Recently, the prestige of being a police officer has increased significantly. In some ways, this is explained by the law that marked the beginning of reform in this area in 2011, and in some ways by the increased consciousness of the population and respect for this profession. Therefore, the number of people wishing to become a police officer has increased significantly in recent years. If you are thinking about becoming a valiant law enforcement officer, read this article. Here you will find the answer to the question - how to get a job in the police.

First, read the Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation as amended on June 30, 2002. Chapter II sets out the conditions of admission, as well as the specific requirements for candidates to become police officers. If you do not meet them, then, alas, you will not be able to get a job in the internal affairs bodies. According to Art. 8 of this Regulation, candidates for the post of police officer must:
  • be between 18 and 35 years of age;
  • not have a criminal record and not be related to people who have one;
  • have appropriate business, moral and ethical qualities;
  • have secondary education (for privates and sergeants), special secondary or higher education (for officers);
  • be in good physical condition and in excellent health.

Military service is not mandatory now, but if you have served, this is only a plus for you. This will be taken into account when selecting personnel for an existing vacancy. An alternative to military service is completing a military department at a university or studying at a specialized educational institution.

Compare your resume with the above requirements, and if you meet them, go to your local police department. There, the HR department will provide you with information about available vacancies. If there are none, go to the website, where you will find a list of vacant positions not only in your region, but in Russia as a whole (just before that you need to fill out a form and take an online test).

If you find a suitable vacancy, it means that with a completed job application, curriculum vitae and questionnaire, you should visit the chief of the police department.

Download here.

Can be found here.

A police officer must be resilient both physically and mentally. Therefore, before being hired, you will also have to pass a physical fitness exam and a psychological test.

For those who are applying for a job in the authorities for the first time, the Regulations establish a mandatory condition - a probationary period of 3 months to 1 year. Only after successful completion of the internship can the intern be appointed to the appropriate position.

Before beginning to perform his official duties, a police officer must take an oath. This happens in a solemn atmosphere.

As you can see, it is quite possible to become a police officer, but at the same time it is necessary to meet quite high requirements and fulfill a lot of conditions. This is not a whim of the legislator, but a necessity, which is explained by the specifics of this profession.

Even with secondary education, you can join the police, but the position will be appropriate. But, if you simultaneously study and improve your skill level, climbing the career ladder is quite possible. In addition, there are special specialized educational institutions that are supervised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The likelihood of working in the police after graduation is very high.

  • Often, police officers are hired at their place of registration, which means that it is unlikely that they will be able to work far from home without a special referral.
  • If you meet all these criteria for the internal affairs bodies, you shouldn’t stop, you need to act! What to do if a girl wants to work in the police First, you should look at the vacancies of the police department where you would like to work. To do this, you need to go to the HR department and just get acquainted with what is offered.

How can a girl get a job in the police?

There are few men (and even women) who will not pay attention to such a woman. But how to get to the internal affairs bodies? How can a simple girl get a job in the police? What regulations and documents are needed for this? Perhaps some education is required? Let's figure it out in order, but first, let's figure out what work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs gives? Benefits of working as a police officer

  1. Police officers are required to be insured.
  2. Police officers have many benefits - from reduced travel on public transport to free medical care.
  3. Police officers retire after twenty years of service.
  4. If you have been working in the police for more than 10 years, you can take advantage of preferential conditions for purchasing housing - for example, a minimum rate of 7% on a mortgage loan.

How to get a job in the police, even for a girl

When the HR department has accepted the candidacy, it is necessary to collect a package of documents, the list of which depends on the position, which includes numerous medical certificates and conclusions. It is better to collect documents according to the list, so as not to miss anything, firstly, and secondly, all medical documents must have the stamp of the medical institution and the seal of the doctor, if he signed any conclusions.

After approval of the candidacy, she will be enrolled in the service as a trainee, where for three months (or another period) under the supervision of a mentor, the sweet girl will learn her wits in a new business. During the internship period, an employment contract is concluded with the intern, which can be terminated bilaterally.
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How can a girl get a job in the police?

And for this you will not need to complete a specialized institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the necessary order, you need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis specialty.

  • What kind of education does a girl need to work in the police? If a girl wants to work as a law enforcement agency, then for this she needs to receive training at an academy or university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    These educational institutions are located in all major cities in Russia. Studying takes place in various specialties, mainly in law, forensics and criminology.

  • There are the same standards for hiring as everyone else.

    Restrictions are from 18 to 35 years of age and, of course, good health.

  • It is necessary to pass physical and psychological standards in order to find out whether the girl is ready for such a difficult position.

Police girl. new reality of the modern world

Can a girl get a job in the police (requirements for candidates)? Before you get a job with the police, you need to check whether you meet the requirements that apply to people trying to find a job in this structure. Of course, the list of requirements for an investigator and an accountant will differ, but there are a number of mandatory compliance points.


Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of gender, can become police officers, which means both girls and young people who are fit for duty for health reasons and who pass the age limit established by law. Citizens no younger than 18, but no older than 35, are allowed to join the internal affairs bodies.

The exception is the case when a citizen who previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs begins service - then the age limit rises to 50 years.

How can a girl join the police and by whom?


After collecting all the documents and submitting the application, the candidacy undergoes a check, part of which is the collection of information about the closest relatives - their biography should not contain any conflicts with the department. What kind of work is offered to girls in the police? Don't get caught up in the stereotypical image of police work.

The fighting image of a brave investigator or an opera following the trail. Now women have mastered these professions, but for the most part, positions in the police for girls are associated with other activities.
The structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, like any government structure, has a need for various employees, so the list of required specialists is very diverse. If a girl wants to participate in law enforcement activities and have the position of investigator, district police officer, operative, guard, etc., then she needs a legal education and special training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Police service.pps.girls

What tests do you need to take? What do you need to get a job in the police, besides documents? The future employee will need to undergo a medical examination to confirm his fitness for duty. A medical examination includes examination by a number of specialists and a standard set of tests.


Since not only physical but also emotional stability is being tested, you will need to undergo psychological testing. Only after completing all tests, passing a medical examination and in the absence of unacceptable facts in the biography can a citizen be accepted for an internship.

  • 1 Advantages of working in the police
  • 2 Who can get a job in the police
  • 3 What to do if a girl wants to work in the police
  • 4 Video: police work

A correctly chosen profession means success and well-being in life, as well as irreplaceable spiritual comfort. Many high school students, when choosing where to study, try to follow their hearts.

Work should bring pleasure and benefit to people. The financial component is also important; why then work if you cannot feed your family with this money?! Among numerous professions, people in uniform occupy a special place. This is honor, bearing, dignity. Well, who doesn’t dream of trying on a formal uniform and showing off in front of their friends? And they look especially beautiful and majestic in the form of a girl.
In addition, you have the right to one-time financial assistance in purchasing housing.

  • Police officers get more rest than civilians. On average, a police officer's vacation lasts 7 working days more. With length of service, the number of vacation days increases. This is compensation for irregular working hours.
  • Modern reforms in the state are improving the work and life of police officers.
    They receive a decent salary, for example, a young officer has a salary of about 30 thousand rubles.
  • These and other advantages in police work make many people think about connecting their lives with this department. Who can get a job in the police So, let's say you are a young girl who dreams of joining the police.

Is it possible for a girl to get a job in the teaching staff?

I want to work in the police, what documents are needed? When a final decision has been made to become a police officer, there are two paths to follow. On the ministry’s website, find the vacancies section and act according to further instructions or submit an application to the police department in which you want to work. What you need first:

  • Application (in form).
  • Passport.
  • Autobiography written in your own hand.
  • A questionnaire filled out in your own hand (on the form).
  • Diploma of Education.
  • Work book (if available).
  • Information about the income and property of your own and close relatives.

In addition to these documents, you will need to sign a consent to the processing and verification of personal data, as well as tax documents.

The police need employees with economic, pedagogical, and psychological education. Women's positions are often called "paper jobs" because so many women perform administrative work related to documentation; Accounting positions are occupied by women.

The HR and PR departments accept girls with a diploma from a regular university. In addition to specializing in working with documents, girls hold positions as psychologists; in addition, the police need specialists with pedagogical education to work with minors.
A quieter service, less risky, but still associated with law enforcement and protective activities, is the position of a criminologist, extremely suitable for the female mind, and the work of a dog handler. Both require education and serious training. People are accepted into the police with secondary and secondary specialized (vocational) education.

In Russia, the law enforcement system has existed for quite a long time. During the reign of Peter I, there was already a police force, which, in addition to its main purpose, also dealt with reforms in the field of legislation.

Sometimes people of that time took part in religious processions and ceremonies. What functions and responsibilities lie on the shoulders of modern police officers will become known if you read this article.

The word “police” appeared in Ancient Greece; in our country, this term was first used starting in 1450.

Nowadays, working in the police is very honorable and in demand. Young boys and girls strive to get a job in order to protect the peace of citizens, solve crimes, participate in chases and rehabilitate “difficult” teenagers. Anyone who dreams of wearing a police uniform must remember that this public service is associated with constant risk and danger. A true police officer must have strong moral convictions and a number of positive personal qualities.

Personal characteristics of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If a person dreams of becoming a police officer, he needs to familiarize himself with the requirements of the admissions committee of the chosen university. In addition to entrance exams, the applicant will have to develop personal qualities, such as:

  1. Maintain strict discipline while on duty.
  2. Willingness to carry out orders from superiors.
  3. Decency and honesty.
  4. Willingness to endure all the hardships of service, which involve round-the-clock duty, urgent travel to work during vacation or on a day off, if necessary.
  5. Courage and dedication during the task.
  6. The ability to convince others.
  7. A developed sense of duty to the country and people.
  8. Responsibility and punctuality during the performance of duties during the period of service.
  9. The ability to make decisions quickly and correctly, even in an emergency situation, when people’s lives and health depend on it.
  10. The ability to maintain composure and calm in any situation.

In addition to the above qualities, the candidate must have a decent biography and good physical fitness. For boys over 18 years of age, a mandatory condition for joining the police is military service in the armed forces. Only if you have all these qualities can you get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide assistance to fellow citizens, maintain law and order and cope with the assigned tasks with dignity.

Responsibilities of law enforcement officers

This profession has a collective image. When planning to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you should know that the work of police officers is as follows:

  1. Constant communication with local people from different walks of life.
  2. Work with papers, constant reporting.
  3. Ensuring law and order on the streets.
  4. Periodic training and passing exams. Knowledge of laws and the ability to apply them.
  5. Checking documents of citizens.
  6. Planning employee activities to achieve higher work efficiency.
  7. Arrest and delivery to the station of persons violating law and order.

Advantages and disadvantages of work

Police work is quite difficult, but it also has its advantages. For example, the opportunity to build a career in the public service, receive benefits and social guarantees. Also, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to early retirement if desired.

The main disadvantage of serving in the internal organs is the daily risk. You also need to be prepared that not all citizens respectfully and adequately treat employees in blue uniforms; many do not hide their contempt for civil servants. That is why people with patience and self-control must serve in the police.

Salary level

A number of factors influence the salaries of people in uniform. In megacities, wages are significantly higher than in provincial towns. This can be explained by the fact that small cities do not have enough funds in the budget, so they try to save as much as possible on public sector employees.

A police officer in a large city with the rank of private can count on approximately 45 thousand rubles. Officers receive up to 100 thousand rubles monthly. This amount includes various allowances for skill level, additional payment for length of service, etc.

People who work with classified documents or perform particularly stressful work receive a decent increase in their salary. At the same time, the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is relatively small, it is about 15-25 thousand rubles. For example, in the USA, sheriffs receive approximately 150 thousand rubles, and this does not take into account allowances and bonuses.

How to become an officer

If you have finally decided to work in the police in a leadership position, you need to decide on an educational institution where you need to receive the proper specialized education. As a rule, to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a higher legal education is required. We list the most famous institutions in Russia for training highly qualified employees:

  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • North Caucasus University of Federal Significance.
  • Moscow Financial Law Institute.
  • Tambov Technical Institute.

Before you connect your life with police work, remember that in order to achieve successful career growth and receive a decent salary, you will have to be exposed to everyday stress, and also be prepared to work on an irregular work schedule.

Despite all the difficulties, service in law enforcement remains very popular and necessary for society. Having acquired the necessary skills during the training process, as well as the desire for self-improvement, you can achieve success in this field, becoming a real professional crime fighter.

Profession of a district police officer

The work of a local police commissioner is not an easy task, because at any time of the day, citizens can turn to him with questions and requests for help. The main task facing such a police officer is to be aware of everything that happens in the administrative area entrusted to him. It must cope with a number of tasks:

  • protect the peace of citizens day and night;
  • conduct preventive conversations with citizens who have previously committed crimes, as well as with other disadvantaged citizens who violate the law;
  • search for criminals.

Candidates who dream of getting a job as a local police officer are subject to very high requirements. Firstly, the person must be completely healthy, and secondly, he must have a higher education in the field of jurisprudence. Many applicants are eliminated during the interview; some police officers are transferred to other departments because they are unable to withstand the workload and volume of tasks received from their superiors.

The district police officer needs to respond to citizens’ requests in a timely manner. To ensure a faster response to complaints, employees are issued with company cell phones, the phone number of which can be obtained from the police department.

District police officers are periodically required to make rounds in their area, meet people, conduct preventive conversations with teenagers, visit disadvantaged families, and distribute reminders and telephone numbers of law enforcement agencies. During conversations with citizens, the district police officer needs to find a common language with each person, as well as make a favorable impression on him.

Police positions for ladies

Many representatives of the fair sex ask whether there is a job in the police for women. Without work experience, young women are accepted into a number of civilian positions. If she has a higher education, as well as after completing a special training course, a girl can count on employment in the investigative committee or in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There are also police jobs for women in the metro. The service consists of shift duty at the station. The responsibilities of ladies in uniform include checking documents from suspicious citizens, establishing law and order, and preventing crimes in the area entrusted to them. As a rule, female police officers work in the subway on a shift schedule.

Requirements for ladies to join the Ministry of Internal Affairs

To serve in the police, a girl must have at least a secondary specialized education, no criminal record, and be at least 21 years old. Women who have received a higher legal education to work in the police can count on the position of officer.

During interviews, women are treated more favorably than men. Representatives of the fairer sex do not need to have special physical training, however, they also need to undergo a medical examination, since serving in the police is hard work. Every employee should have good health.

Placement in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for young men after the army

Every year thousands of vacancies in law enforcement agencies open in Russia. Young men can always count on working in the police after the army. Such applicants are willingly accepted for the position of an ordinary employee. It has become incredibly easy to do this in our time, because to submit an application you just need to register on the government services portal, and then respond to an open vacant position on the website. To successfully enter the service, a young man will need to competently compose a resume, which will reflect all the information about the person (education, work experience, period of military service). After some time, the future crime fighter should be contacted by telephone, informing him of the interview location, as well as what documents will be required for employment.

Employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without military service

The question is often asked on the Internet: how to get a job in the police without serving in the army. The regulations regarding police officers do not indicate that all young people are required to serve before joining the law enforcement agencies. However, many who wish to wear a police uniform are denied work if they do not have a military ID with a mark of service.

The refusal is motivated by the fact that from the first day of service, police officers are required to be able to handle weapons, know the regulations, have special combat training, and observe safety measures when handling special means of self-defense. A person who is not familiar with such skills will not be hired into law enforcement agencies.

In most positions, a person will be required not only to serve in a military unit, but also to have a health category of the highest category, level A. This code means the complete absence of any restrictions during service. Even candidates who have successfully completed military service may have problems getting a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs if doctors have established a health category of level B. This is due to the fact that the work schedule in the police is often irregular, and an employee of this structure sometimes has to risk his life protecting people, track down and catch criminals. This will require excellent physical fitness and good health.

General requirements for employment

To successfully apply for a job in the police, a person must meet strict criteria:

  1. Age from 18 to 35 years. If a citizen has already served in the internal affairs bodies, but for some reason quit, then the maximum age is increased to 50 years.
  2. Knowledge and fluency in Russian.
  3. Availability of education (secondary or higher).
  4. Good physical fitness, no restrictions for medical reasons.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, any citizen can join the police, regardless of gender, race, religion and other factors.

Who can be denied a job?

When applying for a job in the law enforcement agencies, you must be prepared to undergo a strict interview and collect an impressive package of documents, which will subsequently be carefully checked. Many candidates are screened out if they meet the following criteria:

  1. The candidate is not a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Anyone wishing to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right to permanent residence in another country.
  3. The citizen has a criminal record. The only exception can be if the criminal act ceased to be such at the time of employment.
  4. A person appears in a criminal case under investigation as a suspect in a crime.
  5. The applicant is incapacitated or partially incompetent.
  6. When applying for a job, the citizen presented forged documents or provided false information about himself.
  7. Refusal of an applicant to obtain access to state secrets in the event that such a procedure is mandatory for service in the police.

What documents will be needed for the interview?

In order to successfully pass the interview and learn for yourself the essence of police work, you will need to collect an impressive package of documents, namely:

  1. Statement. A sample form is always available in the HR department where the applicant will arrive for an interview.
  2. Questionnaire.
  3. Autobiography, which must be drawn up in accordance with the general rules of document management.
  4. A diploma confirming the applicant’s education.
  5. Military ID (men only).
  6. Certificate of income.
  7. Work record book (if the candidate was officially employed).

Other additional documents may also be required to successfully pass the interview.

So, you have decided to become a police officer. It can be either a man or a woman. Many people claim that every second person can become a police officer, even those who come “from the street.” In reality, everything turns out to be not entirely true. Let's figure out how to become a police officer, and what stages you need to go through from the beginning to the actual employment.

1. Interview. Most often, this is the simplest thing that can await you in the coming days. If you are a person with an education, preferably a higher legal education, adequate, without a criminal record (yours or close relatives), offenses, arrests, etc., then you can very easily be “approved” at this stage;

2. Collection of necessary documents. This is necessary before applying for any job. On average it will take about a week of your time. What documents will you need to become a police officer:

- a statement of request to join the police,

- a handwritten application form,

- education diplomas,

- passport and international passport,

- autobiography, handwritten,

- documents on military registration for those liable for military service and subject to conscription,

- work book, if you previously worked somewhere,

- TIN certificate,

— consent in writing to the processing and verification of personal data, as well as registration of special information,

- documents disclosing your income, ownership of property, liabilities, and similar documents in relation to your spouses and children (under 18 years of age).

3. Passing a medical commission. On average it will take from 3 to 5 days, depending on your capabilities. Whether you will pass the commission or not is a big question, because... a lot of candidates are rejected. Sometimes you can argue which is more difficult - to pass a medical examination for a police officer or.

- obtaining certificates from dispensaries stating that you do not have sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, mental problems and disorders,

- You will need to pass all standard tests and drug tests. On the first day everything is over,

— the next day you need to have time to undergo a psychological examination. It's not easy to pass their magazine's compatibility test, it's much more complicated. Checking not only on a huge number of questions, but also with a connected lie detector. It will take about 3-4 hours, not counting the queue you need to wait.

— it is necessary to undergo fluorography on both sides, ultrasound, ECG, and other images.

4. Filling out financial documents. This is, first of all, filling out a tax return; it is also important to highlight information about bank accounts, income, property, shares, securities, etc.

5. Sports training. After submitting documents and a medical examination, you must pass physical fitness standards. Only the most athletic can become a police officer. Standards are passed based on indicators such as:

- push-ups from the floor,

- long distance running.

That's all, all your capabilities have been demonstrated, you have done everything you could. The main thing is to decide whether you are fit to serve in the police, but this no longer depends on you.

Police work: difficulties and advantages.

Is it worth going to work in the police? This question interests every second candidate for the police. Indeed, on the one hand, this is a kind of power and strength, but on the other hand, there are a number of negative phenomena that can frighten you. Let's start with the main responsibilities of the police: in emergency situations, police officers are obliged to take urgent measures to save people and their property, provide assistance until doctors arrive, and assist with the continuous work of the rescue service.

Here are the difficulties of working in the police that can await you:

1. Citizens of the entire country will treat you with prejudice, they will consider you a “lower class” person, even if you strive and actually help them. It turns out that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, very few will love you, and at the same time you risk your health and your life;

2. Your relatives or friends may be hiding behind you, believing that you will always save or cover for them, which can undermine not only your reputation in society, but also in the workplace;

3. In the police, the blame for large-scale events is always “dumped” onto small ranks, i.e. For any misstep of an entire unit, everyone will be reprimanded, and it’s good if they don’t put it in their personal file. So, if you want to know how to become a police officer, learn to accept accusations against yourself and argue less;

4. Police officers often have long working hours. Even if you essentially work according to a schedule, you can always be called upon; you are a keeper and servant of the law. In addition, even in everyday life you need to monitor law and order, but not interfere, but call the police if necessary;

5. Most often, the money allocated by the state to meet the needs of police officers, both in offices and on the road, is not enough. Therefore, they have to buy the necessary stationery, office equipment, and spare parts for their company car on their own or by pooling money.

As for the advantages, here’s what you “threaten” about becoming a police officer:

1. Retirement at 45 years old, which, you will agree, is already a lot, for this it is worth risking your life;

2. The necessary uniforms are allocated by the state, and this gives you more opportunities, a representative appearance and accessibility to many areas of interest;

3. The state allocates money for the purchase of housing for police officers;

4. Interesting investigations and you are always up to date with events in the city. This is interesting for those who cannot live without new information. Police officers don't always have to deal with shootouts and homicidal maniacs, so the service can be interesting and attractive.

5. The opportunity to grow up the career ladder, receive well-deserved medals and orders, which will affect your pension.

If you are tormented by a routine life in which there is not enough adrenaline, and you dream of an extraordinary job that will not give you time for boredom, then the profession of a police officer is created just for you. As usual, desire alone is not enough. Then the question arises: how to become a police officer?

According to the law, both a man and a woman can become an employee of the authorities. They also say that the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not accept people without military service - this can be questioned. Its presence is desirable, but not a mandatory factor. And if someone has an unquenchable thirst to connect their life with the police path, but they don’t know where to start, the upcoming information will be very useful for the attention of such people.

How to become a police officer in Russia?

And now the time has come to act. The journey will begin with a visit to the personnel department of the police department of interest. There you will be interviewed, and if you have an education (preferably a higher legal education), you can be accepted on the very first day.

But don’t be upset if this doesn’t exist. In this case, you will be given directions to preparatory courses, where, according to an accelerated program, you will have the opportunity to obtain all the necessary knowledge. After this, you will need to have a conversation with a psychologist who will decide whether you are ready to serve in the police.

Also, the HR department will be required to check your biography, and your close relatives, for criminal records. If these procedures were successful, the most interesting part of employment awaits you - checks and collection of documents.

As with any job, you will need to collect a lot of documents. In order to completely go through all the instances, you will need to collect:

  1. Application for employment with the police.
  2. An application form that must be written by hand.
  3. Diploma of existing education.
  4. Guarantee from one or two police officers who have been working for more than three years.
  5. You will also have to write your autobiography yourself.
  6. Military ID.
  7. Work book, if you have work experience.
  8. Identification number.
  9. Passport, and if available, international passport.
  10. Your consent, in writing, to the verification and analysis of personal data.
  11. Certificate of income.

It may take 3 to 5 days or more to complete the medical examination. It all depends on the state of your health. No matter how simple everything may seem, there is a very high chance that this is where your employment will end. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has very high requirements for the health of its employees.

So! What does the medical examination include? And roughly the following:

  • Obtain a certificate from a psychoneurological dispensary stating that you do not have drug addiction or sexually transmitted problems. And do you suffer from mental disorders?
  • In addition, you will need to pass all standard tests.
  • Next, a lie detector examination is required. And this is not just another TV program, but a rather complex psychological test that includes more than one hundred questions.
  • The next thing you need to do is go through a huge number of offices, such as ENT, ophthalmologist, surgeon, therapist and others.
  • You will also have to go for x-rays and fluorography and similar images.

When all the problems with certificates and commissions have passed, an equally difficult part of the path awaits you - physical training. To ensure that there are physically healthy guardians of the law on the streets, the evaluation criteria here are also very high. The complex of sports exercises that are taken into account during admission includes:

  • Short distance running (100 meters for both men and women).
  • Long distance running (girls – 1000 meters, boys – 3000)
  • Only guys need to do the pull-up.
  • Bench torso press – for girls.

Well, you have come to the end of your tedious work. Now all that remains is to wait and hope that your candidacy has been awaited here for so long.

How can a girl become a police officer?

In our country, where people are squeezed so narrowly by social boundaries, for many people it is completely unusual to see a girl working as a police officer. But this does not happen in all countries of the world.

In most Western European countries, a woman in uniform is considered completely normal. And if among our better halves there are those who have long dreamed of such a job, but they are worried about the opinions of others, then there is one piece of advice for them: close their eyes to the opinions of others and move forward to meet their desires.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):