How to choose a toilet - dictates the style of the bathroom
The interior design of the bathroom and toilet directly dictates the choice of one type of toilet or another. Agree, a classic bathroom or restroom in light colors They will look much more harmonious with a classic, elegant model, rather than with a hanging bowl that resembles an egg.

In my work, I most often use three types of toilets.

  • Floor standing toilet- if the client requires a budget solution. I always warn you that floor option- a rather bulky thing, and I rarely recommend it for small bathrooms.
  • Monoblock: toilet bowl and cistern represent a single whole, which excludes all kinds of additional connections and joints, and, accordingly, leaks; suitable for small footage.
    • Wall-hung toilet-compact and convenient design for small-sized housing. But in terms of cost (including the installation system) it is noticeably more expensive than the classic floor model.
  • Floor-standing built-in models- good when the client asks unusual design solution, for example, retro styling with a hanging cistern or, conversely, wants minimalism, but for personal reasons is against a toilet hung on the wall.

    Without splashing, or how to choose a toilet in a store
    The structure of a toilet is not inherently complex, but in order not to get lost in the store, not to be led by the seller, but to choose the most convenient and good toilet for your home, you must have at least a general idea of ​​what you need.

    Study the design of the outlet neck, in other words, how the water goes into the sewer when drained. Possible options- vertically, horizontally or at an angle.

    This directly depends on the type of sewer system you have in the restroom (how you have to “attach” the toilet to the drain hole), as well as on the intended interior design. Let's say for a minimalist modern design or a small bathroom, I would recommend wall-mounted toilet structures adjacent to the wall. And such products require a horizontal or angular (oblique) drain.

    Advice: If you are renovating a bathroom yourself, be sure to consult with your plumber before going to the store. An incorrect choice of toilet design can, of course, be corrected by installing an additional elbow, but this will at least move the toilet away from the wall. Not critical if we are talking about a spacious bathroom. And if we talk about the typical one, with a high probability in certain positions you will rest your forehead directly on the door. And besides, non-standard installation of a toilet can significantly increase the cost of installation work. And then, I’m not afraid to repeat myself: don’t be shy, ask the plumber questions in advance, write down the answers - and buy a model for correct release!

    How to choose the right toilet for your home: pay attention to the inner contour of the bowl
    Its shape largely determines your future comfort. How to choose this form correctly? In most old products there was a “plate” type bowl - a kind of shelf that is filled with water. Minimum splashes when used (plus - hygiene), but this form also has a noticeable disadvantage: it requires a lot of water to flush

    A funnel-shaped bowl is more economical in this regard, but unfortunate splashes cannot be avoided.

    Best choice- “visor” type bowl: it is found in foreign-made toilets, sometimes in new designs from domestic factories. The bowl-visor, located with a canopy of 30-45 degrees, allows you to save water consumption and avoid splashes when flushing.

    Advice: Do not take on faith absolutely everything that salespeople in plumbing stores advise, even if “they have installed such a toilet themselves.” Don’t hesitate to ask about splashes, the water level in the bowl, whether there is an anti-splash system (many foreign manufacturers offer such designs), what is the water consumption when flushing.

    Measure your current toilet when purchasing a future one
    You can talk as much as you like about the fact that choosing a toilet is an intimate moment. I insist: choose specific model to suit your own size and household habits.

    You need to act as follows: sit in a way that is most comfortable for you, and measure (based on your physiology) the distance from the front edge of the bowl to the place where, comfortably for you, the funnel should be located. It is this distance that you use in the store when choosing a specific model.

    If you are used to sitting, so to speak, deeper on the toilet seat, then back wall The drain hole should be further away - and vice versa. It is important that the drain hole does not fall directly into this place.

    Water level is very important
    When choosing a good toilet, remember that the water level in the drain hole should be as low as possible - this also affects the presence or absence of splashes. The height of the water column is easy to determine even for an unconnected toilet, especially with an oblique and horizontal drain outlet: the water will be at the level of the lowest point of the drain outlet into the sewer.

    Advice: Carefully inspect the structure - the water outlet pipe should not have a strong bend or be too high!

    To keep the toilet as clean as possible, I recommend choosing models with a circular flush system, where water is drained from the tank at once from three points around the bowl. Models with a conventional vertical drain become dirty much faster and tend to leak over time.

    At one of the plumbing exhibitions, I became interested in toilet models that use not only water for flushing, but also treatment inner surface laser bowls. In this design, a special sensor determines the degree of contamination of the bowl, and then the laser breaks down the contents and sterilizes the seat. Of course, the prices for such toilets are steep: for such a model you will pay at least 100,000 rubles.

    Which country's toilet should I choose?
    Each toilet manufacturing country has its own design features, with which inattentive buyers in Russian realities have more than once gotten into trouble.

    For example, Italian toilet models (Devon&Devon, Jacuzzi, Hatria, Catalano), which have a hinged design, are attached with a bowl to both the wall and the floor. This point must be taken into account when laying pipes and choosing plumbing fixtures. Despite the fact that joint production models (Italian-Russian companies, which are in no way inferior in quality) are usually more attractive in price and fully meet Russian installation standards.

    German plumbing - like Villeroy&Boch or Geberit - is rightfully considered one of the high-end solutions in terms of quality, but such models are by no means cheap. As an alternative, I suggest looking at Czech products: the quality is practically the same, but in terms of pricing policy and in terms of design and materials, such toilets are completely oriented towards the Russian market.

    “Japanese” toilets, as a rule, operate on mains power and are packed with a variety of functionality - in my personal opinion, often unnecessary and unused in our apartments. But if you choose a Japanese model, be sure to install a suitable socket or purchase an adapter: in Japan, sockets are different from Russian and European ones. But you will get a smart toilet that can be controlled from your smartphone!

A modern bathroom is unthinkable without a good, high-quality toilet. The choice of this plumbing element is huge, and when going to the store to buy it, it will be useful to know what you should pay attention to in order for the purchase to be successful.

The first thing you need to determine for yourself before going to the store is your purchasing budget. The price of a toilet bowl is influenced by many factors: type of bowl, materials of manufacture, country of manufacture. Conventionally, all toilets can be divided into three price categories. Each type will have its own advantages, disadvantages and operating features. This is important to consider when choosing a toilet.

  • Budget options. Low price not always an indicator of low quality. Due to the absence of duties and low transport costs, toilets in the budget price category are affordable for the masses of consumers, without losing their performance properties. Installing budget toilets is an ideal option for arranging bathrooms in institutions, hospitals, gardens and other public places.
  • Toilets average price segment - This good option, which combines high quality product and reasonable price.
  • Luxury plumbing. Toilets in this category are mainly produced in Germany, Austria or Sweden. It is important to understand that when buying luxury plumbing fixtures, the client pays not only for quality, but also for the name and brand of the manufacturer.

Which toilet mount is better?

Once the purchase budget has been determined, it is worth choosing which toilet mount will be the best in a particular case. The choice is influenced by the size of the bathroom and technical features layouts. There are floor-mounted and wall-hung toilets.

  • Classic version of a floor-standing toilet- This is a base built into the floor, smoothly flowing into a voluminous bowl. A floor-mounted toilet is a good option for separate bathrooms with an area of ​​more than 5-6 m². IN recent years Corner floor-mounted toilets have become widespread. The special shape of the tank allows you to install the toilet in the corner of the room, while saving free space small bathrooms.
  • Toilets hanging type . Compact, modern in design wall hung toilets are great solution for small bathrooms. They do not spoil the interior with pipes and valves. Compact system such an element of plumbing allows you to visually expand small space bathroom, and significantly simplifies the process of cleaning the room. But when choosing such a toilet, it is important to remember that their installation requires welding. A wall-hung toilet is much more expensive than a floor-standing version.

Choosing the most suitable toilet bowl

According to the type of bowl these plumbing elements there are:

  • Funnel-shaped. Their distinguishing feature– location of the drain hole in the center. This type The toilet bowl is very popular among consumers, since the funnel-shaped bowl avoids the problem of splashing and retention of sewage in the toilet drain.
  • Disc toilets provide for the presence of a small recess between the drain hole and the drain. Installation of a plate toilet requires a certain adjustment of the water pressure from the tank so that during operation the unpleasant phenomenon of splashing does not occur.
  • Visor toilets They have a protruding bend between the drain and the drain, which allows you to avoid splashing dirty water while using the toilet.

Selecting a toilet flush system

  • Direct flush- this is when water from the tank flows into the drain horizontally along the wall of the bowl. The advantage of using this drainage system is the ability to wash away all the impurities stuck in the center of the bowl with a powerful single stream. The disadvantage of such a system is the fact that during draining the impurities located on the inner surface of the bowl are not affected at all. The only way to correct the situation is to use a brush.
  • Circular flush. The advantages of such a system are noiselessness and uniform washing of the entire bowl. One of the disadvantages is the high cost of toilets equipped with this system.

Determining the type of sewer inlet

In order to install the toilet to sewer system passed quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to determine in advance which type of sewer inlet is optimal in this particular case.

  • Toilets with an oblique outlet are used if the inlet of the sewer pipe is close to the floor. For example, after dismantling the old toilet, a screed and a new floor covering were laid on the floor. As a result, the entrance to the sewer is as close as possible to the floor and only installing a toilet with an oblique exit can correct the situation.
  • A plumbing element with a horizontal outlet will become the best option when the sewer outlet is located 10-15 cm above the floor level.
  • Toilets with vertical outlet. When selecting this element of plumbing, a situation may arise when the sewerage system is located horizontally under the floor screed, and the outlet from the sewerage system is mounted at a distance of 50-60cm from the wall. In this case, installing a toilet with a vertical outlet will be the solution to the problem.

Which toilet material is better?

  • Faience– the most popular and inexpensive material for the production of toilets. So that porous earthenware does not absorb foreign odors, this element of plumbing is covered with enamel. The disadvantage of earthenware toilets is their short service life. The enamel quickly wears off from the surface of the bowl, thereby reducing the strength of the toilet. The bowl may burst under the weight of the person sitting.
  • Porcelain is more durable. Toilets made from this material last an average of 25 years. Porcelain sanitary ware is the best value for money.
  • Plastic or acrylic toilets– modern plumbing elements that are characterized by high performance properties. Affordable and easy to install, they have gained wide popularity among consumers over the past ten years. The disadvantages include quite short term operation, due to the susceptibility of acrylic to sudden temperature changes.

Choosing and purchasing a toilet is a responsible undertaking that must be approached competently so that there are no problems with its operation in the future.

One of the conditions normal conditions life - a properly functioning bath and toilet, and the main thing is properly functioning plumbing fixtures. One of key pointscorrect selection plumbers. This article will discuss how and which toilet to choose.

Installation method

First of all, you need to choose a toilet according to the installation method. They are available as floor-mounted or wall-mounted. Floor-standing ones are a classic of the genre, familiar to everyone from childhood; it’s only worth remembering that there are also corner models - they are often forgotten. Wall hung toilets appeared with us not so long ago, they differ in that they are attached to a steel frame, which is hidden behind a false wall. Installed on the same frame behind the wall cistern, supply pipes are located below cold water and sewer. This frame is usually called an installation.

A toilet with an installation is certainly more aesthetically pleasing - only the bowl is visible, which “hangs” on the wall. This installation method makes cleaning easier - the floor is free, and the hanging bowl is easy to clean. The downside is that you have to fence off part of the room - you need to retreat about 30 cm from the main wall, and this is not always possible. But behind this wall you can place pipes and other communications. There is one more feature - installation work somewhat more complicated, the price for the services of plumbers is much higher, although you can also handle it yourself.

So, according to this parameter, the choice of toilet is determined mainly by the size of the toilet or combined bathroom, as well as your preferences.

What materials are they made from?

The most common are porcelain and earthenware toilets, but these are far from the only materials from which they are made. They are also available in natural and artificial stone. Products from natural stone very beautiful, quite hygienic - the stone is polished until it is completely smooth surface, so the products are easy to care for. But stone toilets weigh a lot, are very expensive, and they also do not withstand shock loads well - they can break.

Toilets made of artificial stone are made from composite compositions that include crumbs or dust of natural minerals. Externally, they are not much different from stone ones, but the cost is much lower, and the decorative effect is at its best, so this is a good option for those who like non-standard solutions.

Choosing a toilet is not easy - there are... different materials and different forms

Metal toilets also fall into the exotic category. Made from stainless steel, which makes them practically eternal. The disadvantage is the considerable price, small range. It is also worth considering that their non-standard appearance must fit into the surrounding environment.

So it turns out that you have to choose a toilet from two materials - porcelain or earthenware. Which material is better? Of course - porcelain. Its surface is less porous, smoother, leaves fewer marks on it, and almost no plaque remains. Porcelain toilets are easier to care for; their surface looks white and shiny even after many years. Earthenware is much cheaper, but its surface is not so smooth, and the color is usually “not so white.” So if you choose which is better earthenware or porcelain for the toilet, take porcelain.

Types of toilets by bowl

The comfort of using the toilet is largely determined by the shape of the bowl. There are three types of bowls:

  • disc-shaped;
  • visor;
  • funnel-shaped.

Brief description

Plate toilets are so named because the drain hole is shifted forward, and the bowl has a flattened bottom, similar to a shelf or plate. Hence the name - plate-shaped, sometimes this type is also called “with a shelf”.

With this structure, waste remains on the ledge and is washed away when the water is drained. It is this design that can cause splashes when falling waste, which is very unpleasant. If you have such a problem, you can solve it by adjusting the drain - reducing the water pressure.

Funnelfish are even more likely to get splashed. In them the drain hole is located almost in the middle. With this structure, the smell is minimal - excrement immediately falls into the water, there are almost no traces left on the surface, and when the water is drained, everything is finally cleaned. But when waste falls, splashes and splashes are a very common occurrence.

Canopy toilets usually do without splashing at all. Their drain is shifted forward, and the back wall of the bowl is flat or even slightly curved. Once the waste gets on it, it slides off, so there really is no splashing, but traces remain, and the smell is more noticeable. Even when the water is drained, the marks do not always disappear; you have to help with a brush.

Therefore, if you want to have less splashes, choosing a toilet is easy - the optimal shape of the bowl is a visor,

What is an anti-splash system

When communicating with salespeople in stores, they will start telling you about the anti-splash system. In fact, the whole system is a narrow drain hole with rounded edges and a low water level in the bowl.

With the size of the drain hole, everything is quite simple - you can estimate it visually, but how do you understand to what level the water will fill? You need to look at the toilet outlet (pipe at the back). The water will be at the level of its lower edge. Another option is to look at the diagram in the technical catalog. All dimensions are indicated there, including the water level (marked with a red arrow in the photo).

Another characteristic feature that there will be no splash - the drain hole is offset from the center. This is perhaps the most important sign.

What to do if the toilet is standing and there are splashes. There are two ways out - move relative to the drain hole or first throw several pieces of toilet paper there.

Types of drainage (how water moves)

To decide which toilet flush is better, consider the features of each. There are three drainage systems:

  • straight (cascade, horizontal);
  • circular:
    • circular straight line;
    • circular twisted.

With direct drainage, water is released in a powerful stream from the drain hole of the tank. In this case, it covers approximately half the volume of the bowl, but in the most contaminated part there is a powerful flow. This system is typical for all models produced in the USSR. The disadvantage is that half of the bowl cannot be washed; you have to clean it with a brush.

A circular flush is distinguished by the fact that the edge of the bowl is made in the form of a groove, in which holes are located according to a certain pattern. When flushed, water enters this gutter, spreads around the entire circumference, and enters the bowl through the holes. Differs more uniform distribution water, more quiet operation. This type of flushing is more rational, but there is a significant disadvantage - the possibility of small holes becoming overgrown.

Choosing a toilet based on this criterion is also simple - a circular flush is better. Just make sure that the bezel is ceramic and does not have plastic inserts. If there are plastic elements, this is only an imitation of a circular flush, which works no better than a direct one. But toilets with circular flush are more expensive, and such a discovery is very unpleasant.

Release type

The type of toilet outlet (pipe at the back) is determined by the position of the sewer outlet to which it will be connected. Different editions do not provide any advantages. Therefore, choosing a toilet in this case is simple - you need to install one that fits your sewer system.

There are three types of release:

  • Horizontal. From the name it is clear - it is parallel to the floor plane. This type of toilet is suitable if the sewer outlet is located at a level of 10-15 cm above the floor level.
  • Vertical. The drain hole goes down. This type is installed if the sewerage system is hidden in the floor and its outlet is directed upwards.
  • Oblique release. These models are convenient to connect if the sewer pipe is at floor level or slightly higher. Just keep in mind that the angle of inclination can be different - 30°, 40°, 60°, 75°. Select the one that will fit best.

Choosing a toilet is not difficult in this case either - it depends on how the sewer pipe is located. If you have an old device, you are not going to change the sewer; everything is even simpler - the new one must have the same outlet.

Tank type

The tank in a floor-standing toilet can be of four types:

It is difficult to decide which toilet is better in this case. They all have their pros and cons. We can only say that the more popular model is the compact one. It is easier to install the bowl and tank separately than monolithic structure.

Toilet fittings

The toilet has two types of fittings - for filling and flushing water. This is the part on which you should not save, because the comfort of using the device largely depends on how well the water drain works. Good news The downside is that these devices can be changed at any time, and you can do it yourself, but the bad thing is that good toilet fittings cost a lot of money.

There are two drain systems - lever and with a button. Lever flush toilets have a small lever on the side of the tank. To drain the water, you need to press this lever. The device is simple and intuitive, easy to set up and repair. The downside is that you cannot regulate the volume of water that descends at a time - the entire tank always drains. At current water prices, this is unreasonable.

Toilets with push-button flush have a button on the lid. It can work in different ways:

  • Water flows as long as the button is pressed. On the one hand, it’s good - it’s possible to control the amount of water. On the other hand, standing and holding the button is not very fun.
  • When you press the button, the entire volume is drained. The disadvantages are obvious.
  • Flush system with two buttons. This type of fittings is more complex and therefore more expensive. But it is possible to dump half the amount of water or the entire volume.

How to choose a toilet based on this criterion? Based on personal preference only. The only thing the rule is better trust trusted brands. Maybe inexpensive, but well-known, which have been on the market for several years.

Additional features

Modern technologies make our lives more and more comfortable, and toilets have not been spared innovations. There are models with different additional functions. One of the most popular is a toilet with a bidet function. The bowl or seat (there are some) has built-in sprinklers that move out and spray on command. warm water. The temperature is set from the control panel, which is usually located on the side.

Other interesting features include heating and lighting. How much lighting is needed is a moot point, but heating the toilet rim may be pleasant in winter.

Surely you will not be surprised if you find out that designers take part in the development of toilets - their shapes are very unusual. If earlier it was easy to choose a toilet - it was good if there were five models in stock - today it is very difficult to choose from hundreds and thousands. But you can find plumbing fixtures designed in a certain style- from classic to modern or high-tech. We will post photos of some interesting models from a design point of view below.

Colored plumbing is nothing new

Gold not black - a stylish combination

Compact corner options are also interesting

Black square plumbing fixtures - very rare

Transparent toilet....looks like a joke

Anyone who has at least once renovated a bathroom has certainly wondered how to choose the right toilet for the home. The design should be comfortable and easy to clean. What else you should pay attention to when purchasing - you will find out from the article.

Features of toilets made of various materials

Earthenware. They are made of fine-pored ceramics and covered with glazed enamel.


  • considered the most popular and cheaper than others;
  • enamel wears off over time, reducing the strength of the structure;
  • The service life of such a toilet is 10-15 years;
  • due to the porous surface, they absorb odors and dirt;
  • require effort when cleaning.

Earthenware toilet

Porcelain. The material for them is also made from white clay, like earthenware, but it is much stronger due to special additives. Peculiarities:

  • the enamel coating wears off slowly, and this does not lead to destruction of the structure;
  • service life is about 20-25 years;
  • look very attractive in the interior;
  • cost approximately 30-50% more than earthenware.

Porcelain toilet

Steel. They are made from stainless metal. Specifications:

  • the surface is easy to clean;
  • very durable structures, resistant to damage;
  • come in different forms;
  • The service life is quite long, which is why these toilets are popular in public places;
  • They're not cheap.

Steel toilet

Cast iron. Not very popular, more often used in places where a lot of people gather. Peculiarities:

  • they weigh a lot and are very bulky;
  • are not exposed to rust;
  • do not last long.

Cast iron toilet for public places

Marble and artificial stone. Their surface is carefully polished, it becomes smooth, like glass. Specifications:

  • durable;
  • withstand mechanical damage;
  • hygienic: even suitable for flushing weak pressure water;
  • are very expensive.

Marble toilet

Made from natural stone. Suitable for lovers of luxury. Peculiarities:

  • easy to care for;
  • weigh a lot;
  • not resistant to damage;
  • have a high cost.

Travertine toilet

Plastic. Most often made of acrylic. Usually these structures are installed in a country house, not in an apartment. Specifications:

  • lungs;
  • inexpensive;
  • are easy to install;
  • not very durable, including unstable to temperature changes;
  • do not last long.

Types of bowl-shaped toilets

In the form of a plate. Equipped with a small platform that prevents splashes. At the same time, this design is not very hygienic, since everything that gets there is first delayed on the same platform. Water often collects in a bowl shaped like a plate. Over time, this causes salt deposits to appear.

Toilet bowl in the shape of a plate

Attention! When installing a toilet with a disc bowl, it is often necessary to additionally adjust the operation of the tank and adjust the volume of water for flushing.

Funnel shaped. The drain hole in such toilets is located in the center, so everything immediately goes into the water. If you want to choose a product of this shape, make sure that the back wall is sloping. Then there will be less splashing when using the toilet. Also, to avoid this problem, the water level at the bottom of the structure should not exceed 7 cm. You can find out this in the store by asking for technical documentation.

Toilet with funnel bowl

In the form of a visor. The drain hole here is located closer to the front. These designs have a special bend that prevents splashes.

Visor toilet

Types of cisterns

The volume of this device is approximately the same in all toilet models and is about 6-8 liters. To save money, you can install a mechanism with two buttons. When you press the smaller one, it leaves the tank approximately 2-3 times less water. This is enough to renew the water in the bowl.

Advice. When purchasing a tank, pay attention to the fittings that go with it. It should be very simple, not located too compactly, otherwise repair and replacement will become difficult. It is good if the valve with a float for supplying water is mounted on the side wall under the lid. Make sure the fittings that fit your kit are sold separately.

One of important characteristics when choosing - noiselessness. It is better if the water does not fill the tank from above, but flows out like a fountain. Flushing it down the toilet is possible in 2 ways, using direct and reverse flush systems. In the first case, water pours horizontally from the tank into a hole along the wall of the bowl. At the same time, everything that is located in the center of the toilet is washed away well. At the same time, the flow of water does not reach other places, so if necessary, you need to use a brush.

Two-stage water drain button

A reverse flush (ring, circular, shower system) involves the movement of jets not directly, but along a circular path. Water flows evenly throughout the bowl. At the same time, there is practically no noise. However, there is a possibility that the drain holes located under the rim will become clogged due to salt deposits. Reverse flush toilets are much more expensive than direct flush toilets.

Based on how the tanks are attached, the following models are distinguished:

  • separate - hung above the toilet;
  • joint - fixed to the toilet.

Models of toilets with shared tanks

The former are more difficult to install and not always convenient to maintain. In addition, they are noisier than those that represent a monolithic structure with a toilet. However, the separate option is good for rooms with a small area. Hang the tank on the wall and improve water pressure. In addition, in order to save space, it can be hung from the ceiling or built into a niche, leaving the control lever on the surface.

Advice. When choosing a toilet, give preference to the cistern mechanism, which involves pushing the button in rather than pulling it out. It is considered more reliable.

Types of toilets by installation method

Drain (outlet) design

Here it is impossible to highlight systems with advantages and disadvantages, and it is impossible to advise anything. It all depends on each individual home. Plumbing manufacturers make toilets with various designs to facilitate their installation and connection to the sewer system. Therefore, before you buy a toilet, carefully examine how the toilets are located in your bathroom. sewer pipe and the entrance to it (socket).

Based on this, select the desired system:

How to choose the right toilet: video

Types of toilets for the home: photos

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):