When choosing pipes for hot water supply, everyone is faced with a choice - save money on cheaper products, or spend money on expensive but durable ones. Let’s try to objectively consider all the advantages and disadvantages of different pipes and decide which option is really beneficial.

Metal pipes - last century or timeless classic?

Today, metal products seem a priori unprofitable to us - the first thing that catches our eye is the high price of such pipes, then we remember the need for welding work, corrosion, and deposits on the internal walls. In a word, everything seems obvious - metal pipes are not an option!

However, metal is different from metal. For example, a copper pipeline is not subject to corrosion, copper does not react with water and possible impurities, practically no dirt sticks to the internal walls, and the system itself is light in weight. Copper looks very aesthetically pleasing, and if some section of the pipeline is in a visible place, it does not have to be painted over or, on the contrary, the pipes can be used to advantage as an interior detail.

True, the pipe system should not be left open for the entire duration, especially if your house has a circulation pipeline - copper has too high a coefficient of thermal conductivity, which in this case can be interpreted as a disadvantage. The longer the pipes are, the longer the hot water will cool.. You can turn a blind eye to this if the length of the pipeline is short, but otherwise you will also have to spend money on thermal insulation.

The durability of copper pipes is the most important advantage of such products. Under different conditions, and also depending on the parameters of the pipes themselves, a hot water supply system can last from 70 years to 200! Exact data has not yet been established - copper pipes for hot water supply have become widely available relatively recently, and we are in no hurry to take the manufacturers’ word for it. In any case, you will have to pay for such a long service life - copper pipes are the most expensive on our list.

Galvanized steel is a well-known, but still aging, solution for piping. Although the pipes are galvanized on the outside and inside, the galvanized layer is destroyed at the joints during welding or threading, causing the joints to become susceptible to corrosion. Corrosion leads to leaks and water acquires a metallic taste. Therefore, the design service life of steel pipelines is 20 years. Not so much, you'll agree.

Steel pipes have only one important advantage - high strength. In some conditions this quality is very important.

Cast iron pipes are a frankly outdated option. Heavy, bulky, rough, fragile. Their only advantage is the highest degree of hydraulic resistance. Against the backdrop of shortcomings, this quality is lost. In the projects of modern houses, cast iron pipes are not used, since the material cannot be bent. The service life of highways ranges from 15 to 30 years.

Understanding abbreviations - plastic products

Plastic pipes are a general name for essentially different products, which are united only by the synthetic nature of the material from which they are made. The modern consumer became acquainted with polymer products back in the 90s of the last century - during this time it was possible to objectively evaluate all their qualities.

First, let's find out what kind of products are hidden behind the abbreviations.

  • PVC is a well-known polyvinyl chloride. PVC pipes are pioneers among polymer products. Service life – 15–20 years.
  • HDPE and LDPE - low and high pressure polyethylene, a very common option. Polyethylene pipes last from 15 to 20 years.
  • PP - this is how plastic polypropylene pipes are marked. Service life – 15–20 years.
  • PEX - marking on cross-linked polyethylene pipes. Many people incorrectly interpret the meaning of the word “stitched”, meaning by this the process of joining the walls. However, in fact, this term refers to a high-tech procedure for combining chains of molecules into a special network system. The result of this combination is elastic, heat-resistant and ultra-strong pipes. Service life - from 20 to 50 years, depending on operating conditions.
  • PEX-AL-PEX - this is how metal-plastic pipes are marked. They have increased strength, which is achieved due to two layers of cross-linked polyethylene. A layer of aluminum foil is laid between them. These products stand apart - you can’t say about them that they are inexpensive, but the costs will be justified by their long service life - from 30 to 50 years.

The advantages of plastic are well known - it is not subject to corrosion, it can be bent by hand, it does not react with water and impurities, and the internal walls do not accumulate deposits. Minimum weight, simplicity and high speed of installation - in this regard, plastic pipes have no competitors. In terms of service life, they are somewhere in the middle between cheap steel and expensive copper products - under favorable operating conditions, pipes made of high-quality plastic can last up to 50 years.

This period can be significantly reduced by factors such as frequent hydrodynamic shocks in the water supply system, mechanical damage to the walls, and exposure to direct sunlight. Pipes must be made strictly from food-grade plastic - ask for a certificate confirming this quality. The low cost of the products allows you to quickly and permanently set up a hot water supply system, including a circulation water supply.

Plastic pipes - additional knowledge

In addition to the basic qualities, this knowledge about plastic pipes will also be useful to you. Thus, polypropylene products are used in both hot and cold water supply, as well as to create sewerage and heating systems. Please note that for hot water supply and heating it is better to use pipes only with reinforcement, metal or fiberglass. For cold water supply and sewerage, any pipes of the required diameter are suitable.

Polypropylene and polyethylene products are quite elastic, which cannot be said about PVC pipes. These are the toughest plastic pipes, but this quality can be tolerated if you have to lay large sections of pipeline that will be exposed to direct sunlight. PVC is most resistant to ultraviolet radiation. In addition, thanks to the large number of different fittings, PVC pipes become suitable if you need to equip a circulation pipeline.

July 30, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

I have a new friend who works as a police colonel in the regional department of internal affairs. We met when I was renovating his bathroom and toilet. And everything would be fine, but he is haunted by his position and the irrepressible desire to lead everyone and always.

Therefore, he and I often had and continue to have (we communicate a lot) disputes about how and what is the best way to do repairs. For example, recently we got into a serious fight over which pipes are best for water supply in an apartment. And, by the way, we never came to a final decision.

Well, I decided not to lose face, since I feel like a great professional in this area, and prepared a whole study for him dedicated to this issue. I think it will also be useful for home craftsmen who are used to doing repairs with their own hands.

So that you don’t have to look for additional information, the information about the different types of pipes below is accompanied by instructions that will allow you to independently install a water supply system in your own home.

Types and features of pipes for water supply installation

Installing pipes in an apartment is an important and integral stage of repairs in a plumbing room. But before you get to work, you need to choose the right material for this.

For many, the guideline when purchasing necessary products is their price. However, I think this is fundamentally wrong. It is much more important to pay attention to the technical characteristics and performance properties.

I consider reliability, strength and ability to withstand high pressure to be the main selection criteria. In addition, long service life, resistance to temperature changes and the ability to withstand exposure to aggressive chemicals.

Well, if you are going to carry out the installation and subsequent repair of water supply pipes in the apartment yourself, you also need to choose an option so that you can easily cope with the necessary operations.

My interlocutor and I discussed several of the most common types of pipes that are used for domestic purposes. I will tell you about all their technical characteristics so that you can, if necessary, choose a specific option yourself.

Steel pipes

For as long as I can remember, steel piping has always been used to install plumbing systems. They are very strong and quite durable, but currently the popularity of such solutions is rapidly falling. Metal products are giving way to more technological options: plastic, copper, and so on.

In defense of the classics, I can say that utility lines assembled from steel pipes are capable of transporting liquid at high temperatures under high pressure. However, this is hardly necessary in an ordinary apartment.

Modern metal water pipes are made from black steel or galvanized steel. The latter option is protected from corrosion, which has a positive effect on the service life of the designed engineering systems.

The main disadvantage for me personally is that the surface of such parts is constantly covered with condensed moisture. It is necessary to carry out thermal insulation and take other additional measures. And all this against the backdrop of the fact that special equipment must be used to install pipelines and repair them.

With proper care (periodic painting), metal pipes can last for more than fifty years. But despite this, now in my work I use such products only if I am asked to repair existing and working water pipes.

I have summarized all the advantages and disadvantages of steel pipes in a table so that it is convenient for you to analyze the information.

To avoid the negative aspects associated with the use of these pipes, modern builders have replaced black steel with another metal -. We will talk about it further.

Copper pipes

Plumbing communications in an apartment made from such pipes have increased strength and reliability. However, I can immediately warn you that constructing a high-quality engineering network from them is not an easy task.

Well, the most important thing that I want to say right away is the high cost of the products. Although the investment will pay off in the future, you should prepare a considerable amount of money for the purchase and installation of such pipes.

However, copper is a material that will last you more than 70 years without any problems. The water supply is not damaged by mechanical stress, and can also be used in rooms with significant temperature fluctuations in the air.

I really, really like the look of copper pipes. They can perform not only the practical task of delivering water to plumbing fixtures, but also serve as an exquisite decoration.

I have seen designs where copper water pipes were used only to give the plumbing space a personal and unique touch.

Among other things, copper pipes have antiseptic properties. Copper prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria inside the water supply.
In addition, this metal does not react with dissolved chlorine, which also has a positive effect on the health of the person who consumes water for food.

As in the previous case, I will combine all the pros and cons into a small table.

Metal-plastic pipes

A good option for designing water supply systems in an apartment or private country house. Metal-plastic pipes are multilayer products consisting of two layers of plastic, between which a metal reinforcing frame is installed. The latter can be solid, perforated or laid in a spiral shape.

These pipes weigh very little and are practical to use. Personally, I can also highlight the ease of installation. To connect products to each other and to various fittings, fittings are used that can be secured using ordinary open-end wrenches.

The average service life of metal-plastic pipes is about 35 years. Metal-plastic pipelines are capable of transporting liquid whose temperature does not exceed 75 degrees Celsius.

The main advantages of this type of water pipes for me personally are:

  • maximum ease of installation;
  • the ability to bend metal-plastic pipes without installing corners;
  • low price of parts and fittings;
  • possibility of use for hidden installation (if you buy compression fittings rather than compression ones).

If you use detachable (threaded) fittings, I advise you to inspect all connections from time to time to ensure that leaks are identified and repaired in a timely manner.

I consider the disadvantage to be poor frost resistance. If ice forms in a metal-plastic pipe (for example, the water supply at the dacha freezes in winter), most likely the plastic will break and the damaged section of the pipe will have to be replaced. Although the procedure itself is simple, no one wants to bother again.

Therefore, I consider plastic pipes to be the best choice for household water supply, the characteristics of which we will begin to describe immediately.

Plastic pipes

Products made from polymers are perfectly suited for long-term use for the purpose of transporting liquid and gaseous media. In addition to water pipes, there are plastic pipes for gas in the apartment. That is, you can make all engineering communications from modern materials that have excellent performance characteristics.

Several types of plastic pipes are used in private and commercial construction:

  • polypropylene;
  • polyethylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride.

Our argument with the colonel was heated, so we discussed each option in detail. Which is what I suggest you do.


I use such pipes very often for installation of both plumbing and heating. If we are talking about hot water, you can use reinforced pipes, but cold water flows well through ordinary ones.

The service life of polypropylene is up to 50 years, the possible temperature of the liquid inside is 90 degrees Celsius.

So, the advantages of polypropylene pipes:

  • long service life;
  • low price of both the pipes themselves and the fittings for their installation;
  • high strength and absolute tightness of soldered joints;
  • versatility, that is, the possibility of use for plumbing and heating;
  • Simplicity and speed of installation, even on your own.

As I already said, if you plan to install cold water supply, you can take any polypropylene pipes. However, when it comes to constructing a system for supplying hot water, the choice of suitable materials should be taken more seriously.

The store offers several options for pipes made of this type of plastic:

  • ordinary;
  • reinforced

The fact is that one of the disadvantages of polypropylene is its high coefficient of thermal expansion. To make it clearer for you, I will explain with an example. We take a pipe made of ordinary polypropylene 10 meters long. If you heat it to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, it will lengthen by as much as 15 cm.

I can tell you with confidence that this is a lot. Therefore, installers often make compensation loops to compensate for such size changes.

However, there is another, simpler option to avoid deformation. Just buy pipes reinforced with foil or fiberglass. In the latter case, when heated to 100 degrees, the material will increase in size to 1.5 cm, which can be completely neglected.

I’ll say right away that despite the name, the presence or absence of a reinforcing layer does not affect the strength of the product.

But, I warn you, these two types of pipes differ in installation technology. The unreinforced pipe is simply soldered to the fitting. Reinforced pipes with fiberglass are connected in the same way (since both of these materials have the same melting point).

As for foil, it’s not so simple. There should be no reinforcement at all in the soldered joint, therefore, before heating and soldering, the aluminum is completely cleaned off to avoid damage to the water supply during operation.

Again, to make it easier for you to choose, I will briefly summarize everything related to polypropylene pipes:

  1. Unreinforced pipe is perfect for cold water supply. It is very cheap, easy to solder and lasts a long time.
  2. Fiberglass-reinforced pipe is more expensive than other varieties, but is universal: suitable not only for cold and hot water supply, but also for heating. In this case, there will be no problems with soldering, since the fiberglass is fused simultaneously with polypropylene.
  3. Foil-reinforced pipe is a compromise option. It does not deform greatly when heated, but during soldering it requires additional processing.


Pipes made from this type of polymer are characterized by high strength and excellent elasticity. But at the same time they have a low thermal conductivity coefficient. They are excellent for arranging water supply systems, especially external ones (on the street), as they are not destroyed when the water inside freezes.

If you are going to use polyethylene for the installation of hot water supply and heating systems, you need to buy another type of material - cross-linked polyethylene (PEX).

Such pipes change at the molecular level, which radically changes their technical characteristics. They can withstand high temperatures and pressure and do not deform when heated.. But the price of such parts is quite high.

Polyethylene pipes are not so often used for the installation of internal water supply systems, since there are more optimal options in terms of cost and performance properties. I directly stated this to the colonel arguing with me.

Polyvinyl chloride

You are most likely familiar with PVC pipes if you have built or upgraded your sewer system yourself. However, there are varieties that are used when installing water pipes.

Polyvinyl chloride, which is the raw material for the manufacture of the parts in question, is initially very soft and plastic, but during the production of pipes stabilizers and modifiers are added to it, which give the plastic greater strength and make it more frost-resistant.

The main advantage of this material over other types of plastic is its resistance to aggressive chemicals. For example, I have seen PVC pipes used to transport industrial oils in a manufacturing plant. And clean tap water will not harm the polymer in any way.

It should immediately be noted that there are three classes of pipes:

  • PN10;
  • PN16.

The number after the marking corresponds to the liquid pressure that the pipe wall can withstand without destruction. I’ll say right away that in apartments water is supplied under pressure of about 4 atmospheres, so, at first glance, PN6 will do.

But unfortunately, due to breakdowns of main equipment, water hammers occur, raising the pressure to 12 atmospheres. Therefore, I recommend using either stronger pipes or (I prefer this option) a pressure reducer through which the local water supply is connected to the central pipe.

The photo shows a pressure reducer on a water pipe.

Plastic pipes can be installed at any air temperature, but they cannot be used. When the water inside the water pipe freezes, the PVC will simply burst, and when heated above 60 degrees Celsius, it will melt.

Nevertheless, I can highlight several advantages of polyvinyl chloride pipes, thanks to which they are quite popular among specialists who install water pipes:

  1. Tolerate internal mechanical stress well. Solid abrasive particles found in tap water do not thin the walls of water pipes, so PVC engineering systems can last more than half a century.
  2. Products are safe for humans, during use they do not release harmful chemical compounds into the air and water.
  3. Absolutely non-corrosive regardless of external conditions.
  4. They don't burst when frozen I (if there is no water inside, which turns into ice).
  5. Light weight and very easy to install(mounted using glue fittings, without using a soldering iron).
  6. Cost less than similar products from other types of plastic.

PVC can be used for plumbing, but I personally am put off by the impossibility of transporting high-temperature water and the risk of destruction when ice forms.


As you can see, the process of selecting pipes is a non-trivial task. But it is the correct selection of material that allows you to design high-quality and reliable water supply in the apartment. And as a supplement, watch the video in this article.

If you still have any questions or have your own wishes, you can leave them in the comments to the material.

July 30, 2016

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When you are looking for an answer to the question of which pipe to choose for your water supply system, you have a wide range of options when choosing water pipes from a wide variety of materials.

The market now offers water supply products with various technical characteristics in a wide price range.

Type of pipes

Water pipes can be divided into two categories:

  1. Metal - steel, copper, stainless steel.
  2. Non-metallic or plastic - PVC, polypropylene, polyethylene, metal-plastic.

There are pipes that can be used only to transport cold water or to supply both cold and hot water. To decide which pipe is best for the water supply in your home, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of pipelines made of different materials.

Steel pipes

Steel pipes are produced with galvanized coating and without coating. They are connected to the water supply structure using threaded connections, using auxiliary elements such as pipes, tees, and couplings.

When installing a water supply system, they use adjustable and gas wrenches, welding, thread cutting devices, tools for cutting metal pipes (angle grinders, hacksaws, etc.), to seal the seams they use tow or Fuma tape. Steel pipe sizes are expressed in inches.

Steel pipes for pipeline

Steel pipes, due to their strength and reliability, are most widespread. They are produced in two types:

  • seamless;
  • welded, which can be straight-seam or spiral-seam.

Steel pipes are characterized by high operating pressure. They are also resistant to sudden pressure changes and high temperatures. They are used in heating systems with medium temperatures up to 100°C (steam heating).

In terms of quality and strength, seamless galvanized pipes can be called the best.

The zinc coating protects the surface of the product well from corrosion. Such pipes do not need to be primed or painted, except perhaps at the joints. Welding and threaded connections destroy the zinc coating, so the connection points must be protected from corrosion. Welded and seamless pipes are connected to each other with metal fittings.

Steel pipes have a number of disadvantages:

  • susceptibility to corrosion and erosion;
  • the presence of rust impurities in the water, etc.;
  • a decrease in the internal diameter of pipes over time due to the appearance of growths, and as a result, a decrease in water pressure;
  • the need for careful sealing of seams;
  • the complexity of installing a water supply system, which is due to the use of welding work;
  • their heavy weight, difficulty in handling and transportation.

Manufacturers have recently developed new technologies for producing steel pipes. They began to produce steel pipes, the inner surface of which has a non-metallic coating. Thus, the inside surface of the pipe is reliably protected from corrosion. The two-layer structure of such pipes consists of an outer metal shell and a non-metallic inner lining layer. The steel shell on the outside provides strength to the pipeline, and the inner non-metallic layer protects against corrosion and erosion.

In the water supply system, it is more advisable to use pipes lined with polyethylene. They can be used to transport water at temperatures up to 75°C and pressures up to 1.6 MPa.

Stainless steel pipes

Stainless steel pipes have absolutely no technical disadvantages. They can be used over a wide temperature range and at high pressure. But due to the high cost, such pipes are practically not used in everyday life.

Copper pipes

Copper pipes for water supply

Copper pipes are highly corrosion resistant; they have an internal surface roughness coefficient lower than steel and polymer pipes. This increases their throughput and makes it possible to use smaller diameter pipes for water supply.

The service life of copper pipes is more than 50 years. In addition, copper has disinfecting properties, therefore it protects water flowing through pipes from viruses and bacteria. Installing a copper water supply system is easier and takes less time than installing a water supply system using steel pipes.

Copper can be called an ideal material for water supply, since it does not spoil the taste of water, and can even improve it. The only disadvantage of copper water supply is its high cost.

Non-metallic pipes

Which pipe is better for water supply, metal or non-metal? Now the answer to this question interests everyone who has decided to change or lay new pipes in the water supply system. The main advantage of non-metallic pipes is their resistance to corrosion. And thanks to their perfectly smooth inner surface, they do not “overgrow” during operation, that is, no growths or deposits form on their walls.

Plastic pipes can transport liquids at temperatures up to 95°C, with a maximum pressure of 10 atm. Plastic plumbing for cold water supply will last up to 50 years, and a heating system up to 25 years. In individual houses, polypropylene, metal-plastic, polyethylene pipes.

Metal-plastic pipes

Metal-plastic pipes have a multi-layer structure. The inner aluminum layer is sandwiched between two layers of plastic. Metal-plastic pipes are characterized by high strength and low weight. For example, the weight of 10 m of pipe with a diameter of up to 30 mm is 1 - 2 kg.

Metal-plastic pipes bend well, can retain their given shape, and have a high degree of thermal conductivity.

The main disadvantage of metal-plastic pipes is that when there is a sharp change in the temperature of the water passing through the water supply system, aluminum tends to compress stronger than plastic, so the joints on the pipeline at high pressure are a very weak link.

To connect metal-plastic pipes, welding is not required; they are connected to each other using press fittings. For this type of connection, only a wrench is needed.

When buying metal-plastic pipes for water supply, you should remember that blue and light blue products are intended for cold water supply; they can withstand temperatures only up to +30°C. White pipes are required for hot water.

Polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes for water supply

Polypropylene pipes do not have many of the disadvantages of metal-plastic pipes. They have the same performance characteristics as metal-plastic products, but their joints, thanks to thermal welding, are very reliable and do not differ in strength from solid pipes. special

However, unlike metal-plastic pipes, polypropylene pipes are rigid, so bending of the pipes during installation is not allowed; different fittings (connections and adapters) provide changes in direction.

Strong connections between polypropylene pipes are their absolute advantage.

When installing hot water supply, you need to use reinforced polypropylene pipes. Polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 16-110 mm are produced; these products can withstand pressure up to 20 atmospheres.

Polypropylene pipes are inexpensive and durable. For cold water supply they can be used for up to 50 years, for hot water supply - 25 years. Polypropylene retains its characteristics even when the water system freezes. Pipes made of this material can be laid in floor screed and under plaster.

The disadvantages of polypropylene pipes include a high coefficient of linear expansion. If you make an open-type hot water supply, the pipes may sag. In addition, polypropylene pipes are “afraid” of UF radiation and temperatures above 75 degrees.

Polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes are designed for 2.5 to 10-16 atmospheres of working pressure and are produced with a diameter of 10-1000 mm. They can withstand operating temperatures ranging from -40 to +40°C. Their disadvantages include insufficient heat resistance and a high coefficient of linear expansion.

Pipelines made of cross-linked polyethylene

Water supply systems made from cross-linked polyethylene are in great demand today. Having appeared recently, these pipelines have gained popularity due to their simple installation technology. Connecting fittings of cross-linked polyethylene systems, unlike metal-plastic pipelines, do not have rubber seals. The seal is achieved by pressing the fitting tightly with the pipe.

Many professionals now consider cross-linked polyethylene to be the best technology for water supply.

Cross-linked polyethylene water pipes

The main advantages of cross-linked polyethylene systems include:

  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • the fittings used for connection do not reduce the passage in the pipeline (as, for example, in a metal-plastic system);
  • reliable connections;
  • inertness to chemicals contained in water.

PVC pipes

PVC water pipes

Pipes made of polyvinyl chloride, in comparison with polyethylene, are stronger and more resistant to chemical influences. They are produced with a diameter of 16 - 500 mm, the working pressure they can withstand is 6 - 46 atmospheres. The material polyvinyl chloride is not flammable and has good dielectric properties.

PVC pipes are used in cold and hot water supply. They can withstand water temperatures up to +90°C. For hot water supply systems, pipes with a diameter of 16-50 mm are used.

It is much easier to install water supply in your own home using PVC pipes. It does not require welding or complex tools. Therefore, the owner can install the water supply himself, having previously purchased pipes and connecting elements for this: couplings and angles. When you independently install a water supply system with polyvinyl chloride pipes, you can save on the expensive services of a gas welder.

And to summarize all of the above, it is worth noting that for non-metallic pipelines, in terms of reliability, strength and other performance characteristics, cross-linked polyethylene pipes are the best. In all respects they are superior to pipes made of polypropylene and metal-plastic.

For a water supply system made of metal pipes, copper pipes are the best option. But it is also worth noting that cross-linked polyethylene pipes are more expensive than metal-plastic and PVC pipes, just as copper pipes are much higher in cost than steel pipes.

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In order to determine which pipes are best for water supply, you must first weigh the pros and cons of each material. Therefore, today we will talk about the types of water pipes, consider their strengths and weaknesses, taking into account not only the technical characteristics, but also the comparative cost and complexity of installation.

Let's start with the types of water pipes.

Water pipes are conventionally divided into two large categories. Metal pipes include:

  • steel;
  • stainless steel pipes;
  • copper.

TO non-metallic pipes include:

  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • polyethylene;
  • made of cross-linked polyethylene;
  • PVC pipes.

Metal pipes

Metal pipes are a classic. They have been serving for many decades and have not lost their popularity to this day. Among them there are those that are used exclusively for cold water, and others for hot water supply. Let's look at the pros and cons of each type of pipe.

They come in regular and galvanized versions. During installation, pipes are connected with threads, for which tees, adapters, couplings, etc. are used. Steel pipes have gained considerable popularity due to their reliability and durability. They are not afraid of sudden temperature changes and high blood pressure, and according to the manufacturing method they are divided into:

  • welded;
  • seamless.

If we talk about which steel pipes are of the highest quality, then there is only one option - seamless with galvanized coating. Zinc is known to prevent corrosion, so there is no need to paint or prime these pipes.

Pay attention! Steel pipes only need painting at the joints. The fact is that any connection, regardless of type, will destroy the structure of the protective coating, so it should be additionally protected with a layer of paint or primer.

We've looked at the advantages of steel pipes, now let's see what their disadvantages are.

  1. Large weight, as a result - difficulties in transportation and installation.
  2. Corrosion.
  3. When installing the pipeline, welding is required, which further complicates the process.
  4. There will be foreign impurities in the water passing through the pipes.
  5. All seams must be carefully sealed.
  6. During long-term operation, the internal diameter of the pipes decreases, as build-up forms. As a result, the pressure drops significantly.

Not long ago, pipe manufacturers surprised us with their unique production technology. The fact is that steel pipes have appeared, coated on the inside with a non-metallic layer, which prevents the formation of build-up and corrosion. The outer layer of the products remains metal for durability.

Stainless steel pipes

Stainless steel pipes do not have any technical disadvantages. They can be used at a wide variety of temperatures, elevated pressures, etc. But such pipes are rarely found due to their only drawback - the very high cost.

Copper pipes

Copper pipes also have excellent corrosion resistance; moreover, their internal surface is less rough than other metal analogues. For this reason, such pipes have a higher throughput, due to which the copper pipeline can be smaller in diameter compared to steel.

Copper is distinguished not only by its long service life (copper pipes can last more than fifty years), but also by its disinfecting characteristics - water coming into contact with it is purified of harmful microorganisms. Also, a copper pipeline is quite easy and quick to install. In general, copper is the optimal material for plumbing, because it does not change the taste of water, but, on the contrary, improves it.

The main disadvantage of copper is its high cost.

You may be interested in information about what it should be.

Video - Water supply from copper pipes

Non-metallic pipes

Is it worth replacing old metal pipes with more modern non-metallic ones? This question interests many, let’s try to understand it. The main advantage of non-metallic water pipes is their resistance to rust. Moreover, the inner surface is flat and smooth, which is why the growths characteristic of metal will not appear on it.

Plastic pipes can withstand high temperatures (but not more than 95°C) and pressure of about ten atmospheres. Plastic water supply will last more than half a century (only copper pipes have such operational durability).

Metal-plastic pipes

The design of metal-plastic pipes is multilayer. They have plastic on the outside and inside, and a layer of aluminum in the middle. The advantage is high strength combined with low weight. For example, 20 m of such a pipe weighs no more than 3-4 kg.

Metal-plastic pipes are elastic and can be given any shape. They also conduct heat well. When installing metal-plastic pipes, no welding work is required; they are connected to each other with a wrench and special fittings.

Among the disadvantages, I would like to note the fact that with a sharp temperature jump in the water passing through the pipeline, aluminum will shrink faster than plastic. Plus high blood pressure. It turns out that the “Achilles heel” of pipes is precisely the connections.

Pay attention! When purchasing metal-plastic pipes, be aware that blue-colored products should be used only for cold water supply (water temperature should not exceed 30°). White pipes are used for hot water supply.

Polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes do not have the disadvantages that metal-plastic pipes have, although their technical characteristics are almost the same. The advantage is that the pipes are connected to each other by thermal welding, which ensures high strength of the joints. At the same time, polypropylene is significantly stiffer, which is why it will not be possible to change the direction of the water supply with ordinary bending - this is ensured by fittings.

Polypropylene pipes are characterized by durability and low cost. They can last more than 50 years (if we are talking about hot water supply, then this figure is halved). Moreover, polypropylene’s characteristics remain unchanged even when water freezes.

The main disadvantage of such pipes is considered to be a high linear expansion rate, that is, at high temperatures the pipeline somewhat lengthens and sags. They are also negatively affected by ultraviolet radiation, and temperatures above 75°C can even cause a water pipe to burst.

Video - How to choose polypropylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes can withstand pressures of up to 16 atmospheres and temperatures from -40° to +40°. As we can see, their heat resistance is quite low, which, together with a high linear expansion rate, can be considered a negative quality.

For this reason, polyethylene is not often used in water supply; its “relative” is much more popular - cross-linked polyethylene. This material appeared not so long ago, but has already acquired thousands of supporters. Indeed, the installation of cross-linked polyethylene pipes is very simple, because the fittings used for this do not have rubber seals - the pipe is crimped with a special fitting to ensure tightness.

So, the advantages of cross-linked polyethylene are as follows:

  • it tolerates sub-zero temperatures well;
  • cross-linked polyethylene is inert to various substances in circulating water;
  • PE pipe connections are very durable;
  • the fittings used here do not reduce water permeability.

PVC pipes

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is superior to all previous versions of plastic pipes both in strength and resistance to chemicals. Indeed, such pipes can withstand pressure of about 46 atmospheres. Moreover, the material does not burn, it can be used to supply both hot water (tolerates temperatures of 90°) and cold.

When installing PVC pipes, you will not need a welding machine or other specific tools, so it is quite possible to do all the work on arranging the water supply system yourself. The pipes are connected only through couplings and angles, which makes the process of installing a water supply more economical.

Features of installation of metal pipes

As mentioned earlier, when purchasing pipes for water supply, you need to pay attention not only to the cost and technical parameters, but also to the complexity of installation. As for metal pipelines, there can be two installation methods.

  1. Demountable installation

Collapsible method pipeline installation involves connecting pipes using special threaded fittings. The pipe is screwed into the fitting, and the joint itself is clamped with a lock nut. In other words, there are no fittings with fittings, as is the case with plastic pipes, here.

For installation, you only need a regular wrench, but this simplicity also has a downside - if the diameter of the pipes exceeds 6.3 cm, then dismountable installation will not be possible, since locknuts, as well as fittings, of such a diameter do not exist.

  1. Permanent installation

As you probably already guessed, non-separable method consists of welding or soldering joints. It is characteristic that in this case the diameter of the pipeline will not play any role.

Such versatility of the method requires the use of special tools - a welding machine, a gas cutter, etc. This is where the main disadvantage of permanent installation “surfaced” - not all welders know how to weld pipes.

Features of installation of plastic pipes

If we consider plastic pipes from the point of view of installation complexity, then they are much preferable. Indeed, they can be fastened with fittings, welding, molds and even assembly adhesive. The simplest installation method in this case is detachable fittings, which even a housewife can handle. If you require a more reliable connection, then pay attention to press fittings. By the way, such a docking method is also quite simple to implement.

As a conclusion – what to choose?

So we come to the most important thing - the answer to the question that interests us about the choice of pipes for the water supply. Of course, copper remains the best material, the many advantages of which we talked about. The only thing is that copper pipes are very expensive, and if you cannot afford such a purchase, then you can pay attention to plastic pipes. Among them, cross-linked polyethylene has the best characteristics, which, like copper, costs much more than its plastic “competitors”.

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10/29/2013 K.K.

The health of those who consume it depends on the quality of water. And so that the water in our water supply systems does not create unnecessary problems for us, we must worry about the quality of the pipes from which the water supply system will be made.

One of the first engineering systems that the civilizations of Ancient Rome and Greece, the Mayans and Babylonians, as well as Ancient Egypt were proud of was the water supply system. Providing the population of countries with high-quality water has always been given great importance. After all, the health of those who consume it depends on the quality of water. This is how it was when the first aqueducts appeared, and this is how it is now, in the age of developed engineering technologies. And so that the quality of water in our water supply systems does not create unnecessary problems for us, we must worry about the quality of the pipes from which the system that brings life-giving moisture to our home will be made.

For a person who is just starting to organize the water supply of his own home, as well as for someone who has decided to update the pipes in his own apartment, it is very important to understand "". The author of the topic asks participants to justify their preferences, which may help you make the right choice.

Another type of pipe used to create an economical heating system is chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipes. You can discuss the quality, performance characteristics and installation of these pipes in the topic ""

The most popular recently due to ease of installation and cost-effectiveness has become a water supply and heating system made of polypropylene. The main thing is to master "". The theme of the same name and the theme " " will help you with this.

Now let's move on to the video recommendations of our Internet channel about House and Dacha ForumHouse.TV. In the video "Working with steel pipes" Vladimir Romanov will give a master class on preparing steel pipes, tell you how and what is the best way to cut pipes, chamfer, make threads, how to measure the diameter of a pipe, etc.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):