
The varieties of heating pipes on the market give us hope that there will be no problems with choosing rental products. But every business has its own nuances, and in this case these are the pros and cons of the materials used in production. You need to at least have superficial knowledge in order to make a choice and not spend money on expensive galvanized pipes, which can be replaced with inexpensive plastic.

Main selection criteria

To decide which heating pipes to choose, you must first consider the heating option in the house. Here the determination criteria rest on two factors:

  • choose rolled products based on the material of manufacture;
  • diameter capable of ensuring a constant and uninterrupted flow of coolant.

Important! When selecting pipes for heating, it is better to determine in advance what pressure will be used for the systems and additionally select fittings or work out other connection options. Because when laying a heating pipe in a wall, you will need a specialized tool.

Calculation of thermal performance indicators

In order to choose the right pipes for heating, you must first calculate the project’s thermal performance indicators. Based on the received data, it is selected optimal size rental You won’t be able to display the numbers yourself because you need to know what types of installation options there are and what exactly you will use in the system’s operation. Therefore, it is better to contact an engineering company.

The design sheet for calculating the choice of heating pipes includes the following data:

  • pipe diameter;
  • systems layout diagram;
  • radiator installation locations;
  • options for node connections;
  • highway slope.
  • quantity shut-off valves for work in the heating system.

Additionally, laying options are indicated, whether the pipeline will pass underground or not, what pressure it pumps boiler equipment. Based on the results, a verdict will be made regarding the choice of pipes for heating a private house or multi-storey building.

Types of communications on the market - rolled metal and polymers

Metal has long been famous for its strength, and heating pipes belonging to this class are especially good if the pressure of the heating systems is high. Initially, rolled products were represented only by steel and cast iron, but today you can get away from the ordinary and choose heating pipes from the following alloys:

  • steel;
  • copper;
  • stainless materials;
  • galvanized pipes;
  • brass;
  • bronze.

Just a note. Rolled metal pipes can be of various sizes. They can withstand high pressure, are not afraid of heating temperatures and can be installed underground.

In turn, polymers are also represented by a wide range of products and the consumer can choose rolled products from the following types:

  • polypropylene;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene.

Polyethylene pipes are used for laying underground, and they are often used as the main lines for supplying heating to high-rise buildings. Other models are recommended to be installed indoors.

What is better to choose - are we looking at metal?

If you use heating pipes from this line, then understanding what types there are, you can correctly install heating systems. There is only one caveat - of all the above metals, the simplest and most inexpensive is black rolled steel. It has proven itself to be the best option for heating systems; it is not afraid of temperature and high pressure, but only indoors. Underground metal is susceptible to corrosion, so additional insulation must be provided during installation.

Rolled copper is considered ideal in all forms. They are durable, do not accumulate impurities inside and can be installed underground without fear for their condition. The service life of non-ferrous rolled products is hundreds of years, but the main obstacle to acquisition is the high cost.

Heating pipes from stainless steel and galvanized products. Rolled products are available in various sizes, and the characteristics of both metals are almost the same. When laying individual heating You can choose this particular rental. Metals can withstand high pressure and are also not afraid of temperature. Besides this attractive appearance will add zest to general view premises.

Just a note. A common problem in highways is blockage of channels with air. This is a common problem and does not affect the choice of pipes in any way. The problem is solved by installing bleed valves.

Relevance of polymer products

If you choose products of this type, then it is better to consider them for installation in a private home. Heating pipes of this class have various characteristics and depending on the additives used in production, they are given additional hardness. Well, in general, these are flexible materials, which significantly affects installation.

Operating pressure and temperature are also not terrible for most models, so many polymers can be used for laying heating systems. Problems of channel blockage with air can be solved by installing a bleed valve at the outlet of the radiator or on the drain tank.

But before choosing polypropylene pipes or another polymer option, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical data and determine which types can be used in your work.

Many people mistakenly believe that metal-plastic pipes are better. Due to the foil layer, tensile strength is ensured, and therefore this product is more reliable for heating systems.

Just a note. This option is good for heating installations, and during installation you can install several bleed valves to release areas clogged with air, without loss of strength. But rental with a fiberglass layer is better, and many sellers are unfairly silent about this.

Heating pipes with a foil layer are certainly in demand. They are flexible, can withstand pressure and are not afraid of operating temperatures. But their tensile strength is less than that of models with a fiberglass layer. But the heating main must also be reliable.

Polyethylene solutions in the operation of heating systems

The quality of these products is similar to polypropylene products. But polyethylene has one advantage - these are the only pipes that can be laid in the ground. An additional difference is that they have a high linear expansion. They are not afraid of pressure, but the temperature leads to strong stretching of the material mounted in a suspended state. Actually, this is why polyethylene is more used for laying underground and it is certainly impossible to install them in one- or two-pipe heating circuits . In addition, it is problematic to install valves on such products to combat air blockage in the system. Special technological soldering using adhesive materials is required.

You need to choose polyethylene pipes correctly. If you decide to run the heating from the main line to the house underground, then they will do an excellent job. But it is necessary to understand that not all polyethylene rolled products can be used in work. There must be special markings indicating the use of high-tech materials in manufacturing.

This is a special “anti-diffusion” layer that does not allow air to penetrate into the structure of the material. The line of materials must be marked with information that technological materials were used in production. Otherwise, an air plug will always form inside.

Of course, plastic today is considered better than other options, but only for installing heating in a private home. The temperature and pressure in the system are conducive to the use of polymers. This results in a plus relative to the cost of the work. But it is necessary to understand that the main line must be as reliable as possible and it is necessary to carry out the calculations correctly in order to select rental products for laying the circuit.

The heating system is one of the most important communications for an apartment and a private house. Thanks to its serviceable and quality work, depends on the coziness and comfort in a residential building. The functionality, reliability, and practicality of the heating system depend on the quality of the elements. We present to your attention detailed review types of heating pipes existing today, with a description of their inherent advantages and disadvantages, as well as recommendations for choosing pipes for different rooms.

Types of pipes for heating systems

For heating systems most often pipes are used:

  • steel;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polyethylene;
  • propylene.

All pipes have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you compare them with each other, it is best to consider performance characteristics using a table.

Have aluminum layer, with the help of which minimal linear expansion and high temperature loads, maintaining shape. High elasticity allows pipes to be bent as needed.

Polyethylene pipes heat resistant, have high joint strength and low hydraulic losses. It is necessary to select polyethylene pipes for heating only with reinforcing layer, which allows the pipe to maintain its shape.

They are used if the coolant temperature does not exceed 70 degrees. Due to expansion and high fluidity, this type of pipe requires additional fixation to avoid sagging and malfunctions. If propylene pipes have reinforced layer made of aluminum, they can be used not only for hidden, but also for conventional wiring.

Metal-plastic pipes have a structure of 5 layers: plastic, aluminum glue, glue, plastic. Thanks to their multi-layer structure, pipes easily withstand temperature changes, are resistant to corrosion and chemical attack, do not oxidize, and do not deposit salts.

Metal-plastic pipes are used for cold and hot water supply and heating.

Specifications metal-plastic pipes:

  • maximum temperature- 95 degrees;
  • maximum pressure at the highest temperature - 10 bar;
  • maximum pressure at a temperature of 0−25 degrees - 25 bar;
  • the maximum permissible short-term temperature is 130 degrees.

If all operating conditions are met, then the pipes will last at least 50 years.

In order to connect metal-plastic pipes to each other, brass fittings are used, which ensure the reliability and strength of the structure. The disadvantage of this connection is the reduction in the diameter of the fitting's flow area.

Advice. It is best to use metal-plastic pipes if the coolant has high temperature.

Polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes for heating systems are made of durable and reliable polyethylene with PEX modification. Such pipes are used not only for autonomous, but also for central heating.

Polyethylene pipes have such advantages How:

To connect polyethylene pipes to each other, use fittings made of bronze, polymers and brass. The fittings do not have seals in the form of rubber rings, because the pipe material serves as a seal and this increases the durability and reliability of the connection.

Advice. It is best to choose polyethylene pipes for heating systems with a reinforcing profile.

Polypropylene pipes made from polypropylene special type. This type of pipe heat resistant and durable, but it has some disadvantages that other materials do not have - high fluidity and the ability to change shape under the influence of high temperatures.

Metal-plastic and plastic pipes, unlike polypropylene pipes, bend much easier, which makes installation much faster and more convenient, and when installing polypropylene pipes, you will need huge amount swivel fittings.

have the following characteristics:

  • maximum temperature 70 degrees;
  • maximum pressure at 70 degrees - 10 bar;
  • pressure at temperature 0 = 25 degrees - 25 bar;
  • permissible short-term temperature is 90 degrees.

Fittings made of polypropylene are used to connect pipes. The structures are connected to each other using diffuse welding of polypropylene and a temperature of 270 degrees. The strength of this type of connection allows you to extend the service life of pipes. You can use soldering of pipes to each other on straight sections, and with the help of fittings, turns are provided where necessary.

Propylene pipes are most often used with a reinforced profile, which gives the structure strength and reliability. To prevent pipes from changing shape, it is necessary to use additional fastenings that will support the structures and don't let them sag. Supporting structures are installed every 50 -60 cm.

Advice. Polypropylene pipes should be chosen for heating systems only if the coolant temperature does not exceed 60 degrees.

Steel is a material that is being used less and less for heating systems. The point is that although steel pipes durable and high quality, but they are subject to corrosion. Installation of heating systems made of steel pipes is a rather complex and labor-intensive process that only a professional can handle with the necessary equipment.

Due to high pressure loss and roughness, the use of steel pipes will lead to the formation of salt and biological formations inside them, which will reduce pipe flow.

Steel pipes can easily withstand temperature changes and do not deteriorate or deform under the influence of hot water.

Advice. Steel pipes must be used where it is difficult to control the heating of the coolant and if a high temperature of the coolant is noticed.

Selection of heating pipes

The process of selecting pipes is quite complex. When choosing pipes, you should decide:

  • with pipe diameter;
  • material;
  • quantity.

The choice of pipes is made depending on what heating system will be used.

very durable and reliable, but care must be taken to ensure that two different materials are not used in the design and galvanic couples do not occur, which can lead to corrosion of the steel. Working with this type of pipe is quite difficult, because welding is required. To install steel pipes, you must have knowledge and skills.

Propylene pipes are very economical and profitable. They heat the room and prevent heat loss. The use of this type of pipe is possible only when the coolant temperature does not exceed 60 -70 degrees.

Metal-plastic is another one modern material, which is very convenient to use for heating systems. The disadvantage of installing this type of pipe is the need for additional equipment. Metal-plastic is afraid sun rays, high temperatures, shocks.

For private homes it is best to choose polypropylene pipes, and for apartments - metal-plastic. For a summer house or a compact private house, it is best to choose steel pipes.

Pipe sizes for heating systems

Heating pipes may have different sizes- it all depends on the type of heating and buildings.

Pipes with a diameter of 200 mm and above are used for the construction of huge buildings that are visited by many people: hospitals, saunas, hotels.

Diameter 20−32 mm are used in individual construction due to the fact that they have a high throughput and easily heat rooms.

Pipes with a diameter of 20 mm are used to provide hot water supply with risers made of pipes with a diameter of 25 mm.

For central heating, choose a 25 mm pipe diameter, and for autonomous heating, it is best to consult with professionals, because in this case the size may vary.

To install heated floors, pipes are used whose diameter does not exceed 16 mm.

Advice. When choosing the diameter and material of pipes for heating systems, it is best to consult with leading experts who will tell you what type of materials is ideal for the building and heating system.

Properly selected and installed heating in the house will allow you to enjoy comfort and coziness, reduce heat loss and the amount of bills.

What should an ideal home be like? You can search for the answer to this almost philosophical question for a long time, list a lot of criteria and at the same time forget about the main thing. The key to comfort in a home is a comfortable temperature, and in the harsh domestic climate, it is possible to maintain heat only with the help of heating systems. The blood vessels that many people unfairly ignore are the pipes. The stability of the functioning of the heating system depends on the quality of their execution, correctly selected material and diameter. Let's figure out which heating pipes are best to choose and get acquainted with the main characteristics of the most popular materials.

No. 1. What should heating pipes be like?

The purpose of heating pipes is clear even to a child. They must transport hot water from , whatever it may be, to . This is a very important part of the heating system, on the quality of which not only our comfort, but also safety depends.

This one extends to the heating pipes minimum set requirements:

No. 2. What to consider when choosing heating pipes?

There are no universal pipes that would function equally well in different rooms. To pick up best pipes for heating, i.e. the most optimal and suitable in specific conditions, it is necessary take into account the following factors:

  • temperature and pressure in the system, which largely depend on what kind of heating is used, or centralized. IN individual systems pressure rarely exceeds 2-3 atmospheres, and in centralized ones it can rise to 16 atmospheres;
  • pipe laying type, external or hidden;
  • total area of ​​heated housing;
  • design boiler power and fuel type (for private houses);
  • operating conditions of the pipeline. This refers to the presence of unheated premises in certain areas;
  • possibility of repairs.

All pipe characteristics depend on the material they are made of- This the most important parameter, which must be taken into account when choosing.

No. 3. Heating pipe material: main types

The following types of heating pipes are used in residential premises:

  • steel;
  • stainless steel;
  • copper;
  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene;
  • metal-plastic.

Some of them (steel) are already becoming obsolete, others (polypropylene) are just conquering the market, but all of the listed types of pipes are produced and used today, because heating systems are very different and require an individual approach when installing.

No. 4. Steel pipes for heating

Until some time, steel pipes were the most popular and practically the only option for organizing a heating system. Time has passed, worthy alternatives have appeared, but steel pipes are still installed, although mainly in private homes. They are made from high quality carbon steel.

Main advantages:


No. 5. Stainless steel pipes for heating

Corrugated pipes made of alloy stainless steel do not have many of the disadvantages of their steel counterpart. They are used for arranging heating systems in new houses, as well as for reconstructing the heating system in old ones; they have gained great popularity in the arrangement heated floors, hot and cold water supply. So wide scope application explained main feature This type of pipe has the ability to bend.


  • stainless steel corrugated pipes resistant to corrosion, does not collect scale on the walls, durable;
  • resistance to water hammer and external mechanical influences;
  • slight thermal expansion;
  • flexibility, and such a pipe bends practically without reducing the internal diameter. This is convenient when space for installing a heating system is limited. In addition, complex systems can be installed with a minimum number of connections. This feature did stainless steel pipes very popular when arranging;
  • high heat transfer;
  • relatively simple installation;
  • wide scope of use.

Minus, as you might guess, there is only one thing - cost, but it pays off in durability and ease of installation. Another unpleasant feature is the low durability of the sealing rings, about 30 years.

No. 6. Copper pipes for heating

Let's continue studying metal pipes heating. Copper pipes began to be used back in the 17th century and are still actively used today, despite the emergence of cheaper options.


The main disadvantage is the high price. Not only is the material itself expensive, but also the main manufacturers are concentrated outside the country. If we take into account the durability of the material and the absence of problems in the next 100 years, then the cost does not look like such a significant drawback. If the issue of choosing heating pipes does not depend on the budget, then the best option would be copper pipes. The installation process is specific, so it is better to seek help from professionals.

In order for the heating system to last for many years, it is better do not combine copper pipes with unalloyed steel. The latter will rust very quickly. If such a combination cannot be avoided, then let the steel pipes be in front of the copper pipes in the direction of water movement.

No. 7. Polypropylene pipes for heating

They are made on the basis of polymers; there are several types of such pipes, but PPs pipes made of special propylene are usually used in the heating system. Materials from the thermoplastic group, which include all types of polypropylene pipes, are not resistant to high temperatures, so for heating systems it is necessary take only reinforced pipes, preferably fiberglass. For example, pipes of type PN25 are reinforced and can withstand system pressures of up to 25 atm and temperatures of +95 0 C with a short-term increase to +120 0 C.


  • relatively long service life. According to the manufacturers, durability reaches 50 years;
  • corrosion resistance. The inner surface of the pipes remains smooth throughout the entire service life, without compromising the throughput. Due to the tightness, oxygen does not pass into the system and does not damage its metal elements;
  • high mechanical strength;
  • light weight;
  • resistance to low temperatures. If water is frozen in a pipe, you don’t have to worry about its integrity - thanks to its ability to expand, the material will not be damaged and will return to its original shape after thawing;
  • hermetic connection, which is ensured by special fittings and welding;
  • relatively simple installation process. For connection individual elements Fittings are made using a special welding machine, which is popularly often called an iron and soldering iron. It takes a few seconds to weld a joint, and learning how to operate the machine is not difficult;
  • low noise level when water moves through pipes, especially when compared with metal analogues;
  • completely harmless to health;
  • relatively low price. Polypropylene pipes will cost less than metal-plastic or stainless steel ones.

Among the disadvantages:

  • inability to use in fire hazardous areas;
  • high linear expansion results in the need to use compensators.

Disadvantages often include low heat resistance, low rigidity and instability to water hammer. This is explained wrong choice polypropylene pipes. Heating systems require only reinforced products that do not sag and can withstand high temperatures and pressure. In addition, the production process is of great importance: if the technology is violated, pipes of inadequate quality come out, so it is better to give preference to proven, renowned manufacturers.

No. 8. PEX pipes or cross-linked polyethylene pipes

Due to a special production technology, new molecular bonds appear in the structure of polyethylene, which provide additional strength and other beneficial properties. Today they are used not only in heating systems, but also during installation, as well as in the arrangement of hot water supply systems.


  • corrosion resistance;
  • strength along with sufficient flexibility;
  • durability up to 50 years;
  • ability to withstand coolant temperatures up to 120 0 C, temperature and pressure changes;
  • light weight.

From cons let's highlight high price on the pipes and fittings themselves and the need for special equipment for installation, so they are used quite rarely.

No. 9. Metal-plastic pipes for heating

Many call the most balanced in terms of price/quality ratio. Such popular love has serious grounds. The product is made on the basis of polyethylene and aluminum foil: the outer and inner layers are plastic, in the middle there is foil, which plays the role of a frame and gives rigidity to the structure, and binds all layers with glue with high adhesion to metal and plastic. This structure allows us to talk about mass benefits:


  • instability to mechanical loads and open fire;
  • low resistance to ultraviolet rays, so it is better to use protection in the form of;
  • the price is twice as high as for polypropylene pipes.

It is also worth noting such a property as no linear expansion. On the one hand, you can safely embed pipes into the walls without fear of damaging the future finish. On the other hand, if the coolant freezes, the material will not withstand the load and will tear. This is a good option for permanently heated visits.

The elements can be connected using a detachable, conditionally detachable or one-piece fitting. The latter requires special expensive equipment, and when installing a threaded fitting, great care is required, since the nut can damage the pipe.

No. 10. So which heating pipes are best to choose?

If it is expected, then it is better to take polypropylene pipes. They are cheap, all connections are completely sealed, and even those with minimal construction experience can quickly learn how to use a special welding machine for polypropylene. More time will be spent not on installation, but on calculation and preparatory work. The main thing is to purchase fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes and stainless steel taps, and the entire system will work long and reliably.

Metal-plastic pipes- also a good option. Although they are more expensive, installation does not require any specific tools - only spanner, but the connection risks losing its tightness over time.

If you have the means, then good option pipes will become from stainless steel. Copper pipes will cost even more, but they are worth it.

No. 11. Heating pipe diameter

Pipes made from different materials, are presented in various diameters. To choose the most appropriate value, you need to study the entire heating system diagram and ask for help from specialists. You can calculate the approximate diameter yourself. Parameters such as room area, on which it depends thermal power, And coolant movement speed.

Many people mistakenly think that larger diameter pipes, the higher the efficiency of the system. In fact, when choosing pipes that are too large, the pressure in the system decreases, and heating disappears altogether - warm water cannot bypass the entire piping and radiator system. The smaller the diameter, the higher water flow speed. Ideally, the speed should be higher than 0.2 m/s, but less than 1.5 m/s, otherwise the coolant circulation process will be too noisy.

The diameter is selected based on calculation of the required thermal power. For rooms with ceiling heights up to 3 m, 100 W of energy is required for every 1 m2. For a room with an area of ​​20 m2, for example, 2000 W of thermal power is needed, add 20% of the reserve here, we get 2400 W. This thermal power is provided by one or two radiators, if there are two windows in the room - one under each window. According to the table, we see that to cover this power, pipes with an internal diameter of 8 mm are required, but 10 mm are also suitable. Of course that's all conditional calculations, but they will help you navigate your budget for purchasing pipes.

Finally, we note that it is better not to skimp on heating pipes - this will save you from numerous problems. Products from such manufacturers as Akwatherm, Rehau, Banninger, Wefatherm, FV-Plast have proven themselves to be excellent.

Since ancient times, only cast iron and steel pipes have been used for heating systems, but today you can choose from a more extensive range. To accept the right decision, you need to figure out which heating pipes are best to choose. This is what our review will help you find out. We invite you to consider the main varieties, study their characteristics, and also familiarize yourself with useful recommendations from experts about the best materials .

Read in the article

Which heating pipes are best to purchase: installation features

Important part heating structures— pipeline. It is along it that the heated material moves from heat sources to batteries or. Various parts of the system are also connected to it. At the same time, for a country building and for a multi-story building they can be used different options pipes, which may vary in characteristics, configurations and installation methods.

If you take the choice seriously and find out the pros and cons, temperature and pressure for each specific option, you can ensure excellent system performance for many years.

When choosing, you should consider the following parameters:

  • scheme option, for example, autonomous or central, with gravity or forced circulation;
  • one-pipe or two-pipe configuration;
  • temperature and pressure values.

Do you know that you can combine different types pipes? Suitable options can be determined by the markings, and the main differences are also displayed there. Remember that shut-off valves must not be installed between the security system and the heating source.

How to choose suitable products you can watch the video:

For your information! If it is necessary to connect many radiators, then double-circuit wiring is used. In this case, lines with a large diameter are used. For a network with forced circulation, a special filter is installed in front of the pumping equipment. For two-pipe wiring, metal-plastic lines are often used.

Quality requirements

The most important requirement for a pipeline is strength. Such structures should not be permeable to oxygen, otherwise the lines will become overgrown and clogged from the inside. The required temperature and heat transfer completely depend on the tightness of the products. Strength properties, pressure and temperature are determined by the specific material of construction.

Another important parameter is low noise. Thoughtful and functional system is a guarantee of a comfortable home atmosphere.

Features of pipe selection

When choosing pipes, you need to consider the following factors:

  • pressure and temperature inside the lines;
  • pipeline laying option;
  • placement of the structure;
  • pipe configurations.

For heating in multi-storey buildings They choose especially durable pipes, as they must withstand a pressure of 16 atm. For individual designs, products that can withstand pressure of no more than 2-3 atm are suitable.

It is important to choose the correct diameter of the lines. If the structure is too large, then a large amount of circulating coolant will be required, which is not economical. But if the pipe is too narrow, then this is also not the best solution, since such a system will be too noisy.

For your information! You can look at the photo on how to decorate a heating pipe in a room. The structure can be disguised inside a structure made of wall panels or drywall or under flooring.

Types of pipes

There are three main types of pipes; which option to use depends on the specific situation. Here they are:

  • plastic;
  • metal-plastic;
  • metal.

Metal lines are represented by steel and copper products. Galvanized options are excellent for heating systems. Their advantage is that they are less susceptible to corrosion.

Organize a heating system from pipes with natural circulation It is better to do it using stainless, steel and galvanized structures. For the design to be effective, all necessary distances and slopes must be observed. Plastic communications can be made of cross-linked polyethylene or polypropylene.

Metal-plastic products are connected layers of polymer materials and metal. You can learn more about the use of pipes in modern heating systems from this video:

Polypropylene pipes for heating: technical characteristics

Among different designs for heating it is worth considering, as well as their technical characteristics. They have good strength parameters and durability. There are also some disadvantages: under the influence of elevated temperatures polypropylene products can change their shape. In addition, such structures bend poorly. To assemble a system from lines you will need many swivel fittings. Products can be connected to each other using . Such fastenings help to increase service life.

This option is suitable only for those cases when the coolant does not warm up by more than 60 degrees.

Polypropylene pipes for heating, reinforced with fiberglass, are also in demand. The price depends on the dimensions of a particular product. The devices have a strong frame, which protects highways from unexpected expansion. Such structures are especially often used in closed systems heat supply. Due to their high temperature resistance, they can be used in heat supply systems with high value temperature.

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Something durable can be made quickly and inexpensively. How to choose best products and perform installation work without errors yourself, as described in this article.

Features of copper pipes for heating and fittings

Copper heating pipes and fittings can have a long service life. Pipelines made of this metal have been used since ancient times. Note the positive properties of such products:

  • at proper organization heating systems can last for decades;
  • have low weight and wall thickness;
  • able to withstand significant temperature changes;
  • There is a certain grade of copper that does not come into contact with water. Can be used for different systems;
  • the material does not require additional cladding;
  • are resistant to frost;
  • does not allow oxygen and gases to pass through;
  • has oxidation resistance;
  • smooth surfaces prevent the formation of deposits.

The material also has certain disadvantages. Some are worth highlighting:

  • incompatibility with other materials;
  • high cost;
  • complexity installation work. Need help from a specialist.

Expensive material and copper pipes for heating. The price per meter varies between 280-400 rubles. Copper fittings are more expensive than similar products.

Using metal-plastic pipes for heating: prices and characteristics

Now let's look at metal-plastic products. Here are their main advantages:

  • do not corrode;
  • on inside deposits do not accumulate;
  • long service life;
  • pipes are sold in coils and have longer length, which allows them to be placed on large areas without connecting parts;
  • can be used indoors non-standard shape, since the lines bend easily.

Metal-plastic products are reliable thanks to five layers: glue, polyethylene and aluminum foil. In such structures, different types of connections are used: detachable, compression and press fittings.

It is also worth noting the following disadvantages:

  • not resistant to thermal influences and ultraviolet irradiation;
  • there are problems with threaded fittings;
  • Care must be taken when installing fittings.

Advantages and disadvantages of steel pipes

They have been used for a long time steel structures. They have excellent heat transfer properties, but also lose heat quickly. For them, special insulation for heating pipes is often used.

So, let's go through the advantages of steel highways:

  • excellent heat transfer rate;
  • reasonable price;
  • small coefficient of expansion when heated.

And here are the disadvantages:

  • installation is carried out using a welding machine;
  • the unprotected surface becomes corroded.

Stainless steel is protected from corrosion. The material is known for its amazing characteristics. It is not subject to expansion, is resistant to overheating and is characterized by high heat transfer rates and durability.

Cross-linked polyethylene products

Options deserve special attention plastic pipes for heating. Sizes and prices depend on the types of material.

PEX products have significant strength and can withstand temperature changes. They are used not only for heating, but also for hot water supply, as well as for. This material is an expensive product.

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The long-term operation of the entire system and its efficiency completely depend on the correct selection of batteries. The analysis of individual models and characteristics of the equipment discussed in this article will prompt you.

If you want to build the structure yourself, then you should try installing an option made from polypropylene pipes for heating. The price per meter will be cheaper than other options, so it’s not so scary to experiment with them.

The design of metal-plastic lines is easier to assemble, since it is equipped with detachable connections.

If finances allow, then installation can be done using stainless steel products. In this case, only a specialist can perform the installation. Copper pipelines have excellent performance characteristics.

For steam heating and for multi-storey buildings the best solution steel highways will become. One-story houses can be equipped with metal-plastic structures.

The table shows prices for different communication options.​

Image Varieties Characteristics Price for 1 linear meter, with a diameter of 25 mm, rub.

  • Service life – 20 years.
From 70 rubles

  • Maximum pressure – over 40 atm.
  • The maximum temperature is up to 150 and above.
  • Service life – 40-50 years.
From 150

  • Maximum pressure – up to 16 atm.
  • The maximum temperature is up to 600 and above.
  • Service life – up to 100 years.
From 280

  • Maximum pressure – over 40 atm.
  • The maximum temperature is up to 150 and above.
  • Service life is more than 50 years.
From 450

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Admiration and criticism: which heating pipes are better

This article is addressed to those readers who have dared to repair or replace the heating system in their own home or apartment. With the current abundance of market offers and intrusive advertising It is quite difficult to understand which heating pipes are best to purchase. I will try to clarify this issue.

Working conditions

First you need to separate the flies from the cutlets. The central heating system and the autonomous circuit imply fundamentally different conditions work. The difference is in the working pressure, operating temperature and the likelihood of emergency situations occurring.

In an autonomous circuit, it is worth separating convection heating (radiators and convectors) and low-temperature heating (water heated floor). The differences are in operating temperatures and requirements for pipe flexibility.


Typical parameters of an autonomous circuit with convection heating devices are as follows:

For a water heated floor, the pressure remains the same, but the coolant temperature drops to 30 - 45 degrees. Its further increase will make staying in a heated room uncomfortable.

The probability of emergency situations that can lead to deviations of parameters from the normal mode in big side, tends to zero. In fact, with minimal sanity, the house owner will not overheat the boiler and increase the water pressure. In addition, automation has not been canceled: most modern boilers are equipped with protection against overheating of the coolant and a safety valve.


The normal mode of central heating systems is as follows:

From autonomous circuits central heating differs in that deviations from standard modes are possible. It's simple: the more complex a system is, the greater the likelihood that something will go wrong during its operation.

Here are some of the most realistic scenarios that I have personally encountered:

  • When circulation in a large circuit suddenly stops or, conversely, when a drained heating system is filled with a small amount of air, a water hammer: at the front of the water flow, the pressure briefly rises to values ​​4 - 5 times higher than standard;
  • Incorrect switching of shut-off valves on the route or in elevator unit may lead to that when testing the heating main for density, the pressure in the circuit will rise to 10-12 kgf/cm2;
  • In some cases, it is practiced to operate a water-jet elevator with the nozzle removed and the suction plugged. Usually this configuration is assembled in extreme cold when large quantities heat complaints and is a temporary alternative to increasing the nozzle diameter. WITH practical side this means that water is supplied to the radiators directly from the supply line of the heating main.

Within the current temperature charts The supply temperature at the lower peak of winter temperatures should reach 150C. In practice, the coolant cools down somewhat on the way from the thermal power plant to the consumer, but still remains heated significantly above the boiling point. Water does not evaporate just because it is under pressure.


High temperature autonomous heating

As you might guess, I will have to point out the best heating pipes for each type of heating system: the requirements in an autonomous circuit and central heating are too different for there to be a universal solution.

The optimal choice for an autonomous convection heating circuit is polypropylene.

Arguments? Please:

  • Reasonable price. A pipe with a diameter of 25 mm with reinforcement from a Russian or Chinese manufacturer will cost you only 65 - 70 rubles per linear meter;
  • Long service life. At operating temperatures up to 70 C, manufacturers estimate it to last 50 years or more;
  • Low hydraulic resistance due to smooth inner surface. This means that the load on circulation pump will be minimal;

Polypropylene is suitable for gravity heating systems (with natural coolant circulation). In them, an acceptable circulation rate and uniform heating of the batteries are ensured precisely by the minimum hydraulic resistance bottling

  • Pipes do not become overgrown with deposits during operation;

For comparison, this is a steel pipe after several years of use in heating heating.

  • Quick installation using relatively inexpensive equipment. A soldering iron for polypropylene will cost the buyer 2 - 3 thousand rubles; assembly of one coupling connection takes no more than 3 - 5 minutes;
  • Properly made connections do not leak, are as strong as a solid pipe, do not require maintenance and can be installed in grooves.

Which propylene pipes are better for heating - regular ones, reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum foil?

Our choice is PN25 pipe with aluminum reinforcement.

The instructions have nothing to do with operating pressure: the strength of unreinforced polypropylene for an autonomous circuit is sufficient. Keywordsthermal expansion.

Polypropylene is a polymer with a very high coefficient of elongation when heated. When the temperature increases by 50C, each linear meter of unreinforced pipe will lengthen by 6.5 mm. Reinforcement with fiberglass reduces this figure to 3 mm, and with aluminum - to 1.5 mm.

The steel pipe under the same conditions will lengthen by 0.58 mm.

In addition, when installing polypropylene, a number of additional measures are taken to compensate for elongation when heated:

  • On long straight sections, compensators are welded - U-shaped or circular bends of the pipe;
  • Fastening the pipe with clamps is made movable;
  • At the ends of the grooves, when sealing a section of the heating circuit, 5 - 10 mm of free space is left.

What pipe diameters should I use?

For connections to individual heating devices - pipes with an outer diameter of 20 mm. Their throughput approximately corresponds to a half-inch (DN15) steel pipe.

Connection to an aluminum radiator in my house. Pipe diameter - 20 mm.

For filling in a system with forced circulation - 25 mm (analogous to a steel pipe DU20).

To install the filling system in a gravity system, polypropylene with a diameter of at least 32, and more often 40 mm, is used. The larger the diameter, the lower the hydraulic resistance.

Low temperature autonomous heating

Which pipes are best for underfloor heating?

In this case, the requirements for the heat resistance of pipes are lower, but their flexibility becomes important: the pipe is laid in the screed like a snake or snail with smooth bends. Typically used for this purpose cross-linked polyethylene (PEX-A and slightly cheaper PEX-B) and metal-plastic on press fittings.

I cannot give a clear preference to one of these materials:

  • The minimum prices in both cases are approximately the same (about 50 rubles per linear meter with a diameter of 16 mm);
  • Cross-linked polyethylene is not afraid of kinks that can break the aluminum core of a metal-polymer product, but metal-plastic is somewhat more tensile (working pressure 10-16 atmospheres versus 6);
  • The service life in both cases is estimated at a vague "50+ years";
  • To install fitting connections in both cases, a rather expensive tool is required - an expander for cross-linked polyethylene and pliers for metal-plastic.

The rules for installing pipes also do not differ: they are laid in increments of 10 - 15 cm over the entire floor area, excluding areas that will be occupied by furniture during the operation of the room. Fitting connections are mounted above the screed. Maximum length one closed loop should not exceed 100 - 120 meters; if necessary, several independent circuits are installed, connected to different outlets.

Central heating

Which pipes are best used for heating when installing radiators in a central heating system?

In my opinion - corrugated stainless steel pipe on compression fittings.

Its only drawback is its relatively high cost (from 300 rubles per linear meter with a diameter of 20 mm). But the list of advantages is, without exaggeration, impressive.

  • The mounted system (including silicone O-rings of fittings) tolerates heat up to 150 degrees. Let me remind you - this is the maximum temperature to which the coolant in the heating main at the exit from the thermal power plant or boiler room can be heated;
  • With a declared operating pressure of 10 - 15 atmospheres, the destruction pressure (according to the Lavita company) is more than 200 kgf/cm2. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of testing heating mains and water hammer;

The strength of any system cannot be greater than the strength of its weakest link. If you equip stainless pipes with aluminum radiators, the notorious water hammer can still give you an unpleasant surprise.

  • Thanks to corrugation, the pipe bends in any direction with a turning radius equal to its diameter. Therefore, you can save on corner fittings. Moreover, the flexibility of the liner will allow you to install the heating device in a niche or bypass the bend of the wall with minimal effort;

  • Stainless steel is not afraid of defrosting. Even if the water freezes in it, the corrugation will only stretch slightly, but will not tear. After defrosting, the heating wiring can be used as before without fear of deterioration in performance;
  • Manufacturers claim an unlimited service life for stainless steel. Unlimited, Karl! However, the silicone rings in the fittings will have to be changed, but for your children: they life cycle estimated to be 30 years old;
  • Finally, the main bonus: thanks to compression fittings, you can install the corrugated pipe yourself using a pair of adjustable wrenches. To make any mistakes during installation, you need to try: to install the fitting, you just need to insert the pipe into it with the nut loosened and then tighten this nut with moderate force.


I’ll say right away: V autonomous system You can use any heating pipes. Paragraph, period. In the gentle mode in which they operate, there is no need to be afraid of accelerated degradation.

I strongly advise against laying detachable fittings in screeds and grooves. Welded fittings are possible: the owner will certainly not have to open them to replace the seals.

What, in my opinion, should not be done on central heating?

Use polymer and metal-polymer pipes for installation of risers and connections to shut-off valves. Simply because in the event of a leak under any force majeure, you will not have the opportunity to eliminate it.

Take my word for it: flooding several apartments down the riser with hot and dirty water is an extremely unpleasant thing. In case of unauthorized replacement engineering communications public use If you use materials not provided for in the design, you will find yourself at fault and will have to pay your neighbors a very considerable compensation for a hopelessly broken household appliances and renovation of premises.

Also, I do not recommend using black steel pipes for welding. Why?

The key word is corrosion. Steel rusts when in contact with water and oxygen.

The corrosion process slows down greatly if the heating system is filled all year round (which, in fact, is prescribed by all instructions). However, in practice it is very often reset for the summer:

  • Outside heating season The system is flushed. At the same time, the risers become airy. Guess if someone will bleed the air if there are several months left before the heating starts?
  • In summer, planned and current repairs shut-off valves - again with the release of individual risers or the entire circuit;
  • In the summer, many apartment owners change batteries and move them in the process of renovating their apartments;
  • Finally, the circuit often resets when there are a large number of intersection leaks at cast iron radiators. These leaks stop when the radiator heats up to 40-50 degrees thanks to thermal expansion sections. It’s easy to guess what the mechanic will prefer: rebuilding several dozen batteries and replacing the gaskets, or resetting the system in two minutes.

Humidity, coupled with air access, often causes steel pipes to develop the first leaks on threads 10-15 years after installation.

Galvanized steel is a completely different matter. I had the opportunity to open galvanized risers assembled on threaded fittings in steel frames. After half a century of operation, they were no different from new ones.

Galvanization cannot be boiled; it is assembled only on threads. Steel melts at 1300 - 1400 degrees; zinc evaporates at 900 C. As a result, you get around weld a large area without anti-corrosion coating.

It is the laboriousness of assembly on threads that is the reason why I recommend corrugated stainless steel for central heating rather than galvanized steel. When assembling the wiring, you will have to manufacture, with minimal tolerances, countless numbers of pipes and bends with threading on each of them.


I hope that I was able to answer all the questions that the dear reader has accumulated. As always, you can learn more by watching the video in this article. I would appreciate your comments and additions.

Good luck, comrades!

July 31, 2016

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):