With the onset of late autumn on the shelves Russian markets a winter berry appears - persimmon. Sweet fruits of a beautiful orange color instantly attract the attention of buyers who prefer this juicy and healthy delicacy containing huge amount vitamins, so necessary in winter. However, when trying persimmon, many are faced with an astringent sensation in the mouth that can spoil the positive impression of the purchase, because not everyone knows how to choose the right fruits, which are distinguished by a variety of varieties.

What is persimmon and what are its beneficial properties?

The beautiful persimmon is often called the “heart apple tree”, “orange sun” and “food of the gods” for its amazing taste and benefits to the human body. These fruits can be safely classified as subtropical species that prefer to grow in warm climates. Currently, over three hundred varieties of this plant are known, with different shades of taste, ranging from richly tart to sickly sweet.

Persimmon - delicious and healthy fruit

Maximum healing power plants appear in November - December. However, on store shelves you can most often find an unripe type that has fewer useful substances. It is for this reason that when purchasing, it is advisable to give preference to the ripest hearths, which have a sweeter taste and can give maximum benefit to your health.

Persimmon trees can reach a height of 30 meters

Unripe fruits are known for their tart taste, which is present due to the high tannin content, which disappears as the berries ripen. It is thanks to tannin that this plant manages to protect its “seeds” from premature consumption by birds, animals and microorganisms.

The benefits of persimmon have been known since ancient times, because this particular berry was famous for its amazing properties that could protect a person from colds. Due to the content of vitamins A, C, P in it, it was considered an excellent immune-strengthening agent, which also makes it possible to maintain youthful skin, reduce the likelihood of cancer, and also increase the body's resistance several times.

In addition, ripened fruits contain a lot of pectin, which helps cope with digestive disorders. The large amount of dietary fiber contained in this berry allows you to effectively restore intestinal function. In addition to calcium, magnesium, iron, tannins, iodine, phosphorus and potassium, it contains antioxidants that enable a person to prolong youth. And the high glucose content allows you to take care of the health of the cardiovascular system. By regularly consuming one fruit a day, you can overcome accumulated fatigue, increase efficiency and calm the nervous system. However, you should not overuse persimmons.

Persimmon contains many useful vitamins and elements

Video: beneficial properties of persimmon

What varieties can be found on store shelves?

Despite large number varieties of fruits on the shelves of Russian stores, you can find only a part of them, distinguished by the most attractive taste. One of the favorite varieties of this product is King persimmon, famous for its special sweetness. This group includes such well-known varieties as:

  • Kinglet,
  • Hyakume,
  • Gately,
  • Zenji Maru.

One of the most common varieties of persimmon of the Korolkov family is Hiakume, which is distinguished by its very large and beautiful, slightly oblong-shaped fruits, weighing 250 g, and the color intensity varies from light yellow to brown. The pulp of this variety is very tender and sweet in taste, and its color resembles chocolate, which is why this variety is often confused with the Zenji-Maru variety. The dense and smooth skin of this variety is the key to successful transportation and long storage. In addition, even when purchasing unripe fruits, you will not feel the tart taste.

Hiakume persimmon variety

The Zenji-Maru persimmon variety is practically indistinguishable in most characteristics from the Hiakume variety, with the exception of the presence of a darker chocolate-colored pulp. The taste of this fruit is even sweeter, and the number of seeds is also very large, which indicates a higher level of taste of this product. This persimmon grows in areas where the air temperature does not fall below +15 degrees Celsius.

As a result of crossing persimmons with apple trees, it was possible to obtain apple varieties that are no less interesting and beloved by many Russians, the most famous of which is Sharon. Its subtle aroma, containing notes characteristic of quince and apricot fruits, is combined with extraordinary juiciness and amazing taste. The pulp of it hybrid variety even when fully ripe, it remains firm and bright orange. In addition, you will not find seeds in these fruits.

The Sharon persimmon variety is famous for its lack of seeds.

The most large sizes fruits, varieties of Eastern or Japanese persimmon are famous. One tree can give its owners 500 kg of harvest, while having a height of no more than 10 meters.

Japanese persimmon is famous for its very large fruits.

In addition to heat-loving varieties, there are also frost-resistant varieties, enjoying special honor among Russian gardeners. These include:

  • Virgin or American
  • Russian,
  • Mount Goverla,
  • Mount Roman-Kosh.

Virginia persimmon, that's enough big tree, about 25 m high, able to withstand sub-zero temperatures without the need for shelter within -35 C. The fruits of this variety are small in size, from 2 to 6 cm in diameter and have tasty pulp.

Variety Virginia persimmon

The Rossianka variety, first bred in Crimea, also has very small fruits. A luxurious tree about 4–5 meters high produces beautiful, slightly flattened berries with a waxy coating. The weight of each of them can be equal to 70 g. This type ripens by the end of October, and in November its fruits become completely soft. Unripe specimens have an astringent effect, and when ripe, this persimmon becomes cloying, and its pulp reaches the consistency of jelly.

Russian persimmon variety

The Gora Goverla variety has large fruits, weighing 270 g, and its pulp has a burgundy color and excellent taste. The harvest ripening period occurs at the end of October, and the trees themselves are able to withstand frosts down to -24 o C.

Persimmon variety Gora Goverla

Persimmon Mountain Roman-Kosh gives its admirers yellow fruits, ready for consumption in early November. The advantage of these berries is their long shelf life, allowing you to enjoy their wonderful taste until January.

Persimmon variety Mountain Roman-Kosh

How to choose the right persimmon

When choosing persimmons, most buyers strive to purchase sweet, non-astringent fruits of sufficient ripeness. It should be remembered that sweetness depends not only on its ripening, but also on the variety. The representative of the Korolkov family has the sweetest taste, while maintaining the firmness of the pulp.
However, if it is not ripe, there is always a chance of encountering an astringent effect when consuming it.
If you want to purchase a ripe and tasty delicacy, it is enough to pay attention to several factors that indicate its complete readiness for consumption.

When choosing persimmon variety Korolek, it is worth remembering that it differs more high density compared to other varieties.

To indicate sufficiently ripened persimmon fruits, its amniotic leaves, which should have a dark color and be dried, can be used. If you lift them and see a brown tint in this area, you can be sure that you have a fully ripe fruit in your hand. You will notice a bright orange color under the leaves of the unripe fruit.

Persimmon amniotic leaves should be dry

By looking at the stalk, you can determine in what state of ripeness the persimmon fruit was picked from the tree. A dried stalk indicates that the persimmon was picked in a completely ready-to-eat state, and fruits with a not completely dried stalk were picked in advance and ripened during transportation and storage. Such persimmons will be less aromatic, however, their taste will still be excellent.

Features of choosing persimmon variety Korolek

If you have to choose a persimmon belonging to the Korolkov family, you need to pay attention to additional characteristics characteristic of these varieties. Looking at the section of the fruit shown by the seller, make sure that it contains formed seeds, which are a sign of pollination. It is these fruits, distinguished by a brownish tint to the pulp, that will have the sweetest taste. Unpollinated Kinglet, despite its excellent properties, may have excessive astringency.

Persimmon Korolek in section

Traditionally, the skin of the ripened fruits of this variety has a reddish-dark hue and a unique aroma. The pulp has a large number of dark brown veins and is distinguished by its elasticity.

One of the signs of overripe fruit is excessive softness of the fruit. Such persimmons literally fall apart in your hands, revealing pulp that resembles jam in consistency. Overripe fruits cannot be stored for long, and they must be eaten with great caution.

Overripe persimmons are too soft

How to choose the right tasty and sweet fruit that doesn’t stick: video

Which persimmons should you not buy?

When choosing fruit in markets and on store shelves, carefully evaluate the appearance of the product and refuse to purchase one whose fruit is damaged. Under proper transportation conditions, the shelf life of this product ranges from 1.5 to 4 months. However, improper storage can provoke the appearance of black and gray rot on the fruits, which can affect even unripe fruits. The problem is that this disease cannot be detected during harvesting. The first signs of rot become noticeable only at the stage of storage and ripening.

Persimmon affected by rot is not suitable for consumption

One of the main signs of rot is the appearance of black dots with a pronounced border. Over time, they become more and more numerous, and their diameter increases noticeably. Typically, fruits with various mechanical damage are susceptible to gray rot.
Also, one of the defects of persimmons, upon discovering which it is advisable to refuse to purchase, is its freezing. These fruits are distinguished by the presence dark brown, their calyx is easily separated, and the flesh becomes more watery.

Dried persimmon has a great taste

Dried persimmon is perfectly stored and has no astringent effect. When choosing this product, pay attention to one significant nuance. Dried persimmon fruits must have a uniform white coating. If, when running your finger over a dried persimmon, you notice that the plaque is erased, do not buy such a product under any circumstances, they are trying to deceive you by sprinkling the fruit with flour or starch.
The real plaque is the sugar that appears on the fruit during the drying process, which is almost impossible to erase. When purchasing, you should give preference to soft dry fruits that resemble rubber.

How to properly store after purchase

  • After purchasing persimmons, you must ensure the right conditions for its storage. Freshly purchased ripe and tender fruits can be placed in the refrigerator with other products, however, it is advisable to consume what you purchased within three days.
  • By placing persimmons at a lower temperature of 0 degrees Celsius and ensuring humidity levels of 90%, you can store persimmons for 2-3 months. At a lower humidity level, the fruit will begin to shrivel, while a higher humidity percentage will lead to the formation of rot.
  • You can also use quick freezing using the freezer. This storage method will remove the astringency from the fruits and allow them to be preserved for 6 months. However, the pulp of thawed persimmons is excessively soft. And the defrosting process itself should preferably be carried out at room temperature, placing them in cold water.
  • When storing in pantries, loggias or cellars, care must be taken to ensure regular ventilation. To do this, it is convenient to use boxes in which the fruits are placed in two layers, using shavings as a softening packaging material. The bottom layer of fruit should be placed with the cup down, and the top layer with the cup up.
  • In addition to the methods described, persimmons can also be stored dried and dried. However, it is not recommended to cook it, since under the influence of high temperatures its pulp can acquire a tart taste.

Having learned to choose the right persimmon, focusing on the characteristics of its varieties, you will never be disappointed in your purchase. This beautiful, juicy and healthy fruit will become a real decoration for the table, generously giving you many vitamins and microelements, especially necessary in the winter. By providing the required storage conditions for persimmons, you can enjoy its unique taste for several months.

The most common fruit in the world. First among the best. Information about the sweetness, tenderness and benefits of persimmons reached contemporaries from ancient times.

Tree of Seven Virtues

There are more than 300 varieties of this plant. Judging by the artifacts, the distribution area various types persimmon covers all of Asia and both Americas. In the languages ​​of many peoples of the world there is a concept denoting this unique fruit.

  1. Black date - this is the exact translation of the concept from Arabic.
  2. The tree of seven virtues is a Chinese proverb.
  3. Kaki or the fruit of the fruit is what the Japanese say about the berry.
  4. Totolkuitlatzaputl, black sapota or chocolate berry - called by the Aztecs.
  5. There is also a Philippine variety of persimmon - mabolo, velvet apple.

Drawings depicting the red-orange fleshy fruit are found throughout Southeast Asia. Images of persimmons are immortalized in ancient Chinese and Japanese engravings. One of them is dedicated to persimmon famous haiku the brilliant Basho.

In the East, this most valuable fruit and economic crop has been valued since ancient times. For the inhabitants of Asia and Oceania, the indigenous inhabitants of America, persimmon is the same symbol of the harvest as grapes are for the Italians. The fruits are used to make marshmallows, wine, and ink. The bark, rich in tannins, is used for tanning leather. Wood, with a durable and beautiful structure, belongs to valuable species and is used for making furniture, dishes, and decorations.

Persimmon: a gift from the gods

The plant is known to Europe thanks to travelers who rediscovered persimmon several times throughout the history of Europe. The first mention of the wonderful fruit is found in the poems of Homer, created about three thousand years ago. Based on travel notes, Herodotus compiled his descriptions, permeated with admiration. The Swedish naturalist explorer Thunberg in the 18th century described this plant as native to Japan. There is a funny historical anecdote about how North American Indians taught missionaries to eat persimmons: “To assess the ripeness of the fruit,” they revealed the secret, “it should be cut off after the leaves have completely fallen.”

But when the Europeans figured it out, they appreciated persimmon. Just the invented names are worth it:

  1. Persimon is the expressive name given to the fruit by the North Americans.
  2. Sharon is a modern Israeli variety, a selection of persimmon and apple.
  3. The Swedish biologist who first described the berry gave the culture the term “Diospyros” - a gift from the gods.

Cultivated persimmon: varieties and types

The problem was that at first the exotic beauty refused to grow even on the sunny Iberian Peninsula. A lot of work went into adapting the chocolate date to harsh conditions.

Today's persimmons - almost all - are cultivated species. Only in the middle of the 19th century was it possible to develop varieties that bear fruit in the Mediterranean. At the turn of the 20th century, this culture found its way into gardens on the northern shore of the Black Sea - in Crimea and Abkhazia. Today there are hybrids that can bear fruit in temperate latitudes.

Persimmon fruits - large berries, weighing up to 600 g. Black date pulp is rich in fiber, sugars, pectins, minerals, proteins and vitamins. Consumers distinguish between two types of persimmon:

  • chocolate - nectar-jelly and sweet,
  • fiery carmine color - tart, dripping with juice.

Both types of fruits can hang not only on the same tree - even on the same branch.

The earliest persimmon ripens in southern regions by the end of September. However, the most delicious ones ripen by December.

What determines the taste of persimmon

The taste of the fruit depends on many factors - the type of tree, the quality of the soil, the number of sunny days. However, most of all, the consumer qualities of berries depend on the type of pollination of flowers.

Among the many varieties, and more than a thousand of them are known in the world, there are constant and variable plants.

  1. The first group includes varieties that produce asexual ovaries. The fruits reach full maturity only after storage or freezing.
  2. The second group includes pollinated species. The sweetness and tartness of the fruit pulp is influenced by the fact that flowers are pollinated. Fruits with seeds - they are usually called wrens - are always sweeter than regular persimmons. Interestingly, in pollinated fruits, the pulp surrounding the seeds is much sweeter than the pulp located closer to the edge.

How to choose a variety to grow in the garden

Today scientists have received the results of new selections. These plants are predominantly of a hybrid type. Gardeners, including Russian and Ukrainian, have developed seedless varieties that produce delicious, sweet berries.

In total, three groups of varieties are cultivated on the continent. Each group is based on American, Chinese or Caucasian selection.

  1. Rootstocks of Virginia (North American) selection are distinguished by their relatively short stature and good frost resistance. The height of the branches reaches 5 m. The root system can withstand cold of about -11o C (frost degrees). In the middle zone, trees on such rootstocks are best grown in tubs.
  2. Eastern or Chinese persimmons are more hardened: the branches can withstand frosts of 23°C, and the roots - up to 18°C.
  3. The most frost-resistant varieties are Caucasian varieties. However, for breeding in home gardens They are rarely used: the tree crowns are quite high - up to 30 m, and the fruits are small - 30 g each.

The most suitable varieties for cultivation in continental climates are Rossiyanka and Korolek. Both varieties were bred by Crimean breeders.

Russian is a constant variety. It is based on crossing American and Chinese varieties of trees. It is characterized by high frost resistance. After harvesting, the fruits must be kept for another couple of weeks. Their flesh is sweet and aromatic.

The wren belongs to the group of variable plants. The variety is bred from various types of Virginia persimmon. The plant can withstand cold temperatures up to 30o C. The berries are dark brown with many seeds. Delicious immediately after removal.

Technology for growing persimmons in the middle zone

Varieties based on eastern selection are often grown in tubs. In the summer, the trees are taken out into the garden, and in the winter they are hidden in the cellar. For heat-loving plants, this option is optimal.

Hybrids of American persimmon in private gardens in the northern regions are grown in open ground at the southern wall of the house. For the planting to be successful, the rule must be followed - the wall must radiate heat, that is, it should not be insulated.

How to increase the frost resistance of persimmons

The ability of trees to resist frost largely depends on the actions of the gardener. In order for the wood to mature, summer growth should be limited within reasonable limits. Too bountiful harvest can also weaken the branches: part of the ovary must be removed immediately upon formation.

Mandatory activities include summer feeding potassium salts and phosphates. There are methods of recommendation plan:

  • if winters are accompanied by an even, constant temperature, the protection of the branches can be increased by treating with cryoprotectants;
  • in conditions of frequent thaws and strong winds, try to spray the plants in the fall with a PVA solution in a proportion of 50 mg per 10 liters of water.

If all measures are carried out on time and carefully, the trees are guaranteed to survive a moderately intense winter. Modern varieties and hybrids are quite capable of wintering in the middle zone of the country. And, perhaps, soon enough it will also be possible to say about our dachas in the words of Basya: the branches are decorated with scarlet persimmons in every house.

“Food of the gods” - that’s exactly what it is with Greek language The word "persimmon" is translated. And indeed, sometimes you manage to buy very tasty persimmons. Not everyone knows how to choose a ripe fruit that has a pleasant taste. It is for this purpose that the useful tips presented below have been prepared.

Useful properties of persimmon

The benefits of persimmon fruits have been known for a long time. It contains ascorbic acid, antioxidants, and large amounts of iodine. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, promotes normal operation intestines, thyroid gland. Therefore, in winter this fruit must be present in the diet of every person.

Persimmons contain a lot of beta-carotene. Everyone knows that pumpkin and carrots are rich in this vitamin. However, persimmons contain much more beta-carotene. A fruit weighing 200 grams replenishes half daily requirement body in this vitamin.

Unsweetened, tart-tasting persimmons contain less glucose and fructose than other varieties, but, on the contrary, contain more tannin. These are tannins, the excess of which in the body has a negative impact on health.

What explains the astringent taste of persimmon?

Fruits collected from one tree can be either astringent or without this unpleasant tart taste. What explains this, how to choose persimmon in this case?

Astringent fruits do not have a seed inside. Those that contain a seed do not have a tart aftertaste and do not stick to the mouth, even if they are not quite ripe.

Persimmon varieties

A flattened persimmon with chocolate pulp and dark stripes on the skin is called “Korolek”. Astringent fruits of this variety are extremely rare.

Persimmon in the shape of a heart is “Shakhinya”. It is this that experts consider the best variety today. How to choose the right persimmon variety? The weight of the fruit, as a rule, is 200-300 grams, the color is bright orange with a reddish tint. The translucent skin has black thin cobweb rings, and the more of them, the better.

"Sharon" persimmon is a fruit in which the tannins, which cause an astringent taste, have been chemically removed. At the same time, the fruit retains all its beneficial properties and has no astringency. This is a hybrid of apple and persimmon.

"Rossiyanka" is grown in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea. It is small in size and weighs up to 70 grams. The pulp is slightly tart in taste, reminiscent of jam in consistency.

"Bull's heart" is a large fruit up to 250 grams in size without seeds. When unripe, it has a pronounced tart taste.

How to choose persimmons without an astringent taste?

If a persimmon knits, this can only mean one thing - the fruit is not ripe. It not only tastes unpleasant, but is also inferior in the amount of vitamins to ripe fruit. It also contains tannins - tannins. They give the fruit its astringent taste.

How to choose sweet persimmons, ripe and juicy? Expert advice will help you figure this out.

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the fruit leaves. If they are green, then the persimmon will have an astringent taste, and the fruit itself is not yet ready to eat. And, conversely, if the leaves are dry, then it is likely that the fruit is ripe and can be eaten.
  2. Sweet persimmons have web-like stripes and small black markings near the stem. A fruit that does not bind is heart-shaped or flattened.
  3. Persimmons may have small dark spots. There is nothing wrong with this, and such fruit can be eaten. But if the spots are large, then this is due to improper storage or transportation, as a result of which dangerous biochemical processes began inside the fruit. It is prohibited to eat such persimmons. How to choose a fruit to eliminate the possibility of poisoning? Do not buy fruits with large dark spots.
  4. If the persimmon is hard, it is most likely unripe. The sweet, ripe fruit is bright orange, not yellow, and soft structure.

Obvious signs that tell you how to choose a persimmon that does not knit:

  • rich color;
  • thin, shiny, translucent peel;
  • jelly-like core.

How to choose persimmon "Korolek"?

Contrary to popular belief, persimmon varieties "Korolek" can also knit. You can determine the quality of the fruit by cutting it in half. If there are no seeds inside, the buyer will most likely be disappointed. How to choose a persimmon "Korolek" so that it does not knit?

It turns out that this is not at all easy to do in practice. Often, under the guise of Korolek persimmon, they sell the fruits of a different, less tasty variety. To do this, the fruit is placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. After the persimmon is defrosted, it will lose both its original color and taste.

Signs by which you should choose fruits of the "Korolek" variety:

  • spherical, slightly flattened shape;
  • dark orange brown color;
  • soft, springy when pressed, fruit;
  • there are bones;
  • brown veins inside;
  • sweet, slightly tart taste.

This variety of persimmon was bred in Israel. Its peculiarity is that the fruits never have a viscous aftertaste. The chemical ripening method is used for fruits of this variety. With the help of alcohol and carbon monoxide, tannin in fruits is bound into an insoluble form. In this way it is possible to get rid of the viscosity of persimmon.

How to choose fruits of the Sharon variety? The signs are as follows:

  • large fruit;
  • spherical, less often oval shape;
  • bright orange color;
  • hard fruit;
  • has no seeds (the astringency is removed artificially);
  • light pulp;
  • sweet taste.

How to make persimmon less astringent?

An unpleasant astringent taste can for a long time discourage you from buying and eating such a healthy bright orange fruit. How to choose a persimmon is already known, but situations still happen when you bring home an unripe fruit from the store.

What to do in such cases?

  1. Leave the persimmon at room temperature for 5-6 days to ripen. After this, you can make sure that there is no trace of the astringent taste left.
  2. Place in the freezer for a day. After the specified time, transfer the fruit to the refrigerator to gradually defrost. Thawing is allowed at room temperature, but the fruit may lose its presentation.
  3. If there is an assumption that the persimmon will knit, it should be placed in plastic bag along with a couple of apples and, tying it tightly, leave it on the table at room temperature for 48 hours. In two days, the persimmon will ripen and delight you with a pleasant sweet taste.
  4. For ordinary persimmons with a tart taste, the “alcohol” method of removing viscosity is sometimes used. It consists of dipping an ordinary needle into alcohol and then piercing the fruit in several places.
  5. To rid persimmons of their astringency, you can dry them in the oven. To do this, the fruits are cut into slices half a centimeter thick and placed in an oven preheated to 45 degrees for 7 hours.

These tips will help you get a sweet and tasty fruit.

What varieties of persimmon are there?

Among the huge number of tropical fruits, persimmon occupies not the last place. This tart, incredibly sweet and aromatic fruit is a favorite of all gourmets. It is part of many gourmet dishes, although it can be eaten without additives and seasonings, this will not make the taste worse. There are various varieties persimmons, which differ from each other in taste, origin and other parameters. Let's consider which of them are the most popular and sweetest.

Some varieties of persimmon get their names due to their external or taste characteristics. Among these there is also a variety of kinglets, or chocolate persimmon. It is believed that the fruits of such a tree are the most delicious and sweetest. It grows mainly in subtropical and tropical regions and bears fruit several times a year. Dark brown flesh emerges through the dark orange skin of ripe persimmons. It has a very sweet taste, which is not cloying. They say that such juicy varieties of persimmon are created in order to get drunk with them. These fruits contain the maximum amount of water.

This variety is followed by the tangerine, or, as it is also called, honey variety. These fruits are small in size, their skin has a bright orange color. When the fruit is fully ripe, it becomes very soft, to the point that it spreads in your hands. Honey persimmon has this name because it has an incredibly sweet taste, even cloying.

An analogue of tangerine persimmon is tomato, which is sometimes called ox's heart. Its fruits are large and juicy, retaining their bright orange color when fully ripe. The pulp becomes soft, sweet and literally spreads in your hands. That is why these fruits are not transported, but are eaten directly in the places where they grow.

Now let's talk about hard varieties of persimmon, among which there is the Egyptian, elongated one. Such fruits are considered one of the most beautiful; they are often used to serve luxurious tables. However, lovers of sweet fruits do not like the Egyptian variety due to its hardness and astringency. Elongated persimmons are often cut into salads and baked with meat.

Hard, tart and Chinese persimmon, which also has a specific shape. Unfortunately, in our regions such fruits are not so common. In the original, these are light orange fruits with hard pulp inside. Also, “Chinese” has notes of astringency in its taste, like all hard varieties of persimmon. Photographs of these oriental berries clearly demonstrate the originality of their shape.

Among the hard varieties it is also worth mentioning “Russian”, which grows both in the tropics and in the southern part of temperate latitudes. The berries have a tart taste with hints of sweetness; the flesh is soft if the fruit is fully ripe. The Russian persimmon variety is late, the berries will ripen by November, and after that they can be transported to any corner of the planet. This variety is considered one of the most common, since the tree itself is unpretentious, and the fruits are tasty and beautiful.

Persimmon: varieties and types. Features of growing persimmons

Persimmon is a plant of the ebony family. There are a large number of species of this representative. However, for our country the following varieties are most interesting: “Eastern”, “Caucasian”, “Virginskaya”. Let's take a closer look at each of them and find out what features of growing this plant exist.

Caucasian persimmon

Persimmon, the varieties of which we have listed, grows on trees. Some reach a height of more than 25 meters. The fruits of the plant weigh on average 20 g. The taste is tart. Contains 4 seeds inside; before ripening, persimmon of the "Caucasian" variety is black in color.

Features of cultivation

"Caucasian" persimmons are grown by planting seedlings. They tolerate various weather conditions, climate changes and soil conditions well. The seedlings are drought-resistant and do not sprout in the garden.

Virginia persimmon. How to grow?

Virgin persimmon is a medium-sized tree from North America that can withstand temperature changes down to -20 degrees Celsius. The plant reaches a height of 20 meters.

Seedlings are used as rootstock for promotion cultural species plants. Persimmon loves clayey, waterlogged soil.

Eastern persimmon

This type of plant was brought to us from China. There are different varieties, most often they can withstand severe frosts. In our country, this plant has taken root since the times of the USSR. Persimmon variety "Russian" is an interspecific hybrid of "Eastern" and "Virginian" persimmons.

Constant varieties

All types of persimmon are divided into certain groups. Those that do not change the color of the pulp upon ripening, and regardless of the method of pollination, are called constant. Constant persimmon is divided into two types:

  • sweet;
  • tart.

The first one does not become soft even after lying for a long time. The varietal color does not change after being removed from the tree. The tart type of persimmon loses its taste after a long period of storage and gradually softens.

Some gardeners distinguish another plant variety - variable. These persimmons change flesh color and taste depending on pollination/propagation method.

Ripening time

Depending on the period of fruit harvest, persimmons are divided into three subgroups:

  1. Early. These include persimmon growing in Crimea. Varieties grown in the south ripen much earlier - in mid-September.
  2. Mid-season. These plants bear fruit a little later - from mid-October.
  3. Late. Persimmons of this subgroup ripen by early December.

The most popular varieties of persimmon in Russia

On the shelves of domestic stores you can see different varieties of persimmon. The most popular in Russia are:

  • persimmon of the “Korolek” variety, otherwise it is called “chocolate”;
  • "tangerine"/"honey";
  • "large kinglet";
  • "bull's heart"/"tomato";
  • "Chinese";
  • "chamomile";
  • "Egyptian".

"Korolek" is a persimmon that is considered the most delicious. It has a round shape. The chocolate pulp is visible through the orange skin, hence its second name. The darker the flesh, the sweeter the fruit. Persimmon has up to 10 seeds. Taste characteristics The taste of this fruit does not change even after a long period of storage, the persimmon does not knit, it is always sweet and juicy.

"Tangerine" is shaped like this variety of citrus fruit. Some people call it honey because it tastes very sweet. It is the sweetest of all varieties; it never has any seeds. When the fruit is fully ripe, the orange pulp turns into liquid jelly. During this period it cannot be transported. To bring ripe khura home from the store safe and sound, you need to be extremely careful.

"Large Kinglet" is the same as the regular one, but the size of the fruit is much larger. The persimmon pulp of this variety is less dark and has a slightly astringent taste.

Some people really like “ox heart” or “tomato”. Persimmon, the description of the variety of which determines its name. Externally, the fruits resemble an oxheart tomato. This variety of persimmon is very large and has no seeds. The orange pulp is always juicy and does not darken. Delicate ripe fruits are also very difficult to transport, like honey. However, in contrast to it, persimmon of the “tomato” variety has a less cloying taste.

"Chinese" persimmon has an unusual shape; all the fruits of the plant grow with a stripe. Compared to the above varieties, the “Chinese” one lacks sweetness. The fruits have a thick skin.

"Chamomile" or "fig" persimmon is the earliest variety of all. Its flesh becomes dark when ripe. Inside the fruit there are several long seeds.

"Egyptian" differs from all others in its elongated shape. The taste of the fruit is average, the persimmon is not cloying and slightly astringent.

How does reproduction/pollination occur?

Experienced gardeners often use the budding method for propagation. IN in this case this process is difficult to carry out due to the high content of tannins in persimmon tissues. Tanids prevent the rootstock from growing together with the scion. Trees are propagated in the spring, during plant sap flow.

At the end of winter, cuttings or budding wood are cut. Raw materials are stored in the refrigerator at temperatures from -2 to 0 degrees Celsius. When using this method reproduction, the survival rate of the eyes is 95%. Persimmons are formed using a sparsely layered system. Some use modified leader and tiered. Trees are usually pruned in the spring; many also prune during harvest.

Features of cultivation

Persimmon trees bear fruit for many years, most often this period reaches a value of 60 years. You can get the first harvest two years after planting the seedlings. Trees begin to bear full fruit after ten years. Persimmons are usually grown in large plantings. When planting, you should keep in mind that for 100 seedlings of one variety you need 10 seedlings that will pollinate the plants.

Persimmon does not require high humidity and large amounts of precipitation. The minimum quantity is 900 mm per year. It is better to grow trees in fertile loamy soil. Plants may not do well in sandy or gravelly soils.

Despite their rather demanding attitude towards soils, trees are absolutely unpretentious in care. They almost never require pruning. Persimmon copes well with severe frosts and prolonged subzero temperatures. Trees are less susceptible to rotting than others, and they resist diseases and pests well.

Young shoots are fertilized with organic and mineral substances. This is usually done early spring or midsummer. Mature trees need to be watered at least
7-8 times a year.

The fruits begin to be harvested in mid-October. The ripening period of persimmon lasts about two months. From some varieties, fruits can be harvested until the second half of December. But usually persimmons ripen after the last leaf fall.

How to store persimmons?

This fruit must be stored correctly. Fruits will not spoil in cooling chambers. Favorable storage temperature is 0 degrees. If the air humidity does not exceed 90%, then the persimmon can lie in storage for about 3 months. At lower humidity (up to 85%), the fruits wither and lose their shape. If the humidity level is more than 90%, then the fruits rot and the persimmon becomes moldy. Subject to temperature conditions, you can accelerate or slow down the ripening processes. Many people use artificial fruit ripening technology. The use of ethylene gas allows persimmons to ripen faster than their natural time. After chemical treatment, the fruits ripen already on the 4th day, whereas naturally the fruits would take 25-30 days.

Persimmon. Benefits and harms

Persimmon. Benefit and harm.

How to eat persimmon?

How to choose persimmon?

How to store persimmons?


Quote from message Galina5819 Read in full In your quotation book or community!
We've made it to November, and persimmon season is open!

Translated from Latin, persimmon means “food of the gods.” There is no point in arguing. Everyone is looking forward to the end of autumn so that this tasty and sweet fruit will appear on supermarket shelves due to its high content of glucose and fructose.

Useful properties of persimmon

If you decide to go on a diet and prepare for New Year's holidays, it is useful to eat persimmons. This orange tomato perfectly satisfies hunger and has a low calorie content (only 67 kcal per 100 g) and can replace chocolate and candies.
Persimmon is beneficial for its high potassium content, so it is recommended for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. Glucose and fructose perfectly nourish the heart muscle.
This fruit will help with anemia. It is enough to eat 2 persimmons a day.
As you know, orange fruits must be included in the diet to prevent cancer, as they contain beneficial provitamin A.
It perfectly tones and calms. If you have a difficult day at work, take 2 pieces of this fruit with you to increase your productivity.
Persimmons contain pectin, which is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.
Persimmon is beneficial for its iodine content, so it can cope with thyroid problems.
If you have a cold, we recommend gargling with the juice of a ripe fruit diluted with 50 g of warm water. Thanks to the bactericidal effect, the disease will pass much faster.
In the cold autumn season, depression and bad mood are quite common. To get rid of it, prepare a persimmon canapé for dinner: a slice of fruit, blue cheese and wrap everything in jamon. You can simply cut into slices and add a little lemon juice to enhance the taste.
The beneficial properties of persimmon are even used in cosmetology, especially if the skin is problematic and has acne. To do this, you can make a mask of persimmon and egg white: beat 1 tablespoon of fruit pulp with 1 egg white. Now lubricate your face with the resulting paste and sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This mask will help remove inflammation, tighten pores and oily skin.

How to choose persimmon?

There are many varieties of persimmon. The sweetest are Sharon and Korolek.

The choice of persimmon depends on your preferences: some people like soft fruits, while others like hard ones like an apple. As for the first case, we recommend choosing them without any external damage.

If you bought a tart fruit, there are several ways to make it sweet:
1. It must be put in the refrigerator for several hours
2. You can also put it in warm water (about 40 degrees Celsius) for 10-12 hours.
3. You can leave persimmons to ripen at room temperature.

Don't miss persimmon season!


Salad with persimmon, jamon and cheese - sounds tempting! Persimmon is a healthy and tasty berry. It is enough to eat 1-2 pieces a day to saturate the body with essential vitamins and microelements.
Persimmons are added to desserts, served as a side dish for meat, and also made into jam!

TOP 6 beneficial properties of persimmons that you had no idea about

Without autumn depression
Persimmons appear on supermarket shelves in early November. Agree, very useful. In the last month of autumn, depression worsens. We are starting to get tired of the cold weather, and there are still 3 months of winter ahead.
The beneficial property of persimmon is that it contains a lot of magnesium, which is necessary in the fight against depression. In addition, persimmons are rich in glucose and fructose, so you can cheer up not only with candy, but also with one persimmon fruit.
Satisfying your hunger
If you are watching your figure, you can safely allow yourself to eat a persimmon a day, as this healthy berry eliminates the feeling of hunger and contains only 60 kcal!
Helping vision
It is generally accepted that best vegetable for vision is a carrot. You probably don’t even know about the beneficial properties of persimmons - the berry contains a large amount of beta-carotene, much more than in pumpkin, tomatoes and sweet peppers. Eat persimmon for good vision!
Contains iodine
It is not necessary to eat seaweed to saturate the body with iodine; in the autumn-winter period this can be done with the help of persimmon.
Natural activated carbon
We love persimmons for what they give unusual taste a familiar dish. If you try to do cottage cheese casserole with persimmons, it will become your favorite recipe! You may not even realize that the beneficial property of persimmon is that its effect can be compared to the effect of activated carbon. The berry is able to remove waste and toxins from the body.
For colds
It is generally accepted that lemon is the most best pill against colds, but you will be surprised when you find out that persimmons are rich in vitamin C, so they are a good preventative against colds.

Don’t forget, those foods that we consume in moderation are healthy!


Persimmons began appearing on supermarket shelves in early November. The bright fruit is very beneficial for our body. We will tell you how to learn how to choose sweet and tasty persimmons. Persimmon, kinglet and sharon: what's the difference?
Persimmon helps strengthen the immune system during the cold season, relieves bad mood, saturates the body with iron and contains more beta-carotene than pumpkin.

3 types of persimmon fruits: what to choose?

Ordinary persimmon has an astringent taste, and loses it only after it is fully ripe and acquires a jelly consistency. If you bought an unripe fruit, you can put it in the freezer for a day, and then take it out, defrost and eat it, the astringent property will disappear. This fruit can be used in fresh or use for making jam and pies. You should not add it to the salad, as it will look like an incomprehensible mush.

The persimmon develops from a female flower, and the wren develops from a male flower. The latter has a dark orange color and brown flesh. The difference of this variety is that it does not have an astringent taste and can be consumed like an apple. This variety has been grown for over 2000 years. First, the wren appeared in China, and then in Japan and Korea. Now this species grows in most Mediterranean countries, Central Asia and the Caucasus.
If you want to prepare an unusual dinner, you can bake chicken with a king. It's delicious and unusual. This fruit also makes delicious mousse and cottage cheese casserole.

Sharon is a hybrid of Japanese persimmon and apple. Sharon is firm, has no astringent acid, is sweet and goes well with salads, can be eaten with cheese, used in making wines and ciders, and can also be dried. In addition, it does not contain seeds, and it for a long time does not spoil.
Now is the persimmon season, choose the type you like and saturate your body with useful substances!


Persimmon. Benefit and harm.

Quote from Oksana_Lyutova's message Read in full In your quotation book or community!
Persimmon. Benefit and harm.

This berry - yes, many people consider persimmon to be a berry! - loved for its unusual and gently sweet taste. And as many names as they call persimmons: “heart apple tree”, “winter cherry”, “gourmet’s choice”, “Chinese peach”, “food of the gods”. With the onset of winter, persimmon gives us not only a wonderful taste, but also its inexhaustible beneficial properties.

There are about 500 varieties of persimmons known! Persimmon heat-loving plant, prefers a tropical climate. Today, persimmons are grown in many places: from the Himalayas to the Crimea. The most famous persimmons are: Caucasian, Japanese and chocolate.

Caucasian (special) persimmon - this variety grows only within the former Soviet republics. Fruit small sizes, tart and astringent in taste. When fresh, the fruits of Caucasian persimmon are rich in sugar and many vitamins. They taste like dates, but are somewhat inferior in terms of benefits.

Japanese (oriental) persimmon is the most common variety. The birthplace of the eastern persimmon is actually China, and it was from this country that the persimmon spread to other parts of East Asia, and then to Japan. The fruits of this persimmon variety are quite large, and during their ripening there is some astringency. However, if Japanese persimmons are stored correctly, the astringency will go away and the fruits will become tasty and sweet.

Chocolate persimmon (crown). This variety of persimmon is so named not because of the chocolate taste of the pulp, but because of the color of the fruit. Chocolate persimmon is shaped like a tomato; unripe fruits are green, and ripe fruits are brown. The flesh of ripe kings is creamy, sweet and aromatic.

The weight of ripe fruits ranges from 80 to 500 grams, depending on the variety of persimmon. Early varieties of persimmon ripen by the first half of October, several varieties by the beginning of November, and in December it is time for the latest varieties. Next, we will try to tell you about the beneficial properties of persimmon, and you will have to evaluate the taste yourself.

How to eat persimmon?

Usually persimmon is eaten as an independent product, but modern cooking allows you to embellish and diversify its taste. Persimmon pieces can be added to cream, sweetened with honey or sprinkled with lemon juice. Persimmon pulp is well suited for making salads, baked goods or jelly. By adding persimmon to your favorite ice cream or yogurt, you will appreciate the unusual, new taste of the usual delicacy.

In terms of nutritional properties, persimmons are comparable to figs. Many people really like dried persimmons; they can be eaten with tea, like candy. Ripe persimmons are used to make puree and an excellent sauce for casseroles. And if you cut the persimmon into small pieces and mix it with cottage cheese, add a little flour and sugar, then you will get such cheesecakes that you will lick your fingers!

How to choose persimmon?

Do you want to buy persimmons, but don’t know how to choose the right ripe persimmon with juicy and tasty pulp? You are not alone in this matter. Try to remember the following rules and follow them:

Delicious persimmons are always round or round in shape.

The skin of the fruit should be slightly lighter than dark red. The color of a good persimmon is bright and rich.

The surface of the peel of ripe persimmon is smooth and shiny. Damaged peel, as well as dark spots and stripes present on it, indicate that the persimmon has begun to deteriorate.

The stalk and leaves of ripe persimmon are dry and dark.

The persimmon is soft to the touch, quite ready to eat, it will not “knit”. If you do not intend to eat persimmons soon, then choose fruits that are denser and stronger. Such fruits will ripen by the time you decide to eat them.

The persimmon fruits of the Korolek variety, even when ripe, are somewhat denser and harder than the fruits of other varieties. They should be selected based on the color of their skin: ripe kings should be dark orange, not light orange.

If you still bought unripe persimmons, we advise you to freeze them; after thawing, the fruits will become softer and sweeter. By the way, it is freezing that relieves persimmons of the astringent taste, that is, from excess harmful tannin and tannins. You can immerse unripe fruits in warm water for 10-12 hours, which will also speed up ripening. Place persimmons in the same bag with bananas, apples or tomatoes, releasing natural gas - ethylene, they will help the persimmons ripen much faster.

How to store persimmons?

Sweet and pleasant-tasting persimmons appear on sale in early October. This is a healthy but perishable product, so it is important to know how to properly store persimmons. By using simple methods of storing persimmons, you can provide yourself with fiber, vitamins, iodine, magnesium, calcium, iron and other useful substances throughout the winter.

Persimmons can be canned, dried, frozen. Freshly purchased persimmons can be stored in the refrigerator along with other products, but if stored in this way, the fruits should be consumed within three days.

More help to prolong the freshness of persimmons low temperature, from 0 to -1 degrees, so the berry will last about three months. The humidity should be 85-90%; if the humidity level is lower, the persimmon will begin to wrinkle, and when higher humidity, the fruits will become moldy.

The best way is to store persimmons in freezer. Quick freezing allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of persimmons. And with this storage method, all the astringent astringency of the fruit goes away, they become much tastier and are stored for about six months. Try freezing persimmons in sugar syrup by placing the fruits in jars. Thaw persimmons at room temperature. However, the pulp of defrosted persimmon becomes too soft, so you will have to eat it with a spoon.

Another way to store persimmons is drying. After drying, persimmon turns into an oriental sweetness. To dry persimmons yourself, you need to select the hardest seedless fruits, peel them, cut them into pieces and place them in the oven. Dry persimmons at a temperature of 40 - 45 degrees. It is advisable to monitor the process; readiness is determined by eye; it is important that the fruits do not darken. Dried persimmon pieces are sweet and fragrant; due to the abundance of sugars, they can become covered with a light white coating.
Which grapes are the healthiest? Which red caviar is the healthiest? The healthiest soup

Persimmon is a genus of plants of the Ebony family. Their distinctive feature is the fruit of its characteristic shape and structure: it is quite large fleshy berry, which contains a dozen seeds. The plant's homeland is the south of Asia, so most Persimmon species are heat-loving and prefer conditions with high humidity. But for lovers exotic fruit There is no need to despair: currently, thanks to breeding work, from more than 700 species of persimmon, there are those that are able to grow and bear fruit not only in tropical, but also in temperate climates. Let's consider descriptions of the most popular varieties of persimmon and the conditions for growing this plant.

Description of the plant

is a long-liver in the plant world. Even medium-sized shrubs can be very old, having lived for several hundred years. Large trees live about five hundred years.

The number of cultivated persimmon species exceeds two hundred varieties. There are both seedless and seed varieties of persimmon. Both the plants themselves and their fruits have a wide variety of forms. South American varieties have the largest fruits. The size of their fruits can reach 900 g; These are large and sweet berries with a dark brown, “chocolate” color. In the Caucasus and Greece, persimmons with small fruits weighing no more than 40 g are cultivated. The “Sharon” variety, which has no seeds and a very low tannin content compared to other varieties, is widespread in the Mediterranean.

A separate group is represented by the so-called “kings”. The fruits of the kinglets are formed differently depending on how pollination occurred: they acquire an astringent taste and a bright orange color if pollination has not occurred and a brownish tint and a sweet taste if pollination has occurred.

The fruits of almost all varieties of persimmon have a distinctive property: despite their fairly high sugar content (more than 25%), they do not lead to an increase in its level in the blood. That is why persimmon is recommended to be used as maintenance therapy for many diseases.

Plant height depending on the variety, it can vary widely (bushes - up to 5 m, trees - up to 15 m). Persimmon is not an evergreen tree - its foliage is renewed once a year, although the period of “leafless” existence of the plant is relatively short. Leaves They have an oval shape, pointed at the end. They are shiny on top and matte on the bottom. In autumn, about two months before they fall, they turn bright red. Most persimmon species are capable of self-pollination, however, monoecious plants are also found.

Persimmon fruits range from 2 to 15 cm in diameter. The fruits remain hanging on the trees after the leaves have completely fallen off, since their ripening occurs somewhat later. By the time they ripen, their skin turns yellowish-red. Color shades the pulp can be very diverse. The pulp of a fully ripened persimmon has a slimy or jelly-like consistency. The fruit contains from 3 to 10 large seeds, some species may lack seeds. Productivity is about 60-120 kg from a medium-sized tree. Fruit ripening time is in autumn: Depending on the variety, it can occur from September to November.

In addition to sugar, the fruit contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and tannins (tannin). Due to their properties, the fruits are used for the needs of the confectionery industry and pharmacology.

Planting in open ground

General questions

Planting persimmons should begin with choosing a plant variety, and in this matter it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. The first is, naturally, its frost resistance. It is necessary to choose varieties that are not only able to withstand winter in the chosen climate, but also manage to form fruits in a relatively short summer and bring them to full ripening.

However, there is another important circumstance that depends on the chosen plant variety. The fact is that persimmon produces three types of flowers: female, male and bisexual. Among all varieties of persimmon, the latter are relatively rare. Why is such attention paid to this issue? The fact is that pollination in most persimmon varieties (and in some persimmon persimmons) greatly affects the quality of the fruit, its consistency and taste in general.

Persimmon fruits that contain seeds are always more tasty than those that do not contain seeds. Sometimes you can even notice this in the example of a fruit in which, for some reason, only 2 or 3 of all the seeds are developed. The pulp that envelops the seeds is softer and tastier than that in which there are no seeds. In addition, it has been noticed that in fruits in which the seeds have not yet ripened, the color (and taste) of the pulp remains unchanged, and only after the seeds have formed and grown completely, the pulp begins to darken and improve its taste.

It is also believed that not only the quality of the fruits, but their quantity, that is, the productivity of the plant, depends on successful pollination. Therefore, to obtain a good harvest with high-quality fruits, it is necessary for most varieties to pollinate female flowers with male ones. In this regard, you should plan the planting of persimmon trees in such a way that for every 8-10 trees with female flowers there is one pollinator plant (which has male flowers or flowers of both sexes).

If there is no such possibility, or there is no desire to plant a whole garden of these trees, limiting oneself to only one, there is special technique processing flowers for their fertilization.

In order to pollinate a single female plant, special substances are used - gibberellins. These are special plant hormones that affect numerous processes in them. Used for persimmons aqueous solutions gibberellins so that seeds are formed from the genetic material of only the female plant. Its concentration will have to be selected manually, but given the large number of flowers on persimmons, already next year it will be possible to determine exactly what concentration is needed for successful fruit set.

Choosing a landing site

After choosing the plant variety, as well as the type of pollination, you should proceed to choosing a planting site. In the case of both individual and collective planting, the following rule must be followed: each plant requires from 25 to 65 square meters. m (respectively, squares 5x5 or 8x8 m) of area for normal growth and fruiting. The specific area depends on the growth of the plant and the degree of its spreading. That's enough large areas, however, as the persimmon trees grow, the space between them can be filled with columnar varieties of plants such as apple or peach trees.

The best soil for persimmons is loam and sandy loam of medium or high fertility. However, you should not choose a planting site with a level groundwater above 75-100 cm from the surface, since most of the plant’s root system is located at a depth of up to 100 cm.

The area for planting trees must be well lit, since even in partial shade, persimmon leaves become deformed, shoots bend, and fruits may fall off.

A mandatory requirement is also to protect the planting site from winds, especially in winter. Sometimes all kinds of artificial hedges are used for these purposes, sometimes the area for planting persimmons is placed behind a natural or artificial obstacle, focusing on the seasonal wind rose. In any case, it should be remembered that the height of the fence should be sufficient to protect the tree trunk, since branches and shoots are more resistant to frost.

In northern conditions, persimmons are often grown using the wall-forming method. In this case, trees are planted very close to the southern wall of buildings. The building must be heated, but the wall near which the plant sits should not be insulated. Sometimes persimmons are grown in a creeping form, forming a crown in such a way that it is literally attached to the wall, like vines or ivy.

Selection of seedlings

It is best to purchase seedlings from trusted suppliers, since there is a guarantee that the exact variety that interests the gardener will be purchased. For persimmon, this is especially critical, because if you come across a variety that is not winter-hardy, the plant will simply die.

Persimmon seedlings are usually sold with a small lump of soil. If seedlings with an open root system are purchased, they should be purchased only in the fall. Moreover, it is desirable that such a root system be in the dug-out state for as little time as possible, that is, the plant must be planted as quickly as possible after digging its root system out of the ground.

When purchasing such seedlings, you should make sure that they still have thin branched parts of the root system (they are more light color and with severe drying or waterlogging they can die literally within a few hours). However, you should not despair, since even with damaged fibrous roots the plant will be able to take root, but next year its growing season will begin several months later. Sometimes the delay in development in case of damage to the root system reaches 3-4 months and the formation of leaves begins only in July.

It is advisable to plant the plant in the fall, and the sooner the better. If the moment of planting is missed and frosts are expected in the near future, it should be postponed until spring. In this case, the seedling with a lump of earth should be kept in conditions of moderate humidity, no lighting and a temperature of +8-10°C. Planting a plant with an open root system should definitely be done in the fall.

Planting seedlings in the ground

When planting persimmons, it is mandatory to use some kind of support; this can be an ordinary support stake up to 1.5 m high. If the seedling is grafted, it should be positioned so that the grafting site is buried no more than 10 cm below the soil level.

Holes for planting plants must be prepared in advance. Moreover, if planting is carried out in the spring, the hole should be prepared in the fall. During the winter, not only will the fertilizing be compacted in it, but many pests and pathogens that have decided to overwinter at the planting site will also die.

If the planting is in autumn, the hole should be prepared from a month to two weeks before planting.

The hole itself has a depth of up to 60 cm and a diameter of 50-60 cm. After it is dug, it is necessary to add fertilizer to it. The composition of the fertilizer may be as follows:

They must be thoroughly mixed and poured into the bottom of the planting hole in the form of a conical mound. The top of the mound should be “sprinkled” with a layer garden soil about 4-5 cm thick. After winter, the mound may sag, so it should be updated a little.

The seedling itself is placed on top of the mound and carefully sprinkled with garden soil. If the vaccination site or root collar are not located at the proper level (about 10 cm below ground level), you should either fill the mound, or vice versa - reduce its height.

After digging the seedling, you should compact the soil tightly with a shovel, tie the seedling to a peg and water it. Watering is carried out with 20 liters of water.

There is an alternative planting method. In this case, a mound is not formed in the planting hole, and the nutrient mixture is simply placed on the bottom in an even layer, but then it is still sprinkled with 4-5 cm of garden soil.

When planting in this way, the seedling is placed not in the center of the planting hole, but near its wall, while the roots are evenly distributed over the bottom area of ​​the hole and sprinkled with soil.

Once the hole is completely filled, it compacts very easily. Watering is carried out approximately half an hour after planting. This method allows you to preserve the fibrous root system of the plant and avoid injury to small branched roots.

Activities after landing

2-3 days after planting, you should hill up the plant trunk to a height of about 50 cm. In addition, at any time of planting, the first 2-3 winters must be young plant insulate. For this purpose, the seedling is placed in a special box, which is covered with insulation for the winter. Any heat-insulating material (for example, sawdust) can be used as insulation. As a last resort, you can use ordinary garden soil.

When the plant has grown sufficiently, only the central trunk and main branches should be insulated.

It would also be a good idea to mulch the soil for the winter with any available material. The mulch is laid at a distance of about 50-70 cm from the tree in a layer of 5 to 10 cm.

At the right approach before cultivation, the plant produces its first fruits already in 3-4 years. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away and try to “drive out” the persimmon, especially since it life cycle very long. It is better to devote the first years to such an important event as the formation of a tree crown. In the absence of normal pruning, the fruiting areas will be located higher and higher, which will lead to branches breaking off and a deterioration in the appearance of the tree.

This form is made as follows:

  1. In the spring of the first birth (or second year in the case of spring planting) the seedling must be pruned at a height of about 80 cm. By autumn, a continuation of the central shoot will grow from the upper bud, and two lateral branches will grow from the uppermost lateral ones. The remaining buds should be removed in the spring. If any bud has been missed, the sprouted shoot should be removed.
  2. In the spring of the second year, the central stem is pruned at a height of 150 cm, and the lateral branches (grown from the lateral buds left last year) are pruned so that their length remains about 50 cm. This is done so that the skeletal branches are located close to the trunk.
  3. In the summer of the same year, the growth of a pair of oppositely located skeletal shoots is stimulated, which are located perpendicular to the plane of the two lower shoots.
  4. The next tier is formed in the same way, after which the central shoot is completely removed.

Features of plant care

As such, plant care is quite simple. Water as needed and fertilize with organic matter at the end of the season, nitrogen fertilizers before the growing season, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers before and during flowering. Application rates correspond to ordinary garden trees.

In addition, it is believed that persimmon will benefit from applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in doses 1.5-2 times higher than usual in the second half of summer.

Perhaps such agricultural technology is justified in too cold conditions, but in a temperate climate there is no such need.

When applying fertilizing, you should not get too carried away with nitrogenous fertilizers, so that the plant does not grow green mass to the detriment of fruiting. It is also not recommended to use manure as a top dressing in the fall due to the high activity of nitrogen-containing substances and the possible introduction of pests with it.

The most important points in caring for a plant are preparing it for winter and maintaining the crown in normal condition, since the plant has fairly high growth rates of green mass.

Shelters from frost and winter winds can be very diverse and include both special screens or boxes, as well as simpler methods. These include wrapping a tree or part of it with special agrofibre, using plastic film (as, for example, roses are covered), mulching and hilling, and so on.

A correctly formed plant crown greatly simplifies the task of insulating it in winter.

In any case, shelter technology depends on many factors and it is impossible to describe all situations that arise, so it is necessary to consider each case individually.

Read also:

  • Persimmon “Food of the Gods”: description, benefits and harm to our body (female and male), selection and storage of fruits (Photo & Video) + Reviews
  • Homemade medlar: how to grow the Japanese favorite fruit from a seed on the windowsill (45 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
  • Mango: description, planting and growing from seed at home, possible diseases (Photo & Video) + Reviews
  • Lemon: description, care, growing from a seed at home, recipes for vitamin juice and lemonade (Photo & Video) + Reviews
  • Pomegranate at home: growing from seed and care, beneficial properties and contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Description of varieties

Like many other garden crops, persimmons are most often classified according to their ripening time. There are early, middle and late varieties. Let's look at them in more detail.

Early varieties

The ripening time for these fruits is September. Some of them reach the storage areas completely after being collected in September. Normal yields of such varieties are obtained either in the subtropics (Caucasus, southern coast of Crimea) or in slightly more northern latitudes (Kuban, southern Ukraine, Moldova). If you use protection products in winter, you can grow them in more northern areas.

Gosho gaki

A variety bred in Japan. A low-growing tree with a spreading crown. Requires regular pruning. Fruits up to 200 g, yield about 70 kg per tree. Forms predominantly female flowers, therefore requiring a pollinator. The fruits are orange in color with thin skin. Once assembled, they can be stored for a long time, but cannot be transported.

  • high yield
  • good frost resistance
  • vulnerability to disease
  • require pollination
  • poor transportability of fruits


The height of the plant is about 3.5-4 m. According to the name, it was bred for the southern and partly central part of Ukraine. Tolerates winters down to -15°C. The fruit has cylindrical shape with a pointed top. Ripe persimmons have a bright orange or reddish hue. The pulp is almost always very sweet, dark brown in color. The variety's yield is high, up to 90 kg per tree. The shelf life is quite long. The variety tolerates transportation well.

Persimmon varieties with photos: the most delicious and sweet, for growing in the Russian Federation

Persimmon (lat. Diōspyros) has been known to man for more than 2000 years. For its unique taste with many different shades, it is also called the “Plum of the Gods.” Due to its rather low calorie content (from 60 to 120 calories depending on the variety) and high content of vitamins and microelements, this product is indispensable in the diet of every person, especially in winter.

Application and main characteristics of persimmon

We are used to eating persimmon fruits only fresh, enjoying the juicy and slightly tart pulp. But this fruit is also widely used for making compote, delicious marmalade, jam, preserves and even wine. Wonderful dried fruits are made from it, and a special type of coffee is obtained from the seeds. The wood of this tree is very valuable and is called “black”. It is used to make furniture, parquet and sports equipment.

The tropics and subtropics are considered their homeland. This plant is a huge spreading tree up to 30 m high, but there are also dwarf varieties for growing at home. At the beginning of summer it is covered with many fragrant flowers of red, yellow or white, and by the end of autumn amazing sunny fruits ripen on it. Their size and color may vary depending on the variety.

Currently, there are more than 300 varieties of this plant. The taste of the fruit varies - from tart to cloyingly sweet. The ripe pulp becomes like a jelly that can be eaten with a spoon, while some varieties remain firm even at the end of ripening.

How to choose sweet fruits that don't make your mouth gag

Many people know that persimmons “knit the mouth,” but not everyone knows why this happens and how to choose the right fruits. It’s worth mentioning right away that not all varieties have this property; these are mainly Oriental varieties and frost-resistant varieties (grown in the Russian Federation). Such as Shokoladnitsa and Sharon, do not have astringency even when unripe, only if they are consumed completely green (visible by color).

The feeling of viscosity in the mouth appears due to the tart taste of unripe fruits. Some varieties are visually almost impossible to distinguish, since their color, even when unripe, is orange.

When buying Oriental or local persimmons, you should pay attention to the softness of the fruit: the peel should not look like a film, but be easily pressed through with slight pressure with your finger. The color of persimmon, if it is not the Shokoladnitsa variety, can be dark orange, but not brown. The darkened fruits will not “knit your mouth”, but their taste will be similar to porridge.

If you bought tart, unripe persimmons, this is not a problem. Put it in the refrigerator, or even better, in the freezer. After 3-4 hours, the astringency will disappear, and the pulp will become very sweet and will not turn into jelly (thanks to this quality, many people prefer to buy unripe persimmons and freeze them).

What varieties of persimmon are the most delicious?

Weather conditions greatly affect the taste and quality of the fruit. Transportation is also an important factor: if the persimmon ripens completely on the tree, it will be much tastier than the one that ripened during transportation or storage.

Persimmon Korolkovaya

Among the many varieties of this fruit, the most delicious and affordable varieties in the regions of Russia are distinguished. Particularly popular is the King persimmon, which is deservedly considered the sweetest. It should be noted that the more seeds there are in the fruit, the tastier they are. The most popular varieties of this group include Hiakume, Zenji-Maru, and Gately.


The Khiakume variety of persimmon is the most common of the Korolek family; it produces large, elongated fruits weighing up to 250 grams, for which it received the name Korolek. Their color can vary from honey yellow to dark brown. It is thanks to its color and unique taste that the variety is often called “Chocolate”, but it should not be confused with Zenji-Maru (popularly called Chocolate Girl).

The fruits have good transportability. Their skin is smooth and dense, which allows the fruit to retain its presentation for a long time. The pulp has a sweet, delicate taste. Even unripe fruits have a honey aroma and are not at all tart. A young tree begins to bear fruit already 4-5 years after planting, and the yield can reach 200 kg per unit. However, this species is not resistant to severe frosts and at temperatures below -18ºC requires good shelter.

Chocolate Girl or Zenji-Maru

In terms of characteristics and appearance, it is practically no different from Hiakume. It has slightly darker flesh and a more sugary taste. It is generally accepted that the more seeds there are in a fruit, the higher its taste. Trees of this variety also bear excellent harvest, but are thermophilic, they are recommended to be grown in areas where the temperature does not fall below 15.

Persimmon Apple or Sharon

Apple persimmon varieties are in high demand. They got their name from crossing this fruit with an apple tree. Among the most popular subspecies is Sharon, which has an amazing delicate aroma reminiscent of quince and apricot.

Large juicy fruits have no seeds or astringent taste. Even when ripe, the flesh remains firm, like an apple, and has a bright orange color. Sharon is unpretentious in cultivation and transports well, but is not adapted to the northern climate.


Eastern or Japanese persimmon varieties are considered the largest:

  • The weight of one fruit can reach 0.5 kg;
  • The tree can produce up to 500 kg of quality harvest per year;
  • The flowers are self-fertile and do not require pollination;
  • The tree reaches up to 10 meters in height, which makes harvesting much easier;
  • Frost resistance is moderate: it can withstand frosts down to -18ºС and requires thorough shelter for the winter.

Frost-resistant persimmon varieties for growing in Russia

Persimmon varieties can be roughly classified according to ripening time:

  • Early - begins to bear fruit in early October. These include: Sidlis and Goshoaki;
  • Medium - fruits ripen in early November (Hiakume, Zenji-Maru);
  • Late - the harvest period begins only in December (Nakhodka, Zvezdochka).

For Russian gardeners, the most interesting varieties of persimmon are early ripening and have high frost resistance. Because there is nothing nicer than having a holiday New Year's table these exotic fruits grown in own garden.

The most suitable varieties for cultivation in Russia are the following varieties of persimmon:

  • Virginskaya;
  • Russian;
  • Mount Goverla;
  • Mount Roman-Kosh.


Virginia (or American) persimmon is huge tree up to 25 meters in height, quite unpretentious to soil and humidity. The plant can withstand frosts down to -35ºС without shelter for the winter. Due to its high frost resistance, this is the only variety suitable for central Russia.

It is preferable to plant on open area, since this subspecies requires a lot of light. Persimmon variety Virginskaya has small fruits, their diameter is 2-6 cm, and the pulp is sweet and nutritious.


This variety was bred by Nikitsky breeders botanical garden in Crimea and has the following characteristics:

  • The height of the tree reaches 4-4.5 m;
  • The fruits are small, weighing up to 70 g;
  • The shape is rounded and flattened;
  • The surface has a white waxy coating;
  • The ripening period begins at the end of October, and in November the fruits reach complete softening;
  • During the season, the tree produces up to 80 kg of fruit;
  • Unripe persimmons have a tart taste, but when they reach full ripening, they become very sweet, and the pulp acquires the consistency of jam;
  • The shelf life is not long: until December;
  • The Rossiyanka persimmon tree can withstand short frosts down to -30ºС.

Mount Hoverla

This is one of best hybrids, the weight of the fruits reaches 270 grams. The pulp of the fruit is burgundy in color and has excellent taste. Their ripening period begins at the end of October. Persimmon of the Gora Goverla variety is quite frost-resistant and can withstand down to -24ºС.

Mount Roman-Kosh

The Mount Roman-Kosh tree has good resistance to frost down to -25 degrees. But to get a generous harvest, pollination is necessary. The fruits have yellow color and begin to ripen in early November. They are stored for quite a long time and can last until January.

Bottom line

If you decide to grow persimmons in your own garden, then when choosing a variety you should give preference to frost-resistant ones. By observing proper and timely care, as well as providing high-quality shelter for the winter, after 3-4 years you will be able to enjoy excellent and very healthy fruits, as well as the appearance of a beautiful tree that will decorate any area.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):