It is much easier to make mistakes in the design of a small bedroom than in a large one. You should not choose more than 1 accent color and do not have more than 1 accent wall. The point is the bed linen and curtains, which attract a lot of attention, which means that if you go too far with the walls and ceiling, you’ll end up with a mess and not a design. But first things first.

Deciding on style and decoration

First, let's put forward a few important points. Some we’ll reveal later, some you’ll have to believe in.

  1. Choose white as your main background color. Not gray, not beige, not coffee. White.
  2. Maximum of 1 additional accent color in trim. Better than 0. Bed linen, curtains, clothes - everything has its own color and there are enough of these colors. There is no point in adding color with trim.
  3. Bed linen is the first most important thing in a small bedroom. No matter how cool the design you make, choose regular bed linen with flowers and there will be nothing left of the design. Only one color. Look at the photos.
  4. Don't go crazy with the ceiling. The best ceiling for a small bedroom is a smooth white matte ceiling without any complications.
  5. Lighting color temperature 3000K. This question will be discussed further from a biological point of view.

Choosing a Design Style

The main thing is to decide whether we should make the bedroom in a modern or classic style. Our deep conviction is that you should always choose modern styles. If for large apartments this is just an opinion, then for small apartments it is the rule.

In a small area, you should always choose modern design styles.

This is also true because of money. Let's be honest, the vast majority of people don't have an unlimited budget. Actually, if this were so, then why would we have small bedrooms? And since money still matters, you should choose modern styles because... In addition to their main advantages, they are also cheaper.

Here is a photo of the ideal design for a small bedroom:

Modern interior design styles combine well and there are no clear boundaries between them. TOP most relevant design styles for small bedrooms in 2019:

  1. Minimalism
  2. Scandinavian style

Apart from the classic loft, the basic template for most modern styles is minimalism. Other styles are achieved by adding details to it. We advise you to start getting acquainted with modern bedroom design with, and then consider others.

Choosing wall color

Typically, an accent wall is placed behind the bed. But the selection criterion is workload. The less busy the wall, the better suited it is to serve as an accent wall. Because There is always a door on one wall, and a window on the other; the accent wall is either the wall behind the TV or behind the bed. Attention is drawn to it either by some cool wallpaper or simply by a bright color. But be careful with, although this material has been used longer than others, it is with it that there are the most nuances.

In addition to the walls, the bedroom has bed linen, curtains, possibly a carpet and other items. All these items have their own colors. If we also make the walls bright, it will turn out to be a mess.

Decorative plaster has been around for a long time, but was used only in classical styles. By 2019, this material experienced a rebirth and burst into modern styles. This is the most practical material, it is not afraid of anything, and is easy to clean. Can have any texture and color. The only downside is the high cost. But we don’t need to decorate all the walls in the bedroom with it; it’s enough to apply it to the wall behind the bed. This is the most modern way of finishing the wall behind the bed, and has no restrictions on implementation. The price for a meter of turnkey application of decorative plaster is $10-30, considering that our bedroom is small, the wall area behind the bed is approximately 3×2.7 = 8.1 square meters. Not cheap for one wall, but worth it.

The base color of the walls, when there are no special preferences, is white. It is always relevant and will never go out of fashion. The perfect neutral color that goes with anything. Because In the bedroom there is minimal danger of smearing the walls; this is where white is at its safest.

Floor and ceiling in a small bedroom

The biggest mistake in a small bedroom is to play tricks with floors and ceilings. The floors are almost invisible, because... Most of the space is occupied by the bed. If ceilings are made too complex, they attract an unreasonable amount of attention. A good place for multi-level plasterboard ceilings is the living room, but not the bedroom.

Ceiling in a small bedroom

Since we are making the ceiling simple, any material will do. The shape of the bedroom, even in apartments with a non-standard layout, is usually rectangular or square. The combination of a small area and regular shape is ideal for a stretch ceiling. In this version, there will be no seams or unsightly corners (since all angles are 90 degrees). This means there is no point in overpaying for plasterboard ceilings.

In a small bedroom we create a simple, minimalist ceiling.

Here is a good example when they thought that the design was too simple and decided to complicate it with a ceiling. In a vacuum it might not have been so bad, but in this particular example, such a ceiling design is completely out of touch.

Many people recommend choosing glossy ceilings for a small bedroom, supposedly this increases the space. We're the opposite We strongly advise against making glossy ceilings in a small bedroom. In addition to reflecting light, gloss also reflects everything else. As a result, we will get x2 of all items concentrated in a small area. This is chaos, not design. Interior design is about balance, not complexity. And in general, glossy ceilings look like a collective farm. In terms of price/appearance ratio, the absolute first place is occupied by suspended matte white ceilings.

Floor in a small bedroom

The most insignificant point is that the floor in a small bedroom is practically invisible. Choose any parquet or laminate with a chamfer you like - you can’t go wrong. The only recommendation that can be given is to take a closer look at dark colors. Ideally, if you can create the illusion of a gradient from a dark floor to a light ceiling - it looks very stylish. Otherwise there are no rules.

Where to start renovating a small bedroom

There are things that can always be changed or redone. And there are those that need to be laid out at the very beginning of interior design even before the renovation begins, because they cannot be redone. And no matter how cool the interior design you make for your small bedroom, if you make a mistake in them and it is impractical, you will no longer care about any appearance. Let's start with them.


The bedroom is one of the most undemanding rooms in terms of space. Unlike other rooms, here our activity is minimal - falling asleep and waking up. In fact, the minimum sufficient area is 9 sq.m. For a square room this is 3x3 meters along the walls. The standard size of mattresses is 160-180×200. This means that any place where you can shove it can already be turned into a bedroom.

The minimum sufficient bedroom area is 9 sq.m.

But you always want more. If your apartment has the opportunity to remodel and enlarge a small bedroom by moving walls or, for example, adding a balcony, then why not. We are constantly We recommend considering redevelopment options for small apartments. Many people have an irrational fear of redevelopment, and this is completely in vain. It is not so expensive and difficult, and provides significant advantages, both in terms of design and practicality.

The most common design option for expanding the space of a small bedroom is adding a balcony. To achieve this, the balcony is insulated, and the wall between it and the bedroom is either demolished entirely, or the window frame and door are simply removed. The advantage of the second option is that there is no need to move the battery and there is an additional table (in place of the former window). But keep in mind that it is almost impossible to legalize the connection of a balcony to a bedroom.

We sorted out the remodeling of the bedroom. What else is important to do at the initial stage of repair.

Electrical wiring in the bedroom

Switches in a small bedroom

What you definitely cannot change is the electrical wiring. Get this wrong and even a small bedroom can cause big problems.

By 2019, for professional builders and designers, some things in bedroom design have already become standard. One of them - pass-through switches in the bedroom. Walk-through switches are groups of switches that can independently turn on and off the same light circuit. This is especially true for corridors and bedrooms, even small ones. Agree, it’s convenient to be able to turn the light on and off without getting out of bed or walking to the door.

Wiring for pass-through switches must be done immediately; it is impossible to add them later.

Sockets in a small bedroom

In 2019, it is no longer possible to imagine yourself without gadgets. A phone, an e-reader, a tablet are things that are constantly used in the bedroom. Things that tend to run out of charge at the most inopportune moment. Accordingly, on each side of the bed, in addition to pass-through switches, there should be at least two sockets.

Don't forget about TV outlets. Moreover, it is advisable to know in advance whether it will stand on a stand or suspended on a bracket, because... the height depends on this. We recommend making a group of at least 3 outlets - you never know what else you might want to connect.

Place another 1-2 sockets below at a height of 15-30 cm from the floor. They can be useful for a vacuum cleaner or climate control equipment, which is relevant by the way. Air humidity in the bedroom is an important parameter, but you don’t think about it as long as it’s in order. If for some reason the air is too dry, you should have the ability and outlets to connect a humidifier.

The design of sockets and switches has also changed a lot. Now the choice of sockets, both in appearance and in terms of wallet, is simply huge. Any colors, any styles. If at some point you come across the need to support an additional accent color in the bedroom with some accessories, think about sockets and switches. It is quite possible that they exist in exactly the color you need.

Lighting in a small bedroom

One of the most important points in which Even designers don't understand. Light affects the quality of sleep. Every person has an internal biological clock (circadian rhythm). 2-3 hours before bedtime, the body begins to produce the hormone melatonin, which plays an important role in the quality of sleep. And here there is an important nuance - light suppresses the production of this hormone. And what could be more important in bedroom design than its impact on sleep?

In order to go to sleep normally, bedroom lighting must meet two requirements:

  1. Non-primary dim light sources.
  2. Color temperature no more than 3000K.

This is necessary because the suppression of melatonin production depends on the intensity and wavelength of the light. Therefore, you should be able to use additional light sources that will not glare. Complete darkness is also not an option - being in the dark when watching TV is harmful to the eyes.

Warm or cool lighting in the bedroom also matters. The colder light appears to us, the shorter its wavelength. And it is light with a short wavelength that worsens sleep the most. That's why in bedroom design it is important to use lamps with a color temperature of 2800-3000K those. warm yellow lighting .

Furniture in a small bedroom

How to place the bed

The mattress size is 160-180×200, respectively, the size of the bed is slightly larger depending on its design. Standard placement, where space allows, is in the middle of the room with the back to the wall. The advantages of placing a bed in the bedroom in this way are the ability to create bedside tables, sockets and switches on both sides.

When the room area is small and there is no room for such “chic”, we put the bed against the wall or window. Some inconvenience arises from the inability to climb onto it from both sides, but this does not make the small bedroom look any worse. This is a completely standard option, many have already used it and the bedroom interior does not suffer much. You can appreciate it in the photographs:

If the sides of the bed are narrow, then you will have constant contact with the wall to which the bed is attached. It is advisable that this wall is not too light, or at least made of a material that is easy to clean, such as decorative plaster.

Because Our bedroom is small, it’s unlikely that we can fit a bunch of wardrobes into it. Therefore, you may need to consider options where the bed has storage space. This will somewhat worsen the design of a small bedroom by overloading it, but practicality is more important.

Wardrobe and cabinets

A small or large room, but you need to store things somewhere. Of course, I would like small, light cabinets at the edges of the bed, but in practice it would be a good idea to make them up to the ceiling. Unusual, but practical. Fortunately, now they can make anything to order. And due to the high competition in the market for custom furniture manufacturing services, prices can be found quite humanely, the main thing is to look.

Visit as many bedroom furniture manufacturing companies as possible - prices vary greatly.

Many people deliberately reduce the bedroom area to 10-12 square meters in favor of a wardrobe. This is a redevelopment in which we move the entrance deeper into the bedroom, and use the freed-up space as a wardrobe. In this case, the space is not used rationally, but from a design point of view, such a bedroom interior looks better.

If the square footage is still limited and there is no desire to exchange them for appearance, then choose either a wardrobe or a regular wardrobe with hinged doors. In the bedroom design trends of 2019, the second option is even preferable - sliding wardrobes are no longer in fashion.

This proposal sounds a little crazy, but it’s better than a constant mess from the inability to put things in their places. But everyone has a lot of things and their quantity does not correlate in any way with the small size of the room. In this case, be sure to choose light colors for such furniture, preferably without texture. Pure white or beige furniture is standard. This is also important because dust is not visible on a light-colored surface, and you are unlikely to have the opportunity to constantly climb under the bedroom ceiling to wipe it off.

On light colors, dust is not visible.

Our task is to adapt everything we can for storage. The bed, the open areas of the walls - everything.

Now you have all the information on the design of small bedrooms, get ideas from the photos and good luck with the renovation!

Save and share - it will come in handy!

The bedroom is an intimate, personal place, and it doesn't have to be big. But what is the most practical way to use all the available space? You will learn about this in today's article.

What colors to choose for a small bedroom?

Light shades are best for a small bedroom. Neutral colors such as white, light blue, beige, and cream make the room seem larger and create a feeling of calm. A similar color scheme will also allow you to give the room any mood - from the restraint of a modern style to the romance of a French one.

Red wall as a bright accent

However, bright colors are not prohibited at all! There are many shades of pastel colors that will perfectly highlight the interior of a small bedroom: for example, various versions of purple, pink or blue. Coral, salmon, light green colors, as well as a combination of white and yellow, look especially good.

How to choose furniture for a small bedroom?

With limited space, every square centimeter must be used wisely. When choosing furniture, you need to limit yourself to the essentials and look for the most functional models. Avoid rounded furniture; it reduces the usable area of ​​the room. But furniture with straight lines allows you to use space much more efficiently.

Functional furniture for a small bedroom

Canopy beds or lush baroque style furniture are not suitable for a small bedroom. Choose furniture exactly the size you need. Are there two people sharing the room? Opt for a single bed instead of a double. This wise decision will allow you to allocate additional space, for example, for storing things. By the way, beds can be bought at low prices directly from the factory, saving not only space, but also money.

A single bed will allow you to allocate space for other needs

In a very small room, you can place the bed along the wall. Perhaps this way you will lose one bedside table, but you will be able to install a larger wardrobe.

By placing the bed along the wall, you can free up additional space

Think about how you can make the best use of your headboard. Is it possible to place a mezzanine above the bed? Another good option is a shelf above the head of the bed, where you can not only store various small items, but also install decorative elements that will decorate the entire interior. Like the tree in the photo below.

A shelf at the head of the bed creates additional opportunities for both storage and decoration.

Mezzanines above the bed allow you to use the vertical space of a small bedroom

Use the space in height: narrow but tall chests of drawers, wardrobes, hanging shelves, beds with drawers. Without taking up the area of ​​the room, you thus increase the storage space.

Bed with drawers in the attic room

There are also quite non-trivial, but therefore even more interesting options. The bed can be installed on a podium, which can accommodate no less things than a large closet. And if the height of the ceilings allows (or if you are not embarrassed by the ceiling hanging directly above you), your choice may be a “two-story” room layout. will make it possible to place a wardrobe, desk, sofa or just a TV under it.

Bunk bed - an interesting solution for a small bedroom

Bed on the podium

Of course, you can abandon the bed altogether, opting for a folding sofa. During the day, it will be a cozy place for reading, watching TV, chatting with guests, and with one movement of the hand it will turn into a comfortable bed at night. Many sofa beds have a drawer for storing bed linens, which eliminates the problem of placing extra blankets and pillows.

A chest can replace a closet and become a room decoration

The remaining space in the bedroom belongs to the closet. Mirrored doors visually increase the area of ​​the room, although not everyone likes this option. In any case, it would be wise to go for a closet that spans the entire height of the room, as this will give you a quarter or even a third more storage space. On the upper shelves you can store things that you do not access very often: additional sets of bed linen, winter clothes in the summer, New Year's decorations, etc.

Mirrored closet doors optically increase the space of a small bedroom

Hinged closet doors will “steal” the usable space of a small bedroom. Therefore, the most preferable option is a wardrobe.

Sliding closet doors free up space in the room

Small bedroom decor

A small bedroom should not be “overloaded” with decorative elements, otherwise it will seem even smaller. However, individual details of the same color scheme will enliven the room. A bedspread, pillows, sconces, plants and sculptures of rhyming colors will create a holistic and harmonious interior.

Bright rhyming elements in the interior of a small bedroom

Avoid dark thick curtains, opt for light transparent curtains. For greater comfort, you can lay a small rug in front of the bed.

Sheer curtains and carpet create a cozy feel in the bedroom

Lighting in a small bedroom

Consider additional lighting options besides a chandelier. You should place sconces or floor lamps at the head of the bed, which will provide an opportunity to read before bed. In addition, it makes sense to plan options for diffused lighting, which will create additional soft light accents and make the entire room more cozy.

Diffused lighting allows you to adjust the light from dim to bright

We hope our tips have brought you closer to your ideal small bedroom design. Finally, a few more photos with beautiful interiors of small bedrooms.

If you don’t have a spacious apartment, then you’re probably wondering how to arrange a small room so that everything is compact, functional and in its place. Today we will show photos of interesting ideas for small rooms. Of course, they cannot all be used in one interior, but you can borrow some of them when creating a design for future renovations.

Use full-length wardrobes with mirrored doors: they are spacious and take up relatively little space. A sliding wardrobe will allow you to store all the necessary and unnecessary things. The main thing is to approach its filling wisely: all shelves and hangers should be well thought out so that you place things as compactly as possible. Recommendations for filling a wardrobe (see others):

Layout of shelves in a wardrobe

More mirrors are another way to visually increase the area of ​​a room. But don't overdo it with glossy surfaces; they need to be used very carefully in a small space.

Use the free space under the bed, sofa, above the door and on the walls. It can fit a lot of things that are just lying around the room. You can use wall shelves without visible fastening to place some of the things on the floor tables. Do not overload the space, this is the main rule: as little unnecessary things in sight as possible.

Furniture for small bedrooms

Often a large bed takes up all the free space in the room. This problem is solved by French hanging beds under the ceiling and beds in the closet, which are completely removed during the day and free up space. Examples of such bedrooms are in the photo below:

Many people abandon beds altogether and use sofas for a small room as a sleeping place.

If you have a small room, how can you arrange it for several people to live in? You can use bunk beds and loft beds; they allow you to properly distribute free space.


Perhaps one of the most important elements of any interior is harmoniously selected lighting. Forget about old shades and chandeliers - create multi-level lighting for different areas. It will allow you to adjust the light in the room as desired: bright when needed, and when you decide to watch a movie in the evening, a soft glow near the wall will be enough.

Most often, single- and stretch ceilings are used to install directional lamps. In addition, consider the option, it can be easily pasted anywhere and allows your designs to “float in the air.”

The photo shows examples of well-chosen lighting in small rooms:


Zoning can be done using lighting, wall, floor or ceiling decoration. The role of a “border” can be a closet or a transparent curtain separating the workplace from the relaxation area.

Typically, one room contains a bedroom, a study, a living room, and sometimes a kitchen.


An excellent solution for saving space and zoning a room is a multifunctional podium. At the top there can be a sleeping area, a relaxation area or a work area, and below there are spacious shelves or a pull-out bed.
Look at the photos of the finished frame podiums - all the necessary things are collected in one corner, isn’t it functional?

In this article, we touched on many techniques for increasing the space and functionality of a room. When you start renovating a small room, remember our recommendations. Adapt ready-made solutions to your needs, refine ideas to get an unusual and practical design for a small room.

But your room is only a few square meters? There is a solution! In this article, we have collected the basic rules for decorating small bedrooms, which for many years have allowed both eminent designers and beginners to create wonderful, cozy interiors in small spaces, and we have also selected bright photographs illustrating these techniques. We hope this collection inspires you with some new ideas for your next best bedroom.

So, what should you know when starting to decorate a small bedroom?

Light colors

A small space, decorated in light colors, visually becomes wider and more spacious. This traditional technique, which works flawlessly, is repeatedly resorted to by designers of various sizes. A light palette seems to saturate the room with air, giving it lightness and elegance.

It is not at all necessary to use only white; pastel colors are also quite suitable for this purpose.

If you want to give the room volume, you should abandon dark walls and choose wallpaper for the bedroom or light-colored paint that visually “pushes” the walls apart. A ceiling painted sparkling white and wallpaper with a horizontal pattern will also create the desired effect. Wanting to add more color and brightness to the room, you can paint only one of the walls a bright color, provided that the rest are white.

Even a small room can be decorated stylishly, brightly, and most importantly, cozy

Advice! If you decide to use parquet or laminate for the floor, it is better to lay it diagonally, this will also help to visually enlarge the bedroom.

Entrance to the room

One of the important conditions for creating a comfortable space in a small area is a free, uncluttered entrance to the room. If you leave the distance from the bedroom door to the opposite wall open, the room will appear visually wider.

Healthy! Dressing room from the pantry we have selected for you 50 options for the most comfortable, modern, beautiful dressing rooms

Small bedroom design: accessories

Advice! You should be careful with mirrors in the bedroom: for example, Feng Shui strongly advises against hanging them opposite the bed.

Space optimization

In a room with a small area, every centimeter of space, just like every item in the interior, must perform a specific function. A bold and productive solution that will allow you to carve out the desired square meters will be the organization second tier. This way you can increase the functional space and also separate the sleeping area. A properly equipped window sill can become an excellent comfortable sofa.

Advice! Bright details (for example, pillows) attract attention, distracting it from the lack of space.

Combination of functional areas

Often the bedrooms in small apartments They combine both work rooms and places for creativity. To properly organize such a combination, you need to think through the interior in detail. So, you can free up space for desk, placing the bed correctly - for example, placing it parallel to the windowsill. Stationery and various household items, as well as clothes, can be stored on shelves and mezzanines attached to the ceiling.

In any, even the smallest room, you can place workplace. Of course, a “study” next to the bed does not always promote relaxation before bed, and a sleeping place sometimes induces sleep in the midst of a working day, but such a neighborhood is often the only solution to the problem of a small living space.

Compact furniture

Naturally, the furniture in such a room should be oversized, compact and as functional as possible. No big ones nightstand near the bed. You can replace the cabinet with a low console, which will give the room elegance and light charm, a shelving unit or even a simple bookcase, which can be used for its intended purpose if necessary. You can also use tall narrow cabinets instead of a cabinet.

The issue of storing things in a small bedroom can be solved in a rather original way - by using not only horizontal, but also vertical space. So, for the location of all kinds of shelves and cabinets, the place directly above headboard. There, above the bed, you can also hang a stylish shelf for storing all sorts of small things that you are used to usually putting on the bedside table. And you can attach a built-in lamp to the bottom side of the shelf, by the light of which it will be convenient and cozy to read your favorite books before bed.

Advice! A tall stack of books, which will be placed right on the floor near the bed, will become not only stylish, but also a convenient solution for reading lovers.

The bed in such a room should be low, preferably without legs, for example, in Japanese style. An under-bed podium, equipped with drawers, can also become an excellent storage system for various things, including bed linen.

If the area of ​​the room allows you to place a wardrobe in it, then it is better to opt for a built-in one. wardrobe with mirrored doors. In general, furniture for a small bedroom should be oversized, simple, without any frills or large designs; it should not overload the room.

Advice! You also need to arrange furniture in the room rationally, avoiding voids between objects. You also need to be careful with bright strokes - in order to emphasize the design concept, one or two elements will be enough.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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