air. Unfortunately, this invention is not disclosed, so there are no diagrams.

    How can one ignore such a powerful energy source as the sun? And, of course, many have heard about the possibility of generating electricity from solar panels. Moreover, some even used solar-powered calculators and other small electronics. But the question is whether it is possible to provide electricity to a house in this way.

    If you look at the experience of European freebie lovers, then such an idea is quite feasible. True, you will have to spend a lot of money on the solar panels themselves. But the resulting savings will more than pay for all costs.

    In addition, it is environmentally friendly and safe for both humans and the environment. Solar panels allow you to calculate the amount of energy that can be obtained, and this is also quite enough to provide electricity to the entire house, even a large one.

    Although there are still a number of disadvantages. The operation of such batteries depends on the Sun, which is not always present in the required quantity. So, in winter or during the rainy season, problems may arise in operation.

    Otherwise, it is a simple and effective source of inexhaustible energy.

    Alternative and questionable methods

    Many people know the story about a simple summer resident who allegedly managed to get free electricity from the pyramids. This man claims that the pyramids he built from foil and the battery as a storage device help illuminate the entire plot. Although this looks unlikely.

    It's another matter when research is carried out by scientists. There is already something to think about here. Thus, experiments are being conducted to obtain electricity from plant waste products that enter the soil. Similar experiments can be carried out at home. Moreover, the resulting current is not life-threatening.

    In some foreign countries, where there are volcanoes, their energy is successfully used to produce electricity. Thanks to special installations, entire factories operate. After all, the energy received is measured in megawatts. But what is especially interesting is that ordinary citizens can also obtain electricity with their own hands in a similar way. For example, some use the heat energy of a volcano, which is not difficult to transform into electricity.

    Many scientists are struggling to find alternative methods of energy production. Starting from the use of photosynthesis processes and ending with the energies of the Earth and solar winds. Indeed, in an age when electricity is especially in demand, this could not come at a better time. And with interest and some knowledge, everyone can contribute to the study of obtaining free energy.

    The hydrocarbon reserves on our planet are not endless, so alternative energy that runs on renewable energy sources is rapidly gaining popularity. The houses are equipped with solar panels and wind turbines. The share of energy generated by solar and wind power plants is growing. In 2010 it was equal to 5%. This makes you think about building a small power plant at home.

    How to choose an energy source

    There are many options for obtaining alternative electricity, popular and not so popular. Some of them are not suitable for our latitudes, and some are dangerous.

    A heat pump, which pumps heat from the soil into the house using the principle of a refrigerator, is suitable only for residents of geothermal areas. An attempt to build it on your own plot will cost a resident of the Moscow region the top layer of soil frozen to a depth of two meters. Freezing will damage the root system of trees and shrubs, which will subsequently become sick or die.

    Biogas is suitable for production at large enterprises where there are no problems with fuel for bioreactors. In private farming, there is little benefit from biogas; the average subsidiary farm will not be able to produce the required amount of fuel. It will have to be imported, which will lead to constant delivery costs. Do not forget that the production of biogas is explosive and requires control over the equipment, which is difficult to implement at home.

    There are more suitable alternative energy sources for a private home. These include:

    • Solar energy.
    • Wind energy.
    • Energy of water flow.
    • Wood gas obtained from the thermal decomposition of wood without access to air.

    Unlike biogas, they are suitable for use in private homes and are safe when used correctly.

    But not everyone has a stream on their property or access to large amounts of wood, so it makes more sense to consider renewable energy sources, which are available everywhere. These include sunlight and wind.

    There are ready-made DIY solutions for converting alternative energy. They allow you to convert it into electricity as efficiently as possible and are suitable for implementation in a private home.

    Solar power plant

    Backup power supplies based on solar panels are well suited for those places where there are constant power outages. Due to their high cost, their use is impractical where there are no problems with electricity. A solar power plant installed to save money will pay for itself only after 8-10 years. During this time, lead batteries will become unusable, and replacing them will entail additional costs. The funds spent on replacing batteries will increase the cost of the power plant and push back the payback period by another 3-5 years.

    Required Components and Assembly

    A solar panel is assembled from photovoltaic cells, which vary in shape and size.

    Solar cells are grown from silicon and are divided into two types: monocrystalline (mono-Si) and polycrystalline (poly-Si).

    Monocrystalline elements have 20% efficiency and a service life of up to 30 years. For their normal operation, sunlight hitting the batteries at right angles is necessary. With scattered light, the power of such elements is reduced by three times, and even the slightest shading of one element takes the entire chain out of the generation mode.

    Therefore, SES (solar power plants) built on mono-Si elements need systems that monitor the position of the sun and rotate the panels after it. The panels must not be allowed to become dirty; for this purpose they are equipped with an automatic cleaning system. At small solar power plants, solar panels are washed by hand.

    Power plants based on mono-Si panels are suitable for regions with a large number of sunny days a year. In cloudy weather their effectiveness is close to zero.

    Polycrystalline elements have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include low cost and efficient operation in diffused light.

    They have more disadvantages:

    • Lower efficiency - 12%.
    • Shorter service life - up to 25 years.
    • Increased degradation at temperatures above 55 °C.

    Solar poly-Si batteries are installed in areas with a predominance of cloudy days. The ability to transform scattered light allows them to be mounted without auto-rotation systems. In addition, they do not need to be washed frequently. Due to their low cost and unpretentiousness, polycrystalline solar cells are widely used in homemade solar power plants.

    It is better to start assembling your own solar power plant with the selection of components. Its power will directly depend on them. To make a classic SES you will need:

    1. Photovoltaic cells.
    2. Bus for connecting elements.
    3. A sheet of glass or clear plastic.
    4. Aluminum profile.
    5. Epoxy resin with hardener.
    6. Wires with a cross section of 4 mm².
    7. Wall panel.
    8. Solar battery controller.
    9. Inverter 12−220 V.
    10. Fuses.
    11. Terminal blocks for fuses.
    12. Schottky diodes.
    13. Lead-acid battery with a capacity of at least 150 Ah.
    14. Battery terminals.

    SES components connection diagram:

    You need to start by assembling the solar panel. Cut pieces 7 cm long from the bus and solder them to the negative contacts of the photocell located on the front side. Repeat this step with each photocell.

    The resulting “semi-finished products” must be connected in series, soldering the negative terminal of one element to the positive terminal of the next. The number of photocells in the circuit (module) must be such that a voltage of 14.5 V appears at its terminals. When using half-volt cells, 29 of them will be needed. To prevent reverse current from occurring when one element in the circuit is darkened, it is necessary to solder a Schottky diode into the gap of the negative bus of each photocell.

    You can make a solar battery from one module, but its power will be minimal. Therefore, solar panels are assembled from several parallel-connected modules.

    Degrease the glass and carefully glue the assembled modules to it. Use epoxy resin as glue; when it hardens, it does not become cloudy and does not prevent light from reaching the photocells. Do not use other glues, even if they seem good.

    After the epoxy has set, install the glass into an aluminum profile frame, pre-drilling a hole in it for the wires. Solder the terminals of the modules to the wires and push them out. To seal it, fill the entire structure with epoxy.

    The cured epoxy resin will glue the glass to the frame and protect the photocells from moisture and dust.

    Features of installation at home

    The assembled solar panel can be installed on the roof, but the best option would be to install it on the south wall of the house. The panel installed on it will be exposed to sunlight almost all daylight hours.

    Hang the panel on the wall and secure the controller, inverter and terminal blocks with fuses inserted into the panel. Place the wires into the panel and connect them according to the diagram. Remember that when charging the battery releases toxic gases, so it must be placed in a well-ventilated area.

    When powering indoor lighting from an inverter, part of the energy is lost during conversion. To avoid wasting reserves from an autonomous energy source, install a lighting system at home that runs on 12 volts.

    Solar collectors for heating

    Speaking about solar power plants that convert light into electricity, one cannot fail to mention another type of solar panels.

    Solar collectors are used in heating and hot water supply systems and are:

    • Airborne.
    • Tubular.
    • Vacuum.
    • Flat.

    Inside the air collectors there are plates coated with a light-absorbing composition. They are heated by the sun and give off heat to the air circulating through the collector, which heats the home.

    To increase the working surface area in air collectors, corrugated plates are used.

    The body of the tubular collectors contains glass tubes, painted inside with black paint. Sunlight hitting the paint heats it up. The heat is then transferred to the water running through the tubes.

    Vacuum manifolds are a type of tubular manifold. In it, colored tubes are inserted into transparent ones with a large diameter. Between them there is a vacuum, which reduces heat loss from the inner tube.

    The simplest and cheapest of all are flat-plate collectors. They consist of a plate under which there are tubes with circulating water, covered at the bottom with a layer of heat-insulating material. The efficiency of flat-plate collectors is the lowest.

    Connection diagram to the water supply system:

    The air from the collector enters the house directly, and the water first enters the boilers, where it is heated by heating elements to the desired temperature. Hot water is supplied from the boiler to the kitchen and bathroom, and it is also used for heating.

    How to make a wind generator

    Solar power plants do not work at night or in cloudy weather, and electricity is always required. Therefore, when designing alternative energy for your home with your own hands, you need to provide it with a generator that does not depend on the sun.

    A wind generator is perfect for use as a second source of energy. It can even be assembled from used spare parts, which will significantly save your money.

    List of what you will need to assemble a windmill:

    1. Generator with magnetic excitation from a truck or tractor.
    2. Pipe with an outer diameter of 60 mm and a length of 7 meters.
    3. One and a half meters of pipe with an internal diameter of 60 mm.
    4. Steel cable.
    5. Staples and pegs for fastening the cable.
    6. Wires, cross section 4 mm².
    7. Boost gear 1 to 50.
    8. PVC pipe, diameter 200 mm.
    9. Circular saw blade.
    10. Two EC-5 connectors.
    11. A piece of steel sheet, 1 mm thick.
    12. Aluminum sheet, 0.5 mm thick.
    13. Bearing for the inner diameter of the mast.
    14. Coupling for connecting the shafts of the generator and gearbox.
    15. Pipe for the inner diameter of the bearing, length - 60 cm.

    All these materials are sold in construction and auto stores. New gearboxes with a generator are expensive, so it’s better to buy them at a flea market.

    Making a wind wheel for home

    The main element of any windmill is the blades, so they need to be made first.

    To determine the sizes, use the table.

    The wind wheel should ideally have the same power as the generator, but due to the excessively large size of the resulting wheel, this is not always possible. Therefore, most often the power of the blades is much lower than that of the generator. There's nothing wrong with that.

    Cut the PVC pipe into lengths equal to the length of the blades. Saw them in half along the longitudinal axis. Redraw the markings on the pipe halves and cut out the blades along it. Saw off triangles from the blanks. Cut out the mountings for the blades from a steel sheet and drill holes in them. Take a circular saw blade, drill holes in it and bolt the blades to the blade.

    Assembly, installation and connection

    Dig a hole and concrete a pipe with an internal diameter of 60 mm in it. Take a seven-meter pipe and, stepping back 1 meter from the edge, install brackets on it. Weld a bearing into the same edge of the pipe using argon welding.

    Bend a frame from a steel sheet and weld a pipe to it from below that fits into the bearing. Attach the gearbox and generator to the frame by connecting their shafts. Install 2 stoppers in the form of pins at the bottom of the frame and at the top of the mast. They will not allow the frame to rotate more than 360 degrees. Make a weather vane from an aluminum sheet and attach it to the back of the frame. Drill a hole at the base of the mast for the wire.

    Connect the wire to the generator and pull it through the frame and mast. Place the wind wheel on the gearbox shaft and secure it to it. Insert the frame into the bearing and rotate it. It should rotate easily.

    The assembled windmill looks something like this:

    1. Blades.
    2. Circular disc.
    3. Gearbox.
    4. Coupling coupling.
    5. Generator.
    6. Vane.
    7. Weather vane mount.
    8. Bearing.
    9. Limiters.
    10. Mast.
    11. Wire.

    Drive pegs into the ground so that the distance from the mast to each of them is the same. Tie the cables to the brackets on the mast. To install the mast, you need to call a truck crane. Do not try to install the wind generator yourself! At best, you will break the windmill, at worst, you will suffer yourself. After lifting the mast with a truck crane, point its base into the previously concreted pipe and wait until the crane lowers it into the pipe.

    The rope must be tied to the peg in a taut state. Moreover, all the cables must be tied so that the mast stands strictly vertically, without distortions.

    The wind generator must be connected to the charger via the EC-5 connector. The charging itself is installed in the panel with the SES equipment and is connected directly to the battery.

    To avoid losing your home appliances, always unplug your windmill from the charger during a thunderstorm.

    The assembly of the power plant is completed. Now you will not be left without electricity, even if your lights are turned off for a long time. In this case, you will not have to spend money on fuel for the generator and time for its delivery. Everything will work automatically and will not require your intervention.

    To solve the problem of limited fossil fuels, researchers around the world are working to create and commercialize alternative energy sources. And we’re not just talking about well-known wind turbines and solar panels. Gas and oil may be replaced by energy from algae, volcanoes and human steps. Recycle has selected ten of the most interesting and environmentally friendly energy sources of the future.

    Joules from turnstiles

    Thousands of people pass through the turnstiles at the entrance to railway stations every day. At once, several research centers around the world came up with the idea of ​​using the flow of people as an innovative energy generator. The Japanese company East Japan Railway Company decided to equip every turnstile at railway stations with generators. The installation works at a train station in Tokyo's Shibuya district: piezoelectric elements are built into the floor under the turnstiles, which generate electricity from the pressure and vibration they receive when people step on them.

    Another “energy turnstile” technology is already in use in China and the Netherlands. In these countries, engineers decided to use not the effect of pressing piezoelectric elements, but the effect of pushing turnstile handles or turnstile doors. The concept of the Dutch company Boon Edam involves replacing standard doors at the entrance to shopping centers (which usually operate using a photocell system and begin to rotate themselves) with doors that the visitor must push and thus generate electricity.

    Such generator doors have already appeared in the Dutch center Natuurcafe La Port. Each of them produces about 4,600 kilowatt-hours of energy per year, which at first glance may seem insignificant, but serves as a good example of an alternative technology for generating electricity.

    Eco-friendly homestead: Not every house located in a suburban area or in rural areas can be connected to a gas supply system or have heating installed using an energy source.

    Not every house located in a suburban area or in rural areas can be connected to a gas supply system or have heating installed using an energy supply source. There may be many reasons for this, among which one of the main ones is the constantly growing costs of connecting, installing and maintaining a heating system using natural gas. In such situations, the most rational solution is alternative heat sources for the home, which can be selected based on the specific conditions and location of the facility.

    As alternative heat sources, numerous heating technologies using various types of energy are proposed, including those that nature itself gives people - energy, wind, earth, solar electricity, biological fuels, as well as the now familiar combustion energy of solid and liquid fuels.

    When choosing alternative heating systems for a private home, you should take into account the specifics of local conditions, based on the following criteria when making calculations:

    Let's consider alternative methods of heating rooms and heating systems for private houses, used as an alternative to gas.


    Biofuel boilers are common alternative energy sources for private homes, which are distinguished by high quality workmanship. Biofuel in the form of briquettes and pellets made from raw materials of plant origin (sawdust, shavings, lumber waste, sunflower husks) is an alternative heating that can serve as an ideal replacement for gas heating in a private home due to its high heat transfer, which can reach 6-8 thousand kcal/kg . A biofuel boiler is a universal heating device with high efficiency, equipped with an automatic control system, and can be successfully used for heating with other types of solid fuel, including coal, firewood, and coal briquettes.

    Biofuel boilers, as alternative sources of heating for a private home, can be used not only for heating (single-circuit boilers), but also to provide hot water supply to premises - for this you can purchase a double-circuit boiler or add a second circuit to an existing device with a boiler of the appropriate type (flow-through or storage ). The simple installation of biofuel boilers makes it possible to arrange alternative heating for your home with your own hands, thus saving some of the family budget.


    When considering alternative types of heating for a private home, you should definitely focus on heat pumps that use the energy of natural heat sources, including ground and surface water, soil, and air. Depending on which alternative heat sources are used, heat pumps differ:

    Structurally, the heat pump consists of the following components:

    Freon, entering the evaporator through the capillary hole, evaporates as a result of a sharp drop in pressure. The evaporator walls, heated by geothermal waters, transfer heat to the refrigerant. The compressor, sucking and compressing the refrigerant, helps heat it to a temperature of 85-125 ° C, after which it pushes it into the condenser, releasing heat through the condenser into the heating circuit. The cooled refrigerant turns back into liquid. The process is repeated until the room warms up to the set temperature. Having received the signal, the thermostat stops the heat pump and turns it on again when the temperature in the house drops to the appropriate level.

    If you managed to provide electricity in a private home with your own hands (or with the help of a professional), installing a heat pump will help reduce heating costs compared to gas heating.

    The advantages of heat pumps include:

    Scheme of water heating using a heat pump


    Modern heating of a private home can be achieved through numerous alternative heating methods, among which the solar collector is one of the most effective. Unlike solar panels, where solar electricity is generated, the design of solar collectors allows one to concentrate the thermal energy of the Sun and direct it to heat the coolant (water, oil, air, antifreeze, etc.). The coolant circulating in the collector is heated, after which the accumulated heat is transferred to the storage tank for subsequent consumption in the heating and hot water supply system.


    Heat sources - infrared emitters, called eco-heaters - are another option for heating rooms in a private home, office or factory. The operating principle of an infrared emitter is based on the transfer of thermal energy in the form of infrared radiation to objects that, when heated, release directed heat into the air of the room, into the surrounding space in open areas, etc.

    The most effective IR emitters, as alternative heating systems, are capable of heating specific objects or parts of premises. Thus, an IR emitter can heat people working outdoors or in a specific part of the room. The use of IR heaters creates savings on heating, allowing you to heat only the useful part of the space. According to the method of installation and fastening, heaters differ in wall, ceiling, floor, and with directed action of infrared radiation.


    Hydrogen boilers as effective alternative heating systems have appeared relatively recently. A hydrogen boiler, as a heat source, uses thermal energy generated by the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, as a result of which H2O molecules are formed with the simultaneous release of a significant amount of heat (up to 40 ° C). The resulting heat is transferred to heat the premises.


    Electric boilers as an alternative heating for a private home are the easiest way out when looking for inexpensive ways to heat rooms. Selecting an electric boiler is not difficult, just look at the relevant catalogs and, with the help of specialists, calculate the required power of the equipment corresponding to the volume of the premises.

    Important: before installing an electric boiler, check the insulation resistance of the electrical wiring and its compliance with the power of the new equipment. To avoid voltage surges, you will need a voltage stabilizer.

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    Installation of electric boilers does not require a separate room - even the most powerful of them have small dimensions. There is no need for powerful hoods and chimneys - such alternative home heating fully complies with environmental requirements. Alternative heating is a modern approach to energy. published

    Why pay energy companies for electricity every month if you can provide your own energy? More and more people in the world understand this truth. And that’s why today we’ll talk about 8 unusual sources of alternative energy for home, office and leisure.

    Solar panels in windows

    Nowadays, the most common alternative energy source in everyday life is solar panels. Traditionally, they are installed on the roofs of private houses or in courtyards. But recently it has become possible to place these elements directly in the windows, which allows the use of such batteries even by owners of ordinary apartments in multi-storey buildings.

    At the same time, solutions have already emerged that make it possible to create solar panels with a high level of transparency. It is these energy elements that should be installed in residential windows.

    For example, transparent solar panels were developed by specialists from Michigan State University. These elements transmit 99 percent of the light passing through them, but have an efficiency of 7%.

    Uprise has created an unusual high-power wind turbine that can be used both at home and on an industrial scale. This wind turbine is located in a trailer that can be pulled by an SUV or motorhome.

    When folded, the Uprise turbine can be driven on public roads. But when deployed, it turns into a full-fledged wind turbine fifteen meters high and with a power of 50 kW.

    Uprise can be used when traveling in a motorhome, to power remote sites or regular private residences. By installing this turbine in his yard, its owner can even sell excess electricity to neighbors.

    Makani Power is a project of the company of the same name, which recently came under the control of a semi-secret innovation laboratory. The idea of ​​this technology is both simple and ingenious. We are talking about a small kite that can fly at an altitude of up to one kilometer and generate electricity.

    The Makani Power aircraft is equipped with built-in wind turbines that will actively operate at altitudes where wind speeds are significantly higher than at ground level. The resulting energy in this case is transmitted through a cord connecting the kite to the base station.

    Energy will also be generated from the movements of the Makani Power aircraft itself. By pulling the cable under the force of the wind, this kite will make the dynamo built into the base station spin.

    With the help of Makani Power, it is possible to provide energy to both private homes and remote sites where it is impractical to install a traditional power line.

    Modern solar cells still have very low efficiency. Therefore, in order to obtain high production indicators from them, it is necessary to cover fairly large spaces with panels. But a technology called Betaray allows you to increase efficiency by about three times.

    Betaray is a small-sized installation that can be located in the courtyard of a private house or on the roof of a high-rise building. It is based on a transparent glass sphere with a diameter of slightly less than one meter. It accumulates sunlight and focuses it onto a fairly small photovoltaic panel. The maximum efficiency of this technology is a stunningly high 35 percent.

    Moreover, the Betaray installation itself is dynamic. It automatically adjusts to the position of the Sun in the sky to work at its maximum capacity at any time. And even at night, this battery generates electricity by converting light from the moon, stars and street lights.

    Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson launched an unusual project called Little Sun, which combines creativity, technology and the social commitment of successful people to the disadvantaged. We are talking about a small device in the shape of a sunflower flower, which during the day is filled with energy from sunlight in order to bring illumination to the darkest corners of the planet in the evenings.

    Anyone can donate money to bring the Little Sun solar lamp into the life of a family from a Third World Country. Little Sun lamps allow children from slums and remote villages to devote their evenings to studying or reading, without which success in modern society is impossible.

    You can also purchase Little Sun lamps for yourself, making them a part of your own life. These devices can be used when going out into nature or to create a stunning evening atmosphere in open areas.

    Many skeptics laugh at athletes, arguing that the force they expend during exercise can be used to generate electricity. The creators followed this opinion and created the world's first set of outdoor exercise machines, each of which is a small power plant.

    The first Green Heart sports ground appeared in November 2014 in London. The electricity generated by exercise enthusiasts can be used to charge mobile devices: smartphones or tablet computers.

    The Green Heart site sends excess energy to local power grids.

    It’s paradoxical, but even children can be forced to produce “green” energy. After all, they are never averse to doing something, playing and entertaining themselves somehow. That’s why Dutch engineers created an unusual swing called Giraffe Street Lamp, which uses children’s restlessness in the process of generating electricity.

    The Giraffe Street Lamp swing generates energy while it is being used for its intended purpose. By rocking in the seat, children or adults stimulate the operation of the dynamo built into this design.

    Of course, the resulting electricity will not be enough for the full functioning of a private residential building. But the energy accumulated during a day of play is quite enough to operate a not very powerful street lamp for a couple of hours after dusk.

    Mobile operator Vodafone realizes that its profits increase when customers' phones work around the clock, and their owners themselves do not worry about where to find an outlet to charge the batteries of their gadget. That’s why this company sponsored the development of an unusual technology called Power Pocket.

    Devices based on Power Pocket technology need to be as close to the human body as possible in order to use its heat to generate electricity for household needs.

    At the moment, two practical products have been created based on Power Pocket technology: shorts and a sleeping bag. They were first trialled during the Isle of Wight Festival in 2013. The experiment turned out to be successful; one night of a person in such a sleeping bag was enough to charge the smartphone battery by about 50 percent.

    In this review, we only talked about those alternative energy sources that can be used for everyday needs: at home, in the office or during leisure. But there are still many extraordinary modern “green” technologies developed for use on an industrial scale. You can read about them in the review.

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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      THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):