The simple conversion of electrical energy into heat using a heating element built into the radiator shows how to increase the heat transfer of a central heating battery by heating the coolant in it. This is a fairly effective and inexpensive way to heat houses with an autonomous system, which is becoming more popular with consumers every year.

What is heating element and its pros and cons

Heating elements are electrical devices that, when immersed in a container of liquid, heat it up. These include heating elements for a heating radiator and a regular water boiler. As a rule, these devices are installed in radiators either as the main source of heat in houses with an autonomous heating system, or as an additional means that increases heat transfer and automates the entire process.

Typically, a heating element for a cast iron radiator is installed if:

  • A transition to autonomous heating is required.
  • The centralized heating system “does not exhaust” and the room is cold, then it is used as an additional source of heat.
  • Installing a heating element in a cast iron battery as an emergency heater. It is able to save the heating circuit from freezing in the event of a power outage. It is enough to turn off the heating taps and plug in the electric heater.

These devices have their advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • Quite high operating efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This is due to the fact that the transition of electricity into thermal energy occurs with virtually no losses.
  • Easy to install and can be ridden by any beginner using the instructions included with each unit.
  • They serve flawlessly for many years, provided they are installed correctly.
  • Heating elements for heating radiators are compact and practically invisible.
  • They are safe because they are equipped with control sensors.
  • The cost of the device is low, but a thermostat, which is not included in the kit, can cost a pretty penny, depending on its design.
  • Electric heating elements for cast iron batteries can not only regulate the heating of the coolant, but also save energy resources.

Among the disadvantages of the device:

  • High electricity consumption if the heating element in the heating radiator is used as the main and only source of heat.
  • These devices should not be used in homes with unstable power supply.

If you use a heating element for a cast iron battery with a thermostat in a house where people rarely live, then the anti-freeze mode will save the heating system from bursting pipes.

It is able to maintain a minimum temperature of the coolant, which does not consume much electricity, but at the same time prevents it from freezing.

The design of the heating element and its operating principle

The design of the electric heating element is quite primitive. It is a cylinder made of metal, inside of which there is a spiral of copper or strong steel wire in a special insulator. Since the heating element for heating radiators has a thermostat, it is used not only as a heating element, but also to adjust the temperature of the coolant. The cylinder with a spiral is protected by a housing equipped with control sensors. Their task is to ensure that the device does not overheat. The galvanization process to which it is subjected gives additional reliability to the device.

Chrome and nickel plating enhance the strength of the heating element and create an additional protective barrier that protects people from contact with electricity.

  • In addition to heating functions and thermoregulation, modern electric heating elements for cast iron batteries are equipped with additional “responsibilities”:
  • The “anti-freeze” mode is capable of maintaining a constant coolant temperature of +10°C, which is enough to prevent the water in the pipes from freezing.

Having heated the liquid to the desired level, the heating element turns off and starts working again when it cools down.

If the autonomous heating of a private house is equipped with cast iron batteries with heating elements, then the “Turbo” mode will suit perfectly. With it, the device turns on at full power, which ensures almost instantaneous heating of the system and heating of the air in the room. The subsequent operation of the heating element is to maintain the selected temperature of the coolant in the network, which ensures energy savings during heating.

For a heating element to truly become an effective assistant, you need to select it according to the following parameters:

  • First of all, you should focus on the power of the heating device. To select the power of a heating element for a cast iron battery, you need to calculate what it should be. If we focus on SNiP indicators, then 1 kW of power will be required to heat 10 m2, but this is not the only indicator that should be taken into account.
  • Of considerable importance is what metal it is made of and how the heating radiator works. There is a difference between heating elements for cast iron batteries and aluminum or bimetallic ones. For the former, heating elements of a different shape and with a larger plug diameter are produced.

When purchasing a heater, you need to clarify what type of radiators it is suitable for.

  • To choose the correct heating element length, you need to focus on the number of sections in the radiator. As a rule, the optimal length of the device is 10 cm shorter than the battery. This will allow it to heat the coolant in the device evenly and quickly.
  • You can install a heating element in a heating radiator with a thermostat if it will be used as an additional heat source. When its function is to heat a house or apartment, additional external electronics will be required to automate the heating process. This makes the device itself somewhat more expensive, but helps save on energy resources during its operation.
  • The pressure in the central heating batteries should also be taken into account. If it tends to increase, then you should periodically bleed the air using a Mayevsky tap.

Important: when purchasing a high-quality heating element, you should approach it not from the standpoint of price, country of manufacture and quality, but according to the technical characteristics specified in the data sheet. As a rule, inexpensive Chinese models immediately attract attention, but you should not rely on cost when the heating element should become the main source of heat. In this case, you will need a reliable and powerful device, and it cannot be cheap.

Power calculations

To choose the optimal heating element for a cast iron battery, you will have to make some calculations.

  • The power of the device is determined by the amount of heat that the room needs. So, to heat 1 m2 you will need 100 W, which means that for a room of 20 m2 you need 2000 W. Since cast iron batteries are used as heaters, the required amount of heat must be divided by the thermal power of one section of the battery, for example, 180 W. It turns out that this room will require 11 cast iron sections. The length of the heating element and its power must correspond to the size and needs of the radiator.
  • Another parameter that should be calculated is the volume of coolant in the structure. This is important, since even a powerful device will not be effective if there is not enough liquid in the battery. Therefore, when purchasing a heating element, it is so important to consider what type of battery it is needed for. The volume of aluminum radiators is only 0.2 l, while in a cast iron battery it can be from 0.6 to 1.5 l, depending on the model and manufacturer.

Approximately 1 kW of heating element power per 15 liters of coolant is taken. Based on this and taking into account the number of radiator sections, it is easy to determine what power the device needs and how many of them should be in the heater.

Steps and rules for installing a heating element in a battery with your own hands

How to install a heating element in a cast iron battery will not cause problems even for a beginner. The only thing you need to do is follow the instructions and follow some safety rules:

  • First of all, you need to stop the water supply to the cast iron radiator and drain it from the system.
  • The lower plug is removed and the heating element is installed in the radiator instead.
  • After tightening the plug, the electronics are installed and water is reintroduced into the system to check the tightness of the structure.

Basic safety requirements:

  • Heating elements cannot be used if there is no high-quality ventilation in the room. Like any electrical appliances, they burn air, which needs to be taken into account, especially in small enclosed spaces.
  • There should be no easily flammable elements near the device connected to the network.
  • Before installing and connecting the heating element into a cast iron battery with your own hands, you need to make sure the quality of the electrical wiring and its ability to withstand additional load.
  • Under no circumstances should you dry clothes or shoes on a radiator with a heating element.

Otherwise, this is an excellent way to additionally heat an apartment in conditions of unstable heat supply. If you need to heat your house with cast iron batteries with heating elements, then you need to make very accurate calculations regarding their power and quantity.

Modern electric heating elements are heating elements equipped with precise and sensitive electronics that help create the necessary microclimate in the room.

A heating element is an electric liquid heater in the form of a metal tube, inside of which there is a spiral. There are many designs and varieties. Heaters are manufactured for both large and small industries.

These heaters are widely installed, for example, in electric boilers and electric boilers, and therefore are also produced by well-known manufacturers.

But in any market you can find heating elements intended for installation in heating radiators. These devices are often manufactured in Poland, Ukraine, and China. They can be equipped with built-in temperature sensors, i.e. work in semi-automatic mode, monitoring the degree of heating.

Based on such electric heaters, you can easily create a heating device with your own hands. This is what home craftsmen use, constructing the simplest heating and, as they think, “saving” a fair amount of money.

But is it really profitable to use heating elements?
Where and in what situations are these electric water heaters usually used? How to install and use heating elements...

How big is the benefit from heating elements?

If you have an old battery, then why not use a heating element to turn it into a heating system for a small utility room - a chicken coop, a workshop, a garage...

There are even myths that heating with heaters is beneficial. But “dreams are shattered by harsh reality” - heating with electricity is the most expensive. Since the most expensive energy carrier is used.

It doesn’t matter whether there is a proprietary programmable electric boiler, or a barrel with a heating element lowered into it on a wire, the efficiency of such electric heaters is about 97%. And then we pay according to the meter...

Keep warm at night

But there is a loophole - a cheap nightly electricity tariff. You can find out exactly about the current tariffs and the possibility of connecting to the night power supply in the local power grid.

True, night electricity cannot be called cheap, but in combination with the “Comfort” indicator, night heating becomes very attractive to the user.

But the price of the electric heating system itself can vary significantly.

Heaters in batteries

When it is cold in apartments with central heating, they are heated additionally with electricity, as well as a gas stove or water heater.

This is where a couple of heavy cast iron batteries with heating elements are used. Compared to branded electric convectors, they have a much higher heat capacity, so you can turn them off for longer and not monitor their operation. But heating is correspondingly longer.

Craftsmen install such radiators mainly in garages, where they like to spend time. Or, for example, for heating animals in cold weather on small farms.

Heating system equipment

It happens that at the dacha, in the garage, etc. There are remains of the former heating system, for example, a couple of radiators with steel pipes. The easiest way to bring the system back to life is to insert electric heaters into it...

But heating elements can also create auxiliary heating in a home heating system. Electric heating perfectly complements a solid fuel boiler. Especially at night, with a cheap tariff. And here “homemade production” is also in demand.

If you attach a pair of 2 kW heaters in a sufficiently large metal pipe, you will get a 4 kW electric boiler. The nuance is that at night it can be connected to a low-power 220 V network, since other consumers are “sleeping,” except for the refrigerator, for example.

Such a “creation”, in practice, can become the main heating during the season in an insulated house, if, of course, a buffer tank is used - a heat accumulator.

How much power will you need?

In a heating system for a whole house, it is better to use 2-kilowatt electric heaters.

But in individual radiators, homemade registers, heating scraps in garages... it is impossible to use heating elements that are too powerful.

Therefore, the power of the heater should not be greater than the thermal power generated by the device at +70 degrees. This is approximately 75% of the radiator's rated power.

One section of both cast iron and aluminum radiators (500 mm between pipes) has a heat transfer power of 170 W at 90 degrees liquid and 20 degrees air. At +70 degrees. heating - one section - 140 W, 7 sections - 1080 W, 10 sections. — 1400 W.
Thus, for a radiator of 7 sections, the power of the heating element should not be more than 1 kW. And for a radiator of 10 sections - no more than 1.4 kW.

The situation is more difficult with homemade registers - their heat transfer is unknown. All that remains is to start using the least powerful heaters.

Which radiator shades to choose

Heating elements for radiators are made on the basis of a plug (base) with a standard thread diameter of 40 mm. All that remains is to unscrew the bottom plug from the radiator and screw in the heater in its place.

The selection of these heaters by power for radiators was discussed above. You should not take more powerful devices to avoid emergency situations. There is no need to overheat the radiator, achieving greater heat transfer.

But these heaters also differ in length. For a free-standing radiator, without fluid movement, longer shades are preferable. Then the heating will be more uniform.

In a flow-through electric boiler, another selection priority is lower hydraulic resistance. Minimizing the influence of heaters by successfully connecting tubes and configuring their location is not a problem for the home craftsman.

The manufacturer, the “Chinese”, is still the most criticized; the best heating elements are considered to be locally produced – Russian-Ukrainian ones.

How to use

Heating elements can be turned on by a room thermostat. Then they are controlled according to the set air temperature.

But in most cases, heaters with built-in temperature relays are used - heating according to the temperature of the coolant.

Liquid expands when heated. Individual radiators and other closed heating systems cannot be completely filled with liquid. In heating systems, an expansion tank is used to compensate for expansion.

In the case of a separate radiator, it is enough to leave at least 10% of the internal volume unfilled - fill the radiator up to the top plug.

Installation of the heating element is as follows. The system is drained, the radiator cap is unscrewed, and the heater is screwed in. In this case, flax with lubricant is usually used as a sealant (metal-to-metal).

The heater is connected to the electrical network in accordance with the PUE, with appropriate contact insulation.

Oil is not allowed

You may find recommendations to fill the radiator with oil, which supposedly turns out to be an analogue of an “oil heater.” Before following such advice, it is recommended to study the experience of a “pyrotechnician” who poured oil onto cardboard, set it on fire, and then tried to put it out.
Oil-filled industrial electrical units (for example, high-voltage oil disconnectors) are operated with special fire safety measures.

If the system freezes, it is necessary to use non-freezing liquids; for one radiator you can use the same car antifreeze. Flammable liquids are not permitted.

There are also other violations.

Is designing with your own hands profitable?

Self-construction of electric heating devices is not encouraged for safety reasons.

It is much more advisable to purchase a ready-made electric space heater, for example, an electric convector that meets the requirements... The manufacturer is responsible for its performance.

Economic feasibility in heating elements can arise, as mentioned, when there is an “abandoned” and “free” shell for it.

But security issues are actually much more important than the benefits obtained in this way.
Nowadays this is understood more often, which is why people are less and less interested in heating elements.

In winter, the warmth in the apartment directly depends on the work of utilities. If even in severe cold the radiators in the house are barely warm, it makes sense to take heating of living spaces into your own hands. To do this, you can install a special heating element for a heating battery with a built-in thermostat. Installation of this device is simple, but it is better to take care of it before the start of the heating season. Let's figure it out in order.

What are electric heating elements?

A heating element is a tubular electric heater. It is essentially a hollow tube made of stainless or carbon steel. Inside there is a wire spiral, which has a high resistance value. For installation, a brass nut is provided, which is screwed into the heating device. The heating element is installed in any radiators, suitable for both old cast iron batteries and modern aluminum and bimetallic ones.

The best option is a heating element equipped with a thermostat. This device will allow you to control the temperature and protect the heating element from overheating. Considering that the device will be installed in a heating radiator, water will play the role of coolant.

Electric heating elements work quite simply. After connecting to the home network, the coil installed inside the tube begins to heat up, transferring energy to the coolant. If the device is equipped with a thermostat, the required temperature mode is set. After the batteries reach the set temperature, the electrical circuit will open and the heating element will turn off. When the liquid in the batteries begins to cool, the device will turn on automatically.

The heating element with a thermostat has several additional modes:

  • Turbo. In this mode, the heater turns on for a short period of time, but uses maximum power. Turbo mode is used to quickly warm up the room.
  • Antifreeze. This function is relevant mainly for non-residential premises. The heating element operates at minimum power, preventing the system from freezing in emergency situations.

An electric heater for a battery allows you to turn a heating device into an autonomous system with minimal cost, time and effort.

Heating element in a heating battery: how to choose

When choosing a heating element for a radiator, several characteristics are taken into account:

  • power;
  • compatibility with battery type;
  • element length;
  • type of automation (internal or external).

The price of the heating element ranges from 750 to 1500 rubles. and depends on power, manufacturer and other parameters.


The power of the heating element varies from 800 to 2,000 watts. When choosing, you can be guided by the following scheme:

  • 20 W/m3. This power is suitable for new buildings that have excellent thermal insulation.
  • 30 W/m3. Recommended for apartments with plastic windows, walls and floors equipped with reliable thermal insulation.
  • 40–50 W/m3. Heaters with this power are recommended for use in older homes.

Battery Type

Electric heaters for different radiators differ in the shape of the outer part of the body, material, thickness and diameter of the plug. The product data sheet states for which batteries the heating element is intended.

On a note. Cast iron radiator plugs usually have a 32mm thread, aluminum radiator plugs usually have a 25mm thread.

Heating tube length

The length of the heating element must be sufficient to ensure circulation of coolant in all sections of the battery and uniform heating. The optimal size corresponds to the length of the radiator minus 10 cm.


Italian heating elements Thermowatt, Ukrainian Electron-T, Polish and Russian models have good reviews. Products from China are not always of high quality.

Installing a heating element: important features

The heating element is installed according to the following scheme: one of the battery plugs is unscrewed, and a heating element is installed in its place using a threaded connection. To ensure the tightness of the joint, a rubber gasket is used.

Mr. Build recommends: it is best to screw in heating elements instead of the bottom plug. There is a logical explanation for this: heated water will rise and cold water will fall, which will ensure efficient operation of the heating element.

This procedure is repeated in each room of the apartment. We remind you that installation is carried out before the start of the heating season.

It is important! Shut-off valves and a bypass must be installed near the radiator to which the electric heater is planned to be connected. If there are no valves, all the heat will go to the neighbors. In the absence of a bypass, the general building heating system will be disrupted.

A few more important points:

  1. Do not use excessive force during the installation process. There is no need to forcefully tighten the contact nuts and the heating element fasteners themselves. Brittle material may burst.
  2. It is strongly recommended that after the shut-off valve, install a safety valve or a small expansion tank with a volume equal to 10% of the battery volume. This is due to the fact that when the coolant in a closed system is heated, it expands and increases the pressure in it.

Rules of operation and maintenance

In order for the heating element installed in the heating battery to serve as long as possible, the following rules are observed:

  1. The heater turns on only if there is water in the battery. If liquid gets on the already heated tube of the device, a small thermal explosion may occur. As a result, not only the heating element will fail: the heating battery may be damaged.
  2. During operation of the device, scale will form on its surface, which must be cleaned off periodically. The recommended maintenance schedule is once every three months. If the thickness of scale on the heating tube exceeds 2 millimeters, heat transfer will decrease and the device may fail.
  3. To eliminate possible voltage surges, it is recommended to connect the heating element through an uninterruptible power supply or stabilizer. When installed, the heater is grounded.
  4. Manufacturers recommend using only distilled water as a coolant. In apartment buildings with a common riser, it is unrealistic to comply with this requirement, so it is necessary to clean the heating elements from scale more often.


Installing a heating element is one of the ways to ensure comfort and coziness in residential premises. This design can be compared to an electric oil radiator, but it provides faster and more uniform heating of all rooms in the apartment. But you need to keep in mind that with constant use of such a device, electricity bills will increase very significantly. The installation sequence of radiator heating elements is shown in the video below.

When searching for optimal heating schemes, people often forget about proven methods of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the house. Along with traditional solid fuel boilers, in some cases it is optimal to use heating elements for heating a house with your own hands: batteries, radiators, boilers can include this heating element. However, before you start installing equipment, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

When is it advisable to use heating elements?

First of all, it should be clarified that it is not recommended to make a homemade heater for a heating radiator. This is due to compliance with operational safety regulations. In such designs, it is difficult to prevent a short circuit when electric current penetrates the coolant. Therefore, do-it-yourself heating using heating elements should only be done using factory models.

The heating element is a metal spiral with a high electrical resistance. It is enclosed in a metal shell, which is filled with oil. This ensures a better heat transfer coefficient during operation of the device. When connected to an electrical network, the coil begins to heat up, transferring thermal energy to the surface of the shell. It, in turn, is a heat exchanger between the heating element and water.

It is important to use heating elements for heating in the following cases:

  • Creation of heating systems without a main line. To do this, you will need a heating element for a heating radiator with the ability to regulate power;
  • Included in electric boilers. If factory models are too expensive, you can make an analogue with your own hands. It is recommended to use a special heating element for the heating boiler as the main heating device. It is characterized by increased power, in most cases it is designed for a network voltage of 380 V;
  • For quick heating of the room. Unlike solid fuel for a gas boiler, heating with electric heaters has a minimum heating time for the coolant. If you need to quickly increase the temperature in the room, it is best to use this type of heating.

In addition, electric heating devices are small in size. They are successfully integrated not only into boilers and heating radiators, but also directly into the pipe. Thanks to this, the dimensions of the entire system are reduced, which is important for small houses and apartments. The disadvantage of heating with self-made heaters is the high running costs. In a comparative analysis of various energy carriers, electricity will turn out to be the most expensive.

Is it really effective to use heating elements for heating radiators? Reviews often contain conflicting information. This is mainly due to the lifespan of the heater. The reason for this is improper installation and operation of the device.

You can install a heating element into the heating system yourself. Manufacturers often include installation instructions with the device.

Rules for installation and operation of heating elements

One of the main parameters for each electrical appliance is its rated power. Correct installation of the heater in the heating system is carried out only after calculating this value. To do this you need to use a simple formula:


Where m– mass of energy carrier, kg, Tk And TN– value of water temperature after and before heating, T– required time to raise temperature to optimal Tk.

For a 6-section aluminum radiator m will be equal to 0.45*6=2.7 kg. Let's pretend that Тк=80°С, A Тн=20°С. The heating time should be 10 minutes. In this case, the optimal power that electric heating elements for heating radiators should have will be:

Р=0.066*2.7(80-20)/10=1.06 kW

It is taken into account that the coolant is water. With the use of antifreeze, the rated power of the heater for the heating battery must be increased with an adjustment 1.44 – 1.06*1.44=1.52 kW.

Then you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for installing electric heating elements for heating your home.

The outer shell must always be in water. If this is not done, the heat from the coil will not be compensated by the low water temperature. As a result, the heating element will quickly fail due to overheating. Therefore, the heater for heating a house is mounted at the lowest point of the radiator. In this case, it will not be in the possible zone of formation of air jams.

Coolant quality

It is best to use distilled water as it contains minimal % of impurities. When heated, they form a layer of scale on the surface of the protective shell. This not only leads to loss of efficiency of the device, but is also the main cause of corrosion.

Sealing joints

When installing the heater into the heating system, you must first read the instructions from the manufacturer. If it states that the end joints of the electrodes must be additionally sealed, this must be done. Otherwise, if water gets on the surface of the heating coil, the danger for those living in the house increases. After familiarizing yourself with these rules, you can begin installing a heating element.

Not every heating element is suitable for a heating radiator. Only special models with the appropriate mounting diameter should be selected.

Radiator electric heating at home

Before installing a heating element into the heating system, you need radiator parameters. The main one is the diameter of the connecting pipe. Currently, manufacturers produce products in two sizes - 1/2 and 3/4 inches. Then a comparative analysis of the heating parameters is carried out before and after installing the heating element.

Connecting the heating element to the existing heating

If it will be used as an additional method of heating water, you need to take into account the change in hydraulic pressure when passing through the radiator. Since the flow diameter of the system this month will be smaller, it is recommended to install a pump of higher power.

When connecting a radiator to the system, installing a heating element for heating the house will not be possible. To do this, you must either change the connection diagram to the top, or install a heating element on the top of the battery, which is not recommended by experts.

They are often installed in old cast iron batteries. Before performing work, you must first check the direction of the thread of the pipe (right or left) and also measure its diameter. Then you should follow this scheme:

  • Coolant drain. It is prohibited to install a heating element in a heating radiator if there is water in it;
  • Checking the battery level. Even at a slight angle of inclination, the likelihood of air pockets significantly increases;
  • Installing the heating element into the pipe. To seal the holes, you must use the gaskets supplied with the heating element or make them yourself;
  • Installation of a unit with a thermostat, if included.

After this, you need to fill the system with water. Using the installed Mayevsky crane, possible air pockets are removed. Before switching on, to ensure safety, a tester is used to check any possible heating coil-battery circuit. If there is one, you need to dismantle the heating element and install it again, improving the sealing.

Radiator electric heating

When organizing heating using heating elements made by yourself, installation of a pipeline is not necessary. A heating element must be installed on each radiator. At the same time, it is possible to install models of different power depending on the thermal conditions in a specific room of the house. The advantages of such a system are as follows:

  • Saving on the purchase of materials and reducing the labor intensity of installation work;
  • If you use a heating element and a temperature sensor connected to it, the degree of heating of the room will be adjusted automatically;
  • Minimum system heating inertia.

But all these positive qualities can be offset by the total cost of service. Therefore, before heating with electric heaters, you need to calculate not only the cost of purchasing materials and components, but also the subsequent costs of electricity. Only after this should a heating system of this type be introduced.

It is recommended to purchase factory radiators with installed heating elements. Their operating efficiency is higher than that of homemade ones, since special oil is used as a coolant. Even when the heating element is turned off, it will give off heat to the room for some time.

DIY electric boiler

Is it possible to make a boiler that uses electric heaters to heat a house yourself? First you need to familiarize yourself with the design of factory models.

They consist of a block with an installed heating element, a control and safety system. Unlike traditional boilers, it is small in size and can be installed almost anywhere in the system. For manufacturing you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Block of heating elements. It is best to use this type of heaters, as they have maximum power;
  • Thermostat and temperature sensor;
  • Steel body divided into two zones. In one there will be an electric heating element with a thermostat for heating, and in the second a control and protection unit will be installed.

Since the heating element in the heating system must be constantly in the water, it is recommended to install a liquid level sensor. Liquid circulation occurs through the inlet and outlet pipes. To improve this process, a connection block for the circulation pump is provided. But it should be noted that it is not recommended to make such boilers with a power above 9 kW for a private home. This is due to the maximum load on the power grid and high overhead costs.

An additional heating element installed with a thermostat in the heating can be used as a way to prevent the coolant from freezing. To do this, the device can operate at minimum power.

How to choose heating elements

How to choose the right heater for a heating system? Currently, there are many manufacturers who offer similar products. However, both the quality and technical parameters do not always correspond to the required ones. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the following operational characteristics of the heater:

  • Rated and maximum power. If a heating element is needed for a heating boiler, its power should be sufficient for the system to operate. The simplest method of calculation is per 10 square meters. at home you need 1 kW of thermal energy;
  • Electrical network type. For models with power up to 3 kW, you can use a 220 V home network. If you plan to install a heater for a heating system of higher power, a three-phase 380 V network should be installed. This may be due to difficulties in completing the documentation;
  • The presence of a thermostat. For a radiator electric heating system, this is the main selection factor. If you purchase a heater without the ability to adjust the power, it will constantly work at maximum mode. This will dramatically increase electricity costs;
  • Price. The average price of a 2 kW model starts from 900 rubles. The cost of more powerful ones can be up to 6,000 rubles. They are often made to order.

The appearance of the heating element can also affect its performance and efficiency. The best option would be to purchase a finned heating element for a heating boiler. It differs from conventional ones in that additional heat exchange plates are located on the protective shell.

Thanks to them, the heating area increases. This design is typical for heating elements in heating radiators of larger diameter. Reviews about them indicate increased heat transfer even at minimum operating mode. But their overall dimensions do not always make it possible to install them in a battery. Therefore, simple tubular type heaters are most often purchased. To increase efficiency, you can buy a block of heating elements with a thermostat. It differs from traditional ones by the presence of several heating elements on one base.

Prevention of breakdowns of heating elements

Even after you have managed to professionally install heating elements for heating systems, you must follow the operating rules. First, the ability of the electrical network to withstand maximum loads is checked. To do this, you need to sum up all the power of electrical appliances in the house and add a factor of 1.2 to the resulting figure for the power reserve. The cross-section of the electrical wiring must withstand the rated power without overheating or short circuiting.

The operation of the heating elements in the device consists in the gradual destruction of the heating spiral. Therefore, heaters intended for radiators must have a maximum service life of at least 10 years, which is confirmed by the manufacturer. In addition, you must follow these rules:

  • Do not add tap water to pipes or heating radiators. This can lead to scale formation on the surface of the heating element. Use only distilled water;
  • Installation of an RCD (residual current device) is required. You can connect one or more heating elements to it. When an emergency occurs, this device will cut off the power supply;
  • Frequently turning the heater on and off when heating a house reduces its service life;
  • If static electricity is observed on the surface of the battery, you urgently need to check the tightness of the heating element;
  • Installing a heating element into a heating boiler or radiator without grounding is prohibited.

You cannot install a heater in a heating system without first checking the grounding. To do this, it is best to use the services of an electrical laboratory.

Broken heating element in the boiler or boiler

Despite their reliability, failure of electric heating heating elements is quite common. If this is a factory model, you can do independent repairs only if you have confidence in your own abilities. It is best to contact a specialized company, since in addition to the heating element, other important parts of the system can be damaged during unqualified repairs.

If you decide to restore the boiler’s functionality yourself, you first need to familiarize yourself with its design. To do this, you can use the data from the passport or look at the data on the manufacturer’s website. Before dismantling the heating element, the device must be secured. Then the coolant is drained. You can check the performance of the heater using the indicator. The passport must indicate the resistance value when closing the circuit. If the indicators do not coincide with the original ones, a new heating element is installed. The best option is to install a similar device from the same manufacturer.

Before installing a heating element into the heating system, you need to make good thermal insulation in your apartment or house. This will reduce ongoing electricity costs, which in turn will increase the life of the heating element.

Heating elements for heating radiators are installed in any types of batteries (ours is only for cast iron, with a G11/4 connector). They can work effectively with cast iron, bimetallic, steel and aluminum radiators. Heating elements are widely used for individual use in small rooms, cottages, warehouses or offices. A self-installed radiator heating element is well suited for providing comfortable working and living conditions if there is no central heating. In the Iskra online store you can buy and supply a heating element for a battery with the parameters you need at a competitive price.

Operating principle of heating elements for radiator heating

A heating element with a power of 1.5 kW is ideal for heating a small room. For areas larger than 20 m², 2.5 kW radiator heaters are used. If this is a large office, warehouse or gym, radiators with a thermostat placed around the perimeter are best suited. They will be able to heat the air quite quickly, and when the required temperature is reached, they will turn off so that there is no waste of electricity.

  • A flange connection is used for mounting in the radiator, and the heater itself has an oblong, narrowed shape.
  • The flange is equipped with a thread running along the outer perimeter, and for quick tightening there is a protrusion in the form of a hexagon.
  • The heating element with a thermostat is equipped with a special hole for mounting sensors and additional contacts for connection.
  • The use of sensors guarantees safe and comfortable heating in conditions where there is no other way to warm the room.

Our advantages

The Iskra online store is ready to supply goods not only to Moscow and the region. We will send your order to any region of the country as quickly as possible. The production will supply heating elements of any type, size and design from the catalog. After prepayment credited to the company's account, shipment is carried out strictly according to schedule. We work with everyone individually and respect the interests of private owners and large contractors equally.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):