When organizing a major renovation of a house or apartment, the list of activities of which includes the replacement or modernization of the heating system, the owner will inevitably face the problem of which heating radiators are best to choose in order to increase the comfort of living and at the same time not lose with the interior design.

Previously, such a question was usually not raised in principle - in addition to cast iron batteries of a single model, inefficient, poorly made steel convectors were only sometimes installed in new houses. Today the situation is different - radiators can differ significantly in material of manufacture, characteristics, and external design. Naturally, you want to install in your apartment the best of those that the budget allocated for renovation allows.

However, when choosing these devices, you need to take into account that not all of them may be suitable for the existing heating system. Having different performance characteristics designed for a certain load and coolant, batteries can either disappoint the buyer with their low efficiency, or even simply not fit the technical parameters.

In addition, in order to achieve proper heating efficiency, it is necessary to correctly calculate and install the required number of sections in the radiators. Just do it V in all conditions and making sure to adhere to installation rules, you can get the desired result.

Currently, the most common types of heating batteries are: The following types of radiators are produced:

— steel, panel and tubular;

— cast iron, having both modern and retro design;

— aluminum and aluminum anodized;

- bimetallic.

To make the right choice, you need to understand in more detail the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each type. To begin with, here are a few “dry” numbers, which, nevertheless, can already give an initial idea. Some parameters of various types of batteries are in the table:

Maximum pressure, (atmospheres)
- working6-10 6-9 10-20 35 15-40
- crimping9 -15 12-15 15-30 57 25-75
- destruction18-25 20-25 30-50 75 100
Limitation on pH (hydrogen value) 6,5-9 6,5-9 7-8 6,5-9 6,5-9
Susceptibility to corrosion when exposed to:
- oxygenYesNoNoYesNo
- stray currentsYesNoYesYesNo
- electrolytic pairsweakNoYesweakNo
Section power at h=500 mm; Dt=70 ° , W 85 110 175-199 199 216,3
Warranty, years 1 10 3-10 3-10 30

Abbreviations in the table:

TS– tubular steel;

Chg– cast iron;

Al– regular aluminum;

AA– aluminum anodized;

BM– bimetallic.

Well, now - about each of the types in more detail.

Steel radiators

They may differ both in their design and in their design solutions. They can be made in the form of panels or a certain number of vertical pipes interconnected into one common battery.

Panel steel radiators

Each panel of such a radiator is made of two metal sheets, which are given the desired shape by stamping and joined by welding. Then, in most of the models, the panels are equipped with convector heat exchangers, which contribute to the rapid heating of the air and the creation of a thermal upward flow. After combining all the elements into a single structure, it is painted using a special technology.

In order for this type of radiator to serve for a long time, the coloring must be uniform - you need to pay special attention to this parameter when purchasing.

Prices for panel heating radiators Lideya

panel heating radiators Lideya

Panel radiators are designed for a coolant temperature of 85 ÷ 95 degrees, and for standard operating pressure in a central heating system (up to 10 atmospheres).

Structure of a panel radiator type “22”

Similar batteries have your own classification, which is predetermined by the number of panels and the presence of convector plate heat exchangers between them. Each type is expressed by a specific two-digit number:

  • Type 10 consists of only one panel;
  • Type 11 is one panel equipped with one convector;
  • 21 type - has two panels and one convector located between them;
  • Type 22 - consists of two panels and two convectors;
  • Type 33 - has three convectors, which are located between three panels.

There may be significant differences between models And by overall dimensions. It is clear that the more panels, the thicker the assembled structure itself, usually from 50 to 155 mm. The length of such a battery can vary from 400 to 3000 mm, and height - usually, ranging from 200 to 900 mm.

Panel batteries are produced with side and bottom connections - the choice for this parameter is made depending on the passage of the heating system pipes and the preferences of the owners.

The advantages of panel batteries include the following:

  • Easy to install. The battery has a one-piece design, so it does not need to be assembled from several elements. The panel is hung on brackets fixed to the wall, and the pipes are connected to the heating circuit pipes.
  • Due to the small mass of the steel sheet, the panel warms up almost immediately after starting the heating. This promotes good heat transfer both from the surface directed into the room and in the plate heat exchanger, which makes it possible to obtain the desired air temperature in the room quickly enough.
  • Compact size and neat appearance allow the panels to fit into any interior.
  • The operation of panel batteries in an autonomous heating system allows you to save on fuel, since a relatively small amount of coolant is used to fill the circuit.

The negative features of the panels include the following factors:

  • Metal panels do not have an anti-corrosion coating on their inner surface, which is in direct contact with the coolant, which can lead to fairly rapid rusting, leaks, and failure. This is especially typical for central systems, where the coolant is drained in the summer, opening up “wide opportunities” for corrosion processes. And the quality of the coolant also does not always contribute to the duration of trouble-free operation of the devices.
  • If batteries are installed in a central heating system, then it will not be possible to avoid water hammer, which the panels may not withstand. Therefore, it will also be necessary to install a reducer that equalizes the pressure and takes the blow.

To get more detailed information about the manufacturing process, characteristics and operating nuances, you should follow the recommended link to a special page on the portal.

Tubular batteries

Tubular steel batteries consist of stacked sections that are welded together. The efficiency of this design will be at the proper level if the required number of sections are installed in the battery, with a total thermal power corresponding to the area of ​​the room.

Tubular radiators can have a very wide variety of different design solutions, and this is one of the criteria that directly influences the choice of this particular type of battery. In addition, tubular batteries can be equipped with a special bracket for drying towels, which is very convenient, for example, for the kitchen, or a top panel that can serve as a seat or shelf for drying shoes.

They are produced in different sizes, the height varies from 200 to 2000 mm, and the thickness, as a rule, from 100 to 250 mm. The ordered length can be any, depending on the heating needs.

These elements of the heating system can withstand pressure from 8 to 15 atmospheres. To avoid damage to batteries due to water hammer, if they are installed in a central heating system, they, like panel ones, will require the installation of a gearbox.

The wall thickness of steel tubular radiators is only 1 ÷ 1.5 mm, so they warm up very quickly and release heat into the room. But this same factor can also be attributed to design flaws, since thin steel is easily susceptible to mechanical damage.

Unlike the panel type, the tubes of these batteries are internally coated with polymer protective films, which protect them from exposure to the aggressive coolant environment, and as a result, from the occurrence of corrosion, which significantly extends their service life.

The advantages of tubular steel batteries include a variety of design solutions in shape and color, the provision of radiators with additional elements, and an original, neat appearance.

This type of battery has only two serious disadvantages, but they can have a much more significant impact on the home heating system than the already mentioned advantages:

  • Low heat transfer, which will lead to high energy costs. The batteries heat up quickly, but also cool down quickly, so the boiler will turn off for a very short period of time. The absence of an additional heat exchanger, other than the surface of the pipes themselves, makes the area of ​​active heat transfer very small. This ultimately suggests that tubular batteries are unprofitable to install in an autonomous heating system.
  • At the same time, welded connecting seams can be considered a weak point of such batteries - there have been cases of leaks appearing on them after water hammer. The conclusion is quite the opposite - tubular batteries without a gearbox can only be installed in a system with autonomous heating.

In a word, there are a lot of contradictions, and you need to think very carefully before purchasing such heating batteries.

Cast iron radiators

Although today a large number of batteries are produced from modern materials, cast iron elements of the heating system have not been forgotten. They can be found in stores in a transformed form, decorated for modern interiors or for strict “classics”. In some cases, such radiators even play the role of a decorative element and are able to set the tone for the entire design of the room.

In addition, modern cast iron batteries do not require periodic painting, as was the case with old “Soviet” models. They go on sale with a treated and painted surface, which only needs to be wiped or dusted occasionally.

Modern radiators can have different sizes, so they can be selected to fit any size room area. In addition, if old batteries had to be hung on brackets driven into the walls, today you can purchase options that have massive legs on which they are installed and secured to the floor in a specific place for them.

Prices for cast iron heating radiators Konner

cast iron heating radiators Konner

Unlike all other types of batteries, cast iron ones have an important advantage - they will function equally effectively in both autonomous and central heating systems. The main thing is that all connections of sections and pipes are made correctly and reliably - then the cast iron elements will not be afraid of either water hammer or corrosion.

Despite the emergence of new battery options, cast iron continue to be popular due to their excellent heat capacity- ability to retain heat for a long time. They have thick and massive walls that take a long time to warm up, but, having gained temperature and warmed up, when the heat flow along the circuit is turned off, they remain hot for a much longer period than radiators made from other materials. This is due to the properties of cast iron - it is not without reason that it is widely used for the manufacture of heating stoves and or individual components for them.

In specialized stores you can find both domestic and imported versions of cast iron radiators. Countries such as Germany and Turkey, Spain and England, the Czech Republic and Italy are presenting their products - in many respects they compare favorably with those manufactured at domestic enterprises.

  • Imported radiators have high-quality smooth or decorated with relief casting surfaces.
  • An important functional feature is the high thermal output, even with small dimensions. For comparison, you can take the volume of a traditional domestic battery, which is 1.3 liters, while a Czech-made radiator has a volume of only 0.8 liters, with the same heat transfer. Thus, the foreign version will be more compact and will save a decent amount on coolant and on boiler operation.
  • In addition, unlike domestic ones, imported batteries have a perfectly smooth inner surface, which prevents the formation of scale on the walls and significantly reduces the hydraulic resistance to coolant circulation.
  • Since any cast iron radiators are resistant to corrosion, they can be used in open heating systems, where a large amount of dissolved air enters the coolant.
  • All cast iron batteries have fairly thick walls, which increases their resistance to possible abrasive wear.
  • Unlike domestic ones, imported radiators are supplied to stores already painted and do not require periodic renewal of the coating, which will save not only money, but also the time of homeowners.

However, all foreign-made products have a price much higher than the cost of domestic batteries.

The disadvantages of all cast iron batteries include their heavy weight, so they can be hung on all walls or partitions. And the process of mounting it on the wall is somewhat more complicated than with other radiators.

Aluminum batteries

Aluminum batteries are only suitable for installation in an autonomous heating system, since they are quite demanding on the quality of the coolant. This type of radiator is quite popular among owners of private houses due to its affordable price, good performance and modern appearance.

Manufacturers set in the passport the minimum service life for aluminum batteries at 10 ÷ 25 years, but they may well last for a longer time. The duration of their “life” will directly depend on the quality of the coolant, the correct installation and operation of the heating device.

Prices for aluminum radiators

Sectional aluminum radiator

This one is designed for a pressure in the system of up to 15 atmospheres, a coolant temperature of 90 ÷ 100 degrees, and the heat transfer of the section can reach up to 200 ÷ 210 W. At the same time, the capacity of each radiator section is only 450 ml, and the weight is 1.0 ÷ 1.5 kg. The individual sections are fastened together into a single battery using a threaded axial connection.

The standard distances between the upper and lower axles are 200, 350 or 500 mm, but it happens that non-standard options are also manufactured with an interaxle distance of 800 or even more millimeters.

Aluminum radiators, just like all other heating devices, have their advantages and disadvantages.

TO benefits Their qualities include the following:

— high level of heat transfer;

- light weight;

— relative ease of installation;

— convenient and wide range of sizes;

— neat, aesthetic appearance;

— as a rule, it is equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to set the desired temperature.

From shortcomings The following are worth mentioning:

— possible risk of gas formation, which can provoke “ airing" and blockage of the heating circuit;

— the possibility of leakage at the connections of individual sections;

— the main concentration of heat is on the fins of the elements.

— susceptibility of some types of aluminum radiators to the occurrence of corrosion processes.

Some problems that can occur with aluminum batteries can be avoided. For example, in order for possible gas formation to paralyze the operation of the system, it is necessary to cut into a common autonomous circuit or install an air vent on each battery. And in the case of an autonomous system, it is generally better to use one that is well adapted to aluminum (this is described in detail in the corresponding publication of the portal).

Aluminum battery sections are made from aluminum alloy using silicon additives, but different models may also differ in the way they are made manufacturing - casting and extrusion.

  • The first method involves manufacturing each section separately by pouring the alloy into special molds under high pressure. The silicon present in the alloy gives special strength to the walls of the radiators, and the manufacturing method fully guarantees the tightness of the container.

Batteries made by this method are able to withstand operating pressure in the system reaching up to 16 atmospheres. During testing, the coolant is supplied to this type of battery under a pressure of 25 atmospheres, that is, when characterizing its products, the manufacturer gives a safety factor of one and a half.

Using this technology, sections of various shapes are made, but traditional ones still remain those that have a flat, smooth outer surface - it is optimal for better heat transfer.

  • Another method of making sections is the extrusion method. Using this technology, the melt is pressed through forming nozzles - the desired profile of the workpiece is obtained. This is followed by cutting the profile into individual parts.

Then the finished sections are assembled into a single structure. Batteries made in this way have a lower cost, but during operation they cannot be increased or made smaller - the design is non-removable. The quality of such radiators is also lower, since the joints of the sections (with seals or even with special glue) under unfavorable circumstances may leak and cannot be repaired.

Aluminum batteries with anodic oxidation

There is another type of aluminum batteries. They are made from metal that has a high degree of purification, and also undergo a stage of anodic oxidation - which is why the term “anodized aluminum” is often used. With this special treatment, aluminum slightly changes its structure, and if conventional aluminum radiators are susceptible to oxygen corrosion, then anodized sections withstand this influence with dignity. In such structures, batteries are assembled using couplings that are secured to the outside of the sections.

Anodized sections for radiators are made by casting, and in appearance they are almost no different from conventional aluminum batteries. Therefore, when purchasing them in a store, you must carefully study the passport, which should be attached to such products.

The internal surfaces of this type of radiator are absolutely smooth, so there are no obstacles to the circulation of coolant. Their upper limit of operating pressure is much higher than that of conventional aluminum ones, and ranges from 45 to 75 atmospheres.

Naturally, due to their outstanding technical characteristics, the cost is also significantly higher. But still, in order for aluminum batteries to last as long as possible, it is worth choosing radiators of this particular type.

Bimetallic batteries

In terms of reliability, bimetallic radiators are, perhaps, in second place after cast iron ones. They are produced according to a combined principle, from two metal alloys - the inner part is made of a stainless steel alloy, and the outer part is made of aluminum coated with a layer of enamel.

Bimetallic batteries also consist of sections that are connected via a threaded connection. At the same time, their exceptional reliability is based on the fact that the outer aluminum casing does not come into any contact with the coolant, but serves only as an effective heat exchanger (thanks to the highest thermal conductivity of this metal) and somewhat of a decorative element. And water or antifreeze circulates through channels made of a steel alloy, which is more resistant to pressure loads and oxygen corrosion. Thanks to this, such batteries can easily withstand pressure surges of up to 35 ÷ 40 atmospheres.

These qualities of bimetallic batteries make it possible to install them, without any restrictions, both in the central heating system of high-rise buildings and in the autonomous heating system of a private house. The only thing is that in the second case it would be desirable for them to create the necessary pressure, otherwise they will not function at full strength, losing a number of their advantages. This means that natural circulation will not work here, and it is necessary to install a circulation pump in an autonomous system.

Bimetallic batteries are quite expensive - their price is, in any case, much higher than that of steel or conventional aluminum ones, but this is fully justified by their high reliability and long service life. In fact, high cost can be called the only drawback, while they have much more advantages:

  • The high thermal conductivity of the outer aluminum “shell” makes it possible to quickly heat the room.
  • The corrosion resistance already mentioned above.
  • Compactness and aesthetic appearance, thanks to which the radiators will fit perfectly into any interior style.
  • Bimetallic batteries do not require special care or periodic painting, as they are covered with a two-layer hardened polymer coating.
  • Ability to withstand high temperatures and increased operating pressure, thanks to the internal steel casing.
  • Relatively light weight, easy installation, which can be carried out without the help of specialists.

The appearance of bimetallic radiator options is somewhat similar to aluminum batteries, but the difference in price is quite significant. When purchasing, sometimes it is even impossible to distinguish between two adjacent types of radiators, so it is better to purchase them in specialized stores or from trusted suppliers. Be sure to require technical documentation.

Prices for popular heating radiators

When choosing, you should not save, because by buying cheap, low-quality products, you can doom yourself to another, completely unplanned and unwanted repair in two or three years. Installation by the owner of radiators that are unsuitable for the existing heating system can ruin not only the flooring in his own apartment, but also lead to serious problems with flooded neighbors below. So, saving on little things can lead to significant costs later.

Therefore, when purchasing any product, it is necessary to study not only the passport with the specified technical characteristics, but also the certification of the product with the manufacturer’s warranty obligations. This is important to do in order to avoid buying fakes, which are very similar to the “brand” sample in appearance, but still remain of low quality.

To “consolidate the material”, it is suggested to watch a video lesson that will help answer the question: “Which heating radiators are better?”

And one more thing. It is important not only to decide on the type of radiators - the total thermal power must correspond to the parameters of the room where they are installed. To carry out such calculations, we suggest using a special calculator located below.

A radiator is a necessary part of the heating mechanism of a private home or apartment. He is responsible for making the room comfortable and warm. Therefore, when choosing it, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost and external design, but also the technical characteristics of a particular product. After all, if the characteristics declared by the creator of the radiator are not the same in reality, then rapid wear and tear of the device and its breakdown are simply inevitable.

Main Features

In a private house, unlike high-rise buildings, an autonomous heating mechanism is installed, that is, a system that does not depend in any way on a conventional boiler room. For this reason, the coolant temperature, as well as the network pressure, will be completely different.

When you choose heating batteries to be installed in a private home, you should take into account a number of factors:

  • In buildings of this type, the pressure on the coolant, tanks and radiator pipes will be significantly less. In fact, radiator batteries will not experience such loads, which is why you can choose any model, even with thin walls.
  • In buildings of this type, the length of pipes from the heat source to the radiator is short when compared with multi-story buildings. For this reason, heat losses are practically zero, and the coolant will heat up more strongly. That is, in a private home you should install models that will withstand such temperatures.
  • You need quite a bit of liquid to fill such a heating system. If desired, you can add ethyl alcohol and antifreeze to it. This way you can make protection for radiators and pipes if the boiler does not turn on for a long time.
  • Even the slightest possibility of so-called water hammer occurrence is excluded. True, in private houses a problem may arise, expressed in the freezing of water in the pipes. This will cause the batteries to simply burst if a person forgot to drain the water from there before leaving.

When choosing heating radiators for a private home, you should start from the main parameter - the area that you are going to heat. In the same cottages, the space requiring heating will be large, and the energy costs will be the same. It is best to install batteries that will allow for high-quality heating with a minimum of heat costs.


It should be said that heating batteries come in different types. And here we are talking not so much about their shape and size, but about the material from which they are made. After all, it’s no secret that different metals have different heat transfer rates, which is why the efficiency of batteries can vary significantly.

If we talk specifically about the types, then there are radiators:

  • made of cast iron;
  • made of aluminum;
  • bimetallic;
  • vacuum;
  • made of steel;
  • quartz.

Now let's talk about each type in more detail.

Cast iron

The models under consideration have been installed in our homes for more than a hundred years. They are still in great demand today due to the fact that they provide high-quality heating of rooms. They were also one of the most popular in the USSR.

If we talk about their advantages, we should name:

  • long operational period;
  • excellent thermal efficiency;
  • high strength, since batteries can easily withstand high pressure inside and easily withstand mechanical stress;
  • work even with poor quality coolant;
  • are resistant to corrosion.

At the same time, cast iron models also have a number of disadvantages:

  • large sizes, which significantly complicates transportation, maintenance and installation;
  • low thermal conductivity due to the massiveness of the metal and the fact that its surface is porous;
  • batteries require systematic and constant care - painting and maintenance;
  • the walls must have good fastenings for their installation;
  • occupy a large area.

In addition, cast iron models do not have a very attractive appearance, which almost always does not make them stand out from the interior in the best way. Therefore, it is often necessary to put additional decorations on such radiators.


If we talk about this type of radiators, they are divided into three categories:

  • panel;
  • from sections;
  • from pipes

Steel panel batteries are also called convectors, because heat is supplied precisely through the convection process. They usually have a rectangular shape formed by two welded panels. The coolant moves between them through special channels. Such a radiator is light in weight and small in size, which makes it possible to heat up in a short time and maintain a good temperature.

If we talk about the disadvantages, the main problem is poor resistance to mechanical damage and not very good pressure indicators. In addition, such models are very susceptible to corrosion.

The characteristics of steel section batteries are somewhat similar to cast iron ones, although they have a number of serious differences:

  • the pressure inside here is at 16 atmospheres;
  • due to the presence of welded joints, radiators have increased strength;
  • long operational period - up to 50 years.

This type of radiator is not very common, because its significant disadvantage is its high cost. Tubular steel batteries are similar in functionality to sectional and panel radiators, but their price will be even higher. The main reason for this is that they have a rather pleasant appearance, which allows you to find a model for the interior. And such batteries are extremely convenient for drying things, which will be important for families with small children.


Aluminum belongs to the category of metals that conduct heat well. For this reason, such radiators can provide complete heating of almost any room.

Their advantages are:

  • excellent thermal performance characteristics;
  • small sizes;
  • good working pressure, which ranges from 12-18 atmospheres;
  • small mass.

The coolant in radiators of this type circulates very well, which allows for excellent heat transfer. Such circulation is possible here due to the presence of free inter-collector tubes. Such models are represented quite widely on the market.

The cost of aluminum batteries will depend on the manufacturer, but in general, it is quite affordable due to the low price of aluminum itself. In addition, such models have an attractive appearance, which makes it possible to consider them not only as a heating device, but also as part of the interior of the room. Thanks to its strict and neat geometric shapes, such a battery can easily fit into any interior.

But aluminum models also have their disadvantages:

  • they are extremely sensitive to the quality of the coolant, which is why they require the installation of water filtration;
  • very susceptible to serious changes in pressure, so it is necessary to constantly monitor its level;
  • They resist corrosion quite poorly, even despite the presence of a polymer-based protective coating;
  • have a short service life - no more than 15 years.

In addition, the positive impact of such batteries is not always an advantage. Good operation of such a battery drives warm air upward, which accumulates near the ceiling, which can cause a sharp temperature change. Therefore, before buying such batteries, you should calculate the amount of heat needed for the room.

Aluminum batteries are divided into three categories, which will differ from each other in design and capabilities:

  • Sectional arranged. Their device makes it possible to replace plates that are broken.
  • Whole. They have a durable structure and are flexible.
  • Combined. They combine the best of the two categories mentioned above. They are considered one of the best solutions for owners of their own homes. If you fully comply with the operating conditions, then such radiators can last 10-15 years and will really effectively heat the house when it’s cold outside.


Typically, the interior of these radiators is made of steel or copper, which ensures good performance and enhances safety. And the outer side is usually equipped with aluminum ribs. Today, bimetallic batteries are considered the best solution in this area. According to manufacturers, their batteries can last about 40 years. At the same time, they are more expensive, but still their characteristics have provided them with an excellent position in the market. It is advisable to buy such solutions if price is not the main issue. But they will definitely recoup the money invested and will work for quite a long time.


Recently, vacuum type batteries have begun to gain popularity. When compared to other types, they have a number of advantages. For example, they require a smaller amount of coolant, which will come into contact through the wall with a special solution based on lithium and boron, which has a boiling point of +35 degrees. Also, such radiators have excellent safety characteristics.

If we name other advantages, it should be noted:

  • reduction of the coolant level for the functioning of the mechanism by 80 percent;
  • reducing the use of coolant from a centralized heat supply mechanism by three times;
  • if induction boilers are used, you can save up to 40 percent of electrical energy;
  • Installing such batteries is quite simple, even on your own;
  • There is absolutely no corrosion or air pockets in the radiators;
  • there is no need to use a powerful circulation pump unit due to low local resistance;
  • high thermal efficiency.


Heating devices made of quartz are new in this segment. This type of battery cannot be called high-tech, because it is an extremely simple option. Using batteries of this type, you can make an effective, reliable and economical heating mechanism in a room that will maintain heat in the winter. A quartz radiator will fit into any home interior.

Its design is simple and consists of a monolithic plate, inside of which a heating element made of chromium-nickel alloy is built. The slab is made from a special solution based on quartz sand. The use of such sand is not accidental, because it can give off heat that it previously accumulated for quite a long time. Even if such a radiator is disconnected from the heating network, it will remain warm for a long time, which will significantly reduce electricity consumption.

If we talk about the advantages of this type of battery, we should name:

  • Economical. Low electrical energy consumption is the main advantage of quartz heating devices, because other solutions consume significantly more electrical energy and their other advantages simply disappear, because the price of electricity is quite high.
  • Significant heat capacity. A quartz slab has quite serious thermal inertia. It takes a long time to warm up and cools down slowly, as mentioned above.
  • Durability. In this case, the heating element does not come into contact with the environment, which prevents it from oxidizing and significantly increases its service life.
  • You can connect a thermostat, which allows you to obtain automatic control of the heating system.
  • Quite low cost when compared with electric water heaters or other heating devices.

  • Fire safety. The temperature of such a battery will not exceed 95 degrees, which is why the ignition of materials located next to the heater is completely excluded. This allows the device to be mounted on almost any surface, including wood, plastic and drywall.
  • Electrical safety. Such a battery does not create serious loads on the electrical network and can operate uninterruptedly throughout almost the entire season.
  • Easy to install. The quartz battery is attached to the wall using brackets.
  • They do not require maintenance and do not require serious care. The only thing you need to do with such a battery is to wipe off the dust.

Popular manufacturers and reviews

In the segment of cast iron models, the most famous manufacturers are the Chinese companies Tokio and Konner. A good domestic model of such batteries would be the MS-140.

If we talk about steel panel solutions, the products of Korado, Buderus and Lidea are considered the highest quality. But tubular steel solutions are usually produced by foreign companies. Among them, the products of Zehnder, Arbonia and Delonghi should be highlighted.

Aluminum batteries are produced by both foreign and domestic companies. Among them are such well-known manufacturers as Global, Ferroli and Rifar.

Bimetallic models are produced by both foreign and domestic companies. If we talk about domestic ones, then we should name the brand “Teplopribor,” and if we talk about foreign ones, then these are products of the brands Polywarm, Sira, Royal Thermo Vittoria and the German company Kermi. When choosing ceramic batteries, you should pay attention to the products of the Tepleko brand.

Now let's talk about users' experience of using different types of batteries and their reviews. This is logical, because manufacturers often say one thing, but in practice we get something completely different. If we talk about cast iron radiators, users note that even beautiful solutions are not easy to install and they have quite a significant mass. In addition, they often require the installation of additional brackets.

Let's talk about aluminum radiators in a little more detail after reading reviews from users of batteries from various brands. If we talk about aluminum batteries from Sira, users note that they heat well and have an excellent appearance. Users also note the good heat transfer of the models. But many are not very happy with the considerable cost of solutions from this company. Users also praise such batteries from Global and note that they heat well in combination with the boiler and have an excellent appearance. The same applies to solutions from Rifar.

Users also do not ignore bimetallic batteries and generally speak very flatteringly about them. For example, Rifar batteries look great in various interiors, are quite durable and can withstand high pressure, as well as high coolant temperatures. In general, it is impossible to create any clear rating of radiators, because they all have a number of their positive and negative sides. One thing can be clearly noted - in any case, it is necessary to individually determine which batteries in a particular private building will be the best solution.

Which ones are better to choose?

If you want to choose an economical option for a country wooden private building, then it is best to install high-quality aluminum radiators. Such solutions have everything you need: modern design, lightness, affordable price, and their negative aspects are not so serious in the conditions of an autonomous heating mechanism in a private home.

If money is not such a serious issue, then installing sectional bimetallic batteries would be an excellent solution, especially if we are talking about a copper-aluminum combination. And if there are small children in the house, then in order to protect them and the rest of the household, you can opt for convection options, equipped with certain protection options. If you need to hide radiators, you can use floor-mounted convection solutions.

If the house has a stove with a water circuit, the simplest solid fuel boiler, or your house is equipped with gas heating, then you can use time-tested cast iron batteries. Despite the fact that their choice entails difficulties with installation and weight, at the same time they make it possible to significantly smooth out temperature fluctuations and store heat for a longer time. And even now you can easily choose options with a nice design, if you can afford them.

Installation Rules

Radiator heating in your own home is the key to comfort and coziness in autumn and winter. It is good when such a mechanism has already been connected to a centralized heating mechanism. If there is no such thing, then there is a need to use autonomous heating. If we are talking about installing a heating system with your own hands correctly, then it should be said that the most important element will be the choice of options for connecting radiators in a house of your own construction.

A number of people do not even suspect that this plays a very significant role in the heat transfer of the heating device, the circulation of the coolant inside it and the speed of movement of hot water. The above as a whole will have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the entire mechanism.

The first thing you need to figure out is the pipe layout. This can be called an important point, because residents of their own houses at the stage of their construction can rarely clearly and correctly calculate the costs that will be made for the formation of a heating system, so they have to save on various types of materials. Typically, the method of connecting pipes can be either single or double pipe. The first option is economical, in which a pipe is drawn from the heating boiler along the floor, going through all the walls and rooms and which returns to the boiler. Radiators should be installed on top of it, and the connection will be made using pipes from below. At the same time, hot water flows into the pipes, completely filling the radiators. Then the water descends and enters the pipe through another pipe. In fact, there is a serial connection of radiators thanks to the bottom connection. But there is a minus here, because at the end of such a connection in all subsequent radiators the temperature of the coolant will be lower.

There are two ways to solve this issue:

  • connect a special circulation pump to the entire mechanism, allowing hot water to be distributed evenly across all heating devices;
  • connect additional batteries in the last rooms, which will increase the heat transfer area to the maximum.

If we talk about two-pipe wiring, then for your own home such a connection system will be more effective. But at the initial stage, the costs will be significant due to the fact that it will be necessary to separate two pipes. One must be installed to supply hot water, and the second must be connected to drain it.

When everything has become clear with this issue, you should focus on the connection diagram for the heating batteries. The most common will be the lateral one. To make it, pipes should be brought out from the side of the wall and connected to two battery pipes - above and below. The coolant supply pipe is usually connected at the top, and the exhaust pipe at the bottom. A diagonal connection will also be effective. To do this, you must first connect the pipe supplying the coolant to the pipe at the top, and the return pipe to the bottom, located on the other side. It turns out that the coolant will be transported diagonally inside the radiator. The effectiveness of such a mechanism will depend on how the liquid is distributed in the radiator. It is rare for multiple battery sections to be cold. This only happens in cases where the transmission capacity or pressure is weak.

Note that connecting the radiator from below can be not only in single-pipe, but also in double-pipe versions. But such a system is considered extremely ineffective. In this case, you will still need to install a circulation pump, which will significantly increase the cost of creating a heating mechanism and create costs for the electricity that is needed to operate the pump. If we say what should not be done, it is not to replace the water supply with return water. As a rule, debugging indicates the presence of this problem.

When installing decorative screens, the visibility of the thermostat is blocked, which is not necessary. The batteries will take a long time to heat up. At the same time, you cannot mount the thermostat head in a vertical position, as this will lead to its unstable operation.

Installing heating radiators with your own hands in your own home involves a number of issues, which do not allow us to say that this is an easy process. Its complexity also lies in the fact that in each individual case it is necessary to select batteries for a particular building, and also to know exactly how the pipes run in a private house that has already been built. Also, an equally important fact will be to understand the heating needs and carry out all the necessary calculations.

In addition, we should not forget that there are different connection schemes and what may be ineffective in one house will be an excellent solution in another. If you decide to install heating radiators yourself, then you should thoroughly study the theoretical aspects, and also, if possible, at least consult with a specialist who will tell you what you should pay special attention to during the installation of radiators and the heating system as a whole.

When the construction work in the house is completed, the question arises of how to arrange the heating system so that the house is warm. The main component of the heating system is, of course, the heating radiators. Their choice must be approached with particular seriousness, because the strength, durability and reliability of your system depend on it.

The downside is the prohibitively high price, which is inaccessible to the middle class. You can buy cheap models of bimetallic radiators, but all that remains of their qualities is the name.

It is not advisable to use bimetallic radiators for a private home due to their high cost. They have the greatest strength, but the local heating system network does not have high pressure, so the advantage of this radiator is useless in this case.

Based on their structure, radiators are divided into tubular, sectional, convector and panel.

Steel radiators

All batteries have their drawbacks, which are functional in nature. The convector radiator is durable, economical, safe and quite beautiful. The only negative is the high price, because they are made from high-quality and expensive materials.

Such a characteristic as power will help to correctly give preference to one or another type of radiator. It's easy to calculate: in a room with a ceiling height of 300 cm and one window, 100 W will be needed to heat one square meter. When the room has two external walls, add another 20%. If there are two external walls and two windows, add 30%. When the window faces north, you should add 10%. An important factor will be the installation of radiators, because no matter how good the batteries you purchase, if they are installed incorrectly, it will still be of zero use. Heat loss

  1. batteries must be placed under windows
  2. their length must correspond to the length of the window, or at least half the length
  3. in the corner room you can install an additional pair of radiators along the outer wall
  4. It is better to install heating risers in corners. This will ensure they warm up and avoid blackening of the wall and the formation of mold.
  5. they must always be available.

When choosing heating radiators, you should rely on the technical characteristics of the radiators and the heating system itself, as well as your budget. With proper study, you can always find a middle ground for yourself.


A radiator, a device also known as a battery, is an essential part of the heating system of any home or apartment. This device is present in every room and heats it. Everyone would like the chosen battery to work well for a long time and be pleasing to the eye. However, there are a huge number of models that differ in material, appearance, price, manufacturer, etc. To make it easier for you to navigate this diversity, below we will tell you which heating radiator is better to choose.

Which heating radiators to choose

First, you need to understand which material will be preferable. There are several main types of radiators on the market now:

Cast iron

Batteries made of cast iron are the cheapest. In addition, they last much longer than others and do not rust. But a number of disadvantages prevent us from definitely choosing this material: heavy weight, low heat transfer, and the need to regularly repaint the batteries.


If you are thinking about how to choose heating radiators for a private home, then take a closer look at this type. They fit well into the interior of the rooms, perform the heating function well and are slightly more expensive than cast iron ones. It is only worth remembering that such batteries are vulnerable to water hammer and oxygen.


A copper battery is a single large-diameter pipe (up to 3 cm), which does not contain any other metals. The pipe is complemented by copper ribs and a wooden screen, providing visual appeal. Copper radiators conduct heat better than others, which is due to the natural properties of the metal. They heat up within a couple of minutes thanks to the small amount of water in the body and the low inertia rate. This is why many people prefer copper batteries, since a home heating system with them will not require such a huge amount of water as, say, with cast iron ones.

Copper is also one of the most resistant metals, because it is not afraid of low water temperatures, corrosion, aggressive external influences, etc. Accordingly, when asked about which heating radiators to choose for an apartment located in a high-rise building, we can confidently say that copper ones are 100 percent suitable. A significant advantage is also that the copper device itself protects itself from damage to the coolant, because an oxide layer forms inside it after some time of operation.


Batteries made from a metal such as aluminum are among the most popular. Among the advantages of this type are light weight, sufficient strength, and excellent design. Due to the fact that the radiator consists of sections, it is possible to select the optimal number of sections necessary to heat a room of a given size. Such a device can be chosen for installation in an apartment, as well as in a house with an autonomous heating system. Manufacturers produce aluminum radiators designed specifically for each of the two main systems existing in our country. One type is able to withstand high atmospheric loads, while the other, on the contrary, operates at low pressure. But there are also disadvantages: it is aluminum radiators that require more care during operation. However, servicing these radiators is easily possible using a special valve (or Mayevsky tap).


This is the name given to radiators consisting of a steel pipe and coated with aluminum. The combination of the properties of these two metals provides greater resistance to pressure and water quality. Accordingly, this type is also possible to choose for both apartments and houses. The problem is the high complexity of such a design, which affects the manufacturing process and, as a consequence, the price of the device.

Which is the best heating radiator to choose: 5 criteria

Criterion No. 1. Type of heating system

This factor is paramount when choosing a battery, because different levels of water pressure in two heating systems lead to the need to choose different types of devices. In Russia there are centralized and autonomous heating systems. How are they different?

In a centralized system, the water pressure is quite high and at the same time inconsistent. This is due to the fact that all batteries are connected to one pipe and are turned on one after another. When starting the heating, the centrifugal pump turns on abruptly, which can lead to water hammer and damage to certain materials. In general, a centralized system does not spare the devices connected to it. The coolant in it is hard water, which damages metals. In addition, during periods of no heating, metals are subject to corrosion. To decide which heating radiator is best to choose for an apartment, first of all you need to look at the pressure level at which this or that type of device will function. To heat apartment buildings, you need a radiator operating at a pressure of up to 10 atmospheres. It must also be resistant to water hammer and the negative chemical effects of water.

The best choice for a central heating system would be:

    The battery is made of cast iron, since it can withstand pressure up to 15 bar, is resistant to pressure surges and does not rust.

  • How to choose a steel heating radiator

    Steel radiators are most often used for heating private houses. This is facilitated by the temperature and pressure indicators to which they are adapted. They can withstand pressures of up to 10 atmospheres and coolant temperatures of up to 110 degrees.

    Of course, over time the figures may increase slightly. You can find out about this in the passport of the specific heating device you want to choose.

    You can also install a steel panel-type radiator in an apartment building or other premises that are connected to a centralized heating system.

    The heating devices we are talking about are made from high-quality sheet steel, which ensures greater stability. Inside, the design provides a number of recesses and channels for proper water circulation. Steel plates are used to provide additional air movement.

    Also, to choose a heating radiator for a room, you need to know what types exist.

    According to the type of connection, steel batteries are divided into two groups:

      Batteries with bottom connection. They are called universal. In addition to such batteries, various thermal heads and valves are made that help adjust the radiator to specific room conditions.

      Radiators with side connections.

    Based on their power, they can also be divided into groups:

    10 – the first number indicates the number of panels (in this case – 1), and the second – the fins. This radiator consists only of a heating panel, that is, it has neither a convector nor a grille. Such batteries can be chosen for a nursery or other similar room. They are characterized by the absence of convection and dust accumulation.

    11 – has one panel, but in addition to it there is also ribbing on the back side. Thanks to this, this device heats up somewhat faster. At the same time, convection appears, and dust accumulates on the radiator faster.

    20 – a device with two rows of panels, without a convector. The air exits through the grille. Due to the presence of a second panel, the power of such a radiator is much superior to previous types.

    21 – a battery with two panels and fins between them. The top of such a device is usually covered with a casing.

    22 – the design of such a battery consists of two steel panels, each of which has a separate convector, as well as a casing on the outside. Is the most popular model.

    30 – radiator with three internal panels without convectors. There is a grill on top.

    33 – radiator with the highest power rating due to three steel panels. The fins are also triple. The top of the radiator is covered with a casing.

    All heating batteries discussed above are of the convector type. This means that they heat not only due to the temperature of the radiator itself, but also due to air circulation, which also distributes heat in the room. This greatly increases the efficiency of heating devices compared to those in which heating is not supported by convection.

    In addition, the design of these radiators provides for the presence of holes through which air is sucked from the room and released back already heated.

    It is better to choose a steel heating device for a private house with an autonomous system. When connected to a central system, it will receive a load for which it is not designed, which will lead to a reduction in the expected service life by almost half.

    It is also worth remembering that panel-type models are not intended for use in heating systems that do not have pumps and operate only due to the natural circulation of the coolant. There is a high probability that in this system the battery will not produce the required amount of heat.

    What do you need to consider to choose a quality steel radiator?

    Firstly, check whether this model has certificates of quality and compliance. This will protect you from purchasing a fake, which in the future will show very low quality of heating the room.

    Secondly, inspect the device for damage to integrity, cracks, etc. The seams should be smooth and the valves should be easy to turn.

    How to choose cast iron radiators: pros and cons

    Most of us have been accustomed to cast iron heating radiators since childhood. They were installed in most Russian apartments back in the days of the Soviet Union. Then the decision to mass install cast iron batteries was the only correct one, since this material combines high power and an affordable price with a fairly long service life. Cast iron heats apartments without failure for several decades. Also, many owners of private houses preferred to choose this material, proven over the years.

    To this day, cast iron heating appliances remain one of the most popular. Even on the Internet, the question “which heating radiator to choose?” forums often recommend this. It can be assembled from several sections using nipples with gaskets to obtain the required size. Cast iron batteries can withstand pressure up to 10 atmospheres. More modern models with pressure testing have an increased pressure threshold - up to 20 atmospheres. Also, cast iron heating radiators can withstand water temperatures of up to 130 degrees. Thus, they get along well with traditional central heating systems. The main advantage of cast iron is also its low price, especially compared to the most modern materials.

    Of course, cast iron batteries also have disadvantages. First of all, this is the heaviest weight among all types of radiators. Because of this, difficulties arise with the installation of devices. Externally, all cast iron radiators also do not look very aesthetically pleasing. However, this can be corrected by using gratings, but they will require additional space. Therefore, owners of small apartments prefer compact batteries with their own design. Another disadvantage is the possibility of defective cast radiator construction, which in the future will lead to coolant leaks. It can be said that the low cost of a cast iron battery is rarely a factor that can outweigh the significant advantages of devices made from other materials. After all, these advantages relate to the quality of heating, appearance and reliability of the design.

    How to choose a bimetallic heating radiator

    In general, any heating device that is made of two types of metal can be called bimetallic. For example, there are batteries made of copper coated with aluminum. Manufacturers are prompted to choose one or another combination of metals by the desire to combine their properties.

    Although this is true, it is still customary to call a certain group of devices that are made of steel and covered with aluminum on the outside as bimetallic. It is this combination that is considered the most successful for the manufacture of a heating device.

    What distinguishes these two metals?

    The combination of steel and aluminum in the manufacture of a heating battery gives a combination of two remarkable properties:

      Maximum internal strength;

      Good thermal conductivity and uniform heating of the entire radiator.

    Of course, this manufacturing method is more complicated and more expensive than if only one metal is used for the entire structure. Thus, one section of a bimetallic radiator can cost up to 700 rubles.

    How to choose bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment?

    There are now several large manufacturers of such devices on the market. The variety often confronts buyers with the difficult task of choosing which bimetallic radiators to choose. As a rule, the percentage of defects among products from different manufacturers is equally small and is easily detected upon inspection.

    There are two main factors to consider:

      Center-to-center distance of the liner.

      Number of sections.

    The center-to-center distance for bimetallic heating radiators can vary from 2.5 to 5 cm. Which model should you give preference to?

    Let's think logically, based on the properties that distinguish models with smaller or larger interaxial liner distances.

      If you need to decide which bimetallic heating radiators to choose to quickly replace an old cast-iron battery, then take a similar one with a distance of 5 cm.

      If you want to replace the battery with a more compact one and are willing to spend money on adapting your connection, then choose any model with a small center distance. But do not forget that similar heating requires a larger number of such sections.

    How to choose an aluminum radiator

    Aluminum batteries are produced by adding silicon to the base metal. This allows us to make them much more durable and resistant to external influences. To prevent the inner surface in contact with water from rusting, it is often coated with a polymer. The thickness of such a coating reaches 50 microns.

    In general, models of heating batteries can differ radically from each other in size, design and other properties. The following classifications will help you decide which aluminum heating radiator to choose:

    In general:

      Panel, consisting of two plates welded together;

      Tubular, the body of which consists of tubes;

      Cast, manufactured by one-piece casting;

      Extrusion, the design of which includes three elements bolted together. When assembling such models, it is important to take care of the tightness of the joints, for which special silicone gaskets are used.

    By dimensions:

      Radiators are standard size 40 by 58 cm.

      Low, the height of which can be up to 15 cm. Such heating devices will come in handy if there is no room in the room for standard ones. In this case, you can compensate for the level of heat transfer by increasing the width. The minimum height of a low radiator is 2 cm. Such models are also called plinth models.

      Tall. In this case, on the contrary, the small width is compensated by an increase in height to several meters. Such radiators are suitable for rooms with high ceilings. There they will not take up much living space and will warm the air well. Companies produce models of this type in various design solutions, including, for example, towel holders. This makes them a beautiful and useful addition to a room's design.

    If you want to choose such a radiator, the included thermostatic valve may be an additional advantage. A thermostat is attached to such a valve, allowing you to change the temperature in the apartment by adjusting the heating strength.

    To choose an aluminum device, you can focus on several objective criteria:

    Manufacturer. Which heating radiator manufacturer should you choose? It could be a European, Russian or Chinese company. Often, the choice of the latter is prompted by the low price (about 50% lower than European ones). European models are preferred by wealthy people who are accustomed to focusing on quality. However, Russian manufacturers do not always lag behind foreign ones.

    Dimensions. As we have already said, aluminum radiators can be up to 5 cm high. Such (standard) heating radiators can be chosen for an ordinary apartment. They fit easily into their dimensions and provide sufficient heat. Devices with a smaller height are made for apartments with non-standard windows, under which a regular radiator simply will not fit.

    Heat dissipation. Each radiator model may have a different heat transfer level from the standard. If we talk about devices of standard height, then German radiators have the highest heat transfer. Next come Chinese and Russian manufacturers.

    Price. Depending on which company you choose for an apartment heating radiator, what its heat output and size will be, you can end up with a completely different cost.

    Here are some useful tips on how to determine the quality of a particular model based on appearance and other understandable factors:

    First- pay attention to how much the radiator weighs. Divide its weight by the number of sections. Each of them must weigh at least 1 kg. Lower weight (for Chinese companies it can drop to 650 g per section) a priori means low quality. Experts recommend avoiding such devices.

    Second– try to bend the radiator fins with your hands. If you choose a high-quality model, the shape will never change under such weak influence. Accordingly, the quality of the material, which bends easily, leaves much to be desired. Such batteries are also not worth taking if you do not want to face the problem of constant leakage.

    Why AQUALINK radiators are popular

    AQUALINK® radiators can operate both with autonomous and centralized heating systems. Aluminum batteries, like bimetallic ones, have a number of features that adapt them to the specifics of Russian heating systems. The undoubted advantages of this brand also include high heat transfer and low inertia. The combination of these qualities ensures that the AQUALINK® battery will quickly heat the room to the desired temperature. The number of sections can vary from 4 to 12, so that you can choose the size of the radiator for any room. If you are still not sure which company to choose a heating radiator for your apartment, then take a closer look at AQUALINK®, a brand that, among other things, has a quality certificate in the GOST R system.

    The last thing I would like to say is that now you can easily choose a radiator on the Internet. On the manufacturers' websites you can inspect the models, get acquainted with their characteristics and order delivery of the selected radiator directly to your home. A good online heating equipment store has online consultants who will help you make your choice and provide certificates of conformity. The SantekhStandard company will help you decide on the choice of equipment and place an order. You just need to contact us by phone:

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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