Buy a written school desk For a first grader, the right school chair is no less important than buying a school bag.

Cheap and cheerful: which one is better to buy a school desk for a first grader?

Of course, you can get by with a classic school desk and a school chair, which are found in schools. Finding them is not difficult, just search for “school chair”, “desk”, “children’s school furniture", and so on. (the Quorus company sells cheap furniture for school).

Another question is how comfortable it will be for a child to study at home at the same school desk? It may be better to purchase an orthopedic desk.

It seems to me that for a first-grader it is important not only to buy a set of furniture, but it is equally important to buy a soft, cozy fluffy carpet, and a good comfortable table lamp. As well as a convenient rack or cabinet for textbooks . The shelves should be located so that the child can easily get textbooks and notebooks without getting up.

Perfect option, purchase everything as a set, that is, a children's room, but this is not always possible. (for example, children's room "Indigo", etc.).

It is cheaper to purchase furniture for a schoolchild after September, towards the end of October.

Tatyana, mother of a third-grader: “in first grade, we bought the right expensive school chair with adjustable back and seat, as a result, the child does his homework anywhere, but not behind school table."

How to choose table height

If you cannot take your child with you to the store - measure the length of the leg from foot to knee - this is the height of the chair (from the floor to the seat), the height of the table - measure his height to the chest in a sitting position on the right chair (feet are completely on the floor) .

  • Child height 110-119 (table height 52 cm) (chair height 32 cm)
  • Child height 120-129 (table 57 cm) (chair 35 cm)
  • Child’s height is from 130 to 140 (table 62 cm) (chair 38 cm)
  • Glu seat bin 50 cm.

As for the desk: adjustable school desks, judging by reviews from parents, are very comfortable and durable. But not all parents like the fact that it looks like a regular desk at school.

If there are other younger children in the house, be sure to buy a cabinet (or a table with a cabinet) with a drawer that can be locked with a key. Kids love to draw in textbooks (which are issued at school and must be returned clean) of their older brothers and sisters..

Choosing a desk for a schoolchild

What table to buy for a first grader:

  • Mo Well, but buy a regular adult desk with height adjustment (because the tilt that a child’s desk has is essentially unnecessary) Sold at Ikea , for 5799, table "Galant".

  • Det a desk for a schoolchild with height adjustment of the desk and chair, with an inclination for drawing. (price from 8000rub.). For example, Children's desk transformer "Cs-1 beech" from 6,000 rubles. and higher. Party from "Demi-furniture" and others.

Desk Fairy growing together for 3350 rubles. (company "Eskay")

A monoblock school desk, like in Soviet childhood, will cost only 1,823 rubles.

Modernized monoblock desks with height adjustment will cost a little more, from 2,684 rubles.

  • Set – bunk bed, where does the table go?(retractable or regular), orthopedic cre bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers. (the price of such a set can be from 9240 rubles. For example, the bed “Carlson-micro 1” (company “Lubimchiki”, etc.), or “Priut-2”, etc.)

Carlson Mini 1

Or a table that is not connected to the bed, but can be pushed inside, for example the Legend bed at a price of 11,750 rubles. (Mebilisimo company)

  • To prevent your child from slouching, you can buy an orthopedic desk.
  • About an ordinary children's school desk. Really cheap, but too reminiscent of school.

Transformable desk priced at RUB 4,200. "Kantor 136" (made in Czech Republic-China)

Desk "Growing Together" priced at RUB 9,980. (All Kids company) RUB 14,750. ( Russian company"Growing together")

School desk EVOLIFE MINIMAX 6980 rub. (Growing Together company)

Choosing a school chair or a chair for a first grader

Choosing the right and convenient one is more important than buying, new table. The main thing is that the furniture for the student is correctly adjusted in height. A school chair should not spin! This will greatly distract you from your studies.

Your home should be comfortable, so it’s better to choose a chair with armrests. It’s even better to focus on yourself - what’s convenient for an adult when working is also convenient for a child, only in a reduced size. Personally, I find it convenient to work while sitting on a wide office chair with handles. But for a child, such a chair should have adjustable height and position of the seat and backrest.

Also good for a school chair, as it automatically forces you to sit correctly with a straight back. Plus, active kids will definitely love it.

If you have the means, it is best to buy a model from the manufacturer Moll (price from 12,000 rubles). Chairs with similar functions are available in Ikea, in the Mega and Metro stores.

You can read a lot of recommendations about what is useful and how to do it right, but you will still choose according to your needs, based on personal experience. Therefore, it is necessary to choose with the child, so that he can sit down, touch, feel.

The light from the table lamp should fall from the left.

Modern doctors advise buying a table-desk, at which lessons are done while standing. (Please note how often children do not want to sit and try to draw, read, etc. while lying on the carpet, standing at the windowsill, etc.)

Necessary: ​​a cup for pens, pencils, a shelf for textbooks and notebooks on the table.

A place to rest, such as a soft carpet, will help your child take a break from homework.

Auchan-Sokolniki (September, 2014) - several examples of a desk or desk for a schoolchild.

Desk Athlete priced at RUB 2,285. (Auchan-Sokolniki store).

Adjustable children's table at a price of 8,000 rubles. ("Auchan-Sokolniki")

A schoolchild's desk is compact and costs RUB 1,650. ("Auchan-Sokolniki")


Pay attention to the size of the table. It is best to choose a table made specifically for children of this age category. The child is just starting to learn, so it is important that he is comfortable doing his homework. The table should not be too big or, conversely, too small. There should be enough space for textbooks, notebooks, pencils, pens and other office supplies. Make sure that the child's elbows rest freely on the table surface and that he does not have to stretch. When sitting, the tabletop should be slightly below chest level. In addition, from time to time you will have to help your child with homework, so there should be enough space at the table for you too.

Consider the presence of a computer on the table. Since computer education is one of the mandatory components of modern school curriculum education, every child should have a PC. Therefore, when choosing a desk, keep in mind that, in addition to textbooks and notebooks, it should have space for a monitor and keyboard. The system unit is usually placed under the table, but the remaining parts will always be on the countertop. They should not interfere with the child’s homework, so it is best to buy a generalized version of the desk and computer desk. As a rule, it will be large enough to accommodate both a monitor and textbooks with notebooks. It is also better to choose a table with a special pull-out compartment for the keyboard and a stand for system unit.

Choose a table with built-in shelves and cabinets. A first grader usually needs quite a lot stationery– these are books, notebooks, copybooks, and craft items ( colored paper, plasticine, pencils, etc.). To ensure that all this does not clutter the table, make sure there are pull-out drawers for small items and built-in shelves for books and notebooks. It would be nice if there was a special shelf for CDs and a holder for textbooks.

Pay attention to the material of the table. It can be chipboard, MDF, natural wood or glass. Chipboard is one of the cheapest materials, which, firstly, is not very durable, secondly, short-lived, and thirdly, not the safest from an environmental point of view, since it contains the substance formaldehyde. MDF is a material in the form of tiles that is made by pressing wood chips. It is a little safer than chipboard, but not as durable and environmentally friendly as natural wood. A table made of real wood will last you and your child for a very long time. You should not take a glass table, as there is always a risk of breaking glass furniture and getting hurt. In addition, glass is very cold material which may cause discomfort to the child.

Buy a table in the presence of a child. Go to furniture store When choosing a desk, it is best to work with a child, since he is the one who should sit and work at it. Let your child try to sit at a table right in the store and evaluate for himself how comfortable he is. In addition, providing the baby independent choice, you practically provide the future table with the status of “favorite”, thereby increasing the child’s comfort and desire to learn from the first grade.

The first of September, Knowledge Day, which for some reason is called a holiday, is one of the saddest days of the year for thousands of schoolchildren across the country. If a smiling first-grader with a heavy briefcase and a bouquet of flowers knew that his “First Bell” was a harbinger of ten years of hard labor, he would go to the festive “line” as if he were being executed.
However, school is a stage that needs to be passed through. And the responsibilities of parents who send their son or daughter to this sad place include equipping their child’s workplace at home. If the little crammer cannot avoid studying, then you can at least make his life more convenient, right?

Why should parents take a responsible approach to equipping a schoolchild’s workplace, if not in the classroom, then at least in the nursery? A child, and then a teenager, will spend hours at his desk. If the table and chair are uncomfortable, this will not only affect comfort, but also harm health, posture, and even grades in the diary.

Adjustable desk – practical and convenient

Of course, parents of first-graders can buy regular table and a chair, and then change them as the schoolboy or schoolgirl grows up. However, it will become more practical, both from a financial point of view and from the point of view of comfort for the child. adjustable desk. There are quite a lot of such desks, just look at the catalogue:

This model is designed so that its owner can study for as long as possible - the legs of the desk are height-adjustable so that the tabletop matches the height of the child. In cooler models, the tilt of the tabletop is also adjustable - you can study at such a desk for hours. Parents will appreciate this. As an alternative to the desk, you can purchase desk, their range is also varied -

Don't forget about functionality

A home desk is a multifunctional station. Unlike a school desk, a home desk can be equipped with drawers, various stands for textbooks and books, and trays for pens and pencils. It’s safe to say that your child will definitely be inspired to choose such a desk. Who knows, perhaps this inspiration and desire to sit at such a cool desk will influence his desire to study in the future.

The student should also sit comfortably - on a chair whose height, back, seat are adjustable - in general, everything is done so that he learns his lessons without tears in his eyes.

Separately, I would like to say a few words about computer desks. Without a laptop or personal computer Almost no adult schoolchild can get by. Even if you plan to restrict his access to games and the Internet, computer desk he will still need it. It can also, under certain assumptions, serve as a study corner for a teenager who has fewer books and educational process is gradually moving into digital format -

How to choose a desk?

The best place to start is by choosing sizes. Experienced parents know that a schoolchild has a lot of things and accessories that need to be correctly placed on the table surface. Therefore, the best option, if your budget and free space in the room allows, is a desk with a tabletop width of 120 centimeters.

Then we pay attention to functionality - we take into account the child’s wishes, but we prioritize practicality. On at this stage select the number of shelves, drawers, stands, trays.

Finally, we choose the material of the desk. It is desirable that the table top can be wiped, erasing the results of creativity, and the legs and other elements do not turn into dust collectors. The color of the desk can be chosen together with the future owner.

In the past, adjustable school desks were only produced by reputable brands and cost a pretty penny. Today you can choose a Russian or Korean made, which is practically not inferior to more expensive analogues either in quality, service life, or functionality.— link

How to choose a desk for a first grader

Buying a desk for a first grader and the right school chair is no less important than buying a school bag.

Cheap and cheerful: which one school desk Is it better to buy for a first grader?

Of course, you can get by with a classic school desk and a school chair, which are found in schools. Finding them is not difficult, just search for “school chair”, “desk”, “children’s school furniture”, etc. (The Quorus company sells cheap furniture for schools).

Another question is how comfortable it will be for a child to study at home at the same school desk? It might be better to buy orthopedic desk.

It seems to me that for a first-grader it is important not only to buy a set of furniture, but it is equally important to buy a soft, cozy fluffy carpet, and a good, comfortable table lamp. As well as a convenient rack or cabinet for textbooks . The shelves should be located so that the child can easily get textbooks and notebooks without getting up.

The ideal option is to purchase everything as a set, that is, a children's room, but this is not always possible. (for example, children's room “Indigo”, etc.)

It is cheaper to purchase furniture for a schoolchild after September, towards the end of October.

Tatyana, mother of a third-grader: “in first grade, we bought the right expensive school chair with adjustable back and seat, as a result, the child does his homework anywhere, but not at the school desk.”

How to choose table height

If you cannot take your child with you to the store - measure the length of your leg from foot to knee - this is the height of the chair (from the floor to the seat), the height of the table - measure his height to the chest in a sitting position on the right chair (feet are completely on the floor) .

Child height 110-119 (table height 52 cm) (chair height 32 cm)

Child height 120-129 (table 57 cm) (chair 35 cm)

Child’s height is from 130 to 140 (table 62 cm) (chair 38 cm)

Seat depth 50 cm.

As for the desk: adjustable school desks, judging by reviews from parents, are very comfortable and durable. But not all parents like the fact that it looks like a regular desk at school.

If there are other younger children in the house, be sure to buy a cabinet (or a table with a cabinet) with a drawer that can be locked with a key; kids love to draw in textbooks (which are issued at school and must be returned clean) of their older brothers and sisters.

Choosing a desk for a schoolchild

What table to buy for a first grader:

1. You can buy a regular adult desk with height adjustment (because the tilt that a child’s desk has is essentially unnecessary). Sold at Ikea, for 5799, Galant table.

2. A children's desk for a schoolchild with height adjustment of the desk and chair, with an inclination for drawing. (price from 8000 rub.). For example, Children's desk transformer “Cs-1 beech” from 6,000 rubles. and higher. Party from "Demi-furniture" and others.

Desk Fairy growing together for 3350 rubles. (Eskay company)

A monoblock school desk, like in Soviet childhood, will cost only 1,823 rubles.

Modernized monoblock desks with height adjustment will cost a little more, from 2,684 rubles.

3. Set – bunk bed , which includes a table (retractable or regular), an orthopedic chair, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers. (the price of such a set can be from 9240 rubles. For example, the bed “Carlson-micro 1” (company “Lyubimchiki”, etc.), or “Priut-2”, etc.)

Carlson Mini 1

Or a table that is not connected to the bed, but can be pushed inside, for example the Legend bed at a price of 11,750 rubles. (Mebilisimo company)

4. To prevent your child from slouching, you can buy an orthopedic desk.

5. A regular children's school desk. Really cheap, but too reminiscent of school.

Transformable desk priced at RUB 4,200. "Kantor 136" (made in the Czech Republic-China)

Desk “Growing Together” priced at RUB 9,980. (All Kids company) RUB 14,750. (Russian company “Growing Together”).

School desk EVOLIFE MINIMAX 6980 rub. (Growing Together company)

Choosing a school chair or a chair for a first grader

Choose the right one and comfortable armchair For a first grader, it’s more important than buying a new desk. The main thing is that the furniture for the student is correctly adjusted in height. A school chair should not spin! This will greatly distract you from your studies.

Parents strive to purchase high-quality, reliable things for their children. From the right choice depends on the health and academic performance of the child. After all, if the furniture where you have to do homework is uncomfortable, the baby will not be able to sit here for a sufficient amount of time. It will be difficult for him to learn his lessons at home. This is why it is so important to approach the process responsibly.

When choosing sizes for a schoolchild, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts. There are certain rules that allow you to purchase optimal furniture. Having a good time long time at the desk, the student must sit correctly. The health of his back, vision, as well as comfort and performance directly depend on this. A child cannot sit at an uncomfortable table for long. This will make it difficult to concentrate on educational material. How to choose optimal sizes Experts will advise.

Where to begin?

The second most important thing is the quality of materials. The durability of the product and its comfort for the student depend on this indicator. The correspondence of the presented furniture to the interior of the room should not escape the attention of the buyer, but nevertheless this is a secondary issue. The main thing is that the child likes the table. During the selection process, parents should pay attention to the quality of the fasteners. Children are very active, so the table must be strong and of good quality.

This is one of the most expensive purchases that parents of a first grader need to make. But a desk, chosen correctly, can be used for several years.

Popular table shape

Studying standard sizes desk for a schoolchild, you need to pay attention to the shape. There are several popular options for the presented furniture. The first form is the oldest. But she is still in trend. These are rectangular tables with a small number of drawers.

Next, you should pay attention to such a variety as a computer desk. Nowadays, many schoolchildren have appropriate office equipment. The tables have a special place for a monitor, disks, and a retractable panel for the keyboard.

If the size of the room allows, you can purchase an L-shaped version. On one side, the child can do written work, and on the other, work on the computer.

Another popular design principle is the transformable table. It is adjusted to the child’s growth, so this product lasts longer than conventional types of children’s furniture.

Making tables

The dimensions of a desk for a schoolchild are regulated by GOST 11015-71. He allocates groups of children according to their height. There are 5 categories in total, which are marked by letter or color. To make it easier to understand the principles that are used in the manufacture of tables, it is necessary to consider a table of their sizes for schoolchildren.

When manufacturing furniture for schoolchildren, we adhere to the presented standards. This allows you to provide children with comfortable tables. Fatigue in this case is significantly reduced. This makes it possible to provide up to 85% of children with suitable furniture for productive learning.

One of the drawing options with dimensions is presented below. All parameters are selected in accordance with the specified GOST.

Table dimensions

To make it easier for parents to choose the correct dimensions of furniture, it is necessary to consider a drawing of a desk with dimensions for a schoolchild (presented below). So that the child can freely lay out his notebooks, textbooks on it, the width working area must be at least 60 cm and length - 120 cm.

I - table length (120 cm).

II - table width (60 cm).

If there will be a laptop or computer on a regular rectangular table, you need to take into account the dimensions of the equipment. The furniture will be even wider and longer. In this case, special types of tables will help to organize correctly. It is also important to choose their height correctly.

The distance from the floor to the tabletop should correspond to the height of the child. To prevent him from slouching, the desk should be high enough.

But if this parameter exceeds the norm, the little student’s legs will not reach the floor. It is very uncomfortable. There are other sizes that you pay attention to when choosing.

Table parameters

When choosing the size of a desk for a schoolchild according to GOST, you need to pay attention to a number of other parameters. It should be noted that the desk is selected at the same time as the chair. When the child sits behind it, his feet should be on the floor. The knees should be bent at an angle of 90º.

There should be enough free space under the table. If there are drawers here, the distance for the child’s legs should be 45 cm in length and at least 50 cm in width.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the angle of inclination of the tabletop. Ideally, it is 30°. If the furniture is not sloped, you need to purchase a stand for books and notebooks.

How to check if your choice is correct

The optimal size of a desk for a schoolchild should be selected together with the child. You need to ask the baby to sit on the chair. Elbows lie freely. In this case, the shoulders should not be raised. Feet are on the floor. The distance from them to the tabletop should be 15 cm.

If the height is chosen correctly, the surface of the furniture will be at the level of the child’s solar plexus.

There is another simple test to evaluate the correct height of the furniture. When the student sits down at the table, you need to ask him to put his hands in front of him. Next, the child should reach the eye with the tip of his middle finger. If this condition is met, the choice is correct.

Additional equipment

Desks for schoolchildren may have various additional elements. The rules listed above will help you determine the size. But the dimensions of the furniture also depend on its configuration.

To avoid chaos in the workplace, you will need various shelves and drawers. The set may also include different bedside tables. Such additional elements must be on wheels. This will allow you to freely move the bedside tables if necessary.

The shelves above the table can be open. Drawers in the desk are also necessary. Some doors can be locked with a key. This will give the child the opportunity to feel his personal space and keep some of his secrets.

Review of inexpensive models

In search of the best furniture options, you need to consider a review of comfortable desks for schoolchildren. Among the inexpensive varieties (from 6 to 10 thousand rubles) it is worth highlighting such models as “Delta-10”, “DEMI”, R-304, Grifon Style R800.

It's pretty quality options furniture for schoolchildren. They are noted as the best in the low-price segment by many buyers. The materials from which the presented tables are made are safe for children.

Wanting to use furniture for a long time, it’s worth buying “DEMI”. It can be adjusted to suit the child's growth. If the baby slouches or sits incorrectly, you can give preference to the R-304 table. It has a special cutout that corrects posture. If there is a computer on the desk, it is better to buy the R800.

Review of medium and expensive tables

When studying the size of a desk for a schoolchild, you should pay attention to expensive and mid-priced products. Their price starts at 11 thousand rubles. Up to 15 thousand rubles. such popular models as Direct 1200M, Comstep-01/BB, orthopedic Conductor-03/Milk&B, Mealux BD-205 will cost. These are stylish beautiful models With wide range functions. They are selected according to the child's needs.

Users note that the Moll Champion transforming table has an optimal price-quality ratio. Its cost is about 35 thousand rubles. The tabletop is divided into three functional areas. This is furniture that is comfortable in all respects. Durability and comfort are confirmed by numerous user reviews.

When choosing the size of a desk for a schoolchild, parents strive to buy the most comfortable furniture. In addition to dimensions, for this you need to pay attention to the shape. The lines should be smooth and streamlined.

Surfaces quality furniture have no snags or irregularities. The table should not smell like varnish or other chemicals. A surface that is too soft will not last long. This is typical for low-quality plastic. Therefore, it is better to give preference to more expensive, but high-quality materials.

It is also necessary to consider the harmonious arrangement of furniture in the interior. It is very important to create correct lighting. Therefore, it is initially necessary to place the table so that a sufficient amount of water falls on it. daylight. It is also necessary to install a lamp. This is a mandatory attribute of a student’s desktop. Some models already have corresponding places for connecting the lamp.

By approaching the selection process responsibly, you can buy high-quality, durable furniture. At such a table it will be convenient for the child to perform homework. He will not slouch or get tired quickly. If a young schoolchild really likes this thing, he will be able to spend a sufficient amount of time at the table. And his academic performance depends on this. The table is the child’s personal corner. Therefore, the choice of this piece of furniture must be approached as responsibly as possible.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Son or daughter school age should study at home. This means that there is a need for new furniture. Desk or table-desk, transformer - there are many options. The choice is based on parameters such as furniture type, price, design, functionality. The orthopedic component is also important: posture should not suffer.

Types of desks for first graders

Furniture manufacturers make the most different types similar medal. The difference is design features, sizes, design, functionality.

They are often equipped with cabinets and additional drawers and various add-ons.

By design, the following types are distinguished:

  • monoblock;
  • transformer;
  • folding desk;
  • changing the height of the desk (growing).

Monoblock desk

This type of desk is distinguished by the fact that it has a single design. The tabletop and chair are one piece. These desks have a metal frame.

The advantages are simplicity, reliability and the absence of the need to purchase an additional chair.

This option is convenient because it will serve the student for a long time, sometimes until graduation. The peculiarity of transformers is the possibility of adjustments. The tabletop lends itself to this (as a rule, the slope and height relative to the seat and floor change). Changes are made as the student grows. This feature often compensates for the high cost of the design. True, a children's desk with height adjustment and a chair has disadvantages: bulkiness and large mass.

The cost of some transformable desks for first-graders reaches 30–40 thousand rubles or more.

This table is complemented by shelves, retractable organizers and stands for textbooks. Often included is a stationary pencil case and a cabinet. A chair (transformable or orthopedic) is purchased separately if it is not included in the set. The mechanism for adjusting the height of the desk can be a gas lift or manual adjustment.

Folding desk for home

The advantage of this design is that when folded it takes up minimal space, weighs little and is very easy to transport. Some models adapt to the child's growth. There can be several height levels for the table and seat. The table top of a folding desk is also often adjustable in the horizontal plane. To some extent, a folding structure for the home can be considered a type of transformable desk.

The abundance of adjustments and ease of storage make this table for a first-grader indispensable if you have a small apartment.

When folded, it can be stored under the bed or behind a closet. Some models are designed for children 95–150 cm tall. Simple and lightweight desks with several fixation positions can cost between 4–5 thousand rubles.

An excellent choice is a desk with adjustable height, which increases in size as the child grows. One such design may be enough for several years - until the moment when a first-grader enters adolescence. A growing desk for a schoolchild for home is equipped with additional attachments on the side or back. They add useful space to the countertop (up to 2.5–3 times).

Many models are complemented by a book stand, a drawer, a ruler-barrier against slipping, and even a lamp with an information screen.

There are also sets with a chair. There are no disadvantages to growing models for first graders. It is important to check all mechanisms for reliability; this guarantees the durability of the furniture. The cost of growing tables for first-graders averages 12–15 thousand rubles.

How to choose a desk for a first grader

First, decide on the type of desk. The best option It is considered a growing table for the home, which has a wide range of adjustment. The adjustment mechanism must be light and reliable, and have good fixation. To avoid making mistakes when purchasing furniture, consider several criteria:

  • Safety. Make sure the desk is stable and there are no sharp corners. The latter should be rounded.
  • Tabletop tilt angle. Optimal angle tilt when writing – 15°, reading – 30°, drawing – 0–5°. For this reason, it is important that the tabletop tilts up to 30°, but some models have an angle of up to 60°.

  • Colors. Give preference pastel colors: wood, light green, light blue, peach, soft pink, beige. Avoid bright furniture, for example, red or yellow. It can impair concentration and cause irritation.
  • Tabletop surface. Give preference to the matte option. Glossy surface reflects glare and contributes to rapid eye fatigue.
  • Cover dimensions. It should be such that the child places both elbows on the edge of the table for the house, but in such a way that he does not have the desire to tilt his body forward. The dimensions of the tabletop should not be less than 60x60 cm.
  • Material of manufacture. It must be environmentally friendly and not emit hazardous substances, for example, formaldehyde. The ideal option is a desk made of solid wood, but this option is rare and is very expensive. Often the tabletop is made of MDF or chipboard. The frame is usually made of steel. Individual elements can be made of plastic.

  • Availability of add-ons and other devices. It’s good if the desk is equipped with hooks on which backpacks are hung. As your first grader grows, you will need more space, so an add-on with several shelves for books will become additional advantage. Often, desks for first-graders are equipped with a footrest and books with page holders. Sometimes a lamp is included in the package. The more there are, the more functional the table.
  • Cabinets and drawers. Their presence is mandatory so that the child does not constantly run to the rack for a pen or a set of pencils. Ideal drawer should not be too deep.


It is important that the size of a desk for a first-grader corresponds to the height of the student and the dimensions of the room where it will be installed. Useful tips:

  • The child's feet should be firmly and firmly on the floor, the knees should form one right angle, and the torso and hips should form the other.
  • The child should be able to sit freely at the tabletop. The arms, slightly bent at the elbows, should not hang down. Make sure that the table surface remains free space. It should be enough for both educational supplies and lamp installation.
  • A table for your home should not be too small (even if the room is small). It’s good if the width of the model for a first-grader is at least 1 m, and the height reaches 52 cm and above.

According to experts, the height of such furniture should be adjusted twice a year.

For every new 15 cm of growth of the child, the height of the table should be 6 cm higher, the high chair – by 4 cm.

Popular models

Study and compare the parameters of popular desks to choose the best purchase. More details in the table:

Name Price in rubles Characteristics pros Minuses
Fundesk Sorriso 12 500 Type – transformer with chair, dimensions – 70.5x54.5 cm, weight (packed) – 20 kg, materials – plastic, MDF; desk tilt – 0–60°, tabletop height – 54–76 cm, tabletop thickness – 15 mm, adjustable part size – 70.5x37.3 cm, seat height – 30–44 cm; recommended age – 3–12 years, top color – maple, decor – blue/pink; there is a shelf, a recess for a handle, adjustable footrests, an anti-slip barrier, a hook for a backpack; Reasonable price, good equipment, chair included, anti-reflective coating. Small work surface.
Demi SUT-15-01K 16410 Tabletop color – maple/maple with frigate pattern/maple with flower pattern/apple tree, frame color – green/orange/pink/gray/blue; height – 120–198 cm, table height – 53–81.5 cm, width and depth – 145x55 cm, side attachment – ​​75x25 cm, weight (packed) – 38.5 kg; dimensions of the adjustable part – 120x55 cm, thickness – 18 h, tilt angle (9 positions) – 0–26, material – chipboard, there is a tray for pencils, a barrier ruler, adjustable footrests, a hook for a briefcase. Large selection of colors, optimal sizes, durable, reliable, enough for all 11 years of study. More expensive and heavier than other models, small angle tabletop tilt, a little high for a first-grader.
Astek Twin-2 with box 17 910 Tabletop color – white/birch/beech/apple tree, frame color – green/orange/pink/gray/blue; recommended height – 100–198 cm, table depth and width – 58 and 115 cm, height – 53–78 cm, weight (packed) – 36.7 kg; tabletop material – laminated chipboard, dimensions of the adjustable part – 72x58 cm, thickness – 16 mm, tilt angle – 0–45; There is a drawer, a barrier ruler, adjustable thrust bearings, and a hook for a briefcase.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.