Get to know: radish varieties for spring, summer, autumn sowing, for consumption in summer and winter, for long-term storage, with high medicinal properties, white, black green color, pungent taste and almost sweet salad, with round and long roots. This vegetable is so diverse and has such properties that choosing the variety of radish according to your desire will certainly not be difficult.


Early variety. Young radish roots are used for food after 50-60 days. Root vegetable white, oval in shape, with a downward slope. The pulp is juicy, tender, and has a slightly pungent taste. Doesn't last long.

Summer round white

Early ripening variety. The period from germination to harvesting is 40-45 days. The root vegetables are round, white with a greenish head, weighing 70-100g, and are easily pulled out. The pulp is white, good taste. Requires timely cleaning. For early summer consumption in fresh and salads.

Odesskaya 5

Early ripening variety. Its ripening period is 30-42 days. Doesn't last long. Odesskaya 5 is suitable only for summer sowings. The shape of the root crop is oval-conical with a slope. The root vegetable has juicy, white, pleasant-tasting pulp. The mass of radish is 50-100g. Productivity 4-7kg/m2

Green goddess

New early ripening variety with a spicy taste (with the least amount of mustard oils). of this variety are justified by the content in large quantities microelements, mineral salts and 8 essential amino acids, recommended for children and people with unhealthy stomach and liver.

Root crops are round in shape with a downward slope, with attractive green skin and pale green flesh. The pulp is tender, crispy, very juicy, with a slightly pungent taste. It stores well without loss of taste and does not become flabby. The variety is resistant to flowering.


This variety is intended for summer sowing, but it can also be planted in autumn or spring. The ripening process occurs within 37 days. Has excellent taste. The root vegetable is white and oval in shape. Because it is only half-immersed in the soil, it is easily pulled out. Radish of this variety reaches 10 cm in diameter and weighs 60 g, the yield is 4-5 kg/m2.

Winter round black

Very common mid-season high-yielding variety. The ripening period is 90-110 days. The variety has high medicinal properties and taste qualities, high yield and keeping quality, which makes it one of the best varieties for taste and medicinal properties.

The radish root crop of this variety is black in color with a smooth or grooved surface, has a flat-round or oval shape, and can weigh up to 200-500g. The pulp of the root vegetable of this variety is white, slightly pungent in taste, and quite juicy. Productivity 2-6kg/m2. The variety is capable of long-term storage of radish without loss of quality and properties. Resistant to diseases.

Winter round white

This variety is mid-season, ripens within 78-98 days. Gives good harvest, can be stored for a long time, highly marketable. This root crop is white, round-oval or round-flat in shape. The root head may have green tint. It has juicy, firm, white, medium-spicy flesh. Average weight root crops can reach 200-400g. Designed for autumn-winter consumption.

Winter long black

Mid-season high-yielding variety. Period from germination to harvesting radishes 80-90 days. The root vegetables are cylindrical, black in color, weighing 250-400 grams. The pulp is white, juicy, crispy, with a slightly pungent taste. Recommended for fresh use and long-term winter use. Optimal time sowing for winter consumption - June 15-20.

Marvelous (Wonderful)

Mid-season variety. The period from germination to harvesting of radish is 80-90 days. Root vegetables are round in shape, black in color, weighing 300-350 grams. The pulp is white, dense. Tasting score 4-5 points. Keeping quality is good. The optimal sowing time for winter consumption is June 15-20.

Gayvoron radish

This is a medium-late variety, from germination to harvest 110–120 days, high-yielding, resistant to low temperatures and flowering. The root crop is white, cylindrical-conical in shape. The pulp is white, dense, very pungent taste, low in juiciness. This variety has good shelf life during winter storage of radish.
The yield of radish is 4-8 kg/m2.

Gaivoronskaya 27

Late-ripening variety of radish, from germination to harvest 120 days. This variety has very good yield. The root vegetables are very large: about 50cm in length and weighing about 2kg. The leaves are large and creeping. This variety is recommended to be grown on loose soils With high humidity.

Elephant Tusk

Mid-season variety of radish (70-100 days). Root vegetables are white, up to 25 centimeters in length. The elephant tusk is different in that it gives stable harvest from seeds obtained locally. Possesses increased level storage in harsh winter conditions.


A new late-ripening variety that combines excellent commercial qualities, increased productivity and medicinal properties. Root vegetables are smooth, round in shape with black skin and beautiful white pulp. Weight 240-260g. The pulp is dense, crispy, juicy, very tasty. Ideal for salads and long time does not lose its qualities.

Radish varieties are very diverse. I hope you have found the ones you need.

Radish has long been grown in gardens because people have learned to appreciate its beneficial properties. Different varieties of radish contain sugar, proteins, dietary fiber, in addition a large number of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium. Thanks to this composition, this unpretentious vegetable will not let you die of hunger in difficult times, will restore immunity after winter, and will cure many diseases. Traditional medicine uses all types and varieties to cleanse the liver and kidneys, increase appetite, improve the functioning of the bile and bladder. Black radish is considered almost the most useful; almost everyone has used it to treat a cough. We will talk about what radishes are like in our article.

Radish roots can vary in size, shape and color. There are round white winter radishes, red and purple radishes, yellow, black and green radishes (although all varieties of radish have white flesh). The main types of radish are summer and winter radish.

It is usually considered that radish is a biennial plant. However, early-ripening and early-ripening varieties are more likely to be classified as annuals, since they may well shoot in the first year of growth. They do everything so quickly that they can bloom and ripen in one season if they are allowed to do so.

All early varieties Radishes are not intended for long-term storage; they are consumed within a few days after harvesting. Summer varieties ripen in short term from 30 to 60 days.

"Odesskaya 5"

One of the most beloved early ripening varieties by summer residents, it ripens in 30–40 days from the moment of sowing. The oval-conical root vegetable grows from 50 to 100 g in weight, its pulp is white, tender, juicy, very tasty. High yield - from 1 square meter you can get up to 7 kg healthy root vegetables, but it doesn’t want to be stored at all, so it’s not profitable to grow it for sale, it’s best to eat it straight from the garden, then you can fully appreciate the pleasant, somewhat pungent taste and get the benefits.

"Green Goddess"

This is a young variety that is quickly becoming popular due to its qualities. Correct round shape and green color radishes make it look very impressive. The small content of mustard oils makes its taste quite soft and slightly spicy. The root vegetable contains amino acids, mineral salts and trace elements that are easily digestible, which allows the vegetable to be included in medicinal diets. Breeders have especially tried to increase the shelf life, so that the crop can be stored for a long time or transported from place to place without loss of quality.


Famous for its oval, juicy white root vegetables with a mildly spicy taste. It ripens in 50–60 days, but cannot be stored for long, so it must be consumed immediately.

"Summer round white"

Ripens 40–45 days after sowing. Juicy, tasty root vegetables grow from 70 to 100 g in weight, but they must be removed immediately - ripe root vegetables left in the ground can rot or form a cavity inside. When growing this variety, you need to determine exactly how much time to allow it to ripen, so as not to get a spoiled harvest, and this can only be learned experimentally.


It matures in approximately 40 days and is usually planted in the summer, but will grow beautifully if sown in spring or even autumn. A very tasty large turnip sticks half out of the ground, so it is easy to remove.

"Daikon" or "Japanese radish"

Pleasant taste, low maintenance, medicinal properties, large size - this Japanese vegetable has a lot of advantages. A long root vegetable can grow up to 60 cm, and in diameter - up to 10 cm. One of the varieties - Misato - is painted pink, which looks elegant and unusual. At Daikon, they eat not only the root crop, but all parts of the plant.

It is very important that this plant does not absorb harmful substances from environment, it can be grown on the side of a busy highway or in a factory with hazardous production; it will not accumulate any carcinogens or toxins.

The only inconvenience is that this variety may hasten to throw out the peduncle when enlarged daylight hours over 13–14 hours.

The word “daikon” is used to describe all Japanese radishes, but there are hundreds of varieties, including giant ones. The Japanese not only eat this vegetable raw, they salt it, boil it, pickle it, preserve it, and distinguish it into bitter and sweet varieties.


Mid-season and late-ripening varieties belong to winter ones, their ripening begins from 80 days from the moment of sowing, it is among them that you need to choose vegetables for long-term storage.

"Wonderful" or "Wonderful"

The harvest can be harvested in 80–90 days. The black round root vegetable grows on average up to 300–350 g. The pulp is white, juicy, very dense. It is usually sown in mid-June so that it is fully ripe before the cold weather. It can last all winter without losing its juiciness.

"Winter round white"

Ripens in 80 to 100 days. The round white root vegetable can be elongated into an oval or flattened with firm and juicy pulp that has a rather pungent taste. It is perfectly stored in a cellar for several months without losing its taste or benefits.

"Winter round black"

This one is very famous variety and no need to introduce, it is considered the most useful among all relatives. Ripening occurs 110–120 days after sowing. The black skin can be smooth or furrowed, the juicy flesh is white with a slight pungency. It is distinguished not only by good keeping quality, but also by excellent yield.

"Winter long black"

The root vegetables are elongated, can grow up to 400 g, the pulp is fibrous, but juicy and crispy. It remains the same after several months of storage.

"Margelanskaya" or "Chinese"

She is also called "Lobo". This is not a very common variety in our country. He loves moisture and organic fertilizers. The antiseptic properties of the root vegetable and the ability to remove excess salts and cholesterol from the body can improve the health of many people. It tastes like any radish - spicy, juicy, perfectly absorbed by the body, used in salads, and can be stored well.

Late ripening

Late-ripening varieties ripen in 100–120 days, during which time the radish requires care, no matter how unpretentious it may be. Of course, it is easier to sow an early-ripening variety; until the root crop is completely ripe, it will not tire the owner in any way (it simply will not have time), but only winter varieties can be planted for the winter.


The variety is not capricious, absolutely unpretentious, it is recommended to grow it for beginning gardeners. Its white cylindrical root vegetables won't even be afraid autumn cold. The pulp is fibrous, hard and dense, the taste is sharp, the smell is strong. It can be stored for a long time, becoming softer (to taste) over time, but not very much. To add it to a salad, it is recommended to leave it for a couple of hours. fresh air already crushed root vegetable, but along with the pungency some of the vitamins and essential oils. Hot sauces and snacks are prepared from it, like horseradish.

"Gayvoronskaya 27"

This hybrid proves that not only the Japanese Daikon can be huge. In 120 days from the emergence of seedlings to the ripening of the crop, the root crop manages to grow up to 50 cm in length and up to 2 kg in weight. Only, unlike the Japanese, we don’t cook radishes, but in pickled form these root vegetables are beyond praise.


The name reflected the high opinion of the creators about the usefulness of this radish. Black round root vegetables weigh approximately 250 g, with juicy, delicate-tasting pulp.

Excellent yield, good shelf life, excellent taste and a lot of useful properties allow this variety to be grown for commercial purposes.

Video “Choosing radishes for planting”

This video will help you choose a radish variety for sowing, and will also tell you about the timing of planting root crops.

What to choose

As a rule, after winter, all summer residents want to get a harvest of vitamin-rich vegetables early. Radishes are ideal for this purpose. White radish is considered the hottest, it is rarely put in salads, and even then in small quantities. Most often, it is left for the winter, pickled, made into hot sauces and snacks, and it is called bitter.

Black radish is not so spicy, it is considered the most useful. They make salads and medicinal tinctures from it, and eat it in summer and winter. We grow Chinese and Japanese radishes that are not too spicy; they are also eaten in salads or pickled.

The earliest radish is planted in March; it is frost-resistant and can not only withstand spring cold snaps, but even germinate when low temperatures. This is what ends up on our table in the spring. After April 25, early ripening varieties are sown, which produce root crops in June. But later, in June, those vegetables that are going to be stored for a long time are planted and stored in the cellar for the winter.

Video “Growing radishes”

Thanks to this video, you will learn everything about growing radishes: from sowing seeds to storing root crops.

Radish varieties

In our country, both early-ripening summer varieties of radish and mid- and late-ripening varieties suitable for autumn and winter use are widespread. The shape of radish roots can be round or long. Colors also vary. Radish can be white, black, green, gray, purple, yellow and Pink colour. There are also radish flowers different color: pink, purple or white. The radish fruit is a pod, large-sized seeds, light brown in color.

Summer radish varieties produce flower stalks in the first year. U winter varieties The peduncle is formed in the second year of the growing season. To annuals cultural species Radishes include European radish, Chinese radish, daikon radish, summer radish, Chinese radish. European winter radish is a biennial crop.

The most popular types of radish are white, black, Chinese and Japanese. White radish is very spicy, and because of its taste, the expression “worse than bitter radish” arose. Black radish doesn't taste as spicy anymore, she found wide application V folk medicine. The Chinese radish is native to Asia. It is also called Margelanskaya or lobo. It is not very spicy in taste. Japanese radish is also called daikon. It differs from other types of radish in having an elongated and fairly large root crop, usually white in color.

Early varieties of radish

Green goddess

Early ripening variety. The shape of the root crop is round, with a downward slope, the color of the skin is green, the color of the pulp is pale green. The pulp is very juicy, tender, crispy, the taste is slightly spicy. The variety is characterized by resistance to flowering, for a long time storage without loss of taste, piquant taste (small amount of mustard oils), high content of mineral salts, amino acids and trace elements.


Early summer variety. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the start of harvesting is 50–60 days. The shape of the root crop is oval, with a slope downwards, the color is white. The pulp is tender, juicy, the taste is slightly spicy. The variety is not suitable for long-term storage.

Odesskaya 5

Early ripening variety. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the start of harvesting is 30–42 days. The shape of the root crop is oval-conical, with a downward slope. The pulp is juicy, tender, white in color. The taste is high. The mass of the root crop is 50–100 g. From 1 m2 you can get 4–7 kg. The variety is not subject to long-term storage and is suitable only for summer sowing.

Mid-season radish varieties


Medium late variety. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the start of harvesting is 110–112 days. The shape of the root crop is cylindrical-conical, the color is white. The pulp is dense, slightly juicy, white, the taste is very pungent. The variety is characterized by good keeping quality during winter storage, high yield, resistance to frost and flowering. From 1 m2 you can get 4–8 kg.

Marvelous (Wonderful)

Mid-season variety. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the start of harvesting takes 80–90 days. The shape of the root crop is round, the color is black, the weight is 300–350 g. The pulp is dense, white in color. The taste is high. The variety has good keeping quality, high yield, and is suitable for winter consumption.

Winter long black

Mid-season variety. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the start of harvesting is 80–90 days. The shape of the root crop is cylindrical, black in color, weight 250–400 g. The pulp is juicy, crisp, white in color, and the taste is slightly spicy. The variety is recommended for fresh consumption, suitable for long-term storage in winter time, is characterized by high productivity.

Winter round black

Mid-season variety. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the start of harvesting is 90–110 days. The variety is characterized by high yield, high medicinal properties and taste, and good keeping quality. The shape of the root crop is flat-round or oval, the surface is smooth or grooved, the color is black. The weight of the root crop is 200–500 g. The pulp is quite juicy, white, and the taste is slightly pungent. From 1 m2 you can get 2–6 kg. The variety is suitable for long-term storage, does not lose its properties and taste, and is resistant to major types of diseases.


Early ripening variety. The variety is suitable for summer sowing, but is also suitable for autumn and spring. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the beginning of harvest for summer sowing is on average 37 days. The shape of the root crop is oval, the color is white. The taste is excellent. The root crop is half immersed in the soil and can be pulled out easily. The weight of the root crop is on average 60 g. From 1 m2 you can collect 4–5 kg.

Late varieties of radish

Gaivoronskaya 27

Late ripening variety. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the start of harvesting is on average 120 days. The root crops are large, reaching approximately 50 cm in length and weighing 2 kg. The variety is suitable for growing on loose soils with high humidity. The yield of the variety is good.


Late ripening variety. The shape of the root crop is round, leveled, the peel is black, the flesh is white. The weight of the root crop is 240–260 g. The pulp is juicy, tender, crispy, taste qualities tall. The variety is suitable for salads. It is characterized by excellent commercial qualities, increased productivity, medicinal properties, shelf life without loss of properties and taste.

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