Oddly enough, in the ranking of insects that can be deadly to humans, ants occupy quite a lot of positions, posing real competition to spiders. Let's take a look at who occupies the top 10 positions on this terrible list.

This amazing insect has many names, such as salpuga or phalanx. It belongs to the arachnids, although it is not a spider in the full sense of the word. They are distinguished by indiscriminate eating and terrifying gluttony.

There are known cases of eating termites, destroying bee nests, lizards and even birds. Fortunately, they are not poisonous, but bites can lead to quite serious consequences for humans, for example, to inflammatory processes or blood poisoning.

2. The giant hornet, nicknamed Japanese. It is distinguished by its impressive size (for this genus of insects), with a wingspan of up to 6 centimeters. Does not attack first; if there is a clear threat, it releases a sting more than 6 mm long. The danger is the poison that the hornet produces.

The venom has a nerve-paralytic effect on the victim; a bite can lead to anaphylactic shock.

3. Red ant. One of the most dangerous insects main threat for people at risk of allergic reactions. The toxic poison (solenopsin) causes swelling, blisters, nausea and dizziness.

Of the most terrible reactions - anaphylactic shock, leading to fatal outcome. Another unpleasant point is that imported red fire ants (full name) can displace ordinary ants, harmless inhabitants of certain territories.

The name is translated from Greek as “killer of men.” It lives in desert regions located in the Middle East and Africa, reaching a length of 10 cm.

A strong neurotoxin contained in scorpion venom, when entering the human body, causes death. Today, pharmaceutical companies have found an antidote, but it can only help if administered within a short period of time after the bite.

The common name in everyday life is the kissing bug, due to the fact that the bite is in the area of ​​the lips or eyes, where the most heat body, leads to serious consequences.

The main danger is that many representatives of this genus of insects are carriers of various diseases, including Chagas disease.

The name reflects the lifestyle of one of the most dangerous arthropods - it does not weave webs, but travels in search of food. She loves bananas, hence the name “banana spider,” and loves to feast on other spiders, insects, lizards and birds.

The bite is dangerous for people with allergies, sick or weakened people. There is an antidote, it is important to administer it as quickly as possible after the bite.

One of the most dangerous representatives of the insect world in Australia. This insect is the main “killer” of people, ahead of deaths where the cause is the bites of all other insects and reptiles combined.

The main consequences are allergies, angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

The insect has a cute name - “Lazy Clown”, and its poison is recognized as one of the most powerful on planet earth. When it enters the human body, it causes serious damage to the brain, manifested in the form of hemorrhages.

Bleeding can also occur in other organs of the human body. This terrible insect lives in the tropics, preferring forests and gardens of Bolivia, Argentina and its neighbors. A person may simply not notice it, since the caterpillar is perfectly camouflaged under the bark.

Its name alone - “black widow”, says a lot, like thirteen ( unlucky number) points on the abdomen. Its habitat is quite wide; it can be found in Asia, Europe, and even in the Moscow region.

Usually does not attack if left undisturbed. The bite causes serious changes in all human organs and also affects the mental sphere. There are various methods, including cauterization and the use of special serums.

10. Bullet Ant. The effect of the poison on humans exceeds the effect of toxins ingested by the bite of any other insect. Distributed in South America, in tropical forests.

The length of the ant's sting reaches 3.5 mm, the poison contains over 17 components, including a neurotoxin that has a paralyzing effect.

Fortunately, you can only meet them in special regions of the planet where not many people live, and tourists come already prepared.

There are billions of insects in the world today, unevenly distributed throughout the world. to the globe. It’s hard to imagine, but it’s insects that cause the most dangerous diseases and epidemics that have repeatedly significantly influenced global depopulation.

The threat posed by the most dangerous insects in the world, is also serious because people often not taken seriously small, barely noticeable insects and foolishly believe that they do no harm.

However, this is precisely the main danger of insects: they are deceptive.

We present to you the 10 most dangerous insects on our planet that carry real death threat people living on different continents and in completely different conditions.

Dangerous insect bites can lead to death

Threat in the air: the five most dangerous flying insects

Our top is compiled based on various scientific sources , which confirm: flying insects are just as dangerous as land creatures, therefore you can't let your guard down if you are on open area, say, in Africa or South America, where there are concentrations of such insects.

Wasp: species diversity and their danger

We are accustomed to thinking that a wasp is an insect that is dangerous to humans only because its bite causes unpleasant painful sensations and causes discomfort to a person for several days, after which the consequences of the bite completely go away on their own.

But in fact, there are types of these creatures that can become cause of real health problems.

Dangerous wasp

And although the poison of most of these insects is not so dangerous, some wasps, for example from North America, infect the victim not with the effectiveness of the poison, but number of attacks.

So, if you happen to somehow, even slightly, disturb one or more individuals of such a wasp, you need to try with all your might to avoid direct aggression of the individuals.

The fact is that the wasps of North America sting the victim repeatedly and very painfully, therefore, in some cases, from numerous bites that lead to painful shock and, as a consequence, to cardiac arrest.

Human gadfly: dangerous and terrible

Although this insect has this name, this has nothing to do with its size. This gadfly is not the largest insect, but it is perhaps one of the most dangerous.

The gadfly itself poses a certain threat, since it is distributed on many continents and its population is only growing. When meeting a person with a gadfly, you need to do as much as possible less sudden movements and do not disturb the individual.

Adult insect reacts instantly to a threat from the human side, using a sting.

"Consequences of a Gadfly"

But when it comes to the human gadfly, it is not its sting or even its venom that poses the threat.

The larvae of this insect are dangerous to humans. They are carried by a variety of mosquitoes, and upon contact with human skin, these larvae are transmitted to humans.

As a result, a kind of tubercle may gradually form under the victim’s skin, under which there will be larva grow human gadfly.

This development of events is suitable for a horror film, but often the danger can be eliminated even in the early stages of infection, since the mosquito bite and transmission of the larva is accompanied by redness and swelling of the affected area of ​​human skin, which can identify And liquidate.

Malaria mosquito: an ever-present threat

For several generations now, people have known first-hand about the danger these insects pose.

In African countries, the malaria mosquito is very common and significantly affects the population dynamics of the entire continent.

Hundreds of thousands of people die from malaria in Africa every year. It is very difficult to cope with the disease, since the infection introduced by the mosquito spreads quickly throughout the body.

Paradoxically, a person can often long time experience virtually no effects from infection, but still be a carrier of malaria.

This disease develops from the entry of malarial plasmodium into the human body, which is accompanied by fever and many other manifestations.

After contracting the infection, a malaria mosquito can continue to spread the disease for several weeks by biting other people.

Malarial plasmodium, entering the body of a mosquito, multiplies there and, as a result, infects the entire body of the mosquito. Today there is no single method of struggle with a malarial mosquito, therefore from this insect it is still .

African honey bee: a killer with a benefit

A bee is an insect that brings undoubted benefits, since it produces one of the most delicious and healthy treats - honey.

The African bee also produces honey, but differs from ordinary bees in its inexplicable aggressiveness. Such bees are completely unfriendly and are ready to defend their territory, their hive and their honey.

Their bites are very painful, because this type of bee prefers to sting not once and not alone.

African honey bee

In fact, African bees You don’t need a reason to sting; they often attack for no reason.

The danger also lies in the fact that to an ordinary person practically impossible to distinguish the African killer bee and the most common bee.

This can only be done with the help of the most innovative DNA research technologies. But if bees are difficult to distinguish by appearance, then you can do certain conclusions based on their behavior– African bees:

  • aggressive
  • attack livestock
  • animals
  • of people.

Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when meeting these insects and under no circumstances provoke them.

Tsetse fly: a dangerous insect of the African deserts

Almost every season we encounter many flies that seem quite harmless to us. But in fact, there are species of these insects that can bring a lot of trouble entire areas and populations of animals and people.

We are talking, first of all, about the Tsetse fly, which is almost the most dangerous fly among all existing species.

Tsetse fly

This insect is not much different from ordinary flies; it is possible to identify Tsetse only thanks to elongated proboscis and original the manner of folding the wings.

The main danger posed by the Tsetse fly is infecting humans with sleeping sickness.

This disease is very dangerous for any person, especially for an animal. The main symptoms are drowsiness, disturbance nervous system, as a result of which a person’s consciousness becomes confused and clouded.

It is very difficult to fight this disease because there is no cure for it yet. The only one affordable way– destruction of male Tsetse flies, which can lead to a significant reduction in its population.

Ground insects: an even greater danger and threat to human life

The most dangerous terrestrial insects are distinguished by significant diversity, species diversity which amazes the imagination. Today we can confidently say that from bites of such insects in the world hundreds of thousands of people die.

Of course, the greatest areas of mortality from the action of insect venom are observed in countries so-called third world, where living conditions are very difficult and unsanitary.

Thus, in African and some Asian countries, as well as in some regions South America insects can bring significant harm to a person. Let's look at the five most dangerous species of terrestrial insects.

Black-legged tick: an insect that poses a direct threat to human life

This insect is very small, barely noticeable to the human eye. However, the bite of such a tick is very noticeable and very painful.

Most amazing fact that the venom of the black-legged tick, although very poisonous, is does not lead to the death of the victim, if we are talking about a person.

Black-legged tick

The affected area of ​​the skin is distinguished by characteristic redness and takes the shape of a bull's eye, so it is easy to find the damage.

The venom of this insect promotes long-term inflammatory process, which is accompanied by sharp, sometimes aching pain in the damaged area.

The consequences of a bite in some cases may still be felt some years after infection.

Black widow: a spider that poses a threat not only to humans, but also to its own kind

Since childhood, we have known the Black Widow as a female spider who prefers kill your soul mate immediately after mating.

This is really true, but not everyone knows that this type The spider has one more feature - its venom is very dangerous for humans.

Black widow spider

Thus, the bite of a Black Widow can significantly affect health status humans, causing many side effects.

Therefore, the main task of the victim of the Black Widow is to quickly turn to a specialist for an antidote, because only in this case the risk of death or damage to parts of the body by the poison is reduced significantly.

And if you don’t see a doctor in time, there is a high probability of permanent get health problems or die– unfortunately, such cases have been recorded.

Centipede - beneficial or harmful insect

The centipede, or flycatcher, as it is also called, is one of the most controversial insects.

We can say that the flycatcher is practically does not pose a significant threat life of a person or animal. Its bite can be compared to the bite of a wasp or bee, and the consequences of a centipede attack are even more insignificant.

So why is it included in this top most dangerous insects?

Centipede flycatcher

The flycatcher is extremely dangerous not for humans, but for other insects, because it feeds on pests such as spiders, flies and others.

However, in some ways, the flycatcher is also dangerous for humans, because the appearance of this insect capable of scaring even an experienced naturalist.

In addition, although centipede venom does not have an all-encompassing effect, there is still medicine for a centipede bite that is associated with an acute allergic reaction to her poison.

Red fire ants are pests that cause damage.

Probably, this type of ant is the most unusual and most dangerous for humans and even society as a whole.

The harm caused by the population of these ants is difficult to overestimate. Fire ants appeared in the United States several centuries ago, but since then they have not been found. fails to exterminate.

Therefore, every year many people, not to mention animals, die from stinging bites these insects. Their bite is similar to a burn from a flame, which is why the name of this type of ant is so specific.

Red fire ants

Red fire ants reproduce very quickly, so they constantly require more and more food.

Interestingly, these ants feed not only on organic compounds such as plants, other insects, and so on. These ants are not averse to eating:

  • buildings
  • building materials
  • tree
  • sidewalk

and everything that comes to a person’s mind.

Therefore, every year the American authorities clutch their heads, counting damage caused by these ants.

The Brazilian wandering spider is the most poisonous on the planet

This spider is truly the most dangerous among all existing species of spiders, which was even noted by the Guinness Book of Records.

This insect is incomparable to any other in its danger, since the venom of such a spider is extremely dangerous.

Brazilian wandering spider

With a spider bite, a person gets into the body enough poison, which can have an effect on the body, which can even lead to the death of the victim.

Even its insignificant content in a person’s blood can take his life in a matter of minutes.

The action of the poison is accompanied sharp pains And inability to control muscles. This leads to difficulty in the functioning of the entire body, but most importantly, it causes breathing to stop.

If the amount of poison is less than a lethal dose, a person can still feel severe pain, in addition, rigor, and as a result - risk of cardiac arrest.

Video about the most dangerous insects


So you need to be extremely careful And vigilant, so as not to inadvertently become a victim of any insect from our list.

Fortunately, most of the insects presented here live far beyond the borders of our country, but still this does not provide a guarantee that you will not encounter another dangerous insect. Therefore, it is better to know everything about the most dangerous insects in the world and then recognize a possible threat!

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 23:05

Insects are an integral part of the ecosystem of our planet. There are more than 5 million on planet Earth. various types insects, 1 million of them are dangerous. We have selected especially for you the 25 most dangerous insects, which you will read about later in the article..


Termites do not pose a direct danger to humans; they play an important role for environment Moreover, in some cultures they are even eaten. But at the same time, baby termites can cause enormous damage to infrastructure, sometimes making houses completely uninhabitable.


Black-legged tick

Each year, the black-legged tick infects thousands of people with Lyme disease, which begins with a rash around the bite that resembles a bull's eye. Early symptoms of this disease include headache and fever. WITH further development illness the victim also begins to suffer from problems with cardiovascular system. Few people die from these bites, but the effects can last for years after an unpleasant tick encounter.

Nomadic ants

The first creature on our list that is dangerous in the literal sense of the word is stray ants, known for their predatory aggression. Unlike other ant species, roving ants do not build their own permanent anthills. Instead, they create colonies that migrate from one place to another. These predators constantly move throughout the day, hunting insects and small vertebrates. In fact, the entire combined colony can kill more than half a million insects and small animals in one day.


Although most wasps pose little direct danger, certain species, such as the German wasp of North America, reach large sizes and can be incredibly aggressive. If they sense danger or notice an invasion of their territory, they can sting repeatedly and very painfully. They will mark their aggressors and in some cases chase them.

Black Widow

Although the sting of a female Black Widow spider can be very dangerous to humans due to the neurotoxins released during the bite, if the necessary medical attention is provided in time, the consequences of the bite will be limited to only some pain. Unfortunately, isolated cases of death from the bite of the Black Widow still occurred.

Hairy caterpillar Coquette moth

Although these Coquette Moth caterpillars Megalopyge opercularis look cute and furry, don't be fooled by their cartoonish appearance as they are extremely poisonous.

Usually people believe that it is the hairs themselves that sting, but in reality the poison is released through the spines hidden in this “fur”. The spines are extremely brittle and remain in the skin after touching. The poison causes a burning sensation around the affected area, headache, dizziness, vomiting, sharp pain in the abdomen, defeat lymph nodes and, sometimes, respiratory arrest.


One of the most famous beetles, the cockroach is known as a carrier of many diseases dangerous to humans. Main danger life together with cockroaches is that they get into toilets, garbage cans and other places where bacteria accumulate, and as a result, they are their carriers. Cockroaches can cause many diseases: from worms and dysentery to tuberculosis and typhoid. Cockroaches can carry fungi, single-celled organisms, bacteria and viruses. And so fun fact– they can live for many months without food or water.

Bed bugs

A person does not directly feel the bedbug bite itself, since the bedbug’s saliva contains an anesthetic substance. If the bug is unable to get to the blood capillary the first time, it can bite a person several times. Severe itching begins at the site of the bug bite, and a blister may also appear. Occasionally, people experience a severe allergic reaction to a bug bite. Fortunately, 70 percent of people experience little to no effects from them.

Bedbugs are household insects and do not belong to the group of vectors infectious diseases, however, in their body they can retain pathogens that transmit infections through the blood for a long time, these include: viral hepatitis B; pathogens of plague, tularemia, and Q-fever can also persist. They cause the greatest harm to people with their bites, depriving a person of normal rest and sleep, which can subsequently negatively affect moral health and performance.

Human gadfly


Centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata). This insect, also called the flycatcher, supposedly appeared in the Mediterranean. Although other sources talk about Mexico. The centipede has become very common throughout the world. Although the appearance of such insects is unattractive, they generally perform useful work, as they eat other insect pests and even spiders. True, with entomophobia (fear of insects), such an argument will not help. People usually kill them because of their unpleasant appearance, although in some southern countries centipedes are even protected. Flycatchers are predators; they inject poison into their prey and then kill it. Flycatchers often settle in apartments without causing damage to food or furniture. They love moisture; centipedes can often be found in basements, under bathtubs, and in toilets. Flycatchers live from 3 to 7 years; newborns have only 4 pairs of legs, increasing them by one with each new moult. Typically, a bite from such an insect is not alarming to humans, although it may be comparable to a minor bee sting. For some, this may even be painful, but usually it is limited to tears. Of course, centipedes are not the insects that are responsible for thousands of deaths, but many of us will be surprised to learn that someone dies every year from these bites. The point is that it is possible allergic reaction to insect venom, but this still happens extremely rarely.

Black scorpion

Despite the fact that scorpions do not belong to insects, since they belong to the order of arthropods from the class of arachnids, we still included them in this list, especially since black scorpions are among the most dangerous species of scorpions. Most of them live in South Africa, and are especially common in desert areas. Black scorpions are distinguished from other species by their thick tails and thin legs. Black scorpions sting by injecting their victim with venom that can cause pain, paralysis and even death.


Ant Bullet

Paraponera clavata is a species of large tropical ants from the genus Paraponera Smith, and the subfamily Paraponerinae (Formicidae), which have a strong sting. Called the bullet ant because victims of the bite compare it to being shot from a gun.

A person bitten by such an ant may feel throbbing and constant pain for 24 hours after the bite. Some local Indian tribes (Satere-Mawe, Maue, Brazil) use these ants in very painful initiation rites for boys. adult life(which leads to temporary paralysis and even blackening of the stung fingers). During the study chemical composition poison, a paralyzing neurotoxin (peptide) called poneratoxin was isolated from it.

Brazilian wandering spider

Also known as Phoneutria, Brazilian wandering spiders are venomous creatures that live in tropical South America and Central America. In the 2010 Guinness Book of World Records, this type of spider was called the most poisonous spider in the world.

The venom of this genus of spiders contains a powerful neurotoxin known as PhTx3. In lethal concentrations, this neurotoxin causes loss of muscle control and breathing problems, leading to paralysis and eventual suffocation. The bite is of average pain, the venom causes instant infection of the lymphatic system, entry into the bloodstream in 85% leads to heart failure. Patients feel wild rigor during life, sometimes causing priapism in men. There is an antidote that is used on par with antibiotics, but due to the severity of the damage to the body from the poison, the detoxification procedure is essentially equal to the victim's chance of survival.

Malaria mosquito

Rat fleas

African honey bee

African bees (also known as killer bees) are descendants of bees brought from Africa to Brazil in the 1950s in an attempt to improve that country's honey production. Some African queens have begun to interbreed with native European bees. The resulting hybrids moved north and are still found in southern California.

African bees look the same and in most cases act similar European bees who currently reside in the United States. They can only be detected by DNA analysis. Their stings are also no different from an ordinary bee. One very important difference between the two species is the defensive behavior of African bees, which occurs when defending their nest. In some attacks in South America, African bees have killed livestock and people. This behavior has earned AMPs the nickname “Killer Bees.”

Additionally, this type of bee is known for behaving like an invader. Their swarms attack the hives of ordinary honey bee, invading them and installing his queen. They attack in large colonies and are ready to destroy anyone who encroaches on their queen.


Although not generally perceived as dangerous, fleas transmit numerous diseases between animals and people. Throughout history, they have contributed to the spread of many diseases, such as the bubonic plague.

Fire ants

Fire ants are several related ants from the Solenopsis saevissima species-group of the genus Solenopsis, which have a strong sting and poison, the effect of which is similar to a burn from a flame (hence their name). More often, invasive Red appears under this name. fire ant, which has spread throughout the world. There are known cases of a person being stung by one ant with serious consequences, anaphylactic shock, even death.

Brown recluse spider

The second spider on our list, the Brown Recluse, does not release neurotoxins like the Black Widow. Its bite destroys tissue and can cause damage that can take months to heal.

The bite very often goes unnoticed, but in most cases the sensations are similar to those of a needle prick. Then within 2-8 hours the pain makes itself felt. Further, the situation develops depending on the amount of poison that enters the blood. The venom of the brown recluse spider has a hemolytic effect, which means it causes necrosis and tissue destruction. A bite for small children, elderly and sick people can be fatal.

Siafu Ants

Siafu (Dorylus). These nomadic ants mainly live in Eastern and Central Africa, but are also found in tropical Asia. Insects live in colonies that can number up to 20 million individuals, all of them blind. They make their journeys with the help of pheromones. The colony has no permanent place residence, wandering from place to place. During their movement to feed the larvae, insects attack all invertebrate animals. Among such ants there is a special group - soldiers. They are the ones who can sting, for which they use their hook-shaped jaws, and the size of such individuals reaches 13 mm. Soldiers' jaws are so strong that in some places in Africa they are even used to secure stitches. The wound may remain closed for as long as 4 days. Usually, after a Siafu bite, the consequences are minimal; you don’t even need to call a doctor. It is true that young and elderly people are especially sensitive to the bites of such ants; deaths from complications after contact have been observed. As a result, every year, according to statistics, from 20 to 50 people die from these insects. This is facilitated by their aggressiveness, especially when defending their colony, which a person can accidentally attack.

Giant Asian shemale

Many of us have seen bumblebees, they seem quite small, and there is no particular reason to be afraid of them. Now imagine a bumblebee that has grown up as if on steroids, or just look at the Asian giant. These hornets are the largest in the world - their length can reach 5 cm, and their wingspan is 7.5 centimeters. The length of the sting of such insects can be up to 6 mm, but neither a bee nor a wasp can compare with such a bite; bumblebees can also sting repeatedly. Such dangerous insects cannot be found in Europe or the USA, but when traveling through East Asia and the mountains of Japan, you can encounter them. To understand the consequences of a bite, it is enough to listen to eyewitnesses. They compare the sensation of a bumblebee sting to a hot nail driven into the leg. Sting venom has 8 various connections, which cause discomfort and damage soft fabrics and creating a scent that can attract more bumblebees to the prey. People who are allergic to bees can die from a reaction, but there have been cases of death due to the mandorotoxin venom, which can be dangerous if it gets deep enough into the body. It is believed that about 70 people die from such bites every year. It is curious, but the sting is not their main hunting weapon - bumblebees crush their enemies with their large jaws.

Tsetse fly

The tsetse fly lives in tropical and subtropical Africa, having chosen the Kalahari and Sahara deserts. Flies are carriers of trypanosomiasis, which causes sleeping sickness in animals and humans. Tsetse are anatomically very similar to their common relatives - they can be distinguished by the proboscis on the front of the head and the special manner in which the wings are folded. It is the proboscis that allows them to obtain the main food - the blood of wild mammals in Africa. On this continent there are 21 species of such flies, which in length can reach from 9 to 14 mm. You should not consider flies so harmless to humans, because they actually kill people, doing this quite often. It is believed that up to 500 thousand people in Africa are now infected with sleeping sickness, transmitted by this particular insect. The disease disrupts the activity of the endocrine and cardiac systems. The nervous system is then affected, causing mental confusion and sleep disturbances. Attacks of fatigue give way to hyperactivity. The last major epidemic was recorded in Uganda in 2008; in general, the disease is on the WHO list of forgotten ones. However, in Uganda alone, 200 thousand people have died from sleeping sickness over the past 6 years. The disease is believed to be largely responsible for the deteriorating economic situation in Africa. It is curious that flies attack any warm object, even a car, but they do not attack a zebra, considering it just a flash of stripes. Tsetse flies also saved Africa from soil erosion and overgrazing caused by cattle. The man came up with different methods fight these insects. In the 1930s, all wild pigs were exterminated on the West Coast, but this only lasted for 20 years. Now they are fighting by shooting wild animals, cutting down bushes and treating male flies with radiation in order to deprive them of the opportunity to reproduce.

The most dangerous insects in the world are creatures that live in different points planets. They endanger humans and animals different ways: sting and release poison, carry various diseases or create a lot of trouble just by their presence. There are more than 30 million species of insects, but among them there are a dozen of the most dangerous, whose small size creates a misleading impression of their harmlessness.

Bullet Ant

If a day-old ant makes a cry, it means it is ready to attack its prey. One of the most dangerous insects lives on a tree, where it grows its anthill, the height of which can be more than 10 meters. This species is common in South America and is distinguished by a powerful sting and paralyzing venom. The bullet ant is a predator. It feeds on both living and dead insects, but also loves sweet plant juice. He is considered a peaceful inhabitant of the tropics until danger threatens. If you have to defend yourself, the ant will first make a warning hissing sound, highlight bad smell and only then will he attack. Its bite is so painful that it is comparable to bullet wound. Hence the name "bullet". And the pain experienced by the bitten person lasts a day, which gave the second name “daily” or “24 hours”.

In Asia you can meet a very dangerous insect - asian shemale. It is difficult not to notice because its dimensions are impressive - 5 cm in length and wingspan - 7.5 cm. With its 0.6 cm sting, the bumblebee can sting many times in a row. In terms of pain, its bite is comparable to that of having a hot iron applied to the body. In addition, the poison has a specific smell, by which other bumblebees find the same victim and attack.

Kissing bug

The name “has nothing to do with the behavior of this dangerous insect, namely the bad habit of stinging a person on the lips. The beetle is attracted by the heat of breath and secreted carbon dioxide. He attacks at night. In tropical countries, the insect spreads a disease called Chagas disease, the symptoms of which can develop over several decades and cause heart failure in humans.

Or “a few millimeters of danger” - an insect from which people have been suffering for many centuries. It was fleas that caused the plague that struck all of Europe in the 12th century and killed 15 million people. First of all, the danger of fleas is that they are carriers of many dangerous diseases such as encephalitis, typhus, anthrax and various helminthiases. During evolution, they lost the ability to fly, but their mouth became capable of biting through thick skin covering sacrifice and drink her blood.

An equally dangerous insect that lives in Africa, as it is a carrier of sleeping sickness. From ordinary fly it is distinguished by a long proboscis and a pattern on the wing that resembles a butcher knife. Interesting fact– tsetse does not attack only zebras, since for flies it is a continuous ripple of stripes. It attacks other animals and humans with lightning speed. Tsetse attack any object that emits heat. They can even attack a running car. There has been and is a constant struggle with tsetse. Good results showed an experiment during which it was caught a large number of flies The captured males were sterilized and released into the wild. The females fertilized by them did not give birth to offspring. Thus, it was possible to significantly reduce the population of dangerous killers.

She turned into one of the most dangerous insects by accident. The scientist who brought the Kerra breed from Africa accidentally released bees and the females crossed with drones. The result of the mix was a very aggressive bee. This species is very hardy and strong. Bees are capable of attacking houses in swarms and killing animals and people, which is why they are nicknamed “killer bees.” No one risks approaching their hive, otherwise there is a risk of death. Bees are capable of chasing prey for several kilometers. Even if a person dives into the water to hide from his pursuers, they will circle above the surface for a long time and wait for the victim. Insects do not calm down like European bees in an hour, but remain in an aggressive state for up to 8 hours.

a real danger to humans and animals. They are able to smell prey from a distance of ten meters, hide in the grass and wait patiently. With the help of legs with suction cups, ticks move nimbly over their prey. They mainly tend to the armpits, groin, and neck. Moreover, ticks can survive without food for several years, but when given the opportunity to eat, they become insatiable. Ticks eat so much that their weight can increase a hundred times its original weight. In total there are about 50 thousand species. For humans, the most dangerous are ticks that transmit encephalitis, which affects the human nervous system and brain, often leading to disability and even death.

Or the “lazy clown” - an insect that exudes danger. Residents of South America are afraid of a chance meeting with this beauty. Hidden under a bright and beautiful caterpillar dangerous killer. The villi that cover the entire body of the lonomia secrete a powerful poison. A person who touches a caterpillar almost instantly has kidney failure, internal bleeding begins and the body becomes covered with bruises. If there was contact with several individuals at once, then this threatens cerebral hemorrhage. It is very difficult for a person to recover from such exposure to poison. All victims of the lazy clown remain disabled.

is a well-known insect that mainly attacks cattle, but in South America there is a widespread subspecies that is dangerous to humans. More precisely, the larvae of this insect are dangerous. Females lay larvae in the epidermis, where they develop for 2 months. In this case, a noticeable cone-shaped tubercle is formed and the person feels movement under the skin. When the larva matures, it comes out and this process is very painful. The gadfly, due to its reproductive principle and the appearance of the larvae, is also considered one of the most terrible insects.


Every minute in the world a person suffers from a mosquito bite. They account for the most human deaths, therefore they are the most dangerous insects in the world. The mosquito has a long proboscis that easily penetrates human skin. Its flight is silent and the landing on the body is not felt at all. Only females drink blood because they need it for procreation. After the bite, malaria develops within half an hour, which affects the blood and liver. Entire herds of animals can die from mosquito bites, or rather from blood poisoning. And in Suriname the species still exists death penalty when mosquitoes are released onto the convicted person.

Our world is populated a huge amount insects, both dangerous and completely harmless, both frightening and quite attractive. Some insects (for example, termites) cause a genuine phobia in many people and have an unattractive, and in some cases even disgusting, appearance. But you shouldn’t admire cute caterpillars, butterflies and beetles, which stand out for their special cartoonish appearance, because many of them pose a real threat to human health and even life and are classified as "The most dangerous insects in the world" . In this article we will plunge into the world of the top ten insects that pose a serious danger to human health.

1. Fire ants. The red ant (fire ant) ​​is recognized by scientists as the most dangerous species of invasive ant. Insects are distinguished by their bright colors, which is the basis for their name. The body length of ants is very small and does not exceed 2-6 mm. This type of termite lives in America, but in last years The habitat expanded, reaching Russia.

Red fire ants pose a serious danger to humans, as they have a strong sting and powerful poison. When the toxin is injected into the affected area of ​​the body, a feeling of impact occurs open flame fire, which intensifies over time. Ants attack people if they feel their own anthill is in danger. In this case, the attack comes from a whole group of termites that sting mercilessly. According to statistics, about 30 people die from fire ant bites every year.

2. Ticks. To date, scientists have discovered about 48 thousand of these insects. Many of them do not pose a danger to human health or life. For example, the house field tick lives next to humans throughout its life, but due to its microscopic size does not cause any harm.

Larger ticks, in particular encephalitis ones, are another matter. Incubation period after a bite encephalitis tick is 2-4 weeks. During this period, aching bones, a sharp increase in temperature, and headaches may be observed. In the worst case scenario, the victim falls into a coma, and disorders of the central nervous system are observed, which can ultimately lead to death.

Another name for this insect is steppe, which is associated with the habitat of the arthropods. The spider has a bright color that catches the eye. Karakurts do not attack without a reason, so becoming a victim of a bite in Everyday life almost impossible. The insect attacks only if it feels its life is threatened. The greatest activity of the Black Widow is observed in June-July, when the air temperature reaches its maximum.

It is noteworthy that not all steppe spiders pose a danger to the life and health of animals and people. Only females (Black Widows) are known to be venomous and are known to eat their mate after fertilization. The poison of the karakurt is 15 times stronger than the toxin released by the rattlesnake. After a bite, a person experiences severe acute pain that spreads throughout the entire limb. Within 30 minutes, the poison enters and spreads throughout the body. If the antidote is not injected, death is possible. Therefore, the victim should immediately seek help from specialists.

Not all caterpillars living on Earth are considered safe insects. Lonomy is a true proof of this. The caterpillar lives in the territory forest zones South America. Among local residents, the insect was called the “lazy clown.” Lonomy is perfectly camouflaged on bushes, so you can be accidentally harmed by the caterpillar.

The caterpillar attracts people with its appearance - elegant, beautiful, bright and catchy. But behind this charm lies a powerful toxin that is secreted by small villi on the body. The insect's venom is so strong that the affected person experiences almost immediate kidney failure. In addition, the process of destruction of red blood cells starts, which causes serious bleeding of internal tissues. Characteristic spots – bruises – appear on the human body.

If a person manages to touch several killer caterpillars at once, the risk of fulminant hemorrhage in the brain increases. This is followed by a stroke, which causes death. According to statistics, every year from 10 to 30 people die from this insect. Many of the victims become disabled for life.

The hornet lives in Asia, India, Nepal, China and Korea, but bees have also been spotted in the Primorsky Territory in the Russian Federation. Recognized as one of the most big hornets in the world, since the body length of individual individuals exceeds 5 cm. The bee has powerful jaws and a 6-millimeter sting that easily pierces the skin of an adult. The insect attacks for no particular reason, and you can fight it off without outside help almost impossible.

During a bite, the hornet repeatedly inserts its sting into the skin, thereby saturating the tissue with highly toxic poison. This toxin is literally words corrode human flesh, causing unbearable pain and torment. A Japanese entomologist who was attacked by a hornet compared its bite to a puncture of tissue with a hot nail. Death from infection by tiger bee venom is recorded in 30-70 people annually.

6. Androctonus. The black scorpion is recognized as one of the most dangerous insects for humans out of 25 other species of scorpions that have the strongest poison. Androctonus lives in the arid regions of the Middle East and Africa. Scorpion venom consists of a potent neurotoxin that causes death in an adult within 7 hours. Children die much faster when bitten by an insect. The antidote is produced by only a few pharmaceutical companies, which limits the range of medical institutions where they can provide ambulance during intoxication.

Up to 10 people die every year from the bite of Androctonus. During the attack, the victim feels only a slight discomfort, reminiscent of a weak injection. After a couple of minutes, the pain at the site of the bite increases, the affected limb swells and turns red. Subsequently, the functioning of the respiratory center is disrupted, and convulsions are observed. Eventually the toxin reaches the chest and causes paralysis of the heart muscle. If help is not provided, the person dies.

A very dangerous insect living in South America. Anthills are located on trees, so killer ants swoop down on their prey directly from the branches. At the same time, they give out a piercing squeak, which is a cry for other individuals. And as practice shows, not a dozen, but a thousand insects come running to this squeak.

Ants have a very toxic poison, which they inject when they bite with their super-powerful stinger. The sensations experienced by the victim during and after the bite are comparable to a gunshot wound, which became the basis for this name. Among local residents, the name “ant-24 hours” is also used in everyday life. This is due to the fact that after being bitten by an ant, a person will struggle for a day in excruciating agony, which is accompanied by unbearable pain and powerful convulsions.

To this day, some Indian tribes have a common custom of initiation into a man, which consists of putting your hand in a mitten boiling with these ants for 10 minutes. The sensations from this ritual are comparable only to those if a person puts his hand into hot coals. After painful minutes of the ritual, many of the boys become paralyzed, and their fingers turn completely black.

As practice shows, among ants there are a colossal number of deadly species of these insects. Therefore, army ants occupy one of the most honorable places in the ranking. These termites are dangerous because they are blind, so they attack all those who have blood and flesh. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a fly, an elephant or a person. Soldier ants travel in colonies and do not build anthills, so anyone can fall under this all-destructive force.

Insects have a large body, which often reaches 3 cm in length. The main weapon is a long and strong mandible, with which they cut through flesh. After the formation of an abrasion, they penetrate into the flesh, beginning to gradually destroy it. This causes unbearable pain to the victim. " Living Death“This is exactly how scientists characterize the columns of soldier ants. They are able to completely eat an elephant in 6 days, what can we say about a person who can become their victim.

The main danger of these insects is that they are inherently invaders. If bees familiar to humans do not attack without an immediate threat to the hive, then a killer bee will certainly attack everyone passing by. They hunt in swarms, and the venom is comparable to that of a snake. And if one individual attacks, then nothing terrible will happen to the victim. But if a swarm of thousands attacks, a severe allergic reaction will occur, followed by anaphylactic shock and, in most cases, death.

Killer bees are a product of human activity. Distinguish by appearance this insect from an ordinary European bee is impossible, only if DNA research is carried out. The main danger of Africanized bees is their “addictiveness”. If they previously lived in America, then modern stage their range is moving deeper and deeper to the east, while the bees are destroying everything in their path.

This insect is recognized by scientists as one of the most dangerous in the world. This is due to the fact that they are a source of infection for people with sleeping sickness. Despite all the advances in medicine, it has not been possible to find a cure for this disease until today.

After a bite, a person experiences drowsiness and serious disturbances in the nervous system, which makes the victim’s consciousness confused and foggy. In severe cases, the disease causes coma and later death. According to statistics, in the territories south of the Sahara Desert, about 500 thousand inhabitants are infected with a deadly virus and most of them face a long, painful death.

No matter how cute the insect is, it can carry a fatal risk for anyone, so you should be especially careful when traveling to exotic countries that are infested with killer termites.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):