The world of flowers is bright and diverse. The queen of all plants is the beautiful and mysterious Queen Flora. Her symbol of reign - a floral head wreath - consists of many living and useful plants. Why don't we take advantage of them? healing properties and not ensure yourself excellent well-being and harmony in your soul. Many flowers can cure diseases.

Treatment with wild flowers

Wild plants are a relative concept, since you can buy flower seeds, plant them on your windowsill and treat them like homemade ones.


The small, bright, sunny flowers of calendula undoubtedly grow in many gardens. Flower petals have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. They are added to tea or prepared as medicinal decoctions.


The dried plant is rich in beneficial essential oils and has a sedative and expectorant effect. Helps well with bronchitis and respiratory diseases.

Lily of the valley

Fragrant and delicate flower Lily of the valley is very useful for normalizing blood pressure and improves human cardiac activity.



Even the simplest dandelion can help a person treat various ailments. It is used as a laxative, choleretic, and blood purifier. Dandelion contains large number vitamins A, B, E, C, as well as phosphorus, iron, magnesium.


Beautiful narcissus flowers help normalize the gastrointestinal tract.

Peppermint and lemon balm

Fresh and strong aroma mint and lemon balm calm overexcited nervous system, relieves irritation and fatigue well. The smell of mint also helps a tired person concentrate.

Treatment with indoor flowers

Keep up with garden plants and many indoor flowers. They give us not only a feeling of comfort and peace, but also act as excellent healers.


Used to treat bleeding gums, colds, stomach ulcers, eczema and dermatitis.

Queen Flora's subjects are not only the best intermediaries in communication between people, but also excellent healers and defenders of human health.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon



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Houseplants- this is not only interior decor, it is also living creatures that fill our rooms with energy, aroma and positive moments. By the way, it will be said that sometimes a close energetic connection is established between a person and a plant - if the owner suddenly gets sick or has problems, the flower may even die. It has also been noticed that flowers do not take root in houses where people quarrel and offend each other, the plants take on all the negativity and die from this. No wonder Napoleon said: “Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.” Poor growth, diseases and the lethargic appearance of plants will indicate trouble within the walls of your home. excellent indicator home energy- tradescantia. If the apartment has problem areas, the plant standing there will turn yellow and lose its variegated foliage. Flowers give us a feeling of peace and tranquility, but, in addition, some of them can be excellent healers.

For example, primrose is an excellent source of omega-6 fatty amino acids. They are used for various skin diseases, and also help prevent dysfunction of the mammary glands and central nervous system. Research by Dr. Sandeep Badharayya has shown that the use of preparations containing primrose oil is effective for eczema and atopic dermatitis, premenstrual syndrome. Nasturtium, a plant - healer with a fleshy creeping stem with bright orange flowers(flowers may be of a different color). Nasturtium flowers, leaves and seeds are harvested as raw materials. The flowers contain antimicrobial and coloring agents. The leaves contain phytonicides, sulfur, carotene, flavonoids, and anticyanin dyes. Basics healing effect nasturtium - expectorant, antitussive and urinary antiseptic. Leaves and flowers are prescribed for anemia, scurvy, skin rashes, kidney stones, diseases bladder and bronchitis.

It has been proven that in the room where it grows common myrtle , not only does the total number of microorganisms in the air decrease, but a person’s immunity to acute respiratory diseases increases.

Possesses medicinal properties And aloe . For colds, rinsing with aloe juice and water is recommended, and you can give a glass of milk with one teaspoon of aloe orally 3 times a day. To cure stomach ulcers, it is recommended to prepare a tincture of aloe leaves. To do this, they need to be cut lengthwise, mashed in a porcelain mortar with a wooden spoon and covered with sugar or honey, then add Cahors (for 1 glass of juice - 2 glasses of Cahors or other red natural wine). Leave for 3-4 days in a dark, cool place and then drink a tablespoon in the morning and evening. For constipation 150 g fresh juice Mix aloe with 300 g of slightly warmed honey. This mixture should be taken according to
tablespoon 2 times a day - early in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. To treat loose teeth and bleeding gums, you can chew the leaves and rinse your mouth with aloe juice.

If you are overcome by apathy, this will help you geranium . This plant with fragrant flowers generously shares its internal forces. In addition, geranium flowers are rich in healing essential oils that have a calming effect on the nervous system. Geranium is especially useful for people suffering from insomnia, hypertension, cardiovascular, pulmonary, nervous diseases and ailments. It is believed that substances secreted by geranium can protect the body from malignant tumors. Just remember that the plant has a strong aroma, so do not place it in small rooms or near the bed.
To treat hypertension, tie a geranium leaf to your wrist on the pulse side. This normalizes blood pressure very well. To relieve ear pain in a child, crush a geranium leaf with your fingers and place it shallowly in the sore ear. To treat radiculitis, crush geranium leaves, put it in gauze and apply to the sore spot. Geranium is also a feminine aroma of health and longevity; it normalizes the menstrual cycle and reduces the negative effects of menopause.

Phytoncidal and therapeutic effect has and is known to everyone coffee tree , which reduces the number of microorganisms in the air of a living room by 30%.

Sansevieria capable of inactivating harmful substances and bacteria that are in the room atmosphere.

If a lot has accumulated in the house negative energy(for example, after a quarrel or a protracted illness), then the best medicine would be begonia . Begonia also perfectly removes toxic substances, moreover, is a symbol of material well-being.

Cactus will add strength and relieve fatigue. Place it near the computer - it neutralizes radiation. If you suffer from insomnia, place it at the head of the bed.

Philodendron, aloe, chrysanthemum and ficus cleanse the space of harmful substances.

Lemon and other citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit and tangerine) improve brain function, increasing the amplitude of its biocurrents. Essential oil lemon helps reduce high blood pressure blood pressure blood. The smell of its leaves gives a feeling of vigor and increases the overall tone of the body. This plant is useful for people to have mental labor.

To improve the air quality in the room, it is useful to keep plants such as chlorophytum .

Peppermint , having fresh and strong odor, calms the excited nervous system, helps relieve irritation, fatigue, and aggressiveness. In addition, its smell helps to concentrate, so psychologists recommend that anyone who works on a computer a lot of time should place a pot of mint next to it.

Photo: minervasto.jpg

Houseplants grow on the windowsills of many apartments. They give the home comfort and also have a positive effect on the indoor microclimate. Indoor plants not only effectively purify the air, but also improve its composition, saturating environment many useful substances. However, in some cases, even with constant and seemingly proper care plants begin to wither and sometimes even die. Let's talk about how to carry out treatment yourself indoor flowers, and also answer the question of what diseases of domestic flowers are known.

Diseases of domestic flowers and their treatment

Fungal diseases

Powdery mildew

Quite often, indoor plants are affected by powdery mildew. This fungal disease, which at the beginning of its development appears as small powdery spots. They can be easily erased, but over time they appear again and increase in size, acquiring a rich gray color. Because of this, the leaves dry out, wither and crumble, and the buds and flowers also fall off. Quite often powdery mildew appears on avocado, begonia, cineraria, Kalanchoe, cyclamen, etc.

You can cope with such a disease using synthetic fungicides; it is best to use them at the first manifestations of the disease.

Downy mildew

This is also fungal disease, in which pale spots of grayish-yellow color appear on the upper side of the leaf. They have a weakly defined blurred contour and increase with the development of the disease. The lower part of the leaves becomes covered with a light gray coating, which darkens over time.

To treat such a disease, you must first eliminate the affected leaves; if the entire plant is in a very poor condition, it is better to throw it out. Sick flowers are sprayed with a one percent solution Bordeaux mixture or soda ash(0.5%). It is necessary to carefully process the underside of the leaves. Apply five treatments to the plant at intervals of seven to ten days.

Gray rot

This fungal disease is manifested by the appearance of fluffy gray plaque. Initially, it forms on fleshy stems, as well as on leaf petioles or pedicels, leading to rapid rotting. Best method combating gray mold - prevention. Flowers need moderate watering, air circulation and ventilation. Affected plants should be destroyed.

Sooty fungus

With this disease, a black coating similar to soot appears on the leaves of the affected plants. Over time, the lesions become larger, and plaque begins to clog the pores of the leaf, which leads to its death. Fungi of this disease are usually carried by pests. To treat sooty fungus, you need to wash all the plants one by one. Also, the leaves should be washed with a fifty percent solution of sixty-degree alcohol.

Red burn

Some indoor plants are affected by this fungus, causing red spots that look like burns to appear on their leaves. Over time, the affected areas become covered with a black crust. Red burn is commonly seen on bulbous plants.
Diseased leaves need to be cut off and the plant treated with fungicides.


This is a fairly common fungal disease in which dark spots appear on the leaves of plants. This disease often affects indoor ficus and palm trees. To eliminate it, you need to destroy the affected leaves, treat the plant with a fungicide and stop spraying for a while.

Bacterial diseases indoor flowers

Bacterial wet rot

The most common bacterial disease In houseplants, bacterial wet rot is considered to be a bacterial disease that causes softening and rotting of tissues. This disease leads to the appearance of a damp, shapeless spot on the leaf. The disease affects the bulbous and tuberous plants. The disease can only be dealt with if it has affected part of the plant. In this case, the affected area must be removed.

Bacterial spot

With such a lesion, small watery spots appear along the veins on the leaves, over time they turn black. Such lesions may be surrounded by a yellow or brown border and look like a burn. Bacterial spotting affects the top of young plants, most often bulbous and tuberous plants.

The affected leaves need to be cut off, disinfecting the tools, and the cut areas should be covered with crushed coal. Quarantine the plant in a well-lit and at the same time dry and cool room. In this case, watering should be reduced, and it is also necessary to stop spraying with water.

Physiological diseases

Such diseases of indoor plants develop due to insufficient proper care. So, with excessive watering and low light levels, pets may develop dropsy - similar to watery pimples on the leaves. Affected leaves must be removed, and it is also worth adjusting the care of the plant - reduce watering, provide sufficient lighting and good drainage.

Also, if not properly cared for, plants are sometimes affected by chlorosis associated with a lack of nutrients (magnesium, nitrogen and chlorine). With this disease, the leaves turn yellow and white, and the entire plant lags behind in development. Having discovered symptoms of chlorosis, you need to transplant the plant into a new earthen substrate. He will also need feeding.

We looked at the most popular diseases of indoor plants that you can find in your green pets and the treatment of house flowers.

Folk remedies treating indoor plants

There are methods for treating plant diseases using alternative medicines - traditional medicine. They, as well as chemicals, can give a lasting positive effect.

Garlic for indoor plants. Thus, garlic can be used to treat many plant diseases. It helps cope with spotting, rust and late blight, as well as some other fungal diseases. To prepare the medicine, you need to chop one head of garlic and combine it with a liter of water. Infuse the composition for one week, then strain. Dilute fifty milliliters of this medicine in ten liters of water. Use this solution for spraying.

for indoor plants. If the plant is damaged by blackleg, eliminate the affected area, then spray with infusion onion peel. To prepare it, brew twenty grams of dry raw materials with one liter of boiling water. After a day, strain and carry out two or three spraying procedures. After six days, repeat the course of spraying.

Onion tincture for plants. To destroy gray rot, alternative medicine experts advise passing two hundred and fifty to three hundred grams of onion through a meat grinder and combining with one liter of water. Infuse this product for five days in a glass container. It is best to place it in a tightly sealed jar, and put it in a dark place. Dilute six grams of the resulting concentrate with a liter of water and use for spraying.

Treatment with marigolds. You can also use an infusion based on it to combat fungal diseases. Brew one hundred grams of dried leaves and flowers with a liter of boiling water and leave for a couple of days. Use for spraying and treating affected leaves.

To prevent diseases indoor plants can also be used. A weak solution of potassium permanganate and furatsilin is recommended to be used for spraying and watering.

Horsetail and wormwood infusion for plants. Also, to prevent bacterial and fungal diseases, you can spray plants with infusions of other plant crops, for example, and . To prepare the medicine, you need to prepare seven hundred grams of fresh herb and pour five liters of boiling water over it. Cover with a lid and leave in a fairly warm place. After five days, strain the product and use it for root feeding, diluting it with water in a ratio of 1:10.

and its application. It is also often recommended to use comfrey infusion for watering. It is believed that this product saturates the soil nutrients no worse chemical plants. It is prepared in the same way.

Houseplants quite often suffer from various diseases. But if you notice the problem in a timely manner, you can deal with it without much difficulty.


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If you have created a beautiful garden at your dacha, worthy of admiring early spring to late autumn- undoubtedly, you are a great fellow! But if your garden is not only beautiful, but also useful, you are simply worthy of admiration!

What flowers grow in such a wonderful garden? We have compiled a small list.

I would like to start by mentioning two fairly popular plants, about which we have already written a lot.

The first is Echinacea purpurea.

Almost everyone knows about the wonderful properties of this flower. Echinacea tinctures and preparations based on it are sold in every pharmacy. We wrote in detail about its medicinal properties.

In addition, Echinacea - wonderful decoration garden, excellent honey plant. You can learn how to grow it

Second - Nasturtium.

Which is not only decorative and not only heals, but is even used in food as a spice!

White Lily and Curly Lily.

Take note - these two types of lilies have not only beauty, but also medicinal properties.

Both species belong to the bulbous family Liliaceae. Lilies are well known to gardeners and are often grown in gardens Middle zone Russia. They bloom almost all summer, from June to August.

IN medicinal purposes They use almost all parts of the plant: flowers, stem, leaves and the bulb itself. The bulbs have a diuretic and analgesic effect, fresh leaves, stem and flowers - emollient and analgesic properties.

Lilies are actively used in cosmetology. Face masks with this plant heal minor wounds, help get rid of pimples and acne, skin irritations, and are even used to remove freckles.

Chamomile (medicinal).

Often found in nature in our native Central zone. But due to the great desire of gardeners to grow it in their gardens, chamomile seeds have long been sold in stores. The main thing is not to confuse useful flower with larger and more decorative garden relatives that do not have any medicinal benefits. Absolutely unpretentious, and blooms all summer!

And it’s not for nothing that they called it a pharmacy. This plant is whole home pharmacy. Just think about it, chamomile has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, carminative, antispasmodic, regenerating, analgesic, antiseptic, healing and antiallergic properties! Really impressive!

Chamomile is not only a famous folk remedy, it has long been recognized by official medicine. Many medicines and dietary supplements are produced based on this plant. Cosmetologists use its excellent properties in their products. Chamomile gives hair softness, healthy shine and a beautiful golden hue. And it perfectly softens the skin, relieves pimples and irritations.

Bergenia thickifolia officinalis.

Perennial, originally from Siberia and Altai, very beautiful and useful. Blooms from May to June. But not only the flowers are decorative, but also the leaves of the bergenia - by autumn they acquire a beautiful reddish-banyan color.

Contains a lot of tannins.

Most often, bergenia is used as a hemostatic, antipyretic, sedative and astringent.

Official medicine uses bergenia to produce drugs used in dentistry and gynecology.

IN folk medicine it is used for toothache, uterine bleeding, bronchitis, with viral infections, for the treatment of cystitis.

Bergenia tea is very popular in Altai. It is often drunk as an excellent general tonic.

The lumbago is open and the lumbago is yellowing.

A beautiful delicate pubescent primrose and a very useful plant.

It is not for nothing that Lumbago has a second name among the people - Dream-grass. Due to its sedative properties, it is often used as a sedative and hypnotic.

In folk medicine, lumbago is also used for nervous diseases, insomnia, bronchitis, whooping cough, headache, gout, renal and hepatic colic, as well as skin rashes.

Blooms in April - May.

Forest balsam.

Impatiens is a fairly popular plant among gardeners. However, we immediately note that, as in the case of chamomile, only wild species impatiens, and not its garden hybrid relatives. However, forest balsam has very delicate small flowers that will easily fit into the design of any garden. Blooms from late June to September.

Balsam is used to treat diseases cardiovascular system and removing stones from the bladder and bladder.

However, it is worth saying that balsam is a poisonous plant, so it is not worth using it without appropriate consultation with specialists and knowledge of the dosage.

Balsam is used externally to heal various wounds and scratches, including purulent ones. It has excellent anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

Loosestrife common and coined.

We have already written an article about the types of Loosestrife and its cultivation (it can be found), but we have not yet mentioned the medicinal properties of this plant.

In folk medicine, Loosestrife is known for its hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. In the old days, loosestrife juice was applied to the site of an insect or wild animal bite as a first aid. Decoctions from the stem of the plant are used for coughs. Also used to stop diarrhea.

But in official medicine loosestrife is not yet used.


Effective, but poisonous plant. Therefore, you need to be very careful with it, both when growing in the garden and when using it for medicinal purposes. And it is not difficult to grow, from seeds. It is a fairly unpretentious plant.

The following types are useful: purple, woolly, large-flowered, perennial.

Widely used primarily in official medicine for the treatment of heart diseases. For this purpose, the leaves of the plant are used, which contain substances that tonic the activity of the heart muscle and help eliminate arrhythmia. Foxglove preparations are widely known and recognized as the most effective medicines for the treatment of chronic heart failure and severe circulatory disorders.

In folk medicine, foxglove leaves are used in small quantities for nervous disorders, and are also added to “heart” preparations.

Hyssop officinalis.

Hyssop is a perennial plant, blooms from early July to late September, is a good honey plant, and is unpretentious. It has antiseptic, antimicrobial, expectorant and antispasmodic effects. Hyssop is also used to increase blood pressure.


plant, in recent years everything is gaining popularity among gardeners. Tall species are used in flower beds, borders, and grown for cutting. Low-growing - often found in rock gardens.

For treatment, sedum is most often used (it is in the photo). The raw materials are leaves, stems, flowers, roots and juice of the plant. The scope of application in folk medicine is huge - it is used for scurvy, heart failure, colds, for gonorrhea, edema, asthenia, helminthiasis, fevers, diarrhea, anemia. They say it even affects male potency! But carefully, like many others useful flowers, sedum is also poisonous.

As an external remedy, it is used to treat burns, ulcers, wounds and to remove warts on the body.

Peony evasive.

Also known as Maryin root. A perennial plant that forms a very attractive bush, with large crimson flowers.

Decorative, healthy and nutritious. During the war, they dried it, made flour and baked bread from it.

In addition, meat seasoning is made from its roots, it is added to drinks, jelly is boiled, and tea is brewed from roasted roots.

In folk medicine it is used as a sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and tonic.

And of course, we couldn’t forget about such a useful flower as -

Calendula (or marigold).

Quiz on the topic: “What flowers heal us?”

Subject : « What flowers heal us .

Form of work : quiz .

Target Audience : 7 – 8 years.

Form and methods of work : exercise, teacher’s story, reading a poem, conversation,quiz , slide presentation, quick survey.

Target : develop interest, respect and love for the world around us.

Tasks :

1. Clarify and expand children’s knowledge aboutmedicinal plants .

2. Develop skills and application skillsmedicinal plants for the purpose of healing the body.

3. Foster love and respect for the nature of the native land.

4. Improve dialogic speech as a means of communication,

enrichment of natural history vocabulary.

Expected result : knowledge of childrenmedicinal plants , the ability to use them to improve the health of the body, respect for the nature of the native land.

Equipment : slide presentation.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part.

2. Children are divided into 2 teams.

Teacher's story :

The wonderful wealth that our planet is endowed with is nature. There is no person on Earth whose life is not connected with nature. Animals andplants surround us everywhere. They give us the opportunity to admire their beauty, bring benefits, provide food and clothing.

A person should always remember that he is not alone on the planet. Other inhabitants have the right to life. Increasingly, animals andplants They need our help, protection, and careful treatment.

ANDplants , and animals could live without humans. Can a person do without them?

Today we will talk about howplants help a person to protect and promote health.

Reading a poem (Polina) :

Allplants you need to know ,

Protect and protect them.

After all, from the herbs of the forest kingdom

People domedicines .


Plants - constant companions of man. They are found in any natural areas. Many of them are useful for humans and animals. Some havemedicinal properties . In our area too. . Collection of rare and protected. Plants medicinal plants


medicinal plants medicines .

Knowledge aboutmedicinal plants plants were recognized , watching animals.

medicinal plants

3. Main part.

Educator :

Guys, ahwhat medicinal plants can you name? ?

Whichplant Do you consider the most necessary things for a person?

Let's remember somemedicinal plants and let's name their properties.

(Carrying outquizzes « What flowers heal us among twoteams :

To get startedquiz , you need to name the teams and choose captains.

(Team meeting, choice of name, captains) .

Educator : answers to questionsquizzes one by one , getting points.

Tasks forquizzes :

1. Thismedicinal plant grows along the roads , its leaves heal wounds. If you rub your foot on the road, will it help relieve the pain?

(Slide 2) Answer : Plantain

2. Whichthe plant was named "meow-grass" ?

Whichmedicine Is it made from it?

(Slide 3) Answer : Valerian. Heart drops.

3. What berry will replace lemon?

(Slide 4) Answer : Cranberry, it contains citric acid.

4. What Does coltsfoot have healing properties?

(Slide 5) Answer : Decoction offlowers and coltsfoot leaves - good remedy for cough.

5. Thisplant , with thorns and beautifulflowers , gives a person strength and supplies the body with vitamins.

(Slide 6) Answer : Rose hip.

6. The name of thisplants speaks for itself - it treats many skin diseases.

(Slide 7) Answer : Greater celandine.

7. Whichplant Will it help strengthen your hair?

(Slide 8) Answer : Great burdock, stinging nettle

8. About whatpeople say plants : “It alone will replace seven doctors” . It is used as a hemostatic agent and as a wound healing agent. It helps in the treatment of vitamin deficiencies and anemia.

(Slide 9) Answer : Stinging nettle

Why do nettles sting?

Answer : The sharp hairs on nettle leaves contain formic acid. When you touch the skin, the tip of the hair breaks, the walls of the hairs make a wound on the skin, the liquid pours into the wound and causes a burning sensation.

9. Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,

There is not a stain on the beautiful clothes,

If you happen to catch a cold :

A cough will develop, a fever will rise -

Move the steaming mug towards you

Slightly bitter, fragrant decoction.

(Slide 10) Answer : Common cornflower.

10. Thisplant in medicine it is used as a hygroscopic and dressing material, which in emergency cases can be used without sterilization.

(Slide 11) Answer : Sphagnum.

11. Healingplant from South Africa . The pulp of the leaf heals wounds and burns. Juiceplants put in the nose for a runny nose.

Its other name is agave.

(Slide 12) Answer : Aloe.

12. Quickly kills harmful bacteria.

(Slide 13) Answer : Onions and garlic.

13. These carved leavestreat heart and kidneys .

They improve appetite and relieve pain wherever it hurts.

The freckles are quickly washed away, and there is no bald spot on the top of the head.

(Slide 14) Answer : Parsley.

14. This room oilplants Helps cope well with respiratory infections. They are successfulbeing treated for the flu , cough and other diseases, unless, of course, you are allergic to itplant .

(Slide 15) Answer : Geranium.

15. Juice of this roomplants used to treat long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa(stomatitis) . It helps well in the treatment of sore throat, purulent inflammation of the middle ear, burns and eye injuries.

(Slide 16) Answer : Kalanchoe pinnate.

16. With thisplant Every day there is someone who likes to brush their teeth. It gives pleasant smell and freshness of toothpaste.(Slide 17) Answer : Mint.

17. Like pine trees, like fir trees, but in winter without needles.

The needles of this tree contain many vitamins. The tree releases phytoncides - volatile substances that cleanse the air of harmful microbes. When hitting respiratory tract human phytoncides prevent colds and viral diseases.

(Slide 18) Answer : Larch.

18. Fruitswhat shrubs are very rich in vitamin C?

(Slide 19) Answer : Fruits of black currant.

4. Final part.

Educator :

Well done guys! You showed good knowledgeplants . This knowledge will certainly be useful to you in life.


In the thickets of the forest,

In the fields and meadows,

Where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where clean air

It's so sweet to breathe

Found in herbs andflowers

Healing power.

For everyone who can

Unravel their secret.

(Summing upquizzes , presentation of certificates to the players of the winning team).

Always remember that every person should treat not only thoseplants who usare being treated , but also to those who surround us everywhere - in nature, in the garden, and at home...


Medicinal herbs, healing herbs!

There is no useless grass on earth!

Allplants you need to know ,

Protect and protect them.

After all, from the herbs of the forest kingdom

People domedicines .


Plants- constant companions of man. Found in all natural areas. Many of them are useful for humans and animals. Some havemedicinal properties . In our area toomedicinal plants grow . Wild medicinal plants are our wealth . Collection of rare and protectedmedicinal plants are prohibited . Plants , which are quite common, people should also protect so that they do not become rare. Some typesmedicinal plants , man learned to grow.


IN scientific medicine About 200 species are used in Russiamedicinal plants . People use leaves, seeds, buds, bark, roots, rhizomes, tubers, and bulbs. They are used to prepare raw materials formedicines .

Knowledge aboutmedicinal plants came to us from antiquity. Medicinal propertiesplants were recognized , watching animals.

Every person knows somemedicinal plants and knows how to use their properties in everyday life.


In the thickets of the forest,

In the fields and meadows,

Where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where there is clean air

It's so sweet to breathe

Found in herbs andflowers

Healing power.

For everyone who can

Unravel their secret.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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