To ensure a comfortable stay in a suburban area, it is necessary to periodically clean sewer systems using sewage disposal techniques. But, unfortunately, not all modern cleaning options can be considered effective, safe and easy to use.

Special preparations - bioactivators, which contain special types of microorganisms (destructor bacteria) will help to significantly facilitate the process. Sewage bacteria help decompose feces.

Preparations of this type demonstrate excellent results, work in any volume, have no restrictions on use and are affordable. If you are looking for a quality product for cesspools and septic tanks, then the BioBak company is pleased to offer you a wide range of effective products.

How do BioBak products work?

Products from BioBak are effective bioactivators consisting of bacteria. After being added to a cesspool or septic tank, active substances (aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms) neutralize the unpleasant odor and begin to process the contents of the tank until complete decomposition.

There are plenty of advantages to products that contain bacteria, but a potential buyer should definitely know that “BioBak” products for cesspools and septic tanks:

  • eliminates all sewer odors;
  • prevent the reproduction of insects and the formation of larvae;
  • promote the decomposition of not only fecal matter, but also fats, paper, etc.;
  • have a liquefying effect on the sediment that forms at the bottom;
  • protect the walls and bottom of cesspools, as well as septic tanks from the formation of a soap film;
  • reduce the volume of solid fecal fractions.

All BioBak products intended for the disposal of sewage waste are absolutely safe for humans and the environment.

They do not contain aggressive chemical elements, act at a natural level and in no way react with metal, plastic, concrete or plastic structures.

Bioactivators intended for sewage do not spoil pipes and all kinds of containers intended for collecting wastewater

Please note that as a result of the vital activity of the active components of the drug, a substrate is formed, which in the future can be safely used as a fertilizer.

How to accurately and competently buy a drug with bacteria?

When purchasing bioactive preparations for sewage systems, it is important to pay attention to certain nuances. The effectiveness of the products may be influenced by the ambient temperature, as well as the indicator of organic and inorganic compounds in the working environment.

Products may be liquid or powder. The first option is considered more economical, because it is sold in the form of a highly concentrated product.

In turn, bulk preparations must be distinguished by purpose:

1. Please note that it is better to use starter medications after a long break, for example, if the dacha plot has not been visited throughout the fall and winter.

2. If the sewer system is too dirty, it is better to purchase a reinforced product

3. Universal bioactivators are a popular preparation for sewer systems.

Positive characteristics of BioBak products

BioBak products have a high concentration of active ingredients, making them economical to use. You can purchase bacteria for cleaning sewer systems on our website at the most affordable price.

We offer our consumers only certified and safe products that have undergone numerous studies and show only positive results.

To order a high-quality and proven product for septic tanks and cesspools, as well as to learn more about payment options and delivery times, call us right now.

A professional consultant will answer your questions at any convenient time. Choose decent quality without overpayments in our store of branded products!

Most people living in country houses or dachas know firsthand how much effort it takes to operate an autonomous sewer system.

They have to deal much more often with various kinds of problems of pumping out a cesspool, repairing a sewer pipeline and clearing it of blockages, installing and installing a sewer system on their own.

And all these troubles are for the sake of comfort, which people living in apartments where there is a connection to central sewerage systems use almost without thinking about all these kinds of difficulties.

Therefore, information about the existence of all kinds of means for cesspools is very useful for those who live in private houses.

To understand which method of cleaning your cesspool to use in practice, you first need to study all the options that exist in nature.

As a rule, there are several areas that specialize specifically in cleaning cesspools:

  • mechanical cleaning - occurs due to the intervention of a cesspool truck, which, by connecting a special hose to the cesspool and vacuum pumping equipment built into the machine, pumps out all the sewage into the tank, and then removes all the wastewater for disposal or to a treatment facility of the central sewer system;
Photo: mechanical cleaning
  • bacterial-enzyme purification - carried out with the help of living organisms such as, which are capable of crushing and converting all liquid and solid household waste into sludge and water, which do not have a particular specific odor and are significantly reduced in volume.

Photo: bacteria for cesspools

In such cases, the water goes into the soil, leaving sedimented silt in the pit, which either gradually goes along with the water into the soil, or is removed from the pit mechanically.

  • chemical treatment is all kinds of chemical compounds that contribute to the decomposition and destruction of wastewater.

Chemicals, in turn, can be divided into the following subgroups:

  • ammonium salt compounds;
  • bleach.

Any of these options for cleaning a cesspool, except for mechanical cleaning using a sewer truck, show their effectiveness and environmental safety to varying degrees.

It all depends on how much these drugs help reduce the volume of feces, household waste liquids, paper and other solids. Do these substances have such an effect on dirty sewage and household waste that they can turn them into sludge and water.

Are certain types of cesspool cleaning products capable of treating sewage in such a way as to bring it to complete destruction?

Any of these compounds, bacterial or chemical, is designed to process feces and other wastewater into muddy water, the sludge of which settles, and the purified water, which has no odor, reaches a certain level and goes into the soil.


Various chemical compounds that are designed to clean cesspools or storage tanks have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the following characteristics of a particular drug based on chemical compounds:

  • a chemical for cleaning sewer pits is effective at any temperature and, unlike living bacteria, which are viable only at temperatures from +4 to +30 degrees Celsius;
  • chemicals are not afraid of hard water with the presence of various components in it: chlorine and other antiseptic elements, while bacteria cannot withstand such an aggressive environment and quickly die, ceasing to perform their functions.

The disadvantages of chemicals for cleaning cesspools show themselves in the following points:

  • chemicals negatively affect metal pipes and some types of plastics, exposing them to corrosive influences and destroying the structure of their surface;
  • chemicals also have a negative impact on the natural environment in the form of evaporation of vapors or gases, and entering the soil, infecting it and destroying all useful enzymes in it with the toxicity of their composition;
  • chemical-based products and those consisting entirely of chemicals have also been noted to allow the formation and accumulation of pathogenic bacteria. That is why decomposition products from a cesspool of this type cannot be used as soil fertilizers.

Important! One way or another, any chemical compound is aggressive in nature and should always be used with extreme caution and sealing. Do not allow decomposition products to get into the soil, drinking wells, skin, clothing or other surfaces where direct contact with chemicals and subsequent poisoning is possible.


The most traditional and cheapest cleaning method is formaldehyde, which is also called formaldehyde. Despite its carcinogenicity, which is established by the hygienic standards of the Russian Federation (GN 1.1.725-98), formaldehyde is still used today to clean cesspools.

Formaldehyde is the aldehyde of formic acid, and its solution is called formalin. It is precisely because of its harmful properties that, on the one hand, it is already outdated as a method of cleaning wastewater and sewer pits.

On the other hand, today formaldehyde still continues to be used to destroy harmful bacteria in sewers, but not in such quantities as, for example, five or ten years ago.

It is used mainly as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent to destroy harmful microorganisms, decomposition processes and other manifestations in nature and human activity.

Photo: formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is produced industrially by the oxidation of methanol with a silver catalyst at high temperatures (650 °C) and corresponding atmospheric pressure.

This drug is so harmful to humans and the environment that it is practically no longer released to the wide consumer market. This is understandable, considering that 10-50 gr. Its solution alone is a lethal dose not only for humans, but also for any living organism.

Nitrate oxidizers

Compared to formaldehyde, nitrate oxidizers are more gentle substances for use as an antiseptic for sewage systems, and are even equated to certain groups of fertilizers.

This suggests that the use of appropriate groups of nitrate acids in cesspools can contribute to the formation of mixtures that can subsequently be used to fertilize the soil.

But this does not apply to all nitrates, but only to some, for example, nitric acids. Only during cleaning activities should one take into account the interaction of nitric acids with metals, contacting their surfaces and forming salts, which are called nitrates.

This may mean that various metal parts or connections of the pipeline may become damaged from contact with nitric acid. The metals most resistant to nitric acids dissolved in water are iron, chromium and aluminum.

Photo: nitrate oxidizers

Despite their chemical composition, nitrate cesspool cleaners do an excellent job of combating fecal microorganisms and other waste, liquefying them, eliminating unpleasant odors and turning waste into a homogeneous liquid that is easier to pump out.

Its price is significantly higher than all other cleaning products, but the effect has high ratings for the quality of cleaning cesspools.

Today, nitrate oxidizers are very widely used both in industry, various industries, and in the purification of autonomous structures (for example, mounted ones) and sewage treatment plants that are part of central city networks.

Ammonium compounds

Ammonium compounds can also be called the most remarkable disinfectants in terms of effect. They effectively destroy unpleasant odors coming from the cesspool, and also significantly accelerate the decomposition of all sewage.

Such chemicals belong to the group of onium compounds that achieve tetravalent nitrogen structures in their composition.

This suggests that such substances, when exposed to water and turning into an aqueous solution, form a high percentage of alkalis, which is a good indicator for the decomposition of sewage waste.

Photo: ammonium compounds

Important! But, despite such high indicators of the functional tasks of these substances, their effect on the natural environment and the human and animal body is still under study, and therefore they must be handled with complete sealing of vapors, contact with skin, hair or clothing.

Getting these substances into the soil or onto humans leads to catastrophic consequences in the environment and irreparable damage to human health.

Important! Therefore, when cleaning a cesspool where ammonium compounds were used, an exclusively vacuum cleaning method is necessary.

Quaternary ammonium compounds work very poorly when combined with detergents. Therefore, they try to use them exclusively in those sewage drains where there are practically no particles of detergents or household chemicals.

In addition to the above chemicals, bleach is also used for these purposes.

Photo: bleach for cleaning cesspools

This is also the most common method, and also a very cheap one, for cleaning sewage drains and sewage storage tanks. Chloride of lime, like formaldehyde, is quite carcinogenic and toxic to humans, although it is classified as a disinfectant.

Therefore, before using such a drug, you should carefully study all the instructions for its use and follow all safety recommendations for handling chemicals.

How to choose cleaning chemicals, and what tips are offered for using chemical antiseptics

To choose one or another chemical for cleaning a cesspool, take into account several important points:

  • decide on the future use of recycled sewage. If you do not want to use them as fertilizers, then feel free to resort to working with chemicals, adhering to all safety precautions when handling certain chemical compounds;

And if you plan to use recycled sewage to fertilize your garden plot, then the use of chemicals is not recommended at all. Or, at worst, you can use nitrate salts, which of all chemicals are the least hazardous to the environment.

  • Make sure that the chemical composition will not harm your sewer system. If you want to use chemicals for a cesspool, which is a sealed tank made of fiberglass, metal-plastic, or metal with various connecting elements, then you must also take care of the safety of the entire sewer structure;

Because most chemicals have an aggressive effect upon contact with parts and surfaces made of various materials. Take, for example, a fecal drain, which is installed inside a cesspool - under the influence of any chemical composition, its surface can be damaged and lead to equipment failure.

  • choose a chemical whose operation in the cesspool will not be affected by detergents or household chemicals. Some chemicals, when combined with household chemicals or detergents, stop functioning properly, so to avoid wasting money, consult when purchasing how effectively a particular drug works when combined with household chemicals;

Whatever chemical antiseptic you choose, always remember to use it carefully and avoid contact with eyes, mouth, skin, hair and other precautions:

  • When working with chemicals, use rubber gloves, insulating face masks, and special clothing, which you won’t mind throwing away or burning later;
  • take these precautions seriously and then you will avoid many troubles with your health;
  • Do not forget also to always monitor the level of dirty water in the cesspool to avoid the floating of sewage to the surface and thereby polluting your garden plot;
  • be sure to provide free access to ventilation for the pit container because accumulated gases inside the sewer tank can, due to pressure, disrupt the very structure of the autonomous sewer system;
  • and if you also light a fire or a match nearby, the gases that seep through the soil faults can ignite;
  • When using a chemical powder, gel or liquid that will clean the sewer pit, you can always follow the instructions that must be included with the chemical.

This includes maintaining appropriate dosages, the duration of action of the chemical, and other points. Then you will notice the result before and after the chemical is exposed to the waste.

The most famous manufacturing companies

From Russian and European manufacturers of chemicals for cesspools, here are several examples of companies that have long been recommended as suppliers of high-quality products for sewer cleaning:

  • Reakor LLC— a large supplier of reagents and chemicals for any purpose, including consumer goods for cleaning cesspools of autonomous sewers;
  • Atlantis company— specializes in the production and distribution of organic chemicals for cleaning cesspools and treatment facilities of autonomous and centralized sewer systems;

  • company "Khimoptovik"— produces industrial and household chemicals, incl. and excellent products for cleaning sewer tanks;
  • Septifos Vigor company, France is the world's most famous supplier of organic and inorganic chemical products for cleaning drains;

  • company "Eco-Him-Vostok"— mostly distributes environmentally friendly chemicals for treating sewerage facilities;

  • laboratory company "Roebic", USA - is a major supplier of household and industrial chemicals, basing the production of its products on all kinds of laboratory tests.

By and large, such a list can be listed endlessly. After all, the market for care products for drainage pits or sewer tanks, for example, is dominated by chemicals of organic and inorganic origin.

And, if aggressive inorganic chemicals are still actively used in the maintenance of centralized sewer systems, then in autonomous sewers they most often use cleaning of cesspools using bacteria or organic chemical compounds (for example, nitric acids).

Therefore, on the market for such consumer antiseptic products, you can most often find biological products for cesspools or drains.

In nature, the decomposition of waste from all organisms occurs due to the work of microbes. Similar processes occur in local sewerage facilities: in various types of septic tanks and cesspools. But the bacteria already present in the wastewater are not enough to break down the contaminants most effectively. Therefore, it is recommended to use biological products.

The principle of operation of bacterial agents for septic tanks and cesspools

Biological products are a concentrate of bacteria in an inactive form and enzymes. Activation, depending on the type of product, is carried out by shaking the container or adding water to the product. Microorganisms begin to work effectively within a couple of hours.

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Bacteria naturally, in the process of their own life activity, decompose pollution into simpler substances. At the same time, the preparations do not contain species that can cause diseases in humans or animals.

Advantages of using bacterial agents

Previously, cesspools were filled with bleach to eliminate odors. Yes, even today this is often practiced, but as a result, the amber of feces and rot is only conditionally masked behind a disgusting chlorine odor, harmful to humans. And both the environment and the tank itself suffer from the caustic powder.

Biological products are more effective and have many advantages:

  • safety for humans, plants and domestic animals;
  • significant reduction or elimination of odor;
  • waste disinfection;
  • harmless to containers and sewer pipes;
  • reducing the amount of waste and solid phase.

As a result, the septic tank will work more efficiently, without poisoning the air near it with a stench, and to pump out the bottom sediment and empty the cesspool, you will have to call a sewer truck less often. The main thing is to choose the right product.

Types of drugs. Which one to choose?

Bacteria that decompose pollutants are divided into 2 groups according to their oxygen requirements.

  1. Anaerobic microbes do not require the presence of oxygen. As a result of their activity, large particles settling to the bottom undergo rotting, and the water becomes clarified.
  2. Aerobic microorganisms work at maximum efficiency, but they need oxygen to live.

The composition of biological products may include representatives of one of these groups of bacteria or a complex of two varieties, as well as enzymes for the decomposition of organic matter.

In addition to the composition, the products differ from each other in the form of release:

  • pills;
  • powders;
  • granules;
  • concentrated solutions in bottles;
  • packets that dissolve in liquid;
  • cassettes with bacteria fixed on them for local treatment facilities.

There are no special rules for choosing the form of the drug. You need to read the instructions for the product and take into account several recommendations:

  • for septic tanks it is worth choosing biological products that can decompose solid waste in order to increase the period between calls for a sewer truck;
  • Special tablets can be added to cesspools to ultimately obtain liquid and sediment suitable for compost heaps;
  • the effectiveness of the product depends on the correctness of the calculations;
  • the smaller the amount of dry residue indicated on the packaging, the better;
  • It is recommended to give preference to a product with a large species diversity of microorganisms.

Separately, it is worth mentioning bioactivators for local treatment facilities. In general, they are divided into 3 categories.

Bioactivators for local treatment facilitiesDescription
Starting fundsThey are used to start the system at the very beginning of operation or after a long break in operation, for example, when the house was not used in the winter.
Pay attention! Some manufacturers have a line of bacteria for preserving a biorefinery station. Microorganisms form spores to survive unfavorable times.
Enhanced drugsUsed when there is severe contamination and for a limited period of time. Then you can switch to the usual product.
Products with special effectsUsed to neutralize certain types of contaminants, for example, soap deposits.

The market offers biological products of both foreign and Russian origin, which include: The most popular products are the following:

  • Sanex powders, which, depending on the type, can be used not only for cesspools and septic tanks, but also for cleaning sewer pipes and accelerating the formation of compost;

  • tablets for cesspools from Micropan;

  • a wide range of products offered by the Doctor Robik company;

  • Unibak preparations produced by the UNILOS company, including for local treatment facilities.

Whatever product you choose, you must strictly follow the instructions to ensure conditions for the effective functioning of microorganisms.

Recommendations for the use of bacterial agents

Do not forget that biological products consist of living bacteria, albeit at rest. They require compliance with certain operating conditions.

Pay attention! If drainage from a dishwasher and washing machine will end up in a septic tank or cesspool, then you need to choose bacteria that are resistant to the detergents used in this equipment.

Compliance with these simple rules will increase the efficiency of the local sewer system, reduce the cost of its maintenance and reduce or eliminate the appearance of putrid odor around waste disposal devices.

Tool for cesspools - principle of operation

Consumption of product for septic tanks and cesspools Sanex - 100

The UNIBAK series of biological products is an innovation of Russian biotechnology

Owners of private houses and garden plots annually have to face such a problem as cleaning a toilet or septic tank. Most often they resort to the services of a vacuum cleaner, but nowadays there are simpler ways to solve this problem. One option that is becoming increasingly popular is bacteria for septic tanks. They break down and convert waste into simple substances: water, carbon dioxide and minerals.

Why are bacteria needed?

Cesspools cause a lot of inconvenience, including flies and a very characteristic smell. In addition, periodically they fill up and need to be cleaned. This procedure does not evoke pleasant emotions in anyone.

Most often they call a vacuum cleaner. A little hassle: put a hose through which the machine sucks out the contents of the pit, and remove it after completing the procedure. However, while the cleaning process is underway, not only the owner of the house, but also a huge number of neighbors have time to enjoy the aromas. In addition, a vacuum cleaner is a paid service, and the larger the family, the more often you have to call it and the more money it will cost.

In addition to pumping, disinfection of the toilet is necessary. Usually bleach is used. However, the use of this substance entails a number of environmental problems, for example, chemically treated soil takes a long time to recover. In addition, chlorine corrodes the walls of the pit or septic tank, as a result of which you will have to change the toilet or place it in another place. Moreover, the need for this procedure will arise quite often. Chlorine has a negative effect on the person himself, for example, it corrodes the skin on the hands, etc.

All these problems can be solved by bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks. They are harmless to the environment and destroy harmful microbes.

What are biobacteria and how do they work?

In laboratories, special microorganisms are artificially grown that help get rid of human waste. These bacteria are alive, they also live in nature, but in lower concentrations. Microbes are absolutely harmless to people and the environment. To ensure their life, they need food, which consists of organic residues: feces, food debris, cleaning and other plant waste, paper. Biobacteria cannot process artificially created materials, such as plastic. Microorganisms break down organic residues into simple substances: water and carbon dioxide. In some cases, a small amount of mineral residue may fall out. As a result, carbon dioxide evaporates, water is absorbed into the ground if the drug was used to clean a cesspool, or drained in the case of a septic tank. There may be some mineral sediment left at the bottom, which is often used as fertilizer. With a lack of nutrition, the colony of microorganisms dies.

Before you need to know how bacteria work for cesspools, septic tanks and toilets (cleaning). How to choose a product? Biologics work the same way. The package contains a colony of bacteria in a “dormant” state. In order for them to “wake up”, you need to prepare a solution in a special proportion. Each drug has its own recipe, because different microorganisms are found everywhere. Usually, drugs in dry form are diluted in large quantities of water; in some cases, it is necessary to immediately add organic matter. Liquid products are either poured into a septic tank or are also diluted according to a prescription. As a rule, some time must pass before the bacteria fully “wake up”. After this, the solution can be poured into the hole. After a couple of hours, the effect will appear: the level of impurities will decrease and the smell will decrease. Do not be alarmed if bubbles begin to appear on the surface: this is how carbon dioxide forms and evaporates.

Types of bacteria

There are 2 types of microorganisms:

  • Aerobic. They need oxygen to live.
  • Anaerobic. They don't need this substance. To ensure life, they need nitrates and carbon dioxide.

In everyday life, anaerobes or a combination of two types are most often used. Enterprises usually use preparations that contain both types of bacteria.

If the product contains both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, then it is called a bioactivator. In such cases, enzymes are added to the drugs to speed up the breakdown of waste. In addition, the addition of catalysts improves the quality of bacteria.

Problems that biological products can solve

  • eliminate unpleasant odor;
  • disinfect the toilet;
  • liquefy waste and reduce its volume.

Positive aspects of using biobacteria

  • do not destroy or corrode the walls of the septic tank, pits;
  • harmless to people and the environment;
  • the waste generated as a result of processing can be used as fertilizer;
  • Regular use of biological products reduces the need for vacuum cleaner services.

How to choose an effective remedy

The modern market offers a large number of different drugs. Forms in which bacteria biological products are produced: liquid, powder, tablets, granules.

The release form does not affect the quality of the drugs, so everyone chooses what is convenient for them personally. However, it should be borne in mind that microorganisms “sleep” in dry form, and a number of special procedures will be required to “awaken” them. They are active in liquid mixtures. However, the shelf life of solutions is usually much shorter than that of powders and tablets.

Now it is clear what bacteria are for cesspools, what types of remedies are available, and how they are useful. The next point to consider when choosing a drug is the type of toilet. Thus, summer residents should give preference to those biological products that contain microbes that can utilize not only human waste products, but also various organic residues. Bacteria will turn the waste into good compost, which can be used on the site as fertilizer.

For septic tanks, it is better to buy products that contain microbes that turn solid waste into liquid. Thanks to this, the volume of sewage will be significantly reduced, therefore, pumping will not be required longer.

Bacteria for septic tanks. Reviews. Choosing the best product for cleaning the toilet

Before buying this or that product, you need to read the instructions. Particular attention should be paid to the following sections:

What products and bacteria for cesspools have received positive reviews? The most trusted by buyers are the biological product “Udachny”, the product “Doctor Robik”, the liquid “Wast Treat”, and the powder “Septifos”. People note the high effectiveness of these drugs; they say that, in addition to their main task, they also destroy unpleasant odors.

  • If the biological product will be used for the first time, then you should pay attention to products labeled “start” or marked “for initial use.” Such mixtures contain substances that stimulate the development of the primary colony.
  • As a result of the activity of bacteria, water remains in the septic tank, which can be pumped out with a simple pump. However, it is advisable to use a filter to prevent the unit from becoming clogged with mineral deposits.
  • The resulting water is not suitable for drinking by people and animals, but it can be used to water the garden.
  • If for any reason the bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks stop working, then you should simply introduce a fresh portion of microorganisms. It is possible that the colony died due to unfavorable conditions.
  • When using a washing machine or dishwasher, you should buy special preparations that contain bacteria that are resistant to chemical influences.

How to use bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools so that they work effectively?

Since microorganisms are living beings, they will function normally if a number of conditions are met:

  • Temperature range: from +4 to +30°С. If the thermometer drops lower, the bacteria “hibernate.” When it gets warmer, they become more active. If the toilet is cold, then germs will not be able to function there normally in the winter.
  • Microorganisms constantly need food. If there is a lack of it, they die. If the toilet is rarely used, then additional portions of bacteria will need to be introduced periodically. If the toilet is used only in the summer (in gardens, for example), then every year it will be necessary to create a new colony of bacteria.
  • Another important condition for ensuring the vital activity of microorganisms is a sufficient level of humidity. For normal operation, it is necessary that the water rises 2-3 cm above the level of solid waste. If it is not enough, then you should add a little liquid.
  • Bacteria do not process inorganic waste, so there is no point in throwing metal and plastic elements into the pit: they will remain there. Some substances, such as chlorine or manganese, can completely destroy a colony.
  • When preparing the drug, you must strictly follow the instructions, because if the necessary conditions are not met, microorganisms may not “wake up”.

In what cases can bacteria die?

Exposure to some substances can be fatal to a colony. It is undesirable for the following to fall into a septic tank or pit:

  • Substances containing chlorine.
  • Household chemicals.
  • Manganese.
  • Medicines.
  • Antibacterial agents.
  • Filtration installations and their fragments.

If, after all, aggressive substances get into the pit, then you need to introduce fresh bacteria. This will renew or strengthen the colony.

Installing a septic tank or cesspool is the primary task facing the owner of a country house or summer cottage. In order to make your local sewage system more efficient and get rid of many problems, such as frequent drain cleaning, you can use a cesspool cleaner. In this article we will take a closer look at exactly what cesspool cleaning products are used to increase the efficiency of using local sewers.

Any septic system, for example, a sewer drain, a regular country toilet or a cesspool, requires careful maintenance. In order not only to completely eliminate the risk of environmental pollution, but also to reduce the risk of various diseases, it is necessary to use special products for dry toilets and cesspools.

Types of drugs

There are two main types of drugs:

  • Chemicals for cesspools: formaldehyde, nitrate oxidizers and quaternary ammonium salts.
  • Biological products.

Currently, in stores you can purchase a wide variety of biological products and chemicals intended for use in septic tanks in summer cottages and in country houses with local sewerage.

This can be a powder preparation for cesspools, a product in the form of tablets, liquids, granules, and so on. And all these cesspool products allow you to get rid of many problems associated with the functioning of the sewer system:

  • Decomposition of organic waste;
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • Disinfection of sewage;
  • Cleaning of septic tanks and drainage wells;
  • Reducing sediment volumes, liquefying bottom sediment;

Pay attention! Regular use of products for cesspools and toilets will reduce the frequency of pumping out waste by vacuum cleaners several times.

Use of chemicals

The use of various chemicals to clean local sewage systems was especially popular in the last century. Such a means for cleaning cesspools can be used at any temperature, while biological products are effective at temperatures from +4̊ C to +30̊ C, that is, their use in the cold season is impossible and in any case, during this period, preference will have to be given to chemical preparations.

In addition, chemical agents, unlike bacteria for cesspools, are not afraid of impurities of chlorine, hard water and various other antiseptics. In aggressive environments, microbes will immediately die, and the effectiveness of their use will approach zero.

However, chemicals have one very unpleasant drawback - they adversely affect the environment and the sewage system of a country house, especially metal components, while biological products remain completely safe for humans, animals, plants, as well as for metals and concrete used during the construction of a cesspool.

Types of chemicals used in cesspools:

  • Formaldehyde is the cheapest solution, but it is highly toxic, so it is no longer used today. Just five to ten years ago, this drug was used almost everywhere, but it was proven to be highly carcinogenic and toxic.
  • Nitrate oxidizers are similar in composition to nitrate fertilizers. Such reagents for cesspools effectively cope with waste liquefaction and unpleasant odors, but the cost of nitrate oxidizers is quite high. Nitrate oxidizers are the most environmentally friendly chemicals used to clean cesspools, but also the most expensive.
  • Ammonium compounds effectively and very quickly decompose waste and completely destroy unpleasant odors, but they are not very effective when exposed to an aggressive environment, that is, detergents and household chemicals reduce their effectiveness. In addition, the environmental impact of quaternary ammonium compounds is still not fully understood.

Pay attention! If you plan to use ammonium compounds, then be extremely careful when cleaning the cesspool - it is best to call a sewer truck. Otherwise, you can cause serious harm to the environment and yourself.

How to choose funds?

When choosing chemicals for cesspools, you need to consider some points:

  • If you do not plan to dispose of waste, the best solution would be to use an antiseptic for cesspools with maximum decomposition of various solid components.
  • If you plan to further use fecal matter as a fertilizer, you should choose between bioactivators and nitrate oxidizers, since nitrate oxidizers are ordinary nitrogen fertilizers.

In the process of bioheating in the compost heap, they contribute to the death of various pathogenic bacteria and accelerate the maturation of the compost. There is no need to worry about detergents getting into the cesspool, since all modern powders are biodegradable. This means that household chemicals entering the cesspool will not negatively affect the quality of the compost.

  • For summer residents and gardeners, when cleaning the toilet on the site, cesspool tablets are an excellent solution. They are able to quickly process fecal matter and toilet paper into a non-toxic liquid. The mineral sediment and water obtained after the decomposition of waste under the action of the tablet can be used to fertilize the soil on the site. Just one such tablet will be enough to clean a cubic meter of waste.
  • Using any additional cleaning agents in autonomous sewage systems is pointless, since here the biodegradation process occurs naturally. However, if unpleasant odors appear or due to soil subsidence, you can use a nitrate oxidizer, which will not only neutralize the odor, but also additionally clean the drain.

The use of biological products will be useless, since the work of microorganisms will be hampered by the presence of residues of household chemicals and detergents in the waste. Chemicals for cesspools are an effective cleaning agent, but not always optimal.

You should not skimp on health and safety, and it is also important to comply with existing standards, because if chemicals get on your table with water, you may well get infected with some kind of infection.

Biological products as a means of cleaning cesspools

The use of biological products to clean the local sewage system is more beneficial from all sides. First of all, you can reduce maintenance costs, and the materials that were used to create the cesspool will not be in danger. Under the influence of chemicals, the metal will quickly become unusable, and the sewer pipes will have to be replaced.

Secondly, by using biological powder for cesspools, you will contribute to environmental protection. Formaldehyde, which until recently was used everywhere, is considered especially harmful. If you need to ensure sewer cleaning during the cold season, it is better to use safe nitrate oxidizers.

Of course, when choosing a powder or liquid for cesspools, you need to compare all the offers on the market. You should not give preference to cheap products from a little-known manufacturer, as they may be ineffective, of poor quality or even unsafe.

Pay attention! It is best to purchase high-quality chemicals and biological products either from an official dealer or directly from the manufacturer. In order to verify the quality of the product, you should request a certificate of conformity from the seller. This will keep you and your loved ones safe.

As you can see, the cesspool cleaner is a very effective assistant in arranging sewers and cesspools in summer cottages and country houses. With this help, the once extremely unpleasant process of cleaning a cesspool will become much easier, and cleaning will need to be done much less frequently.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):