Almost all owners of individual construction sites have to independently decide on the issue of wastewater disposal. The most effective way to solve this issue is to create local treatment facilities (LTP) on the site, which are a good alternative to cesspools. The most economical and environmentally friendly VOCs are septic tanks.

It’s worth saying right away that VOCs pose a potential hazard to the environment, therefore all issues of installation/installation of these structures are regulated by special regulations and rules, the implementation of which is strictly mandatory. Moreover, before installing a septic tank, you need to submit a project for its construction to the local sanitary and epidemiological service and obtain permission for installation.

It must be emphasized that obtaining permission is mandatory. Just like for the construction of a house for permanent residence. Without it, your septic tank may be outlawed by the same SES. This could result in unpleasant consequences for the hosts in the form of a fine (at best). At worst, you may be required to dismantle an incorrectly installed septic tank, which will result in huge financial costs and household inconveniences for the family.

To avoid these problems in the future, you need to know the basic rules for installing septic tanks. In this article we will talk about at what distance the VOC should be located from various objects (distance from the house to the septic tank, from the neighbor’s property, from the road, from trees, bushes, from drinking wells and wells).
What official documents regulate the construction of LOS? First of all, I advise you to familiarize yourself with SNiP 2.04.02-84, SNiP, SNiP 2.04.03-85, SanPiN, SanPiN It is for compliance with these documents that the SES will check your septic tank project. Let's take a quick look at what these documents say about the distances from treatment facilities to...

From VOC to residential building

SNiP clearly states that the distance from the treatment plant to the home must be at least 5 meters. Naturally, this figure is not taken out of thin air. Such a “sanzone” will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the septic tank if the latter does not cope with its direct responsibilities - cleaning wastewater from impurities and unpleasant odors. It is also dangerous to install a septic tank and a filter well (filtration field) too close to the house, as this may threaten the destruction of the foundation due to increased soil moisture. In winter, the soil will swell, which can cause the foundation to rupture.

Some people, for obvious reasons, try to install a septic tank further from the house, at a distance of more than 10-15 meters. But in this case, the owners must be prepared for the fact that if the sewer pipe laying technology is violated, blockages may occur. The only correct pipe slope should be 20 mm. per linear meter. If the slope is too steep or, on the contrary, practically absent, then this is fraught with blockages. If the length of the sewer pipe is 5-8 meters, then, as a rule, there is no problem of blockages.

To the neighboring site

Before building a septic tank in new areas, it is better to first coordinate the project with your neighbors so that you don’t get such an unpleasant situation that your VOC is adjacent to your neighbor’s drinking well, which is located on the other side of the fence a few meters away (or vice versa). To avoid these unpleasant moments, which grossly violate all norms, it is better to agree in advance with your neighbor where you will install wells for water intake and where septic tanks. The distance to the neighbor's fence from your treatment plant should be at least 2 meters.

At what distance should a septic tank be located from a drinking well or well?

This is one of the most complex rules in SNiPs, which is very difficult to comply with due to the small size of the plots. In theory, the further the septic tank is from the well, the better. It is very important that wastewater does not enter the well through aquifers in the soil, since such water is hazardous to health.

If possible, the VOC should be located downstream of the groundwater flow than the well. The results of hydrogeological studies of the area will help determine the best location for a well/septic tank. But the direction of groundwater flow can also be determined visually - it flows from high ground to low ground. That is, it is better to install the VOC in the low part of the site, and the well/well in the upper part.

According to standards, the distance from the well to the septic tank should be 30-50 meters. If the groundwater level (GWL) is low and the bottom of the filter well is at least a meter above the GWL, then it is possible to reduce the distance.

Location of the VOC relative to the road/highway

The distance from the treatment plant to the road according to the same SNiP must be at least 5 meters. This distance is also scientifically based - if the septic tank is located closer, then constant vibrations from passing vehicles can damage the tightness of the septic tank, which can lead to contamination of soil and groundwater.

To the water pipes

Also, the above-mentioned regulatory documents strictly regulate the issue of the distance to water supply pipes. The distance between the pipe and the treatment facilities (including sewer pipes, which are also an element of VOC) must be at least 5 m. If the pipes are cast iron, then this distance can be reduced to three meters.

The distance between the septic tank and the gas pipe is 5 m.

From VOCs to trees and shrubs

If large trees grow on the site, then excessive soil moisture can lead to rotting of the roots of the tree, and, consequently, to its death. The distance from large trees to filter wells or fields is at least 4 m. To bushes - at least a meter.

…to water bodies

If a river or stream flows near the site, then the septic tank should be located at a distance of no closer than 10 m.
In cases where there is a reservoir near your house (after all, an important strategic object), then the controlling organizations will especially carefully check the correctness of the installation. The distance to the reservoir is at least 30 meters.

Advice: before designing a VOC, make sure that a sewer truck can easily access it.

Septic tanks pose a serious danger to the environment, therefore, when designing and constructing this structure, it is important to adhere to the rules and regulations governing the construction of such structures. This is necessary primarily in order to protect drinking water sources from chemical and biological contamination.

Correct installation of VOCs will save you a lot of money, nerves and health.

The distance from the well to the toilet, its permissible limits, the requirements of SNiP and sanitary and hygienic standards on this issue - this is the whole problem facing every developer. This is a completely understandable requirement. Controlling authorities especially carefully check the distances from the well to the street toilet and. Failure to comply can easily lead to contamination of the source of drinking water, soil for crops, and the emergence and development of infectious diseases.

In the village

Regulatory documents

Sanitary standards are focused on maximum distancing of the toilet not only from the well, but also from other sources of water supply, building objects on the owner’s property and buildings on neighboring plots. The distance from the toilet is regulated by several regulations and legal acts:

  • SP 42.13330.2011 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”;
  • adopted ten years later, due to increased need, SNiP, called: “Planning and development of low-rise housing construction areas”;
  • approved two years before, in February, SNiP entitled “Planning and development of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens. Buildings and structures";
  • sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • The Code of Administrative Offenses, which contains a special subsection 8.6 that defines the requirements for the construction of a closet that still exist today.

Beautiful wooden structure

Why are standards needed?

In 2001, another set of norms and rules, called “Single-Apartment Residential Houses,” was approved for use. The need for such a number of regulations and standards is dictated by the need to provide for all the necessary nuances of housing construction.

They provide for several goals at once - prevention of the epidemic threat and compliance with sanitation and hygiene standards, fire safety and the absence of threatening circumstances for those living on the territory.

The importance of regulatory documents on the question of at what distance objects necessary for life can and should be placed also lies in respecting the rights of both parties, between the sites of which there is only a demarcation structure.

After all, any attempt to violate existing norms is not just disobedience to existing restrictions, but also an infringement of the legal rights of people living in the neighborhood.

Compliance with the rules allows you to avoid conflicts with neighbors and administrative violations. The former can lead to lawsuits, the destruction of already constructed buildings, or fines from regulatory authorities. For administrative violations, various types of repressive measures are provided, which are determined by the relevant articles.

Territory of a private house

Types of toilets on land

According to the above regulations, the distance to the well can be at least 25 meters, provided that the toilet is not equipped with a central sewerage system. In this case, you need to remember that it must be at least 12 m.

Read also Location of the septic tank on the site: installation standards and placement rules

However, SNiP 30-02-97, as amended in 2018, states that the minimum distance can be 8 m, provided that the well is of a certain type and complies with the standards for its construction.

Scheme of distances between buildings according to SNiP

In the absence of a central sewerage system, the problem of a latrine becomes especially acute, since this is one of the most necessary types of construction, along with a residential building and a source of drinking water. The developer, deprived of the most basic amenities, is forced to independently resolve the problem with the well and toilet.

It is often necessary to drill a well to extract groundwater, which must be sufficiently distant from the surface. At the same time, decide where and what to put, combining problems like how to maintain the required distance and coordinate it with the tiny size of the land plot.

Main Differences

For standard-sized dacha plots and small ones intended to accommodate an individual residential building, such requirements are sometimes simply impossible to meet. To resolve them, one has to resort to different types of wells and street toilets.

Most often used:

  1. A backlash closet is a capital structure, the emptying of which is carried out using a sewer truck. The purpose of such a building is to maximize the isolation of odors and pollution, to prevent penetration into the soil and its contamination by decay products, toxins, and pathogens. The cabin must be equipped with ventilation, the drain must be galvanized iron or cast iron. Given the high cost of such a toilet, the possibility of penetration into the soil is practically excluded, because the cesspool is completely sealed.
  2. A powder closet, with a special tank, can be installed even indoors, because after each emptying its contents are sprinkled with a special filler (sawdust or peat). The tank is emptied manually and a compost heap is formed from it, which after a year is suitable for fertilizing the site in the form of loose compost.
  3. The easiest way is to put a “birdhouse” at the dacha. Its service life is not very long, but it can last up to 9 years in a dacha. And in villages they dig a hole every 4 years and move the toilet to another place. A “birdhouse” can be built beautiful and comfortable and even equipped with a toilet. But this is provided that it will stand in a place where feces will not threaten the surrounding soil, the source of drinking water and neighboring properties.

Minimum distances between objects in SNT and individual housing construction

To do this, you need to decide on the installation rules and follow them in compliance with all the necessary requirements.

SNiP 30-02-97* “Planning and development of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens. Buildings and structures" determines the following distances to the restroom and cellar - 12 m, from the bathhouse, sauna and well to the restroom - 8 m.

Read also Permissible radiation rate for humans: doses in microsieverts/h, sieverts and microsieverts

The distance from a well with drinking water is determined by other criteria, but they also take into account the indispensable principle of compliance with sanitary standards (SanPiN), SNiP and other regulatory documents. And they agree on several points.

Need to take into account

SNiP 30-02-97* reserves the owner the right, in the absence of sewerage, to make an informed choice between three types of toilets: bio, backlash closet or powder closet. At the same time, for the construction of a backlash closet, as an outdoor sealed one, equipped with a sealed cesspool, special approval is required from the sanitary and epidemiological service and planning of a place for it at the very initial stage of development.

Distance diagram according to SanPiN

Features of the dry closet

A dry toilet is not the most budget-friendly option, because it constantly requires chemicals, and besides, it is unlikely to be suitable for a large family. But you don’t need to bother with the installation - you can purchase a ready-made booth and container right away. It is considered suitable only for the warm season, but can also be used indoors.

There are no restrictions on the dry closet, and it can be placed in any part of the site. A prudent owner will not place it near a source of drinking water, but for those who have a land plot of less than six acres, this is the best option for solving the problem of distances on the territory and lack of space.

Pros of powder closet

The powder closet seems like a great solution, and many owners use it. However, to quickly process feces, special substances like Biocompostin are required, and they also do not cost a penny. If you process excrement without the use of biologically active substances, instead of one year it will take three whole years, and during this time new heaps of waste will have time to accumulate.

Nuances of the backlash closet

Backlash closet - completely eliminates the entry of feces into the soil and is considered safe from a sanitation point of view. However, no one is immune from poor-quality construction or defects in the construction of this type of toilet. Therefore, there are specially developed standards that must be observed, and they relate not only to the distance to the well. There are many components that need to be taken into account, sometimes this is the subject of much thought:

  • at least 5 m to the foundation of the house, to the road, to the gas pipe;
  • more than 10 m – to sewer pipes, lakes or rivers;
  • 2 m to the fence, 3–4 m to the trees, 1 m to the bushes and the foundation of outbuildings;
  • if there is a reservoir nearby, the distance to it cannot be less than 30 m;
  • the minimum distance of toilets with a sealed cesspool according to these standards cannot be less than 20 m from the water source, but in small areas such a requirement is simply impossible;
  • A sewer truck must be able to access the septic tank hatch without hindrance.



An administrative fine is provided for owners of improperly equipped structures, which is why it is said that major toilets should be planned before the start of development, and ideally, approved along with the entire plan for the placement of buildings on the site.

The construction of main water supply and sewerage networks is always carried out in accordance with the project. It clearly states how many and what structures are required for the system, and indicates the exact distance from well to well.
As for autonomous, and essentially private, networks, in order to save money, they are often built with their own hands, and without a design. This means that detailed instructions are needed, which, like the video in this article, will tell you the answer to these questions.

Location on the site

The device, just like the main one, provides for the construction of various purposes. In construction, there is such a thing as a standard project, which is designed for a network of a certain capacity and length.

  • If the customer decides to use such a project, then the engineer only needs to link it to the area - and the work can begin. At the same time, adjustments are made to the project, taking into account the boundaries of the site, the location of buildings and trees on it.
  • Naturally, each service has its own price, and no one will provide you with a location reference for free. If your construction budget does not include such an expense item, you will have to study the building regulations yourself.
  • About what is the most optimal distance from the well to the building or what is the distance between water supply wells - SNIP will give you detailed answers to these and other questions that inevitably arise during the construction process.

Minimum distance

In the photo above you see a diagram that gives a rough idea of ​​how structures should be located on the ground. Keep in mind that if two networks are being built in parallel on your site: both sewer and water supply, they must be correctly connected not only to the house, but also to each other.

Features of local water supply

The most important thing to do when installing a home plumbing system is to maintain the distance from the cesspool to the drinking well. It can vary within fifty meters, but should not be less than twenty meters.

  • This norm applies to septic tanks and sedimentation tanks - both primary and secondary, when the house has a sewerage system. The reason for this distance is obvious: the contents of the drains, in the event of a violation of the seal of a particular sewer tank, should not get into drinking water.
  • Many country houses do not have sewerage, and their inhabitants use toilets located in the yard.
    The cesspools of such toilets are rarely sealed. In this case, it is better to make the distance from the well to the toilet as wide as possible.
  • As for the location in relation to the foundation of the house, the standards are completely different. may be quite close to the building. If the water supply to the house is provided from a well drilled before the start of its construction, it may generally be located in the basement.
  • When the decision to install a water supply is made after the house has already been built, the minimum distance from the house to the well is three meters.

We build next to the house

  • When installing a home water supply system, in addition to a drinking well, auxiliary tanks are also built, which are necessary for maintaining the network and eliminating emergency situations. Their number depends on several factors.
    What matters: the distance from the well to the foundation of the house, the complexity of the terrain of the site and the presence of other buildings on it.
  • In the simplest version, when the drinking system is built at a minimum distance from the house, one inspection well located at the entrance of the pipeline into the building is sufficient. Taking into account that the external pipe distribution is carried out 20 cm from the wall, then with a meter diameter of the well, the distance from its axis to the wall will be at least 70 cm.
  • In a situation where the drinking well is significantly removed from the house, you will have to build several inspection tanks. The distance between water supply wells should be no more than 15m.
    By the way, this norm applies not only to water supply pipes, but also to sewer inspection wells.
  • At the point where the direction of the pipeline changes, it is necessary to construct a rotary well. Blockages most often occur in these places.
    Along the pipeline route, it is often necessary to change the depth of the pipes, which means that a differential structure will also have to be built.

Here the distances are regulated solely by the features of the relief. But, in order to avoid unnecessary costs, these two types of auxiliary tanks can be combined with inspection structures.

Autonomous sewerage

When we are talking not about water supply, but about sewerage, the structures are more distant from the house, and it is quite clear why. In the sewer network, the distance from the well to the foundation of the building must be at least five meters.
This applies to both the septic tank and the tank that acts as a sump basin - depending on the design of the sewer system.

  • When deciding to install a sewer system in an old house, in the yard of which there is already a drinking well, you must first of all take into account the distance between the cesspool and the well. It is quite possible that the limited size of the local area will not allow compliance with existing standards at all.
  • This will make sewer construction impossible. In construction, everything is regulated, even the distance between communication wells.
    What can we say about water supply and sewerage? The easiest way to figure out where and what type of structures needs to be built is when the installation of utility networks is carried out during the construction of a new house.

Sewer pipe in the courtyard of the house

  • As for inspection, differential, etc., the need for their installation is dictated by the same conditions as when laying a water supply system. For the construction of other reservoirs that are unique to sewer systems, there are also rules. And their design options can be varied.
  • One such option involves separating sewage waste. In this case, a septic tank is installed for the toilet, the contents of which, when filled, are pumped out by a sewer truck.
    For wastewater from the bathroom and kitchen, a pipeline is constructed with filter structures at the outlet. This is quite enough, since there is no fecal matter in this pipeline.
  • There is also a more complex sewer system in design, when waste from all points is drained into one pipeline. In such a system, a primary and secondary settling tank are constructed.
    The filter well is installed at a distance of 8-10 m from the sump. And besides this, the entire list of auxiliary wells that we talked about earlier is also necessary.
  • When laying two sewer pipelines in parallel, in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 (clause 4.3), the distance between the tanks must correspond to five diameters of the largest collector. But there should not be less than ten meters between them. This situation may arise, for example, if a cottage for two owners or a townhouse is being built.

Storm sewer layout diagram

  • There are also ones, which are also often built in local areas. When groundwater is close, there is often a need to protect buildings. After all, the groundwater level may rise due to heavy rainfall or melting snow.
  • In such conditions, the only panacea can be the installation of drainage wells: both around the perimeter of the house and around other buildings, for example: a cellar or garage.
    In such systems, water from drainage wells can flow into absorption tanks. Such structures have a bottom filter, through which purified water safely goes into the ground.

In another option, stormwater is collected in a drainage well, from which it flows into a storage tank located about seven to eight meters away. There it settles and is subsequently used for firefighting or agricultural needs.

Summer cottages are often equipped with so-called wells and septic tanks. It is important not only to carry out the installation according to all the rules, but also to choose the appropriate location for the location of this element. This will protect the owner during inspections by regulatory authorities.

About distances and sizes

Planning the site

Filtration field, septic tanks and wells. Placement principles that do not violate general operating rules.

  • The distance from the house to the septic tank can be any, at any point on the plot, if the devices are sealed. Even right behind the blind area. Ventilation of the sump becomes the only limitation in this case. As are the smells associated with this design. But, if you approach the issue correctly, you can lay pipes with a constant slope anywhere.

It is recommended to maintain a minimum distance of five meters from windows and doors if ventilation is installed directly above the septic tank. The prevailing wind direction deserves special attention during planning.

  • Filter wells are located no closer than the same five meters from the foundation. Otherwise, the water that passes through the soil will wash the foundation, which will reduce its service life. Filtration types of wells and fields are located below the house on the slope, if the site itself has a slope. This is necessary for the safety of the structure. The distance from the house to the septic tank also helps ensure safety.
  • 50 meters is the minimum distance between the septic tank and the well. This does not mean the filtering variety, but devices for water intake. A large number of anaerobic bacteria live in the soil. At other distances, they simply do not have time to completely clean the product.

It is allowed to place a water intake from lower aquifers anywhere if the casing is reliably sealed. The main thing is that there is no communication between the aquifers above and below.

Septic tanks - distance to wells

If the correct location for these installations is not chosen, wastewater may end up in drinking water. Therefore, this issue needs to be given special attention.

Factory septic tanks are distinguished by the presence of a durable body, complete protection against penetration of waste into the soil.

It is important not to forget about possible emergency situations, including a pipe break, depressurization of connections or seams. The percentage of contamination increases several times if homemade containers are used. In what range they are operated is another question.

The minimum distance from the septic tank to the well is 20 meters, if the septic tank and well do not interact with each other in any way.

Hydrogeological studies will help to understand whether there are filter sites on the site. In addition, this will help assess the composition and quality of the soil around the house.

When installing a property on soils with good filtering capacity, the minimum distance is 50-80 meters. It is worth considering the place where the water pipes are located. Ten meters is the minimum gap between pipes and tanks.

Distance from septic tank.

SNiP - permissible distances

There are a number of regulatory documents with precise instructions for the installation of septic equipment. For example, the following documents are used as guidance:

  • 85-2.04.01;
  • 84–2.04.02.

The documents list the following figures and norms for those who decide this issue:

  1. If aeration units are installed with a complete oxidation function, when processing waste up to 700 thousand liters per day, you must maintain a distance of 50 meters from the septic tank.
  2. When the productivity is 300 thousand liters per day, you need to keep in mind 150 meters when installing biological treatment structures. Often these models can dry out the sediment that has formed at the bottom of the sludge platform.
  3. 110 meters is the distance standard for biofiltration equipment, with a daily capacity of up to 50 m³.
  4. 5 meters – for any septic products.
  5. 8 meters is the distance to the septic tank from a well with a filter function.
  6. As for trenches and sand and gravel filters, their distance depends on productivity. 25 meters – 15 thousand liters per day, 20 meters – 8 thousand liters, 4000 liters – 15 meters, 10 meters – 2 thousand liters. Finally, for a thousand liters, 8 meters of distance to the septic tank is enough.
  7. 15 meters must be taken into account when operating filter fields, which pass up to 150 thousand liters per day.

Location of the septic tank on the territory of a private household

It is necessary to take into account a few more points when placing such structures on a suburban area:

  1. The minimum distance between the septic tank and the nearest streams and reservoirs is 10 meters. The maximum distance to a septic tank according to the standards is three dozen.
  2. Vegetation position. It is necessary to retreat to a distance of up to 4 meters from the roots so that the process of rotting does not begin. This is important for crops in which the root system is especially actively developed. But flower beds thrive on filtration systems. Their distance to the septic tank can be any.
  3. It is mandatory to use a straight pipeline extending to the tank from a residential building. It is permissible to install a rotary well if it is difficult to resolve the issue. But such systems are considered less reliable and more complex.
  4. 5-7 meters is the optimal distance of septic tanks from residential premises. If the installation is further, blockages will appear on the route. It will be necessary to install an intermediate well if the gap is more than 15 meters.
  5. Any soil is suitable for placing modern containers. It is good if the soil in the area is soft and dry. Then it will be easier to dig pits and trenches in the future.
  6. What about pumping at the septic tank? It is worth thinking in advance about having specialists easily approach the site and clean the containers. Transport operates at a distance of up to 50 meters. The equipment is installed taking this factor into account.
  7. There should be at least 7-15 meters to buildings. This is necessary so that the foundation of the building does not wash away. Otherwise, the premises and the building itself will quickly collapse in wet weather.

Before starting the construction of an autonomous sewer system, it is important to carry out the design stage, during which the location of the system is determined. There are requirements regarding the distance from the septic tank to the house, drinking well, and natural reservoirs.

All requirements are regulated by law and special regulatory documents. Sanitary standards also determine the distance from the fence, neighbor’s property, green spaces and other objects.

If you do not do this, the result will be flooding of the foundation of the house, flooding of the garden and other problems.

Regulatory Standards

Sewage treatment plants belong to the category of potentially dangerous objects for the ecological situation of the area. They can lead to significant contamination of soil and water bodies, therefore the placement of such systems is regulated at the legislative level. The documents specify the minimum distance to the septic tank from the house, wells, fences and other buildings and objects.

It is important to follow the rules when constructing a septic tank, because... otherwise, the owner will be held administratively liable and several fines will be imposed on him. It will also be necessary to move the sewer so that the length to the house and other objects complies with established standards.

Construction is regulated by the following regulations:

  • SNiP 2.04 (clauses 01-85, 02-84 and 03-85);
  • SanPiN and 2.2.1/

In SNiP, the owner of the site will be able to obtain information about the rules of water supply and the construction of local sewerage, as well as about current restrictions. SanPiN determines standards regarding the level of underground groundwater and the area of ​​the sanitary zone.

Before starting construction, you will definitely need to obtain permission from the relevant Sanitary Service authority. Representatives of the SES have the right to come and check at any time if a complaint has been received from anyone.

Distance to home

All detailed information should be found in the above documents. According to SNiP, the distance from the septic tank to the house (the boundaries of its foundation) should be more than 5 meters. It allows you to prevent unpleasant odors from entering your home, but only if the septic tank functions correctly and is regularly cleaned or self-cleaning.

It is important to note that the filtration well should be located at a distance of 5 meters (if its presence is provided for in the sewer system). If you do not follow this rule, then the liquid emanating from it can provoke erosion of the foundation and lead to its complete destruction.

Tanks can be placed closer, but only within reasonable limits (installing waste containers near the house is not a good idea).

5 meters is the optimal distance. Sometimes owners place a septic tank at a maximum distance from the house - 8-15 m. However, with such a location of the sewer system, it will be difficult to adhere to the rules for pipeline construction. First of all, it is advisable not to forget that every meter of pipeline must be observed to ensure free gravity flow.

It should also be noted that when placing a septic tank at a maximum distance from the house (more than 8 m), the risk of blockages increases significantly. This suggests the need for regular cleansing.

All of the above restrictions apply only to conventional models of local sewer systems. If one of the modern modernized models is used, which is protected against water penetration into the ground, then the 5-meter distance may not be observed. However, this should be further discussed with representatives of the Sanitary Service.

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Distance to drinking water sources

An important parameter that must be taken into account when constructing a septic tank is its distance to the wells where drinking water is obtained. If placed incorrectly, the likelihood of sewage entering the well and contaminating the water significantly increases.

As a result of this, people using water will be infected with dangerous microorganisms - viral pathogens. This can cause significant harm not only to human health, but also to human life.

Even with the installation of modern fully sealed systems, there is still the possibility of a breakdown or any other emergency. To prevent waste from entering the water, it is necessary to follow the rules for choosing a location.

Distance requirements are determined by SNiP, they are based on the type of soil on the land plot. Quite often, soil with increased filtration properties significantly simplifies the construction procedure and slightly reduces the distance required by the document. However, regardless of the type of soil and filtration properties, a minimum distance of 25 meters must be maintained.

To determine the quality of soil filtration, a professional geological examination is required. The best type of soil is considered to be one that contains a lot of clay or sand. If this is the type of soil on the dacha plot, then the installation of the structure is carried out at a distance of at least 50 meters from the drinking wells.

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Distance to site boundaries

Such restrictions are aimed at preventing the spread of stench to neighbors' properties. When simultaneously constructing several neighboring houses and laying communication networks, it is recommended to discuss the placement of the sewerage system in advance. Thanks to this, the homeowner will be able to correctly place it on the site, and in the future avoid various disputes with neighbors about this matter.

The distance to the fence from the septic tank, according to articles of SNiP and other regulations, should be from 2 meters.

Sanitary standards also regulate the procedure for placing pipelines on the site. The distance between the water supply and sewer pipes should be more than 10 meters. Thus, this prevents sewage from entering the pipeline if, as a result of an emergency or blockage, the pipe depressurizes.

As a rule, autonomous sewerage is located below wells and boreholes. If this is possible, it is advisable to slightly increase this distance to minimize the likelihood of waste liquids penetrating into the water supply.

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Distance between the septic tank and natural reservoirs

This parameter largely depends on the type of natural reservoir. In most cases, a country house is located next to a pond, small lake or river. Then the owner should install the system at a distance of more than 10 meters from such a body of water. If there is a reservoir near the site, then the owner needs to make sure that the distance from it to the septic tank is at least 50 meters.

If these restrictions are violated, the result will be a significant deterioration of the environmental situation in the area. Sewage water entering a natural body of water will cause mass death of the flora and fauna living there. Also, most likely, this will provoke stagnation and swampiness of the area. In some cases, pathogenic microorganisms may begin to multiply in the water, which is a potential threat to the health of swimmers.

For the site owner, this means paying several large fines and possibly lengthy proceedings. It will also be necessary to dismantle the sewer system.

Septic tank and neighboring areas

In most cases, the acquired summer cottage plot is located in a cooperative, which implies the need to discuss construction with representatives of local authorities and neighbors. Like the owner, residents of neighboring plots want to avoid flooding of the garden, erosion of the foundation and the spread of stench throughout their homes. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right location for the structure.

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According to current legislation, the distance to the neighbor’s fence should be at least 3 meters. However, sometimes situations arise when this is not enough and it is necessary to install the structure even further. For example, if the neighbors’ house is located in close proximity to the fence. Then it is advisable to calculate the maximum distance from the septic tank to the house so that it is more than 5 meters.

Thus, when designing a system, it is important to take into account the distance not only to your own home and other buildings, but also to objects on neighboring plots. This applies to both the home and drinking water wells, other buildings and gardens. Otherwise, the neighbor has the right to file a lawsuit and demand compensation or relocation of the local sewer system. Therefore, it is better to discuss the location of the septic tank in advance with the owners of neighboring plots.

Septic tank and garden plantings

What to do if there is not enough space

In some cases, after the procedure it turns out that there is not enough free space. The small area of ​​the dacha, many objects or their irrational placement leads to the fact that there is no space left for the correct installation of the septic tank while maintaining the required distance to the house, buildings, wells, etc.

Sometimes homeowners decide to install in violation of the rules and regulations contained in SNiP and other regulatory documents. However, this cannot be done; in this case, there are alternative methods.

The best solution in such a situation is to install a storage tank that resembles a cesspool. The storage tank is a type of septic tank and is completely sealed (neither the walls nor the bottom allow liquid to pass through). However, there are several operating features that are important to know about in advance.

Because Such a septic tank does not have a filtration element in its design; the waste tank will need to be emptied regularly. For this purpose, special sewage disposal equipment is used. Therefore, despite the low cost of construction, septic tank maintenance is not cheap.

Why can't you build a septic tank closer

To summarize, the main problems that arise when installing a system in the wrong place are:

  • the possibility of wastewater getting into the soil and fruit-bearing plants, which can cause the development of serious diseases and pathologies in humans due to microorganisms found in sewage;
  • groundwater pollution, i.e. deterioration of the local environmental situation;
  • violation of the system cleaning schedule will cause the wastewater in the tank to overflow, resulting in the entire area being contaminated and an unpleasant odor spreading throughout the house;
  • possible flooding and destruction of the foundation of the house, other buildings, as well as roads;
  • if the structure malfunctions, the stench will enter the house and the neighbors’ area;
  • If the distance from the house to the septic tank is violated, the owner will be fined, and the structure will also need to be dismantled and reinstalled.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of incorrect placement, it is recommended to immediately study the relevant regulations and find out about the requirements. Only after this is it advisable to design the sewer system.

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Thus, it is definitely recommended to take into account the distance to the house, well and other objects located on the site. You can find a suitable placement yourself, without using the services of professionals. Sometimes the area does not allow the installation of a septic tank without violating the rules. In this case, use alternative design options.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):